THE MICHIGAN DAILY Wolverines Set World Swimming, Track Records Medley Relayers Set Mark As Mermen Top Hawkeyes Ris Takes Only Firsts for Iowa Swimnmers; Sohl,_Holiday, Stager Triumph in 56-28 Win Fonville Sets New World Shot Mark aI ai C nipa thereuouncpu astWALLY GRANT the Canadian netminder at 19:15 . . aids Wolverine attack Wrestlers To .Face Strong SpatanSquad T omorrow Fresh from a defeat at the Dan Dworsky, stellar performer hands of a strong Indiana squad, in the heavyweight division, will Michigan's wrestlers will take on be felt greatly. The star center an equally dangerous Michigan of the football squad is still suf- State team Monday night at 7:30 fering fromaasthma and it is at Yost Field House. doubtful whether he will recover Although this match will pro- in time toseeaction against Ohio vide the Wolverines with a brief State, February 28, or in the layoff in the Western Confer- Western Conference Meet March ence schedule, a rough time is 5 and 6. forecast for the Maize and , Coach Keen has recently been Blue matmen. stressing escapes and review of The Spartans' lineup boasts of various hand grips and arm three National Champs in the holds in an effort to help his persons of Gene MacDonald in boys gain the upper hand, while the 128-pound class; Bob Dicker- the opponents are using power son, 135 pounder; and Gale holds which tend to bring about Mikles in the 155-pound division. near falls. All three of these aces come from H Tulsa, Oklahoma. Mikles and wiHopes foi a Wolverine triumph Dickerson were also nationwide formance of Captain Bob Bet- champs while in high school. zig in the 165-pound class. Coach Fendley Collins' grap- pIers come into town with two recent victories. Iowa Teachers boe torthesmen fro East Lansing 14-13 while Ohio State was soundly walloped 24-0 by Downs the Spartans. As if this imposing record wasu not enough to plague Michigan 'Thnrh Cliff TCenn the ahan (r By DICK HURST Michigan's powerful swimming team smashed to a new world's record in the 300 yard medley re- lay while squelching Iowa's bid for an upset victory with a 56-28 triumph last night at the I-M pool. Clipping :1.4 seconds off their old record of 2:50.5, the medley re- lay team composed of Holiday, Schl, and Weinberg put the Wol- verines out in front in the first event never to be headed. Holiday Sets Pace Back stroker Holiday went his 100 yard lap in :58.5 to pile up a bit of a lead for breast stroker Sohl who did :59.5 for his share of the 300 yards. Dick Weinberg then anchored the team home with a :51.1 effort and the new world's record. In swamping the Hawkeyes, Matt Mann's powerhouse swept seven firsts, and five seconds los- ing only in the 50 and 100 yard' free style to Wally Ris, holder of five sprint records in the NAAU and the American record in the 100 yard dash. Ris Takes 50 In the 50 yard sprint, Ris lived up to his reputation when he came home a touch ahead of Dave Tit- tle and Bill Crispin, Michigan's entries in the race. In the 100, the duel between Weinberg (NCAA title holder at 100 yards) and Wally Ris turned out to be all that was expected of it. After taking three turns to- gether, Ris snuck in ahead of Weinberg in the final ten yards with his long reach proving the margin of victory and his time of :51.1 a new pool record.. His time knocked .2 of a second off the old record. Matt Mann III and Gus Stager staged another of their shoulder- to-shoulder battles in the 220 yard grind with Stager fighting off Mann's closing rush to stroke un- der the finish line in 2.11.3, a nose ahead of his Michigan rival. Evans Takes Diving In the diving event it was Mich- igan again as Gil Evans and Ralph Trimborn captured win and place slots from the Iowa entry of Dave Brockway and Bill McDonald. Evans diving skill was worth 120.26 points and Trimborn got his second nosing out Iowa's Brockway 108 points to 105.1. Wolverines Take Backstroke Captain Harry Holiday contin- ued his winning ways with a com- paratively easy triumph in the 150 yard back stroke. Holiday coasted in to the winners' circle in 1:33.4 with a pair of Hawkeyes, Duane Draves and Dick Maine taking care of the second and third place points. Bob Sohl was again superb as he left the field in the first 50 yards and went on to win the 200 yard breast stroke in the fine time of 2:18.7, considering that there was no one close by to chase him home. Iowa's Lake Second Dick Lake's effort was good enough to pick up a second for Iowa and Irv Einbinder of Michi- gan finished close behind for aG third. Matt Mann pulled his one-twoI punch of Stager and Mann III out of the 440 struggle and let Johnny McCarthy and Jay Sanford show their stuff to the home town audi- ence. McCarthy Wins 440 McCarthy and Sanford put on one of those Stager-Mann duels for 400 yards but McCarthy pulled away in the home stretch to gain the decision over his teammate in 5:08.5. Iowa's Paul Hutinger cross- ed the line in third place ahead of teammate Henry Griesbach. Winding up another pleasant night for Matt Mann was the per- formance of his 400 yard relay team which featured Tommy Coates, Bill Crispin, Bill Kogen, and Dave Tittle. Lead Built Up Coates and Crispin built up a nice lead and Kogen and Tittle kept their Iowan opponents at a safe distance to bring the team home in 3:34. Again it was the all-around depth of the Michigan squad plus the excellent performances of the 'Big Three," Holiday, Sohl, and Weinberg, that piled the points up on the score board in such con- vincing fashion. Fine Diving Evans was especially good to- night as he muffed' only one dive, and compensated for it by turn- ing in a couple of beauties in his optionals. After tonight's brilliant per- formance before a packed house, the one question that was in ev- eryone's mind was "how far will this Wolverine team go this year?" Next week Matt Mann's boys may well give the answer to their fans when they travel to Colum- bus for their showdown dual meet with Ohio State's defending Big Nine champs. As The Daily went to press this morning no word had yet been received as to the out- come of the gymnastics meet between Michigan and Ohio State, which was held at Co- lumbus last night.