S Prof. Haber To Take Position Of Advisor to Gen. Lucius Clay By JAKE HJRWITZ Prof. William Haber of the eco- nomics department has been granted a leave of absence for the second semester of the academic year 1947-48 to accept an ap- pointment as adviser to General Lucius Clay, Commander of the American occupation forces in Germany. The leave was granted by the Board of Regents at the request of Kenneth C. Royall, Secretary of the Army. Leaves Soon Prof. Haber, who will leave for Germany with his family in mid- January, will advise Gen. Clay on measures for the relief of dis- placed persons after consulting commanders of displaced persons camps and the displaced persons themselves in Germany and Aus- tria. He will replace Judge Louis E. Levinthal of Pennsylvania who is returning to the United States to resume his duties on the bench. Extensive Experience The appointment of Prof. Haber was specifically requested by Gen. Clay, who was closely associated with Prof. Haber during his war service as director of planning for War Manpower Commission from 1942-1944. Prof. Haber carries a rich back- ground of experience to his new position. He served as executive director of the National Refugee Service from 1939-1941, and after his work with the War Manpower PROF. WILLIAM HABER Comni ion, he became manpower ,dviser to the director of war mo- bil latio . Hopeful for 1948 American authorities are hope- ful that liberalized immigration laws in many countries and the end of the British mandate in Palestine will ease the problems of the displaced persons in 1948, Prof. Haber said. The task of teaching Prof. Haber's courses in labor, among the most sought after by students, will be assumed by Harold Levin- son, instructor in economics. Mineralogist Will Lecture Here on Snow Prof. Paul Niggli, of the Uni- versity of Zurich and the Swiss Institute of Technology, will de- liver a lecture on "The Science of Snow and Avalanches" at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the Rackham Am- phitheatre. The lecture will be illustrated with motion pictures and slides and is open to the public. Prof. Niggli will also speak on "The Minerals of the Swiss Alps and Their Origin" in a lecture primarily for chemistry and min- eralogy students at 4 p.m. Thurs- day in Rm. 2054, Natural Science Building. Both lectures are un- der the auspices of the mineralogy department. The author of 15 books and more than 200 papers on scienti- fic subjects, Prof. Niggli received the Washington A. Roebling Med- al for meritorious achievement in mineralogy at the annual meet- ing of the Mineralogical Society of America in Ottawa, Canada, last month. The medal was pre- sented by Dean Emeritus Edward H. Kraus, of the University, who is a past recipient of the award.1 Penmen Seek Friends in U.S. Names of students in foreign countries who would like to cor- respgnd with American college students have been provided by the International Activities Com- mission of the National Students Association, according to Tom Walsh, chairman of the Student Legislature NSA committee. Students listed are from Ger- many, Italy and England. Subject preferences range from music and literature to politics, flying, his- tory, medical work, stamps and economic problems, Those interested should contact Walsh by mail, at 820 E. Washing- ton. IMMEDIATE RESERVATIONS No Service Charge Tickets Delivered Save Money up to $29.15 WAY Save Time Advance Reservations Accepted Courteoasly New York.......$118.30 C S evelond .. .. .. .$ 99.70 AILINE R KVAIChiao ........$ 85.45 707 SOUTH HILL Kansas City .-$-- 74.55 Room 1417 cker 3295 The City Beat Today's Ann Arbor News in Summary By PHIL DAWSON While students celebrated va- cation, Ann Arbor life moved along at a rapid tempo. Police, telephone operators, snow-shovel- ers, sales clerks' and the courts all reported brisk activity over the holidays. Washtenaw County is ready to spend $2,000,000 on a new court- house - and is eager to spend it as soon as possible. The county board of supervisers will consider bids at its meeting next Tuesday. Members of the building committee have decided to , go ahead with construction now, in spite of high building costs, because the need is "criti- cal." In the midst of a pre-New Year clean-up rush, circuit court clerks ended 1947 with a struggle to "keep up with the Joneses." Three men bearing that name pleaded guilty on separate charges before Judge James R. Breakey, Jr., and a fourth, Casey Jones, dropped an appeal from an as- sault and battery verdict. Ann Arbor may get a new de- partment store soon - a Chicago firm hopes to begin remodeling and modernizing three long-idle, 90-yeaer-old store buildings at 214, 216, and 218 S. Main. While surveys reported builders expect to complete one million dwelling units in 1948, the city engineer's office issued six build- ing permits during vacation as Ann Arbor construction compan- ies began to make headway on the housing shortage. Construction of a newsreel theatre is under way in Willow Run Air Terminal, and will be open to plane passengers late this month, it is estimated. Liquor sales in Michigan drop- ped about 10 per cent in 1947, but this is still a highly alcoholic state, the Associated Press reports. Only five other states exceed- ed Michigan's 6.5 million gallon sales record -Alabama, Iowa, New Hampshire, North Carolina and West Virginia. The new fast focusing, vest-pocket FEATHERWEIGHT BINOCULAR Four Optically Perfect Lenses TRULY ENJOY: 3-pt. power 1. Plays PRICE 2. Sporting Events $198 8. Opera 4. Concerts Plus Tas ALBAR PRODUCTS Check Color: P.O. 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Iluth'\A n oOakes, 'oe, '2 7 Mia ge 1209 South '"u,, I I City, State MR. s: jor oiier a&t al centur laies nriwear- 447 OXIORD CL U IILRKY C DOBBS IATS DANILL HAYS J J JOUINS-I-rOXN M.UI 4, .. .. ~ ... AA \: ; .. . AA:.. \. ,.:. AQ.:.AVM\a \ \ A \: .. .._ oA ...A...,. ... .. ... ... A ... AA ... AA.....w. :. :. 0 tilt 0/ a / DHES BOATS HAMLEY BELTS GLOVES RPHY SHOES a U ;