THE-11CU2IJGA N 2AHfY National (Continued from Page 5) terial for use of student bodies, and in cooperation with their ad- ministration help student bodies in the eventual establishment of in- dependent student finance con- trol." STUDENT CULTURAL WELFARE The USNSA recognizes culture as a social manifestation, differ- ing in form and substance in va- rious environments. The cultural base is not a static element but, when properly nourished, one that can develop and enhance the so- cal progress of our nation. In light of this the USNSA will help to achieve the best possible oppor- tunities for the cultural develop- ment of all American college and university students. Also it will at- tempt to serve the American cam- pus by adopting a programrthat will present the creative efforts of the students to the American public and peoples of the world and at the same time bring to the campuses the best of all cultures of the world. The first object in setting up a program along these lines is to ob- tain the widest possible student participation in a general cultural program, both as audience and producer. The work and program of American and foreign students should be made available to every campus, through exhibits of art schools, tours of theatre and dance groups, exchange of musi- cal groups. Professional groups should be encouraged to take their concerts, exhibits, lectures and plays to as many campuses as pos- sible. Audio-visual programs should be made available to all schools to study the cultures of all people. The USNSA should conduct a series of competitons for all stu- dents to encompass the fields of all arts and sciences. The possi- bility of an annual cultural festi- val should be carefully studied, and participation in international cultural festivals should be en- couraged. It is felt that this is one of the important methods through which understanding of all peo- ples can be facilitated. The USNSA should encourage a well rounded program of student activities on each campus, for it is felt that through participation of all students on a campus in such a program, a means will be pro- vided for developing a personal growth in the individual student which cannot be obtained solely in academic study. A comprehensive orientation program on each cam- pus should be developed with the cooperation of all student and ad- ministrative groups. This program should have as its basis a com- plete explanation of all student ac- tivities, and encouragement of participation in these activities. A complete explanation of the stu- dent government on the campus and individual student relation- ship to it and the USNSA is of ut- most importance. The National Commission should study and recommend ways and means of establishing student un- ion programs and buildings on campuses, and also improvement of th existing ones. The commis- sion should help establish on each campus a social committee to plan activities involving the entire stu- dent body, and aid in eliminating the social problems arising from the division of student life into small groups. Regions should study the possibilities of formulat- ing programs of inter-collegiate and inter-regional social activi- ties. Surveys should be conducted to make available information re- garding the planning and func- tioning of student activity funds. The regulations pertaining to the social conduct of the individ- ual student should be considered to be the responsibility of there- spective campus governing bodies. The various social organizations should be subject to the same reg- ulations that govern any organi- zation on the campus. STUDENT PART-TIME EMPLOYMENT The National Commission should conduct a nation-wide poll to de- termine the facts concerning stu- dent wages and part-time employ- ment opportunities, and attempt to establish regional standards for the determination of fair wages for this employment. On a campus where there is a graduate place- ment service, these facilities should be expanded to offer part- time placement service for the un- dergraduates, or if no such facili- ties are available, an effort should be made to develop such a service. Where the rates for room and board, set by campus authorities, are equal to off-campus living costs, the student wage scale should be equal to those paid by off-campus establishments. VOCATIONAL INFORMATION SERVICE The National Commission, through surveys and compiling of reports on methods already suc- cessfnllv in use by various colleges, lems and opportunities of post- college jobs and graduate studies. This vocational guidance plan should coordinate its activities with gcvernmental agencies and industrial firms to ensure the closest possible contact with oth- ers working in this field. STUDENT HOUSING Student housing based on defi- nite qualifications and standards, should be available to every stu- lent. An immediate problem exists that needs attention, and long ange planning is necessary to im- -rove general student housing. The National Commission on co- operation with local and regional groups should act as a clearing house for constructive suggestions, and conduct surveys to obtain