P4tyJfighth Year
- .
Edited and inansd by Y, udents of the Uni-
1°rsity a.t Micigan ',< r e athoritc ! the
Board In Consc at emucu Puilatioa,
John ampb .. ........ Man Editor
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are wrI tein by members of TF LD y staf
end represent the viw of che write only
Elephant Backs Down
WASHINGTON-There's living proof on
Capitol Hill that the old saw "wher-
ever there's smoke there's fire" is often a
lot of hokum.
For some time now Washington observers
have been seeing the smoke of rebellion on
the part of the Republican freshman sena-
tors against the G.O.P. high comnand, par-
ticularly against policy leader Taft. And
the conviction that a real fire of revolt
smoulders beneath the smoke has taken
rncioi hold of many onlookers.
The smoke first wafted into the open
back in 1944 when the present crop of
G.O.P. first-termers was not yet in the
Senate. At the 1944 Republican conven-
tion, Senator Baldwin of Connecticut,
present leader of the freshmen, and at
that time Governor of Connecticut, held
a news conference to announce the op-
position of certain convention delegates
to the G.O.P. campaign platform. But
Senator Taft, who sniffed some of the.
smoke of rebellion, ambled into the con-
ference room. And presto, Baldwin and
company backed down, Taft took over,
and rebellion died an abrupt death.
Then when the 80th Congress convened
last winter, another black cloud arose to mar
the picture of G.O.Ps tranquility. By that
time, Baldwin, along with some of the other
7uthors of the abortive convention attempt
at rebellion, were in the Senate. There was
a brief spurt of protest against Taft's high-
handed leadership tactics, but after a few
minor concessions were granted to the
freshmen, calm was easily restored. An-
other brief flare-up, sparked by Baldwin
and his fellow New England freshman, Flan-
ders of Vermont, occurred at the start of
the special session of Congress. A short-
lived cry was raised at Taft's failure to make
it clear whether he was speaking for him-
self or for the party in his attacks on Pres-
ident Truman's economic program.
Now with the freshmen feeling them-
selves an integral part of the G.O.P. fam-
ily on Capitol Hill, even the smoke of
revolt appears to have vanished. The day
the Wolcott Republican anti-inflation bill
was introduced in the House (action on it
was later blocked), 13 of the 16 Senate
G.O.P. freshmen got together over the
dinner table to discuss it. Rumors that
this time real rebellion was in the offing
made the rounds. The rumor mart really
prospered when it was announced that
the freshmen would hold a news confer-
ence after their discussion.
Expectations were never more thoroughly
drenched with the cold water of disap-
pointment than they were at that press
conference. Baldwin presided. He empha-
sized that the meeting had been held for
the sole purpose of factual exploration of
the House G.O.P. measure, and that no
stand on the part of the freshmen had
been decided upon. Well, he was asked, can
we say at least that you haven't committed
yourself either for or against the bill? No,
the easy-going, gregarious New Englander
replied, you can't even say that. Then can
we say that some of the freshmen are
planning to introduce amendments to the
bill? No, but, of course, we discussed various
possible anti-inflation measures and na-
turally anyope- freshman or otherwise-
may later come up with suggested altera-
tions to the program. We are trying, Baldwin
insisted,, to equip ourselves to do our best
to work with the Republican leadership of
the Senate, not against them.
The freshmen, it seemed, were not inter-
ested in taking any votes to determine their
position on the party program. Senator Cain
of Washington, one of the first-termers,
remarked to me during the conference, the
only vote that was taken was to select
"brother Baldwin" as spokesman for the
session with the reporters.
A few days later when the Senate G.O.P.
met to determine its anti-inflation pro-
gram, there was apparently no word of
dissent from the freshmen-despite the
fact that Flanders, for one, had previously
urged rationing of such vital supplies as
by the high command.
If you poke around the ashes, I don't
think you'll see even a glowing ember of pro-
test among the fledgling lawmakers.
l r
C} - ' tr
:op' 1948 by United Fafu.. Syndc' i' ."
No. 1 "A radical is somi .body v' cncour.i broad and shoot at
Agrarian Lawn
BEFORE the American people acquiesce
to the nationwide barrage of full-page
advertisements, magazine articles, news
items and editorials urging continued aid to
Chiang Kai-shek, they should know the an-
swers to the following questions:
1. Why have the people of China failed
to support the Koumintang Government?
