TESTING PROGRAM Y Lw6F41 E aii4 FAIR , CONTINUED COOL See Page 4 a. Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 7 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Truman Calls For Action on Aidto Europe Will Call Special Session if Needed By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept. 29-Pres- ident Truman called on congres- sional leaders today to start the machinery for emergency aid to Europe but said the question of a special session of Congress re- mains to be decided. In an extraordinary news con- ference, called on short notice af- ter a meeting with Congress lead- ers, Mr. Truman disclosed: 1. lie is asking the Senate and House Committees on Appropria- tions and Foreign Affairs to meet as soon as possible "to consider the urgent need for aid to West- ern Europe." Committees Must Agree 2. If the Committees agree wholeheartedly on the need of a special session, then there will be no question about his calling one. In any event, he stands where he has stood: He will call one if he is convinced it is needed. 3. Sums available now to help Europe are enough to carry to December on a starvation basis- he couldn't be specific as to when in December-and then the pipe- line of aid would be empty. 4. He figures that $580,000,000 additional will be needed to carry France, Italy and Austria through until March 31, 1948, likewise, on a starvation basis. He cannot pro- vide any of this by executive ac- tion, he said. Low Countries Pay 5. England does not seem to be in a serious situation at this time as compared to the three countries named. Belgium and the Low Countries, Mr. Truman told a questioner, have been able to pay for their needs and appear to be still able to do so. It was learned that Senator Vandenberg, (Rep., Mich.), chair- man of the Senate Foreign Rela- tions Committee, plans to issue a call to his committee tomorrow. Chairman..Bridges.. (lSep.,. N.H..) announced he would summon the Senate Appropriations Committee to meet in mid-November. * * Leaders old Europe Needs Aid Ur entl WASHINGTON, Sept. 29 - (P) --Congressional leaders were told today that unless fuel and food are provided for France, Italy and some other nations in mid- winter there would be no point to even considering the long range Marshall Plan, because some of these key countries would have collapsed by then. One of the congressional lead- ers who took part in the White House conference described it as a "grim session" with the law- makers shooting one question after another at President Tru- man.i and his Cabinet members. At one point the congressional leader, who refused use of his name, said that the President was asked whether he could not scrape up funds from previous appro- priations to tide over until Con- gress meets in January. Mr. Truman is said to have re- plied he had scraped the bottom of the barrels and could not even get up splinters. The main theme was handled by Mr. Truman with help of the State Department officials. They said there were two prob- lems : (1) The long range prob- lem embodied in the Marshall Plan for rehabilitating 16 Euro- pean nations, which Congress can handle at the regular session in January, and (2) the short range plan for emergency aid during the winter particularly for France and Italy. Buy Train Tickets Now, NYC Advises Students who wish to travel by train to the Northwestern game October 18 are requested to buy their tickets now, the Office of Student Affairs was informed yes- -. - - t Jt~ WT... sY,*b fa +,d'.a1 Arabian Leader Rejects UN Palestine Proposals Husseini Asks Independent, Democratic State; Attacks American, British Policies By The Associated Press LAKE SUCCESS, Sept. 29-Arabs of Palestine, through their official agency declared today they would fight "with the last drop of our blood" against any scheme for the "dissection, segregation or partition" of the Holy Land. Jamal Husseini, vice-chairman of the Arab higher committee and nephew of the exiled Mufti of Jerusalem, rejected a proposal for partition of Palestine into Arab and Jewish states and an alternate plan for federalization. Husseini insisted that "the future government of Palestine can- nnot be imposed from without." He 19 Wal pole Ct. Children Enter WillowSchool. Parents Ask Hearing Before School Board Nineteen of the 58 Negro Child- ren who for three weeks have re- fused to attend the Jim Crow Sim- monds school at Willow Village enrolled at the school yesterday despite the decision of the