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January 15, 1948 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-15

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Ticket Sales Begin Today.
For Post-J-Hop Breakfasts

J-Hop breakfast ticket; will be
on sale from 9 a.m. to noon and
from 1 to 5 p.m. today aned to-
morrow at the ticket boothi in iUi-
versity Hall.
Traditional post-dance break-
fasts will be presented at, 2:30
aim. Friday a<nd Stu~irday. Feb.
6 and 7 at the Leage id Union.
Ticket sales are open to both in-
dependent and affiliated students
although many of the fraternities
are presnting J-Hop breakfasts at
their houses.
J-lHop will be presented from
10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Friday and
Saturday, Feb. 6 and 7 in the
Intramural Building and will
feature the music of Tommy
Dorsey and Sonny Dunham.
Coeds will receive 4 a.m. permis-
sion Saturday and Sunday, Feb.

7 and r tO attend J-411), break-
fasts and fraternity- house par-
Any woman student invited to
be an overnight guest at a house-
party in a men's residence is in-
structed to call in person at the
Office of the Dean of Women be-
fore th, wveekend to secure writ-,
ten permission to present to her
Student groups wishing to
have parties J-Hop weekend are
instructed to secure regular
approval from the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.
Arrangements for house parties
on J-Hop weekend involving wom-
en overnight guests must also be
approved by the Office of the
Dean of Women.

While planning your next semester's program why
not include courses in shorthand and typing to insure
you of better positions upon graduation.
Phone or come in and we will arrange classes to
fit into your schedule.

New Chapter
Of Delta Zeta
To Be Iritiated
The number of sororities on'
campus will total nineteen with
the addition of Alpha Eta Chap-
ter of Delta Zeta. which will be
installed during the weekend of
February 8 and 9.
The members of Alpha Eta,
which has been colonizing on
campus, will be initiated and in-
stalled as the local chapter of
Delta Zeta in their new home on
Geddes, beginning 9 a.m.
February 8. Installation events
will be climaxed with a banquet
in their honor at 6 p.m. on the
same day in the Michigan Union.
Spmnsors To Attend
Members of the Detroit Alumni
Chapter, who are sponsoring the
group, and active members from
Michigan State College, Albion,
Northwestern, Pitt and Ohio State
will join with the group in the
weekend activities. In charge of
the events are Miss Frances West-
cott, national president who will
officiate at the ceremony, Mrs.
Evelyn Costello and Miss Irene
This will be a reactivation of
this chapter which has been inac-
tive since 1833 and will become
the 67th active chapter of Delta
Members Listed
Original members who will be
initiated are Beverly Garret, pres-
ident; Kathleen Randolph, corres-
ponding secretary; Phyllis Brooks,
treasurer; Suzanne Kuivinen and,
Mary licks.
Others who will be initiated areI
Lillian Winquist, vice president;
Barbara MacLachlan, recording'
secretary; Mary Cobane, treasur-
er; Jane Hardin, Joan McHugh,I
Betty Sikkema, Gwen Thomas,
Phyllis Vail, Barbara. Dunkle,
Mary Margaret Farmer, Barbara
Houghton, Ellen Mulvihill, and
Ruth Parsons.
The list continues with Janet
Taylor, Sally Wilcox, Mary Clem-
ent, Barbara Cutler, Kathryn Cy-
bulski, Dolly Humecke, Lois Ken-j
nedy, Judy MacKenzie, Kris Ram-
sey, Zola Shipman, Sarah Thrush,
Nancy Walker, Jacqueline Zipp
and Virginia Zieb.

KEEPING FIT-Adrienne Sausset' demonstrates how to keep fit
on a Scandinavian exercise board at Palm Springs, California.

Formal Rush
StartsFe b. 4
Registration for lormnal rushing
will be held Feb. 4, 5. 6 :nd 7 in
the Social Director's (iice in t4
Eligibility i' eqire mei1s for
rushing are the same a ; th r'-
quirements for elikibility cards.
second semester fr.sh: en nust
have at least 15 hours of C wilh
no E's and upperlassmen mustI
not be on probation.
A registration fee of 75 eent
will be charged. Miss McCormick,.
the League Social Director, will be
in her office during the registra-
tion period to answer questions
concerning the rules and pro,'e-
dures of rushing.
There will be an informal ques-
tion session at a mass meeting
4:30 p.m. Feb. 9 in Rackham Au-
ditorium. Rushing booklets can be
picked up at this meeting or in
the Undergraduate Office of the
The opening teas will be Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday,
Feb. 9, 10 and 11 and final des-
serts will be held Feb. 28 and 29.
Pledging is scheduled for
March 3 and initiation will take
place during the early part of
Glee Club Sings
For Conofrence
The University of Michigan
Women's Glee Club will give a
concert at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the
League, Ballroom for the Music
Educators Conference.
The program will include
"Mery's Lullaby" composed fyr the
Glee Club by Dorothy James. Ad-
ditional numbers by the group will
include "The Flower of Jesse"
"When Jesus Wept," "The Sleigh.
and an Argentine folk song
Seating 225 in overcrowded
college town. $18,000 to $23,-
000 may handle with $4500
down. Requires energetic,
young and experienced op-t
erator, Brokers protected.
Call Ann Arbor 6415. Ferris,

