ROTO See fore E6 Y f A w6 *a1 ii4 COLD Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 85 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, JANUARY 16, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS Dorsey Band Will Furnish J-Hop Music Dunham To Play Alternate Sets Over 3,000 students will dance to the music of Tommy Dorsey and Sonny Dunham beneath a star-studded ceiling at the tradi- tional J-Hop from 10 pFm. to 2 ha.m. Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6 and I in the Intramural Building M Sonny Dunham, hailed as one of the nation's top trumpet and trombone stylists, will feature Pete Hanley, vocalist and the Trombbne Choir. The handsome bandleader has long been known as the only leader with the out- standing ability to double in brass. ," The "Sentimental Gentleman," Stuart Foster, vocalist, and Ziggy Elman will alternate dance sets with Dunham's band. Elman is rated the hottest trumpet player in captivity because of his ability to hold a note longer than the Morris Plan. Winter Wonderland The large gymnasium in the In- tramural Building will be trans- formed into a winter wonderland for the two formals. Blue valences studded with stars that sparkle in the halflight, will drape the ceil- ing and ends of the room. The walls will be white decorated with black silhouettes on a winter theme, while an illuminated full moon will shine down on the dancers. Booths furnished with easy chairs and couches will line the walls to serve as gathering places for campus groups at intermission and between sets. Booths for independent men and their J--Hop guests will be spon- sored by the East and West Quad- rangles Saturday night. No Flowers In accord with traditional J- Hop policy flowers will not be worn to J-Hop. Only members of the central committee and their guests will be allowed to wear cor- sages. Unusual favors and dance programs will be distributed to coeds at the formals. Coeds will receive 4 a.m. per- mission Saturday and Sunday, Feb. 7 and 8, according to the of- fice of the Dean of Women. Tickets for the J-Hop break- fasts, to be given by the League and Union, will be on sale from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. today at the University Hall ticket booth. Dur- ing the week of registration break- fast tickets will be available at the League and Union. U.S. Asks Oil, Gasoline Curb Seeks End of Supply Distribution Problem WASHINGTON, Jan. 15-(P)- The government called on the public today to reduce consump- tion of scarce gasoline, fuel oil and gas by 15 per cent as a new cold wave rolled across the northern plains toward the eastern sea- board already shivering in below zero weather. Secretary of Interior Krug told an emergency conference of fuel coordinators from more than twenty states that voluntary con- sumer curtailment is necessary not only to relieve the current pe- troleum shortage but also to speed solution of a supply and distribu- tion problem that may continue four or five years. Krug's request was presented by Max Ball, director of the de- partment's oil and gas division, who said President Truman also is preparing an order to govern- ment establishments to practice "rigorous" conservation measures. The forecast of continued cold for the Middle Atlantic States and New England brought little hope for easing the strain on dwindling fuel stocks. In all sections the story was the same: Oil production in the Unit- ed States is at a record peake but over-strained distribution iacili- ties are unable to cope with in- creased demands further intensi- fied by severe weather. Sawyer Backs Demand For Strong Air Forces Cites Ability of Other Nations To Construct Atom Bombs Within Three to Five Years By JAKE HURWITZ Warning that any nation with the necessary resources and the de- sire to do so can have an atomic bomb within three to five years, Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the Graduate school yesterday gave Policy Com- mission recommendation for a powerful air force. Commenting on the commission's request for an additional one and a half Lillion dollars for defense appropriations and their warn- ing that other nations will have a bomb in five years, Dean Sawyer said there is much danger in facing atomic warfare without Ian air force to defend ourselves as Mayor Says Headquarters Set for Student Guide P rogram Advisors Will Meet At 25 Angell Hall Catalogue-bewildered students ,ay take their program troubles to student advisors every day dur- ing registration week in Rm. 25, Angell