im- mediate information on this prob- lem. The Commission should an- alyze national legislation affect- ing the housing of students and make its reports available. Indi- vidual student governing bodies should be given encouragement to cooperate with their administra- tion and local civic groups to al- leviate the emergency that exists today. The necessity for long range planning for student housing oroblems should include consider- ation of cooperative student hous- ing projects, low interest federal loans to colleges and construction of dormitories, and governmental %nd community aid for construc- tion of housing in college com- munities. STtDENT PUBLICATIONS The USNSA should work for the dual purpose of freeing student publications from college and uni- versity administrative control, at the same time strengthening the publications set-up so that it will be strong enough to assume its re- Vponsibilities for free student pub- lications. The National Commis- sion through the local student governing bodies should make known the following criteria for the basis of free student publica- tion: The student publication should be freed from administra- tion control when adequate meth- ods of maintaining their responsi- bility to the student body as a whole have been developed; the student publications and the stu- dent governing bodies should be separately responsibly to the stu- dent body in order that publica- tions do not become the personal instrument of the staff or the stu- dent governing body. Whenever a fee is charged to all students by the administration as an activity fee or subscription fee for publi- cations, the appointment for pub- lications should be on a yearly basis or a fixed per capita assess- ment. These funds shall be ad- ministered by the staff of the pub- lication who shall be financially responsible to the entire student body. Ultimately, voluntary sub- scriptions should be the financial basis for free student publications. STUDENT PHYSICAL WELFARE HEALTH AND RECREATION The USNSA favors providing every student with an adequate physical welfare, health and rec- reation program, but on many campuses this is not available to the majority of students. The Na- tional Commission through its re- gional and local organization should conduct surveys, and com- pile information for schools desir- ing to develop this type of pro- gram. Also federal legislation af- fecting the physical welfare, health and recreation of college students should be analyzed. The following type of outlined program should be followed by the National Commission: A health education program and periodic physical examination should be available to all students. Adequate campus facilities for the treat- ment of accidents and emergency illness should be available to the entire student body. Each student should be given the opporutiity to participate in a health insurance plan. The special report presented to the conven- tion by the Association of In- ternes and Medical Students on a minimum studlent health program should be considered. Non-profit eating facilities that are clean and serve nutritious and appetizing food should be available to all students. Physical education and recreation programs are an integ- ral part of a well rounded health program and should be encour- aged on all campuses. Where the present trend of commercializa- tion of college amateur athletics interfere with the development of such a program, the USNSA should go on record in favor of reversing this trend to make avail- able to all students the chance to participate in sports and other types of recreation. A Summary of Panel II One of the three manor sections of the program of activities of the National Student Association will be concerned with the problem of educational opportunity. Panel II was conducted primarily with Stude who is scholastically qualified but financially unable to secure a higher education, aid which will be granted without regard to race, religion, sex, or political belief; support increase in GI subsistence in proportion to the family unit; encourage increase private contri- butions to scholarship and loan funds by organizations as well as individuals, encourage individual colleges and universities to adopt more liberal scholarship policies; work to prevent the increase of education fees, and ask that, when such increases are necessary, the administration discuss the prob- lem with the local student govern- ment, especially with regard to those students for whom the rais- ing of fees will be a hardship; en- courage other legislative programs designed to alleviate economic barriers to education. The Panel also recommends further con- sideration of the Privilege Carl Plan and, in cooperation with the North American Student Coopera- tive League, investigation of the problems and promotion of stu- dent cooperatives. EDUCATIONAL DISCRIMINATION IN SOUTHERN STATES The Panel proposed that the USNSA working through its re- gions, should survey comparative educational opportunities for Ne- gro and white students in the South. The survey shall include state regulations concerning dis- crimination. On the basis of the survey