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January 14, 1948 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-14

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Q1jr Altyigrl jh Ya&
Fifty-Eighth Year

Barbed Hook


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick .................General Manager
Clyde Recht.....................City Editor
Jean Swendemen .............Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider ...............Finance Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Lida Dalles ........................Associate Editor
EunicerMintz ...................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..!..............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal .................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use~ for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office ateAnn Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947.48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Dzily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Advising Plan
N ANSWER to the problem of the lit-
erary college academic advisor, harassed
and bewildered at the end of each semester
by the what-shall-I-take plaints of equally
bewildered students, seems to have been
found in the new Course-Content Student
Advisory Program.
Initiated by the Student Legislature's Cul-
tural and Educational Committee, and
backed by most campus honor societies, the
program will provide for detailed course in-
formation for all students-freshmen, trans-
fers and upperclassmen.
However, those students who have in past
semesters diligently perused the catalogue
for "snaps," easy "profs" or "no term pa-
pers" will be thoroughly disappointed if they
expect such listings from the student ad-
visors. All information will be factual, and
will regard only the content of the course.
Advisors will recommend courses with inter-
ests, aims and requirements of the indi-
vidual in mind, and. each advisor will, of
course, be concerned only with those courses
in his own field of concentration and with
which he is familiar.
In its present form and organization, the
program's success would oseem assured. An
obvious improvement over past advisory sys-
tems, and the result of hard work by Leg-
islature members and cooperating groups,
the student advisers set-up has a great deal
to offer to the LSA undergraduate.
Studepts have nothing to lose and a better
planned education to gain by taking full
advatage of this proferred assistance.
-Naomi Stern.
Free Colleges
MICHIGAN'S STUDENTS may be in line
for tremendous benefits as a result of a
national commission's recommendation that
tuition-free community colleges be set up
within all state educational systems.
Along with that recommendation, the
President's Commission on Higher Educa-
tion pointed out that educational systems
need overhauling all along the line, to in-
sure that "educated" people are human Ie-
ings, not just automatons.
If the Commission's report is put into
operation, hundreds of thousands of peo-
ple in the State will be given new oppor-
tunities; and the position of students

who are already in college will also -17
much improved.
By cutting the enrollment at Michigan
State and this University, thus giving equal
prestige to other colleges in the State, it
would be possible to benefit both large and
shall institutions.
One of the reasons this University is. fail-
ing to produce citizens with- humane under-
standing is the fact that it's too big.
It is only through occasional chance con-
tacts with stimulating teachers that any
Michigan student becomes anything more
than a competent specialist-and sonrietines
he isn't even that.
"Teaching and learning must. be in-
vested with public purpose,""'the Commis-
sion said. This University has a long road
to travel before it can realize this ideal,
and its unwieldy size will be a heavy bur-

