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October 05, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-05

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- SUNDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1947 4

Fifty-Eighth Year
b f
Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versit of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
n Campbell...................Managing Editor
.......................City Editor
htar in 'ayson ...............Editorial Director
EnAice Mintz ..................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bb Lent..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy lihnmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swmiernan......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
- - --..- - ..._-
Member of The Associated Press
'The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
Sthe use for re-publication of all new dispatches
+ credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
cs Allr ights of re-publication of all other
~ atcr s hcrein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igfn, as second class mail matter.
Subscriptionduring the regular school year by
c e, .00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Pofis ard Prices
ith prices running amuck and wages
lagging far behind, millions of fearful
« and angry American citizens are asking-

The UnR fo lding Pattern


Letters to the Editor...


(Continued from Page 3)

WASHINGTON-It is dismaying to learn
what lay behind the sudden outcrop of
violent insults directed against the Amer-
ican leaders in a recent issue of the Soviet
"Literary Gazette," which brought forth a
formal protest from Amcripan Ambassador
Walter Bedell Smith. For according to re-
ports reaching Washington from Moscow,

0 S

roday, sixteen months after Congress
boed to the National Association of
Mamufacturer's oft-repeated and vocifer-
;ou a sertion that prices would fall if all
controls were removed, the Department
of Labor has announced the cost of living
has scared 19.7 percent above last year's
record high.
Although leaders of the Truman Adminis-
tration, Congress and the National Associa--
tion of Manufacturers have blamed runa-
+ way prices on higher wages', shorter hours,
increased costs of production, waste and ex-
* cessive exportation, they have assiduously
avcicied the key reason-exorbitant profits.
Reports for the first half of this year
offer irrefutable proof that American in-
dustry is gourging itself on the biggest
profiteeripg spree in history.
Victims. of this gigantic gouge are the
men and women who work for a living-
the majority of the people in these United
What evidence is there to support this
accusation that current profiteering and
phony price fixing is unparalleled in the
annals of this nation?
To begin with, the Department of Com-
merce estimates that corporation profits
will reach a fabulous $17.4 billion this year.
In 1946, Armour, Swift, Wilson and
Cidahy, the Big Four meat packers, re-
ported a net profit of $64,200,00, a bare
$3l, 0,000 more than .its combined profit
in the previous year. And this year, Time
(A g. 4) wrote "the big meat packers .. .
(are) expected to have even more whop-
ping profits." Yet while these four meat
packers needed a 1.6 percent price in-
crease to offset wage increases, they ac-
tually increased prices at the wholesale
level by 90.6 percent.
American Woolen Mill, Celanese Corpora-
tion, Pacific Mills, Industrial Rayon and
American Viscose, the five largest firms
in the country, while boosting their profits
iron $24.5 million in 1945 to a record-
breaking $67 million in 1946 (with this year's
profits even higher), increased wages 6.7
percent and then raised prices at the whole-
aelvl 31.8 percent.
)?ste ja profit of $11,360,170 for the first
six months of this year, exactly $7,000,000
nore tilan its half year profit last year,
su Oil Company, controlled by the Joseph
Pew, raised its prices "to discourage new de-
mands for fuel oil," although nothing had
Scurred to justify even higher prices.
es profiteering in oil, however, was
no worse than his associates in the field.
Socny-Vacuum, controlled by the Rocke-
fdlers netted a profit of $40,900,000 in the
Net six months of this year, $18,000,000
tuore than last year. Shel'l Oil showed a
romt of ,23,325,959 against last year's
S0389. Phillips Petroleum reported
r ,,99, just double 1946's half-year
tc steal, however, was perpetrat-
1,me or strel companies which in-
- : tcel priccs $5 to $10 a ton in the
o argest profits in history. This
Srce gouge was excused by Big and
Stle cl a the grounds that wage in-
e coal miners had' raised the cost
o prodction from 35c to$1.50 a ton. Steel

