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January 07, 1948 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-07

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(Continued from Page 4)
1. The Executive Committee
shall consist of the members of
the Staff Committee, without
vote, and the regional represen-
2. The presiding officer shall be
the President of the USNSA. He
shall be empowered to cast one
vote in the event of a tie vote.
3. Each voting member shall
cas one vote. All decisions shall
be by a majority of such votes un-
4. The Executive Committee
shall meet at least twice betweer
sessions of the Congress. Specia"
meetings may be called by a ma-
Jority of its own membership, b;,
the Staff Committee, or by it
presiding officer.
5. The Executive Committe,
a. Determine the date and plac
of the annual session of the Con-
gb. Supervise collection of fund;
on the national level in accord
ance with the budget.
c. Supervise the execution o
policies established by the Con
gress. -
d. Determine by the two-third:
vote emergency policies of the
USNSA when such decisions ma
be required by immediate ano
imperative problems arising in th
period between annual sessions o
the Congress, Such decision
shall be reviewed by each Region
al Assembly at its next meetint
e. Nominate by majority vot
all members of the Advisory Coun
cil. The nominations shall be ap
proved by a two-thirds vote o
the Congress.
f. Approve by a two-thirds vot
all appointments made by th
President to fill vacancies on th
Staff Committee.
g. Serve as the steering commit
tee of the Congress.
h. Suspend by a two-thirds vo
Executive Officers in the period
between annual sessions of th
i. By majority vote, determin
the order of succession of t.
vice-presidents in the event thE
the president is unable to fulf i
the duties of his office.
6. A quorum of the Executiv
Committee shall be two-thirds c
the members, representing not les
than one-half of the regions.
B. The Staff Committce of the
. 1. The Staff Committee shal
consist of the Executive Officer
and the National Editor.
2. Each memler shall be elect
ed annually by the Congress froi.
its own membership, with th
exception of the National Edi
.tor, who shall be elected in ac
cordance with the by-laws.
3. Under no circumstances shaW
any person be elected to the Stafi
Committee more than twice.
4. Each member shall b per
nitted to withdraw from any par
or all of his course of study durin
his term of office without preju
dice to his standing as a studen
under the Constitution. ,
5. Each member shall be corn
pensated for his services as spe
cified in the annual budget.
6. The Staff Committee shall
a. Advise and assist Executiv
Officers. ti
l. Determine the publicatio
'policies of the USNSA in accord
ance with this Constitution an(
the decisions of the Congress.
C. The Executive Officers o
the USNSA.
1. The Executive Officers sha
be the President, Vice-Presidents
Secretary, and Treasurer.
a. The President shall:
(1). Be the chief executive of
ficer of the USNSA.
(2) Officially represent th(
(3) MVake all clerical appoint

ments necessary and proper t
the fulfillment of his office.
(4) Be responsible for the gen
eral execution of all decisions o
the Congress and the Executive
(5) Pill any vacancies which
may occur in the Staff Commit
tee subject to the provisions o
this Constitution. Any person s(
appointed shall act in a tempor-
ary capacity until approved b:
the Executive Committee.
(6) Perform such duties as spe-
cifically delegated to him by th
Congress and/or by this Consti-
tution. He shall delegate such o:
his powers as shall be necessar
to the fulfillment of his off icE
subject to the disapproval of th
Executive Committee.
b. The Vice-Presidents shall:
(1) Be equal in number to thf
number of National Commissions
(2) Succeed the President ir
case of his removal, resignation
death, or inability to fulfill hi.,
office. The order of successior
shall be determined by majority
vote of the Executive Committee.
(3) Assist the President in the
performance of his duties.
(4) Execute the program of the
National Commissions in accord-
ance with the provisions of thih
Constitution and the By-Laws.
c. The Secretary shall:

