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October 01, 1947 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-10-01

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) Hari


Fifteen Hundred Students
TakeStudy Courses by Mail

Some fifteen hundred Univer-
sity students never give the Ann
Arbor housing shortage a second
The explanation is that they
don't live on campus at all, but
are enrolled in correspondence
study courses from such far-off
places as Korea, Egypt, parts of
South America, India, and Ger-
many. A good share of the "mail-
order" students live in Michigan
and other states.
GIs Enroll
GIs still serving overseas swell
the enrollment in the approxi-
mately 100 courses offered by the
correspondence study department,
under Mrs. Alfred O. Lee's su-
pervision. Students may complete
as much as 30 hours of credit
toward a degree.
During the summer, the corres-
pondence study department was
kept busy supplying veterans with
refresher courses in English and
mathematics. Prospective Univer-
sity freshmen took these courses

for "boning-up" purposes before
making the high-school-to-college
Two new two-hour correspond-
ence courses will be offered by the
department starting October 1 in
"Engineering Materials" and
"Metal Processing" for beginning
engineering students. Prerequis-
ite for the courses which were
written by F. W. Sowa, instructor
in metallurgy, is one year of high
school chemistry.
Psychology Course Revised
A revision of the Psychology 31
course has also been made by
Philip Sperling, instructor in the
psychology department.
The department also offers
credit in freshman English, His-
tory 11 and 12, six college credit
math courses, four geography
courses, four semesters each of be-
ginning French, German, Greek.
Latin, and Spanish; two semesters
of political science, one of scien-
tific German, and education.

Enrollment in
German Class'
Hits New High
The increased student enroll-
ment in German language courses
reflects the importance that Ger-
many occupies in the political and
economic world today, Prof. Otto
Graf, executive Secretary of the
German department asserted yes-
"The enrollment figures for this
semester are much higher than
they have been in previous years,
especially in the advanced conver-
sational and literary courses. This
is due to the increased number of
veterans who have seen service in
Germany, and also to those peo-
ple who intend to enter diplomatic
and foreign services," Prof. Graf
"A student who is preparing to
go into diplomatic and foreign
services benefits greatly from the
advanced courses in German,"
Prof. Graf declared.
To meet the increased enroll-
ment the department has enlarged
its faculty. Newly appointed are:
Dr. Kurt Berg, formerly of the
University of Illinois, Rudolph K.
Bernard, from the University of
Minnesota, Albert B. Halley, for-
merly with the University of Zur-
ich in Switzerland, Dr. Gerard M.
Mertens, from the University of
Sucre, Bolivia, and William A.
Packer, formerly of Cornell Uni-

c'i +

Conversations and readings cov-
ering such problems as how to find
a room and a place to eat in Ann
Arbor are the first step in the
program of orienting foreign stu-
dents to the English language
which is carried on by the Eng-
list Language Service of the In-
ternational Center.
Under the direction of Miss
Sara Grollman, the Language
Service provides an opportunity
for all foreign students enrolled in
the University to improve their
comprehension of spoken English
and develop their conversational
ability. Emphasis is on oral work,
ranging from vocabulary used in
ordinary conversation to material
of a literary nature, according to
Miss Grollman.
Special conversations of the
type a doctor would use in speak-
ing to patients are offered to med-
ical students. Lessons used in the
classes were prepared by Prof.
Raleigh Nelson, first director of
the International Center, and Miss
Grollman. Prof. Nelson initiated
the Language Service in the Inter-
national Center which is an out-
growth of the English classes
which he taught for foreign stu-
dents in the Engineering College
for 25 years.
All foreign students entering theE
University are advised to take a
course in the Service for at least
one semester. "Even students who
studied English for eight or nine

years in their own country, as
many of our Chinese students
have, find difficulty in under-
standing the language as it is or-
dinarily spoken," Miss Grollman
Classes are conducted for an
hour three times a week on a non-
credit basis. Students meet with

their instructors in groups of eight
to ten for reading and instruc-
tion. Division into classes is based
on field of study when possible.
One class is made up of post-grad-
uate medical students. Classifica-
tion is also made according to
ability with beginning, interme-
diate and advanced groups.

