THE MICHiGAN DAILY City's Record Clean as U.S. Fire Prevention Week Opens n2 Uiversity students and Ann Arbor residents may pride them- selves on the fact that no lives have been lost here through fire in the past year, Fire Chief Ben Zahn said yesterday, commenting on national Fire Prevention Week, which begins today. But throughout the nation, he continued, statistics reveal that 30 persons are burned to death per day, and $1,387 damage is done per minute by fire. Nine out of ten of all fires can be pre- vented, he added. During Fire Prevention Week, which was proclaimed by Presi- dent Truman, every person can acquire habits which will help prevent fires, Zahn explained. Students can help eliminate the worst fire hazard-careless use of cigarettes and matches, he con-I tinued. "Crowded traffic and parking conditions, hindrances to' firemen speeding to fires, can be lessened if drivers, including stu- dents, keep out of the way." Zahn declared that crowded liv- ing conditions may be obviated as a source of fire danger if students and residents of Ann Arbor ob- serve the following injunctions: Don't smoke in bed; Don't use explosive cleaning fliuds; Make sure heating plants are regularly cleaned; Avoid allowing old papers and rags to accumulate in closets or basements; Don't use defective electrical appliances or faulty wiring sys- tems. Emphasizing the fact that fires can be prevented, Zahn added that fire losses this year will total 25 per cent higher than in 1946. 1Eof SAL S WEATERS Selected f rorm our regular stock CfIRDIGfiNS and SLIPOVERS Sale Priced at $395 Formerly to $8.95 Sizes 36 to 40 --Just Arrived- NEW FALL SKIRTS WOOLS Brown, Dark Green, Checks, Plaids Men's Wear Grey, Black GABARD I N ES Black, Brown, Grey $ 7a95to$ 95 COILIL-1IN S 0 0. cfil ert a at //aurI UNION NOTES The Union will continue its tra- ditional policy of sponsoring a series of faculty-student coffee hours this semester, according to a Union spokesman. The initial coffee hour of the semester will be held from 4 to 5 p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 15 in the Terrace Room of the Union. Sim- ilar faculty-student coffee hours will be given every Wednesday thereafter. In the past, these occasions have afforded students an excel- lent opportunity to become better acquainted with members of the faculty. Each week a different faculty department will be pres- ent as guest of honor. The first department to be hon- ored will be announced later. Bob Olshefsky, chairman of the Union's campus affairs committee will supervise preparations for these coffee hours. As in the past, the Union will also conduct a tutorial service this semester. In this regard, the Union will merely act as a clearing house to bring together students and tutors. Students and prospective tutors who are interested in taking ad- vantage of this service should call at the Union student offices from 3 to 5 p.m. any afternoon. Persons desiring to act as tu- tors must have an "A" in the subject to be taught or a "B" if it is their major. Tutors will receive a dollar an hour for their services Waring Ticket Sales Continue First balcony tickets for the two performances of Fred War- ing and his Pennsylvanians, at 8:30 p.m. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1, in Hill Auditorium, have already been sold out, but remaining seats are still on sale. Sponsored by the Men's Glee, Club, Waring will present the full company of Pennsylvanians as featured on the air every week- day and each Monday night. Soloists Jane Wilson, Stuart Churchill, Joan Wheatley, Joe Marine, Pole McClntock, Daisy Bernier, "Lumpy" Brannum, Joe Sodja and Mac Perrin will appear with the orchestra and glee club. Waring, who started as leader of a college dance band in 1917, first gained fame in 1922 when he brought the "second" band for the J-Hop here. Now he is ap- pearing in his second national tour, after being a purely radio star for ten years. Remaining tickets, priced at $1.50 and $2.40 may be obtained by sending a stamped, self-ad- dressed envelope, to the Men's Glee Club, Michigan Union. Gargoyle Will Accept Art Work Contributions Sample contributions of car- toons and other art work will be accepted by the Gargoyle art staff, which is welcoming tryouts. All drawings may be submitted to the art editor, and should be accompanied by the name and ad- dress of the contributor. Tryouts for the literary, advertising and circulation staffs will also be ac- cepted. (Continued from Page 4) ligion, 4 p.m., Mon., Oct. 6, Lane Hall. SRA Square Dance following short discussion meeting. Line Hall, Mon., 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Conversational Group, Span- ish Club: Organizational meeting Mon., 4 p.m., International Cen- ter. All interested are invited. Russian Circle: First meeting ofl this semester, Mon., 8 p.m., Inter- national Center. Election of offi- cers. The program will be in Rus-, DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN__ sian with the teaching staff par- ticipating. All students studying the language and those interested in the language and culture are invited to attend. