THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, SEP F. Mt 903, 1947 r IT'S RESOLVED: Klechner Announces Heavy Schedule for Varsity Debaters With one of the "biggest debate seasons ever" in prospect, debate Coach Donald C. Kleckner has an- nounced an organizational meet- ing for all interested students to be held at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in Rm. 4203, Angell Hall. According to Coach Kleckner, the turnout at the meeting will French Club To Meet Today Koella To Address Group onIdeologies Members of "Le yercle Fran- cais," the University French Club,f attending the first meeting of the semester at 8 p.m., today in the Terrace Room of the Union, will hear an address by Professor Charles E. Koella of the Romance Language Department. Professor Koella will speak on "La France entre deux ideologies" (France between two ideologies). The balance of the program will consist of singing old and new French songs, refreshments and election of new club officers for the coming year. Membership in "Le Cercle" is open to any student with one year of college French or its equivalent. Foreign students are invited. Meetings are informal, in French. indicate the nature of the Uni- versity team that will tackle the heaviest schedule in recent years. Highlight of the season will be the visit of an Oxford University team to debate against Michigan late in October. Other collegiate op- ponents include Iowa, Ohio State, Illinois and Purdue. Experience Not Required Prospective debaters are not re- quired to have previous experience, Coach Kleckner emphasized. He pointed out that law students would find a close application to1 their studies in the cross-examin- ation style of debate which is stressed by Michigan. This style provides for the cross-examiningj of an opponent after a speech and includes a moderator who renders decisions upon appeal as in court. Kleckner expects the topic, "World Federation," chosen the national debate question for the year, to evoke more than usual interest from students. Six colleges will in- vade the campus for a tournament on that subject in December. A secondary topic for the year will be "Compulsory Arbitration of La- bor Disputes." Team to Tour State In addition to the inter-colle- giate meets, the Michigan team will tour the state speaking before high school' assemblies, hold a debate clinic in Ann Arbor for high school teams and discuss important campus issues before the student body. Union Smoker Will BeGiven Program, Activities Will Be Reviewed A smoker for Union staff try- outs will be held at 9 p.m. today in the Union. , Union activities and programs will be outlined by the president, secretary and committee heads during the smoker which will last from 30 to 45 minutes. The gathering will then break up into various committees where the specific jobs involved in car- rying out the Union's functions will be discussed with a view to- ward matching the tryout to the job. Actviities which are to be con- ducted by Union officials and new members include a tutorial service, a radio program, style shows, coffee hours, dances and football ticket resales. Student tryouts on the staff of the Union will gain valuable ex- perience in the problems of op- erating a large organization which combines all the features of a ho- tel, restaurant and recreation cen- ter. 'Ensian Meets Today Another 'Ensian tryout meeting will be held at 5 p.m. today in the Editorial Room of the 'Ensian in the Student Publications Build- ing. Photographers, Editors, Writers, Salesmen and especially students from Willow Village are asked to attend, according to Bush Dawson, managing editor. TRAILBLAZER: Daily Celebrates 57 Birthday As Outstanding College Paper V I MOSLEMS WRECK INDIAN TRAIN-About 200 occupants of this derailed Indian train were killed when it was attacked in open country by a Moslem band in one of a series of raids during com- munal disorders in the Indian-Pakistan area. MEN DON'T NEED GLAMOUR: Women Will Be Styled for Ensian Pictures the Publi Eleve Or ulty boar dent ulty by P W nalis War they dred worm rare Ar of th rity the Daily hono Pres TO Er to e Prof of t 1my 1Blue Sh agai iContinued from Page 1) readers with a complete coverage of campus, city, national and in- Board in Control of Student ternational news. In contrast to ications. its first four-column, 12 inch, pa- en Man Board per; it now presents a modern for- iginally numberng four fac- mat, including women's and men and three students, the sports pages, as well as editorial d now consists of three stu- and news pages. s and six members of the fac- Among the special issues pub- and two alumni appointed lished throughout the year are resident Ruthven. the freshman supplement, the mu- omen were ignored as jour- sic supplement, the Choral Union tic possibilities until World supplement, a literary supplement, I, when with the men away, the J-Hop extra, a Goodfellow ex- kept the paper running. Mil- tra, and a Dime Daily, to help the Mighell, '18, became the first March of Dimes campaign. an managing editor, still a Whereas the first editors could phenomenon, cater to a particular audience, nong famous Daily activities, the modern Daily must manage, Ba past, was The Daily Celeb- despite variety of staff, -frequent Ball, to which were invited all staff changes and part-time work, men on campus whom The to satisfy a wide audience com- v staff deemed worthy of the posed of readers with conflicting r. m and varied interests. ents Complete Coverage Large Daily Staff )lay, The Daily presents its Today's Daily staff, numbering y s more than 100, serves a public, which in most cases, confines its newspaper reading to this one pa- agin "e " "per. Despite the contrast of the first (Continued from Page 1) Daily and today's issue, the atti- - tude adopted by the original edi- cho his approval. "In fact," tors is held today: "We intend to . Lovell said. "I'm even proud give the news promptly and ac- he new paint they've used on curately. We intend to make The office. They call it Coronado Daily so bright and newsy, so ." wide-awake and progressive and xades of that G.I. housewife, withal so impartial, that no stu- n, by golly. dent can get along without it." I Girls having their picture taken for the 1948 Michiganensian will have the advantage of a stylist of the Henderson Studios, De- troit, but boys will have to ride along on their natural good looks. Girls should. 