there shall be direct action on the campus level, coordination of action on the regional level, and formulation of broad policy on the national level. The National Commission shall distributed the report of the survey. DISCRIMINATION IN EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Recognizing that only two con- siderations, character and aca- demic standings, are valid in de- termining admission to an educa- tional institution, the Panel de- cided that the following practices of discrimination on the basis of race, religion, sex, national origin, economic circumstances, or politi- cal beliefs which recognize the sovereignty of the U. S. Constitu- tion, shall be considered unfair practices; to deny or limit the ad- mission of, or otherwise discrimi- nate again any person; to make, or cause to be made, any oral or written inquiry; to discriminate in the use of its facilities against any student or group of students; to announce, establish, or follow a policy of denying or limiting, through the device of a quota sys- tem or otherwise, admission of students or use of facilities. The USNSA shall consider it unfair for an educational institution to pen- alize any person because he has opposed, testified or participated in any proceedings in connection with the above practices or relat- ed laws. However, the USNSA rec- ognizes the right of an institution which has as one of its major pur- poses religious instruction in a particular faith to give preference to students of that faith. The Panel suggested that Hu- man Relations Committees be es- tablished on the campus and re- gional level as part of the imple- mentation of this program, with the further recommendation that faculty members be included in the Committee on the campus level. A program including the use of the audio-visual mterials shall be part of the expanded educa- tional service of USNSA. The Panel also proposed that the USNSA request non-southern state legislative bodies to include stipulations in subsidy-granting legislation which will withhold subsidies and deny tax exemp- tions to those schools which are found guilty of unfair educational practices as defined in this report. Since the matter of educational opportunity and discrimination in its broader implications is impor- tant to the national as a whole, and since this problem, with its ramifications, is rarely limited to the area of its origin, a construc- tive appeal should be made on a national scale, taking into con- sideration local needs and finan- cial ability to meet those needs. EDUCATIONAL FACILITIES Recognizing the importance of improved educational facilities in primary and secondary schools as well as in colleges and universities, Panel II resolved that the USNSA should take action nationally, re- gion1lly, and locally, in support of increased governmental grants of appropriations for educational fa- cilities on all levels of education. In accordance with this principle the Panel proposed specifically: that federal aid should be of such a nature as to bring educational facilities in all states up to the national median as determined by the National Office of Education; that the USNSA endorse the rais- ing of teachers salaries; that re- gional investigations be conducted on these and similar problems cAnnerning educationna faeilities. nt Association Constitution be distributed at the discretion of recommendations on organiza- the state legislatures. tional relations it has considered ACADEMIC STANDARDS only one affiliation, that to IUS; Recognizing that the USNSA., that it considers the relationships through regions and on the arn- to UNESCO, WSSF and ISS can- pus, shall work for the improve- not be affiliations in the sense of ment of the academic standards of the USNSA Constitution specific institutions, and with the I NLSiO general educational standards of It was unanimously decided to state primary and secondary sys- seek representation of the USNSA tems, Panel II proposed: that the on the Ntional Commission for Commission on National Student UNESCO. The Drafting Commit- Affairs be concerned only with tee of Panel III recommends that, general academic standards on a as part of its program of inter- national or regional basis and deal national activities, the USNSA es- with academic standards in spe- tablish, with the sanction of the cific institutions only when stu- National Commission for UNES- dent governments or administra- CO, regional UNESCO councils tions of these specific institutions of student groups with possible request aid; that the USNSA un- youth groups, and through these dertake to have teacher evalua- Atudent UNESCO councils aid in tion grading charts made available the establishment of general re-' to the administrative departments gional UNESCO councils of all of colleges and universities; that interested groups. the USNSA investigate a system WORLD STUDENT SERVICE of comprehensive examinations to FUND (WSSF) be given to transfer students to Having thoroughly discussed the substantiate transfer credits, when technical reports of the staff in doubt; that the USNSA collect members of WSSF and ISS, with information on student