2. Why are Chiang's armies, backed to
the tune of $4 billion since the end of
World War II, being driven out of Man-
churia by Communist forces which are
not receiving any Russian aid according
to Secretary of State Marshall?
An answer to these questions cannot be
found in the rationalizations of the Luces,
Bulltts and Judds.
However, a reasonable explanation for
these conditions can be discerned in the
Committee for a Democratic Far Eastern
Policy's report on the new Agrarian Law of
the Liberated Areas recently adopted by
the Chinese Communist regime.
Based on Sun Yat-sen's principle of
"land to the tiller," the law gives to 150,-
000,000 peasants land free of rent and
debt, and stock and implements to farm
Provisions of the law state that "land
ownership rights of all former landlords are
abolished" and "all debts incurred prior to
the reform of the agrarian system are can-
celled." Subject to redivision are "lands,
animals, houses, implements and grain",
taken from-landlords and the surplus stocks
of rich farmers.
Executive organs in carrying out the re-
form are "village peasant meetings and com-
mittees elected by them," as well as separate
associations of the village landless and poor.
Former landlords are entitled to receive
allotments equal to those of others for per-
sonal cultivation.
Enactment of this law which 80 per
cent of China's people have dreamed about
for centuries has caused wholesale deser-
tions from the Koumintang armies, made
up chiefly of peasants, and revolts in its
landlord-ridden and debt-burdened rear
Disillusioned by the corrupt, inefficient,
and fascist dictatorship of Chiang Kai-shek
who betrayed them for the support of bank-
ers and landlords, the people of China are
exchanging the hunger, misery and death
of the past for a chance to build a new and
better future.
America can help the men and women of
China to break the chains that bind them by
withholding its dollars until Chiang resigns
in favor of a coalition government composed
of liberals and Communists who are dedi-
cated to the realization of true social, poli-
tical and economic democracy.
-Joe Frein
Soviet Propaganda
I T WOULD BE unrealistic to believe that
the propaganda campaign against the
United States will not make headway among
a hungry, harassed people, with the normal
Letters to the Editor...
Publication in Thle Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 am. Sat-
The Choice in Greece
VOL. .LVIII, No. 76
THE EXPECTED official recognition of the
Markos regime will commit the Soviets to
open aggression against the Greek govern-
ment. The nature of the decision with which
such a Soviet challenge will confront the
United States can be understood from the
fact that one response now being seriously
considered is the establishment of a great
Anglo-American base in the southern Med-
Three main alternative courses of action
will in fact be open to the United States
if the Soviet bloc recognizes and gives
armed support to the Markos government.
These three alternatives are now being
anxiously debated by the American policy
The first is simply more of the same -
more aid to the Greek government, with
added emphasis on building up the Greek
military forces. It is argued that if the
Greek army were enlarged from its present
strength of 450,000 to its wartime strength
of 409,000 men, and if it were completely
equipped with American arms, the Greeks
would then be able to withstand on their
own anything short of an open, all-out
Soviet-sponsored assault. On the other
hand, such an army would constitute an in-
tolerable drain on Greek manpower, and on
the inflation-riddled Greek economy. Greek
economic stability, without which Greek
political stability is impossible, would be
indefinitely delayed.
The second alternative is to send Ameri-
can troops to Greece. It is argued that to
send even a regimental combat team of
4,000 men would serve to stiffen the backs
of the Greeks and would be a token of Amer-
ican determination to thwart the Soviet
pusl i south.
Yet there appears to be a growing body
of opinion against such a move. There
are cogent arguments that to commit
American troops to Greece would be mere-
ly to fall into a trap designed by the Polit-
buro. A small force would be useless, ex-
At the Michigan .*
ROAD TO RIO, with Bing Crosby, Bob
Hope and Dorothy Lamour, of course.
