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October 07, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-07

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I a_


Fifty-Eighth Year
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht........................ City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ..............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ..................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick .................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman........ Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

The Unfolding Pattern


O FFICIALLY, relations between the United
States and free Europe have never been
closer. At diplomatic gatherings free Euro-
peans and Americans mostly act as natural
Actually, however, there seems to be a
growing estrangement between the peoples
of free Europe and the people of the
United States. Astute Americans returning
from Europe tell of the increasing readiness
with which any story detrimental to the
United States is being received, savored
and passed on.
"The Truman Doctrine is an attempt to
found an American empire under pretext
of crusading against Communism.
"The United States is sending whole divi,
sions of troops to Greece and Iran in prep-
aration for the war with Russia.
"America expects Europe to be its cannon
fodder against Russia-beginning with Brit-
ain as a fixed airplane carrier.
"Washington is using its dollars to en-
slave Europe."
And so on, in endless variations.
Even more striking is the relish with
which many Europeans are seizing upon
the expressed opinions of ignorant or fool-
ish Americans and blowing them up into
a "secret American policy."
All this would be normal in semi-isolated
countries like Poland or Yugoslavia. But how
explain the phenomenon in friendly Scan-
dinavia, France, Italy or Britain? Or indeed
among certain European officials of the UN
at Lake Success?
Quite obviously, there exists here a will
to believe the worst of the United States
which rides easily over fact and logic.
This European dislike of the U.S. is being
met by a rising wove of aversion toward
Europe in the United States. This seems
to center around the the following peeves:
Free Europe while extending a hand for
American help is (a) insisting on mow
pay for less work; (b) indulging in costly
and probably futile social experiments;
(c) refusing to put aside petty national-
isms and unite; (d) being over-tender
toward the pro-Russians and communists
with which it is infested; (e) practicing
various forms of socialism which will-if
persisted in-lead to Communism. Con-
clusion: further funds extended to such
incurables would-they argue-be money
Both attitudes are, doubtless, understand-
able. We Americans should candidly admit
that our country is full of irresponsibles who
shoot off their mouths even to the point
of advocating war. Our Administration oc-
casionally does something un-American like
helping elect Argentina into the UN Security
Council or refusing admittance to French
communist journalists. But we know that
the European charges are basically false.
In the same way, honest Europeans will
. A

admit that they have chosen- a queer mo-
ment for costly social reforms; that their
socialistic experiments may or may not
improve their position; that they .feel more
sympathy for communists who resisted Hit-
ler than for capitalists who welcomed him,
and that they still see small reason to over-
ride their vested national interests in order
to merit American assistance.
But - they would also insist-Ameri-
cans are not making due allowance for the
physical wear and demoralization left by
such a horrible war.
The cure for this increasing estrangement
should not be a unilateral victory. It would
be indeed unfortunate were Free Europe to
obtain full American support without having
gone some distance to meet American views
about longer hours, harder work, less na-
tionalism and more cooperation. This would
feed renascent American isolationism.
It would however be equally unpromising
if, as the price of our, assistance, we Amer-
icans should succeed in compelling the Euro-
peans to give up their socialist theories
without an exhaustive trial. That would
leave lasting bitterness.
In my judgment, the Marshall Plan as
it stands is a fair compromise. But in
order for that plan to succeed, it seems
to me that there must be some change
on both sides.
Free Europe must admit that the U.S. is
devoted to the cause of peace only next to
the cause of freedom.
America must remember that-in the
words of Albert Guerard, "normal Europe
caanot be a restoration, it must be a
On such a basis, it seems to me, the de-
mocracies could close their ranks.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)

on American highways isi
car-chasing dog. Canines seem
take naturally to this sport, wh
consists of crouching by the s
of the road as a car approaci
running out as it passes and snE
ping at the tires with feroci
barks and snarls. It is proba
a lot of fun for the pooch, anc
must give his ego a big boost,I
cause when the car goes on p
without having stopped to g
battle, the dog surely imagi:
that has has frightened the thi
to distraction and that it is rL
ning away with its tail betw<
its legs, as it were.
This pastime often results
the death of the dog. Most driv,
hate to run over small anim
and will do everything short
wrecking their cars to avoid -
ting a foolish mutt. But on crov
ed roads with fast traffic, a dri,
can't swerve out of the way of
dog which leaps suddenly fry
the roadside shrubbery. He 1
to keep moving in a straight 1'
enough only to snap at the ti
and not try to tangle with the
Sooner or later the animal n
chases one of those rare driv
calculates his distance, or
who will deliberately run I
A lady named Josephine Z. R
once wrote a dog book which c



Letters to the Editoro..

