PAGE SIX 111 E 111 HI AN 'DA 11,Y ri jiL!I1SDAV, J.ANUi IRV 8, 19,18 .........C.I.GA N..A...Y........... .....JAN.A..........4. I EDITOR PR Rnfrlr. Newspaper Production Faces Radical Changes Mechanical production of news- papers is in for some sweeping changes, and we will probably see them within the next five years, according to Philip T. Rich, pub- lisher of the Midland Daily News. Speaking before members of the journalism school, Rich pre- dicted that present expensive Truman...* (Continued from Page 1) tablished, along with broadened old age pension and other social security measures and a long- range, government - supported housing program. And he said "the time has come for Alaska and Hawaii to be ad- mitted to the Union as states." To his list of immediate pro- posals the President added these: 1-Discrimination "based on race, or creed, or color" must be abolished. He will send Congress a special message on the subject. 2-Our natural resources must be further developed and "we must vigorously defend our natural wealth against those who would misuse it for selfish gain." 3-Farmers, with a 1946 aver- age income pf $779, should be en- abled to approach the $1,288 av- erage of non-farm workers and all low incomes should be increased. One fifth of our families, he said, have incomes less than $850 a year. 4-Industry should invest at least $50 billion in the next few years to help increase our present record production by one-third. Firm action should be taken against "the concentration of eco- nomic power and other elements of monopoly." 5-"Many thousands of dis- placed persons, still living in camps overseas, should be al- lowed entry into the United States." 6-By tariff reduction and other methods, including aid to Greece and Turkey "in preserving their integrity against foreign pres- auips," we must wok k toward "world peace based on principles of freedom and justice and the equality of all nations." 7-"A special program of as- sistance to China, to provide ur- gent relief needs and to speed reconstruction, will be submitted, to the Congress." processes will be discarded in fa- vor of direct typing and photog- raphy. He cited the photoengrav- ing process used by the Chicago papers during the current typo-j graphers strike as a successful at- tempt at a new and cheaper! printing process. Men with Cameras Reporter-photographers are an- other novelty that will become the usual, especially for small papers, Rich said. "Few small papers can afford full-time photographers, but most of them can use reporter- photographers," he explained. With the present demand for pictures in the papers, it is a good idea for all reporters to carry cameras and learn how to use them, Rich added. Radio Tit-in Radio and newspapers are going to work even more closely together in the future, Rich continued. "In many of the smaller towns I think that radio and newspaper work will be closely linked," he ex- plained, commenting that "pro- duction of newspapers by radio is already a fact." The most important thing is that the newspaper business keep on progressing, in mechanical, business and editorial procedure, Rich concluded. Mineralogist Will Lecture Prof. Paul Niggli, eminent Smiss scientist, will deliver the first of two lectures on the earth sciences at 4:00 p.m. today in Rm. 2054, National Science Building. The lecture, entitled "The Min- erals of the Swiss Alps and Their Origin," is intended primarily for mineralogy, geology and chemis- try students. Prof. Niggli's second lecture, "The Science of Snow and Ava- lanches," will be held at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. It will be accompanied by slides and motion pictures of Alpine scenes. Prof. Niggli is the recent recip- ient of the Washington A. Roeb- ling Medal for oustanding con- tributions to the field of min- eralogy and is associated with the University of Zurich, where he has achieved distinction both as an administrator and as a scientist. Bryan To Give Lecture, Film Of Soviet Trip Noted Photographer To Be at Hill Tuesday Julien Bryan, noted photog- rapher of documented films, will present "Russia Re-visited" at 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in Hill Audi- torium in an Oratorical Associa- tion lecture. Bryan has made nine trips to Russia since 1930. photographing the Russian people and country- side. In his last trip, which was made after the war, he made the film to be presented here. Unusual Film Believed to be the first com- plete motion picture in color on the Soviet Union made by a for- eigner, the film covers current life in Russia with pictures of fac- tories, thousing developments, churches, collective farms, schools and theatres. Travelling as an unofficial ob- server for UNRRA, Bryan was permitted by the Russians to pho- tograph almost all the categories of Soviet life in which he was in- terested. The film is uncensored, and was not