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September 28, 1947 - Image 10

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-28

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Russian Pianist T o Appear
In Third Ann Arbor Concert

Alexander Brailowsky, celebrat-
ed Russian pianist, will be heard
in recital March 10 in Hill Audi-
torium when he makes his third
concert appearance in Ann Ar-
Brailowsky, who was last here
during the 1943 May Festival, has
won special acclaim for his Cho-
pin Cycle, a series of six recitals
Branzell To
Open Concert
Series Oct. 8
Karin Branzell, Swedish Metro-
politan Opera contralto, will open
the Choral Union concert series
with a recital, Wednesday, Oct.
Miss Branzell will replace Zinka
Milanov, who has been unable to
return to America from Bucharest
because of passport difficulties.
As a singer of Wagnerian con-
tralto roles, Miss Branzell has re-
ceived acclaim at the Metropoli-
tan. She has also appeared in re-
cital in the opera houses of Eu-
rope, South America, San Fran-
cisco and Chicago.
Born in Stockholm, Miss Bran-
zell was heard by the late Crown
Princess, Margaret of Sweden, at
a church service. Impressed by
the young girl's singing, the prin-
cess provided financial support for
her musical education.
Since that time, Miss Branzell
has received the highest award
Sweden can present to a singer,
the "Litteris et Artibus." She has
also received the title, "Royal
Court Singer." She began her op-
eratic career at the Royal Opera
in Stockholm, and after appear-
ing in Buenos Aires, Covent Gar-
den, Bayreuth, Finland, Switzer-
land and Russia, she came to
America and began her career at
the Metropolitan.

embracing the life work of the
gre4t Polish master, which he has
presented twice in New York, as
well as in the musical centers of
Europe and Latin America.
Early Training
Born in Kiev in 1897, Brailow-
sky received his early musical
training from his father who was
also a musician. During the First
World War the family moved to
Switzerland and then to France
taking the youngster with them
and introducing him to new
teachers with whom to study.
Soon after his debut, offers for
engagements poured in from all
the capitals in Europe. South and
North American concert tours fol-
lowed and audiences and critics
alike voted him a place in the
front rank of the virtuosi of his
Loves Travel
Fortunately for music lovers,
Brailowsky is one of the few fa-
mous concert artists who definite-
ly enjoys travelling. He hasncon-
certized in every country on the
face of the globe with the excep-
tion of a few South African states,
and there is hardly arcity in the
United States whereche has not
been acclaimed in recital.
His repertoire includes selec-
tions from the works of most of
the great composers, but he is re-
putedly 'at his best in Chopin,
Liszt, and Moussorgsky.
Brailowsky speaks English, Rus-
sian, Spanish, and French with
equal fluency and, since his mar--
riage to a Polish woman, he has
learned something of that lan-
guage, too.
Until recently Brailowsky's of-
ficial residence when he was, not
travelling was a villa on Lake
Geneva in Switzerland. Now, he
has taken out his first citizenship
papers in this country, and divides
his time between giving recitalsJ
from coast to coast and enjoying
rest and relaxation at his home
in Connecticut.
_-- i1


DON COSSACK-The 32 giant choristers who compose the Don Cossack Chorus and Dancers,
as they are directed by Serge Jaroff, their diminutive leadcr, will appear before Ann Arbor
audiences again this year.

Music Camp at Interlochen
Provides Additional Training


- - ----------------------------

led by
December 8
led by
March 18
led by
February 23
led by
October 26
led by
February 15

