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September 23, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-23

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IJESDAY, SmIT9MER 23, 194'


Fifty-Eighth Year

Legislature Welcome

) -~-.-


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell................Managing Editor
Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent...............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ................. .Women's Editor
Betty Steward.........Associate Women's Editor
Business Staff
Nancy Helmick ..........:.......General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Edwin Schneider...............Finance Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the PostOfficemat Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Writers Wanted
As a student newspaper, the primary
purpose of The Daily is to present an im-
partial rpund-up of the important news
of the day and to provide a sounding
board for student opinion.
The editorials which appear on this
page represent the views of the respective
members of The Daily staff. In order to
increase the scope of opinion presented
a student column will be printed. The
editors of The Daily invite all students
interested in writing an editorial column
to submit three sample columns for con-
sideration. Manuscripts should be sub-
mitted to the editors of The Daily by
noon Monday, Sept. 29.
Positions as staff reviewers for movies,
music, books, and Art Cinema are also
available. Music students will receive
special consideration for the position of
music critic. Sample reviews and criti-
cisms for these positions should also be
submitted by noon Monday, Sept. 29.
-The Senior Editors
Freedom Train
A VERY special train is starting on a
timely cross-country run. It's called the
"Freedom Train," and it houses 128 docu-
ments which define democracy in America.
Freedom Train will stop in 300 commu-
nities of the 48 states where the curious
and those seeking a solution to a big prob-
lem may search for an answer in its im-
portant load.
The obvious intention of the train's plan-
ners was to gird America emotionally for
an all-out battle against Communism and
the Russian influence. It's christening, on
Constitution.Day, missed by just 24 hours,
hitting the time when Sec. Marshall
brought the American-Soviet battle into
clear view.
But the slow passage of the Freedom
Train will not provide the people with a jus-
tification for all of the skirmishes in this
world-wide battle.
Rather, the obvious disparity between the
principals contained in the train and some

of the government's current actions may
cause embarrassment to enthusiastic bat-
For if American democracy equals the
principals set up in the original Bill of
Rights-carried on the train-some of
the sightseers may be inclined to ask what
place wholesale unloading of government
employees has in this country.
If America stands for the peaceful free-
dom-for-the-individual sort of life, to be
proclaimed in opposition to totalitarian ter-
rorism, then the insecurity which liberals in
federal employ now are feeling exposes a
grave contradiction. "
If equality among races, colors and creeds
is a basic tenet of our democracy, then
there is a challenge in Langston Hughes'
"Can a coal black man drive the Free-
dom Train?
O rm T still n.ortero nn the Freedom

Dear Fellow-Students:
On behalf of the Student Legislative I
wish to extend a hearty welcome to all of
you. Your class is entering Michigan at a
time when the enrollment exceeds that of
any previous semester in the history of the
University. Such a situation is bound to
create new problems, both for students and
faculty, but it also creates new opportuni-
ties. Which of these two receives the
greatest emphasis, the problems or the op-
portunities, depends largely on your view-
point of a University.
I like to regard the college campus as a
miniature society, a training ground where
we can acquire principles to guide our liv-
ing in the communities to which we will re-
turn after we have completed our educa-
tion. The benefits we derive from a Uni-
versity conceived in this light will depend
on what time and energy we are willing to
invest in it. This applies to our studies,
which should give us technical knowledge
and cultural background, and it applies
equally well to all our other activities,
which should give us greater insight and
facility in group living.
The Student Legislature is only one of
several organizations on campus to which
students can devote their extra-curricular
time. It was created by the student body
last year to promote self-government and

to provide the opportunity for applying and
thus learning the principles of democracy.
I'm sure that many of you come from
schools which had Student Councils com-
parable to our Legislature. The experience
you acquired in such organizations would
be very helpful to us, and I hope that dur
ing your stay at Michigan some of you will
make it available to us by working on our
committees or by serving as elected mem-
bers of the Legislature.
I can not over-emphasize the fact that
you will profit most from the time you
spend at Michigan only if you decide to be
an active and not a passive member of the
student body. The Legislature, and all
other organizations on campus, will con-
tribute as much to your development as you
do to theirs.
I'm sure, if we all recognize this fact as a
principle, that the problems which arise due
to our over-crowded conditions will become
opportunities for greater achievements by
all of us.
I hope I may have the pleasure of meet-
ing and working with some of you to solve
these mutual problems. And in the mean-
time I hope you all enjoy your stay at
-Very sincerely yours,
Harvey L. Weisberg,
President, Student Legislature

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4-23 - ..

