FU THE MICHIGAN DAILY FAPmigahTh I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Crying Is Not Enough BILL MAULDIN .NSA Constitution r 'Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell . .....,..Managing Editor .ancy Helmick .........,. . General Manager '4lyde Becht ... ....,... City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ...... Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider ........... Finance Manager Lida Dailes ... .... . .....Associate Editor Eunice Mintz .~.... .....Associate Editor Dick Kraus ....... Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson .................Women's Editor Betty Steward ......,...Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal -..............Library Director Melvin Tick .................. Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Prer : exclusively entitled to the use for re-pubucatiou cif all news dispatches credited t'o It. or otheurw ise credited in this news- paper, A'.l rights fre'-pubiiatnon of all other Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as, s-cond- cl 7s$rmal atter. Subscription during the rela sch year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Xssoc. Collegiate Press, 19474 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by ofrn Ts The Daily staff and represe 1,the sviews of the -rters crnly. By SAMUEL GRAFTON HENRY WALLACE wants peace. But he has shown us no road to peace, and until he can do so his candidacy will not be a serious one. As of this writing, Mr. Wallace's opposition to war has not much more substance, though it may have more warmth, than the late Mr. Coolidge's oppo- sition to sin. How, precisely, is he going to save us. from the holocaust? By abandoning the Marshall Plan, or by sterilizing it of political effect, as his own "European recovery" scheme suggests? But it is not hard to im- agine what a thrill of terror would run through America if France and Italy went Communist. One remembers how the American de- fense program of 1940 was born the night Hitler entered, not even France, but the lowlands and Norway. Those who want to, may counsel us to be indifferent to such changes in Europe, but the Amer- ican people could not be indifferent, even if they desired to be; their nerves and stomachs would not let them, and their fearful and angry response would be au- tomatic. The plain truth is (and Mr. Wallace has not faced it) that the majority of the American people are fearful of Russia. And it is with them that the peace must be made. Mr. Wallace's candidacy would make a great deal of sense and would be formid- able if the American people, as a whole dif- fered from the Administration in their at- titude toward Russia. But every sign shows they do not, certainly not on the Marshall Plan as a safe and humane method for preserving the democratic decencies in WIstern Europe while insulating ourselves against danger. It would not be hard, per- haps, to make peace between Russia and Wallace, or between Russia and some of Wallace's supporters. But that is not the problem. If there is to be peace, it must be made between Communist Russia, as it stands, and capitalist America, as it stands; and those who do not view the problem in these terms do not view it at all. The Marshall Plan, under these conditions, is a more realistic exploration of peace, and a, more sensitive groping toward it, than any sentimental appeal to forget that the problem existf, or to change ourselves into some other kind of country, with which it would be easier to make peace. The Russians know this perfectly well, and I will wager that they take as little stock as do the Republicans in Mr. Wal- lace's appeal to us to change ourselves into some kind of never-never land which does not fear Russia. The point is that if Mr. Wallace were, byI some chance, to be put into power tomorrow, and were to proclaim a completely concilia- tory attitude toward Russia, the resulting uproar would tear this country from end to end, and produce the greatest disturb- ance within the memory of living Amer- icans. This may be unfortunate, but the question we are discussing is whether it is true. Thus Mr. Wallace stands rather alone; his candidacy does not make him our leader in the search for peace, but rather, isolates him from the turbulent, but also dynamic and shifting process through which the rest of the country is going in its own search for peace. Mr. Wallace senses this himself, and therefore deals out a few mild strictures to Russia to behave better. But suppose she doesn't? There is nothing at all in Mr. Wal- lace's speech to indicate what he would do then, with the Marshall Plan gone, except have a good cry. It is n6t enough, and that is why Mr. Wallace's initial offer has ur- gency without reality, and good will without promise. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate) Wallace Runs HENRY WALLACE has announced him- self as an independent candidate for President. To some people, depressed by the mediocrity of statesmanship to which this country has recently been subjected, the action will be a courageous, but futile, ges- ture. Others will dismiss the affair as an- other of his "crackpot" ideas. But regardless of one's personal opinion of the man, his candidacy cannot be dismissed so lightly. This man, one of labor's most consistent and zealous champions, will not be sup- ported by most of organized labor in his campaign. His support will be as individual and independent as the platform on which he is running. His will be the support of people who can see no hope for improve- ment in the deadlock of foreign affairs or any' end to the upward spiral of inflation in present policies that have no far-reach- ing purposes, that offer not even a tempo- rary respite. Wallace will not win the elec- tion, by any means, but the strength of his support can and should be an indication that some Americans are able to distinguish statesmen from politicians. -Pat James. :7. l ; f , 7 i / ,h/f p -All rijhl t,,ry Cap, 94 b MAULDIN'S ILLUSTRATED ENCYCLOPEDIA No. 2: "A noncombatant is a corpse who never had a chance to talk back." DAILY OFFICIAL B ULLETIN NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT WASHINGTON WIRE: Persuasion By JOSEPH AND STEWART ALSOP N THE GLOOMY forecasts of Congres- sional action on the European Recovery Program, one major point has been over- looked. A public man who stands above pol- itics enjoys a quite unusual power o what may be called virtuous blackmail over his colleagues down in the political mire. Two public men, both stading above politics, and acting together can wield persuasions strong enough to reduce all the Speaker Martins, Representa tive Browns and Sen- ator Wherrys to a condition of happy plia- bility. Disinterestedness is so rare a qual- iity that it justly has its special prerequisites. The real question is not whether Mar- shall and Vandenberg (who must be the protagonists) are able to get the European Recovery Program through Congress. The question is, rather, whether they are pre- pared to employ these strong persuasions, which must be their chief weapon in dealing with those who will not listen to reason. The signs suggest that they are so prepared. From those close to Secretary Marshall, authoritative word has come that he re- gards the fight ahead as the final show- down. If the European Recovery Program is even dangerously reduced or restricted, he, has privately said that he would not be responsible for the consequences. The indications are that he means to tell the Senators and Representatives as much, and couch the information in the bluntest lan- guage. It is Secretary Marshall's known con- viction that a reduced or restricted ERP will defeat the aims of American foreign policy, and bring disaster to the world. There is no reason why he should remain silently in office, presiding over a disaster against which he was warned. And there is equally no reason why these rather pertinent facts should not be made to penetrate even the most impenetrable Congressional skulls. There are few American politicians, even among the most extreme isolationists, who would care to have Secretary Marshall pin upon them and their friends the public responsibility for disaster to the United States. If they fear any such result as that, they are likely to come around. As for Senator Vandenberg, his position is more complex. Today, he stands above politics. But he is still, by origin and train- ing, a leader of the Republican party. His isolationist Republican colleagues are hard at work to make this conflict within Van- denberg operate in their favor. Not long ago, a semi-formal deputation of several Senators waited upon him for this purpose, headed by Senator C. Wayland Brooks of Illinois. Vandenberg made no terms with Brooks. But neither did he give him the rude answer he deserved. The reason was the special, and extremely astute strategy Vandenberg has adopted for the big fight. On the one hand, in accordance with this strategy he will retain his independence of the Administration, in order to retain his authority in his party. But on the other hand, he will not yield on matters of substantive principle. This is the explanation of his reference naf+1. PADnrlmv- etat- - -Vhlm - - h a AT TI ER OF FACT: Invisib le Witnesses By IRVING JAFFE WASHINGTON-It was difficult at the time to feel the hard core of unreason which lay beneath the words of Chairman Seth Richardson of the President's new Loyalty Review Board at a press conference on the subject of loyalty of government em- ployees. His words were words of dignity, of so- briety, words of much apparent reason. They were carved out of a deep, friendly voice, and they reached warmly around the long conference table to the 50 or so re- porters who were taking careful notes. Richardson, a large gregarious man who frequently made sweeping gestures, ex- plained the new set-up which is de- signed to prevent hasty and unwarianted government loyalty firings. He pointed out that suspected employes will be able to appeal from disloyalty accusations at three different stages-two levels of ap- peal to be in the government agency where the employe works and the final review to be made by the top-level loyalty board itself. An employe will be allowed a hearing at each level, and he will be able to use the services of an attorney and call witnesses in his behalf. A de- tailed letter of charges will be presented to cmh suspected federal worker. Never before, said Richardson, have government employes been given such painstaking protection against the whims and prej- udices of their superiors or fellow work- ers. The soft modulated give-and-take of sober questions and sincere, persuasive answers blended with the dignity of the stately con- ference room, where the late afternoon darkness was deepening, and fortified the sense of