By Kent Sagendorph. New York: E. P.
Dutton & Company, Inc. 1947. 447 pages.
AFTER THREE introductory background
chapters made somewhat dull by com-
parison with the remaining action-packed
chapters of this book, the reader's initial
curiosity is displaced by growing interest and
suspense. A sudden tremendous gain in
momentum precipitates him into a series of
events and intrigues typical of all records
of pioneer and politeial history.
Sagendorph's book is a sort of literary
resurrection. With obviously intense inter-
est and admiration, he has painstakingly
delved into all sorts of historical records
and documents in order to rescue from
undeserved disgrace an' oblivion a man
who, more than any other man, was re-
sponsible for bringirn the Territory of
Michigan into statehoo( ind for its na-
tionally recognized siawtar of education
and its internationally recognized Uni-
Without doubt, Stevens Thomson Mason
was an unusua'l figure. Consider the fact
that he became a Territorial Secretary, as
the result of a practical joke to be sure, at
the age of nineteen year;. Five years later,
in a characteristically audacious move, he
found himself first governor of the state of
Michigan fifteen months before that state
had even been officially accepted into the
Descended from an impressive line of out-
standing statesmen, Mason never lost that
heritage of democratic honor and faith. At-
tempting to follow the Jeffersonian ideal of
democratic statesmanship, he lost his cause
at the hands of politicians headed by a vil-
lain to whom Sagendorph, with perhaps
excusable bias, endows all the qualities of a
truly melodramatic villain, William Wood-
The almost universal popularity which
Sagendorph claims for Mason must be
attributed, at least in art, to his romantic
appearance, his Byronic dark hair, his
gold-headed cane and his perfectly tail-
ored New York clothes.
Although an over-awed enthusiasm for his
subject may be noted in Sarendorph's treat-
ment of his hero, he cannot, on the other
hand, be accused of neglecting facts in
favor of the story. This is not a "fictional-
ized biography," as the lengthy biblio-
graphy and complete index prove. Neither
is it dryly colorless, but rather swift-moving
and exciting. What else could it be, with
such a story and such a hero? One wonders
why there are not people such as this hero
around today. Of course, the days of pioneers
and Indians are over, but certainly not the
need for youths 'of fire, imagination and
determination. Perhaps what this country
needs is another Stevens Thomson Mason.
Maybe even two or three.
-Natalie Bagrow.
General Library
IBook L ist
Chamberlain, Henriqueta-Where the Sabia
Sings, New York, Macmillan, 1947.
Coffin, Tristram - Missouri Compromise,
Boston, Little, 1947.
Javellana, Stevan -- Without Seeing the
Dawn. Boston, Little, 1947.
Paul, Elliot-Linden on the Saugus Branch.
New York. Random House, 1947.
Taylor, Edmond-Richer by Asia, Boston,
Houghton, 1947.
Van Loon, Hendrik-Report to Saint Peter,
New York, Simon and Schuster, 1947.
year profit of $28,499,000. Jones & Laughlin
$11,703,000, and Wheeling $5,790,000. In
all cases the increases thus far this year
were either double or more than all pre-
vious earnings.
To bring prices down, President Truman
and Senator Taft have collaborated in ad-
vocating voluntary rationing and urging

the American people to waste less food.
These tongue-in-cheek suggestions have
never worked in the past and do not stand
a ghost of a chance of affectuating a
sharp drop in current prices now, they
merely serve to obscure and protect the
greedy and irresponsible industrial buca-
neers who are fundamentally responsible
for America's rm ay inflation,
In the final analysis, only the immediate
reinstitution of price controls by a special
session of Congress can strike an effective
blow against unscrupulous big business
forces that are now muleting the lifeblood
from the American people.
-Joe Frien.

