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January 13, 1948 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-13

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--A-----------A --- --- Rwl13

Army Reports
46 Survivors
Of Shipwreck
Rese eers Balde I i h
Seas to each Victims
NEW YORK. Jan. 12-U(> -
Two rescue ships, battling dan-
gerously high seas, tonight res-
cued all 46 persons who aban-
doned the flaming Joseph V. Con-
nolly, army "funeral ship," in the
Ncrth Atlantic early today.
The survivors-45 crewmen and
one passenger--were in lifeboats
about nine hours in high seas
whipped by a northeast gale be-
fore being picked up.
The army said 27 of the men
were taken aboard the Union Vic-
tory and 19 aboard the Gen. R. E.
Callan, another army transport.
Earlier, the coast guard an-
nounced one of its radio stations
at Southwest Harbor, Me., had
intercepted a message from the
General Callan, telling one of the
search planes "that four boats and
all survivors have been picked
The three of the survivors on
the Union Victory were believed
seriously injured, the Coast
Guard said. It did not have their
names, or the nature of their in-
Both the General Callan and
the Union Victory were bound for
Europe before the rescues but
were directed by the Coast Guard
to proceed to Halifax, Newfound-
land, with the Connolly's survi-
The Connolly, which inaugurat-
ed the return of American war
dead from Europe last October,
was reported by the Coast Guard
to be a total loss.
Car 1in Tech ni,
A revolutionary new automotive
design will be the featured subject
in the next issue of the Michigan
Technic which will go on sale
Thurs. and Fri. in the Engineer-
ing Arch and East Engineering
In an illustrated article entitled
"The Car of Tomorrow-Now" Les1
Herrin, '50E gives a cogplete de-
scription of the new design.
Among the new developments
that Herrin reviews are the ad-
vantages of having the motor in'
the rear of the car, a feature that
is expected to be common among;
automobiles of the future and the1
revolutionary idea of having a
third head light that revolves with
the steering wheel.
Hopwood i6Irie
Due for resIiii
The deadline for entries in the,
Hopwood Contest for Freshmen
is 4 p.m., Friday.
Manuscripts should be left in
the Hopwood Room, 3227 Angell
Hall. Prize winning essays, prose
fiction compositions and poetry
will be announced in The Daily)
early in the second semester.
The deadline for the spring con-
test has been changed to 4:30
pm., April 14.
"Christopher," a novel for
aduKs of a small boy's world, for
which Josephine Eckert was
awarded a major Hopwood fiction
prize in 1946, was published in
England last month. It had been
printed last year in this country.

Checks are being 1ld until
Jan. 19 at the' Ann Arbor Post Of-
fice for the following vetcrans:
Barber C. Carlson, Phillip E.
Chase, William Larry Collins,
Louis J. Cote, Ralph E. Hunt, Rob-
ert E. Johnson, Donald W. John-
ston, Harold G. Kretchmar, John
A. Lindquist, Dale Van Otteren,
Fred S. Robie, Earl R. Ross, Wal-
ter L. Scholey, Ernest G. Voren-

Campus Highlights

'New Yorker' Finds Humor
In Lagler's Fly-Casting Class

I.IIl ~ p 1 ® I llA i

SPELLING PRACTICE-With Colorado's capital in the background the University of Michigan
band practices one of its formations during a stopover en route to Pasadena and the Rose Bowl
football test between Michigan and Southern California, New Year's Day.

Varsity Debate ...
Michigan's revived varsity
women's debate team will hold its'
second debate of the season when
it meets the University of Illinois
team at 2 p.m. today in Rm. 4203,
Angell Hall.
The Michigan team is composed
of Virginia Hyde and Deborah Ra-
binowitz. Topic for debate is the
compulsory arbitration of labor
World Federalists.. .
The campus chapter of the
United World Federalists will
meet to elect officers and dis-
cuss plans for the coming year
at 8 p.m. today, third floor,
Michigan Union.
All present officers of the
group have resigned their posts.
Photographic Talks ...
Kipling Adams, General Radio
Co. engineer, will give an illustrat-
ed lecture on "Stroboscopes and
High Speed Photography" under
the auspices of the student branch
AIEE-IRE at 8 p.m. today in the
Rackham Amphitheatre.
The lecture is open to the pub-
lic. Interested photographers are
encouraged to bring cameras and
plus X film.
German Broadcast.,..
The second program in the
Broadcasting Service's "German
Series," featuring German mu-
sic and "refresher dialog, will
be heard at 4 p.m. today over
WPAG, with Prof. Otto Graf of
the German department and
Walter Rieckoff as the conver-
'* *
'Growth of Mlatt',..
W. J. Cameron, of Dearborn,
known for his talks on the Ford
Sunday Evening Hour, will pre-
sent the first in a series of 12