Hall, where the new Course Content Student Advisory ?rogram will have its headquar- ters. Prepared to direct students to courses relating to individual in- sts and requirements, advisors will give detailed descriptions of ,ourses in the major concentra- ion fields. Each advisor will be a pecialist in one field--usually his 'oncentrate, and will advise stu- ents on courses in, that field only. The first time such a student 4dvisory system has been put into '>peration, the Course - content Program is expected to have wide- spread success in the literary col- tege, according to Dave Dutcher, :o-chairman of the Student Leg- islature Cultural and Educational Committee, which initiated the alan. If enough students take ad- vantage of the program, it will be expanded to other schools and colleges, Dutcher said. Dutcher re-emphasized, how- ever, that only factual informa- tion concerning courses will be given, with no discussion of the relative difficulty of the course or of the merits of the professor. WTorld News At a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 15- Secretary of the Army Royall said today that this country probably will have to resume drafting men for the armed forces unless it adopts the multi-billion dollar European Recovery Program now before Congress. well as to mount a counterattack. Biggest Obstacle Turning to the possibility that other nations can build an atom bomb, Dean Sawyer indicated that the biggest obstacle is in deter- mining whether or not it is practi- cable, and we have certainly dem- onstrated that, he stated. It has been characteristic of us to prepare for war after it has already engulfed us, Dean Sawyer pointed out. Our unpreparedness policy has never succeeded in keeping us out of wars, he added. We cannot afford to be unpre- pared in an atomic age. It would be too late after a war has started, Dean Sawyer emphasized. The time for preparation is before the bomb can be dropped, he said. Earth Tremors Dean Sawyer, who was civilian technical director of the atomic bomb test off Bikini Atoll, doubts whether the earth tremors re- corded in Europe last summer mean that Russia has an atomic bomb. A bomb exploded in the air would not cause an earth tremor, he pointed out. Only an under- ground or underwater explosion could be expected to register on a seismograph, but it would be dif- ficult to distinguish from an earthquake, Dean Sawyer said. But even an "Iron Curtain" can not hide an atom bomb, he added. Student Loans From'~U' Up 50 Per Cent University students, proving that they are as inflation-pinched as the rest of the country, have jumped student loans made by the University almost 50 per cent of the amount made last year, fig- ures from the Office of Student Affairs reveal. Almost 4,000 loans to 2,109 stu- dents were made by the University Loans Committee, mostly to veter- ans waiting for slow arriving sub- sistence checks. Well over $200,- 000 was paid out in loans by the committee to the students "caught short." Virtually all loan requests come from veterans with late check problems, or who are unable to make the checks cover new or un- usual expenses. Both short and long term loans are made by the committee, which includes Gordon B. Jory, Univer- sity cashier, Herbert G. Watkins, secretary and assistant vice-presi- dent of the University, Erich A. Walter, dean of students and Mary C. Bromage, assistant dean of women. Short term loans are in- terest free, unless overdue, with extensions obtainable. Longer term loans, payable six months after the student's graduation, carry a very low interest rate. Under regulations governing the committee, a student must be reg- istered at least two semesters in the University to be eligible for a loan, but since the war the influx of veterans and the delays in checks have led' to individual ex- ceptions. Individual needs also govern the amount of the loan and liberaliza- tion of terms. The Goodwill Fund for men has aided in this respect by supplying the interest on the short term loans. Students applying for loans should report to the Office of Stu- dent Affairs from 1 to 5 p.m. any afternoon. Ordinance Is Not Harmful TellsP lans for Curb on Meetinos By PHIL DAWSON "No question of denying free- dom of speech or assembly is in- volved" in the proposed ordinance empowering the mayor to grant or refuse requests for tag days, pa- rades and public meetings on city property,,Mayor William E. Brown, Jr., said yesterday. In fact, he pointed out, "the or- Sdinance doesn't grant the mayor any new powers-the power is al- ready given in the city charter, which provides that the mayor can prohibit any public gathering he thinks would result in a riot." 