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will initiate a seminar led by Rab- bi Herschel Lymon, Tues., Oct. 7, 4:15 p.m. The theme will be an analysis of "The Jewish Person- ality as Reflected in Modern Lit- erature." Michigan Chapter Inter-Collegi- Daily Classifed Ads nr CARL F. GAERTNER ..- to judge exhibition Amateur Art To Be Shown At Rackham Original painting, drawing, sculpture, graphic arts and crafts done by residents of Washtenaw County will be exhibited by the Ann Arbor Art Association in the Rackham Galleries Tuesday through Oct. 17. The entries, which will not in- clude commercial or student work, will be judged by Carl F. Gaertner, instructor in the Cleveland School of Art. Gaertner, a well-known painter, illustrator and etcher in his own right, has put on two one-man shows of his work in the Mac- beth Galleries in New York City. He has also received several awards for his paintingdfrom the Cleveland Museum of Art. Several cash award, furnished the art association by private do- nations, will be given for the five works judged best by Mr. Gaertner. Chairman of the exhibition is Mrs. Virginia Goodhew,who is as- sisted by Prof. Donald Gooch, of the design division of the Archi- tecture College. Hllel T Offer StudySeries The first in a series of weekly seminars on "Jewish Personalities as Revealed in Current Litera- ture," will be conducted by Rabbi Herschel Lymon at 4:15 p.m. Tues- day at the Hillel Foundation. The purpose of the series, ac- cording to Rabbi Lymon, is to study the various ways in which modern writers have depicted the Jewish people in current litera- ture. The object will be to dis- cover if this portrayal has been a realistic one. Among the books to be dis- cussed are "Focus," by Arthur Miller, a former Hopwood winner. His recent play "All My Sons" was acclaimed by critics as an out- standing Broadway ,achievement. Other books on the agenda in- clude Laura V. Hobson's best- seller "Gentleman's Agreement," "Wasteland" by Jo Sinclair, and Gwendolyn Graham's "Earth and High Heaven." All students are welcome to at- tend. End of a Dog's Life j BRIGHTON, Eng., Oct. 4-(')- Winston Churchill's pet poodle was killed by a bus today. The dog strayed away from attendants in the crush of the former Prime Minister's admirers at the Con- servative Party meeting. YOUR SUA --- rt, N EN ate Zionist Federation of Ameri- ca: "Self-Hatred," article by Kurt Lewin, will be discussed Tues., Oct. 7, 8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Palestinian dancing and singing follows meeting. All invited. A') 7:,:::: Read and Use i Lt,- DIFFERENT! FASCINATING! That's a summary of our fall collection! Suits with elongated jackets that whisper about your curves . . . Skirts reaching down to calf length ... Necklines cut and slashed for new appeal .. . Smartly feminine suits - smart you when you choose one for your very own. Priced from ... $29"95to $65-00 to add zest to your autumn outfits. You'll love the smooth contour of, our bags .. the sleekness of our gloves ... the brightness of our scarfs and blouses... the drama of our jewelry -multiple strands of gold beads and chain bracelets and earrings to match, sparkling stones in clips and pins that look like real pieces of rare jew- elry at cheering prices. EARRINGS from $1.00 SMOOTH COMPACTS from $1.95 & 1 AI, ! ES 1/-241/ ( '4 I Eoza dthei I oi/m nS 'ound lb. Coriwi' on Sltt For the First Time in ANN ARBOR Wonderful NYLONS Guaranteed to fit Now you can solve all your hosiery fit problems permanently.. . with our new Round-the-Clock Nylons, guaranteed to fit perfectly pair after pair. Here's the secret= a wide range of patterns, pre-made to measure to fit every leg type, and an Individual Fit Service that accurately selects your perfect pottern, then gives you a permanent record so you can even reorder by phone or mail and be sure of the same superb fit every time. Come, give your legs the beauty 4". of this custom-like fit. Fu ll-fa sh i c NYLONSs15-denier . 2 E,, 30-denier SUIT SIZE 9-15, 10-15, 16 v .. . .. . .. . . . ... .. . . . . . . . / nr 1. 4 '.\\\\\'\\ \\\\\\l\\ 1\\\\\\\\\\ \'. f f ! . z ' v/ . i4 /J a/ 4A '4 .. f r' x This is the Neason Campus strategy calls for the new highly styled fall fashions ... our select variety of skirts and blouses fill ever requirement. Blouses from . $3.95 to $10.95 ... Skirts from $4.95 // %/ %/ I4 oned (with seams) ......... 2.25 .1.65 4 %' } " t I : . I