fairness of this democratic process which was being explained. After all, how could anyone say the new procedure was a cover-up for a witch hunt? Why, an employe can appeal three times be- fore they put a black mark after his name. And what about a chance to counter War Is No Science DESPITE the universality of military principles, it is well to recall that war still is and always has been an art, not a science. It includes, adumbrates and transcends all sciences. Yet military opera- tions are not scientific. They cannot be marshalled in the exact phalanx of equa- specific charges? Plenty of chance. The sus- pect is given a letter stating all the facts against him. Well, nearly all-all the facts the FBI feels are OK from the standpoint of "national security." Of course then, if the set-up is so emi- nently fair, the employe is certainly al- lowed to question the witnesses who have supplied information about him to the FBI? Well, no, the FBI can't reveal its sources-in fact it can't reveal them even to the loyalty board itself. Then an employe can be fired because of information supplied by a person un- known to him, and equally unknown to the review board? Yes, but that's perfectly al- right, because the board has "entire con- fidence" in the ability of the FBI to eval- uate the reliability of its sources. But don't the new rules say the FBI is only to gather facts and not make any decisions? Oh well, the FBI does have to. decide on whether its sources are reliable since no one else knows the identity of the sources. Besides, the FBI is training special agents to handle loyalty cases. Then if it's the word of a suspected employe against the word of an FBI-ap- proved, but undisclosed, witness, the dis- charke of the employe-and a life-long black-balling of his reputation-may hinge on the judgment of an FBI man about an informant on whom nobody else all along the line-neither the sus- pect nor any of the appeal bodies-can check? But it all sounded so reasonable in that room-and such an eminent board thought so too. It took only a little fresh air after the hour-long press conference and a walk of a few blocks to make the outer covering of reasonableness peel off and expose the core of cruel unreason. IN ACTIVE THEATRES of World War II, the rate of psychiatric casualties was two or three times that of World War i. The chief cause of the increase appeared to lie in the fact that warfare was more terrify- ing in World War II than ever before. -Encyclopedia Britannica. Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructivg notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021. Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). * * * Notices Xn EDESIDAY, JANUARY 7, 1918 VOL. LVIII, No. 77 Faculty and Veteran Students: Yib final date for the approval of i-quisitions for the purchase of boks, equipment and special sup- plies will be Wednesday, Jan. T Assembly, School of Forestry and Conservation: 11 a.m, Thurs., Jan. 8, Rackham Amphitheatre. All School of Forestry and Con- :ervatiohi students not having non-forestry conflicts are expect- ed to attend. Men living in approved rooming houses who expect to move at the end of this term should notify the householder to that effect before Thursday, Jan. 8. All men interested in working as Orientation Advisors for the spring semester may register at the Union Student Offices from 3-5 any afternoon this week. Those accepted will receive two meals per day during Orientation week. Effective immediately the Grad- uate School Office will be open from 8-12 noon and 1-4 p.m., week-days, and from 8-12 noon, Saturdays. Women Students: Regular week- end rules apply for those who go on the ski club trip the weekend of Jan. 10. Fraternity and Sorority Presi- dents are reminded that monthly membership reports for Decenber should be turned in to the office of Student Affairs, Rm, 3, Uni- versity Hall, immediately. Approved student sponsored so- cial events for the coming week- end: (afternoon functions are in- dicated by an asterisk): January 9 Alpha Omicron Pi, Phi Sigma Kappa, Sigma Delta Tau, Theta Xi. January 10 Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha Phi Alpha, Delta Signa Delta, Hinsdale House, Lambda Chi Alpha, Michigan Christian Fellowship, Phi Delta Theta, Theta Chi, Theta Delta Cli. January 11 *Inter-racial Association, *Lith- uanian Club, *Mary Markley House. Veterans: The Veterans Admin- istration will conduct a subsist- ence survey on Fri., Jan. 9. All veterans who have not received subsistence allowance due them by that date are asked to report to t)heir training officer in Rm. 100A, Rackham Bldg. Veterans: All Public Law 16 veterans who expect to graduate at the close of the current Fall Semester must contact, personally, their respective Training Officers in Rm. 100A, Rackham Bldg., at the earliest possible date. Veterans attending school un- der Public Law 16 are reminded that reports of absence for the Fall Semester are due the first 'lay of the final examination pe- riod, Jan. 19. Absence report cards may be mailed or brought to the Veterans Service Bureau, Rm. 1514, Rackham Blde When no report is on file, the veteran's records are incomplete and leave cannot be approved un- til a statement from the institu- tion is obtained by the student ertiiying the amount of absence charged to him. Directed Teaching, Qualifying Examination: All students expect- ing to do directed teaching in 'the