-- _._ THE MICHIGAN DAILY rRTDAY, OC ODIA 8,_1947 - _ _. MATTER OF FACT: Miracle Needed Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Editorial Stafff John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Clyde Recht ........ ..................City Editor Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Eunice Mintz ...................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ....................... Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Business Staff Nancy Helmick.......... General Manager Jeanne Swendeman ........Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all new dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other '.matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Freedom T raina T ISN'T OFTEN that a railroad train gets a chance to be controversial and the Free- dom Train is making the most of a rare opportunity, The Freedom Train has taken on all the various aspects of a gigantic promo- tion stunt. Reams of publicity material flow regularly to all newspapers. Special films are shown in all movie theaters as advance publicity. Heart-warming editor- fpli are written by editors who feel that all this effort deserves some recognition. By this time almost every literate citizen is aware that a special fire-extinguishing system has been installed in the train. He is ignorant if he does not realize that the precious documents are protected by fire- resistant, water-resistant and shatterproof plastic. If he is the observing type, he will be able to reel off the fact that there are 41 crew members, of whom 24 are U.S. Marines assigned to guard duty. Facing such an array of unrelated facts and public relations, which is journalese for "whooping it up," the average citizen might have a little difficulty in ascertain- ing the more significant purpose of the tour. He will be further confused accord- ing to what newspapers he reads or what commentators he hears. In fact, we ourselves are not sure whether the Freedom Train is going to be a breeding- place for Communists or a cover-up for the National Association of Manufacturers. But we are not too worried about it. Somehow we can't see what difference it can make if they let a few Communists look at the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution-even if they do take advantage of "freedom of speech and assembly." And somehow we can't see the CIO and the AFL being duped into co-sponsorship of a tour which is in reality a cover-up for the NAM. . From where we stand, a visit to the Free- dom Train looks like an unprecedented op- portunity for the citizens of the United States. Liberals, conservatives, "middle-of- the-roaders"-even "pinks" and "diehards" -must realize that the documents which the Freedom Train will exhibit to the American people are the foundations of a govern- mental system which has given us more freedom and prosperity than that enjoyed by any other people on earth. At the same time, we would be foolish to let it go at that. There are documents, yet unwritten, some perhaps not yet vi- sioned, that will some day ride the Free- dom Train. There are a lot of people to whom freedom is not much more than something politicians talk about. There are a lot of people who have noticed that a slow freight often makes a lot more noise than a crack passenger express. Right now the Freedom Train is being made a playground for issues-everything from racial prejudice to the Taft-Hartley Labor Bill. And everyone has his own inter- pretation of the motives behind the current tour. Most of them aren't complimentary. Staring at an old historical document is a lot like shaking hands with a celebrity, but the Emancipation Proclamatbn is big enough to outdraw most celebrities. Maybe we're being played for suckers but we would kind of like to see the Freedom Train stop here in Ann Arbor some day. -John Campbell By STEWART ALSOP WASHINGTON-The genius for anti-cli- max which is one of President Harry S. Truman's most notable characteristics has served to obscure the great importance of the decisions taken at this week's White House conference between the Administra- tion and Congressional leaders. At his press conference after the meeting, the President seemed to say that while a desperate crisis is clearly upon us, the Administration has no real plan for dealing with it. In point of fact, the Administration has a plan. It is a plan which involves a calculated risk, a risk which is very great. Yet the plan has at least been made after a careful assessment of the political dangers of any other course. What in fact emerged from the White House meeing was a complete schedule of action. Although it is, of course, subject to change, this timetable calls for the hearings of