(2) Collect members' dues and
receive all other funds of the US-
(3) Be the sole disbursing agent
of the USNSA.
(4) Disburse funds only upon
written request in accordance with
the annual budget.
(5) Keep complete and accurate
accounts of the receipt and dis-
bursal of all funds.
(6) Prepare annual financial re-
ports, which shall have been ap-
proved by a registered firm of cer-
tified public accountants, to pre-
ent to the Congress, and prepare
uch other reports as the Execu-
ve Committee shall request.
Regional Organization of the
A. The regions, as defined in the
3y-Laws, shall form organizations
jonsisting of all member schools
within their areas.
1. Each Regional Organization
hall establish a separate Consti-
ution which does not conflict with
ny part of this Constitution.
B. The legislative body of the
.egional Organization shall be the
:.egional Assembly.
1. All representatives to the Na-
ional Student Congress shall be
nembers of the Regional Assem-
2. The Regional Assembly shall:
a. Determine policies within its
:egion, provided that such policies
hall not conflict with this Consti-
ution or with the policies and
programs determined by the Na-
ional Student Congress.
b. Discuss proposed national
olicies and programs of the US-
c. Promote within its region, the
olicies and programs adopted by
he Congress.
d. Exercise all other powers and
)erform all other duties which
nay be delegated to it by other
ections of this Constitution, the
ational Student Congress or its
egional Constitution.
C. The Regional Executive
"'onimittee shall be composed of
he Regional Officers and such
ther members as the Regional
i onstitution shall provide.
1. The Regional Executive Com-
tittee shall:
a. Determine the date and place
>f Regional Assembly meetings.
b. Supervise the collection and
xpenditure of regional funds,
c. Supervise the execution of
)olicies and programs determined
)y the National Student Congress
nd the Regional Assembly.
d. Exercise such powers and
>erform such other duties as are
lelegated to it by the Regional
D. The Regional Officers shall
>e a Regional President, Vice-
?resident, Secretary, Treasurer
nd such other officers as the Re-
cional Constitution shall provide.
1. All Regional Officers shall be
lected annually before the end of
he National Student Congress as
>rovided in the Regional Constitu-
2. The Regional President shall
erve as a voting member of the
ixecutive Committee.
3. The powers and duties of the
1egional Officers shall be speci-
ied in the Regional Constitution.
The Commission System
Of the USNSA.
A. The activities of the USNSA
shall be executed through the
sommission system.
1. Each National Commission
hall be administe ed by one of
he national Vice-Presidents and
uch other subordinate officers or
.ersonnel as authorized in the'By-
2. Each National Commission
a. Initiate surveys on student
xroblems within its jurisdiction.
b. Prepare reports for the mem-

)er student bodies, the Regional
Assemblies, the Executive Com-
nittee, and the National Student
c. Plan and coordinate national
)rograms leading to the solution
A student problems in accordance
vith this Constitution, By-Laws,
md the resolutions of the Nation-
al Student Congress.
B. The Regional Assemblies
shall establish administrative
;tructure necessary for the func-
,ioning of the Commissions at the
:egional level.
C. The member student bodies
.hall establish administrative
structure necessary for the fune-
,ioning of the Commissions at the
,ampus level.
Membership i the USNSA
A. Affiliation.
1. Student bodies of recognized
colleges and universities or any
other institution of higher learn-
ing which have been recognized
by the Staff Committee and which
are located within the territorialj
limits of the United States may
affiliate with the USNSA if they
ratify this Constitution and their
Regional Constitutions. Adequate
proof of ratification by the stu-
dent body or student government