maj- ority of the group to stay out pending further investigation and action by the school board. At a meeting held Sunday, the Walpole Committee of parentsj sent a letter to W. A. Kraus, chair- man of the school board, stating that it felt he had acted autocra- tically in refusing to hear these complaints. Request Hearing The parents also requested that the board permit a hearing for all persons interested in the Sim- monds school case at the next regular board meeting, to be held October 13. The Walpole committee acted on the recommendation of Rev. David A. Blake,. Jr. who informed them in a letter that the matter was under investigation., Mrs. T. Snyder, leader of the Walpole Committee, said that a representative will contact the Detroit office of the National As- sociation for the Advancement of Colored People today, to discover the progress of the investigation. Resolution The NAACP at a state-wide meeting held in Flint Sunday passed a resolution that all branches of the organization should take action on the Willow Village issue. Today Is Deadline For Photo Dates . Today is the last day seniors can make appointments for sen- ior pictures for the 1948 Michi- ganensian, according to Buck Dawson, 'Ensian Managing Edi- tor. "Seniors of the February, June and August, 1948, classes of all undergraduate schools and col- leges of the University must have appointments 'made today-or never,"Dawson explained. Booths will remain at the Michigan League, Michigan Un- ion, Architecture School, Engi- neering Arch and at the corner of State St. and N. University Ave. from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. during the last day, Dawson said. called for an independent demo- cratic Arab state. Husseini spoke for one hour and six minutes on Palestine. He at- tacked the United States and Britain for their roles in the Pal- estine problem for the last 24 years. Other major developments in the Assembly were: 1. The United States and Brit- ain struck back at Soviet bloc charges in the political commit- tee that the western powers were trying to "enslave Greece." They said they wanted only to help the Greek people. 2. The Security Council argued for hours over membership ap- plioations from Italy and Ro- mania. 'Soap Queries A nswe red by Local .arber Missing Pictures Will Be Displayed Soon The soap queries of "Where's Ford?" and "Where's Mann?" were answered yesterday. Dn Dascola, proprietor of the Liberty Street barber shop whose window display of football players' portraits, omitting those of Bob Mann, Leonard Ford and Gene Derricotte, inspired the questions soaped on the windows Sunday, told The Daily yesterday that pictures of the entire '47 football team would appear within a few days. 'Last Year's Team' "The photographs were taken three weeks ago and pictures of all the players will be displayed," he emphasized. The pictures on display now are thoseof last year's team, he said, explaining that the players whose portraits were missing failed to appear for photographs, although appointments were made for them last year. The display, which provoked charges last year that pictures of Negro players were purposely left out brought an answer from Das- cola in a letter to The Daily in which he said: Regrettable' '...The facts reveal that no one who had any connection with the football pictures had any such in- tention (of discrimination), in fact, it would be to the advantage to display pictures of the entire team.. . "It was regrettable that time and materials were not available to have pictures taken of the whole team. Having had only 27 pictures of players does not do justice to the entire team." Grain, Steer Prices Soar To New High Inflation is Credited To Harriman Report By The Associated Press Grain prices soared the limit on all North American exchanges as President Truman moved to de- termine whether to call a special session of Congress to deal with European aid. Other commodity gains, includ- ing a new 1947 high for choice steers in the Chicago market, were recorded. Inflationary Trend It was the emphasis on the tight world grain situation underlined by the White House meeting and a recommendation made during the week end by the Harriman Committee to Mr. Truman that 570,000,000 bushels of grain be shipped abroad that resulted in today's inflationary trend of grain prices. Wheat gained 10 cents on the Chicago, Minneapolis and Kansas City boards; corn rose 8 cents at Chicago and Kansas City, and