Senator Arthur Vandenberg's Foreign Relations Committee and Repre- Booths and Bikes TIHE UNtVERSITY campus is gradually becoming a thriving market center filled with bicycles and booths. Booths are sprouting everywhere, motor bikes and pedaled bikes whiz by and thou- sands of students struggle to get through bottlenecks like the Engineering Arch. Just like a helpless fish-market when the ships come in! Getting off the campus during the lunch hour calls for the line-bucking prowess of Capt. Bruce Hilkene of the Wolverine football team! University employees have difficulty keep- ing their regular working hours because of the time it takes to cross the campus. "It was so crowded, I had to just stand and wait," one University employee said in describing the situation at the Engineering Arch Tuesday noon. "Bicycles dined the inside of the arch and there were two booths (Michiganensian pica ture appointments and the Engineering Council's King Cole Trio Dance) opposite each other at one end of the Arch," she explained. "Once in the crowd, I couldn't even move," she said. Three factors combine to make the cam- pus appear to be a market-place: 1. Booths placed indiscriminately in bottleneck positions. 2. Students riding bicycleson campus sidewalks. 3. Bicycles parked like bushes around classroom buildings. It is time for the Student Legislature to step in and take positive action. Rules set up to prohibit the use of bicycles on campus should be vigorously enforced. A special standing committee of the Legis- lature should be set up to regulate the erec- tion of booths on campus. Booths should be distributed over the campus so they can- not strangle traffic lanes. To correct this situation effectively would be one of the best ways the Student Legis- lature could serve the students on campus- for now students should carry shopping bags and shin guards! -Craig H. Wilson. CURRENT MOVIES At the StateĀ®... THE MICHIGAN KID, with Jon Hall, Rita Johnson and Victor McLaughlin. WHY THE HERO of a story that takes place in Rawhide, Arizona, should be called The Michigan Kid goes unexplained in this saga of the wild west, but Jon Hall does our state proud. Discharged from the Indian Wars, he heads for the quiet ranch life, but en route becomes involved in a stage coach robbery. The next two reels are de- voted to clearing his good name, getting the hidden money to the right gal, and ac- quiring said gal in the process. Victor Mc- Laughlin and Anay Devine provide the heavy villain stuff, while Rita Johnson goes through considerable anguish to recover her just inheritance. The title alone should warn away those who want culture and drama for their hard earned pesoes, but to that unique cult that thrive on western lore, this is good red meat. At the Michigan 0 WOMEN ON THE BEACH, with Robert Ryan, Joan Bennett and Charles Bick- ford. TAKE THPEE PEOPLE with large-sized maladjustments, quantities of dashing sea, sand-swept beach and some crashing mood music; mix well, and you will likely come out with just such a psychopathic yarn as this. On the much used beach set, Coast Guardsman Robert Ryan, who is upset by his war experiences, encounters Joan Ben- nett, an equally agitated individual. Charmed by her Lorelei song, he makes it sentative Charles A. Eaton's Foreign Af- fairs Committee to end toward the middle of November. It is hoped that the House and Senate Appropriations Committees will complete their work by the end of the month. If the four committees can work on this tight schedule-and Vandenberg and Eaton wvill try to complete their work in a matter of days-then a special session of Congress will be called on or near Dec. 1. And at the White House conference the President clear- ly indicated his hope that the Congress will approve the desperately needed appropria- tion by Dec. 25, or by the new year at the latest. Asked by one of the Congressional leaders who will take responsibility for call- ing the special session, Truman firmly re- plied, "the President of the United States." Thus the meeting accomplished far more decisive results than has generally been sup- posed. Truman himself set the grave tone of the conference. He spoke briefly of the nature of the European crisis, calling it the most serious which has ever confronted the United States and saying that the stakes for which the United States was playing in western Europe were higher even than those of the two world wars. Then Secretary of State George C. Marshall spoke, for no more than three or four minutes. Soberly and un- dramatically, he described the real meaning to this country of the economic and political chaos which would ensue in Europe if the United States failed to act in time. Char- acteristically unimpassioned though he