T-1-1:19 MCIIGAN DAILY Aerial-MVinded ol vermnes Ld Nation I O ffens ~M' ets Pae In Attendance; USC Secontd Wolverines Average 76,114_Per Game Chappuis Passes Mliehinan To Leading Offensive Spot , j Whyr Mic higaln Led thy e Coun try i1 Oifp ense I 1 I I I B. S. BROWNC When Southern California trots onto the Rose Bowl gridiron Jan- uary 1, 1948, they will be encoun- tering the top offensive football Michigan's unbeaten and untied team in the nation. Nolverines, topped the nation in Michigan's 3,714 yard offensiv come football attendance as the total was paced by the best pass college season enjoyed another ng attack in the country, whit succeUssful year at the game wit as good for 10.2 yards per trs a per cent over the 1946 totals. 'he average fell slightly shorto A survey of 88 major schools, lie 10.4 record held by the Tuls scattered in all sections of the cam of 1944. ~nation, showed continued high in- ,~terest in the college sport. A total The Wolverine squad thus be- of 11,715,370 saw these teams play amne the first Mid-Western ALear games for an average attend- ta to wein the national pass- ance of 27,960. The 1946 average in g crown since the Knuzte was 26,571 at the same schools. Rockne-Gus Marais dawning era Coach Fritz Crisler's Rose Bowl- 'fteps nmdr otal bound Michigan eleven drew 456,- Bob Chappuis, All - Americs 687 into its Ann Arbor stadium alfback, paced the Wolverir or 76,114 per game. Southern Cali- ierial onslaumght of 1,565 yard fornia was not far behind with total yardage gained. Chap per 438,392 total and a 73,065 average. -onally flipped 86 passes, 480 Penn with 434,106, Ohio State which were snared by Maize anr 'with 428,197 and California with B~lue speedsters for a 976 yan :389,00 rounded out the first five total and 12 touchdowns. Only fiv ,in home attendance. )f the heaves were picked off b: The 104,953 turnout for the "he opposition. Notre Dame-Southern Cal contest "Walt Teninga tossed the pig at Los Angeles the best for a :kin 25 times and came up witl ~single game. Southern Cal and U. completions for 283 yards. Th, ~UCLA played before 102,000 rest of the backfield found thi IMMIEIIATE RESERVATIONS No erviceChrqe Ticket S Delivered Save Money up to $29.15 °aYSave Time Advance Reservations Accepted Courteo~isfy New York....... $118.30 AI9RLiNE ESE VA110 S Ckve~and.*......$ 85.40 707 SOUTH HIlLL Kals City... $745 Room ~ [i cier 3295,j ry. of I.s e aC Jmark on 15 occasions and racked up two scores and 241 yards. Chappuis' connetions wer good for an avrap-~ of 11.6 yards per try, a fiat which g c him a new national record. Th2 Toledo, Ohio, flack had hs best day against Ohio Stagy' when he ran for 0 yards and ticed 1u 217 more on arils. In his th- I ,years at Michigan hie ran and threw for 3,206 yards, 276 short{ of Tommy lrynn' 3,474 yards. Led by Fullback Jack Weisn- burger, the galloping charges cf -oath Fritz Crisler peled off 2,-1 '4(5 yards on 429 rushcs and chalked up 345 points on 50 ouchdowns and 45 conversions.I Jim Brieske, thcxmechanical toe," split the uprights on all 45 occasions to rate as Michi- gan's second highest scorer for the year. The iark fell two short of. the record held jointly by Dick Walterhouse of Army and George Jernigan of Geor- gia. Bump Elliott not only paced the Conference sores but led all Big- Nine point-getters as he crossed the final chalk stripe nine times in the nine contests piayed. le failed to sore against. Wisconsin but picked up two TUDT, in the Hoosier game. Elliott also led the Big Nine pass receivers as he plucked his back- field mates' tosses 14 times for two six-pointers and 303 yards. Michigan set a modern Con- ference record when it gained 5.85 yards every time a play was attemp~ted, and its 172 points led the Conference scoring. The apposition was able to garner 40 against the Maize and Blue in the six Big Nine games. Gene Derricott also copped Conference honors with th best punt return average of 25.1 yards. Of his five touchdown jaunts, two came on long run-backs of punts. Other honors gained by the 1947 Wolverines: First time since 1939 that a Big Nine team has lead the nation in total