oats advanced 6 cents at Chicago and Minneapolis. In all cases, the rise was the limit permitted dur- ing a single day's trading at the exchanges. The gains came despite the fact that exchanges in the three cities adopted a sliding scale of in- creased margins. Margin Scale A variable margin scale was an- nounced at a special directors meeting of the Chicago board of trade prior to the market opening, and the Kansas City and Minne- apolis exchanges made similar moves during the day. Under the new plan, initial minimum margins and mainten- ance margins will be increased 5 cents a bushel if prices advance 10 cents. Livestock Higher Livestock ranged steady up to 75 cents higher in Chicago, with hogs leading the trend at a top for choice butcher grades of $28.75 a hundred pounds. A new 1947 top of $35.90 was reached for strictly choice steers. Native spring lambs were mostly $22.50, but one load sold for $23. A new upward surge of soap prices was heralded by the an- nouncements of two leading man- ufacturers that they were increas- ing the cost of their produbts 10 per cent. The manufacturers, Proctor and Gamble and Lever Brothers, announced also that they had raised the price of vege- table shortening 3 per cent. The boosts, they said, were made necessary by increased costs of in- gredients. In the New York commodity markets, butter gained a quarter of a cent a pound, with AA grade selling at 78% cents. Eggs were unchanged, but some grades of cheese advanced as much as 2% cents a pound. Philippine Aid Acknowledged Michigan Students Helped inRebuilding The Office of Student Affairs yesterday received a resolution from students at the University of the Philippines thanking Univer- sity of Michigan students for their aid in helping rebuild Philippine educational facilities. The resolution outlined the aid the University of the Philippines had received from University stu- dents in the form of books and fi- nances. And the communication expressed . . . the deep gratitude and sincere appreciation" of the services of the Student Body of the University of Michigan. The resolution, which is hand written on a large scroll of parch- ment, will be framed and hung in the Office of Student Affairs, ac- cording to Dean Erich Walter. The resolution came as a re- sult of last Spring's fund-raising campaign on the campus for the purpose of erecting a memorial library at the University of the Philippines. The campus drive, chairmaned by Phil Licht '49, in- cluded a public subscription drive and an all-campus variety show. A year earlier the University of JOS. Destroyer v Explosion Rips Large Hole in WarshipHull Was En Route from Venice to Trieste Fox ews Kill 10 In Palestine Blast To Avenge Hamburg Incident; Hits Mine Police Buildino Hit by Barrel Of Explosives ml By The Associated Press TRIESTE, Sept. 29. Three men died today when the 2,200-ton U. S. Destroyer Douglas H. Fox striek a mine in the upper Adria- tic Sea 18 miles off Trieste. Twelve other men were injured, four of them critically, by the explosion which knocked out both of the destroyer's propellers and both rudders. Naval headquarters here said the Fox had about 200 men aboard when she struck the mine while en route to Trieste from Venice. The explosion occurred in waters which still contain war-laid minefields. Capt. R. N. McFarlane of Graham, Texas, Commander of the Second Squadron of which the Fox is part, was aboard the Owen, his flagship. He said the Fox had a large hole aft below the water- line and that her lower after decks were awash. Although the upper Adriatic still contains mines laid during the war, McFarlane said the ac- cident occurred on a direct route from Venice to Trieste which had been used before and which had been swept clear. In Washington a U. S. Navy officer explained that mine sweeping in the Mediterranean Area has been handled by the International Sweeping and Rout- ing Section of the British Ad- miralty. Although a channel was cleared long ago between Venice and Trieste, this does not elimin- ate the possibility of an old mine drifting into the course of a ship, he said. Cuba Arrests 360 Plotters HAVANA, Sept. 29 - (/P) - Col. Oscar Diaz, the Cuban army's chief investigator, said today that the army and navy has detained 360 men as alleged plotters against the Dominican Republic and Cuba and has seized 11 bomb- ing planes and several ships as- sembled at Guinchos Cay. Diaz told newsmen at Camp Co- lumbia, army headquarters here, that