was, Marshall left a deep impression on his listeners. He was followed by Under Secretary of State Robert A. Lovett. At Marshall's request, Lovett filled in the factual back- ground of the crisis. Gravely, with an im- pressive grasp of detail, Lovett talked and answered questions. Before he had fin- ished, few doubts lingered ofrthe reality of the crisis or of the need for action. Yet grave doubts remained that action could be taken in time on the schedule out- lined by the President. The President and his advisers had concluded that it was bet- ter to take the risk of calling the special session at the last moment, rather than to call it earlier and risk the wrecking of the whole American foreign policy by a Con- gressional refusal to act. Yet it is privately admitted that even if the Administration timetable is adhered to, there is a fearful risk that American action will come too late. As Under Secretary Lovett has pointed out, there will be at least a month -the month of December-in which the pipeline will run dry, and in which the French and Italian people will be face to face with starvation. In December, the French and Italian Communist parties are expected to redouble their efforts. But will Congress stick even to the risky Administration timetable? At the White White House meeting, one of the Congres- sional leaders asked the President whether, on the basis of his own experience as a Sen- ator, he could really expect the Congress to act on so grave a matter within a mere three or four weeks. His point gained weight when, after Congressional plodding, it was reluc- tantly admitted that the stopgap aid could not be the only business before the Con- gress. It will almost certainly be necessary to request not only $246,000,000 to under- write British dollar costs in Germany, but possibly as much as $300,000,000 for in- creased American occupation costs. Thus more than a billion dollars will have to be asked, and as a mere first installment, from an economy-minded Congress, its resistance already stiffened by ominous reports from home that more and more people are blaming high grocery bills on "all this foreign spend- ing." Finally, by the time Congress is called, the Presidential election will be less than a year away. As one of the Congressional leaders remarked after the meeting, "It will take a miracle." Yet miracles have happened, when mira- cies have been essential. "We've got to re- member," said the aging Charles Eaton, toward the end of the White House meeting, "that we will be taking action against the background of the most terrible crisis this country has ever faced. Let's remember that, and forget about November, 1948." Perhaps Eaton's advice will be followed. (Copyright 1947, New York Herald Tribune) WE AMERICANS today face a challenging opportunity, perhaps the greatest ever offered to a single nation. It is nothing less than a chance to use our full strength for the peace and freedom of the world. This opportunity comes when many of us are confused and unready. Only two years ago we triumphantly ended the greatest war in history. Most of us then looked forward eagerly to the relative realization of peace. Reluctantly we have now come to under- stand that victory and peace are not syn- onymous. Over large areas of the world we have nothing better than armed truce; in some places there is open fighting; everywhere men know that there is yet no stable settlement. Close on the heels of vic- tory has loomed a new world crisis. .-Henry L. Stimson, in Foreign Affairs Quarterly BILL MA UL DIN NEW MEXICO-I fell into con- and scrub brush in the vicinity. He had understood that western gntemantfomnhenasFt Coasht.stirrups are longer than those in1 gentleman fron the East Coast, the East. but the stirrups issued who had a noisy and stinging him had evidently been adjusted7 opinion of western horses and to fit a very tall man, because my western riding customs in general. acquaintance said he couldn't even Having grown up in this state, touch them with his toes after and having learned what little I he was aboard the horse. Not that know of horsermanship here, I it mattered. Stirrups are designed think all styles of riding but the to help keep you steady, relaxed,. western style are designed for and balanced, and anyone who ornamental rather than useful could sit a rocking chair could sit purposes. I have never been able this horse.because he moved very to understand the point of strad- slowly. dling a horse with an English i saddle the size of a postage stamp, The gentleman had been sus-" with stirrups so short your knees picious of the horse's quality when almost poke you in the chin, and the creature yawned and displayed hoisting. your bottom into the almost toothless