Impeachment of USNSA Offi
cers and Expulsion and Suspen-
sion of USNSA Members.
A. Officers of the USNSA may
be impeached and convicted on
the following grounds:
1. Embezzlement, fraud, or
other felony.
2. Conduct reflecting on the
good name of the USNSA.
3. Malfeasance in office.
4. Actions contrary to, or in vio-
lation of, this Constitution.
B. Member student bodies of
the USNSA may be expelled and
suspended only on the following
1. Actions contrary to. or in vio-
lation of, this Constitution.
2. Failure to pay dues.
Advisory Council
A. The Advisory Council shall
consist of nine educators and pro-
fessional men selected in accord-
ance with the provisions of this
Constitution. Each shall serve a
three-year term.
B. The Advisory Council shall
advise and consult the National
Student.Congress, the Executive
Officers, and the several national
agencies of the USNSA at their
request or upon its own volition.
C. The Advisory Council shall
elect annually a chairman from
its own membership.
1. The chairman shall:
a. Appoint all members of the
duties related to specific activities
of the USNSA.
b. Have the option of sitting on
the Executive Committee ex off-
cio, without vote. He may delegate
a representative from the Council
for the duty.
Membership of the USNSA in
Other Organizations
A. Affiliation.
1. The USNSA may affiliate
with other organizations of a na-
tional or international character
whose principles and policies are
deemed consonant with this Con-
stitution and the policies of the
USNSA only by the following
a. The Executive Committee
shall consider all matters of af-
filiation and shall report to the
National Student Congress on the
desirbaility and possibility of such
b. The Congress shall consider
all matters of affiliation and de-
termine its recommendation by
two-thirds majority vote.
c. An affirmative recommenda-
tion on the matter of affiliation
shall be presented to the member
student bodies of the USNSA for
approval. Member student bodies
shall individually ratify such rec-
ommendations by democratic
elections or by approval of their
democratically constituted stu-
dent governments. Ratification
shall be by two-thirds majority
vote of the member student bodies
taken within eight months of the
recommendations of the Congress,
provided that member bodies not
voting within this time shall be
counted in the affirmative.
B. Suspension of affiliation.
1. The USNSA may suspend its
affiliation in any organization by
a majority vote of the National
Student Congress, or by a major-
ity vote of all the voting members
of the Executive Committee.
C. Disaffiliation.
1. The Executive Committee
shall consider all matters of dis-
affiliation and shall report the
findings to the National Student
2. The USNSA may disaffiliate
by a majority vote of the Con-
Method of Ratification of the
A. The USNSA shall be formal-
ly constituted within thirty days

after the ratification of this Con-
stitution by a majority of the stu-
dent bodies represented at the
Constitutional Convention. This
ratification must take place with-
in a nine month period.
B. Ratification shall be by vote
of the student body or by duly
chosen representatives of the stu-
dent body. In either case, ratifi-
cation shall be by a majority of
the votes cast.
C. This Constitution shall be
provisional until it is ratified.
Method of Amendment
A. All amendments to the Con-
stitution shall be approved by
two-thirds of the representatives
present and voting in a regular
session of the National Student
Congress, subject to the following
1. All proposed amendments
must be approved by at least one-
third of the members of the Exec-
utive Committee prior to consid-
eration by the Congress.
2. All proposed amendments
shall be presented in written form
to the delegates of the Congress at
least three days prior to Congress
action. They shall also be read
to a plenary session of the Con-
gress at least two days prior to

total students enrolled in member
student bodies of the USNSA.
The USNSA will seek to secure
and maintain equal rights for all
people, and secure equal oppor-
tunities for education at all lev-
els regardless of race, national ori-
gin, sex, creed, and political belief
or economic circumstances; espec-
ially by securing the eventual
elimination of all forms of dis-
criminatory educational systems
anywhere in the United States,
Student Association is opposed in
principle to such systems.
The United States National
Student Aseciation encourages
wide investigation and discussion
of the problems of inequality
which exist throughout the United
States in order to secure their
elimination. However, in view of
the complex nature of the prob-
lem, with its diversity throughout
the United States, and the limita-
tions imposed by present state
rights, statutes, and laws, it shall
be the policy of the United States
National Student Association to
take action on the national, re-
gional and campus levels through
the corresponding organization of
the USNSA to implement its
stated principles, with regard to
the legal limitations involved.
Bill of Rights.
In order to preserve and extend
these conditions indispensable to
the full achievement of educa-
tional objectives, and with full
cognizance of the responsibili-
ties and obligations which ensue
from any assertion of fundamen-
tal rights, the National Student
Association holds the follow-
ing rights essential to the full
development of the student as an
individual and to the fulfillment
of his responsibilities as a citizen:
1. The right of every student to
a college education.
2. The right to conduct research
freey and to publish, discuss, and
exchange any findings or rec-
ommendations, whether individ-
ually or in association with local,
national, or international groups.
3. The right of students to a
clear and concise statement, be-
fore entering college, of their con-
tractural rights, obligations, and
responsibilities pertaining to edu-
cational and extra-curricular ac-
4. The right of every student to
exercise his full rights as a citi-
zen in forming and participating
in local, national, or international
organizations for intellectual, re-
ligious, social, political, economic
or cultural purposes, and to pub-
lish and distribute their views.
5. The right of recognized stu-
dent organizations to use the in-
stitution's name subject to its reg-
ulations with respect to off-cam-
pus activities.
6. The right of students and
recognized student organizations
to use campus facilities, provided
the facilities are used for the pur-
pose contracted, subject only to
such regulations as are required
for scheduling meeting times and
7. The right to invite and hear
speakers of their choice on sub-
jects of their choice.
8. The right of students to en-
gage freely in off-campus activi-
ties, provided they do not claim to
represent the institution, exercis-
ing their rights as citizens of com-
inunity, state, and nation.
9. The right to estabish and is-
sue regular publications free of
any censorship or other pressure
aimed at controlling editorial pol-
icy, with the free selection and re-
moval of editorial staffs reserved
solely to the organizations spon-
soring these publications.
10. The right to establish demo-

