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October 04, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-04

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Fifty-Eighth Year

American Follies


Letters to the Editor ...

5 .

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Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick.................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick.................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited toit or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of .the writers only.

TB Protection

H EALTH SERVICE appeals to have non-
student personnel, who are most in
contact with students in their houses, x-
rayed to assure students of freedom from
contagious tuberculosis have produced little
or no results despite the fact that feeling
about protection runs high, as expressed
in a recent letter to The Daily.
The compulsory x-ray examinations
given to each student entering the Uni
versity eliminates the possibility of infec-
tion by new students. But doctors inter-
ested in public health feel that a poten-
tially dangerous source of infection stems
from non-student personnel who can be
carriers of tuberculosis in their strategic
positions in houses as housemothers,
porters, maids and particularly food
Tuberculosis 'is too great a risk to be
sacrificed to laxity. Laxity can be the only
explanation for ignoring the letters sent
to all houses by Dr. Warren E. Forsythe,
Director of Health Service. The low-cost
x-rays should be taken advantage of by
all sorority, fraternity, independent and
cooperative house managers who should be
as vitally concerned with student health
as are the Health Service officials.
-Lida Dailes.
At Hill Auditorium
Barrault, Arletty.
tion from France which concerns itself
with portraying the seamy side of 19th Cen-
tury Paris. Fundamentally, it is the story
of a romance between a pair of opposites-
an idealistic young actor and a lady of easy
virtue. As such, it is a good example of the
deft manner with which these Gauls handle
the love theme. But this theme is projected
upon such a large canvas that it frequently
slips completely into view while the camera
wanders more or less aimlessly into investi-
gations of several counter-themes. This sort
of thing leads, of course, to disunity and
strains the patience of the audience.
Aside from this criticism, however, Chil-
dren of Paradise is fit to stand with such
other recent French productions as It Hap-
pened at the Inn and The Well-Digger's
Daughter. A good deal of humor has been
injected into some back-stage scenes and
there are some cleverly conceived interludes
in pantomime. The photography meas-
ures up to the customary European stand-
ard, finding excellent subject matter in the
period costumes and, as you might expect,
several elaborate mob scenes. Jean-Louis
Barrault is cast as the enamored actor. His
performance is marked by its versatility.
Arletty, who is cast opposite Barrault an(I
who seems to be noticeably aging, still man-
'ages to play the comely young lady con-
The film runs to something in the vicinity
of two hours, but, unless you are chronically

THOSE MILLJONS of Americans who can-
not understand why despite our good
intentions and our material aid, Europeans
suspect us, should reflect on the election of
Argentina to the Security Council of the
United Nations.
Just stop and think-barely two years
after the conclusion of a costly defense
against world fascism, a majority of the
United Nations elect to the most impor-
tant office in that body-membership on
the Security Council-one of the two re-
maining fascist states that provided aid
and company to the Axis.
With the consent and indeed with the
positive vote of the United States.
One might almost think these delegations
had been bribed to do this by the Soviet
Union. Here is propaganda material which
Andrei Vishinsky does not have to invent. In
his next anti-American diatribe, the Russiaa
can lay off Walter Winchell and John Foster
Dulles and his usual line of fairy stories. He
can concentarate on one single fact: The
United States not only contrived to have
fascist Argentina admitted to the UN (in
contradiction to the treatment accorded.
Our Virtues
IN THE EXCHANGE of pleasantries now
going on between citizens of this country
and of the Soviet Union, I notice a tendency
on our part to become sentimental, in a
new kind of way, about such things as the
playing of baseball, and the eating of hot
dogs. High and special virtues are ascribed
to these activities, which they, in a measure,
deserve, for they are certainly amiable ways
of passing the time.
But there is a funny flavor of boastful
nationalism creeping into some of these
prose poems. A kind of inversion is taking
place; we are beginning to argue, not that
we play baseball and eat hot dogs because
we are nice people, but that we are nice
people because we play baseball and eat
hot dogs. We are beginning to ascribe
magical qualities to an interesting game
and a modest article of food, as if these
were the secret (rather than only an inci-
dental expression) of the differences be-
tween us and thers. We'd better be care-
ful about how we spread the goo.
Baseball is an admirable game, though
there are others as fine. It is ane of the best
of games from the spectators' viewpoint, for
the play is clear and open, and one can see
what is going on. -
It suffers a bit from an overwraught vo-
cabulary, with words like "slugging," "migh-
ty smash," "great explosion," etc., used to
describe a sport which is essentially non vio-
lent. (The contrast with the Spanish sport
of bull-fighting is very strong, for in this
one, in which you can really get killed, the
vocabulary is much like that used to discuss
the ballet.)
And the hot dog is good eating, though
there are at least forty national dishes,
own and foreign, which are better. I'd
hate to have my children growing up be-
lieving it was the best there was in the
food field, or that it had mystical proper-
ties, like the mandrake root.
No, if we are going to strut, let's do it
about those American qualities that really
matter. One of these, however, is that we
don't strut. I don't know quite how to de-
scribe it, but it's the kind of plain dig-
nity that goes, say, with early Federalist
It is Ben Franklin at the French court.
It is a one-room country school. It is a re-
publican lack of ostentation; it is self-re-
spect rather than self-glorification. It is
like the look of our postage stamps before
we began to make them fancy. It is like
the way Thomas Jefferson spent the day
on which the Declaration of Independence

