TAX HONEYMOON See Page 2 wc: AOFA6 ~UIA1 iCOLDERj CLOUDY Latest Deadline in the State -----Y-3 . z--- _-_- -- VOL. LVIII, No. 80 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, JANUARY 10, 1948 PRICE FIVE CENTS ________________________________________ U Food Caravan To Be Aided By Bowl Film 'U' Staff To See Movie Monday More food will be added to the Moto~r Friendship Caravan when townspeople and University staff members donate their canned contributions as admission to colored films of the Rose Bowl game at 5, 7, and 9 p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium. Following the system outlined for tomorrow's showing of the films to students, Monday's aud- ience will likewise be required to r present one can of food and a ticket at the doors in order to gain admittance. Distributed Monday Tickets will be distributed from 10 a.m. to noon and from 1 to 4 p.m. Monday at Ferry Field, the Chamber of Commerce and in Rm. 2 University Hall for University staff members. Students may secure tickets for any one of tomorrow's four per- formances by showing their ID cards between 1 and 5 p.m. today at the north door of Angell Hall. Married students may procure an extra ticket for their wives. Through this arrangement, University officials hope to in- sure even distribution of tickets for each performance and pre- vent overcrowding and confusion. Friendship Caravan All contributions will be col- lected by the Ann Arbor Junior Chamber of Commerce and pre- sented to the Motor Friendship Caravan which will distribute the food to needy European nations. Members of the undergraduate "M" Club, headed by Howard Wi- kel, president; Pete Elliot, vice- president; Dominic Tomasi, sec- retary; and Bob Harrison, treas- urer are scheduled to collect tick- ets and cans of food from stud- ents at the Auditorium. Personal Appearances Sponsored jointly by the Al- umni Association and the under- graduate "M" Club, performances of the film will feature personal appearances by members of the Wolverine football team. Robert 0. Morgan, assistant general secretary of the Alumni Association will give a running commentary during all perform- ances. vet 'Snowball' Drive Turns To Avalanche A deluge of "snowballs for Con- gressmen" is wending its way through the mails today after a campaign here in which 1,000 plastic reminders of the student veterans' cost of living straits were sent off to leading lawmak- ers. Bearing the inscription, "We've got as much chance as a snowball in hell of living on Government subsistence," the plastic snow- balls are designed to dramatize a need for a GI Bill pay rise. Quick Response University students were quick t respond th e pleas of Opera- tion Subsistence leaders and AVC spokesmen to send the snowballs off to Congressmen. The entire consignment was exhausted soon after shop was set up on the Di- agonal. Students eager to send their own messages crowded the booth and slowed between-class traffic. Sights were focused mainly on the House of the Representatives largely because the veterans ex- pect the Senate to repeat the ap- proval given to pay hikes in the last session. (Legislation. to bring allotment levels to $100 for single students and $125 for married veterans is sought.) Lobby Plans Meanwhile, plans were com- pleted for a lobby in Washington Monday and Tuesday to further campaign for subsistence boosts. George Antonofsky, chairman of Operation Subsistence, M'chigan and Bettie Baker, president of the Womens Veterans Association on ~*campus will meet with delegates from colleges and universities ts,,mman,+ +he neA n Student Experts Will A id In Selection of Courses SML Aopts l1uovation as Attempt To Solve Perennial Dilemma of 'What To Take' The perenrial problem of "what to take" will be lessened for lit- erary college students this registration period with the initiation of the Course-Content Student Advisory Program. Under a plan set up by the Student Legislature's Cultural and Educational Committee, and passed yesterday by the Executive Com- mittee of the litfrary college, student experts representing the major fields of concentration will be on hand to give detailed course infor- mation Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday of registration week. Supplementary Program "Supplementing the course d MYRA HESS . . to appear here English Pianist 'To Appear in Choral Series Presenting the seventh concert in the current Choral Union series, Myra Hess, distinguished English pianist will appear at 8:30 p.m. today on the stage of Hill Audi- torium. A veteran performer in this country, Miss Hess made her American debut in New York in 1922, and has made annual con- cert tours here every year except during the war. Applauded by many critics as a true musician and not a mere vir- tuoso, she returned to the United States last year aftera sevh year absence, during which timte she gave five concerts a week without a break, even during the worst air raids. Her courage and artistry were both awarded in 1945 when the King conferred on her the honor of Dame Commander of the Brit- ish Empire and the Royal Phil- harmonic Society awarded her the Gold Medal. Born in England, she made her debut at an orchestral concert with Sir Thomas Beecham, which aroused such enthusiasm that she was at once engaged by leading orchestras. Since then her career has been a succession of triumphs. Her