of- fense; first Big Nine team to av- erage aver 400 yards a game; and the first undefeated, untied Michigan season since 1932. Jeff Cravath and his USC team will be facing the team that did all this, and their job won't be an easy one. PLAY OF THE YEAR- Bob Mann's 51 yard broken field run to a touchdown in the North- western game. MICHIGAN'S SAFETY MEN, Gene Derricotte and Bump El- liott had three punt returns for touchdowns during the course of the season. Derricotte, who led the nation in this division, tallied once in this manner against Pitt and against Wis- consin. lie also returned a punt 60 yards in the Northwestern game setting up a Michigan touchdown. Elliott's all-impor- tant run came in the Illinois game and started the Wolver- ines off to their 14-7 triumph. Total First Downs Rus ing.. . ... Passing ........,. . Pcnalti s....... "Tet Yards Gained- Rushing........... Number of Rushes . Net Yards Gained- i-assing ........... *Total Yards Gained Forward Passes Attempted........ Forward Passes Coampleted......... Forward. Passes Intercepted By .. Yards. Interceptions Returned.......... Numb: r of Punts .. Yards Punts Returned Kickoffs Returned by Yards.,Kickoffs Returned..... Fumbles By ......... Opponents Fumbles Recovered by ...... Number of Penalties Yards Penalized . Aotal Points Scored.. 2149 1159 429 371 1565 764 3714 1923 155 145 77 61 26 16 Mich. 154 1000 46 01). 90 61 28 2 Chappuis, hb . . ..113 C. Elliott, hb .... 68 Weisenburger, fb . 101 Fonde, hb........ 25 Peterson, fb...... 35 Derricotte, hb ... 28 M~tnn, e.......... 15 PAS SING Chappuis, hb .. ..86 529 454 718 104 121 171 130 0 48 14193 E4386 E 913 1183 11298 9761 3.7 6.4 6.7I 3.3 6.0 8.6 12 Der ricotte, hb . Teniriga,lib . Elliott, qb ...... RECD'I Rifenburg, e McNeill, c..... C. Elliott, hb .. Mann, e ....... .wuick, hb ...... Ford, ce........ 'Yerges, qb..... C. Elliott, hb .. .11 6 79 flBrieske, c .....0 45 45 .25 11 283 0 Weisenburger, fb . .7 0 42 8 5 70 1 Derricotte. hb . ..5 0 30 Chiappuis, hb ... .5 0 30 I ING Mann, e...........4 0 24 Fonde, hb ........3 0 18 Peterson, fb.,.....3 0 18 S~Rifenburg, a .....3 0 18 ~IYerges, qb .......3 0 18 t ~Teninga, back ......2 0 12 6 6 "Kuick. hb.......2 0 12 .3 115 0rQFord,ea.......... 0 12 ,.16 318 2 Dwor~sky, c ......1 0 6 .12 302 3 Kempthorn, fb .... 1 0 6 5 12,5 1-_ 3 i11 1 PASS O~F THJE YEAR-B~ob .11 117 3 Cbppuis' heave to ump Elioatt in the closin~g minutes of the TD1 PAT PointsI first 'half of the Milnnesota .) 0 54 game. R COR~D BREAKER - lab Chappuis, Michigan's 1,000 yard a year man, whose trusty right arm passed the Wolverines to a IWestcrn Conference and a Rose Bowl appointment. The Chap set a new national record of 11.6 yards per pass attempt and broke the famed Tom Har- man's Big Nine game yardage average, running and passing for 169.2 yards per contest. 314 34 738 11 101 36 110 37 189 767 26 34 14 14 27 21 245 191 345. ..53 li ,/ G R EE NE'S Mi czo clean V UNDER THE MICROSCOPE 516 East Liberty H. . S PITZLIE Y HEATING COMPANY S]PITZLEY-RIETTENMIER SHEET METAL COMPANY Subsidiary " PLUMBING -- HEATING -- REFRIGERATION VENTILATING - INDUSTRIAL PIPING AIR CONDITIONING rnvne : -, - '. v The PA R T~etau'paht p GOOD FOOD REASONABLE PRICES U LUNCH from 11 A.M. - 2 P.m. DINNER from 5 P.m. - 7:30 P.m. fj Open 6 days a week from 7 A.M. - 7:30 P.M. Closed Sunadays - 4 'te " s r " J Tel. Cadillac 0840 1 200 Fort St. Wes Detroit 26, Michigan GENERAL SERVICE BUILDING ENGINEERING COLLEGE ADDITION SCHOOL OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION CHEMISTRY BUILDING ADDITION 0 st Jr fIn SXI pience .0. R. L. Spitzley, 191 1E J. H. Spitzley, 1938E P WE KNOW THE 89et IN SPORTS "I A " p. B~wear RAB I DEAU-HARR IS Formal Clothes W It The best colors-Maize and Blue S The best nicknameW-Wolverines The best coach-Fritz Crisler The best conference-Big Nine The best in the IBig' Nine-Michigan The best Bowl-The Rose Bowl The best in the Rose Bowl--Michigan Tuxedos Talls. . 44.5Ou p 49.50 up low FRITZ CRISLER and TEAM-- Michigan is proud of your fine record and feels confident of another win come January 1, 1948. REP NF'S GOOD LUCK! v vN.,D "LUCK I