cratic student governments with
adequate democratic safeguards
against abuse of their powers.
11. The right to petition
through proper channels for
changes in curriculum or profes-
12. The right of equal oppor-
tunity to enjoy these rights with-
out regard to race, color, sex, na-
tional origin, religious creed, or
political beliefs.
Application of the Foregoing
Rights Should Be in Accordance
with the Following Criteria:
1. Recognition: University and
college administrations may prop-
erly require official recognition of
student organizations as a condi-
tion for assigning them campus
facilities and giving them any fi-
nancial support which the college
or university may make available.
(a) Where campus organiza-
tions or publications in effect en-
joy a monopoly of certain college
or university facilities or finances,
the college or university adminis-
tration may properly insist on
adequate safeguards for democra-
tic terms of membership and con-
trol, and for including in publica-
tions the expression of poinAs of
view opposed to those of the edi-
tors, provided that all such safe-
guards are to be democratically

grams of the organizations o' fore the plenary session on elec- a
publications; 2. To force them to tions shall be submitted in writ- c
merge with other organizations or ing to the chairman of the Execu- a
publications on the campus tive Committee and shall contain C
against the wishes of their mem- the signature of the nominator D
bership; or 3. To dictate their and the signature of the nominee,
form of organization or procedure. in acceptance of the nomination.
2. Limitations imposed by rec- 2. A nominaticn from the floor 1
ognition: Recognition may prop- of the plenary session on elections b
erly limit the manner in which or- muist he accepted by the nominee
gafnizations or publications may before the nomination is placed on
use the name of the college or un- the official ballot.
iversity off-campus, such as re- 3. In the event that any candi-
quiring them to indicate clearly date withdraws following the
that they do not represent the closing of nominations, the elcc-
views of the institution. Recogni- 1 tion procedure shall be halted im-
tion may also properly limit the mediately and nominations shall E
mannir in wxhich organizations be re-opened.
may employ university facilities or 4. A candidate defeated for
finances in taking action-as election in one office is eligible b
sharply distinguished from ex- for nomination, and can run for e
pressing opinions-directly affect- another office. D
ing matters off-campus. But no 5. There shall be one nominat- r
disciplinary action may properly ing speech of five minutes for each r
be taken against students, faculty candidate and an acceptance -
members, or their organizations or speech of three minutes from the
publications for activities off- nominee during the plenary ses-
campus not purporting to repre- ion on elections.
sent or involve the institution, or 6. mn the plenary sessions on
for expressing opinions on-campus elections, the chairman shall read
concerning matters off-campus. all written nominations for that
3. Faculty advisors: In institu- particular office under considera-
tions having faculty advisors for tion before nominations from the
student organizations, such advis- floor are opened.
ors should be chosen or approved 7. The order of nominating
by the student organization itself, speeches shall be determined by
Student groups should not be for- lot immediately after the closing
bidden to function because no of nominations.r
faculty member will consent to B. Voting shall be by roll calls
serve as their advisor. of the regions.t
4. Written policies: All policies C. A candidate shall be de-c
and procedures involving or af- clared elected when he receives a <