program today will include the following numbers: Adagio in G major and Toccata in D major, Bach; Drei Klavierstucke, Schu- bert; Sonata, Op. 111, Beethoven; and Albumblatter (from Bunte Blatter, Op. 99) and Carnaval, Op. 9 both by Schumann. Pinafore' Next Show by Club Music Society Calls For Tryouts Feb. 9 "H.M.S. Pinafore" acclaimed by many as the greatest of all light operas will be the next offering of the Gilbert and Sullivan Society, it was announced at a meeting of the Society Thursday night. The regular Society members, now veterans in the musical com- edy field by virtue of their success- ful pre-Christmas production of "The Mikado," were joined at the meeting by many interested stu- dents. "Pinafore" was selected as the next Society production on the basis of student votes taken at the time of "The Mikado," Jim Schneider, Society publicity direc- tor, announced. It will be present- ed for a four night stand begin- ning Wednesday. May 12. lescriptions in the Announcement, Othe program will ease the load for academic counselors and advisers who cannot be expected to have course in the literary college," course in thet literary college," Dave Dutcher, co-chairman of the Legislature committee pointed out. The program will be of special benefit to freshmen and transfer students in helping to familiarize them with the choice of courses available. Other students will be given advice in choosing elective outside their own fields of con- centration. For Factual Information Course advice, however, will be limited to factual information, and actual choice will be left to the student, Dutcher explained. No recommendation of professors will be offered in the program. Student experts for the program will be drawn mainly from the honorary societies. Only students with at least a "B" average in their field of concentration, and with wide experience in their fields will be eligible. If the program meets success in the literary college, it will be ex- panded to other schools in the University, Dutcher said. Gaertner Says Press Faces Increased Job The American press must pre- sent a fair picture of the news if the people are to be able to form sound judgments to meet the challenges and storms of the atomic future, Fred M. Gaertner, Jr., managing editor of the De- troit News, said yesterday. Speaking in the current series of lectures being presented by the journalism department Gaertner urged publishers and editors not to forget their responsibility to the 140 million people in the country merely because of the magnitude of their enterprises. Finest Education Addressing the student p'art of his audience, Gaertner said that they had been trained to think things out and to "keep an open mind." He pointed out that they were receiving the finest educa- tion in the world, but he also warned them that they were com- ing out into the world at a time when "great questions, needing detailed information, will meet the people." At the same time, he cautioned against hasty judgments about new social and economic issues, especially since, he said, 20 per- cent of the people still look to the editorial pages of their newspa- pers before they form an opinion on controversial issues. "We have learned that the radical idea of today is the conservative idea of tomorrow',' he added, pointing to such issues as social security, collective bargaining and TVA. Inexpensive Newspapers Speaking earlier in the day to a group of journalism students, Gaertner advised those who were discontented with the newspapers of today, to wait a little longer and that then they would be able to publish their own papers on slightly more than a shoestring. With the new photoengraving process newspapers are now us- ing, he said, you can have the in- gredients for your paper of the future with just a small invest- ment. Stassen Tells Senators of Inside Prof it Candidate Says Earnings 'Hiuge By The Associated Press WASHINGTON. Jan. 9-Harold E. Stassen told Senators that gov- ernment "insiders" have made about $4,000,000 profits in post- war commodity trading. He declined to name any traders who have not been identified al- ready, saying he Would leave it to the Senators to bring out "the ex- act evidence." Untruthful Appearing before a Senate Ap- propriations Subcommittee inves- tigating the effects of speculation on prices, the Republican presi- dential aspirant also declared that Edwin W. Pauley and Brig. Gen. Wallace H. Graham have not told the whole truth about their trad- ing transactions. Stassen contended that Pauley, a special assistant to the secretary of the army, made a profit of about $1,000,000 in the market since the war, "moving in and out with never a loss." He also said that Graham, who is President Truman's personal physician, did not lose money in the market, although his profit did not compare with Pauley's. Graham was waiting to testify' about his market activities when the committee adjourned to per- mit Stassen to fill a speaking en- gagement in Missouri. Davies Mentioned The only other trader men- tioned by Stassen was Ralph K. Davies, former deputy petroleum administrator for war, whose name recently appeared on a list of traders. Stassen said Davies' activities were similar to Pauley's. The witness, a former Minne- sota governor, said that he and his staff have uncovered the names of about 11 "insiders" who-he as- serted-have