there is solid evidence that the abuse was
inspired by no less a person than Soviet
Premier Josef Stalin.
"The Literary Gazette" is the organ of
the Union of Soviet Writers, a body which
has for some months been undergoing
an extensive purge. The Soviet literary
men, already sufficiently cowed by the
purge, were recently informed that Stalin
himself was displeased by the quality of
the magazine. They were given to under-
stand that this ominous displeasure would
only be softened if the magazine in the
future had a far more "political and anti-
Western content."
The Soviet writers, not unsurprisingly,
hastened to comply. In the next issue of the
magazine, the President of the United
States was said to "vie for the laurels of the
little corporal of Munich." Secretary of State
George C. Marshall was described as "The
Shylock of Wall Street." General Dwight
Eisenhower was said to "speak with the voice
of Hitler." And so on.
AMBASSADOR SMITH'S protest was of
course fruitless, and the incident is now
no doubt closed. Yet Stalin's reported
part in it is interesting as a symptom,
and as part of a larger pattern. For it is
quite evident, not only from this incident
but from the whole course of Soviet policy
in recent months, that Stalin has made a
fateful decision.
At one time Stalin, unlike most of those
around him, undoubtedly considered the
possibility of limited co-operation with the
West, at least for tactical purposes. That
time is past. The Soviet Union is now waging
tireless political warfare against the West
and above all against the United States.
Reflecting this decision, the wiorld Com-
munist parties may no longer co-operate,
however tentatively, with the democratic
parties. Instead, they must prepare for the
revolutionary moment.
The little group of Russian experts in
Moscow and Washington first sensed this
final, decisive shift in both the Soviet and
Communist lines as early as last April.
In that month a series of articles began
to appear in Moscow's "Pravda."
The series consisted largely of a reprinting
of Nicolai Lenin's "April Theses" accom-
panied by a significant interpretation by
"Pravda's" editors. The theses were written
by Lenin in April, 1917. The short-lived Ker-
ensky regime was then in power, and for
the first time the Russian Communist party
was a legal political party. A number of the
lesser party leadrs were therefore pro-
posing that there was no longer need for
the traditional tactics of conspiracy and
violence. Rather, they argued, the party
must concentrate on winning the broad
support of the masses, and thus by legal
means gain control of the Parliament and
the government. In his April Theses, Lenin
blasted these weaklins.
The bourgeoisie and their Social Demo-
cratic tools, he said could never be over-
thrown except by violence. The Social
Democratic government must be under-
mined to prepare the way for the rev-
olutionary moment and the seizure of
full power by the Communists. Moreover,
these tactics did not concern Russia alone.
"There is one and only one kind of in-
ternationalism in deed; working wholeheart-
edly for the development of the revolution-
ary movement and the revolutionary
struggle and supporting such and only such
a struggle and such a line in every country
without exception." So wrote Lenin in 1917,
as reprinted by "Pravda" in 1947.
"Pravda" noted carefully that Lenin's
1917 words were fully "applicable to the
world situation" of 1947. It remarked also
on the "anarchy and deepening crisis of
Western capitalism." And it pointed out
that by following Lenin's tactics in 1917
the party became sufficiently powerful in
a few short months to organize the rev-
olution and the full seizure of power by
The policy of the Soviet Union and the
policy of the World Communist parties are
two sides of the same coin. Thus the Russian

experts believe that the "Pravda" series fore-
shadowed the increasingly aggressive policy
of the Kremlin, of which the abuse in the
"Literary Gazette" and the recent furious
Vishinsky speech in the United Nations are
symptoms. It also foreshadowed the fate of
such anti-Communist/"Social Democrats" in
eastern Europe at Maniu, Nagy and Petkov.
Finally, it foreshadowed the new Communist
line in the non-Soviet world, and especially
in Italy and France. In Italy, Communist
leader Palmiro Togliatti, who once, like the
objects of Lenin's wrath in 1917, preached
"legality," has now told his followers to be
prepared to fight. In France last month, the
central committee of the Communist party
decided that its ideology must be reoriented
along revolutionary lines, and that French
Communists "should resolve to welcome the
epithet Stalinist."
Thus the pattern unfolds. The great Com-
munist bid for power in western Europe wiil
come this winter. As to whether or not it
succeeds, more depends on the United States
than on Josef Stalin and his fellow strat-
egists in the Kremlin.
- (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune)