guidance particular reference to the distri- and orientation programs for dis- bution of relief on the basis of tribution to schools where such need only, having examined close- facilities are not available; that ly the organizational relationships the USNSA concentrate on educa- and sponsorship of WSSF and ISS, tional standards of institutions being satisfied with examination affiliated with the USNSA for the of the\budgets of both groups, and present and at a future date the with the operational agreement National Commission shall con- that exists between ISS, World cern itself with standards of sec- Student Relief, World Student ondary and primary institutions; Christian Federation, Pax Ro- that the USNSA investigate and mana, IUS, World Organization of work to prevent abuse of the priv- Jewish Students, and WSSF in the ilege of tenure and the lowering of field of student assistance activi- academic standards by teachers. ties, it was resolved that the US- CURRICULA REFORM NSA should become sponsor of Panel II unanimously recomi- WSSF, on the agreement that mended a program of curricula re- a unified student relief effort form which might be undertaken through an effective organization successfully by the USNSA in the such as WSSF will result in max- coming year. The program is to imum contribution and effective- be carried out on the campus, in ness. the region, and nationally through INTERNATIONAL STUDENT Curriculum Committees to be es- SERVICE (ISS) tablished within the framework of On the basis of discussion of ISS the Commission on National Stu- by stff members and the report dent Affairs on each level. The from the ISS Assembly meeting in committee on the campus level Denmark, July, 1947, that it has may include faculty members. It agreed to recognize an extended shall be specifically concerned WSSF as its representative in the with: initiation and direction of United States, it was resolved that orientation programs for fresh- USNSA, as a sponsor of WSSF, men which would aid them in un- encourage and endorse expansion derstanding the basic philosophy of WSSF activities to work toward of liberal education and the out- formation of World Student Serv- standing points in their college ice or combination of ISS and curriculum; comprehensive study WSSF. Until that time, the US- of the adequacy of the present NSA should utilize facilities of curriculum; recommendation to ISS, nationally and international- the faculty and administration of ly, and it is considered that this specific courses suggested by the is in no way in conflict with the USNSA Commission on National relationship of the USNSA to IUS. Student Affairs or by the studerts INTERNATIONAL UNION OF themselves; cooperation in the STUDENTS (IUS) conduct of whatever rating sys- Resolution on USNA Affiliation tems of faculty, courses, or depart- with IUS. ments are used in the institution; I. PREAMBLE cooperation in the distribution of WHEREAS the International information concerning current Union of Students, established at educational trends; action as a the Prague World Student Con- clearing house for complaints and gress of 1946, is the most widely suggestions from the student body representative student organiza- regarding academic and curricu- tion in the world-and lar problems. WHEREAS study and observa- The Panel further recommended tion of the IUS by National Con- a specific type of course to be tinuations Committee members considered by the USNSA this during the past eight months have year. It is a synthesizing course revealed that its program of cul- incorporating study of tfie social, tural and educational activities in political, cultural, economic, and the international field can be im- ideological problems of today. The portant in the furthering of inter- Commission on National Student national understanding--and Affairs is instructed to prepare an WHEREAS the students of the outline for such a course, working United States, in view of the lead- in cooperation with existing edu- ing role being played by this na- cational associations, and compil- tion in world affairs, have a simi- ing information on similar courses lar responsibility in the world stu- now being taught. The brochure dent community, specifically to finally issued by the Commission (1) learn more about the world should include a syllabus describ- at large, (2) teach the rest of the ing the projected program and world more about the USA, and containing the suggestions of ex- (3) learn to work together with perts, and an outline of the vari- people who do not necessarily ous forms in which such a course share their ideology and political might be offered. This outline, to- philosophies-and gether with specific suggestions WHEREAS the International for implementation, should be Union of Students is the only widely distributed. point of contact with the students Other proposals of the panel of the nations of Eastern Europe- were that all schools which are and members of the USNSA might be WHEREAS such contact may invited to attend all USNSA con- lead to an arresting of that deteri- ferences, regional or otherwise, oration of relations between our