gums, and had air this is called -"posting") every become even more suspicious when time your mount takes a step. So he noticed harness scars around I was naturally curious to know the animal's hide, denoting long what caused this gentleman's out- years in plowing service. He un- burst. derstood why the customers were * C *taken out in single file when he It seems he rides a great deal at realized that the horse was so home, eastern style, and when he aged it had a hard time seeing found himself in the West, he was anything but the rump of the anxious to try doing things the horse ahead, and might have be- western way. He went to a rather come lost on a solo trip. The years well-known riding stable not far of plowing had made the horse's from Santa Fe, paid an exorbitant hoofs so large that he had trouble price for the rental of a horse and negotiating hills. The gentleman saddle, and was put in line 'ith told me he led the horse most of a lot of other tourists (few of the way, because he didn't have whom knew how to ride) for a the heart to add his weight to the guided ramble through the hills burden of its years. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). FRIDAY, October 3, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 10 Notices Faculty, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: October Faculty meeting,AMon., Oct. 6, 4:10 p.m., Rm. 1025, Angell Hall. Hayward Keniston AGENDA 1. Consideration of the minutes of the meeting of June 2, 1947 (pp. 1360-1361). 2. Presentation of new mem- bers. 3. Resolutions for Professors I. D. Scott and C. B. Vibbert. 4. Memorials for Prof. Emeritus Morris P. Tilley and Prof. David Owen. 5. Consideration of reports sub- mitted with the call to this meet- ing. a. Executive Committee-Prof. William Haber. b. University Council-Prof. A. W. Bromage. No report. c. Executive Board of the Grad- uate School-Prof. K. K. Landes. d. Senate Advisory Committeel on University Affairs-Prof. R. V.1 Churchill. No report. e. Deans' Conference - Dean Hayward Keniston. No report. 6. Report of the Dean on salary adjustments. 7. Announcements. 8. New business. Faculty, College of Engineering: Faculty meeting, Mon., Oct. 6, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 311, W. Engineering Bldg. Choral Union Ushers: The fol-t lowing report at Hill Auditorium 4:30 to 5:30 today for Main Floor assignments: Ablin, Arthur R.; Anderson, Hod.; Anderson, M. W.; Aquilina, Peter; Athay, Mary Jean; Beach, Neil W.; Bender, Richard M.; Bergmann, John G.; Brandeis, Erich; Brandt, R. W.; Chase, Allen H.; Collins, W.; Coughey, Patricia; De la Torre, Jose; Dexter, Mary Jane; Dexter, W. D.; Doctor, Mar- ilyn; Edmunds, William; Essen- burg, Frank; Essenburg, Mrs. Frank; Fries, Carol; Garwood, Victor P.; Goldfarb, Shirley; Goldfarb, Stuart; Goren, Alvin; Grey, Mary Ann B.; Guttentag, Joseph ; Hahn, Mary Alice; Harner, Jackie; Harper, Jacqueline; Hew- itt, Ned E.; Hitchcock, H. Wiley; Howland, Bob; Howland; June; Hultquist, Aline; Hultquist, Har- old; Kleymeyer, Martha; Kuzel, William; Laetz, Ernest C.; Laetz,r M's. Ernest C.; Lowry, William H.; McIntosh, Donald B.; Malkus, Hu- bert Paul; Marheine, Edward A.; Mehlman, Gerald Jay; Merrill, Mary; Muhlbach, Nick; O'Hern, William C.; Pasquariello, A. M.; Prange, Ar- thur J. Jr.; Puglisi, Elizabeth A.; Rasmussen, Robert; Redder, Worth; Richter, H.; Roulier, Phi- lippe; Sadowski, Faith; Shadford,. W. C.; Sislock, Robert; Stewart, James R.; Stockwell, Priscilla; Suthergreen, Bruce B.; Thompson, James P.; Thoresen, Robert W.; Vetter, George; Walker, Jean; Walker, Betty; Wenk, Corrine. Choral Union Ushers: The fol- lowing report at Hill Auditorium 4:30 to 5:30 today for First Bal- cony assignments: Albert, Allan H.; Augsburger, Daniel; Barna, Betty M.; Berg, Noreen; Beyer, Elnora M.; Bos- key, Ira M.; Bowers, Gerald; Coughey, Reed J.; Curtis, Jean; Davis, Joan J.; Desai, R. P.; Diet- rich, Shelby; Dobbins, Edith; Dol- an, Nancy; Dvorman, Naomi; Eg- gerth, Helen; Fahrenkopf, Geral- dine; Feldman, B. O.; Fontaine, Howard F.; Fletcher, Marilyn; Gaborne, Jacquelyne; Gerlach,' John R.; Haber, Sylvia; Hamilton, David R.; Herrigel, Bruce D.; Hewitt, Beth Ann; Hills, Charles; House,, Clyde V.; Hoyt, C. Jay; Kantor, M.; Keck, Marilyn; King, Jean; Landy, Harriet; Leeder, Robert W.; Leistma, Mrs. R.; Lewis, Bar- bara; Literaty, Nadine M.; McIn- tosh, Harold; MacMillan, William M.; Marx, Helen; Mast, Virginia; E Morey, Claire; Morgan, Jean; Naymik, Mrs. Anne M.; Naymik, Daniel; Patton, Nancy; Porter, Stephanie; Puff, Harold; Ranganathan, G. S.; Schoen- feld, Barbara; Schutt, Jean; Schwendener, Ben; Shube, Mar- ilyn; Smith, Phyllis; Swarthout, Nelson; van der Harst, Marria; Vasunia, D. F.; Weinberger, Mel- va; Worth, Mrs. Phyllis; Wyman, Irma