the men surrend'ered yester- day on the Cay, 50 miles off the north Cuban coast and 300 miles east of Havana, and were brought to the camp last night. He said he gave the supreme tribunal doc- uments in the case today. The documents, Diaz said, showed that the men alleged- ly first planned to invade the Dominican Republic, southeast of Cuba, and, failing in that, hatched a conspiracy against the Cuban army and navy. Some of those detained told in- terviewers the expedition was composed of about 1,500 men armed with automatic rifles, two tons of dynamite, hand grenades, about 14 bazookas and several 37- millimeter cannons. They said they had spent over two months on the Cay. OLDEST DAILY STAFF-Members of the original U. of M. Daily 1890 staff gaze with puzzled looks at their four-column paper which, without women or fraternity men, they must present to their 100 or so readers some time the next day. They finally filled the paper with personal faculty notes, advertising and sports commentary. * * * * - 'HERE TO STAY': Michigan Daily Celebrates 57 Years of Continuous Operation By HARRIET FRIEDMAN Fifty-eight years ago, nine men struggled through the night to produced a paper to appear "sometime the next day." It was called the U. of M. Daily, and dated Monday, Sept. 29, 1890. Its editors, stated in the first is- sue "The Daily is here to stay," and the prophecy has been con- firmed. For since that date, through changes in name, style, staff and owenrship, The Daily has never missed an appearance on a publication day. Served as Trailblazer Throughout its history, The Daily has served as a trailblazer for other colleges and even met- 'U' Orientation Period To Be Supplemented A week of school has passed since Orientation Week ended, but freshman and transfer students who don't feel quite oriented yet will be glad to learn that the Uni- versity is going to even greater lengths to make sure new students don't miss anything. This term, orientation officially ends November 6. It is the first time that an orientation program has been actually extended into the school term. Provost Adams To Speak The extended orientation pro- gram will open Thursday evening at Hill Auditorium with a talk by Provost James P. Adams. In his address entitled "The High Adventure", Provost Adams will outline the opportunities this campus offers to the student, op- portunities often overlooked by University students for several years of their stay here. Three other meetings are plann- ed as part of the extended orien- tation program. Dean Ralph A. Sawyer of the graduate school will present his illustrated lecture "Bikini - Crossroads!" October 16. ropolitan newspapers. It was one of six papers from all parts of the, world represented at the 1900 Olympics game in Berlin. The Daily was the first college paper to introduce a regular Sun- day supplement. Published from March, 1920 until March, 1927. the Sunday magazine was later replaced by literary and rotogra- cure suppelements. Another first mark by The Daily, was the Summer Daily, which appeared in 1922 as the first daily paper to be published by any college during the summer. The Daily organized an eight- page rotogravure Sunday supple- ment in 1928. Colleges from all over the country submitted typical college scenes for the section. Alnother innovatio~n wais "The Weekly, published in 1927, which collected news items and informa- tion about University students to be sent to family and friends. Fraternity Men Excluded Originally created to give the independent men an campus a voice, the U. of M. Daily did not allow fraternity men on the staff until 1895. In 1901 The Daily merged with a prosperous newcomer, the Var- sity News, and became the Michi- gan Daily-News. Soon after it was, renamed The Michigan Daily. Un- til 1903, it had been owned and operated independently of the Un- iversity, but at the time The Daily assumed its present name, it was placed under the supervision of See DAILY, Page 6 Waldrop Says Vets Leave Pay Is Due Student veterans who made ap- plication for leave pay at the end of the Summer Session and did not receive it Sept. 1 will_.prob- ably secure it around Oct. 1, Rob- ert S. Waldrop, director of the Veterans Service Bureau, an- nounced yesterday. If veterans concerned do not re- ceive leave pay by Oct. 1, they should report to the Contact Of- fice of the Veterans Administra- tion in Rm. 100A at the Rack- ham Building, he said. 77 Injured in Attack; Britons,_Arabs