The National Music Camp at
Interlochen, Michigan, headed by
Prof. Joseph Maddy, of the music
'school is a living example of the
large part music plays at the Uni-
versity of Michigan.
Founded in 1928, the camp was
originally intended as the summer
home of the National High School
Orchestra and soon became a mu-
sical mecca for high-school and
college musicians and educators
from all parts of the country.
'U' Music Braneji
Later it became the home of a
summer branch of the University
School of Music summer session
in order to utilize the unique and
varied musical activities at the
The education school offers
courses in counselor training,
physical education and recrea-
tional training at the camp.
Refresher Courses
Special purposes of the camp
include refresher courses for
ma.icians and educators re-enter-
ing the field of music education,
special training in the fields of
opera, speech, radio and drama
and courses designed to develop
and demonstrate ways of using
music more effectively.
Extra Activities
Visiting artists, guest conduc-
tors and radio specialists, as well
as public concerts, recitals, broad-
casts, lectures, demonstrations,
plays and operettas are but a few
tower Holds
Artists' Photos
Great performances of the past
still live in the headquarters
rooms of the University Choral
Union at the base of the towering
Baird Carillon.
Cream of the musical greats of
the last quarter-century still in
their concert primes, look down
from a huge collection of pictures
which stud the walls of two of
the big rooms where the Choral
Union has its offices.
Each autographed, in most
cases inscribed, the four hundred
o more pictures all wee person-
ally collected by Dr. Charles A.
Sink, President of the University
Musical Society. His office walls,
completely covered with pictures
of great performers whom Sink
has known intimately, are a mu-
seum of modern musical greats.
In adjaeent frames, Dr. Sink
will point out Fritz Kreisler, Lily
Pons, John Philip Sousa, Nelson
Eddy, all of whom have enter-
tained at Ann Arbor in the last
quarter-century. At random from
the other side of the room he can
select Helen Jepson, Enrico Ca
ruso, Walter Damrosch.
Jascha Heifetz, Anne Brown,
Paul Robeson, Salvatore Bacca-
loni, Lotte Lehmann, Alexander
Brailowsky, Isaac Stern, Helen
Traubel, Kirsten Flagstead, Ser-
gei Koussevitzky, Dimitri Mitro-
poulos, Karl Kreuger and Desire
Fefauw are others whose portraits
decorate the walls.

of the activities of the camp dur-
ing the summer.
Extracurricular activities at In-
terlochen include a radio drama
workshop which includes various
phases of practical radio work
such as announcing, acting, di-
recting, production of sound ef-
fects and preparation of scripts;
sight reading evenings for orches-
tra, band and choir, which provide
opportunities to become acquaint-
ed with a large amount of inter-
esting music including sympho-
nies, oratories, overtures, suites or
The Interlochen Bowl and
thirty-five classroom buildings
provide adequate facilities for all
activities held at the camp, asl
well as a large music library,I
fully equipped radio studios and
a little theatre housing the drama

Harp Case
Is Fine Home
For Musician
Musicians, caught short by the
housing shortage have taken to
living in their instrument cases.
But there's a catch. Alice Chali-
foux, solo harpist of the Cleve-
land Symphony Orchestra has
found her harp case useful as an
emergency dressing room on tour
-but she's small enough to get
into it.
Born in Birmingham, Alabama,
Miss Chalifoux received her first
musical training from her mother.
Later training was received at the
Curtis Institute of Music in Phil
adelphia from which she grad-
uated with highest honors.
She joined the Cleveland Or-
chestra soon after graduation and
has appeared as soloist with the
orchestra since then.
Another colorful member of the
orchestra is the first clarinetist
who had to wait until he was nine
years old to play the clarinet be-
cause his fingers were too small
to cover the holes.
Robert McGin'nis, who joinedj
the orchestra in 1941, was born'
in Pennsylvania and played with
the Philadelphia Orchestra for
nine seasons. He received his pri-
mary instruction in the clarinet
from his father, a physics profes-
He later attended the Curtis In-
stitute of Music and since has
played as soloist with the Phila-
delphia Orchestra and the Mu-
sical Art Quartet at the Library of
Congress in Washington.
During the war he was solo
clarinetist of the United States
Navy Band at Washington.

Women Add
Influence in
Music World
Symphony Has
Feminine Charm
Women have added their influ-
ence to the Minneapolis Sym-
phony Orchestra. just as they have
invaded almost every other field.
Seven women now hold seats in
the orchestra, and there probably
will be more in times to come.
Jenny Cullen, violinist, played
with the organization during the
days when Henri Verbrugghen was
its conductor. Scotch by birth,
Miss Cullen came to the orchestra
from Australia in 1922. She re-
mained 10 years and then accept-
ed a post as instructor of violin
at Carleton College, Northfield,
Minn.. from which she returned
to resume activities with the or-
Valerie Vitale, harpist, came
Orchestra. She had studied at the
Cleveland Institute of Music be-
fore she started playing profes-
sionally at the age of 16. At 18
she joined the Cleveland Orches-
tra and has played since under
many noted conductors.
Two Cellists
Among the 'cellists are Hen-
riette de Constant and Cynthia
Eddy. The former is an old friend
of conductor Mitropoulos, having
played in his Athens Paris Con-
servatory in Greece. She won first
prize in 'cello at the Paris Con-
servatory and came to this coun
try with her husband, Yves Char-
don, now principal 'cellist and as-
sistant conductor of the Minnea-
polis Symphony. She also was in-
structor for several years at Wel-
lesley College.
Dorothy Alpert, Virginia Far-
mer and Louise Steuck are all
members of the violin section.
Formerly with the Berkshire Sum-
mer Orchestra and the Radio City
Music Hall Orchestra, Miss Al-
pert graduated cum laude from
the Northwestern Conseratory of
Reliable Tower
Disrupted by War
Students who set their watches
by the Burton Tower may agree
that it's a nice thing to have
around, but a few years back, it
was the focus of a very confused
During the war, the University
(and clocks run thereby) was on
Central War Time, while the city
of Ann Arbor was on Eastern War
Time. Some students were either
an hour early or an hour late to
their first classes-depending on
the degree and direction of the