Orient Foreign Students to City Problems


c r d t b ss1t d n s m e i h d a e a d a v n e r u s

for that






CHILDREN OF PARADISE-Jean-Louis Barrault and Arletty
in a scene from "Children of Paradise," to be presented by the
campus AVC and Art Cinema League at 8:30 p.m. Friday and
Saturday at Hill Auditorium.
French Film To Be Presented
By AVC, Art Cinema League

... try. ..
State Street at North University



losing valuable time

Students, save yourself
time and money!

The Ann Arbor Business School
offers you classes in
Typing & Shorthand
to be taken in your free hours during the day or
i night classes. .Veterans may receive this in-
struction under the G.I. Bill, along with your
University courses.
See us for particulars.


"Children of Paradise," French
film made during the German oc-
cupation, will be presented by the
campus AVC and, Art Cinema
League at 8:30 p.m. Friday and
Saturday at Hill Auditorium.
Starring Jean-Louis Barrault
Sell Tickets
For 'Henry V'
Mail order sale of tickets has
now opened for "Henry V," which
will be shown here in two per-
formances, at 3:15 and 8 p.m., Oct.
15 at Hill Auditorium.
The technicolor film, which fea-
tures Laurence Olivier as pro-
ducer, director and star, is based
on the Shakespearean play of the
battles between the English mon-
arch and King Charles VIII of
Only reserved seats will be
available for the production, spon-
sored by the Office of Student
Affairs for the entertainment of
students, faculty and townspeo-
ple. Tickets for the matinee will
sell at $1.20 for main floor and
center section first balcony seats,
and $.90 for the rest of the house.
Prices for the evening perform-
ance are $1.20 and $1.80.
Mail orders for "Henry V" may
be sent to Dean Walter B. Rea,
Rm. 2, University Hall. ,

330 Nickels Arcade

Phone 2-0330




Part -time



and Arletty, the film tells the tra-
gic story of a pantomimist in a
cheap vaudeville theatre, and a
Parisian actress whom he saves
from arrest. Led into a loveless
marriage, he meets the actress
again years later, only to lose her
again in the crushing Mardi Gras
The picture takes its name from
the boisterous mob in the "peanut
gallery," derisively called the
"gods" in the 18th century Pa-
risian theatre.
Originally running more than
three hours, the film was cut for
presentation to American audi-
ences. This cut version was
shown here during the summer by
the AVC and Art Cinema League.
Dialogue for the picture is in
French, and English subtitles are
Tickets for "Children of Para-
dise" will be on sale from 2 to 8:30
p.m. today through Saturday at
Hill Auditorium box office.
Post Office Holds
More Vet Checks
Checks are being held at the
Ann Arbor Post Office for the fol-
lowing veterans: William H.
Braun, Jr., Roy H. Biser, Ralph W.
Evans, George A. Cato, Avis J.
Dykstra, William W. Hayduk,
Phyllis Marie Huhn, William H.
Lowry, Constance A. Later,' Harry
R. McEntee, Anna D. Mitch, Abra-
ham Pott, Rarriel T. Ramsey, Ar-
thur R. Roussin, Everett S. Sasaki,
Nancy L. Ward, Ralph S. Whit-
more, Harold M. Watts.
Veterans listed above should
pick up their checks before they
are returned to Columbus, O., Oct.
{instead of 5.5W)





students who've



7\ '\
you are a for and would
hone operator andwaour
. _ work whie T _-W.

MICHIGAN BELL has a number of part-
time jobs available for University of Michi-
gan students who have had experience as
telephone operators.
With a variety of "tricks" from which to
choose, we may be able to arrange a sched-
ule that will fit in conveniently with your
classroom and study periods. And because
of your experience, you can start in with a
minimum of coaching.
The telephone office is only 21/2 blocks from
the campus, at 323 East Washington street,
which means you'll waste no time getting
to and from work. The employee cafeteria
serves excellent food and our lounge pro-
vides a restful spot for study.
Whether or not you want to take advantage
of this opportunity to earn additional
money while you're in school, come and
visit us. Former telephone employees are
still "telephone people" to us and we'll be

(instead of 6.50)



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