'Power Needed' 'Somebody's got to have the power," he explained, "to stop meetings or parades which would be general nuisances, and some- body has to know where meetings will be held if adequate police pro- tection is to be provided." Common Council will consider the measure Monday. Asked if he favored setting up criteria within the ordinance to define "undesirable" meetings, Mayor Brown said: "There's no way it could be worded to exclude the things we don't want without also limiting harmless or beneficial meetings. Anyway, if the mayor hasn't got your confidence, get rid of him.'" MYDA'sirecent request for a meeting in Felch Park, which precipitated the proposed ordi- nance, was denied "because of a strong probability of violence," the mayor said. "Firearms, stones and other missiles were confiscated by police. If Eisler had appeared there would have been serious trouble. Prevent Trouble "That's just the kind of thing this ordinance is designed to pre- vent," he said. "Its purpose is to call attention to the mayor's power in these situations." Mayor Brown said requests have been made, and refused, for per- mission to: Hold a religious meeting on the courthouse lawn; Initiate numerous tag day cam- paigns in which "professional so- licitors would embezzle most of the contributions"; Have all sorts of "unjustified parades under the leadership of fanatics on days when traffic is tangled anyway." "If the ordinance isn't passed," the mayor said, "the city will be flooded with every conceivable kind of nuisance.- Daily Feature Positions Open Artist, Columnists Needed ForSpring A cartoonist and a columnist, both possessing an understanding of campus issues, are being sought by The Daily for the spring term Competition has also been re- opened for special positions as re- viewers. Critics are wanted for Art Cinema League movies, current movies, Play Production, Choral Union concerts, art exhibits and current books. All appliants for these positions should bring or mail samples of their work to The Daily, 420 May- nard, before Feb. 13. No samples will be returned by mail. Meetings for students interested in trying out for the business, women's, sports or editorial staffs will be held during the first week of next term. The time and loca- tion of the meetings will be an- nounced in the first issue. Anyone who can not attend should notify the editors. Marshall Blasts Drastic Changes Of ERP Measure Warns Alterations Might Endanger Prospects of European Recovery By The Associated Press PITTSBURGH, Jan. 15-Secretary of State Marshall said tonight in a speech plainly aimed at Congress that radical alteration of the Administration's foreign aid program might imperil the chances of European Recovery. He acknowledged there might be plans of omission or phrasing in the aid bill submitted by President Truman and said Congress doubtless would improve the measure in some particulars. But he stressed ghat the principal terms of the four-year pro- gram, with its $6,800,000,000 initial outlay, were drafted with utmost care "to meet many vital consider- * * * POSTER BOY HAS A PUNCH.. . Three-year-old Terr'y Tullos of Laurel, Miss., puts a punch in his pose for the National Infan- tile Paralysis fund drive which opens Jan 15. Youngest child ever to be chosen for the poster of the March of Dimes, Terry was selected from thousands of polio patients throughout the country. He will go to New York with his parents to open the campaign there after appearing in Washington, D.C. * * * * AID POLIO VICTIMS: Dime Daily Will Spark Local March of .Dimes Camp-aign LAKE SUCCESS, Jan. 15- Creation of a United Nations military force to carry out par- titioning of Palestine was pro- posed today by Senator Vicente J. Francisco, Philippine member of the UN Commission chosen to divide the Holy Land into Jew- ish and Arabic countries by Oct. 1. DUSSELDORF, Germany, Jan. 15-A warning of widespread strikes and even hunger riots in the Ruhr was voiced by the chief labor union official of the British zone tonight as British and American military government chiefs centered attention on a re- ported communist scheme for sabotage of the Marshall Plan. JERUSALEM, Jan. 15-At least 71 persons were reported slain to- day in fierce Arab-Jewish fighting in southern Palestine and in the teeming streets of the northern port city of Haifa. RALEIGH, N.C., Jan. 