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MIAMI, Arizona-Several thou-
sand years hence, archaeologists
who visit this present-day copper-
mining area are going to be
puzzled by two mountains. The
upside-down hill described yester-
day will be one of them. But the
mountain that will befuddle our
learned descendants is a weird
thing known by the monicker of
Castle Dome. It would be more
descriptive to call it "Atlas' Wed-
ding Cake" or "America's Answer
to the Great Pyramid." Looming
more than a thousand feet into
the air, Castle Dome has been
whittled and chewed and dyna-
mited into a nicely terraced py-
ramid besides which Egypt's pid-
dling tourist traps would look like
overgrown ant hills.
It started with World War II,
when the government desperately
needed copper so that, among
other reasons, colonels and gen-
erals would have more telephone
wire to carry on vital conversa-
tions, and more brass (which is
made from copper) for their

headgear. The Castle Dome Cop-
per Co., Inc., was formed to carve
up the above -mentioned mountain
and extract the 34 of one per
cent of copper which exists in
each ton of its ore body.
Ccpper miners are not frivolous
people. When they turn moun-
tains upside down by digging un-
der them, or make them into
pyramids by digging around them,
they do so for reasons other than
providing puzzlement for future
scientists. But several people re-
sponsible for transforming Castle
Dome from just another ordinary
mountain among mountains into
one of the great unnatural won-
ders of the world and a sight
which makes tourists' eyes pop
from miles away, now realize
what they have done and agree
that they would give a month's
pay if they could somehow proj-
ect themselves into the future,
read the books which will be writ-
ten, and listen to the violently
disagreeing theories which will be
advanced on how the d- hill got
that way.

I. G. Farben Trials

After months of fighting against pressures
and obstacles which sought to forestall
action, the American prosecution staff at
Nuremburg has finally brought to trial as
war criminals 22 of Germany's top industri-
alists. These men, who were the brains of
the fabulous I. G. Farben empire, not only
financially supported the accession to power
of Hitler and the Nazis but also supplied
the industrial "know how" which created
-the German war machine while undermin-
ing, through cartel agreements, the Reich's
potential victims.
During the last six months, hidden forces
stemming from leaders of both major poli-
tical parties who are closely connected with
the most powerful banking and industrial
firms in America, have conducted behind-
the-scene intrigues calculated to obstruct
and sabotage the preparations of the able
and honest prosecution staff and abort this
These inviolable high priests of the rotten
political-industrial alliance which does the
bidding of the international cartelised pri-
vate super-state feared that the trial would
reveal the incriminating link between the
"respectable" men of I. G. Farben and lead-
ing American industrialists. They feared
that a full list of the more than 200 firms
which had financial arrangements, patent
agreements, or other alliances with Farben
would be disclosed at Nuremburg. This list
contains such industrial goliaths as Stand-
ard Oil of N.J., Dupont, Alumninum Cor-
poration of America, General Aniline and
Dye, Agfa Ansco, the Sterling Drug-Win-
throp-Bayer (aspirin) group, Bordon Co.,
Ford Motor Co., Fleischmann, Bristol-My-
ers, Cities Service, Diamond Match, East-
man-Kodak, Ethyl Gasoline, Firestone Rub-
ber, General Electric, General Motors, Gen-
eral Mills, Gulf Oil, International Nickle,
Lever Bros., M. W. Kellog Co., Monsanto
Chemical, National Distillers, Proctor and
Gamble, Texas Co., and scores of others.
They feared that testimony would expose
famous American attorneys like John Foster
Dulles now a grand mogul of foreign policy
for the GOP and Presidential aspirant
Thomas Dewey, and Homer Cummings, a
former Attorney General and chairman of
the Democratic National Committee who
were among those retained to represent Far-
ben interests in this country.
They feared the trial would divulge that
Herbert "Bulldog" Hoover, now strangely
revived from the political mortuary to in-
struct us that I. G. Farben should be saved,
employed as his White House secretary,
while President, Eddie Clark, a notorious
lobbyist of the Drug Inc.-Farben lobby.
'They feared evidence presented at Nurem-
burg would bring to light the former rela-
tions of Walter 'Teagle and Frank Howard
of Standard Oil, Lammot and Irenee du-
Pont, A. V. Davis and I. W. Wilson of Alcoa,
and scores of others with their former I. G.
Farben partners who used thousands of
captive children, women and men as slave
labor in Farben plants, as human guinea
pigs to test deadly drugs, supplied the poison
gas to exterminate helpless victims, and the
"know how" for making fertilizer and soap
out of the corpses.
-They feared that the trial would show
that James V. Forrestal, the new Secretary
of Defence was a former vice-president of
FLUSHING-Secretary of State Marshall
would have done well to remember the
old European saying that when you start
reciting the\ alphabet you cannot stop before
the end.
In our secretary's fighting speech to the
U.N. Assembly last Wednesday, most people
saw primarily a notice to the Soviet Union
that the United States would stand no more
monkey business. This notice was there all
But fundamentally it is not the most im-
portant factor in Secretary Marshall's pre-
contaotinn of the A merian attitude-though