was adopted making weather observations
with the help of a new thermometer; any-
body else, in a similar situation, in any
other country, would have spent the day
on a white horse, sweating under a plumed
hat. It is a plain, good, lovely thing.
As to how to get that quality into our for-
eign relations, I also don't quite know. To
resent an insult is part of it, and it was good
to protest the vicious attack on the President
in Moscow's "Literary Gazette." But to be-
come enraged because Russia will not admit
our traveling Senators, and to threaten to
keep Russian visitors out in retaliation, is
not part of it, for imitation is the sincerest
form of fear.
To admit refugees would be part of it,
because it always was part of it. To play
baseball and to eat hot dogs is part of it,
but to grow solemnly vocal about these
activities, and to build a mystique about
them is probably not part of it.
I guess in the end you need a kind of se-
curity inside to reach out for the quality I
mean, so unpretentious and so bombastic,
but so sound; something like the quality a
cabinet-maker needs to build a plain, useful
chair, without crest or gilt on it, that later
generations find to be exquisite. But if we
ever get to that quality, the world will know
it, and we will prosper accordingly.
(Copyright, 1947, N.Y. Post Syndicate)

fascist Spain) but actually connived at hav-
ing. Caudillo Peron placed among those
countries charged with the enforcement of
The culprit receives full pardon and a
seat on the world police force!
The American officials who made the
choice of voting for the least worthy of
the Latin American states to take the empty
place of Brazil will protest that this is
beastly unfair. They will explain that Ar-
gentina was the choice, not of the United
States( which wanted democratic Uruguay)
but a majority of the other American
Republics. If the United States reluctantly
concurred in this decision-they will say-
it was only because of previous engagements
taken at Rio or Chapultepec. Once we ac-
cepted the idea of a western hemispheric
bloc reaching decisions by democratic vot-
ing, there was nothing for Secretary Mar-
shall to do but accept the choice of the
majority of American Republics. That choice
happened to be Argentina-and there you
are. No reproaches, please.
It looks like pure vicuna-but it won't
In the first place, if the Latin Americans
could find no more worthy representative
than fascist Argentina, then we should drop
all this nonsense about their being "democ-
racies" and begin referring to them by
some less complimentary term.
In the second place, the United States
should have prevented the creation of a
Latin American voting bloc-an electoral
Tammany-with the U.N. Assembly. There
may or may not be a proper place for "re-
gional agreements" within the world organ-
ization. There is none for political machines
and regional caucuses. The only result of
the Latin-American voting bloc-if con-
tinued-will be to make other countries
refuse to submit their disputes to an or-
ganization where certain groups 'of states
more conspicuous by their numbers than
by their power, democracy or wisdom, can
decide the outcome.
In the third place, the United States ought
never to have agreed to abide by a decision
of the other American republics in any
matter which extends beyond the western
The election of a fascist state to the
UN Security Council is something that
far transcends the Americas. It concerns
the entire world. It weakens U.S. foreign
policy and prestige in areas which just
now are vital to the peace and security of
the world. If adherence to a hemispheric
bloc means that the hands of the United
States are to be tied in world affairs, then
hemispheric solidarity is being purchased
far too dearly. The sooner the American
Secretary of State disengages us from any
obligation to repeat the Argentine mis-
take, the better for us.
Unhappily the United States seems to be
playing the same sort of "dumb Penelope"
role in the Palestine dispute. With one-
hand, Washington somewhat half heart-
edly pushes for a final settlement of this
vital matter. With the other it blindly en-
courages the Moslem wolrld to make any
such solution impossible.
There was no reason to admit Syria or
Lebanon or Trans-Jordania to the UN until
the Palestine problem was settled. Now we
have gone still further and brought in a
dwarf state like Arab Yemen.
As a result, recently pardon'ed pro-Axis
Arab leaders are swollen to the point where
their spokesman, Jamal el Hussein, nephew
and beneficiary of the murderout Nazi mufti