ferred to the first vacancies avail-
able for the spring semester.
3. New women students not now
on campus admitted to the Uni-
versity for the spring semester
will be given the opportunity to
apply for housing through the Of-1
fice of the Dean of Women as fol-
a. A limited number of women
admitted as first semester fresh-
men for the spring may apply for
dormitory accommodations on
and after November 15, 1947.
b. All other women newly ad-
mitted, including those with ad-
vanced standing and graduate
students, may apply for supple-
mentary housing on or after No-'
vember 15, 1947..
(Announcement of application
procedure for housing for fall 1948
will appear at a later date)
Regulations Governing Social
Following is a review of the
regulations pertaining to social
events planned by student organi-
zations where both men and wom-
en are to be present:
(a) Approval is required for all
social events, graduate or under-
graduate, sponsored by student
organizations where both men and'
women are to be present.
(b) Applications for approval
are to be submitted on forms
provided by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs. Form A, the request
for approval, must include the
names of two sets of chaperons,
preferably two married couples,
endorsed in accordance with the
following requirements:
(1) Chaperons of social affairs
given by a group which has a
resident house director will be ap-
proved, provided the house presi-
dent and house director both sign
Form A, thus indicating their
personal sponsorship of the chap-
erons selected. (The resident
house director may be selected
as one of the chaperones if the
group so desires, in which case
only one married couple will be
(2) Chaperones of social events
given by a group without a resi-
dent house director must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students.
The president of the group will
indicate his endorsement of the
chaperons selected by signing
Formh A before it is presented to
the Dean of Students for ap-
proval. Two married couples of
sufficiently mature years, such as
faculty members, parents of stu-
dents, or alumni, are preferred
as chaperons for these groups.
(c) Requests for approval must
be filed in the Office of Student
Affairs no later than 12 o'clock
noon on the lyonday before the
event is to take place. Since ap-
plications must include the signed
acceptance of the chaperons
(Form B) before approval will be
granted forms should be secured
well in advance of the party. Late
applications will not be accepted.
(d) Exchange and guest din-
ners are approved, cshaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that no-
tice of such affairs is given the
Office of Student Affairs at least
one day in advance of the sched-
uled date, and provided such oc-
casions are confined to the hours
5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. on week days,
and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday.
(e) In the case of a fraternity
or a sorority, written approval of
the financial adviser of the group
is required for any party involv-
ing an estimated expenditure of
more than $25.
(f) A list of approved social
events will be published in the
Daily Official Bulletin on Wed-
nesday of each week.
(g) Dances may be held only
on Friday and Saturday nights
during the term or on the night
preceding a University holiday.
No dances may be held on a night

preceding a University vacation.
(h) Dances shall close not later
than 12 o'clock midnight. Special
dances are authorized to continue
beyond this hour as indicated:
the J-Hop and Senior Ball shall
close at two a.m.; Assembly, Pan-
hellenic, Slide-Rule, International
Ball, Military Ball, Sophomore
Prom, and the Interfraternity
Council dances shall close at one
a.m. In all cases the party must
end at the hour designated for
closing; mere cessation of dancingI
is not sufficient.
Office of Student Affairs
Room in University Hall,
Group Hospitalization and Sur-
gical Service:
During the period from October
5 through October 15, the Univer-
sity Business Office, (Room 9,
University Hall) will accept new
applications as well as requests for
changes in contracts now in ef-
fect. These new applications and
changes become effective Decem-
ber 5, with the first payroll deduc-
tion on November 30. After Octo-

ber 15, no new applications or
changes can be accepted until
April 1948.
The School of Education Test-
ing Program: Thurs., Oct. 16,
Rackham Bldg., 4:30-6:15 p.m.
and 7:45-10 p.m. This testing
program is intended for all teach-
er's certificate candidates.
Applications for Grants in Sup-J
port of Research Projects:9
It is requested that faculty
members desiring grants from the
Research Funds in support of re-
search projects begin early in 1948C
to file their proposals in the Of- f
fice of the Graduate School by
Wednesday, October 15, 1947. Re-
quests for continuation of present
projects or for projects to be initi-
ated during the next fiscal year
should be made at a date earlye
next year to be announced later.
Application forms will be mailed 1
or can be obtained at the Secre-t
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
College of Literature, Science,
and the Arts, Schools of Edu-
cation, Forestry, Music and
Public Health.
Students who received marks1
of I, X or "no report" at the closee
of their last semester or summerk
session of attendance will receive
a grade of E in the course orF
courses unless this work is made
up by October 22. Students wish-
ing an extension of time beyondt
this date in order to make up thisI
work should file a petition ad-t
dressed to the appropriate offi-
cial in their school with Room 4
U.H. where it will be transmitted.;
Job Registration will be held on
Mon., Oct. 13, 4 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall. This applies to Feb- c
ruary, June and August graduates,
also to graduate students or staff
members who wish to register and
who will be available for positionsI
within the next year. The Bureau
has two placement divisions:'
Teacher Placement and General
Placement. The General Division
includes service to people seeking'
positions in business, industry, and
professions other than education.
It is important to register NOW
because employers are already;
asking for February and June
graduates. There is no fee for
registration. After the regular en-
rollment, however, a late registra--
tion fee of $1.00 is charged by the
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational Infor-
mation, 201 Mason Hall.
Teacher's Certificate Candidates
for February, June, and August,
1948: Registration with the Bur-
eau of Appointments and Occu-
pational Information is one of the
requirements for the teacher's cer-
tificate. Please read the preced-
ing item in the DOB for details
regarding registration.
University Community Center:
Willow Run Village.
Sunday, Oct. 5, 10:45 a.m.-Vil-
lage Church Fellowship; Interde-
nominational Service; Pre-School
Christian Education Nursery.
Monday, Oct. 6, 8:00 p.m.-Sew-
ing Club.
Tuesday, Oct. 7, 8:30 p.m...
Wives of Student Veterans' Club
sponsoring Goodytar's Fall Style
9:30-11:00 p.m.. .Bridgb Party.
Thursday, Oct. 9, 8:00 p.m.-
The New Art Group. Beginners
and advanced students invited.
University Lecture. Mr. Colin
Clark, Director of the Bureau of
Industry, government statistician,
and financial adviser, State of
Queensland, Australia, will lecture