fecting the rights of academic majority of the total votes cast.r
freedom, and the conditions of 1. If a candidate has not re-o
recognition of student and of fac- ceived a majority on the first bal- I
ulty organizations and publica- lot, the leading candidates, re-
tiens, should be clearly stated in ceiving 75o of the votes cast, shall
writing after consultation with stand for election in a run-off.
the groups affected. They should 2. Should subsequent elections
be formally accepted by the en- be necessary, the candidate receiv-c
tire campus community. These ing the lowest number of votesc
policies and procedures should in shall be dropped from the ballot.t
no case be subject to change D. All delegates and alternatei
without notice under the pies- delegates and members of the Ex-
sure of a particular situation, and eceutive Committee shall be eligiblec
the groups affected should partic- foi' nomination to National Office.E
ipate at all times in their appli- BY-LAW V.t
cation. The Commission System.f
The USNSA strongly urges ac- There shall be established two
ceptance of the Bill of Rights. A National Commissions. These
private institution established not Commissions shall be:t
only for purposes of providing lib- A. The National Commission on
eral education, but also for spe- National Student Affairs.
cifically avowed purposes, may ex- B. The National Commission oni
ercise is recognized right to set up International Student Affairs.1
clearly defined standards in line BY-LAW V.
with those purposes. However, the Reional Distribution.
student must be fully acquainted 1. Interpretation of the powers
with such standards upon apply- of Regional Assemblies.
ing for admission, and these Regional Assemblies may alter
standards must not exempt the mutual regional boundaries byc
institution from performing those consent of the regions concerned,c
functions which are the responsi- such action to become effective
bility of any college or university when notification as to the action1
in a democratic society. No edu- taken is forwarded to the National
cational system can abrogate this Executive Committee.
obligation to prepare students for 2. Regional membership.
the role of citizenship. Members may change their re-
The USNSA is in accord with gional membership with the con-
the principles of academic fee- sent of the regions concerned. 1
dom as expressed by the American 3.. Regional representation ont
Association of University Profes- the National Executive Commit-
sors, in Vol. 32 No. 4 AAUP Bil. tee.1
Cencerning academic freedom w'c Regional representation on the
believe that: National Executive Comnmitteei
1. The teacher is entitled to shall be determined on the basis
freedom of research, and in the of member student bodies of the
publication of the results is sub- region, each region having one
ject only to the limitations im- representative with one additional1
posed by the performance of his representative for regions repre-
other academic duties; but re- senting more than 55,000 member
search-for pecuniary return should students.
be based upon an understanding 4. Regional Organization.
with the institution. The following shall constitute
2. The teacher is entitled to the regions of the USNSA:
freedom in the classroom in dis- a. Main. New Hampshire, Mas-
cussing his subject. but he' .h4o011( sachLsetts, Vermont.
not introduce into his teaching b. Connecticut, Rhode Island.
controversial matter which has no c. Metropolitan New York,
relation to his subject. Puerto Rico.
3. The teacher has the right to d. New York State.
join organizations whether rel- e. Pennsylvania.
gious, political, or social, provid- f. New Jersey.
led that these organizatikns are g. Maryland, Delaware, Dis-
not illegal under the civil statutes trict of Columnbia.