C,., 1947 by Uaitf . ' N 'k* AO..I-- / F1V v .
- -All ,ight7 "wra
s scribed a fine way for dog owners
e to break their pets of this habit.
> She says the car chasers should
I be walked on a leash some dark
e night along the left side of a busy
highway, facing cars which hurtle
- past, with bright lights, a few feet
from the dog. At the exact mo-
sment each auto roars by, the own-
y er should sting the doghacross
t the rump with a switch which has
- been carried in a concealed posi-
t tion. As soon as the car passes,
e the owner should hide the switch,
s make sympathetic noises, fondle
g the surprised and smarting dog,
- and agree with him that the car
1 had a hell of a nerve hitting him
that way. Very quickly he asso-
ciates cars with stinging sensa-
i tions, he leaves them alone, and
s lives to a toothless old age.
s Being in the role of the car
f driver, I have developed my own
- system, which I hope is helpful.
- When my car gets rushed by a
r noisily suicidal canine moron, I
a stick my head out of the window
n and bark right back at him. The
last dog I did that to was so star-
s tled he actually fell on his face as
e he ran alongside me. When I
s looked at him in my rear-view
mirror he was sitting at the side
- of the road, and although his
s image became rapidly smaller
e every second, I could see that he
1 was staring intently after me. I
may not have cured him, but I
e gave him something to think
- about.


EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
World State
To the Editor:
IN SPEAKING of world govern-
ment and the means of arriv-
ing at it, Mr. Usborne failed to
go into the full implications that
a determined drive toward that
goal involves. He did not pose the
bold question which lies at the
heart of the problem.
The question is this: Are we
ready to go to war to establish a
world state? This realistic ques-
tion, with all its sinister aspects,
is one usually avoided by world
Let us suppose that all non-
Soviet nations could be persuad-
ed that world federation was to
their advantage, and that they
ratified a world charter. What
would occur if Russia refused to
be a party to any agreement
which limited the power of the
It is the surrender of national
sovereignty which best charact-
erizes a federation of the world.
Yet the Russians appear quite
definitely disinclined to join in
any proposal that would diminish
their power position. This much
is painfully, manifest.
The result, then, of charter ac-
ceptance by the non-Soviet coun-
tries and the defection of Russia
and her satelites would be 'the
further polarization of the n-
tions of the world into an Ameri-
csn camp and a Russian camp.
That this would hasten a war be-
tween the two power groups would
be hard to deny. And here the
world federalist must face the
basic question: Is another war
justified in achieving a world gov-
ernment? There are enough
tion implications to the ques-
tion to make a yes or no answer
extremely onerous.
Would not a quick war by the
United States and the rest of the
non-Soviet world, with moral
right behind them, against a still
atom-less, wayward Russia result
in a relatively bloodless victory
for the western powers? Its last
great obstacle overcome, a strong,
foolproof world government could
then be created.
However, if the non-Soviet
countries do not press their tem-
porary advantage against Russia,
and decided to play for an armed
peace instead, will not Russia ulti-
mately become so strong that
when hostilities actually break out
they will be of a magnitude cap-
able of wiping out civilization,
thus rendering world government
a hollow mockery?
On the other hand it can be
argued that the U. S. and its allies
would have no easy task in over-
coming the Soviet Union even to-
day, and might conceivable be de-
feated. Besides, no matter how
blcogdless, any world conflict would
blight humanity regardless of
which side won. Moreover, there
still would be no assurance that
a workable world government
would follow.
I see more logic in the former
argument, but it is by no means
a black and white proposition.
The only thing that seems cer-