WITH THE BLESSING and encourage-
ment of Senator Robert A. Taft the
more extreme isolationists among the Sen-
ate Republicans have now banded together
in a sort of bloc or junta. Significantly, the
immediate purpose of their quiet, unan-
nounced meeting and caucusing during the
past five days is emphatically not to find the
best way of defeating the European Recov-
ery Program. The object is, rather, to find a
compromise which will permit them to vote
with Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg, and
thus maintain party unity inthis election
They have, in fact, acknowledged to them-
selves, both isolationism's political danger to
the Republicans, noted in this space some
days ago, and the strategic strength of Sen-
ator Vandenberg's position, herein sug-
gested last week. Personally these men are
just as isolationist as they ever were. But.
politically they have become aware that
they are impaled upon a hook, that the
hook has very deep barbs, and that getting
off the hook will improve the Republican
chances next November.
The new movement obviously may
transform itself, in case agreement can-
not be reached, into a disciplined junta
of bitter-enders, who will stop at nothing
to tear the guts out of E.R.P., many of
the Senators would privately be pleased to
do precisely this, so that the risk can-
not be ignored.
This risk is obviously meant to impress
Senator Vandenberg. It would also be very
unwise to feel that these men can find any
grounds for argument with Vandenberg,
even if he is ready to yield a little. About
a score of Senators-which would include
the whole hard core of Republican isola-
tionism-are reported to be chiefly involved,
although additional more moderate men
may also be tagging along. The flavor of
the group is best conveyed by the fact that
two of the most active members are the
Nebraska Senators and Kenneth Wherry.
The movement, of corse, really derives
from the Presidential candidacy of Sen-
ator Taft. The Senators chiefly participat-
ing want to see Taft in the White House.
They admire Taft, more important still
they realize that Taft's victory would be
a triumph for the ultra-conservative Re-
publican wing which they represent. Sen-
ator Taft himself has taken no active part
in their meeting and caucusing, from a
cautious fear that an unlucky outcome
might implicate him later on as an iso-
lationist extremist. But Taft, nonethe-
less, intervened decisively early in the pro-
cess of coagulation of the Republican
isolationists into an organized group. And
Taft's influence was responsible for the
group's decision to begin by seeking com-
If it had not been for Taft, these men
would probably have started by issuing one
of those statements of undying opposition
of which Senator Wherry is the great Eng-
lish prose-master.
There is here something more than mere
political expediency, as in most of Senator
Taft's actions. For the first time in his
political career, he has lately taken a little
time to study the inwardness of the world
problem, discussing it at some length with
such men as Secretary of Defense James
Forrestal. According to those close to him,
he has been a little shaken by the result
of his inquiries, accepting at last the im-
possibility of total American isolation.
Thus he sees the necessity of the ultimate
passage of a European Recovery Program
ONE WASHINGTON newspaper corre-
spondent is fed up with the struggle
to reduce government reports and the utter-
ances of the experts to language common to

the vast majority of Americans.
Bitterly he complains that whenever some
official or individual, particularly in the
field of economics, attempts to tell the
American people what's going on in the
country (and which they have a consti-
tutional right to know about) they can be
understood only .by other experts. And there
is just a soupcon of doubt that even the
experts understand one another.
The recent report of the President's Coun-
cil of Economic Advisers is a case in point.
Said the Couneil: "From our economic anal-
ysis of sustained maximum production, we
have concluded that we have reached a state
of the industrial arts where the full utili-
zation of our resources makes possible and
will gall for the increasing enjoyment of
satisfaction that goes beyond merely 'keep-
ing body and soul together.' "
This gobbledegook means, according to
our bilingual translator, that the advisers
have given things the double-o and find we
canq produce so much stuff in this country
that everybody can have more than enough.
-St. Louis Star Times.

in some workable form, without regard to
politics. The political expediency of Taft's
new move lies, rather, in his effort to se-
cure the company of all the other Sen-
atorial isolationists. He wants to avoid a
solitary renunciation of his former position.
If all the isolationists act together, it will
tend to obscure any inconsistency with
Taft's previous statements of policy. It will
also leave no reasonable grounds for com-
plaint by Colonel Robert R. McCormick and
other Taftites of his kidney. Like every other
political leader, wise and unwise, Senator.
Taft has a hankering to have his cake and
eat it too. In his case this hankering in-
evitably takes the form of a hankering both
to have his Illinois delegates and to get
off the isolationist hook. The hook has be-
come considerably more painful since the
recent test polls of Presidential aspirants.
Presumably the members of leaders of
this new movement to which Taft has given
the initial impetus will shortly meet with
Senator Vandenberg. They want compromise
on two main points, the method of E.R.P.
administration, and the appropriation in-
itially authorized, which they would like to
hold to $5 billion.
By referring the problem of administra-
tion to the Brookings Institution, Vanden-
berg has already prepared the raw material
of compromise on the first point. He cannot
give way very far on the second without ren-
dering E.R.P. ineffectual. It is quite impos-
sible to predict whether some formula will
be found to get over this difficulty.
But the great point for the present is
that even the bitter-enders have lost at
least a little of their native Old Guard appe-
tite for death rather than surrender.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
IT so
*Woman's Woes
In the Basket,.. .
OUR WOMAN sports reporter, who has in-
vaded all the men's sports classes to
gain background for her career, had been
having a tough time finding something to
do up until a few days ago.
She was sitting on the sidelines watching
the basketball class work out, when one
young man's glasses fell to the court floor,
shattered, and he began staggering around
The coach beckoned to our female friend
who, visualizing herself finally in the game,
rushed forward. She didn't score any bas-
kets, however, because she had just been
appointed Chief Floor Sweeper.
Good Hunting ...
SOMEONE WITH blond hair and blue
eyes (we have other statistical infor-
mation too) may have been wondering
what happened to his 146-47 hunting
license, issued in Charleston, S.C.
It was carefully turned in at The Daily
lost-and-found department, goodness
knows how long ago, and it's still there.
We don't know what to do with it.
'.* *
And To You ...
IRATERNITY HOUSES are noisy, hard-
to-sleel? places anyhow, but we hear
that it was utterly fantastic last night at
one house on Washtenaw.
It was 2 a.m., and everyone was asleep
save one night-owl, who strolling intothe
dormitory, decided to swing himself up on
top of his doubledecker a la Tarzan of the
Apes. But putting his weight on the top bunk