French pianist, Daniel Ericourt,
has been rated high among the
world's keyboard artists ever since
his New York debut in 1937.
Ericourt, who will appear before
an Ann Arbor audience, Nov. 4,
was born in Jossigny, France. He
received his musical education at
the Paris Conservatoire under
Santiago Riera, Roger Ducasse,
and other famous teachers.
Before the war, Ericourt ap-
peared in London, Paris, Berlin,
Vienna. Budapest, The Hague and
Brussels. He also was soloist with
leading American symphonies, in-
cluding the New York Philhar-
monic, and the Cincinnati, Cleve-
land, Detroit and San Francisco
Recently, Ericourt has achieved
great popularity in South Amer-
ica, where he has given over 150
concerts in most of the important
Latin American cities.
Although Ericourt is a pianist
of the French school, and knew
Debussy well as a child, he also



ii _________ --- ~--------- -__________________________





Ericourt Interprets Music
Of French, Russian Artists

* * *




is a well-known interpreter of
Russian music. He devotes a large
portion of his programs to the
playing of works of his colleagues,
Faure, Ravel, Milhaud, Poulenc,
Prokofieff and Stravinsky. In ad-
dition, Ericourt is adept at the
playing of Debussy and Chopin.

PATRICE MUNSEL, entrancing coloratura
star of opera, concerts, and radio, will make
her Ann Arbor debut as the first artist of
the Extra Concert Series. Her operatic ac-
comiplishlments since her spectacular Metro-
politan debut when still in her teens, have
created ovation after ovation. Her exten-
sive recital tour last season revealed that she
has justified her initial acclaim, and proved
that she is fully as appealing in voice and
beauty in recital as she is in opera.


'Princess Pat'
Is Youngest
Of Met Stars
(Continued from Page 1)
says she attempts to satisfy her
own critical musical demands and
feels that her best performances
will be given when she reaches
the age of 28.
Miss Munsel compares a mu-
sician's career to an athlete's. "For
a while one must spend his time
absorbing what he has learned,
remaining undiscouraged by sea-
sonal 'slumps.' For the past two
years I have been absorbing what
I have learned," Miss Munsel says,
"and now I think I am moving
forward again."
Her national concert tours have
brought highest acclaim to the
slim soprano. Newspaper musical
critics have written of her work
with such adjectives as "memor-
able," "impressive," "a voice of
great beauty," "brilliant," and
scores of other accolades.
King George
Honors Hess


Westminster Choir

November 14th




Myra Hess, famous British
pianist, organised and participat-
Carilllo Housed ed in the daily lunch-hour con-
certs at the National Galler'y in
In Burton Tower London, which had a triple aim:
To give work to many musi-
Burton Memorial Tower houses cians. If
one of the largest sets of caril- To provide a substantial sum
lons in the country. for the Musicians' Benevolent
Operation of the Charles Baird Fund.
Carillon, noted for its range and To bring music to the people
clarity, takes considerable strength when they needed its spiritual
and endurance. The keyboard of help as never before.
the carillon consists of hand elv- The success of these concerts
ers and foot pedals. This enables was so great that Miss Hess in-{
six notes to be sounded at one augurated similar series in other
time, two with the feet and two English communities.
with each hand. Dame Myra Hess, after her re-
In rapid playing the hand 1ev- turn from an American concert,
ers are hit with the bottom of the tour, played the 21 Mozart piano

Among the concerts i the
which include

KARIN BRANZELE, Contralto . . . . . . . . . . . ,
DANIEL ERICOURT, Pianist . . . . . . . . . . . . .
SET SVANHOLM, Tenor . . . . . . . . . . . .



October 26





November 24

. 0 .






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