spring ore required to pass a qual- ifying examination in the subject in which they expect to teach. This examination will be held on Sat., Jan. 10, 8:30 a.m., University High School Auditorium. The ex- amination will consume about four hours' tume; promptness is therefore essential. Please bring bluebooks. Recommendations for Depart- mental Honors: Teaching depart- nnts wishing to recommend ten- tative February graduates from the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education for departmental hon- ors should recommend such stu- dents in a letter sent to the Regis- trar's Office, Rm. 4, University Hall, by 11 am., Feb. 5. Attention February Graduates: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, School of Education, School of Music, School of Public Health--students are advised not to request grades of I or X in Fcbruvry. When such grades are absolutely imperative, the work ust be made up in time to allow your instructor to report th make-up grade not later than 11 a.m., Feb. 5. Grades received after that time may defer the student's graduation until a later date. Bowling -Women with men guests: The bowling alleys at the Wom- en's Athletic Building will be open from now until Jantiary 16 at the following hours : Tues., Wed., Thurs., 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Fri., 7:30 p.m. to 11 p.m. Group reservations may be made by calling 3-1511, extension 702. before 5:30 p.m. The alleys will be closed during the examination period. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. ..Michigan State Civil Service will have a representative here on Monday, Jan. 12, to interview me- chanical, civil, chemical, aeronau- tical, and electrical engineers-all levels. Salary range is from $280 (Continued on Page 7) INTRODUCTION The story behind the develop- ment of the United States Nation- al Student Association, formally constituted at a recent Conven- tion held on the University of Wis- consin campus at Madison, is a relatively simple, though interest- ing one. The series of events that led up to the holding of the Con- stitutional Convention started in New York City, when a group of twenty-five American students gathered before sailing to Europe to take pait in the World Stu- dent Congress at Prague, Czecho- slovakia, in August, 1946. It was at this Congress that the Interna- tional Union of Students was for- mnally launched. Ten of these American students had been elected by the student bodies of ten universities such as Fisk, Chicago, Harvard, Texas, etc., and fifteen from national stu- dent organizations, such as the National Intercollegiate Christian Council (YM-YWCA), the Na- tional Federation of Catholic Col- lege Students and the Newman Club Federation, the American Youth for Democracy, the Student Federalists, the United States Stu- dents' Assembly, etc. These stu- dents in their discussion sessions before sailing and while on the boat began to realize that they could not democratically represent the students of American colleges and universities to the students of the world, even though they did represent a rather wide cross sec- tion. Thus the idea began to de- velop of forming in America a national organization based on democratic representation of stu- dents. At Prague this idea gained strength when the delegates came into contact with students repre- senting national unions of stu- dents in England and other coun- tries of the world and contrasted those with the complete absence of anything comparable in the United States. When the delegates returned home they decided to call a conference of American students to sound out campus opinion on the desirability of forming a na- tional student organization. The conference was held at the University of Chicago, December 28-30, 1946. There over 700 dele- gates, representing 800,000 stu- dents of 300 colleges and univer- sities, and 20 national student or- ganlizations, discussed the aims and pur'poses of the proposed US- NSA and its organizational prin- ciples, and decided to organize the "United States National Student Association." Also, the Chicago Student Conference decided to form, a National Continuations Committee, whose duties were to handle all the arrangements in preparation for the Constitutional Convention, including the draft- ing of a proposed constitution. This Continuations Committee also operated through regional of- fices in thirty geographical regions of the United States. The Constitutional Convention of the United States National Stu- dent -Association was held on the campus of the University of Wis- consin from August 30th to Sep- tember 7th, 1947, and the organi- zation that was launched there gives the American college stu- dent unprecedented representation in the educational world. Some 750 delegates representing 1,389,- 000 students in 356 leading col- leges and universities throughout the United States worked day and night in Madison to write the US- NSA Constitution and plan the dynamic and comprehensive pro- gram of activities which is includ- ed in this booklet. Fundamental issues facing college students to- day were placed on the floor of the convention and after earnest, and sometimes intense, debate were resolved to the satisfaction of the various groups and regions coeerned. The aims and purposes of the permanent USNSA are con- tained in the preamble to the con- stitution, with full explanation and clarification in the by-laws and