of Jerusalem, threatens to "drench Pales-
tine in blood" if the Jews are given even
half of the territory that was promised them
during World War I! Each further act of
Akmerican appeasement to loud-mouthed
buddies of Adolf Hitler only makes any
settlement of the Palestine problem more
Ever since 1941, the American Adminis-
tration has been running with the Jewish
hare and following with the Arab hounds.
It is time to stop this double game.
It is now apparent that unless the United

States insists on a positive solution of the
Palestine problem and offers to take part
in enforcing it, there will be no solution.
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
THE SECOND World War was, above
everything, the proof of a mortal sick-
ness in the way of life by which we sought
to preserve the security of the foundations
of our civilization. Every civilization is in
serious danger when, as in ours, there is so
grave a disproportion between the material
power and the growth of that spiritual and
intellectual insight which makes possible
common agreement about the use of that
power. We could hold social relationships
in an uneasy equilibrium so long as faith
in some supernatural compensation for
earthly inequalities seemed to mitigate their
harshness. When that faith declined so
swiftly, we were driven to the impossible
task of finding a rational explanation for
differences which were mostly inexplicable
save in terms of laws intended themselves
to maintain those differences.
-Harold J. Laski
in Foreign Affairs Quarterly.

(Continued from Page 2)
ber 5, with the first payroll deduc-
tion on November 30. After Octo-
ber 15, no new applications or
changes can be accepted until
April 1948.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Ats: No courses
may be elected for credit after to-
Identification Cards: Any stu-
dent may leave a stamped self-
addressed envelope in the office of
Student Affairs, Room 2 Univer-
sity Hall before Oct. 4, in order to
have his identification card
mailed to him.
Approved Student Organiza-
tions, graduate and undergrad-
uate, planning to be active for the
school year 1947-48 may secure an
organization recognition card by
filing a directory card, listing of-
ficers of the group. It is requested
that either the president or sec-
retary file this information for the
organization before October 6,
1947. Directory cards are avail-
able in the Office of Student Af-
fairs, Rm. 2, University Hall. All
groups for which no Directory
card is filed are assumed to be
inactive for the present school
Honor Societies are requested to
submit a list of officers to the
Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 2,
University Hall, before October 6,
Women's Housing Applications
for Spring Semester, 1948:
1. Women students now living
in dormitories are reminded that
their present contracts extend
through the spring semester, 1948.
Requests for release wil be con-
sidered by the Office of the Dean
of Women only until January 10,
2. Women students wishing to
remain in the same League Houses
they now occupy may request the
housemothers for spring contracts
immediately. Women students
now living in League Houses who
wish to move to other League
Houses for the spring semester
may secure application forms
from the Office of the Dean of
Women beginning November 1,
1947. Between November 1 and
15, those applicants will be re-
ferred to the first vacancies avail-
able for the spring semester.
3. New women students not now
on campus admitted to the Uni-
versity for the spring semester
will be given the opportunity to
apply for housing through the Of-
fice of the Dean of Women as fol-
a. A limited number of women
admitted as first semester fresh-
men for the spring may apply for
dormitory accommodations on
and after November 15, 1947.
b. All other women newly ad-
mitted, including those with ad-
vanced standing and graduate
students, may apply for supple-
mentary housing on or after No-
vember 15, 1947.
(Announcement of application
procedure for housing for fal 1948
will appear at a later date)
All veterans in training under
P.L. 16 are reminded that they
are required to file a report of ab-
sence. Those P.L. 16 trainees who
failed to obtain an absence re-
port card during registration
should obtain one at the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rm. 1514 Rack-
Former naval personnel (offi-
cer and enlisted) who were con-
nected with Communications Sup-
plementary Activity during the
war, and who are interested in
joining an organized reserve unit

