Lw qA6rn
Dali Ir
Latest Deadline in the State
s Cagers
43-38 byv
Michigan State Five
Spartan Center Brannun Sparks
Agoressive Office in Second Half
(Special to The Daily)
Minus the services of Star For-
ward Mack Suprunowicz, Michi-
gan's basketball team suffered its
first setback of the infant cam-
paign, falling to a surprisingly
strong Michigan tate quintet here
tonight 43-38.
The Wolverines, who' defeated
Western State Saturday failed to
hold a 25-23 half-time advantage,
as the Lansing lads staged an all-
Senate Okays
Naming Grain
House May Consider
Legislation Today
By The Associated Press
Legislation clearing the way for
publication of the names of heavy
traders in commodities was passed
by the Senate tonight and sent to
the House.
Speaker Martin (Rep., Mass.)
told reporters the House will con-
sider it tomorrow "if we can."
The Senate action, on a voice
vote, came soon after President
Truman said that names held by
the Agriculture Department
should be made public, but Con-
gress must vote approval before it
could be done.
The President said Congress
had no right to get the list "in se-
Secretary Anderson, the Presi-
dent said, "properly refected" a
proposal by the Senate Appro-
priations Committee that he sup-
ply the list of speculators to the
committee on a confidential basis,
pending authorization by Con-
gress of full disclosure.
Congress should "take some ac-
tion" permitting Anderson to dis-
close the list publicly, Mr. Tru-
man told a news conference.
The conference topped a busy
day in the search for commodity
speculators-s0me of whom, ac-
cording to Harold ~E. Stassen, are
members of the government, en-
gaged in deals for profit based on
confidential, official information.
The House voted for a broad in-
vestigation of commodity specula-
tion and the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee voted to ask Con-
gress to direct Secretary Ander-
son to make public the Agricul-
ture Department's data on who
bought commodities heavily, and
on what dates.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-Pres-
ident Truman said today he has
no intention of leaving the United
States for another "Big Three"~
meeting, but would be glad to
see Premier Stalin, if the Russian
leader wants to come to Washing-
The President tolds a news con-
ference he has not been in direct
contact with Stalin recently.
* *
LONDON, Dec. 18-Foreign
Secretary Ernest Bevin charged
today that Russia had "ordered"
her neighboring nations to stay
out of the Marshall lan, thus
violating "their independence
and sovereignty."
* *
drei A. Gromyko charged "certain
influential circles" in the United
States today with preventing an
agreement on atomic energy con-
trol and demanded that the Unit-
ed Nations stop "killing time" on
"useless" discussions.
Unclaimed Vet Checks
Checks are held at; the Ann
out second half attack to make
their season opener a complete
It was the aggressive mid-court
ball-hawking and excellent pivot
play of the Spartan center, Bob
Brannum, that was a constant
thorn in the side of the Maize and
Blue. The former All-American
hoopster at Kentucky in 1944, who
transferred to State this spring,
delighted the partisan crowd of
7,633 as he paced the evening's
scorers with a total of 14 points,
earned on five goals and four
The spark plug Brannum was
forced to retire with five personal
fouls with four minutes to play,
but the Spartans commanded a
respectable 43-36 lead at the
Lanky Bill Roberts, Michigan's
starting center who was given
a rough going over by Brannum'
tossed in a foul shot immnediately'
after the Spartan ace left the
floor to make the score 43-37.
At this point, the home quin-
tet, which bowed twice to Mich-
igan last year, did a terrific job
of freezing the ball. Don Mac-
Michigan Hockey Team defeats
Toronto, 3-2.
See Page 3
Intosh's charity toss for the Wol-
verines was the only tally made in
the final three and one half min-
The Spartans kissed each other
as they left the floor with their
hard-earned victory. It was the
game they wanted to win above
all else, not oonly because of the
tradition-steeped rivalry between
the two schools, but because they
wanted to win it for their head
coach who recently underwent a
Tonight's game was the first
season opener that Van Alstyne
failed to direct in his 22 years as
head hoop mentor here.
Assistant Coach Al Kircher,
made clever use of the Spartan
substitutes, especially in the sec-
ond half.
Once again Capt. Bob Harrison
was Michigan's chief poiit-pro-
ducer, racking up 13 tallies on four
baskets and five fouls. Bill Mik-
(Continued on Page 3)
Ne'w Degree
Offered by 'U'
Dental Hygienists Get
Four-Year Program
Dental hygiene students will be
given the opportunity to work
toward a Bachelor of Science de-
gree under the new four-year pro-
gram instituted in the School of
Established to meet the increas-
ing demand for dental hygienists,
the program will be in addition
to the regular two year course
leading to a certificate in the field,
Dean Russell W. Bunting, of the
dentistry school explained.