THE NEWEST of the Road pictures pro-
vides a Rio-tous setting for the hilar-
ious antics of comedians Hope and Crosby,
whose rapid-fire, laugh-a-minute chatter
never slackens, forcing you to try to restrain
your laughter so you won't miss the next
gag. Hope and Crosby do for the entertain-
ment world what Dorothy Lamour can do
for a sarong. The movie also has a plot,
cept for morale purposes. A few thousand
Americans could not crush the guerillas
where 150,000 Greeks have failed, and as
soon as this became clear any morale
value from the presence of American
troops in Greece would disappear. The
only really effective American military
action in Greece would be the sealing off
of the Greek borders. If this could be
done at all, it would require several divi-
That is why an entirely new approach to
the problem of containing the Soviet push
south is being seriously considered, both in
Washington and in London. This approach
would call for an all-out effort, both in the
United Nations and through normal diplo-
matic channels, to persuade the Kremlin
that its Greek game is not worth the candle.
It would be made clear to the Kremlin that
the end result of an intensified drive on
Greece would be the establishment of a
great Anglo-American military base within
striking distance of the whole Soviet zone.
This possibility might cause the rulers in
the Kremlin to think twice, since the estab-
lishment of such an Anglo-American base
would certainly be vastly unwelcome to
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
Library Book List
Meyer, Cord -Peace or Anarchy. Boston,
Little, 1947.
Millis, Walter-This is Pearl! The United
States and Japan-1941, New York, Mor'-
row, 1947.
Sartre, Jean-Paul-The Reprieve. New York,
Knopf, 1947.
Simenon, Georges-The Man Who Watched
the Trains Go By. New York, Reynal and
Hitchcock, 1946.
Terral, Rufus-The Missouri Valley, New
Haven, Yale University Press, 1947.-
Von Hagen, Victor W.-Maya Explorer:
John Lloyd. Stephens and the Lost Cities
of Central America and Yucatan. Nor-
man, Oklahoma University, 1947.
Faculty and Veteran Students:
The final date for the approval of
2equisitions for the purchase of
books, equipment and special sup-
plies will be Wednesday, Jan. 7.
Men living in approved rooming
horses who expect to move at the
end of this term should notify the
householder to that effect before
Thursday, Jan. 8.
All men interested in working as
Orientation Advisors for the
spring semester may register at
the Union Student Officers from
3-5 any afternoon this week.
Those accepted will receive two
meals per day during Orientation
week and will register as a group
the first day of second semester
New York State Veterans who
are temporarily absent from the
state, but are otherwise eligible for
the New York State Bonus should
write for application blanks to:
Mr. Leo V. Lanning, State Bonus
Bureau, 1875 Broadway, Albany,
New York.
Business Administration: Clai
sification for all students who ex-
pect to be enrolled in the School
of Business Administration during
the Spring Semester will take
place during the week of January
5-10. See bulletin board in Tap-
pan Hall for instructions.
Effective immediately the Grad-
uate School Office will be open
from 8-12 noon, and 1-4 p).Im
week- days, anyd from 8-12 noon,
Directed Teaching, Qualifying
Examination: All students expect-
ing to do directed teachinug in the
spring , are required to pass a qual-
ifying examuwination in the subject
in which they expect to (teac'.
This exainiiation will be he ld1 O1
Sat., Jan. 10, 8:30 a.m., University
High School Auditorium. The ex-
amination will consume about
four hours' time; promptness s
therefore essential. Please bring
Students Planning to do Direct-
ed Teaching: Students expecting
to do directed teaching for the
secondary-school certificate in the
spring term, are requested to se-
cure assignments in Rm. 2442,
University Elementary School,
Thurs., Jan. 1', according to the
following schedule:
English, 8:30-9:30.
Social Studies, 9:30-10:30.
Science and Mathematics,
All foreign languages, 11:30-
All others, and any having con-
flicts at scheduled hours, 2:00-
3:00 or by appointment.
The Department of Engineering
Mechanics wants student for
part-time work to mount pictures
for research purposes. Those in-
terested may call Mr. P. F.
Chenea, Extension 558, Rm. 310,
W. Engineering Annex.
University Lecture: John Ciar-
di, Briggs-Copeland Instructor in
Engish, Harvard College, will read
from his poems and discuss mod-
ern poetry at 4:15 p.m., Tues., Jan.
6, Rackham Amphitheatre; aus-
pices of the Department of Eng-
lish Language and Literature. The
public is invited.
