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October 02, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-02

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uUMBER z, 1947


0I1 ifrtiwgu Yeai
Fi fty-Eighth Year

Cause and Effect

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Stafff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ..............Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent .................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
We Hare a Part
PRESIDENT TRUMIAN has called on Con-
gressional committees on appropriations
and foreign affairs to meet "as soon as possi-
ble" to consider the economic needs of Eur-
ope. He said that unless $6 million is appro-
priated soon, the key countries of Europe
Will collapse, and with them any hope of
putting the Marshall Plan into operation.
By December, if nothing is done, Europe will
face a winter without food and without fuel,
and without any resources to fall back on.
Aside from the humanitarian reasons
for immediate and generous action, there
are reasons why, for the future of the U.S.,
it is imperative that action be taken now.
It is generally accepted by economists that
the prosperity of the U.S. is inextricably tied
up with the prosperity of Europe, and that
U.S. surplus goods must go to foreign mar-
kets or both Europe and the U.S. will experi-
ence depressions like those following World
War I, and culminating in the depression of
the thirties. With inflation already making
itself felt in this country, the obvious thing
to do would be to give ourselves temporary
respite by easing off on the exports, thus
lowering prices and allowing production to
catch up to spending. But we are convinced
that in the long run that policy would prove
palliative, not a cure, and that it would
ventuate in more difficulties than it solved.
If adequate measures are not taken now to
restore Europe's dollar credits, and to end
the starvation now going on, any hopes we
may entertain for Europe's political stability,
or for anything but an armed truce between
Russia and the U.S., are worse than useless.
Until we make sure that Europe has the
wherewithal to play its economic role, Amer-
ican armies will find permanent occupation
a necessity, and the consequences may in-.
volve remote-control warfare of a sort that
will make the atomic bomb look like a Fourth
July celebration.
In a situation 'like this, it is easy for
the student and the professor to pass the
uck: "After all, what can we do-we only
have one vote each." Actually, however,
the faculty and students of every univer-
sity can and should do something more
than trot down to the polls on election
day and vote the straight party ticket.
It is high time the various student associ-
tions for political action collaborated on a

int program. Whether or not each organ-
,ation includes communists, surely the ma-
r cy of the members are able and willing
to get together and draft a resolution to be
sent to (he Congressional committees, signi-
fying the desire of the students of the Uni-
rsity of Michigan that immediate and ade-
uate aid be provided for Europe. We can't
o any more, but neither can we conscient-
ously do less.
-Phil Dawson
O NATION whose citizens trade and
travel-that is to say, no nation which
es in neighborhood with other nations--
d consider whether or not it will be a
ber of the community of nations. It
not help itself. It may be a good mem-
or a bad member, but it is a member
eason of the simple fact of neighbor-
life and intercourse. The Bolshevik

ONE READS of the fascist street meetings
in London (every Sunday at Dalston)
with a shock of recognition. The young men
in black sweaters and black ties, raising
their arms in the fascist salute and chant-
ing: "Down with communism" sound like
something out of Berlin in '31. One has the
feeling one is reading an old diary, not to-
day's newspaper. The anti-fascists, crowd-
ing in as close as the police let them, and
shouting: "Down with fascism" also have an
old-fashioned sound. Why should anybody
have to chant: "Down with fascism" on the
streets of post-blitz London, which knows
what fascism is, and which played so great
a part in downing it?
There was a similar scene in Rome on
Sunday, when the fascist salute was seen
again on the streets of
uf Italy's capital, little
more than two years
after the end of the
war against fascism. It
was not so long since
Mussolini was hung up-
side down on a hook,
like a pig, and here
they are in the streets
What can they hope
to accomplish? Fascism
is the biggest flop in history. But it is not
just the memories of Hitler and Mussolini
that these repulsive young men of London
;RESIDENT TRUMAN'S campaign for
voluntary food rationing may be more
effective than seems possible.
Although the individual housekeeper who
can sneak into the stores practically unob-
served and buy to his or her hearts content
may detract from the program's effective-
nessfpublic food dispensers will be more
Restaurants, hotels, dormitories will be
under public observation. They will be
forced, for the most part, to "meet the need
of starving people abroad."
In addition, if the food conservation pro-
gram drives prices down, as the President
and Schwellenbach think, certainly some
people will have incentive for conserving.
There is also a group of people who will
conserve voluntarily because they believe
Sen. Vandenberg's analysis of the situation
is correct: "The immediate question is one
of elemental human survival in a free soci-
The food situation is desperate; if the
public cannot be convinced of it by reports
from abroad, they can be shamed into con-
serving by the loud disapproval of those
who know what must be done.
-Fred Schott
Tips and Tub-Thumpers
Tip Probabilities
probabilities figured to a nicety.
According to his calculations, men give a
small tip on the way to dinner, and a big
one on the way to a dance.
However, our cabdriver reports that the
trips home after dates are big financial loss-
es. Perhaps they are preoccupied, but then
the men just don't give any tips at all.
The Lost Note