made personal prof- its through the use of official in- formation. "Were any members of Con- gress?"rasked Senator O'Mahoney (Dem., Wyo.). "No members of Congress," Stassen answered. Initiation Held By Journalists Three professional newsmen and fourteen undergraduates were initiated last night into Sigma Delta Chi, professional journalism fraternity, in ceremonies at the Union. Professional pledges initiated were Arthur Brandon, director of the University news service, Ray Baker, of the Ann Arbor News and Dean Baker, instructor in the journalism department. The undergraduate list included Ben Zwerling, Archie Parsons, Jack Martin, Fred Schott, Harold Jackson, Albert Mathieson, War- ren Lebonah, Robert LaPlante, Russell Clanahan, Don Thomas, Paul Filter, Sidney White, James Warner and Kenneth Peterson. The initiation was followed by a dinner during which Fred M. Gaertner, Jr., managing editor of the Detroit News, spoke briefly on prospects in newspaper work. 'U' Ranks Seventh In Vet Enrollment Michigan ranks seventh in the nation in number of veterans en- rolled with 11,735, according to a national survey of 716 four-year institutions which also revealed that the wave of postwar GI en- rollment has reached its peak. Results of the survey conducted by Dr. Raymond Walters, presi- dent of the University of Cincin- nati, showed that in 1947, veter- ans constituted 52 per cent of to- tal full-time enrollments, a de- 'Businesslike' Vandenberg Asks Adoption of Recovery 'M' Cagers in Big Nine Opener I -1.', McIntyre IKey Man in Gopher Scoring Attack Roberts, Harrison, Elliott Spark 'M' Five By IRWIN ZUCKER Minnesota invades Yost Field House tonight with its tallest squad in almost two decades, but Michigan supporters hope the Wolverine basketeers will be on the long end of things-the score, to be specific-before the evening is over. In fact the partisan crowd, on hand to view Michigan's Big Nine debut, will be watching more than the scoreboard once the opening whistle is sounded at 7:30 p.m. From tonight's performance, many hope to get a pretty fair indication of how Michigan will fare in Conference play in 1948. These fans insist that the Wol- verines are a much better club than their 4-3 record compiled in warm-up tilts tend to indi- cate. "Will the return of Pete Elliott to the starting line-up supply the spark the Wolverines need?" has been a topic of discussion all week long among Michigan enthusiasts. They feel that Elliott, who bucket- ed five points in his initial cage appearance this season against Toledo last Saturday, was the man most missed in the Wolverines' first six battles. The red-headed Elliott, last ,year's captain and guard, is re- garded as one of the top defen- sive men in the league. But the main defensive as- signment of the evening will fall to Bill Roberts, the 6-foot 7-inch Maize and Blue center. His task will be to stop Jim Mc- Intyre, the Gopher pivot man and chief scoring threat. McIntyre, three inches taller than Roberts, has averaged 18.1 points in his team's eight games this year. He's the tallest player ever to represent the Gophers and finished second in the Big Nine in- dividual scoring race last winter. When Michigan defeated Min- nesota by a 44-25 score a year ago See BASKETBALL, Page 3 W orld News At a Glance By The Associated Press BULLETIN ASBURY PARK, N.J., Jan. 9- Police confiscated from 126 to 135 tons of surplus Army explosives and a cache of 5,200 combat knives today which they said had been gathered by Zionists for il- legal shipment to Palestine. WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-The United States is considering the possibility of sending Marines to guard the recently bombed con- sulate at Jerusalem, the State Department revealed tonight. It added that no decisions had been reached during "informal" discus- sions with the Palestine govern- ment. * * * WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-The National Labor Relations Board today rejected a request of the Brotherhood of Railroad train- men to be named as bargaining agent on a Lexington, Ky. bus line because BRT President A. F. Whitney has refused to sign a SHOOTING HIGH - Captain Bob Harrison (right) and Bill, Roberts, high-scoring Wolverine cagers, aim for Gopher skin. BRETTON'S OPINION: FBI Could Become Gestapo If Loyalty Power Were Used Plan: .. By AL BLUMRO SEN If the Federal Bureau of Inves- tigation uses all the powers granted to it under the govern- ment's loyalty progran it may tend to become similar .in scope and power to the Gestapo under ' Himmler, H. L. Bretton of the pol- itical science department said yesterday. Bretton, a former member of the 0SS in Germany, said that the powers to collect data on fed- eral employes by undisclosed means and to dismiss employes of the government without con- fronting them with their accusers held great potential danger for the exercise of civil liberties. Will Take Advantage The FBI may take advantage at some time of the extensive pow- ers and the ability to use illegal means to get information that have been granted to it under this system, he said. "The Gestapo under Himmler was so successful," Bretton said, "because there were no legal re- straints on it and it had an un- limited scope. The principle dif- ference between the Gestapo and the FBI operating under its new powers is in the assumed motives of J. Edgar