on campus call Mr. Gray, tele-
phone 25-8433.
Applications for Grants in Sup-
port of Research Projects:
It is requested that faculty
members desiring grants from the
Research Funds in support of re-
search projects begin early in 1948
to file their proposals in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School by
Wednesday, October 15, 1947. Re-
quests for continuation of present
projects or for projects to be initi-
ated during the next fiscal year
should be made at a date early
next year to be announced later.
Application forms will be mailed
or can be obtained at the Secre-
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
All Students, Graduate and Un-
dergraduate, are notified of the
following re vised regulations
adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct:
The presence of women guests
in men's residences, except for
exchange and guest dinners or for

social events approved by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted. (This regulation obvious-
ly does not apply to mothers of
members.) Effective February,
Exchange and guest dinners
must be announced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date,
and are approved, chaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that they
are confined to the hours 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din-
ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun-
day dinners. Exchange dinners
are defined as meals in men's resi-
dences or women's residences at-
tended 'by representative groups
of members of approved organi-
zations of the other sex; guest
dinners are defined as meals in
men's residences and women's
residences attended by guests of
the other sex who may or may not
belong to University organiza-
The use or presence of intoxi-
cating liquors in student quarters
has a tendency to impair student
morale, and is contrary to the
best interests of the students and
of the University and is not per-
itted. Effective July, 1947.
Research openings in Mathe-
matics: There are at present sev-
eral openings for graduate stu-
dents to do research in mathe-
matics on a part-time basis for a
project in the Mathematics De-
partment, sponsored by the Office
of Naval Research. Topics cover-
ed include the following: random
processes and other problems in
probability, non-linear differential
equations, analytic functions, min-
imal surfaces, subharmonic func-
tions, and divergent series.
Openings are available at var-
ious levels of achievement, with
the majority at the dissertation
level. Interested persons (includ-
ing any who may have applied
last spring) should contact Prof.
R. M. Thrall, Rm. 3004, Angell
Hall, for further information.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Wil-
liam Resnick, Chemical Engineer-
ing; thesis: "Mass Transfer in
Beds of Fluidized Solids,"fSat.,
Oct. 4, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg.,
9:30 a.m. Chairman, R. R. White.
Doctoral Examination for Harry
Hammond Wilcox, Zoology; thesis:
"Description and Adaptive Modi-
fications of the Pelvic Muscula-
ture of the Loon, Gavia immer,"
Sat., Oct. 4, 3091 Natural Science
Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, A. H.
Graduate Students may not
elect course, after this week (Oct.
4). Courses may be dropped with
record after this week, but will be
recorded with the grade of E if
dropped after the eighth week of
Freshman Health Lectures for
It is a University requirement
that all entering freshmen take a
series of Health Lectures and
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elsewhere, which
has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are requested
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at
4 p.m. and repeated at 730 p.m.
as per he following schedule:

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
ADA's Aims
To the Editor:
THIS is the third in a series
of three letters designed to
acquaint students with the U. of
M. chapter of Americans for Dem-
ocratic Action: an organization of
progressives dedicated to the
achievement of economic security
and the expansion of social and
political freedom through educa-
tion and democratic political ac-
tion. It is the purpose of this let-
ter to outline ADA's position- on
some of the current international
USSR: Experience testifies to
the fact that appeasement is but-
the inspiration for aggression, but
neither continuous surrender nor
Soviet Union offer hope of world
indescriminate resistance, to the
harmony. We therefore favor a
policy based on an understanding
of the legitimate claims of Russia
and a resolute determination to
sacrifice no interest vital to the
growth of democracy or the de-
velopment of the UN.
PALESTINE: We are for the es-
tablishment of a national Jewish
homeland in Palestine, and for the,
immediate admission of the home-
less Jews of Europe. We therefore
favor the recently proposed pro-
gram of partition of Palestine into
separate Jewish and Arab states.
GREAT BR4TAIN: In our deal-
ings with foreign nations, we must
not insist that capitalism is neces-
sarily a pre-requisite of democ-
racy, nor equate democratic so-
cialism with dictatorship. We
thereforeefavormall possible polit-
ical and economic support for the
British Labor government in its
efforts to solve Enyland's grave
domestic difficulties; so long as
that government makes a sincere
effort to find democratic solutions
to Britain's colonial problems.
ARMAMENT: We favor the U.S.
proposal for internationalhdevel-
opment and control of atomic en-
ergy, and multi-lateral arms re-
ADA believes that the future
security of all nations lies in the
establishment of world govern-
ment. However, the greatest ob-
stacle to world government is to-
talitarianism; therefore we must
strive with all our resources to

relieve conditions of hunger, want
and insecurity which afford breed-
ing grounds for undemocratic ide-
--Bernard L. Goodman,
President, U. of M. ADA.
Prices ,,.
To the Editor:
THE DAILY'S Fred Schott has,
by his own efforts, labeled him-
self an apologist for the govern-
ment and a bumbling bachelor.
From Mr. Schott issues the clar-
ion call: CONSERVE FOOD. And
just who hasn't been conserving
ever since price controls were lift-
ed and inflation set in?
Mr. Schott is worried lest in-
dividual housekeeper " . . . sneak
into the stores practically unob-
served and buy to his or her hearts
content . . ." I would like to have
ostrich-like Mr. Schott tell me who
has that much money now that
steaks and butter have reached
the dollar mark.
Mr. Schott feels that reason for
ccnserving is the desperate situa-
tion abroad. That's a noble and
necessary cause to which I whole-
heartedly subscribe. However, the
situation existed last year-why
weren't plans made by the govern-
ment for dealing with this situa-
tion, and why wasn't the OPA
continued so that we would have
food to ease the European starva-
tion without necessitating hold-up
prices and scarcity of food.
This wholesale gibbering on the
subject of conserving food comes
from those who are attempting
to allay the suspicions of people
who are wondering who wanted
the OPA ended and for what pur-
In the summer of 1946 house-
wives in Detroit, Chicago and New
York formed demonstrations ard
picketed stores to protect the
manipulation in Congress by the
National Association of Manu-
facturers who contrived the de-
mise of OPA.
Now Mr. Schott is telling these
same women that if they weren't
so extravagant prices would come
down. Mr. Schott you need an
elementary economics course, you
need to be informed about our
"free enterprise" system whereby
industrialists dictate to the gov
ernment and further you need
contact with life. I suggest you
station yourself in any big chain
store and observe shoppers as they
buy margarine instead of butter,
hailburger instead of steak and
as they select the cheapest avail-
able quality for all foods pur-
-Mrs. Eleanor Frein

Oct. 15.