lectures on "The Growth of Man"
at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in the Un-
ity Chapel, 310 S. State.
Mrs. Cameron will conduct a
class in "Practical Christianity"
at 2:30 p.m. tomorrow in the
Chapel. The series will continue
each Wednesday at the same
Geology Lecture ...
Prof. Emeritus William II.
Hobbs, of the geology depart-
ment, will speak on "The An-
cient Glaciers of America in the
Light of Recent Studies of an
Existing One" at 8:00 p.m. to-
morrow in the Rackham Am-
Public Health Topic ...
The Public Health Nursing As-
sociation will sponsor a lectureI
on "Mouth of the Baby before
Birth" at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Child Health Bldg.
For further information call
* * *
Medical Discussion..
Dr. Joseph Trueta, eminent
Spanish surgeon now doing re-
search in England, will discuss
"Renal Circulation and Its Path-
ology" at 4:15 p.m. Monday, Jan.
19 in Kellogg auditorium.
While You Wait
Satisfaction Guaranteed
1091/ East Washington

When the Extension Service's
fly-casting course proved "bait"
for New York humor recently, no
one was more surprised than Prof.
Karl F. Lagler, who teaches it.
A friend in Chicago to whom he
paid a holiday visit first startled
Prof. Lagler with the squib, which
the magazine had gleefully la-
belled, "Department of Higher Ed-
ucation." It continued, "From a
Bulletin of Extension Courses,
University of Michigan . . . Fish
and fishing-eight-week course on
how to catch fish throughout the
Reaction to the unsought pub-
licity has included a postcard from
Union, S.C., which read something
like this: "Is it Bull or Bulletin
about course in fly-casting? Ad-
What the New Yorker didn't,
know, and what The Daily report-
ed last year, is that the course has
been taught in Barbour-Water-
man gym, as well as in the audi-
torium of the Rackham Memorial
Building in Detroit.
"Fly-casting in a lecture hall"
proved one of the Extension
Service's most popular Detroit
courses last spring. More than 100
lawyers, mill-hands, dentists and
doctors enrolled for the training,
which included such fine points
of rod and reel science as "what

is being done to shorten time be-
tween bites."
This spring, besides the 12-week
course in Detroit, which Prof. Lag-
ler will tutor himself. an eight-
week bait- and fly-casting course,
taught by one of his students, will
be offered on campus the last half
of the semester. for one-half point
PEM credit. Headquarters will
again be Waterman, with sunny
day "fishing" in front of North
Students who want to angle for
the real thing on their own can
use the course's equipment, and
the class may make field trips to
nearby waters.
Prof. Lagler is thinking about
starting a course for women this
summer, so they won't have to be
doomed to the fate of "fishing
widows." Any coed who's inter-
ested should let either Dr. Mar-
garet Bell or Prof. Howard C. Lei-
bee know.
StIuy Puhblihed
A study of personality and cuP-
tural factors which affect the re-
ligious attitudes and beliefs of
college students has been pub-
ished by Robert 0. Smith, assist-
ant to the research consultant
in religious education at the Uni-



(Contiued from Page 4)

Julien Bryan, noted lecturer and
specialist in documentary film
studies. Mr. Bryan will be brought
here as the fifth number on the
1947-48 Lecture Course. Tickets on
sale today at the auditorium box
office, 10 a.m.-1 p.m. and 2-8:30
Mathematics Club: 8 p.m., West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. Max A. Woodbury will speak
on "Theory of Expected Values."
"Stroboscopes and High Speed
Photography," will be presented
at the Rackham Amphitheatre,
by the Student Branch AIEE-IRE,
in conjunction with the Michigan
Section, AIEE. 8 p.m. Everyone
Varsity Committee: Meeting of
all members of the Student Legis-
lature interested in working on
the Varsity Committee, 7:30 p.m.,
Michigan Union.
YPCM: Membership meeting,
7:30 p.m., Michigan Union. Dis-
cussion of program and member-
ship drive for coming semester.
Public invited.j
Stud:'int Federalists Studyl
Group: Meeting, 7 p.m., Michigap
Union. Topics: "Peace with Italy"
and "'The Centm'al Government of
Y ogosia via.--
Christian Science Organization:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall. All are invited.
Michigan Dames: Meeting, 8
p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Miss June Wetherall, whose latest
book is "Run Sheep, Run," will
speak on "Writing Books." Pro-;
gram sponsored by the Book
Faculty Women's Club: Play
reading section, 1:45 p.m., Mary
B. Henderson Room, Michigan
Michigan Chapter AAUP meet
Thurs., Jan. 15, 6 p.m., Michigan
Union Cafeteria for lunch and
program in the dining room of the
Faculty Club:. Prof. Harlan Koch
will be moderator for a panel dis-
cussion of "The Rationale of Com-
mittee Appointments."
Phi Delta Kappa, professional
fraternity in Education: Coffee
hour', Wed., Jan. 14, 4:10 p.m.,
Smoking Room, University Ele-
mnentary School. All members are
urged to be present.
Graduate History Club: Month-
ly meeting, Wed., Jan. 14, 8 p.m.,