Farben's $66,000,000 subsidiary, the General
Aniline & Chemical Co., until shortly before
it was seized by the government as an enemy
property, indicted and convicted of "con-
spiracy of restricting production of dyes,
photographic materials and chemicals."
They feared that testimony would reveal
Brig. Gen. William H. Draper, former eco-
nomic director of the U.S. Zone in Germany
and the newest Asst. Secretary of War is
a top executive of Dillon, Reed & Co., the
Wall Street banking house which financed
the resurgence of the German steel trust,
Vereinigte Stahlwerke, after World War I.
If efforts to tamper with evidence, influ-
ence the extent of the proofs or limit the
scope of the trial can be repulsed, the dra-
matic story of how high placed Americans,
for the sake of profits and power, actually
jeopardized our security and future by weak-
ening the United States as the arsenal of
democracy, will be unfolded at Nuremberg.
Unless the full force of public opinion is
exerted in support of the American prose-
cution staff, however, there is grave danger
that the outcome of this trial will be a tragic
The Nuremberg trial is one of the most
important single events relating to future
peace. There must be no more Schacht ac-
-Joe Frein
h -.- -



At the State ...

CRY WOLF, with Errol
bara Stanwyck.

Flynn and Bar-

IN KEEPING with its cryptic title, CRY
WOLF was apparently intended to be a
mysterious drama filled with tingling sus-
pense. But intentions often fall short of
their mark, and this thin-spun yarn about
an insane family, their protector, and the
ever-present curious woman certainly does
not tingle; in fact, it barely creeps along.
Barbara Stanwyck manages to keep busy
and keep the action moving along to its in-
teresting letdown by jumping on and off
horses, scaling roof-tops, crashing through
windows and playing hide-and-seek with
Errol Flynn; and, she doesn't do badly.
Flynn, as the guardian angel, is a very con-
vincing spook. The acting performances are
smooth and polished all around, but the
threadbare plot is a weak vehicle for trans-
mitting their talents.
S* * * *
At the Michigan . , r
with Van Johnson, Janet Leigh and
Thomas Mitchell.
THIS STORY of a post-Civil War at-
tempt to unite North and South in a
small Ozark community may seem slightly
corny to sophisticates. But it is ripe, tasty
corn, and a highly entertaining film: The
movie preaches a lesson of tolerance and
cooperation as means of dispelling bitter-
nesses and working towards a common goal,
and many of its lines have an authentic
ring. For reasons which the picture never
quite clears up, Van Johnson is cast as the
yodeling schoolteacher who returns from
the War to convince the citizens of the
folly of their barn-burning ways, and of the
the merits of joining together. He first ap-
pears playing a mouth organ, later sings;
he should have quit when he was ahead.
-Harvey A. Leve