I - ' '
/a eIC n
IL -_____________________________________

M~r. and Mrs. Earl Edward Stiel-
er of WVandotte announce the en-
gagement of 'heir daughter, Bar-
ba'a Canpbell. to Lennon An-
thony Thompson also of Wyan-
<iott1 .5
M iss ;t ich'r gmadumI~e from [lie
University in 1945 and w as a
emiber of Chi Omega, She also
'ttended the Katerine Gibbs
School in Boston. Mr. Thompson
is a student in the College of En-
gineering and is affiliated with
Delta Tau Delta.
The engagement of Evelyn
Schurr has been announced by her
parnts, Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Schurr
of Lima, Ohio to 'Theodore Chies-
na, son of Mr. Martin Chiesna of

330 South State Street

Thane 2-0330

v 1
512 East William
Off State - One Block West of Haven Hall
Open 7 A.M. to 10:30 P.M. Daily except Fri. and Sat.
Friday and Saturday, 7A.M. to 12:30 A.M.

Mu Phi Epsilon
Society Initiates
New Members
The Gamma chapter of Mu Phi
Epsilon initiated new members.
The new initiates are Mary-
jane Albright, Cheyenne, Wyo.;
Deloris Di Lorenzo, New Castle,
Pa.; Nancy Ann Finlay, Mar-
quette; Esther Hagen, Northport; I
Patricia Herman, Ypsilanti; Betty
Hunt, Grand Rapids, and Mary
Pat King, Detroit.
The list continues with Gloria
Korhonen, Trout Creek;-"Ann Kin-
ley, Pontiac; Sally Lou Mick,
Sturgis; Patricia Ann Shields, Ann
Arbor; Ruth Stein, Detroit; Jose-
phine Waller, Ann Arbor; Ruth
Wiersma, Holland. Rosemarie
Young. Farmington, and Ruth
Ziegler, Ferndale.
(Contined from Page 4)

Union To Honor
Michigdmuo Men
Last in a series of dances hon-
oring men's honorary societies on
campus,- ."Tomahawk _.Trample,"
will honor Michigamua from 9
p.m. to midnight Saturday in the
Union Ballroom.
Presented 'by the 'Union Execu-
tive Council, the dance will feature
the music of Frank Tinker and
his orchestra. Decorations and
intermission entertainment haveI
also been planned.1
Admission to the dance is the
price of the regular Union Ball-
room dances held weekly.
WAA Notice
Fencing-Open meeting for in-
struction will be held at 4:30 p.m.
today at the VAB.
Kappa Phi: 5:30 p.m., Wesleyan
La p'tite causetts: 3:30 p.m.,
Grill Room, Michigan League.
Coming Events
The Graduating Outing Club:
Meet for winter sports at 2:30
p.m., Sun., Jan. 18, northwest en-
trance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at
ltaekham check desk before noon
Saturday. All graduate students
are welcome.
SSA Coffee hlour: Fri., Jan. 16,
4:30 p:, Lane Hall. The Greek
Orthodox Club will be special
guests. Everyone is welcome.
International Center Ballroom
dancing class usually held Friday
nights at 8 o'clock will be re-
sumed next semester.
I.Z.F.A.: Hike, Sun., Jan. 25.
Meet at Hillel, 2:30 p.m. All in-

Ic S

:11 IS'
. 4 1 *

See them in Detroit at ERNEST KERNS * CROWLEY MILNER
Free booklet: "WARDROBE TRICKS". Write Judy Bond, Inc., Dept. 0, 1' Broadway, 'New York 18'

Results of Table Tennis tour-
naments held in women's
houles must be turned in by to-
morrow to Gerry Wolfe, the
WAB or Barbour Gym.


Coronas - Underwoods
111 South 4th Ave.

Billings, Design for October by
Fine, and the lirst perforiance of
Suite for Orchestra.' Op. 45, by
Effinger, written ior the Univer-
sity of Michigan Symphony Or-
chestra. The program. given in
connection with the Third Annual
' Midwestern Conference on School
Vocal and Instrumental Music,
will be open to the general public.
Events Today
Postpanement: International
Center weekly tea will not be held
this afternoon.
Michigan Chapter AAUP: Meet
6 p.m., Michigan"Union Cafeteria
for lunch and program in the din-
ing room of the Faculty Club.
Graduate School Record Con-
cert: 7:45 p.m., East Younge,
Rackham Bldg.
Mozart: Sonata No. 24 in C Ma-
jor for Violin and Piano, 296.
Brahms : Symphony No. 4 in E
Bartok: Quartet No. 1 in A
Minor, op. 7.
Graduate Students are invited.
Silence is requested.

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loll IV

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