developed until his return to America. Comparisons Possible Because of his man trips to Russia, Bryan is one of the few Americans able to view the Soviet today and compare it to the Rus- sia of five, ten or fifteen years ago. He has appeared here five times in lecture-film presenta- tions, covering people of all parts of the world. Tickets for this lecture will be placed on sale at 10 a.m. Monday in the Hill Auditorium Box Of- fice. Business Show To Feature Movies Several movies and a Work Simplification Clinic will high- light an Office Equipment and Business Machine Show to be held from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. today and from 10 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. tomorrow in the Exhibit Rooms of the Rackham Building. "Telephone Courtesy," a movie, which will be shown at 3 p.m. to- day, and following this the Work Simplification Clinic will be held. The show is being sponsored by the business administration school and is open to the public. Long-Elected to Post Margaret Long was elected sec- retary of the Disciples National Fellowship at the national confer- ence held Dec. 27 through Jan. 1 at the University of Kansas. Book Exchange . . . The management of the Book Exchange will be available from 3 to 5 p.m. today in Rm. 308 of the Union to answer questions and check records on transactions. * * * Pre-Cran Join . An opportunity for last min- ute relaxation before finals will be offered at the Pre-Cram Jam from 3 to 5 p.m. today at the B'nai Brith Hillel Foundation. Dancing and refreshments will be fealtured! Students may attend stag and in couples. * * * Medical Lecture ... Dr. Andrew C. Ivy, vice-presi- dent of the University of Illinois and Dean of the Medical School will give a medical lecture at 1:30 p.m. today in University Hospital Amphitheatre. Sponsored by Phi Delta Epsi- lon, local medical fraternity, Dr. Ivy will talk on resusitation from asphixia. He holds a top post in the American Medical Associa- tion and was war-time head of the Navy medical research depart- ment. Willow Nursery . . . The Co-operative Nursery at Willow Village will hold a board meeting today. * * * Willow Art Meeting ... A special instructor in ceramics has been secured for the regular meeting of the Willow Village New Art Group at 8 p.m. today. The meeting will be a work- shop session on ceramics led by Mrs. Sylvia Delzell, who was for- merly Art instructor at the Toledo Art Museum. Give Play at Willow,. . "They Know What They Wanted," a Pulitzer, Prize win- ning play by Sidney Howard, will be presented by the Little Theatre of Willow Village at 8 p.m. tomorrow through Fri- day, in the Auditorium at West Lodge. * * * Democratic Dinner ... A Democratic Party Chicken Fry Monday night will mark the kick-off for political action by the Washtenaw County Demo- cratic Committee. Students interested in attend- ing the dinner can call Tom Walsh, 5989, for reservations. Physics Lecture . , Prof. Robley C. Williams, of the physics department, will speak on "Principles and Ap- Campus Highlights Plication of InCry-red let-cling Instruments" at 8 p.m. today in the Union. Gilbert and Sullivan . . The Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety will meet at 7:15 p.m. to- day in the ABC room of the League. Future plans will be an- nounced, and pictures ordered will be available. Members must bring $2.50 as a deposit for new scores. * * * 'Ensian Meeting.. The Michiganensian editorial st'iff will hold their last meet- ing before the end of the semes- ter at 4:30 p~m. today in the 'Ensian editorial offices. Sales staff members will meet at 5 p.m. to have their pictures taken for the year book and discuss the curgrnt sales cam- paign. Taylor Made Editor Prof. William R. Taylor of the botany department. one of the ci- vilian observers at the "Operation Crossroads" atom bomb test, has been appointed as the only Ameri- can representative on a board of eight editors to a new scientific periodical. Listed among the contributors to Acta Hydrobiologica et Protis- tologica, as the magazine is to be called, are Profs. Henry van der Schalie and William C. Steere. The Ox-Bow Incident' Will Be Presented "The Ox-Bow Incident," con- sered by the late Damon Run- yan as one of the best pictures he had ever seen, will be pre- sented by IRA and the Art Cin- cmxa League at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow and Saturday in Kellogg Audi- torium. "This picture is a realistic and sxrutai Iuay of lynching and the tragedy of mob hysteria," Runyan said. The unreasonable and brutal actions of a mob, who lynch two Suspect cattle thieves, and their subsequent horror at what they have done when the men are oVed innocent, form the plot of the film. The bewilderment of Dana An- drews, who portrays one of the men taken to be lynched, and the indignatioan of Henry Fonda as a bystander to the brutality, typ- ify the reactions