(Continued on Page 2) C
Certificates of eligibility for
non-athletic extra-curricular ac-t
tivities may be, secured imme-E
diately in the Office of Studentt
Affairs, Rm. 2, University Hall.
The following rules govern par-1
ticipation in such activities: e
Participation in extra-curricu-
lar activities. Participation in anc
extra-curricular activity is de-
fined as service of any kind on at
committee or a publication, in a
public performance or a rehearsal,c
or in holding office or being at
candidate for office in a class or1
other student organization. ThisE
list is not intended to be exhaus-c
tive, but merely is indicative of
the character and scope of the ac-
tivities included.
Certificate of Eligibility. At the
beginning of each semester and
summer session every student
shall be presumed to be ineligible-
for any extra-curricular activity
until his eligibility is affirmatively
established by obtaining from the'
Chairman of the Committee on
Student Affairs, in the Office of
Student Affairs, a Certificate of1
Eligibility. Participation before
the opening of the first semester
must be approved as at any other'
Before permitting any student
to participate in an extra-curric-
ular activity (see definition of
Participation above), the officer,
chairman, or manager of such ac-
tivity shall (a) require each ap-
plicant to present a certificate of
eligibility, (b) sign his initials on
the back of such certificate, and
(c) file with the Chairman of the
Committee on Student Affairs the
names of all those who have pre-
sented certificates of eligibility
and a signed statement to exclude
all others from participation.
Blanks for the chairmen's lists
may be obtained in the Office of
Student Affairs.
Probation and Warning. Stu-
granted a Certificate of Eligibility
provided he has completed 15
hours or more of work with (1)
at least one mark of A or B and
with no mark of less than C, or
(2) at least 2/2 times as many
honor points as hours and with
no mark of E. (A-4 points, B-3,
C-2, D-1, E-0.
dents on probation or the warned
list are forbidden to participate in
any extra-curricular activity.
Eligibility, First Year. No fresh-
man in his first semester of resi-
dence may be granted a certifi-
cate of Eligibility.
A freshman, during his second
semester of residence, may be
Any student in his first semes-
ter of residence holding rank
above that of freshman may be
granted a Certificate of Eligibility
if he was admitted to the Univer-
sity in good standing.
Eligibility, General. In order to
receive a Certificate of Eligibility,
a student must have earned at
least 11 hours of academic credit
in the preceding semester, or 6
hours of academic credit in the
preceding summer session, with
an average of at least C, and have
at least a C average for his entire
academic career.
Unreported grades and grades

of X and I are to be interpreted
as E until removed in accordance'
with University regulations. If in
the opinion of the Committee on
Student Affairs the X or I cannot
be removed promptly, the paren-
thetically reported grade may be
used in place of the X or I in
computing the average.
Graduate Students. A certifi-
cate of Eligibility will be issued to
graduate students upon presenta-
tion of Cashier's Receipt.
Special Students. Special stu-
dents are prohibited from par-
ticipating in any extra-curricular
activity except by special permis-
sion of the Committee on Stu-
dent Affairs.
Extramtural Activities. Students
who are ineligible to participate
in extra - curricular activities
within the University are prohib-
ited from taking part in other
activities of a similar nature, ex-
cept by specal permission of the
Committee on Student Affairs.
Physical Disability. Students
excused from gymnasium work
due to physical incapacity are
forbidden to take part in any ex-
tra-curricular activity, except by
special permission of the Com-
mittee on Student Affairs. In or-
der to obtain such permission, a
student must present a written
recommendation from the Uni-
versity Health Service.
General. Whenever in the opin-
ion of the Committee on Student
Affairs, or in the opinion of the
Dean of the School or College in
whichthe student is enrolled, par-
ticipation in an extra-curricular
activity may tie detrimental to his
college work, the committee may
decline to grant a student the
privilege of participation in such
Special permission to partici-
pate in extra-curricular activities
in exception to these rules may
be granted only upon the positive
recommendation of the Dean of
the School or College to which the
student belongs.
Discipline. Cases of violation of
these rules will be reported to the
proper disciplinary authority for
Officers, Chairmen, and Man-
agers. Officers, chairmen and
managers of committees and
projects who violate the Rules
Governing Participation in Extra-
Curricular Activities may be di-
rected to appear before the Com-
mittee on .Student Affairs to ex-
plain their negligence.
Canadian Undergraduate Stu-
dents: Application blanks for the
Paul J. Martin Scholarship for
Canadian undergraduate students
may be obtained at the Scholar-
ship Office, Rm. 205, University
Hall. To be eligible a student
must have been enrolled in the
University for at least one semes-
ter of the school year 1946-47.
All applications should be re-
turned to that office by Tuesday,
Sept. 30, 1947. The scholarship
will be assigned on the basis of
need and superior scholastic
Applications for Bomber Scho-
larships: Applications may be ob-
tained at the Scholarship Office,
Office of Student Affairs, Rm. 205