THE MYSTERY of the missing third beat
of the carillon chimes has the campus
developing a nervous twitch.
Ever since the third note stopped playing,
we have noticed students pause after the
second beat, kick, hum or shrug the third,
and then proceed along their ways.
* , , ,
Who You Kidding, Kid?
YESTERDAY we found the following press
release in our morning mail.
"Statisticians from the department of
utter coincidence were kept busy working
overtime tonight on a chain of circum-
stances set up 327 years ago this week when
the Pilgrim Fathers set sail from Plymouth,
England, for a destination they christened
Plymouth Rock when they saw it.
The experts' quandry arose when it was
announced here today by the Plymouth
Motor Corp., that a meeting of Plymouth
dealers was scheduled for Sept. 30 at the
Plymouth Country Club, on Plymouth Road,
in the town of Plymouth Meeting, Pa."
Oddly enough, the release came from the
Plymouth (Motor Corp.) News Bureau.
Poor Conductor?
HUDDLING uncomfortably in a cold class-
room one day last week, we observed a

and Rome are peddling. If that is all they
had to sell they would stay home on Sun-
days, doing whatever odd things fascists
do when they are not holding meetings.
No, these street meetings are not based on
a vain hope of reselling a putrid past. I
am afraid we must view these gatierings
as a reflection, however distorted, of the
split between America and Russia. It is in
this that the mad right wing senses a new
Fascism has died, but the conditions (the
split between east and west) which gave fas-
cism its opportunity once before have been
reborn. Fascists begin to feel the fertilizing
touch. It seems ridiculous to suggest that
fascism can be born again; but it also seem-
ed ridiculous, just a few years ago, to sug-
gest that east and west could ever be split
This does not mean, that the London
and Rome street meetings are very impor-
tant. They are not. But they have a cer-
tain significance as clues, as pennants in
the wind, as weather indicators; they hint
at the deterioration of life which can take
place in the atmosphere of a planetary
For, on a respectable level, and within the
democratic ethics, other changes are taking
place which are part of the same big picture.
One is the rise of conservatism in America,
and the fact that many a reactionary voice
which had little influence on our policy
when Hitler was in power has great influ-
ence today.
Now it has been customary, these last
fifteen years, when any liberal has reach-
ed this point, to warn his countrymen sol-
emnly that America had better learn to
get along with Russia, to avoid the rise of
fascism in the world, and of a right wing
at home. But Russia is a big country now,
and one wonders why the warning does
not apply equally to Russia. The Russians
know about fascism by now. They know
about the dangers of a world reactionary
swing. They cannot adopt an intransige-
ant expansionist policy, which helps breed
these things, and then plausibly complain,
with baby-faced innocence, and a wholly
synthetic air of astonishment, that these
things are happening. Isn't the problem
theirs, too? Can't it be said that the Rus-
sians have mobilized world conservatism
against themselves, while rendering liber-
alism mute, with almost as much effec-
tiveness as Hitler showed in mobilizing
world liberalism against himself, while
rendering conservatism mute?
In other words, aren't the Russians re-
sponsible in a degree for what happens in
the Western world, or does the chain of
cause and effect snap off at the border be-
tween the regions? How have they helped to
avoid what they profess to fear? Or do they
consider that while events in their world are
molded by logic and historical necessity,
events in ours are guided only by leprechauns
and the waxing and waning of the moon?
(Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.)
Remember the War
THE NIGHT that the U.S.S. Fox hit a
mine in the Adriatic, one of the Detroit
papers ran a two-line paragraph on the edi-
torial page that said, "'U.S. Warship Hits
Mine Off Trieste.' Remember the Maine?"
The writer of these sentences seems to
to have forgotten what has happened in
the last five years. No matter what has
happened, or what will happen between
this country and any other nation of the
world, no one in his right mind would
suggest that we should go to war because
of a mine that strayed from a mine field
that had only been partially wept.
Unfortunately, it seems that there are a
lot of people who are too prone to accept
the analogy between the U.S.S. Maine, blown
up in Havana harbor in 1898, which was
the immediate cause of the Spanish-Ameri-
can war, and the U.S.S. Fox, which hit a
mine accidentally in the Adriatic last Mon-

