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January 07, 1948 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1948-01-07

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Yanks Sign
'Joltin' Joe'
NFW YORK, Jan. 6-('P)-A
beaming, buoyant Joe DiMaggio
signed a new Yankee contract to-
day believed to guarantee him ap-
proximately $70,000 for the 1948
season and to place him among a
handful of the highest paid ball
players in the history of the game.
The batting and fielding star of
the world champions penned his
name to the rich pact shortly be-
fore noon today after having
reached a quick agreement with
General Manager George Weiss
last night. He had been reported
asking $75,000, the sum paid Ted
Williams last year by the Boston
Red Sox.
Although neither DiMaggio nor
Weiss would name the exact sum
to be paid the American League's
most valuable player, Weiss con-
ceded that it "approached" Wil-
liams' salary. In each of his last
three playing seasons-1942, '46
and '47-DiMaggio received $43,-
750, he disclosed.
If $70,000 is the correct figure
on Joe's new contract, he auto-
matically becomes the third high-
est paid player in baseball today
and fifth highest in the annals
of the game. He will be topped in
the coming season only by Bobby
Feller, Cleveland mound ace, who
banked in the neighborhood of
$87,000 last year, and by Williams
with his $75,000.
DiMaggio, who hit .315 last sea-
son with 20 homeruns, and led all
regular outfielders with a field-
ing mark of .997, said he was
"very happy" over his new pay
check and described Weiss, his
benefactor, as the "most pleasant
general manager I've ever talked
Joe said his throwing arm,
which was operated upon for the
removal of bone chips since the
world series, "feels swell," and
shucked off his coat to exhibit
the hemstitching to his audience.

Matt Mann swimmers are back
at work at the I-M pool again af-
ter their two weeks vacation in
Ft. Lauderdale, Florida.
Commenting on the recent ex-
cursion, Coach Mann exclaimed
that "the boys had really worked
and were looking fine."
Heavy Practice
The team practiced in the Ft.
Lauderdale Municipal Pool three
times a day. There was a session
before breakfast, another before
lunch and a last try at the water
late in thz, afternoon.
Sandwiched between the two
morning practices were lectures
and demonstrations by the leading
swimming coaches and authorities
in the country. Matt Mann, Bob
Kiputh (Yale), Ed Kennedy (Co-
lumbia), Hal Minto (Firestone
AC), Mike Peppe (Ohio State),
and Dr. Karpowitch (Springfield),
were all present to lecture and
give pointers to the swimmers.
W1ard Rose Bowl
It wasn't all work for the swim-
mers however. The Michigan
tlumni of the area tossed a Rose
Bowl listening party for the team
New Year's Day. Before the Rose
Bowl broadcast, pictures of the
Michigan - Indiana game were

'ALL BY MYSELF' , . . No one was near Howie Yerges as tie drifted out into the flat from his quarter-back position to snag this Chappuis pass then raced to the
one foot line before being tackled by a Trojan line backer. The play, which came in the second quarter, set up the second Michigan touchdown that was scored a
moment later by Jack Weisenburger on a plunge through the middle.

Pucksters Boast Undefeated
Slate as Quarter Mark Nears

By B. S. BROW"
With the puck seaso
the quarter mark, Coach
liger and his charges bo
defeated slate, with on
marring the record.
At this time last year
ers had piled up a t
goals, a mark which wa
in the last game which-
with the University of T
December 19.
McMillan Leading Score
Leading the scorersa

Room 2320 East Engineering Bid,
All Kinds of Machine Work.
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VN year is Gordie McMillan, flame-
n nearing jIhaired speedster from Moosejaw,
s Vie Hey- Sask. (Can.), with hisfive goals
past an un- and seven assists, a total of 121
ly one tie points.
the skat- Al Renfrew, who tied McMillan
otal f 24last season for top scoring honors
ital of 24 with 38 points, is the second man
ws equalled on the list, a scant four points
oas played behind the carrot-topped ace. Ted
Toronto on Greer, second line wing, and Cap-
tain Connie Hill are tied for the
r h number three slot with six points
again this each.
All of Hill's points have come
- - on assists, an unusual fact since
the diminutive veteran plays on.
the defense.
Fine Defensive Record
In the first four games last year
(two of them with Toronto) 23
goals were netted against Mich-
igan while this season the oppo-
sition has only been able to pick
g up ten markers.
. Wally Gacek, in scoring one
goal in each of the two games
with Toronto, kept intact his two
year record of netting an average
of at least one goal per game.
McMillan passed the century
mark in the second game with
Toronto when he scored the tying
goal. It was his 101st goal since
he began playing hockey at Mich-
igan two years ago.
_____ tece North Dakota
The Wolverines will face the
University of North Dakota this
Friday and Saturday night at the
Coliseum with hopes of chalking
up two more wins on the ledger.
Tickets go on sale tomorrow
morning at the Athletic Admin-
istration Building on South State.