M. University Directory changes of address and phone number must be reported this week., Ira M. Smith, Registrar To Deans, Directors, Departmentj Heads, and Others Responsiblej for Payrolls: Payrolls for the Fall Semester are ready for approval. Please call in Room 9, University hall before October 15. Prompt action will help the Payroll Department com- plete their rolls for October. All veterans in training under P.L. 16 are reminded that they are required to file a report of ab- sence. Those P.L. 16 trainees who failed to obtain an absence re- port card during registration should obtain one at the Veterans Service Bureau, Rm. 1514 Rack-] ham.I Identification Cards: Any stu- dent may leave a stamped self-] addressed envelope in tile office ofr Student Affairs, Room 2 Univer- sity Hall before Oct. 4, in order to have his identification card mailed to him. Women's Housing Applications for Spring Semester, 1948: 1. Women students now living in dormitories are reminded that their present contracts extend through the spring semester, 1948. Retiuests for release will be con- sidered by the Office of the Dean of Women only until January 10, 1948. 2. Women students wishing to remain in the same League Houses they now occupy may request the housemothers for spring contracts immediately. Women students now living in League Houses who wish to move toother League Houses for the spring semester may secure application forms from the Office of the Dean of Women beginning November 1, 1947. Between November 1 and 15, those applicants will be re- ferred to the first vacancies avail- able for the spring semester. 3. New women students not now on campus admitted to the Uni- versity for the spring semester will be given the opportunity to apply for housing through the Of- fice of the Dean of Women as fol- lows: a. A limited number of women admitted as first semester fresh- men for the spring may apply for dormitory accommodations on and after November 15, 1947. b. All other women newly ad- mitted, including those with ad- vanced standing and graduate students. may apply for supple- mentary housing on or after No- vember 15, 1947. (Announcement of application procedure for housing for fall 1948 will appear at a later date) Students, College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Courses may not be elected for credit after Saturday, October 4. Saturday, October 4, is therefore the last day on which new elections may be approved. The willingness of an instructor to admit a student later will not affect the operation - of this rule. Research openings in Mathe- matics: There are at present sev- eral openings for graduate stu- dents to do research in mathe- matics on a part-time basis for a project in the Mathematics De- partment, sponsored by the Office of Naval Research. Topics cover- ed include the following: random processes and other problems in probability, non-linear differential equations, analytic functions, min- imal surfaces, subharmonic func- tions, and divergent series. Openings are available at var- ious levels of achievement, with the majority at the dissertation level. Interested persons (includ- ing any who may have applied last spring) should contact Prof. R. M. Thrall, Rm. 3004, Angell Hall, for further information. Applications for Grants in Sup- port of Research Projects: It is requested that faculty members desiring grants from the Research Funds in support of re- search projects begin early in 1948 to file their proposals in the Of- fice of the Graduate School by Wednesday, October 15, 1947. Re- quests for continuation of present projects or for projects to be initi- ated during the next fiscal year should be made at a date early next year to be announced later. Application forms will be mailed or can be obtained at the Secre- tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham Building, Telephone 372. Married Veterans of World War H-University Terrace Apart- ments and Veterans' Emergency Housing Project. Opportunity will be provided Friday, October 3 for students in the above group to file application for residence in the University Terrace Apartments and the Vet- erans' Emergency Housing Project. At present there are no vacan- cies in these apartments, but ap- plications will be considered for future vacancies. Applications for residence in these apartments will be consid- I ered according to the following qualifications: 1. Only married veterans who are at present registered in the University may apply. 2. Only married veterans of World War II may apply. 3. Only Michigan residents may apply. (The Regents' definition of a Michigan resident follows. "No one shall be deemed a resident of Michigan for the purpose of reg- istration in the University unless he or she has resided in this state six months next preceding the date of proposed enrollment.") 