without b eing discrimina ted h. Ohio.
against through economic, social, i. Michigan.
or political pressures because of j. West Virginia, Virginia, North
such activity. Carolipa, South Carolina.
4. When the teacher speaks or k. Georgia, Alabama, Florida.*
writes as a citizen outside the 1. Kentucky, Tennessee.
campus he should be free from in- m. Illinois.
stitutional censorship or disci- n. Iowa.
pline. o. Indiana.
5. The basis for employment of p. Wisconsin,
faculty shall be only their ability q. Minnesota.
to fulfill the requirements of the r. North Dakota, South Dakota.
position. s. Louisiana, Mississippi, Ar-
Limitation of academic freedom kansas.
because of the avowed purposes t. Texas, Oklahoma.
of the institution should be clearly u. Missouri, Nebraska, Kansas.
stated in writing at the time of v. Arizona, New Mexico, South-
the appointment. Since the teach- ern Colorado (south of 38 degrees,
er is a man of learning and an 45 minutes).
educational officer, his profession w. Utah, Wyoming, Southeast-
and institution may be judged by ern Idaho, Northern Colorado.
his utterances. At all times he x. Washington, Oregon, Great-
should be accurate, exercise ap- er Idaho, Montana, Territory of
propriate restraint, and make Alaska.
every effort to indicate that he is y. California, Nevado, Territory
not an institutional spokesman. of Hawaii.
At the discretion of the Staff *The ' region is empowered to
Committee a full investigation divide itself into two separate re-
may be conducted with the re- gions if the Regional Assembly so
port to be submitted to the NEC decides, this decision to become
and the institution concerned. effective upon notification to the
Further action may be taken by National Executive Committee.
the NEC with regard to the pub- BY-LAW VII.
lication of the report if deemed The National Editor.
necessary by that body. A. Written applications.
In case of violation of the bill 1. Applicants for the position of
of rights or academic freedom, a National Editor must apply in

ppointed from among the five
andidates interviewed in accord-
nce with the provisions of this
Representation in the National
Student Congress.
National Student Congress shall
e based on the following scale:
Under 1,000....... 1
1,000 - 2,000 ......... 2
2.001 - 3,500 .........3
3,500 - 5,000 ... . . . .4
5.001 - 7,000 ....,.... 5
7.001 - 10,000 .. ....... 6
Over 10.000 .......... 7
Assessment of Dues.
Dues shall be assessed on mem-
ber bodies in proportion to their
enrollment, proivided that no
member body shall be assessed for
more than 10,000 students en-
- Scale of Assessment as Estab-
lished by the Executive Commit-
tee, Sept. 9, 1947:
Scale of Assessment

Under 300 ........ .
301 - 1,000.....
1,001 - 2,000 ......
2,001 - 3,500 ......
3,501 - 5,000 ...
5,001 - 7,000 ......
7,001 - 10,000 .....
Over 10,000.......

$ 25

Two additional By-laws weres
not passed either in a plenary ses-X
sion or in the Executive Commit-f
tee meeting. Action will be takeni
on them at the next Executive
Committee meeting. In thec
meantime the Staff committee isI
abiding by the intent of the By-t
A Sunmtuary Report
The section of this report that
concerns itself with the compiling
of basic policies to be followed by
the National Student Associationt
in regards to Student Rights andc
Academic Freedom of teachers is
contained in the By-Laws of the
Constitution. The remaining por-
tions of this panel report arel
found below. The various pro-1
grams that are outlined are doneI
so with the idea that the Na-
tional Student Association will be
working through the local student
governing bodies on campuses ofj
member schools, helping them fol-
low through on national programs
affecting their individual cam-
Structure and Functions
The commission of the USNSA
on Student Government and Stu--
dent Government Functions shall
work from certain fundamental;
premises. The first of these is that
one of the principal purposes of
the new organization will be to
strengthen student government
systems. If the new organization
succeeds in developing strong and
functional student governments
throughout American colleges and
universities, it will help to provide
the mechanism through which
American students can receive a
real education in democracy.
Student Governments provide
the opportunity for student leader
and ordinary student alike to ob-
tain badly needed practice in such
citizenship activities as intelligent
voting, parliamentary procedure.
responsible representation of pub-
lic opinion, intelligent leadership
of public action, analysis of com-
munity problems and solution of
those problems.
The general purpose of student
govermnent is to aid in develop-
ing the society of any educational
institution so that it may better
1. Aid in the self-education of
each student through his student
government. I
2. Awaken the student to h
rights, responsibilities, and hi:
common interest with the rest of
the college or university commint-
3. Coordinate all faculty and
student activities toward a com-
mon goal.
Control of the Student Society
is exercised not for its own sake.
but only to implement the desired
transformation of the whole socie-
ty of any educational institution.
Any control which does not fur-
ther such a transformation is un-
necessary and undesirable, re-
gardless of who imposes it.
It is recommended that the
USNSA Commission further the
establishment of courses, either
for credit or not, on the purposes,
functions, and techniques of Stu-
dent Government.
The Relationship of Student,
Faculties, and Administrations
It is a primary aim of the
USNSA to develop a campus com-
munity spirit based upon student,
faculty, and administration un-
derstanding and friendship. This
can be accomplished by periodic
meetings within an institution of
representatives from student, fac-
ulty and administrative groups,
meeting to discuss problems that
jointly affect the life of the com-
munity. Regional meetings along
these same lines should also be
held. The orientation program for

