PAGI S trMttUNi x I -v- .V . .. ... .. .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. ... .. .. .. . ........ . .... .. ......... .... ...... . THIS IS WQMlJ : West Quad Men Begin Rival Radio Broadcasts By MARY STEIN Not to be out-done by the East Quadders who recently set up a "radio station," three enterprising West Quad residents have started experimental broadcasts from their own studio iri Michigant House. Brad Stone, Fred Renley, and Bill MacMillan, all lit school freshmen, are the co-backers of new station WQMH-the call let- ters stand for West Quad Mich- igan House. The Studio, in Room Prof. Hobbs Will Lecture a w ,_ ..'1U ._ On UGlaciers Prof. Emeritus William H. Hobbs, of the geology department, will deliver an illustrated lecture on "The Ancient Glaciers of America in the Light of Recent Studies of an Existing One" at 8:00 p.m. today in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The existing glacier is one of two glaciers of continental dimen- sions and is located in Greenland. Prof. Hobbs directed expeditions to that island for the University in 1926, 1927 and 1928. He has also made extended cruises to mandat- ed Pacific Islands and was an ex- change professor at the Techni- sche Hoogeschool in Delft, 1921- 22. Prof. Hobbs has just published a book whose subject matter is re- lated to his lecture topic. It is en- titled "Glacial Studies of the Pleistocene of North America." In addition, he has written 12 other books, including "The World War and its Consequences," with an introduction by Theodore Roosevelt; and biographies of Leonard Wood and Adm. Robert E. Peary. Prof. Hobbs has also been associate editor of "The Journal of Geology" since 1909. The lecture is being given under the auspices of Sigma Xi and will be illustrated with slides. It is open to the public. S. I. Hayakawa To Talk Today "The Task of the Listener," will be the subject of a talk to be giv- en by Dr. S. I. Hayakawa, well- known semanticist, at 4 p.m. today in the Rackham Lecture Hall, sponsored by the Department of Speech. Dr. Hayakawa, who is associate professor of English at Illinois In- stitute of Technology, received his bachelor of arts degree from Man- itoba University and his master's degree at McGill. He obtained his doctor's at the University of Wis- consin and is now a reviewer for the Chicago Sun. Also the author of "Language in Action," which was a Book of the Month Club se- lection in 1941, Dr. Hayakawa re- cently became president of the Chicago Consumers Cooperative, Incorporated. Subsistenc e . (continued from Page 1) the President's military adviser, Maj. Gen. Harry A. Vaughn, be- fore we leave- Washington. We're looking forward to a full explana- tion of the disappointing state- ment that was included in Mr. Truman's message. pollector's Item The . Ann Arbor snowballs, launched from the University of Michigan's Diagonal last week, have become quite the collector's items in these parts. Not an hour passes that somebody doesn't ask about the snowballs. The plastic pellet's message-that we've got as much chance as a snowball in hell of living on Government sub- sistence-seems to be catching on, too. All we need now is a new bar- rage of letters from stdent veter- ans to their Congressmen urging subsistence raises. Three Contractors Bid To Build Courthouse Three bids, ranging around $2,- 000,000, for the construction of a new five-story courthouse for Washtenaw County have been re- ceived by the County Board of Su- pervisors. ' 0. W. Burke Co. submitted the lowest bid, $1,960,000. A. W. Kut- sche Co. was next with $1,995,000. W. E. Wood Co. set a price of $2,- 100,000. All three bidders are De- troit firms. The question of a new court- honse to renlace the nresent 70- 211, is equipped with a broadcast-' ing unit and mike. Clear-Channel Station After much switching around, they've picked out a "clear-chan- ne" frequency of 550--"at the bottom of your dial," as Stone1 coined the phrase. WQMH can be heard within a 250 foot radius of the dorm, they report. The sta- tion's broadcasting apparatus was a Christmas present from Stone's, father, who's an amateur "ham" in Detroit. Disc-Jockeys Already the broadcasters have been doing some classical and jazz disc-jockeying-"no long-winded commercials between records,1 either." West Quad news programs' and other live broadcasts are in4 the offing come next semester, when they plan to broadcast frome 6:45 to 8 p.m. every night. I The trio went on the air for the first time Saturday night with, the bare announcement, "This is, WQMH, Michigan House." Within half an hour a score of music en- thusiasts had found the room and were piling up record requests. "We've already got a supply of records big enough to keep us in the platter-spinning business for six months," Remley said. Down the Hall Many West-Quadders at first thought they were hearing a com- mercial station. One unsuspecting lad got the thrill of his life at' hearing a record dedicated to him -until his elation was shattered by the discovery that the broad- cast came just a few rooms down from his own. Censorship troubles are already plaguing the broadcasters. "Some- one broke a bottle of coke on the first broadcast and we barely got the mike switched before the cuss word came out," Stone remarked.' ISA Presents Farewell Fete Bridge Winners Will Be Awarded Prizes Almost 100 graduating foreign students, representing some 60 countries, will receive honors, and the winners of the International Students Association bridge tour- nament, will be