JUniversity Hall, and must be re- n
urned to that office not later a
han Tuesday, Sept. 30. To be
ligible for these scholarships a
tudent must have served at least
me year in the armed forces dur-
ing the last war, must have com- P
Meted satisfactorily not less than I
he equivalent of two semesters a
Af credit hours in any undergrad- t
late school or college in this Uni- t
ersity. and shall have received F
no degree of any kind from this .
University. Awards will be made I
according to need, character, and f
cholarship ability after compari-d
on of applicants. r
Seniors in Aeronautical andt
Mechanical Engineering: The
Douglas Aicraft Company, Inc.I
as established a scholarship of
$500 to be used during the cur-t
rent school year. The scholarship r
will be awarded to a highly rec-
ommended student in Aeronau-e
tical or Mechanical Engineeringc
who has completed his Junior 1
year at the University. Applica-C
tions should be in letter form,e
giving a brief statement of qual-i
ifications. and experience in re-c
gard to both scholastic work and
any outside experience they may
have had. Any service record
should be mentioned. Senior Me-1
chanicals will address their letters"
of apliotion to Prof. R. S. Haw-e
ley, Rt., 221 W. Eng. Bldg., sen-
ior Aero6auticals will send their
applications to Prof. E. W. Con-
lon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng. Bldg. Ap-
plications will be received up to'
October 3.
Aeronautical Engineering Stu-
dents: There is available one $500
Robert L. Perry Memorial Fellow-
ship to students in Aeronautical1
Engineering who are in need of,
financial assistance and who
show definite promise in this
field. In the selection of a candi-
date preference wil be given to
veteran pilots. Applications should
be in letter form, giving a state-
ment of services in the armed
forces, and addressed to Prof. E.
W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E. Eng.
Bldg. Applications will be received
up to October 3.
Scholarship Open to Senior
Mechanical, Aeronautical and
Electrical Engineering Students:
Consolidated Vultee Aircraft Cor-
poration has established an an-
nual scholarship of $250 which is
available to students who are in
their Junior year in the above
fields of engineering and who are
highly recommended by their fac-
ulty Scholarship Committee. The
student will be employed by the
Company the first semester after
the award. Application forms for
this scholarship may be obtained
in the Aeronautical Eng. Office.
Consolidated Vultee Graduate
Fellowship: The Consolidated
Vultee Aircraft Corporation has
established two annual Graduate
Fellowships of $750 each, avail-
able to graduates of accredited
engineering, metallurgy, physics
or mathematics schools who are
highly recommended by their fac-
ulty Scholarship Committee, for
graduate study and research in
the fields included in aeronau-
tical engineering. The students
will be employed by the Company
the first -summer after the
awards. Applications available in
Aero. Eng. Office.
Juniors, Seniors and Graduates:
Four Frank P. Sheehan scholar-
ships are available. The selection
of candidates for these scholar-
ships is made very largely on the
basis of scholastic standing. Ap-
plicants should address letters to
Prof. E. W. Conlon, Rm. 1501 E.
Eng. Bldg. giving a brief state-
ment of their qualifications and
experience they may have had. A
statement should also be made
about their plans for further
study in Aero. Eng. Any service
record should be mentioned. Ap-
plications will be received up to

October 3.
Freshman Health Lectures for
Men: It is a University require-
ment that all entering freshmen
take a series of lectures on Per-
sonal and Community Health and
to pass an examination on the
content of these lectures. Trans-
fer students with freshman
standing are also required to take!
,the course unless they have had
a similar course elsewhere.
Upperclassmen who were here
as freshmen and who did not ful-
fill the requirements are request-
ed to do so this term.
These lectures are also required
of veterans with freshman stand-
The lectures will be given in the
Natural Science Auditorium at
4:00, 5:00 and 7:30 p.m. as per