taro to me is that there will be
war sooner or later. I whole-
heartedly subscribe to the pro-
gram of attempting to establish
a world government as the only
chance man has for eventual and
permanent peace, but I believe
that people should work toward
it with the frank understanding
that it is no immediate panacea.
It is very likely to hasten a war
which even if inevitabile and re-
sulting in world federation is still
bound to be another global trag-
Robert Carneiro
Special Groups
ro the Editor:
Prices, Mr. Joe Frein makes an
error frequently made by those
who cry of enormous current busi-
ness profits. He tells of millions
of dollars of profits and increased
profits, and quotes some interest-
ing facts about the cost of steel
per ton. The multimillion figures,
however, serve only to confirm
that some phases of American
business operate on a large scale.
Surely we cannot rationally ar-
rive at Mr. Frein's conclusions
about high profits without first
examining rates of profit to capi-
tal investment so we may com-
pare with the frequently accepted
4 to 8 per cent rate.
But even if Mr. Frein could
show, as I believe he can, that
profit rates are abnormally high,
he proves only what we already
know - that the NAM is in fact
working for business and not for
union labor.
I would say that the NAM is
a successful organization because
it has helped make such high pro-
fits a reality. A UAW leader seek-
ing reelection points to the wage
increases he has won, although
lower prices for automobiles may
have been of greater benefit to
society. Farm groups, sugar pro-
ducers and wool growers have tak-
en their cut. A veterans' journal
under the motto of "Citizens
First, Veterans Second" headlines
the fight for increased veteran
trainee allowances. The NAREB
urges lifting of rent control. Many
others have learned that a greater
share of existing production may
be easier to obtain than the same
proportion of increased produc-
tion. Unfortunately the sum of
the interests of individual groups
is not in the best interest of the
whole of society.
Until the members of various
pressure groups are willing to
place the needs of society above
their own interests, society will
be gouged at every hand, by high
profits, high labor costs, high
rents, and excessive taxation.
-D. Roger MacNaughton
The fastest trip made by the fa-
mous "Pony Express" between St.
Joseph, Missouri, and the Pacific
Coast was seven days and 17
hours, when Lincoln's first inaug-
ural address was carried, accord-
ing to the Encyclopedia Britan-
The number of chickens on
farms at the beginning of 1946
was estimated to be about 525,-
536,000, according to the Encyclo-
paedia Britannica 1947 Book of
than the 1945 number of 510,939,-



It's Up to Us
trol-it-yourself" food drive succeed, it
would certainly be a fine testament to the
faith of a people under the American form
of democracy; a faith which can control
the supply-and-demand law.
The peopile, by restricting their own pur-
chases, would be controlling the demand for
certain commodities. Should that happen,
the rule that people will buy as much food
as they have money for, up to how much
their stomachs will hold, would be amended
to read: "In a democracy people will buy
as much food as they have money for, up
to how much their stomachs will hold, so
long as they are not causing starvation
among their fellow men, or are not en-
dangering the economy under which they
and succeeding generations will have to
It is a "consummation devoutly to be
wished" but little hoped for, ev.en by the
administration. The earlier "get-prices-
down" movement went up in the smoke of
Bridgeport's bargain day. And though it's
true that the new drive is somewhat less
fanciful and does have some nominal ma-
chinery, "The Citizens' Food Committee,"
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach has al-
ready indicated the next step of the admin-
istration. He said, in effect, that if this
doesn't succeed, we'll have to try the OPA
It is, of course, extremely unlikely that
the Republicans, who came in on a pla't-
form of fewer controls, will reinstate the
OPA. But just for the November, '48 record
President Truman will probably bring up
the OPA question before the next session of
congress when this drive fails.
But then maybe the drive will have suc-
ceeded, prices will have become stabilized,
the European starvation rate will have de-
clined and a new supply and demand law,
will have been written.
It's up to us.
-James Wimsatt.
Poliy Change
EVEN DR. WATSON, the classic side-kick
of Sherlock Holmes can deduce the posi-
tion of the British Labor Party and predict
its increasing power in world affairs.
The decisive policy change of the Conserv-
ative Party-almost a surrender to the Labor
Party-has set a new battle-line, far from
their traditional position.
In their recent annual conference, the
Conservatives almost unanimously adopted
the socialist-appearing Industrial Charter
which would:
Recognize the necessity of strict controls
and centralization of government.
And accept nationalization of some in-
dustries as desirable.
But "no More nationalization" pleaded
Anthony Eden, defining the line on which
the Conservatives would fight. When a
minority party struggles to maintain a
policy that is the present plan of their
opposition, it appears that the opposition
is overwhelmingly strong aad preparing to
present a stronger phase of socialism to
+Iia Tinaic' Yin~