1-Mon., Oct. 6
2-Tues.,Oct. 7
3-Wed., Oct. 8
4-Thurs., Oct. 9
5-Mon., Oct. 13
6-Tues., Oct. 14
7 (Final Exam.)-Wed.,

sene Magdlein, Wolf; Gesang
Weyla's, Wolf;
Med en primula veris, Med en
vandlilie, En Svane, Og jeg vil ha
mig en hjertenskjaer-Grieg;
Der Lindenbaum, Fischerweise.
Nachtviolen, Der Erlkonig-Schu-
The Cloths of Heaven, ThE
Cherry Tree, Air de Lia, from
"L'Enfant Prodigue"-Debussy.
A limited number of tickets for
this concert and for several of the
concerts in the series are avail-
able at the offices of the Univer-
sity Musical Society, Burton Me-
morial Tower.
"Natural History Studies at the
Edwin S. George Reserve, Univer-
sity °bf Michigan." October
through December, Museums
Building Rotunda.
The Museum of Art. MODERN
lated by the Museum of Modern
Art, New York, through October
from the Office of Student Af-
fairs, through October 4. Alumni
Memorial Hall: Daily, except Mon-
day, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5;
Wednesday, evening, 7-9. The pub-
lic is cordially invited.
Architecture Building. Prints.
Contemporary American Artists
from the collection of W. W.,
J. Gores. Through October 10.
Main floor.-
Events Today
Saturday Lunchton Discussion:
12:15, Lane Hall. For reservations
call 4121 Ext. 2148 before 10 a.m.
Art Cinema League and Campus
Chapter American Veteran's Com-
mittee present a great first-run
French film CHILDREN OF PAR-
ADISE. English titles, Sat., Oct.
4, 8:30 p.m. Office open 2 p.,m.
Phone 4121, Ext. 479. HILL AUDI-
Coming Events
Additional classical record con-

certs are now being given at the
League, 2nd floor, from 5:15 to
6:15 p.m. every week on Monday
through Thursday. The concerts
from 7 to 8 p.m. on these days will
be continued. The time of the
Sunday concerts has been in-
creased an hour, beginning at 4
p.m. instead of 5 p.m. Any re-
quests for program selections are
Science Research Club: October
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues,, Oct. 7,
Rackham Amphitheatre.
Program: Evolution of the
Western Cordillera, A. J. Eardley,
Department of Geology; Dicu-
marol, Ivan F. Duff, Department
of Internal Medicine. Meeting
open to members only.
Women's Research Club: 8 p.m.,
Mon., Oct. 6, West Lecture Room,
Rackham Bldg. Margaret S. Og-
den will speak on the subject,
"Picture Collecting during the
17th Century in England."
Graduate History Club; Tues.,
Oct. 7, 8 p.m., Clements Library.
Discussion of the plans and pur-
poses of the Club, by Prof. Throop.
Refreshments. Graduate students
in History are invited.
University Women Veterans As-
sociation: Mon., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m.,
Grand Rapids Room, Michigan
University Women Veterans As-
sociation: Bowling, Sun., Oct. 5,
3 p.m., Michigan Recreation, 525
E. Liberty.
Organizational meeting of all
persons interested in social psy-
chological problems: Sun., Oct. 5,
7:30 p.m., Rm. 302, Michigan Un-
ion. Dr. Alvin Zander, School of
Education, will describe theLab-
oratory on Group Development of
Bethel, Maine.
Scabbard and Blade: Mon., Oct.
6, 8 p.m., Rm. 100, ROTC Head-
Acolytes: .East .Conference
Room, Rackham Bldg., Mon., Oct.
6, 7:30 p.m. Jury panel discussion
on the subject "What Character-
izes a Good Philosopher?" Open
to the public.
Sigma Rho Tau, the engineers'

Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Enrollment will be held at the
first lecture.
Group Representation Seminar:
Mon., Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., 3011 AH.
Prof. R. M. Thrall will speak on
Modular Characters of Groups.
Choral Union Concert. Karin
Branzell, contralto, assisted by
Donald Comrie, pianist, will give
the following program in the
opening Choral Union concert
Wednesday night, October 8, at
Program: Dido's Lament:
"When I am laid in Earth" from
"Dido and Aeneas," Purcell; Sand-
mannchen, Brahms; Meine Liebe
ist grun, Brahms; Das Verlas-


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F Baseball: The opiate of the people?

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