day. These are the over-sensitive people
who, for some reason of their own, are per-
fectly willing to allow this country to get
involved in another war.
It is impossible to feel anything but'
fear when one reads editorializing of this
kind. Newspapers can be a big factor in
causing war, as was shown during the
Spanish-American war, and enough com-
ment along the line of the Detroit paper
can inflame a serious situation until it
reaches the boiling point.
We cannot hope to come out of another
war with whole skins - no nation can - so
why aggravate an already serious situation
into one that leads directly to war?
-Al Blumrosen
FRANCE ceased to be a free agent in inter-
national affairs on May 10, 1940. On that
fateful day, her armies under Gamelin
crossed the Belgian frontier and rushed
northeast to meet the Nazi attack. Since
then France has not regained a position of
even relative steadiness and power.
-Andre Geraud,
in Foreign Affairs Quarterly

r S
p I 7b i :

Country," the volume of col-
umns which were written by Er-
nie Pyle before he went to war,
is a sage piece of advice to tourists
who travel in this part of the
country. Having spent a great
deal of time in New Mexico, Pyle
spoke with authority when he said
travellers should stay off the
paved roads. The rougher the
bumps became, the squeakier your
car got, the thicker the dust be-
came, and the more rubber got
stripped off your tires by rocks,
the more of the real-New Mex-
ico you were seeing.
The improved roads and con-
venient stops are dotted with
"tourist traps" - souvenir shops
which sell Indian rugs and blan-
kets freshly expressed from New
York wholesale houses, dude
ranches that keep their sorry
horses propped up and wrapped

with baling wire to keep them
from falling down or apart, and
drugstore cowboys with, purple
boots and 50-gallon hats.
If ,you are willing to spend the
time, trouble, and depreciation on
your car that a real tour of New
Mexico will cost, it will be well
worth your time. You will see a
country and a people who, while
they no longer fight the assorted
invaders who occupy their land,
are still unconquered in pride and
culture. The Spaniards came, then
the pioneers, then the ranchers,
the farmers, and even the army
came withrits atom bomb Many
of the invaders are still here, all
of them have left their mark in
different ways, and they have cor-
rupted the Indian and his land
around the edges, where you find
the cities and the highways. But
not where the ruts are deep and
the brush takes the paint off your

Letters to the Editor...

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints EVERY letter to the editor
(which is signed, 304 words or less
in length, and in good taste) we re-
mind our readers that the views ex-
pressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
Willow Schools
To the Editor:
WOULD LIKE to revise a few
opinions left by Jean Fagan's
editorial "Public Education," on
race segregation in Willow Run
schools, in the September 29 issue
of The Daily.
I am a teacher in "inter-racial"
Ross school, so I am in position to
see both sides of the issue, and
to quote facts of which Miss Fa-
gan did not avail herself. It is my
purpose neither to justify nor con-
demn the school board's decision,
only to state the circumstances
under which it was made.
The geographical facts: Sim-
mons School is situated in the all-
Negro area of the Village, so its
enrollment is naturally all Negro.
Ross is in the mixed area, so its
enrollment is mixed. It is well
known that the population of
Willow Run is constantly fluctuat-
ing, so the boundaries of all four
school districts are necessarily
changed every year. This year the
Ross district was expected to be
overcrowded, so its boundaries
were narrowed on all sides. Sim-
monds was expected to be less
crowded. The school board was
faced with a choice of two areas
on the Ross-Simmonds boundary
line to re-district to Simmonds : a
large and predominantly south-
ern white area, or smaller and all-
Negro Walpole street. The white
area would have made Simmonds
even more crowded than Ross.
Whereas, at the last census all the
classes but one at' Simmonds had
fewer pupils than their counter-
partisan Ross.
The Walpole street children
have equal facilities and less
crowded classrooms awaiting them
at Simmonds. The State, by its
compulsory education law, com-
mands their parents to send them
and provides sanctions to en-
force that command. It is the
parents of these children who are
failing in their duty.
-Nancy Jane DeLaurier.
No Compliment
To the Editor:
DEAR MR. MALOY, Drop dead!
You may anyway unless the
University officials expand to cov-
er all of the students the facilities
just instituted to test the medical
students for T.B. Congratulations
are far from being in order. The
Medical School in its public health
classes has been teaching proper
survey methods for years, but at
the same time very complacently
overlooked the students for whom