4. Veterans who have incurred physical disability of a serious na- ture will be given first consider- ation. A written statement from Dr. Forsythe of the University Health Service concerning such disability should be included in the application. 5. Only students who have com- pleted two terms in this Univer- sity may apply. (Summer session is considered as one-half term.) 6. Students who are admitted to these apartments may in no case occupy them for a period longer than two years, 7. Length of overseas service will be an important determin- ing factor. 8. In considering an applicant's total length of service, A.S.T.P., V-12, and similar programs will be discounted. 9. If both husband and wife are veterans of World War II and the husband is a Michigan resident and both are enrolled in the Uni- versity their combined application will be given special consideration. 10. Each applicant must file with his application his Military Record and Report of Separation. Married veterans of World War II who have filed applications for the Terrace Apartments prior to October 1, 1947 should not apply again, since their applications are being processed in terms of the above qualifications. Office of Student Affairs Room 2, University Hall All Students, Graduate and Un- dergraduate, are notified of the following revised regulations adopted by the Committee on Stu- dent Conduct: The presence of women guests in men's residences, except for exchange and guest dinners or for social events approved by the Of- fice of Student Affairs, is not per- mitted. (This regulation obvious- ly does not apply to mothers of members.) Effective February, 1947. Exchange and guest dinners must be announced to the Office of Student Affairs at least one day in advance of the scheduled date, and are approved, chaperoned or unchaperoned, provided that they are confined to the hours 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din- ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun- day dinners. Exchange dinners are defined as meals in men's resi- dences or women's residences at- tended by representative groups of members of approved organi- zations of the other sex; guest dinners are defined as meals in men's residences and women's residences attended by guests of the other sex who may or may not belong to University organiza- tions. The use or presence of intoxi- cating liquors in student quarters has a tendency to impair student morale, and is contrary to the best interests of the students and of the University and is not per- itted. Effective July, 1947. Former naval oersonnel (offi- cer and enlisted) who were con- nected with Communications Sup- plementary Activity during the war, and who are interested in joining an organized reserve unit on campus call Mr. Gray, tele- phone 25-8433. College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, Schools of Edu- cation, Forestry, Music and Public Health. Students who received marks of I, X or "no report" at the close of their last semester or summer session of attendance will receive a grade of E in the course or courses unless this work is made up by October 22. Students wish- ing an extension of time beyond this date in order to make up this work should file a petition ad- dressed to the appropriate offi- cial in their school with Room 4 U.H. where it will be transmitted. Undergraduate women: Each organized undergraduate women's residence is required to choose a house president and to establish quiet hours by the end of the sec- ond week of classes. The names of the house director, president, and signout sheet official (if A person other than the president is in charge of these), and a list of quiet hours must be turned in to the Women's Judiciary Council, Undergraduate Office, Michigan League, by Friday, October 3. This applies to all dormitories, sorori- ties, and league houses where un- dergraduate women reside. Women's Judiciary Council Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Wil- liam Resnick, Chemical Engineer- ing; thesis: "Mass Transfer in Beds of Fluidized Solids," Sat., Oct. 4, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 9:30 a.m. Chairman, R. R. White. Doctoral Examination for Harry Hammond Wilcox, Zoology; thesis: "Description and Adaptive Modi- fications of the Pelvic Muscula- ture of the Loon, Gavia immer," Sat., Oct. 4, 3091 Natural Science Bldg., 1:30 p.m. Chairman, A. . Stockard. Freshman Health Lectures for Women: BARNABY .. Barnaby, is this one of Hello, Shrdlu ...i'm glad the Press, at loast, realizes the impartance of4 3ut it isn't much of a rally, is it? 11 Of course. I knew it couldn't be.