panel reports. Permanent Na- tional Officers and members of the National Executive Commit- tee were elected, and the list of their names and addresses is also contained in this booklet. Although a number of existing national youth groups similar to those in attendance at the Chi- cago Student Conference were represented at the Constitutional Convention, they will have neither voting nor advisory representation in the permanent USNSA. Only the officially constituted student governing bodies on the respective campuses will send representa- tives to the National Student Con- gresses to be held each summer. The Convention voted to begin negotiations with the Internation- al Union of Students for affilia- tion on a non-political basis. The full report of this action and the "Statement to American Stu- dents" are included in the sum- mary report of the Panel on In- ternational Student Activities. The Convention voted to seek repre- sentation on the United States National Commission for UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Si- entific, and Cultural Organiza- tion). This has been granted by giving the USNSA one seat on the national commission. It was also voted that the USNSA be a spon- sor of the World Student Service Fund. In a personal message to the Constitutional Convention of the USNSA, President Harry S. Tru-0 man wr'ote: "The people of the United1 States have long manifested an outstanding interest in higher ed- ucation. Our colleges and univer- sities are now crowded beyond their capacities with an unpre- cedented number of students, eag- er to prepare themselves in the best possible manner for meeting the problems of the future. It is a pleasure to send greetings to the Constitutional Convention of the National Student Association. "Our faith in education requires no apology or defense. We must, however, make certain that the programs of our eductional in- stitutions serve most effectively the needs of our democratic soci- ety. We should therefore welcome hopefully the formation of any organization that has as one of its prime objectives a constructive effort to improve the quality of the services in institutions of higher education. I congratulate your group on the opportunity that lies before it. I trust that the effort of the organization you intend to form may always be di- rected unselfishly toward improv- ing the contributions that higher education may make to the wel- fare of our country and of man- kind throughout the world." CONSTITUTION OF THE USNSA We, the students of the United SOtes of America, desiring to maintain academic freedom and student rights, to stimulate and improve democratic student gov- ernments, to develop better edu- cational standards, facilities, and teaching methods, to improve stu- dent cultural, social, and physi- cal welfare, to promote interna- tional understanding and fellow- ship, to guarantee to all people, because of their inherent dignity as individuals, equal rights and possibilities for primary, second- airy, and higher education regard- less of sex, race, religion, politi- cal belief or economic circum- stance, to foster the recognition of the rights and responsibilities of students to the school, the community, humanity, and God, and to preserve the interests and integrity of the government and Constitution of the United States of America, do hereby establish this Constitution of the United States National Student Associa- tion. ARTICLE I. Name A. The name of this organiza- tion shall be the United States National Student Association. ARTICLE II. Legislative Authority A. The legislative body of the USNSA shall be known as the Na- tional Student Congress. B. The Congress shall meet an- naully during the summer vaca- tion. C. The Congress shall: 1. Accredit its own membership. 2. Enact all laws and by-laws necessary to the proper function- ing of the USNSA pursuant to this Constitution. 3. Determine policies and pro- grams, 4. Assess the members of the USNSA in accordance with pro- visions of the by-laws. Such as- i sessments shall be collected by the regions and forwarded to the national office. 5. Determine and approve the annual budget. 6. Nominate and elect the Ex- ecutive Officers, 7. Create, or approve the crea- tion of, all appointive offices. 8. Approve all appointments made by the Executive Commit- tee. 9. Approve all programs to be undertaken in the name of the USNSA, except as otherwise spe- cified in this Constitution. 10. Impeach, suspend, or re- move Executive Officers and ex- pel or suspend member student bodies by a two-thirds majority vote, on the basis of the findings of the Executive Committee. 11. Invalidate by a two-thirds vote all decisions of both region- al and national bodies of the USNSA found to be in conflict with this constitution. 12. Sustain or reject impeach- ment actions of the Executive Committee. 13. Exercise the final and su- preme power of judicial review. 14. Exercise all otherpowers not expressly prohibited to it by this Constitution. D. Membership in the Congress shall include: 1. Representatives elected by their entire student body. a. When this is not feasible, they shall be selected by the dem- ocratically constituted student government of their entire stu- 1--- 1, ..x A _ _ BARNA...s *I, Ih~.~ N~f nn'IWhigch F've been telling you, son, the Pixie NoI nn ie rn re ts .a nIr r.® ...,, Let's go in and ask Mr. O'Malley, my Fraiv glfr:~a. i hv h, rA a ,la-