on the subject, "Wealthy and Poor
Nations," at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Oct.
14; auspices of the Department of
Economics and the School of Busi-
ness Administration. The public
is cordially invited.
Academic Notices
History Language Examination
for the M.A. degree: Fri., Oct. 10,
4 p.m., Rm. B, Haven Hall. Each
student is responsible for his own
dictionary. Please register at the
E history office before taking the
History Final Examination make-
up: Sat., Oct. 11, 9 a.m., Rm. B,
Haven Hall. Students must come
with written permission of instruc-
Engineering Mechanics Seminar:I
The Engineering Mechanics De-
partment is sponsoring a series of
discussions on applied mechanics.
The next seminar will be at 4 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 7, Rm. 406, W. E. Bldg.
Mr. J. L. Edman will discuss the

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily]
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views1
expressed in letters are those ofthe
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director. .
Time To Act
To the Editor:
ONE CANNOT SAY whether, in
printing Stewart Alsop's article
of October 1, the reference to "a
future gibbon, industriously com-
piling his 'decline and fall of the
United States'," The Daily pur-
posely used the lower case by way
of bitter irony, or whether it came
out that way through a happy ac-
cident of typography.
In either case, nothing could
point up .the substance of our
times more dramatically than the
somber reflection that if the na-
tions cannot, or will not, do their
utmost to prevent another world
war, the histories of the future
may in fact have to be left to the
The fundamentals of American
policy toward the possible spread
of communism have for some time
been well defined and agreed upon
by Democrats and Republicans
alike. We fully realize that com-
munism must be contained within
its present limits and that we are
the only nation in a position to
take positive measures looking to
ths end. We know that the key
to the situation lies in preserving
the political independence of west-
ern Europe and that the only cerr
tain means of doing this is to
theory escapement mechanisms of
clocks with special attention to the
minimizing of time errors. }
Group Representation Seminar:
Mon., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., 3011 AH.
Prof. R. M. Thrall Will speak on
Modular Characters of Groups.
Orientation Seminar: Next meet-
ing Mon., Oct. 6, 7 p.m., Rm. 3001,
Angell Hall. Use of Library, ques-
tion and answer period.
Freshman Health Lectures for
It is a University requirement
that all entering freshmen take a
series of Health Lectures and
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elgewhere, which
has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are requested
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditoium at
4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m.
as per the following schedule:
Lecture 1-Mon., Oct. 6
Lecture 2-Tues.,Oct. 7
Lecture 3-Wed., Oct. 8
Lecture 4-Thurs., Oct. 9
Lecture 5-Mon., Oct. 13
Lecture 6-Tues., Oct. 14
Lecture 7 (Final Exam.)-Wed.,
Oct. 15.
Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Enrollment will be held at the
first lecture.
Choral Union Concert. Karin
Branzell, contralto, assisted by
Donald Comrie, pianist, will give
the following prpgram in the
opening Choral Union concert
Wednesday night, October 8, at
Program: Dido's Lament:
"When I am laid in Earth" from