15-Jo- sephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy in the First World War, former Ambassador to Mexico and editor and publisher of the Raleigh News and Ob- server died today after a two- week illness. He would have been 86 in May. * *- * DETROIT, Jan. 15-Spearhead- The Michigan Daily's "Dime Daily" will spark the current Ann Arbor March of Dimes campaign which opened yesterday and will continue until Jan. 30. Formerly the "J-Hop Edition," the new issue will be sold by mem- U' Graduates Will Present Lectures Here Two University graduates, Ham- ilton Cochran, former Daily staff- er, now on the Saturday Evening Post, and Paul Shinkman, radio news analyst will appear here to- day as final speakers in the Jour- nalism department lecture series. Cochran, speaking at 10 a.m., in Am. B, Haven Hall, will take his listeners "behind the scenes in the Post editorial department," and Shinkman, at 3 p.m., Rm. E, will speak on "The Washington News Front." Although in charge of automo- tive advertising for the Post, Cochran has worked for the gov- ernment, done business promotion and advertising, and written six books, including "Captain Ebony," and "Rogue's Holiday," to be pub- lished soon. Graduating from the University in 1922, Cochran spent 10 years doing advertising and editorial work, including two spent in Eng- land as an advertiser for American and British firms. Shinkman, also a University grad, served an apprenticeship as cub reporter in Chicago, spent five years for the Chicago Tribune in Paris and London, and then did roving assignments for INS on the eve of World War II. Filing first hand reports on the approaching war Shinkman was called to Washington as analyzer of Nazi broadcasts, and later cov- ered the White House Interna- tional Developments for OWI overseas broadcast. Both speeches are open to all students. There will be a discus- sion hour in the Journalism News Room, Haven Hall at 4 p.m., at which time Shinkman will answer questions on his work. bers of the University "M" Club at 8 a.m. Feb. 9, with the "mu- tual consent" of the J-Hop Com- mittee, according to Nancy Hel- mick, Daily business manager. All funds collected from the sale of the Dime Daily will be turned over to the city's cam- paign to supplement dimes collect- ed through cannisters, theatre col- lections and gifts. Campaigners hope to better the $18,342.72 total collected in the 1947 drive, although no specific goal is ever set, according to Mrs. Virginia Townsend, campaign publicity chairman. This year's plastic cans in sor- orities, fraternities, dormitories and all retail stores reveal hordes of nickels, pennies, quarters, and half dollars, besides the tradition- al dimes. "Anything is welcome, it all goes toward the infantile par- alysis fight," officials commented. "Fifty per cent of collections remain in the Washtenaw area for use in all polio cases," Robert Lumbard, Chairman of the Ann Arbor Drive, said. "The rest goes to the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis. Much of this is spent on research-with $319,- 825 going to the University dur- ing 1946." Gift contributions can be mailed to: Russell Bradley, Ann Arbor Trust Building, Ann Arbor. Checks should be payable to The March of Dimes. Yerges, Mann, Ford Go West With visions of the Rose Bowl victory still in the back of their minds, Quarterback Howard Yer- ges and ends Bob Mann and Len Ford left for California again last night to play in the all-star, East- West football game next Sunday. Several other Michigan players, among them All-American Bob Chappuis, received invitations to play in the game. Chappuis de- clined, however, saying that he did not want to jeopardize his elig- ibility for baseball here next spring. This is the last issue of The Daily for the fall term of 1947- 48. Regular publication will be resumed Tuesday, Feb. 10. ations affecting tte national in- terest." "Radical alteration of the basic structure would, I fear jeopardize the prospect thai the measure would successfully accomplish the purpose for which it was de- signed," Marshall told the Pitts- burgh Chamber of Commerce. He said in a prepared speech that the recovery enterprise in- volved the course of history "in our time and for many years to come" so that its present scrutiny by Congress merited fullest pub- licity to keep the nation informed. "We are required," Marshall said, "to make a decision as to which is the wiser course: whether to make a capital investment in European recovery involving a' sum that, though