Planned for women interested
in assuming careers of leadership
in dental hygiene, the course will
be of especial benefit to women
desiring to teach in the field, Dean
Bunting said.
This is the last regular issue
of the 1947 Daily. Publication
will be resumed Jan. 6,
Court Hears
Dascola Say
Not Guilty'
Set Trial Dec. 26;
IRA Dissatisfied
DominicDascola, local barber,
pleaded not guilty yesterday to
charges of violating a Michigan
civil liberties statute by denying
service to a Negro customer.
Dascola appeared in municipal
court following complaint of Wil-
liam H. Grier, '48M. Trial was set
for 2 p.m. Dec. 26.
IRA Sponsored
The case was filed in conjunc-
tion with the Inter-Racial Asso-
ciation's "Operation Haircut," a
drive to eliminate discrimination
in local barber shops. IRA mem-
bers expressed dissatisfaction with
the trial date, saying most of the
students who were witnesses
I would be away for Christmas va-
Lee Salk, educational director of
IRA, said Dascola is not only vio-
lating the law, but also disregard-
ing the wishes of many student
customers as expressed in a recent
opinion poll taken by the Student
Dascola refused to comment on
any phase of the7 trial when con-
tacted by The Daily yesterday.
Based on Diggs Act
Violation of sections 146 and
147 of the Diggs Act, under which
the barber is being prosecuted, is
classed as a misdemeanor and
carries with it maximum penal-
ties of $100 fine and 90 days in
A similar case, involving a Uni-
versitybgraduate student and a
local bartender was brought be-
fore a jury in municipal court last
year and returned with a verdict
of not guilty.
To Goon Sale
After Holiday
J-Hop tickets will go on sale
the first week after Christmas va-
cation at the booth in University
Hall, according to Bruce Lock-
wood, ticket chairman.
Tickets will be issued in two
colors to distinguish between Fri-
day and Saturday tickets. It will
be necessary for students to pre-
sent their approved applications
before tickets may be issued. The
price of tickets will be $7.50.
Ticket complaints and related
J-Hop problems will be heard and
adjustments made at a special
gripe session to be held from 9:45
o 11:45 a.m. today in Rm. 2 Uni-
versity Hall.
The bands of Sonny Dunham
and Tommy Dorsey will play for
the traditional J-Hop to be pre-
sented from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.
Friday and Saturday, Feb. 6 and 7
in the Intramural Building.
Both bands will complete holi-
day engagements in the East coast
before beginning their westward
tours of universities and colleges.
Sonny Dunham, top-flight trum-
pet and trombone stylist, will al-
ternate dance sets with Tommy
Dorsey at both the Friday and
Saturday presentations of J-Hop.
Featured with the Dunham band
will be Pete Hanley while Dor-
sey's personnel will include Ziggy
Elman, and Lucy Ann and Gordon
Plans are underway for the
breakfast to be held at the Union
and League following the dances.
Coeds will be granted 4 a.m. per-
mission to attend the breakfasts.
Informal off-night dances will be
scheduled at the League and Un-
ion Ballrooms for J-Hop weekend.
ONE CHAMP TO ANOTHER-Former point-a-minute Wolverine
Willie Heston (right) recalling the 1902 Rose Bowl victory as he
wished good luck to Bob Chanpuis (left) and other members of
the team just before their embarkation for the West yesterday.
Students Cheer Wolveriines
In Sub-Twenty Temperatures
Braving temperatures in the
sub-twenties, a spirited throng of
about 400 students and friends
gave the Rose Bowl-bound Wol-
verines a hearty send-off yester-
day at the Ann Arbor depot.
As the team boarded the Mer-
cury at 1:31 p.m., the crowd broke
out with "The Victors" and "Cal-
fornia Here I Come." Players al-
ready on board, many of them
lipstick-smeared, grinned back
and waved as the crowd fol-
lowed with several 'M' yells.
Before the train's arrival, shiv-
ering and stamping players wait-
ing outside the station were inter-
viewed by radio stations WJR and
WHRV, and by local newsmen.
Bill Pritula, one of four players
who took his wife on the train,
said, "We get off the train Sat-
urday morning and go straight to
the field for practice. We're com-
ing back the day after the game-
not much time spent in sunny
The Pritulas, standing with the
three other wives, were at that
moment being filmed by J. T.
T rumcanits
'Tax Reduction
Says Large Sorplus
Does Not Justify Cut
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18--(')-
President Truman spoke out to-
day against any immediate cut
in taxes shortly after Rep. Knut-
son ( Rep.-Minn.) introduced what
he described as a "veto proof" bill
to scale down the individual in-
come tax burden by $5,600,000,000.