presented with a trophy and prizes at the farewell party at 8 p.m. today in Rm. 316 of the Union. The party, sponsored jointly by the ISA and the International Center, will feature as speakers Provost James P. Adams, Dr. Es- son M. Gale, director of the Inter- national Center, M. K. Raju, pres- ident of the ISA, and T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of the Alumni Association. Tapping will outline to the graduating students how they may continue their rela- tion with the University through the Alumni Association. A large bronze trophy, donated by the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce will be presented to Lee Shulman and Al Pappas, members of the winning Lloyd House team in the all-campus event. Fountain pen sets, donated by a local merchant, will be given the winners as individual prizes. Following the program at the Union, refreshments will be served at the Center. echnic Sales Will Begin Tomorrow The Michigan Technic will go on sale tomorrow in the Engineer- ing Arch and East Engineering Lobby according to Editor Phil Stemmer. This month's magazine is built around an article by Les Herrin '50E which deals with the future design of automobiles. In his article, "The Car of To- morrow-Now," Herrin reviews the new features of the cars that will be on the market in a few years. His article covers the rev- olutionary developments not only from the engineering standpoint but from the aesthetic viev also. Kauper Will Broadcast "The Constitution and the Su- preme Court" will be the subject of a talk by Prof. Paul G. Kauper of- the Law School, which will be heard at 2:30 p.m. today over WKAR, East Lansing. The enormous cones of the Coulter pine are sometimes a foot long and six inches in diameter, and weigh more than four pounds, according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. IVY Ya M Pastors Group Will Convene Here Monday Global responsibilities and lo- cal church problems will confront convening clergymen at the ninth annual Pastors' Conference to be held Monday through Wednesday at the University. The annual business meeting of the Michigan Council of Churches and Christian Education at 101 a.m. Monday will open the confer- ence, which is being jointly spon- sored by the Michigan Council and the University Extension Service. 'Faith Victorious Dean Harold A. Bosley, of the Duke University Divinity School, will open the program session at 3 p.m. Monday with the first in a se- ries of four lectures on, "This is Our Faith Victorious." The series will continue Tuesday morning and afternoon and Wednesday morning. Two general sessions on world affairs will be held Monday night. One will feature a talk by Prof. Andrei A. Lobanov-Rostovsky, of the University, on the topic, "Un- derstanding Russia." In the sec- ond session, Rev. John M. Phillips, of Duluth, Minn., will speak on, "The Minister Faces Militarism." Discussion Gruops Four discussion groups will meet daily. A group on "Christian Education" will be. directed by Rev. Lloyd V. Channels, of Flint; "Christian Social Action" by Rev. Franklin D. Elmer, of Flint; "Pas- toral Counseling" by Rev. Harold W. Richardson, of Jackson; and "Preaching" by Rev. Lester A. Kilpatrick, of Grand Rapids. A conference banquet will be held at 6 p.m. Tuesday in the First Presbyterian Church. Highlight- ing the program will be a panel discussion on "Training Ministers for Pastoral Care and Personal Counseling." Chairman will be Malcolm B. Ballinger, chaplain at University Hospital. Other panel members will be Prof. R. W. Wag- goner, director of the Neuropsy- chiatric Institute of the Hospital; Dr. Frank Sladen, of Henry Ford Hospital, Detroit; William C. Per- dew, superintendent of Bronson Methodist Hospital, Kalamazoo; and Rev. Glenn Harris, of Bir- mingham. Interview ... (Continued from Page 1) putees. "No matter what the Rus- sian press says, they, as university students, are fed up with war," Mr. Bryan said. He found the students very curi- ous about the United States and eager to visit this country. "There was a very positive friendly feel- ing toward American people, more pronounced than in any other country." Concerning the future of the two nations, Mr. Bryan said an in- telligent public opinion is needed in this country to prevent a war with Russia. He did not think the press in either country was doing its part to promote this public opinion. "The Russian people doubt their press as we doubt ours." He stated that both the Russian people and the Russian govern- ment are frightened over the atomic bomb. "Everyone in Europe looks to the United States with great hope," he said. Lecture.*. (Continued from Page 1) portunity to direct questions to the lecturer after the films had been shown. "Inside Russia" is one of 40 documentary films about the peo- pIse of the earth that have been prepared and circulated among American schools and colleges by the International Film Founda- tion. Bryan is the executive direc- tor of the Foundation. Judiciary Council All petitions for membership to the Men's Judiciary Council must be submitted today to Harvey Weisberg, president ogf the Student Legislature, according to council members. Students in any school, with at least 60 hours credit are eligible to petition for the one vacancy on the council. RISING COSTS The combination of rising prices and increasing polio incidence in the United States is placing a heavy fi- .{ : :.' 4,, 4' / ( if ,,, > 7 '> xi 4 /4f t; Ihi7) )-, 4 ( $}lL ri 24 _f y f r 1 } i I4 41 ,1 °/ "'4 4 -L 11 " INW, 1