ote that attendance is required
nd roll will be taken.
Academic Notices
Medical Aptitude Examination.
All applicants for admission to
Medical Schcols. who wish to be
dmitted during 1948, must take
he Medical Aptitude Examina-
ion on Sat., Oct. 25, 1947 or Mon.,
Feb. 2, 1948. The examination will
not be given on any other day.
In order to be admitted to the
Dctober 25th examination, can-
didates must fulfill the following
1. Candidates must register for
he October 25th examination on
or before Thurs., Sept. 25, 1947,
Rm. 110, Rackham Bldg. Sept. 25
will be the last day for registra-
tion for the October 25th exami-
2. Candidates must bring to the
examination a check or money
order for five dollars payable to
the Graduate Record Office. No
candidate will be admitted to the
examination unless he pays fee
in this way. Cash will not be ac-
Candidates who register will be-
gin the examination at 8:45 a.m.
on Oct. 25, 1947, in the Lecture
Hall of the Horace H. Rackham
School of Graduate Studies. The
examination will be divided into
two sessions and will take all day.
Inquiries should be addressed to
The Chief Examiner, Bureau of
Psychological Services, (Bt,
Graduate Students: Prelimi-
nary examinations in French and
German for the doctorate will be
held Fri., Sept. 26, 4 to 6 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Diction-
aries may be used.
Chemistry 55: A limited num-
ber of desks are available for stu-
dents who have had Chemistry
53. Open sections are: (1) M, F,
afternoons and M, W, evenings or
(2) TuTh afternoons and eve-. ig; frte frt 7/ ek
nings; for the fist 7n week
English 183. Meet Wednesday
as scheduled, in 2231 AH. Reading
lists may be obtained before that
time in my office, 2216 AH.
R. C. Boys.,
English 211g, Proseminar in
American Literature, will meet
Wednesdays, 4-6, Rm. 3217 A.H.
Mathematics Concentration Ex-
amination. Wed., Sept. 24, 4 p.m,
Rm, 3011, Angell Hall.
Museum Science 168, 173, 185,
205 and 206: these courses will
not be given during the academic
year 1947-48.
Political Science 301. Biblio-
graphy and Methods of Research,
Tu. 2-4, meet in Rm 2203, Angell
Political Science 383. National
Government and American Po-
litical Thought meet 3-5, in Rm,
308, Library.
Scandinavian 31, Beginning
Norwegian. Will all students reg-
istering for this course please see
me in 303 SW at 10-11 Tuesday -to
arrange class hours.
Norman L. Willey.
Events Today
Tau Beta Pi. Dinner meeting,
6:15 p.m., Lobby of the Union.
Honors 101: Preliminary meet-
ing, Rm. 17, Angell Hall, 4 p.m.
Michigan Varsity Men's Glee
Club: 7:15 p.m., Ballroom, Mich-
igan Union. Interested men stu-
dents of all schools and colleges
are invited to attend. Applications

for membership will be accepted
and a program of vocal tryouts
will be arranged. All men who
wish to be members of the Glee
Club this year should be present.
Sophomore Aides to the Wom-
en's Judiciary Council meet at 2
p.m., Council Room, League.
Christian Science Organization:
Regular weekly meeting, 7:30
p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. All
are invited.
Coming Events
Cheerleading Tryouts 3-5 p.m.,
Wed., Sept. 24, I.M. Bldg.
U. of M. Sailing Club. Meeting
for all regular members, Wed.,
Sept. 24, Michigan Union. If you
cannot attend, notify Marilee Di-
amond, 333 M'osher Hall, Ph.
24561; Bob Ford, Ph. 4546; or
Bruce Lockwood, Ph. 25644.
Bowlers: The Michigan Union
Campus Indepeindent League
meeting, Wed., Sept. 24, 7 p.m.,
Rm. 321, Michigan Union. League
will bowl Wednesday evenings
(and afternoons if necessary)
starting October 1.
Modern Poetry Club. Open to
all interested in discussing mod-
ern poets and their work, meet
Wed., 8 p.m., Rm, 3217, Angell
Barnaby Club. All members
meet at 8:30 p.m., Wed., Sept.



the following schedule:
Lecture No. Day
1 Mon.
2 Tues.
3 Wed.
4 Thurs.
5 Mon.
6 Tues.
7 (Final Exam) Wed.

Sept. 22
Sept. 23
Sept. 24
Sept. 25
Sept. 29
Sept. 30
Oct. 1

You may attend at any of the
above hours. Enrollment will take
place at the first lecture. Please


[One of countless sufferina citizens of our -fl


it's poifectly obvious, kid,


f That's what comes froml

C Mms
I Come, come, McSnoyd. Let us notI

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