"Resuscitation from Asphyxia"
(illustrated). Dr. Andrew C. Ivy,
Distinguished Professor of Physi-
ology and Vice President in charge
of the Professional Schools in
Chiclago, University of Illinot;
the annual Phi Delta Epsilon Lec-
ture for 1947-48. 1:30 p.m., Thurs.,
Jan. 8, University Hospital Am-
University Lecture: Professor
Paul Niggli, of the University of
Zurich and the Swiss Institute of
Technology, Switzerland, will lec-
Wure on the subject, "The Science
of Snow and Avalanches," at 4:15
pl 'I, FTri., Jin. 9, Rackham Am-
l)hil i(;t t re.
Professor Paul Niggli, of the
University of Zurich and the Swiss
Institute of Technnology, Switzer-
land, will speak on the subject,
"Th1w Minerals of the Swiss Alps
and thcir Origin," at 4 p.m.,
Thurs,, Jan. 8, Rm. 2054, Natural
SCiece Bldg. All interested per-
sons are invited.
Mathematics Lecture: Prof. L.
C'. Young of the University of
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Dailyl
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 wordst
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of thet
writers only. Letters of more than1
300 words are shortened, printed ort
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
'I * * *
ChIoosinc Friends
To the Editor:
REGARDING the Eisler affair,
Mr. Maloy mentioned that two
weeks ago, at a national conven-
tion in New York, representatives
from fraternities all over the
country allied themselves on the
side of reaction by going on rec-
ord as approving continued racial
discrimination in selecting frater-
nity members.
Since when has it been con-
sidered reaction to choose one's
friends from among his own race,
and why does Mr. Maloy point to
the fraternity system as the pril-
ciple organization to pse this1
cherished freedom? Dr. ft. E. Tul-
loss, president of Wittenburg Col-
lege, is quoted to have said, "No
college man lives intimately with
Capetown, South Africa will give
a lecture on Generalized Curves
and .$urfaces, under the auspices
of the Department of Mathe-
matics on Tues, Jan. 6, 4:15 p.m.,
Rm. 3017, Angell Hall.
Lecture: Mr. Herbert Emmerich,
Director of the Public Adminis-
trat ion Clearing House, Chicago,
will address the members of the
American Society for Public Ad-
ministration at 8 p.m., Wed~,Jan.
7, West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Bldg. The public is invited.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Le-
Roy Hatfield Harvey, Botany;
thesis: "Eragrostis in North and
Middle America," Tues., Jan. 6,
Rm. 1139, Natural Science Bldg.,
9 a.m. Chairman, H. HI. Bartlett.
Doctoral Examination for Rus-
sell Cosper, English; thesis: "The
English Question Patterns from
1100 to 1600," Tues., Jan. 6, West
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., 3
p.m. Chairman, C. C. Fries.
Doctoral Examination for Ar-
unchandra Chhotalal Chhatra-
pati, Economics; thesis,: "Organi-
zation of the Labor Market Under
Planned Economy," Tues., Jan. 6,
Rm. 105, Economics Bldg., 4 p.m.
Chairman, William Haber.
Business Administration Class
No. J; will meet in Kellogg Audi-
toriubn onx Tues., Jan. 6, 3 p.m., in-
stead' of Rm. 220, Temporary
Classroom Building.
English Honors Course 197 will
meet ontFri., Jan. 9, 4 p.m., Eng-
lish Sminar Room instead of
Tues., Jan. 6.
ungineering Mechanics Semi-
nar: The Engineering Mechanics
Department is sponsoring a series
of seminars. Meeting, Tues., Jan.
6, 4 p.m., Rm. 406, W. Engineer-
ing Bldg. Mr. R. L. ]'Tes will dis-
cuss topologici methods in non-
linear mechanics.
Physical and Inorganic Chem-
istry Seminar: Tues., Jan. 6, 4:15
p.m., Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg.
Mr. :Seymour Lewin will speak on
"The. Formulae of the Alkali
T ,eaching Fellows Seinar in
Mathematics: 4 pin., Wed,, Jan.
7, 18 Angell Hall.
Agenda: Final Exams and
Grades, . Criticism of Curriculum,
Texts, Criticism of Teaching Fel-
low Program.