and shall be asked to participate nation and those countries, which in all activities of the USNSA; and at the present time constitutes a in keeping with the By-Laws of serious threat to the peace of the the Constitution of the USNSA; world-and and that it shall be a primary WHEREAS the National Stu- purpose of the USNSA to encour- dents Association will be the larg- age membership in this organiza- est and most representative stu- tion of all schools which are now dent organization in the United non-members. States and therefore can most ef- It was agreed that the USNSA fectively represent US students in shall make regional surveys of all the international field. educational facilities, incorporat- THEREFORE BE IT RESOLV- ing them into a national report ED: that the Constitutional Con- which will serve as the basis for stitutional Convention of USNSA, the appropriate action of the US- desirous of wholehearted and full- NSA. Audio-visual aids and other est cooperation with students programs should be introduced to throughout the world, while rec- form a basis for inter-racial and ognizing that American students, inter-religious understanding. participating in IUS through the A SUMMARY OF PANEL-III USNSA, do not intend to become Discussion in Panel III was di- involved in political issues of a vided into two major sections: dis- partisan nature, and although at cussion of the various organiza- present there are fundamental tions with which the USNSA will differences between USNSA on the be interested in working, and pro- one hand and the IUS and some posed activities of the USNSA in of its member-organizations on the international field. the other hand, nevertheless, rec- In order to facilitate discussion, ommends affiliation as soon as speakers were invited to present possible with the IUS, subject to at the beginning of the panel work the procedure stated in "Agree- a short exposition of the nature ment on IUS Affiliation." and activities 6f several of the or- II. AGREEMENT ON IUS other than the USNSA may par- ticipate in the IUS, coordinating their activities through USNSA. The USNSA shall reserve the right to select all United States mem- oers on the IUS governing body and to approve all United States students who will be employed in any capacity by the IUS. b. The USNSA shall be author- zed to act as republishing and dis- tributing agency within the United States for all IUS publications and the Executive Committee of US- NSA shall insure that such publi- cations are made available to all students that may desire them. c. The USNSA shall be accorded equitable representation in the governing bodies of the IUS. 2. Political Autonomy of the USNSA. a. This affiliation shall not be construed in any way as consti- tuting an endorsement of the de- cisions made by the IUS prior to the effective date of this affilia- tioh. b. No decision of the IUS which may be specifically repudiated by the USNSA shall bind or shall be published as representing the opinions of American students. c. In any case where a decision is published by the IUS Congress, Council, or Executive Committee, the right of a minority to append a report with equitable access to publication shall not be denied. d. Affiliation of USNSA with IUS shall not be construed as con- stituting any official connection with the autonomous associates of the IUS. 3. Administrative Autonomy of the USNSA. a. On the national level the US- NSA shall have complete adminis- trative autonomy. 4. Finance. a. Until the next Congress of the IUS the financial obligations of the USNSA shall be determined by negotiations for a fixed sum consonant with the financial con- ditions of USNSA. b. After the next IUS Congress the financial obligations of US- NSA shall be negotiated on the basis of the scale of representa- tion. 5. Disaffiliation. a. This affiliation agreement may be suspended immediately upon notification of the IUS by the President of USNSA acting in accordance with procedures out- lined in the constitution of US- NSA; and official disaffiliation shall take place in conformity with constitutions of the USNSA and the IUS. b. Equal responsibility for publi- cizing suspension or disaffiliation shall rest upon the executives of the USNSA and the IUS. 6. Effectiveness of this Agree- ment and its Contingencies. a. Subject to the conditions herembefore stated, the Constitu- tional Congress of the USNSA fav- ors affiliation with the Interna- tional Union of Students. This Congress therefore authorizes the Executive Committee of USNSA to undertake negotiations with the IUS and to guarantee maximum American participation in that or- ganization during the coming year (including preparation and send- ing of an American negotiating delegation to the IUS Council meeting during the summer of 1948). Final ratification of any affiliation agreement reached by the USNSA Executive Committee and the IUS will be considered by the next Congress of the USNSA. Any agreement reached by the USNSA Executive Committee and the IUS shall be submitted to the next session of the National Stu- dent Congress. Ratification shall be in accordance with the Consti- tution of the