Killed By The Associated Press JERUSALEM, Sept. 29-A bar- rel of explosives ingeniously rolled over a large wire barrier hit a dis- trict police headquarters in Haifa today, killing 10 persons and in- uring 77. The Jewish under- ground said it launched the at- tack to avenge the deportation of the "Exodus 1947" Jews to Ham- burg, Germany. The dead were Britons and Arabs, including a 16-year-old Arab girl. Fourteen of the injured were Jewish civilians. British forces reacted immedi- ately. Troops of the Sixth Air- borne Division rushed into Haifa with bren gun carriers, armored cars and tanks. Subsequently police said they had arrested four suspects in the H1adar Hacarmel Jewish quarter half-way uphistoric Mount Car- mel which overlooks the port. Authorities also found an aban- doned truck. It contained a "Y" ;haped steel device which offi- cials said might have been used to launch the barrel. While the search for suspects was being pressed, Irgun Zvai Leumi, Jewish underground or- ganization, issued a pronounce- ment saying: "We have paid back for the shame of Ham- burg and the shame of expul- sion from the fatherland and for the bloodshed of our broth- ers." The barrel of explosives,Irgun said, equalled the deadly force of a 2,000-pound bomb. The blast occurred at 6 a.m.- four days after Britain announced a decision to surender her old League of Nations mandate over Palestine. Windows within a ra- dius of a quarter of a mile were shattered. Four British and four Arab p- licemen were killed. Forty-three British policemen were injured, 13 of them seriously. Twenty Arab and 14 Jewish civilians also were hurt. Many of the civilians were passengers of an intercity~ bus which was passing the headquar- ters as the blast occurred. The attack .came as Igaifa Jews began celebration of the eight-day feast of the Taberna- cles (Succoth), commemorat- ing the ancient trek of the Jews from Egypt and recalling their eating of manna from heaven. In July the British intercepted 4,400 Jews without immigration certificates off the Palestine coast. These Jews were removed from their ship, the Exodus 1947, and eventually were deported to Hamburg. Last Saturday the British intercepted another group of Jews aboard the Afalpi and de- ported then to Cyprus. Irgun labelled today's bomb- ing "Operation Hambaf"-ap- parently a contraction of the words Hamburg and' Afalpi. Fourteen hours after the ex- plosion in Haifa a blast near one of the British security zones in Jerusalem caused a 25-minute general alarm in the Holy City. IFC Extends Registration R e g i s tration for fraternity rushing, which closed last Thurs- day after a record 853 had signed up, will be resumed briefly from 3 to 5 p.m. today in the Union, Inter-Fraternity Council Presi- Henry Mayer announced yester- day. The move, Mayer said, is nec- World News at a Glance By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Sept, 29-The United States has protested to Moscow that a Soviet writer libeled and insulted President Truman by comparing him to Hitler, and Moscow has rejected the protest. The text of notes exchanged between U. S. Ambassador Walter Bedell Smith and Soviet Foreign Minister V. M. Molotov showed that Molotov rejected any responsibility for the offending article. * * * LAKE SUCCESS, Sept. 29-Still holding the threat of a veto over Italy's head, Russia's Andrei A. Gromyko failed today in another effort to force the United States to support three Soviet satellities for admission to the United Nations. NEW NEST FOR ENGINEERS: Luxurious Quarters Delight Faculty * .* .* WASHINGTON, Sept. 29-Former President Herbert Hoover, now 73, accepted as his "last public service" today the post of chair- man of a 12-man commission designed to simplify and promote economy in the federal government. By FRANK KANE "The indirect lighting system lacks a few reflectors and the painters are still painting and the carpenters still working on the staircases, but we're pretty well Building that will house their classes. Although construction was not begun until the spring of 1946 and material shortages have con- tinually slowed work, progress has done a magnificent job in coordi- nating our needs with the work schedule," Prof. Lovell declared. Switchboards and lighting fix- tures for the laboratories will be installed as quickly as possible and1 all hevv manhinerv will be * * * LANSING, Sept. 29-The Michigan Legislature, in a 31/3- m . -a m - :- Avfl v m - am mil f v owo a . V- -.