th(se lcclu'res have been intend-
ed. It has taken an alarming
number ofs T.Bcases among medi-
cal students to jar the school
health officials out of their com-
Rather than congratulations, I
feel that the University officials
should be urged to expand the
facilities so that a yearly T.B. sur-
vey of the entire student body
would be possible. At the present
time an x-ray is given only at en-
trance, regardless of the length
of time the student remains in at-
tendance. It's about time that this
"Progressive Institution" caught
up with the rest of the world. A
plan of yearly surveys has been in
operation at Western Michigan
College for a number of years.
Rather than complimenting,
don't you think that we should
instead ask what excuse the med-
ical officials at Michigan have for
such laxity?
-Heini Kessler.
Student Federalists
To the Editor:
AS A MEMBER of the Michigan
Chapter of the Student Fed-
eralists I'd like to draw attention
to the speech to be delivered to-
night at Rackham, by Mr. Henry
Usborne, British Labour MP. Mr.
Usborne is going to speak on "Our
International Crisis."
There are a few points, however,
which deserve mentioning. The
reason why Mr. Usborne is over,
in America at all, the reason why
our organization is sponsoring
him, is to drive home the impera-
tives for world government now.
It is old hat in some circles, per-'
haps, but the fact remains our
world society cannot stand an-
other war without some dire re-
sults. If we value our way of life,
this is the time to act.
Student Federalists believe the
only feasible action is through the
amendment of the UN Charter.
And by action we mean the aboli-
tion of the substantive veto in
the Security Council. This doesn't
sound like much, but, in effect,
it's the only way to put the breaks
on run-away nationalism. With
the power to implement the char-
ter provisions, the crucial step to-
ward the ideal of a world com-
munity will have been taken.
Those who raise the hue and
cry of "Impossible," must face the
alternatives as they all too realis-
tically present themselves. Ulti-
mate war, with either a welter of
shattered states on low economic
and social level, or the spectre
of a totalitarian world state be-
striding the earth. As the English
horse fanciers used to say, "This
is Hobson's choice!"
Usborne is going to deal with
this choice, he's going to deal with
the folly of allowing it to arise.
Above all, he's here to militate
forces against it.
--George Vetter.


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
Faculty, College of Engineering:
Faculty meeting, Mon., Oct. 6, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 311, W. Engineering
To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads, and Others Responsible
for Payrolls:
Payrolls for the Fall Semester
are ready for approval. Please call
in Room 9, University hall before
October 15. Prompt action will
help the Payroll Department com-
plete their rolls for October.
University Directory changes of
address and phone number must
be reported this week.
Ira M. Smith, Registrar
Notice of meeting of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs: Regu-
lar meetings of the Committee on
Student Affairs will be held on the
second and fourth Tuesdays of
each month. Petitions for consid-
eration at these meetings should
be submitted to the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Rm. 2, University
Hall, not later than the Thursday
preceding the meeting. The next
meeting will be October .14, and
petitions for consideration at this
time must be submitted not later
than Thursday, October 9.
Pre-football guest luncheons
held in student residences from
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Satur-
days will be approved, chaperoned
or unchaperoned, provided they
are announced to the Office of
Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date.
All veterans in training under
P.L. 16 are reminded that they
are required to file a report of ab-
sence. Those P.L. 16 trainees who
failed to obtain an absence re-
port card during- registration
should obtain one at the Veterans
Service Bureau, Rm. 1514 Rack-
Identification Cards: Any stu-
dent may leave a stamped self-
addressed envelope in the office of1
Student Affairs, Room 2 Univer-
sity Hall before Oct. 4, in order to
have his identification card'
mailed to him.
Students, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts: Courses
may not be elected for credit after7
Saturday, October 4. Saturday,
October 4, is therefore the last
day on which new elections may
be approved. The willingness of
an instructor to admit a student
later will not affect the operationI
of this rule.
Undergraduate women: Eachi
organized undergraduate women's