across from his own, caused it to collapse
on the man below, sending this poor inno-
cent skidding onto the cold, cold floor.
Fortunately no one was hurt, as the bed
tilted before collapsing. The bed was righted,
and the man on the bottom was dug out, our
Tarzan waited anxiously for his bitter com-
But as he rolled over and back to sleep,
the sole remark of the victim was a sleepy,
"Happy New Year."
!Succe3 story .
THE SUSPICIONS we've always enter-
tained about those "most-likely-to" class
votes, schools have a habit of holding, may
be proving true.
A Susquehanna University freshman, who
had been voted "most likely- to succeed" by
his high school classmates, fulfilled their
confidence in an unusual manner.
Our model gentleman pleaded guilty yes-
terday to twice setting fire to the college ad-
ministration building to avoid attending

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'C -
No. 5: A militarist is a man who tries to convince people it's
no fun dying with their boots off.

(Continued from Page 3)_

2. Technical Aid (Bus. Ad.),
(Engineering), (General), $2,-
595-$2,667. Closing date Jan. 30.
3. Junior Accountant. $2,865-
$3,303, Semi-Senior Accountant,
$3,621-$4,335 .Closing date. Feb.
4. Junior and Senior Building
Operating Engineer, $3,462-$4,-
200. Closing date Feb. 2.
5. Second Operating Engineer
(Steam Engines), $3,462-$3,859.
Closing date, Feb. 2.
For complete information, call
at the Bureau of Appointments.
University Lecture: James S.
Pope, managing editor of The
Louisville Courier-Journal, will
speak on "The Press: What and
Whose Is It^" at 8 p.m., Wed., Jan,
14, Kellogg Auditorium. The lec-
ture is open to the public.
Mr. .Pope will address the class
in Newspaper Policy and Manage-
ment at 3 p.m., Wed., Jan. 14.
Journalism students, not enrolled
in the class, are invited to attend.
Coffee hour.
University Lecture: Dr. Harlow
Shapley, Director of Harvard Col-
lege Observatory, will lecture on
the subject, "Science in Interna-
tional Affairs," Mon., Jan. 19, 8
p.m., \ Rac kh am Amphitheatre;
auspices of the Department of As-
tronomy. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for
Leonard Adrian Waters, English;
thesis: "Coleridge and Eliot: A
Comparative Study of their
Theories of Poetic Composition,"
Wed., Jan. 14, 7:30 p.m., West
Council Room, Rackham Bldg.
Chairman, C. D. Thorpe.
Doctoral Examination for Arvid
Werner Jacobson, Mathematics;
thesis: "A Generalized Convolu-
tion for the Fiite Fourier Trans-
formation," Thurs., Jan. 15, 3:15
p.m., Rm. 274, W. Engineering
Bldg. Chairman, R. V. Churchill.
Biologial Chemistry Seminar:
Fri., Jan. 16, 3:30 p.m., Rm. 319,
W. Medical Bldg. Subject: "Some
Microbiological Methods and
Their Application," All interested
are invited.
Chemistry Colloquium: Thurs.,
Jan. 15. 4:15 p.m., Rm. 303,
Chemistry Bldg. Dr. C. E. Crou-
thamel, of Iowa State College, will
speak on "The Electrolytic Separ-
ation of Cadmium and Zinc" or
"Gas Analysis by Velocity of
Sound Measurements.'
Advanced Courses in IMathe-
matical Statistics: Meeting of
those' planning to take courses
numbered above 200 in Mathemat-
ical Statistics, Wed., Jan. 14, 4:10
p.m., Rm. 3201, Angell Hall. The
purpose is to find out the best way
of scheduling these courses in the
next two years.;
Zoology Seminar: Mahlon C.
Rhaney will speak on "Correlation
of blood sugar with liver glycogen
in the kingsnake (Lampropeltis'