large, is well within our means, with a good prospect of realizing long-term gain; or whether to spend our abundant capital for the satisfac- tion of our immediate wants, in the hope that the day of reckoning can be indefinitely deferred." Meanwhile, the United States government, as a part of the Eu- ropeandRecovery Program, an- nounced today it will limit the shipment of non-essential goods to European countries starting March41. No particular items have ben embargoed, but commercial ship- ments of all commodities to the European area will require indi- vidual licenses from the Com- merce Department. The sending of gift packages will not be affected. It was ob- vious, however, that commercial shipments of hundreds of items, such as passenger cars or rayon stockings, may be held up or re- duced in amount if commerce de- partment experts, after consulta- tions with European governments, decide the shipments would not fit into an orderly program of aid to Europe. Chaplin Filns To Be Shown Revenue Earmarked For March of Dimes Charlie Chaplin, the classic comedian of the silent films, will return to Lydia Mendelssohn The- atre next week-end in the second annual "Charlie Chaplin Crmi- val," sponsored by the Art Cinema League for the benefit of the March of Dimes. Chaplin, noted for his roles as the pathetic but always laughable "common man," stars in the four short comedies tuo be presented: "The Tramp," with Jackie Coogan, "The Bark," "A Woman," and "Police." The showing has a dual pur- pose, "To provide the students some respite from exams and to help a worthy cause," according to Phil Bedein, publicity agent for the Art Cinema League. Ladt, year's Chaplin Carnival met wit hgreat success, drawing overflow crowds of students and "nostalgic old - timers," Bedein said. There should be room for all this year, he added, with four showings being put on. Shows will begin at 7:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday- January 23, 24, and 25-with a 3 p.m. matinee Sunday. A shoiW film featuring Spanish folk songs and popular dances will also be shown in the ninety-min- ute program. Taft Repeats Demand for BudgetSlash Asks Billion Dollar Cut in Foreign Aid PROVIDENCE, R.I., Jan 15-(A) -Senator Taft (Rep., Ohio) de- manded a $3,000,000,000 slash in President Truman's budget to- night-$1,000,000,000 of it in for- eign aid. He forecast, too, "That this time taxes can be reduced even over the veto of the President." He made clear he meant the House Ways and Means Committee's bill for tax cuts up and down the line. The Republican policy commit- tee chairman in the Senate told 750 members of the Rhode Island Republican Club that reductionWof the President's $39,669,000,000 budget, submitted Mnday for the fiscal year beginning next July 1, is "vital." "If we once turn up on expen- ditures," he said in a departure from his prepared text, "I believe we may never .et back." He added later that he thought thirty bil- lion dollars about .right for a, peacetime 'budget. Proposing a one billion out in the 1949 budget for European re- lief, Taft declared: "We should only spend money on European aid where the bene- fits to the peoples in Europe and greater than the danger to the U. S." Renewing his opposition to Uni- versal Military Training, raft pro- posed instead a strengthening of the Air Force, and said this would leave the iefense budget spout at its present level. Charging that the President has demanded "war spending" and "war powers to regulate every de- tail of American life," the chair- man of the Senate's Republcan Policy Committee urged a com- plete recasting of the national de- fense spending estimates to give this country an air force second to none. ID's Needed At Registration Students who have not yet picked up their identification cards, must do so before Jan. 30, or find themselves denied en- trance to Waterman Gymnasium for registration, according to a statement from the Office of Stu- lent Affairs. Cards may be obtained at Rm. 2, University Hall. Special permission receipts for students who have lost their cards, or registered too late to have iden- tification pictures taken, should be obtained before Jan. 30 from Mrs. Cornelia Sowers, Rm. 2, Uni- vrersity Hall. Students without cards or permission receipts will not be allowed to register for the spring term. anuscris Are Due Today All manuscripts being entered in the annual freshman Hopwood contest must be submitted no later FROM RIFLES TO SLIDE-RULES: Veterans Describe Task of College Readjustment I