AN EXHIBITION of works by

local artists





At the Michigan:
THE UNFAITHFUL, with Ann Sheridan,
Lew Ayres, and Zachary Scott.
THE UNFAITHFUL is a series of clumsy
scenes characterized by much aimless
chitchat by the actors, which results only
in an entertainment hangover. The theme
is popular, since almost everyone seems to be
in favor of boys and girls being in love,
with each other, having their difficulties and
finally reuniting, but the brothers Warner
have here accomplished little more than a
jumbled revision of an old, old story. Ann
Sheridan, as the femme fatale, kills a man,
heaps sin upon sin with lies and deceit,
and makes a mess of things in general.
Taking all this into consideration, her ever,
loving husband , concludes that Annie isn't
such a bad gal after all, which just goes to
prove something or other. Lew Ayres,
throughout the movie, acts as though he had
his mind on something else; so will you.
* -* *$ *
At the State:
BLACK GOLD, .with Anthony Quinn,
Katherine DeMille and Elyse Knox.j
EVEN THE HORSES act well in this well-
produced, beautifully tinted and ex-
pertly cast movie about oil, Indians, toler-
ance, and mostly horses. But the narrative
leaves much to be desired. Described as a
tale that will tug, and tug, and tug, at your
heartstrings, BLACK GOLD doesn't even
produce a twitch. Since everyone knows all
along that it will end with the right horse
winning the Kentucky Derby, the problem.
is to provide enough material to keep the
audience interested and induce them to

is being presented in the Mezzanine
Gallery of the Rackham Building by the
Ann Arbor Art Association. The show, which
was juried by Carl Gaertner of the Cleve-
land School of Art, will continue through
October 17. First prize was awarded to Kam-
roski's "Ink Drawing"; second, to La
More's "Figures in Twilight"; third, to
Gooch's "Scarecrow"; fourth, to R. H. Wilt's
"New News"; and fifth, to Hollenbeck's "End
of Summer." Honorable mentions were re-
ceived by Slusser, Prendergast, Lopez, Barry
and Jones.
This exhibition can be described, without
hesitation, as excellent. The level of tech-
nical skill is high, not only in the oil paint-
ings, but also in the watercolors, such as
those by Margaret Chapin, Bradfield, Bailey
and Johe. The decorative bowls by Gores
are masterpieces of design and technique;
and the same may be said for those by
Cole and Littleton, as well as the flossa rug
by Conover. Unfortunately only two pieces
of sculpture are included, although both
are interesting.
Among the oil paintings are a number
of still-life compositions which either em-
phasize color (such as Wood's "Stll Life"),
or structure (Hollenbeck's "Summer," an ar-
chitectural arrangement of everyday things),
or color and structure together (Myron
Chapin's "White Vase"). Particularly pleas-
ing is Slusser's "Displaced Objects," which
shows how black accents can make a pic-
ture really "sing." A charming fantasy by
Christine Stevens is entitled "White Mon-
A number of paintings echo the minor
chhords of our time. Of these, Lahti's "A
Culture is known by its debris" is the most
explicit, with its somber symbolism; but
even May Brown's "Flowers" has tragic
depths of color, beneath the superficial
gaiety. "Only Child," by Gooch, not only
probes into physical space but also into
the psychological depths of lonely child-
hood. His "Scarecrow" and La More's "Fig-
ures in Twilight" uncover a lurking primi-
tivism, as disturbing as a Voodoo mask.
Kamrowski's "Ink Drawing" seems to be a
searching into the world of biology; and
Prendergast's "Comet Girl" appears to loop
through space on the same kind of a quest.
Heller's "Report from Nantucket," a clever
collage, looks like a scientist's report after
an atomic bombing of that island; and
Slusser's "Aftermath," with its sunless sea,
conveys the same grim impression. Any
persons who are dubious about the signifi-
cance of visual art as a medium of modern
thought would do well to visit this exhibi-
Both the Ann Arbor Art Association and
its sustaining community are-to be congrat-
ulated on such a splendid show. One wonders
what other community could equal it.
-Prof. George Forsythe.