residence is required to choose a
house president and to establish
quiet hours by the end of the sec-
ond week of classes. The names
of the house director, president,
and signout sheet official (if a
person other than the president is
in charge of these), and a list of
quiet hours must be turned in to
the Women's Judiciary Council,
Undergraduate Office, Michigan
League, by Friday, October 3. This
applies to all dormitories, sorori-
ties, and league houses where un-
dergraduate women reside.
Women's Judiciary Council
Applications for Grants in Sup-
port of Research Projects:
It is requested that faculty
members desiring grants from the
Research Funds in support of re-
search projects begin early in 1948
to file their proposals in the Of-
fice of the Graduate School by
Wednesday, October 15, 1947. Re-
quests for continuation of present
projects or for projects to be initi-
ated during the next fiscal year
should be made at a date early
next year to be announced later.
Application forms will be mailed
or can be obtained at the Secre-
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
Married Veterans of World War
II-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' Emergency
Housing Project.
Opportunity will be provided
Thursday and Friday, October 2,
and 3 for students in the above
group to file application for resi-
dence in the University Terrace
Apartments and the Veterans'
Emergency Housing Project.
At present there are no vacan-
cies in these apartments, but ap-
plications will be considered for
future vacancies.
Applications for residence in
these apartments will be consid-
ered according to the following
1. Only married veterans who
are at present registered in the
University may apply.
2. Only married veterans of
World War II may apply.
3. Only Michigan residents may
apply. (The Regents' definition of
a Michigan resident follows. "No
one shall be deemed a resident of
Michigan for the purpose of reg-
istration in the University unless
he or she has resided in this state
six months next preceding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
4. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.
5. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer session i
is considered as one-half term.)
6. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
7. Length - of overseas service
will be an important determin-
ing factor.
8. In considering an applicant's

overlooked the students for whom -George Vetter.

total length of service, A.S.T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
9. If both husband and wife are
veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
10. Each applicant must file
with his application his Military
Record and Report of Separation.
Married veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
October 1, 1947 should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Half.
Former naval personnel (offi-
cer and enlisted) who were con-
nected with Communications Sup-
plementary Activity during the
war, and who are interested in
joining an organized reserve unit
on campus, call Mr. Gray, tele-
phone 25-8433.
Research openings in Mathe-
matics: There are at present sev-
eral openings for graduate stu-
dents to do research in mathe-
matics'on a part-time basis for a
project in the Mathematics De-
partment, sponsored by the Office
of Naval Research. Topics cover-
ed include the following: random
processes and other problems in
probability, non-linear differential
equations, analytic functions, min-
imal surfaces, subharmonic func-
tions, and divergent series.
Openings are available at var-
ious levels of achievement, with
the majority at the dissertation
level. Interested persons (includ-
ing any who may have applied
last spring) should contact Prof.
R. M. Thrall, Rm. 3004, Angell
Hall, for further information.
Teacher Placement: The Near

East College Association reports a
vacancy in Physical Education for
Men at Robert College in Istanbul,
Turkey. This position is for a sin-
gle man, and carries a three year
contract. For further information,
contact the Bureau of Appoint-
Academic Notices
Freshman Health Lectures for
It is a University requirement
that all entering freshmen take a
series of Health Lectures and
pass an examination on the con-
tent of these lectures. Transfer
students with freshman standing
are also required to take the
course unless they have had a
similar course elsewhere, which
has been accredited here.
Upperclassmen whohwere here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are requested'
to do so this term.
The lectures will be given in the
Natural ScienceaAuditorium 'at
4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 ;p.m.
as per the following schedule:
Lecture 1-Mon., Oct. 6
Lecture 2-Tues.,Oct. 7
Lecture 3-Wed., Oct. 8
Lecture 4-Thurs., Oct. 9
Lecture 5-Mon., Oct. 13
Lecture 6-Tues., Oct. 14
Lecture 7 (Final Exam.)-Wed.,
Oct. 15.
Please note that attendance is
required and roll will be taken.
Enrollment will be held at the
first lecture.
History 49, Sec. 3 (W,9) will
meet in 2013 A.H. -
V. W. Crane
Graduate Students may not
elect course after this week (Oct.
4. Courses may be dropped with
record after this week, but will be
recorded with the grade of E if
dropped after the eighth week of
The University Musical Society
announces the following concerts:


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