getulushfloridanus)", Rackham
Amphitheatre, 7:30 p.m., Jan. 15.
All interested are welcome.
College of Engineering:
Assignment of Rooms, Final Ex-
amination in CM 1-MP 1, Wed.,
Jan. 21, 2-5 p.m.
Truckenmiller, 348 W. Eng., 1,
5, and 9; Sowa,4348 W. Eng, 6, 10,
and 18; Martin, 348 W. Eng., 22;
Monroe, 401 W. Eng., 8, 12, 402 W.
Eng. 16; Burgess, 406 W. Eng.,
2 and 407 W. Eng., 13; Young, 418
W. Eng., 7, 419 W. Eng., 17, 421 W.
Eng., 19, and 424 W. Eng., 21; My-
ers, 432 W. Eng., 4 and 436 W.
Eng., 26;
Porter, 438 W. Eng., 23;
Schmidt, 437 W. Eng., 25; Berger,
439 W. Eng., 14 and 443 W. Eng.,
20; Schneidewind, 445 W. Eng., 3
and 11; Brier, 448 W. Eng., 24 and
28; Thatcher, 246 W. Eng., 15 and
247 W. Eng., 27.
English 107: First semester exami-
nation for all sections of English
107 is scheduled for Mon., Jan. 19,
2-5 p.m., Rm. 101, Economics
English 1-Final Examination-
Monday, Jan. 19, 2-5 p.m.
Amend, 18 A H; Barrows, 212
A H; Bennett, 2013 A H; Burd,
1007 A H; Coit, 1035 A H; Damon,
1035 A H; Donaldson, 1035 A H;
Eastman, 35 A H; Eliot, 35 A H;
Engel, R. C., 3011 A H; Engel-
hardt, 3209 A H; Gluck, 2003 N S;
Green, 2215 A H; Haien 3231 A H;
Hawkins, 2235 A H; Howard, J.,
2014 A H; Howard, M.,D, A M H;
Huntley, D, A M H; Karsten, 2231
A H; Kelly, A. J., G Haven; Kelly,
J. B., 213 Ec; Kleinhans, 2203 A H;
La Zebnik, 6 A H; Markman, 16
A H; Marshall, 1020 A H; Mascott,
1018 A H;
McCue, 25 A H; McMillin, B.,
Haven; Moon, 2016 A H; Newman,
2029 A H; Park, B, Haven; Pearce
B, Haven; Riepe, B, Haven; Rob-
ertson, B, Haven; Ross, E, Haven;
Scott, 2219 A H; Shedd, J., W.
Gallery, A M H; Smith, 1025 A H;
Stanlis, A M H; Stevenson, W.
Gallery, A M H; Swarthout, W.
Gallery, A M H; Van Syoc, W.
Gallery, A M H; Walcott, V., 1025
A H: Weaver, C, 1025 A H; Weim-
er, 1025 A H; Wells, 25 A H;
Wikelund, P., 202 Ec; Wolfinger,
207 Ec; Wunsch. A., 25 A H;
Wunsch, E., 225 A H
English 2-Final Examination-
Monday, Jan. 19, 2-5 p.m.
Clark, 102 Ec; Curto, D, Haven;
Edwards, 2003 A H; Everett, 3017
A H; Madden, 2054 N S; Mark-
land, 2013 A H; McKean, 205 MM;
Savage, 2225 A H; Shedd, R. G.,
2082 N S; Sparrow, 205 M H;
Stanlis, 3017 A H; Walt, 2003
A H; Wikelund, D., 2225 A H
History 11, Lecture Kroupl:
Final Examination, Waterman
Gymnasium, Mon., Jan. 26, 2-5
History 49: Final Examination,
Jan. 24, 2-5 p.m. Names A-M (In-
clusive), Rm. B, Haven Hall;
Names N-Z (Inclusive), Rm. 348,
W. Engineering Bldg.
History 194, Reading Course in
Latin-American Studies: Listed
under the various departments.
This course will meet during the