1. Wear white or pastel shade blouses with no stripes, figures or designs. 2. Choose a neckline that they consider favorable. 3. Wear their glasses if they are accustomed to being seen wear- ing them. 4. Wear jewelry if they wish. 5.Wear hair-naturally - not freshly done up. Make-up is a problem in itself and calls for finesse and delicate skill. 6. A little powder-now, now, not too much-with even light lip- stick is just right. 7. Wear eye make-up. The stylist will make last min- ute adjustments and final inspec- tion. All seniors should arrive at the Student Publications Building at least 10 minutes before the time of their appointment. Proofs will be mailed out within two weeks of the time the pictures are taken, according to Barbara Gray, Ensian Business Manager. 6 s2 I I + DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN + «4 (Continued from Page 4) similar course elsewhere, which has been accredited here. Upperclassmen who were here as freshmen and who did not ful- fill the requirements are requested to do so this term. The lectures will be given in the Naturail Science Auditorium at' 4 p.m. and repeated at 7:30 p.m. as per the following schedule: Lecture 1-Mon., Oct. 6 Lecture 2-Tues.,Oct. 7 Lecture 3-Wed., Oct. 8 Lecture 4-Thurs., Oct. 9 Lecture 5-Mon., Oct. 13 Lecture 6-Tues., Oct. 14 Lecture 7 (Final Exam.)-Wed., Oct. 15. Please note that attendance is required and roll will be taken. Enrollment will be held at the first lecture. academic Notices Mathematic Seminars: The fol- lowing seminars have been organ- ized in the Mathematics Depart- ment: Differential geometry -- G. Y. Rainich. First meeting: Monday, Sept. 29, 3 p.m., Room 3001, An- gell Hall. Classical Representation Theory -D. Falkoff. First meeting: Mon- day, Sept. 29, 4 p.m., Room 3201, Angell Hall. Orientation Seminar - G. Y. Rainich. First Meeting: Monday, Sept. 29, 7 p.m., Room 3001, An- gell Hall. Fixed Point Theorems-G. S. Young. First meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 3 p.m., Room 3017, An- gell Hall. Geometry-K. B. Leisenring. First meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 3 p.m., Room 3001, Angell Hall. Algebraic Geometry - R. M. Thrall. First meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 4:30 p.m., Room 3011, Angell Hall. Special Functions-E. D. Rain- ville. First meeting: Tuesday, Sept. 30, 4 p.m., Room 3201, An- gell Hall.. Stochastic Processes - A. H. Copeland. First meeting: Tues- day, Sept., 30, 5 p.m., Room 3201, Angell Hall. Teaching Seminar (For Teach- ing Fellows)-P. S. Jones. Next meeting: Wednesday, Oct. 1, 4 p.m., Room 3011, Angell Hall. Applied Mathematics - R. V. Churchill. First meeting: Wednes- day, Oct. 1, 4:30 p.m., Room 247, W. Engineering. Differential Operations by Hil- bert Space Methods-E. H. Rothe, First meeting: Thursday, Oct. 2, 3 p.m., Room 3017, Angell Hall. Statistics-C. C. Craig. First meeting: Thursday, October 2, 4 p.m., Room 3201, Angell Hall. Differential Geometry in the Large-S. B. Myers. First meet- ing: Thursday, Oct. 2, 4:15 p.m., Room 3011, Angell Hall. Complex Variables-W. Kaplan. First meeting: Friday, Oct. 3, 3 p.m., Roofn 3201, Angell Hall. Group Representation-R. M. Thrall. First meeting, Monday, Oct. 6, 7:30 p.m., Room 3011, An- gell Hall. Exhibitions Exhibitions. The Museum of Art. MADERN HANDMADE JEW- ELRY, circulated by the Museum of tModern Art, New York, through October 19; STUDENT LOAN PRINTS, from the Office of Student Affairs, through October 4. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday evening, 7-9. The public is cordially invit- ed. Events Today U. of M. Sailing Club: Meeting 7 p.m., Michigan Union. Election of new commodore. Deutscher Verein (German Club): First meeting, 7:30 p.m., 3rd floor Union. Election of offi- cers, refreshments, and group singing. All students interested are welcome. Le Cercle Francais: First meet- ing of the year, 8 p.m., 2nd floor, Terrace Room, Michigan Union. Program: Election of officers, group singing, refreshments, and an informal talk by Professor Charles E. Koella on "La France entre Deux ideologies." All stu- dents with one year of College French or the equivalent are eli- gible to membership. Foreign stu- dents are cordially invited. Women of the University Fac- ulty: Dinner meeting, 6:30 p.m., Michigan League. ADA: Program meeting, 7:50 p.m., Michigan Union. All mem- .bers and those interested are cor- dially invited. Inter-collegiate Zionist Federa- tioan of America: First regular meeting, B'nai B'rith Hillel Foun- dation, 8 p.m. "Introduction to the Jewish Problem," will be pre- sented. Social follows. Members urged to attend. All invited. Coming Events Record concerts of. classical music will be held at the Michi- gan League, 2nd floor, 7-8 p.m. Mondays through Thursdays, and 5-6 p.m. on Sundays. Requests will be played if the records are available. Varsity Debate: All students in- terested in intercollegiate debat- ing should assemble in 4203 Angell Hall Wednesday, Oct. 1, 7:30 p.m. 4 I q ,I i _E. 1 .' HELP WANTED BE WISE... USE THE MICHIGAN, DAILY CLASSIFIED COLUMNS MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT FOR SALE LOST, FOUND sJ . LIFE.. $4.25 (instead of 5.50) TIME... $4.5O I 11 -,C, CAI -- I BUSINESS SERVICES f ii . I