Grapplers Hit
y Injuries
Studies, Weights Also
Hamper Keen's Men
The holiday season brought
anything but good cheer to Coach
Cliff Keen and his Wolverine
wrestling squad.
The grapplers seem to be down
for a four count, and with their
first match against Ohio Univer-
sity coming up this Saturday at
3 p.m. in Yost Field House, the
prospects are not too favorable.
First of all, letterman John
Allred sustained an injury from
football that left him incapaci-
tated for the coming season.
Allred is considered by many to
be one of the finest wrestlers
of his division in college com-
petition today, and his loss will
be heavily felt by the Wolver-
Blow number two did nothing
less than leave Coach Keen with-
out a heavyweight, at least for a
while. Regular Dan Dworsky, just
returned from the Rose Bowl, will
be kept pretty busy with studies
until the termination of finals.
It is supposed, however, that Dan
will return at the outset of the
second semester.
The third count arises from the
fact that the team is slightly out
of shape. Most of the boys are
having to work double time to get
rid of that turkey and stuffing
that they obtained during the
The last big thorn in Keen's
side is the fact that the boys are
somewhat off-weight. The whole
roster for this week's tussel is
having to be revamped as a re-
Either Loren Dean or Jim
Smith, normally 121 pounders,
will be in the 128 pound slot.
Jim Stark or Johnny Johnston,
originally at 128 pounds, will
wrestle at 136 pounds. Of the
136 pounders, Maurice Smith,
Ed Grimes, and Jim Smith, one
will be placed in the 145 pound
position. At 155 pounds, a 145
pounder, George Curtis or Phil
Carlson, will start.
Captain Bob Betzig, normally at
155 pounds, will wrestle in the 165
pound division. And one of the
regular 175 pounders, Wes Tebeau,
Byron Lasky, and Hugh Mack, will
see action as a heavyweight.
Ohio University and Michigan
have met a half-dozen times in
the last 20 odd years. And while
never having emerged victorious,
the Bobcats have always given
the Wolverines a tough battle.
Unfortunately, they will have an
exceptional chance this Saturday
due to the misfortunes sustained
by the Michigan squad, and the
meet promises to be close and

Michigan's cagers will be up
against a one-man basketball
team when the Golden Gophers
invade Yost Field House Satur-1
day night.
The big stick on the Minnesota
squad that the Wolverines hope
to cut down is Jim McIntyre, six
feet nine inch center, who coun-
tered over half of his team's total
against Wisconsin's defending
conference champions Monday
night. He had dumped in 19 of
his 29 points by the end of the
first half, but he tired in the last
period under the staggering scor-
ing load he had to carry.
Plays Pivot Post
A towering pivot man with a
proportionate amount of weight
to anchor him in the play, "Mc-
Intyre is a hard man to stop on
shots," according to Coach Ernie
McCoy who scouted the Badger-
Gopher scrap. He added that the
Northmen employ a fast-breaking
type of offense in addition to one
sure asset-height.
But if Michigan can quiet Mc-
Intyre, it can take the noise out
of Minnesota's bucket attack. Last
year the Wolverine five astonished
the entire basketball gentry, in-
cluding Gopher Coach Dave Mac-
Millan, when they limited his
high-scorirW star to one lone tally
on a free throw in the second
game of the home and home
series, to win easily.
Protected Zone
MacMillan protested against
the type of defense that Michigan
had used, claiming there was an
unwritten agreement among the

Minnesota's McIntyre Poses
Big Problem for 'M' Cagers

Big Nine coaches to leave zone
defense alone, but strictly. The
hub-bub finally fizzled out and
nothing was formally settled.
When the lads from Minnesota
take the court Saturday night, the
same line-up will be starting as
in last season's opener. Jack
Young, six feet three inches, and
Bud Grant, six feet two inches
are holding onto forward berths
yhile Ed Kernan and Pete Tap-
sak, both six feet one inch, are
returning guards.
Footballer Returns
Grant is making the same ad-
justment as Wolverine guard Pete
Elliott for he is just beginning
to round into basketball form af-
ter a stint as an end on the Go-
pher eleven. Incidentally, his nu-
merals, 13, adorn both football
and cage uniforms. According to
Coach McCoy, "Grant knows how
to control the backboards and he
is a good ball handler. The same
is true of Young."
Michigan, too, will welcome the
Gopher aggregation with the same
starting five. In yesterday's prac-
tice forward Mack Suprunowicz
twisted his ankle, but trainer Jim
Hunt stated that it wasn't serious.
"I taped it up to prevent any
unnecessary strain on it and to
stop any swelling before it gets


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74c to 5 P.M. - Eves. $1.20, Children 50c
Feature Starts 1 :00--3:37--6:17-9:00 P.A


Continuous from 1 P.M.

The scoring resume

G. A. TP.

McMillan ...............5 '7 12
Renfrew ...............5 3 8
Greer ..................5 1 6
Hill ....................0 6 6
Gacek ..................5 0 5
Jacobson ...............1 4 5
Marshall .................2 1 3
Brumm .................1 0 1
McArdle...............0 1 1.
Smith.................0 1 1
Hold Those Bonds!


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