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
VOL. LVIII, No. 13
Students, College of Pharmacy:
Important meeting, Rm. 151,
Chemistry and Pharmacy Bldg.,
7:30 p.m., Wed., Oct. 8. Announ-
cements for the college year will
be made, and all students are ex-
pected tco be present.
To Deans, Directors,; Department
Heads, and Others Responsible for
Payrolls for the Fall Semester
are ready for approval. Please call
in Room 9, University hall before
October 15. Prompt action will
help the Payroll Department com-
plete their rolls for October.
Job Registration will be held on
Mon., Oct. 13, 4 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall. This applies to Feb-
ruary, June and August graduates,
also to graduate students or staff
members who wish to register and
who will be available for positions
within the next year. The Bureau
has two placement divisions:
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division
includes service to people seeking
positions in business, industry, and
professions other than education.
It is important to register NOW
because employers are already
asking for February and June
graduates. There is no fee for
registration. After the regular en-
rollment, however, a late registra-
tion fee of $1.00 is charged by the
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
for February, June, and August,
1948: Registration with the Bur-
eau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information is one of the
requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate. Please read the preced-
ing item in the DOB for details
regarding registration.
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
gical Service:
During the period from October
5 through October 15, the Univer-
sity Business Office, (Room 9,
University Hall) will accept new

applications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in ef-
fect. These new applications and
changes become effective Decem-
ber 5, with the first payroll deduc-
tion on November 30. After Octo-
ber 15, no new applications or
changes can be accepted until
April 1948.
Graduate Students expecting
degrees in February, 1948, must
have their diploma applications
in the Graduate School Office no
later than October 11.
Applications for Grants in Sup-
port of Research Projects:
It is requested that faculty
members desiring grants from the
Research Funds in support of re-
search projects begin early in 194&
to file their proposals in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School by
Wednesday, October 15, 1947. Re-
quests for continuation of present
projects or for projects to -be initi-
ated during the next fiscal year
should be made at a date early
next year to be announced later.
Application forms will be mailed
or can be obtained at the Secre-
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 8:30 p.m...
Wives of Student Veterans' Club
sponsoring Goodyear's Fall Style
9:30-11:00 p.m.. .Bridge Party.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 8:00 p.m.-
The New Art Group. Beginners
and advanced students invited.
Academic Notices
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Fri., Oct. 10,
4 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary. Please register at the
history office before taking the
History Final Examination make-
up: Sat., Oct. 11, 9 a.m., Rm. B,
Haven Hall. Students must come
with written permission of instruc-
Classical Representation Semi-
nar: Tues., Oct. 7, 4:15 p.m., 3201
Differential Geometry Seminar:
Tues., Oct. 7, 2 p.m., Rm. 3001,
Angell Hall. G. Y. Rainich will
speak on Stereographic Paramet-
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:




The Engineering Mechanics De-,
partment is sponsoring a series of
discussions on applied mechanics.
The next seminar will be at 4 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 7, Rm. 406, W. Engi-
neering Bldg. Mr. J. L. Edman will
discuss the theory escapment
mechanisms of clocks with special
attention to the minimizing of
time errors.
Geometry Seminar: Wed., Oct.
8,, 2:30 p.m., 3001 Angell Hall. Dr.
Kenneth Leisenring will discuss
"The Neglected Metric Dual of
History 49, Sec. 3 (W. 9) will
meet in 2013 A.H.
V. W. Crane
Special Functions Seminar: Oct.
7, 4-p.m., 3201 Angell Hall. Prof.
E. D. Rainville will talk on gener-
ating functions.
Freshman Health Lectures for
It is a University requirement
that all entering freshmen take a
series of Health Lectures and
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elsewhere, which
has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen who were here

as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requiremeAts are requested
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at
4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m.
as per the following schedule:


Oct. 15.

1-Mon., Oct. 6
2-Tues.,Oct. 7
3-Wed., Oct. 8
4-Thurs., Oct. 9
5-Mon., Oct. 13
6-Tues., Oct. 14
7 (Final Exam.)-Wed.,

Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Enrollment will be held at the
first lecture.
Choral Union Concert. Karin
Branzell, contralto, assisted by
Donald Comrie, pianist, will give
the following program in the
opening Choral Union concert
Wednesday night, October 8, at
Program: Dido's Lament:
"When I am laid in Earth" from
"Dido and Aeneas," Purcell; Sand-
mannchen, Brahms; Meine Liebe'
ist grun, Brahms; Das Verlas-
sene Magdlein, Wolf; Gesang
Weyla's, Wolf;
Med en primula veris, Med en
vandlilie, En Svane, Og jeg vil ha
mig en hjertenskjaer-Grieg;
Der Lindenbaum, Fischerweise,
Nachtviolen, Der Erlkonig-Schu-


tap~ n ssu, rn< Nc.,ma" vat ice.


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