"Dido and Aeneas," Purcell; Sand-
mannchen, Brahms; Meine Liebe
ist grun, Brahms; Das Verlas-
sene Magdlein, Wolf; Gesang
Weyla's, Wolf;
Med en primula veris, Med en
vandlilie, En Svane, Og jeg vil ha
mig en hjertenskjaer-Grieg;
Der Lindenbaum, Fischerweise
Nachtviolen, Der Erlkonig-Schu-
The Cloths of Heaven, Th
Cherry Tree, Air de Lia, from
"L'Enfant Prodigue"-Debussy.
A limited number of tickets for
this concert and for several of the
concerts in the series are avail-
able at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society, Burton Me-
morial Tower.
Architecture Building. Prints
Contemporary American Artist
from the collection of W. W
J. Gores. Through October 10
Main floor.
The Museum of Art. MODERN

help restore the economic stability
of these countries. We even have,
in the Marshall Plan, a clear and
practical blueprint for doing the
The coming winter is sure to be
critical for Europe, perhaps even
decisive so far as the further ad-
vance of communism is concerned.
The discussion and debate given
to this matter has been more than
ample. It is now time to act.
-Cornel Frana
* * *
Willow Schools
To the Editor:
THE teacher from Rdss School
who questions the accuracy of
the Daily Willow Run stories has
gone astray. It is she, not the
Daily reporter, who is in error. If
Miss DeLaurier will take a walk in
the area of the Simmonds School
some day, she can verify the fol-
lowing facts. Simmonds School
lies not in all-Negro area, but in
an all-white area. The school is
bounded on the right by Rich-
mond Court, which lies just across
the street and is all-white with
the exception of one Negro family.
On the left the school is bounded
by the business and administra-
tive. Behind the school there is
open land. The nearest all-Negro
area is approximately half a mile
It is obvious that if the simple
principle of drawing boundary'
lines on the basis of distance had
been followed, Simmonds would be
a mixed school. I need not com-
ment on the rest of Miss De
Laurier's letter.
-Paul A. Bates
lated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York, through October
19; Alumni Memorial Hall; Daily,
except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5;
Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening,
7-9. The public is cordially in-
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Univer-
sity of . Michigan." October
through December, Museums
Building Rotunda.
Events Today
University Women Veterans As-
sociation: Bowling, 3 p.m., Michi-
gan Recreation, 525 E. Liberty.
Organizational meeting of all
persons interested in social psy-
chological problems: 7:30 p.m.,
Rm. 302, Michigan Union. Dr. Al-
vin Zander, School of Education,
will describe the Laboratory on
Group Development of Bethel,
Wesleyan Guild: Student Sem-
inar, 9:45 am., Pine Room. Dis-
cussion on "Revelation and the
Guild Meeting, 5:30 p.m., in the
Lounge. "The Christian Student
on Campus," student panel led by
Prof. J. L. Brumm. Supper and
fellowship afterwards.
Young Adult Fellowship, 7:45
p.m., Rm. 214. Dr. Kenna will be
the speaker. All graduate students
Unity: Sunday services, 11 a.m.,
Unity Chapel, 310 S. State St.
Subject: "Basic Peace." Student
discussion group, 7:30 p.m.
Coming Events
Science Research Club: October
meeting, 7:30 pm., Tues., Oct. 7,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program: Evolution of the
Western Cordillera, A. J. Eardley,
Department of Geology; Dicu-
marol, Ivan F. Duff, Department
of Internal Medicine. Meeting .

open to members only.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 6, West Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg. Margaret S. Og-
den will speak on the subject,
"Picture Collecting during the
17th Century in England."
Additional classical record con-
certs are now being given at the
e League, 2nd floor, from 5:15 to
n 6:15 p.m. every week on Monday
through Thursday. The concerts
r from 7 to 8 p.m. on these days will
e be continued. The time of the
- Sunday concerts has been in-
creased an hour, beginning at 4
p.m. instead of 5 p.m. Any re-
quests for program selections are
University Women Veterans As-
sociation: Mon., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m.,
s Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
. League.
Alpha Kappa Psi, Phi Chapter,
professional fraternity in com-
merce, economics and business ad-
ministration: Smoker, 7:30 p.m.,
Tues., Oct. 7, Chapter House, 1325
Washtenaw. All men interested
in becoming members of the fra-
ternity are invited.









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I All may vet be all right, Barnabv. .,



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