ports, dramatics, music, dances
nd receptions will do much to en-
:ourage understanding and co-
General and specific problems
exist with regard to the various
structural and functional provi-
sions of student government body
constitutions. The National Com-
mission should work toward the
solution of these problems. Among
the problems are: the purposes of
student governing bodies; types of
student governing bodies; powers
of these bodies; their functions;
their relation to faculties and to
other campus organizations; dele-
gation of authority; etc. There is
a very special problem with re-
gard to where a student govern-
ment body should draw the line
limiting its activities to a student
governing body.
It is recounended that the Na-
tional Comnmission promote the
adoption by student governing
bodies of the USNSA policy on this
point which: "shall specifically
refrain from becoming involved in
partisan political affairs, sectarian
considerations, or similar matters
which do not directly affect stu-
dents in their functions and ac-
tivities as students, with the sin-
gle exception that they shall
stand unalterably opposed to any
political doctrine which would sti-
fle free and democratic education
in the USA."
With regard to the problem of
delegation of authority and re-
lated subjects, we recommend that
the National Commission conduct
special research on the following
Definition of the authority a
student government must possess
in order to be considered a true
government; how much authority
various administrations delegate
to student governments; control
over other campus organizations
-their charters, activities, and
representation; authority of fac-
ulty and students in joint boards;
powers of investigation and inter-
pretation; selections of advisors;
relation of the authority of stu-
dent government to the authority
of the university and community,
special interests; specific state-
ment of delegated powers in the
The National Commission shall
assemble a file of the Constitu-
tions of the student governing
bodies of all member schools..
The National Commission shall
conduct surveys to collect factual
data on: feeling with regard to
student government in general
and in specific cases; reaction to,
opinions of, and support for spe-
-ific constitutions; structural and
functional provisions of the insti-
tution (size in numbers, resident,
or non-resident, fraternal or non-
fraternal, amount of faculty in-
Hluence, political societies, strength
of blocs, etc.); alignment of con-
,titutions to the aims, purposes,
programs, etc. of USNSA.
The National Commission shall
:ompile reports that will contain
he results of these surveys. It
shall analyze the requirements of
:lifferent types of schools and
make specific recommendations as
o the provisions of the constitu-
ion which would be advantage-
us to these different types of
chools. It shall present a number
f constitutional articles suitable
or different study body require-
cents on each of t' divisions of
;lie constitution, rater than in
,he form of one model consttu-
dion for each type of school.
Student apathy is an overall
elf-centered approach to the role
Af the student (as related to the
institution, the community, and
the nation) which leads to a pro-

airs of te students, organiza-
tions, activities, and elections.
The USNSA Commission shall
investigate the causes of student
apathy, temporary and permanent,
all of which are manifestations of
a. self-centered attitude. Among
the causes to be investigated are:
the inactivity of the student gov-
ernments themselves; changes of
values brought on by the war and
varied technological develop-
ments; veteian and non-veteran
groupings; over-crowded institu-
tions and communities; commut-
ing students; improper financial
,ontrols of student government
expenditures; that kind of super-
vision by faculty-administration
groups which deprives students of
much initiative; high pressuring
which intimidates faculty groups
into silence, and deprives the stu-
dents of faculty advice and expe-
rience; and lack of adequate so-
cial opportunities and functions.
The above mentioned causes are
in no way complete but are pro-
posed to the panel as a starting
point for a national commission to
work toward preventive and
remedial action on this vital is-
The principles of Ihe USNSA,
which advocate responsible stu-


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