Clements Library. All graduate
history students are invited.
Michigan Union Opera Commit-
tee: Meet Wed., Jan. 14, 4:30 p.m.,
Rm. 319, Michigan Union. All
students interested in the revival
of the Opera are urged to attend.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, Wed., Jan. 14, 12 noon, in
Rm. 3056, Natural Science Bldg.
Mr. Richard Strong will speak on
"The Geologic Effect of Lake and
River Ice."
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater -
nity: Business meeting, Wed., Jan.
14, 7:30 p.m., University Club Din-
ing Room, Michigan Union.
American Society of Mechanical
Engineers: Business meeting,
Wed., Jan. 14, 7:15 p.m:, Michigan
Union. Program: election of offi-
cers, committee appointments,
student talks, applications for
transfer to Junior membership for
graduating seniors, and presenta-
tion of membership pins and
American Veterans Committee
Meetings: Executive Committee,
Wed., Jan. 14, 6:15 p.m., Michigan
Union. Chapter program and
meeting agenda.
Membership, 7:30 p.m.: Report
on "Operation Subsistence."
U. of M. Flying Club: Special
meeting, election of officers, 7:30-
8 p.m., Rm. 1042, E. Engineering
Bldg., Wed., Jan. 13.
International Center: Due to the
Farewell Program for Graduating
Foreign Students to be held Wed.,
Jan. 14, 8 p.m., the afternoon tea
will not be held on Thurs., Jan. 15.
Hostesses for the Farewell Pro-
gram are as follows: China, Miss
Lydia Tang; Argentina, Miss
Magdalene Ressig; Brazil, Miss
Thereza Villas Boas; Korea, Mrs.
Mary Joh.

Engineers Will
Attach Cancer
With 70-ft. Bat
When University Chemical en-
gineers swing at the disease can-
cer, they will use a baseball bat
70 feet long.
Four long pipes, almost the
thickness of baseball bats, ex-
tend through five floors of the
East Engineering Building and
will be used in the production of
rare isotopes, vital in cancer re-
search work.
"Isotopes are heavy elements-
they have atomic weights larger
than more common atoms. Their
weight difference is a 'label' or
'tag' that can be used to locate
them," Prof. Robert R. White, of
the chemical engineering depart-
ment, said.
Heavy oxygen and heavy sul-
phur produced will be used by
physiologists to feed to cancer pa-
tients. Blood tests will then locate
the isotopes and help clear up the
mysteries of cancer growth and
development, according to Prof.
"The first of the four pipes will
go into use in about a month. The
rest willl be completed later."
From the basement of the
building to the fifth floor, the
tubes extend through -i.eight-
inch slot, five feet long, cut ip
each intervening floor. *
To produce heavy oxygen iso-
topes, atomic weight 18, carbon
dioxide is pumped into the bot-
tom of the pipe and bicarbonate
ions in solution, into the top. Car-
bon dioxide taken from the top
of the tube is "enriched" with
heaxy oxygen, according to Prof.
Coronas - Underwoods
111S outh 4th Ave,



The consummation of your University studies is symbolized
o by your diploma from the University, and your Oflicial
University ring as designed and manufactured by the Balfour
We have them in stock in nost
all sizes, making it unnecessary
for you to wait weeks for de- a
livery. Your initials and last
name will be beautifully en- V
graved in the band with our
We invite you to stop today
and try one on in your size.
There is no obligation to pur-
chase, but we doubt if you can
resist it.
-Torn and Meredith Suckling
..O O
1319 SoUrT UNIV ESIT Y Phone 9533
<o--0<-> ""> <----) <")",>t<"-- t) t) --- "--),<---->c;

# I

The Foresters' Club wishes
to gratefully acknowledge the
patronage of the student body in
once again vnaking the PAUL BUNYAN
"FORMAL" a sellout. We are sorry that there
were some students who were unable to
purchase tickets


-=41________ l


s I





fJ guess it began w1ii f was just a ukid
making non-stop flights around the dining-
room table. Later on, the town got au air-
port. [got to know every lane, right down
to the smallest bolts and screws.
"During the war I took off with the
Aviation Cadets. The folks were all for
it. ltey figured-- correctly -that it w s
the best way to get me into the air where I
I made it all right. Trained in the hesbt
planes the Air Force has, and now I'm
heading for transition work' in jets. Tlhe
pay? Now that I'm a pilot, $336 a month,
plus $500 for each year of active duty. And
there's plenty of room for promotions.
"But that's not the real point. Somei men
belong in the air. They were born wanting
wings-with the action, the pride, the free-
domn that go with theni. There's no better
way to have all that, along wit h the world's
finest flying training, than to join the Avia-
tion Cadets. And the future--in civilian
aviation or in the Air Force-is as wide open
as the horizon. If you want the fast-moving
life, why not drop around to the Recruiting
Station in your community or the nearest
Air Force installation."
U. S. Army and U. S. Air Force Recruiting Service


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