USNSA. b. If any condition contained herein shall necessitate an exer- cise of the constituent power of the Congress of the IUS in favor of this agreement, this agreement shall be considered to be tenta- tively in effect until the earliest occasion on which such power may be exercised. II. STATEMENT TO AMERICAN STUDENTS he following statement is an at- tempt to present frankly and com- pletely the views and reasoning of the Constitutional Convention of USNSA in favoring the affiliation with IUS. In the opinion of the Constitu- tional Convention, the decisive considerations favoring USNSA affiliation with IUS were two-fold: 1. The great and urgent need for specific and large-scale means of contact and familiarization of the students of countries whose present mutual differences, sus- picions, and lack of information may well lead to continuing and increasing unrest and even war throughout the world. 2. The more immediately prac- tical advantage of affiliation with IUS-the many international pro- jects and activities in which Amer- ican students and colleges can profitably take part as a member- organization of IUS. In considering the question of affiliation, the Constitutional Con- greater strss upon political activ- ities and expressions of opinions than is customary or desirable in student organizations in the. Uni- ted States which are avowedly non-partisan and non-sectarian. The traditions and temper of most student movements outside the U.S.. the fundamental ideological conflicts in many countries, and the present leadership of IUS are at the base of this important dif- ference. 3. The United States, through the USNSA, cannot as a member of IUS enjoy, in some instances, the support of the present major- ity of IUS in view of the above considerations. For the same rea- sons, the USNSA may continue for some time to remain in a mi- nority position on many major issues within IUS. 4. As a member of IUS, the USNSA will have both to exercise the strictest constant care to avoid the abuse of its prestige and back- ing for activities contrary to or outside its scope and program, and be prepared for possible difficul- ties and disappointments. But together with the above factors, the Constitutional eon- vention, believing that the condi- tions it has adopted will protect the USNSA from possible abuse through its affiliation with IUS, considered the factors listed below, and cane to the conclusion that these are as important and even decisively more so than those list- ed above: 1. Mutual understanding and acquaintanceship with other coun- tries, particularly with those like the Soviet Union which, up-to- date has been most inaccessible to, and in frequent disagreement with the U.S., can be decisive in help- ing to avert even more intensified friction which may lead to a dis- astrous atomic world war. 2. A minority position in an in- ternational organization, as may be that of USNSA in IUS, offers an opportunity for extensive and significant modifications of an otherwise possibly extreme orien- tation of the organization. 3. The practical advantages and services of IUS, already offered or in the process of development, are numerous and can be of the great- est value in furthering contact of American students with foreign students and their countries: Educational and student ex- change, national and interna- tional tours, exchange of stu- dent publications, and informa- tion, world-wide sports events, student relief, reconstruction and study of educational facili- ties, faculty conferences and exchange, joint projects and ex- changes on art, drama, dance, science, etc. 4. Membership in IUS will not preclude USNSA participation in other international organizations, such as International Student Service and World Student Relief. 5. Disaffiliation of USNSA from IUS can be achieved simply and promptly according to the USNSA Constitution in case a sizable seg- ment of the USNSA may so desire after affiliation has taken place. 6. IUS is at present by far the largest international association of national student organizations, and includes countries such as the Soviet Union, Asiatic and colonial lands with whom faxieaching co- operation and joint activities for students are difficult, if not im- possible, outside of IUS today. Basic to the consideration of affiliation by the Constitutional Convention was its attitude to- wards the underlying outlook of USNSA in case of affiliation with IUS. The Convention felt that ii must be based on a sincere and whole-hearted intention to work with IUS and other member coun- tries in friendship and without hidden purpose. Attempts at division into blocs with consistently differing points of view may well defeat the entire purpose of USNSA affiliation with IUS. This does not mean that': USNSA may not attempt to rep- resent and promote its point of view on every appropriate issue, nor that it should reject coopera- tion of other member-organiza- tions agreeing with it on particu- lar specific issues or on over-all attitudes. The emphasis in IUS, as else- where throughout the world, must be on cooperation, moderation, and mutual give-and-take. It is in this spirit, having considered the matter at length and in all detail, that Constitutional Con- vention of USNSA proposes affili- ation with IUS under the proce- dure set forth in the "Agreement on IUlS Affiliation" adopted by the Constitutional Convention of US- NSA. RESOLUTION: That the US- NSA express a vote of confidence in the work of Mr. Bill Ellis as Vice-President of the IUS to date; and that Bill Ellis be unanimously endorsed as the interim represen- tative of the USNSA pending the mission of the negotiating delega- tion to Prague next summer. PROJECTED ACTIVITIES For discussion of the program of activities of the USNSA in the international field, that panel was subdivided into six committees concerned with specific aspects of international student activities. 