Hoover." Successful Job= Bretton stressed that he was not casting aspersions on the ac- tivities of J. Edgar Hoover or the FBI in the field of law enforce- ment where, he said, "they are doing a successful job." Bretton noted that if J. Edgar Hoover were to resign or if a man were to become president who had a stricter construction of the term disloyalty," the powers granted to the FBI might turn it into an agency similar to the force in a police state. "There is no public check on the methods used by the FBI in se- curing information about govern- J-Hop Tickets The remaining 50 tickets for the Friday presentation of J- Hop will be placed on general sale at 9 a.m. today at the tick- et booth in University Hall, ac- cording. to. Bruce. Lockwood, ticket chairman. .4 menemployees," Bretton said. "By including political as well as criminal acts under the jurisdic- tion of the FBI we are doing the same thing that enabled Himmler See FBI, Page 4, Materials for Re uistiation Now Available Registration materials for the spring semester are now available to literary college and education school students at Rm. 4, Univer- sity Hall, Edward G. Groesbeck, assistant registrar, announced yesterday. Cashier's receipts must be pre- sented on applying for the regis- tration materials. Announcements, time schedules, and registration schedules for the second term ate also on hand now. Freshmen and sophomores who have not yet made appointments with their academic counselors for course approvals may do so dur- ing the half-day before they reg- ister, in Rm. 1223 Angell Hall. All other students should secure their adviser's approval of elections prior to registration. Students are urged to come ex- actly at their scheduled time to Waterman Gymnasium for regis- tration. "Those who come too early merely lengthen the wait for those who arrive at their sched- uled time, and will not be ad- mitted ahead of schedule," Groes- beck said. Each section of the al- phabet can be accommodated in ten minutes if members arrive ac- cording to schedule, he pointed out. Students desiring to register at a time other than is indicated for them on the schedule must secure written permission from the dean ERP Attacked As Committee HearsDouglas Senator George Hits Marshall's Statement By The Associated Press WASHINGTON, Jan. 9-Sena- tor Vandenberg (R. - Mich.) warned the state department to- day that it must make its plan for handling the European recovery program more businesslike "or you are sunk without a trace" If it is to succeed, the plan must gain the confidence of the Ameri- can people, said the Michigan Re- publican, chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. "A new element of business operation" must be infused into the multi-billion program, he told Lewis W. Douglas, ambas- sador to Great Britain and Se- retary of State Marshall's chief deputy on foreign aid. He said that element is "lack- ing in the bill you have sub- mitted." Douglas, backing up Marshall's opening testimony yesterday, had just outlined to the committee six principles which he said are fun- damental to the success of the plan. He said the secretary of state and the President must have control of and supervision over the program. Vandenberg cut in: "I respectfully submit that you missed one fundamental specification that is overriding -that is to create a system in which the American people have confidence or you are sunk without a trace." Then, near the close of the day's session, Senator George (D.-Ga.) critic ized Marshall for his testi- mony yesterday, George said Marshall in effect told Congress: "Take the whole of this program or none." The south- ern Senator declared "that's the technique of the propagandist" and was "not a proper statement to make to the legislative branch." Douglas said he didn't think Marshall meant take the $6,- 800,000,000 asked for the first 15 months operations, or none at all. George said he did not think Marshall meant it the way it sounded, but that newspapers in- terpreted it that way. Still Time for Ball Petitions Senior Committee Extends Deadline Deadline forsubmitting state- ments of qualifications by seniors who wish to hold positions on the Senior Ball central committee has been extended to 5 p.m. Wednes- day, according to Mary Ellen Gray, vice president of the senior class. Seniors in both the literary and engineering colleges may petition. There are no petition forms, but students should include in their petitions past experience, ideas for the dance and positions desired in order of preference, Miss Gray ad- vised. In addition to general chairman, the following posts are open: tick- ets, refreshments, finance, orches- tra, patrons and programs, and publicity. Petitions should be turned into the office of Student Affairs in University Hall. Film Classic ClosesToday 4rrMp n e - r. T Ar ,,~ f of their school, Glared. Groesbeck de-I crease of 5 per cent from last year.non-communist oath. DARING ALUMNI 'SMUGGLERS FOR A DAY': Rose Bowl Extras Get Through to Fans in Pasadena Pulitzer Play Offered Again The Pulitzer Prize winning play, "They Knew What They Wanted," produced by the Little Theatre of Willow Village, will be presented again at 8 p.m. today in the audi- torium at West Lodge. Starring Jane Bevan as Amy, A. Michael Cetta as Tony, and Ben Dziengielewski as Joe. the plav I T__ TTI TATT T fYTT L1 t11? 1 i I i