Letters to t
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 30 words1
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
*. * .
Commron Council
To the Editor:
T WAS with considerable inter-
est that I read your editorial
of Jan.;10, 1948. outlining the pro-
cedure incident to the regular
meeting-of our Common Council.
Truly the meeting of the Com-
mon Council and your editorial
represent Democracy in action.
We do not want to do anything
that will interfere with the meet-
ings and discussions of those
whom we elect to carry on the
affairs of ' our local community
nor do we want to do anything
to stifle such editorials as yours.
Good work on your part but be.
spring semester on Mon., Wed.,
and Fri. 4 p.m., Rm. 407 Library,
and may be elected for three hours
The University Musical Society
will present the PAGANINI
mianka and Gustave Roeseels, vio-
lins; Rober~t Courte, viola; and
Gabor Rejto, Violoncello; Eighth
Annual Chamber Music Festival,
Rackham Auditorium, Fri., and
Sat., Jan. 16 and 17, in three pro-
grams as follows:
Friday, 8:38, Jan 16.
L'Estra Harmonico .......Vivaldi
Quartet, Op. 130...... Beethoven
Quartet No. 1, Op. 7 .....Bartok
Saturday, 2:30 p.m., Jan. 17
Quartet No. 3, Op. 64.......Haydn
Quartet No. 5 .........Chevreuil
Quartet No. 4, Op. 18 .. Beethoven
Saturday, 8:34 pm., Jan. 17.
Quartet, Op. 64, No. 5 .... Haydn
Quartet No. 2... ..Milaud
Quartet, Op. 132.......eehoven
Tickets may be purchased at the
offices of the University Musical
Society in Burton Memorial Tower
daily; and in the lobby of the
Rackham Building one hour pre-
ceding each performance.
University Symphony Orches-
tra, Wayne Dunlap, conductor, as-
sisted by the University of Michi-
gan Choir under the direction of
Raymond Kendall, will present a
program at 7 p.m., Sat., Jan. 17,
Hill Auditorium, as a feature of
the Midwestern Conference for
School Vocal and Instrumental
Music being held in Ann Arbor,
1ri., Sat., and Sun., Jan. 16-18.
The orchestra and choir, with W-
fred Roberts, trumpet soloist, and
Donald Hostetler, baritone solo-
ist, will play compositions by Von
Weber, Haydn, Strauss, Brahms,
Billings, Fine, and Effinger.
The general public will be ad-
mitted without charge.
Events Today
Sigma Xi: Open meeting, 8 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheatre. Dr. W. H.
Hobbs, Professor Emeritus of Ge-
ology, will speak on the subject,
"The Ancient Glaciers of North
America in the Light of Recent
Studies of an Existing One" (il-
Phi Lambda Upsilon student-
faculty luncheon. Anderson Room,
Michigan Union. Luncheon served

promptly at 12:15..
Phi Delta Kappa: Coffee hour,
4:10 p.m., Smoking Room, Univer-
sity Elementary School.
Delta Sigma Pi: 7:30 p.m., Uni-
versity Club Dining Room, Michi-
gan Union.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: 12 noon,
Rm. 3056, Natural Science Bldg.
Mr. Richard Strong will speak on
"The Geologic Effect of Lake and
River Ice."
Michigan Union Opera Commit-'
tee: 4:30 p:m., Rr. 319, Michigan
Union. All students interested in
the revival of the Opera are urged
to attend.