Classroom ,Assignments
Courses in German and Philoso-
ohy :
Beginning January 5, the fol-
lowing classes in German which
have been meeting in 206 Univer-
sity Hall will be transferred to the
following locations:
(Continued on Page 6)
all his college mates. There is in-
evitably a narrowing of the circle
of close friends. Limited circles
of friends and associates will
exist, fraternities or not. What
better group of associates than
that in the fraternity of one's
Own choic"
It is . uggested that Mr. Maloy
take inventory of his friends. He
shal discover tHat they are all
of his own choosing.
-Harold W. Rehm, Jr.
False Arguments
To the Editor
RATSE MY HAT to the in-
geniosity of the five Zionist
gentlemen in fabricating argu-
ments in their articles which ap-
peared in this column December
19, 1947. The arguments present-
ed in those articles can best be
described by quoting Mr. Bevin,
as completely "not true."
I think it is fit to remind
Tvessrs. ,lahr. Rose, and Feinberg
that about 500 years have passed
sinco the fifteent1 century. The
Arab countries, whether mon-
archies or republics, all have their
constitutions, houses of represen-
tatives, houses of senates, and
cabinets;: and all the representa-
tives are elected by the people.
As to those tudents who have
exploited the poor people and
came to the U.S. to study aided
by Jewisrh money, there are 30 of
them in this University, and
stran gely enough, 24 of them are
fully and 3 partially dependent
on their governments for their
expenses. Only three arc self-sup-
Judging by some articles that
appeared previously, those men-
tioned sound rather immature.
And as a word of advice to the
gentlemen mentioned, wvhen you
run out of sound asrguwments,
either take your time to think of
ew ones or Aquit.
--Emianutel Mf. Amir.
Not So Expert
To the Editor:
Zionists in The Michigan
Daily of December 19, 1947, give
me a chance to clear something
about what they are trying to
hide by their continuous agres-
sive propaganda.
It is really ridiculous that one
of them pretends to be of out-
standing historical and political
knowledge as to state without hes-
itation that the group of stu-
dents of the Arab countries in the
United States are not representa-
Live of the Arab people, adding
that the Arab people never had
any representative form of gov-
ernment, then concluding how we
did come here by profitable trade
with the Jews. T would prefer very
much to discuss somebody's views
if he is sure of his grounds or
having a slight knowledge about
the subject and so I have to put
facts which must be known.
The Arab countries have par-
liaments whose members are true
representatives of the people and
the governments are based on4
democratic principles of majority
As for the Arab students here,
almost all of them are graduate
students who are government
mission members and are chosen
in open contests in different
fields, and are paid here by their
govermnents themselves which
have never had and will never
have any trade with Zionists.
I add here also that the Egyp-
tian Government, for instance,
sends about 500 graduate students
every year to Europe and the
United States, similar measures
are also taken by the other Arab
governments. wonder how can
such accumulation of well-edu-
cated people have a common in-
terest that "they have come to
learn American technology only
so that they can more efficiently
repress the Arab conunon man
as stated by the great investiga-
For the other Zionists who
mentioned that the Arab's only
crime was to have opposed the
Allied cause during the last war,
I mention a part of Mr. Church-
ill's speech to the House of Com-
mons, February 27, 1945, on the
results of the Yalta Conference:
"The Egyptian governments have,
we feel, acted rightly and wisely
in deciding to declare war on
Germany and Japan. We did not
press the Egyptian Government at
any time to coni into war and
indeed upon more than one occa-
sion in the past our advice has
been to the contrary. Egyptian
troops have during the past war
played an important part. We
have had every facility from
Egypt under the treaty of alli-
As for the other Arab countries,
it is known that they all have col-
laborated with the Allied forces
and most of the Free French
forces which defended fBeer Ha-
kim in Lybia were Arabs from
Syria and Lebanon.
Mr. O'Malley! Dinner
is over. Aunt Minerva
wouldn't wait for you-
* -
Ivnotime for'
food, Barnaby-J~4
I've beco over at the United
Notions all dray long writing
my vituperative plea for the
Pixie Nation of the Council. --
It's oil
- Yes. My office is in the
--cafeteria . .. I was about
to .5y, 4bo, tisgreat
nrgument for justice is _
complete. Except for one
Fait of important data . .,'
Z- 0
2 I& IT.
! can't remember C.j>
ghat our original
grievance was ...
C '
I --l- - ---
M- oaece wi~ win the
IFhevernment sprayed oil on
'But the oil is almost al
C.c. r' , y'3 ! a n sor '!a x