of men affected by, but not involved in the mob action. "Boundary Lines," an Interna- tional Film Foundation produc- t ion which presents a new ap- proach to animation and sound synchronization, will be shown along with' "The Ox-Bow Inci- dent." The film attempts to point out to Americans that they must realize that since boundary lines are of their own making, they can make of them what they will. Tickets for the showing may be Charging that nearly all uni- versities of western civilization inculcate a faith in analytical materialism, Dr. John A. Cole- man, in an interview yesterday; offered two suggestions to coun- teract this attitude. This attitude is taught uncon- sciously by professors, Dr. Cole- man declared. "We must arouse faculty and student Christians to awareness and then change the attitude of teaching methods so that professors make clear what the real basis of teaching of opin- ions is when relevant to their course- - Spreading Christianity Dr. Coleman is secretary of the World Christian Federation with headquarters at Geneva, Switzer- land. He is visiting units of the United Student Christian Coun- cil, of which almost all inter- guild groups are members, in or- der to propagate the principles of Christians in universities. Deploring the fact that "success means to be successful material- ly," Dr. Coleman disparaged the general belief that truth can be discovered by analyzing things and finding a materialistic ex- planation for them. Search for Faith It is impossible for students not to have faith, but the real prob- lem is what that faith is to be, Dr. Coleman asserted. "The university is a reflection of society rather than the leader," he said. "Universities have lost all sense of direction and are merely a pale reflection of tie fragmen- tation of society." Give Concert For Children Grade school students in Ann Arbor and surrounding areas will have the opportunity to attend the Young People's Concert to be presented at 3 p.m. today in Hill Auditorium by the University Symphony Orchestra in conjunc- tion with the Department of Music Education. Selections included are the Overture to "Oberon" by Von Weber; Til Eulenspiegel, Strauss; The Story of Celeste, Kleinsinger: Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, third movement, Haydn; and a suite from "Lt. Kije," Prokofieff. Children must be under the su- pervision of a teacher to be ad- mitted. 4CUSES UNIVERSITIES: Faith in Materialism Taught Students, WFF Official Says I 4 " Two things .N' This is a wo/f. Specics: Lapus iHumanus. Numbers increasing on every college campus.n Sleek (app)Ueaan'ce (ids deception of fprey. Hunts at nigtl. Aainly co-eds. DonI lugh. you're probably one yourself. This is a MlaIll(Iutan" ' shirf. Woff or inot. yNull giin hot pin ..c. it L beanuy! A S Manhaan" fis beper . . . looks beter . .. and can't shrink i.ore than 1%. See this style and many others at your MMM lOCAl dealer's nI. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN (Continued from Page 4) cient Glaciers of North America in the Light of Recent Studies of tion, on Saturday, Jan. 10, 10 a.m., an Existing One" (illustrated). Michigan Union. Members of the staff now engaged in such work, Art Cinema League and the IRA as well as represeptatives of the present Henry Fonda and Dana University administration, of the Andrews in OX-BOW INCIDENT. advisory committees, and of or- Also "Boundary Lines," a short on ganized labor, will attend. Others racial discrimination. Friday and interested are invited. Saturday, 8:30 p.m., Kellogg Audi- torium, Dental School. Tickets on Sigma ,XI: Open meeting, 3 sale at University hall, 10-noon, p.m., Wed., Jan. 14, Rackham Am- and 1-4 p.m. phitheatre. Dr. W. H. Hobbs, Pro- fessor Emeritus of Geology, will Graduate Outing Clug: Meet for speak on the subject, "The An- winter sports at 2:30 p.m., Sun., -- Jan. 11, northwest entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham check desk before noon Saturday. All graduate students are welcome. Sigma Chapter of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternty: Meet Fri., Jan. 9, 8 p.m., Rm. 305, Michigan Union. All members are requested to be pres- ent. The program for the Spring Semester will be adopted. Delta Sigma . Pi, professional Business Administration frater- nity: Informal initiation, Fri., Jan. 9, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 324, Michi- gan Union. SRA Coffee Hour: Fri, Jan. 9, at 4:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Members - - mof the Theology Forum will be , O/M / special guests. Everyone is wel- 1N PERsav / come. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation, Friday Evening Services: 7:45 (t the p.m. Followed by a Fireside Dis- cussion led by Prof. Mischa Titiev PAUL BUNYAN "FORMAL" on "Racial Types among Jews." Refreshments and social hour. All students are invited. EN ROL L NOW! w on .L TO SATISFY ME1.