1. The Sub.Panel on Publication of International Student Activi- ties Information recommended that our main emphasis this year should be directed toward increas- ed cooperation with World Stu- dent News, the publication of the IUS. Articles written by U.S. stu- dents are to be sent through the chairman of the International Ac- tivities Commission to the Ameri- can editor of the WSN in Prague. This Commission will also work for an exchange of publications with national student associations not affiliated with the IUS. The National Editor of the USNSA will formulate a plan for distribution of the WSN in the U.S. The International Activities Bulletin, published under the NCC by the International Activities Commission of the NCC at Har- vard, is to continue to be publish- ed and distributed regionally and locally. It will also be sent to campus newspapers and libraries. 2. Academic Exchange. Discus- sion in the sub-panel concerned with academic exchange was both with regard to U.S. students study- ing abroad and foreign students studying in the U.S. It was d- cided to work through existing or- ganizations such as IIE, ISS, UN- ESCO, IUlS, and the Department of Student Exchange and Travel and the Division of the Interna- tional Exchange of Persons in the U.S. State Department to get in- formation about travel, and study opportunities. Further suggestions from this panel for USNSA activ- ities include a pamphlet to be printed in English and other lan- guages for distribution to foreign students concerning opportunities and conditions of study in the U.S.; cooperation with the Na- tional Federation of Canadian Students for a mutual student ex- change; aiding the program of Mass. Inst. of Tech. for a summer session next year for foreign stu- dents; emphasis on getting stu- dents from Germany and Japan to the U.S. for study; coordina- tion of our program with that of foreign nations in an attempt to enable students to live in private homes. Programs for considera- tion are those of regional scholar- ships supported by regions within the USNSA, and programs for ex- changes of faculty personnel. 3. Travel and Study Tours. This committee considered these main points of the subject of travel of American students abroad: a stu- dent ship program, centralization of passport arrangements, travel information, negotiations with Maritime Unions for - American students to work for their ocean passage, cooperation with existing organizations on projects for study tours, work camps, hosteling, etc., and information on monetary ex- change. Programs of activities were recommended under each of these headings. 4. Foreign Student Orientation. The main recommendation of this sub-panel was that student gov- ernments take action to stimulate activities which will lead to cam- pus-wide participation of foreign students in college and university life. Specific suggestions for im- plementation were the creation of international centers on the cam- pus, advisory committees and stu- dent-faculty seminars, orientation tours, and educational programs including the use of films specifi- cally concentrating on misunder- standings between nations. 5. Relief. On the basis of the panel decision favoring USNSA sponsorship pf WSSF and encour- agement of the expansion of WSSF activities in -the cultural field, there was discussion in this sub-panel on implementation of this decision on the national, re- gional, and campus levels, coordi- nation of activities with other groups, and expansion of campus relief drives. 6. International Conferences. An invitation has been extended to the USNSA to send representa- tives to the inter-American stu- dents' conference to be held at Lima, Peru, October, 1947. It was recommended that we try to send two representatives to this con- ference. In recognition of the fact that the USNSA has become a new sponsor of WSSF, and feeling that our backing will make possible a substantial increase in funds rais- ed, we urge cooperation of the USNSA with WSSF on all levels, and we urge the increase of the goal for 1947-48 to $1,000,000. STATEMENT... ....... ... We, the delegates from the southern regions of the USNSA, including Tennessee, Arkansas, Georgia, Texas, Mississippi, Flor- ida, Virginia, West Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Ken- tucky, and Louisiana, present the following statement. Please let it be understood: I I