fair in the future and give credit
where credit is due as I feel sure
that if you continue to have your
reporters attend the meetings of
our Common Council they will
have many opportunities to enk-
courage our aldermen who give
considerable of their time and
effort for the good of our com-
munity without compensation.
The members of our Common
Council are men of good standig
in their respective wards and I
suggest that it may appear to. the
casual visitor that debate some-
timesdappears needless and ex-
tended, yet there is a result whicl:
in time bears fruit for the itnlch
benefit of those in our community.
Free open discussion of public
affairs as we have here in Ann
Arbor should not be discouraged.
Let us criticize as you have done
in your editorial but do not forget
to extend commendation where it
is due and defend the right to
carry on in this way, as that is by
far an essential part of the back-
bone of our political and economic
You, I trust, may consider tb~a
of such import as to give it space
in your Daily or at least issue an
editorial along the lines indicated
in this communication.
-W. F. Verner
'Free Ride'
To The Editor:
feel that in these inflationary
times a little "self help" would
turn the trick, this letter is ad-
The recent operations "Sbsis-
tence," "Snowball," and any other
pleas for a free ride are th.
things that this country can best
do without.
To the many veterans who are
too busy working to need the
extra money for the local scia
life; this is an appeal to send a
penny post card to your congie -
man telling him that yon % re
satisfied. It is only natural to
wvant more money but when it
would do more harn than, hood
such wants should be put aside
If the AVC is "citizen first, vet-
eran second" let them shoW it by
getting off this free lunch b;nd-
wagon and go to work. I can hear
the cries "I work"; then you
should spend less for the things
that are not necessities. Th rw
are many many veterans with n
other source of income who are
earning enough to carry them-
selves through.
In the "good old days" I ab
told that a person could work los
way through college; this meeant
tuition, books, board, and room.
Would it be too surprising to tell
you that I know of some people
doing just that very thing today?
The only person who peraps
needs this added subsistence is
the married veteran with children
whose income is limited because
of his wife's duties to the family.
Granting this, there is no need
for another's lack of initiative to
crawl on his need as an excuse
for your shortcomings.
When a country and a people
really need help many have cried
the loudest for their own self ih
interests. To those veterans whq
do work or to those who can ve,
on their present income this is
a plea to send to your congress-
man the "word."
-.Robert E. Abrigt
* * *
Chinese Aid
To the Editor:
MR. WALLACE says no. If we
aid their government, says he,
we shall antagonize the Chinese
people. However, we do not need
to go to Mr. Wallace to learn
what the Chinese people want.,
We have nearly two hundred of

them right on our campus. And
not all came with government
funds. Some have private funds.
Ask them and you will learn that
Mr. Wallace is misinformed.
Or we might ask some of the
many thousands of Chinese who
are attending the American Mis-
sion schools or being treated in
Mission hospitals, whether they-
would like the kind of govern-
ment favored by communists and
Mr. Wallace, namely a "coalition"
of communists and liberals. By
this time everybody knows that
where you have communists in a
"coalition" you soon have nothing
but communists. Terror and mur-
der soon account for the rest.
Do Americans vehement for
"coalition" rule in China know
that as soon as the communists
get in, all Americans will have to
get out and close down, all the
hundreds of Mission-run schools
and hospitals? Communists don't
like missions, and destroy them,
as they recently did those at. Te-
chow in Shantung and at Changli
in Hopei, as "agencies of Amierican
If we want all American aid,
both, mission an~d non-misnion,
withheld from China for many
years to come, and China retired
behind the iron curtain, all we






gan Union.

Club: 7 p.m., Michi-
Attendance will be

American Veterans Committee
Meetings: Executive Committee,
6:15 p.m., Michigan Union.
Membership, 7:30 p.m.
American,$oeiety of Mechanical
Engineers: 7:15 p.m., Michigan
Union. Election of officers.
Ullr Ski Club: 7:30 p.m., Uichi-
gan Union.
U. of M. Flying Club: Election of
officers, 7:30-8 p.m., fm. 1042, E.
Engineering ldg.


o BArNABY . . .
ULook, Curwliibble is going 'j


-I Barnaby




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