The President took his stand at
a news conference when a reporter
called to heis attention recurrent
reports that the federal budget
will develop a $7,000,000,000 sur-
talus in the current fiscal year,
half again as much as Mr. Tru-
man's latest estimate. What ef-
feet would such a surplus have
on his tax views, the reporter in-
The President said he does not
believe such a surplus would jus-
tify a tax reduction.
He declined, however, to say;
definitely whether he would op-
pose a tax cut next year. That
question will be answered, he said,
when he delivers his message to
Congress next month on the state
Ways and Means Committee
of the union.
White, who brought his movie
The Wolverines became typical
Esquire-men for the sendoff, all
wearing hats, and several sporting
yellow and blue ties.
One of the best-dressed was
Bob Mann, who wore a snappy
bow-tie while bidding goodbye to
four girls at the station.
Though the spectators were in
high spirits, several complained
about the weather, one saying
(Continued on Page 6)
* *
Cities Across
Qnitinent Will
To Request
570 Million
China Included
Ii Senate Plan
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18- The
Senate Appropriations Committee
recommended tonight that Con-
gress vote $570,000,000, including
$20,000,000 for China, for emer-
gency foreign aid.
Working until late into the1
night, the committee voted to rec-;
ommend to the Senate tomorrowf
that it approve appropriations
$61,000,000 larger than those ap-
proved earlier this week by the
House. .
China Funds AddedI
The $20,000,000 for China was
not in the House bill.
In addition the committee rec-
ommended an appropriation of
$490,000,000 for government costs1
and relief in occupied Germany,
Japan and Korea.
This figure was the amount
asked by the army, and represents
an increase of $260,000,000 over
the $230,000,000 approved by the
Chairman Bridges ,(Rep., N.H.)
told newsmen the bill, which car-
ries a total of $1,091,246,500, or
$318,520,000 more than was voted
by the House late yesterday, was
approved unanimously.
The newly recommended amount
for foreign aid is $27,000,000 un-
der the $597,000,000 authorized
by Congress earlier in the present,
special session for stop-gap relief
to France, Italy and Austria.
Farm Bureau
Asks Controls
Federation Advocates
VaryingParity Scale
CHICAGO, Dec. 18- (P) - The
American Farm Bureau Federa-
tion adopted a program today call-
ing for a continuation of govern-
ment price supports, but on a
varying scale of 60 to 90 per cent
of parity, regardless of whether
marketing quotas are imposed.
Meanwhile, Allen B. Kline, 52,
of Des Moines and Vinton, Ia.,
stockman and World War 1 vet-
eran, was elected federation presi-
dent succeeding Edward A. O'Neal,
retiring after serving since 1931.
Under the present government
price support program which ends
the last day of 1948, prices of 90
per cent of parity are guaranteed
on basic and other various com-
n~odities. Parity is the theoretical
price given to a farm product to
represent its purchasing power in
some past favorable period, usu-
ally 1909-14.
Marketing quotas were in ef-
feet prior to America's entry into
World War 2. They restricted the
amount of farm products a farm-
er could send to market, provided
the farmer did not comply with
production allotments determined
by the government. Any market-
ing done above quotas was done
without benefit of price supports.
Senate Approves
Measure to Curb
Inflation, 77 to,10
T1aft's 3-Point Bill Rushed to House
For Action Before Session Adjourns
By The Associated Press
Senate today approved a three-
point Republican anti-inflation
program by a vote of 77 to 10 and
sent it posthaste to the House for
action before the special session
adjourns tomorrow.
In a final burst of speed against
time and inflation threats the
Senate adopted the bill introduced
by Senator Taft (R.-O.), which
would :
1. Authorize the President to
consult with industry, business
and agriculture representatives
to encourage voluntary agree-
ments designed to hold prices in
line without actual price fixing.
MCAF Backs
SL on Eisler
Debate Issue
Resolution Condemns
Recent 'Mob Tactics'
A resolution condemning the
mob tactics used against Gerhart
Eisler Monday night, and backing
the Student Legislature's drive to
bring Eisler back to speak on cam-
pus was unanimously passed last
night at the second meeting of the
University chapter of the Michi-
gan Council for Academic Free-
The resolution laid the blame
for the mob on the refusal of Uni-
versity officials to permit Eisler
to speak on campus, and recom-
mended that disciplinary action
be taken against participants in
the disturbance.
Copies of the resolution will be
mailed to President Ruthven and
University officials.
Letters of apology to Eisler and
Carl Marzani were signed by rep-
resentatives of several campus or-
ganizations, after being presented
by Ed Shaffer, MYDA chairman.
Another motion was passed to
,investigate University by-laws and
to examine the criteria unde
which the Student Affairs Con-
mittee operates with reference to
the NSA Bill of Rights.
* * *
Ruthven Refers
Eisler Debate
Explaining that the University's
banning of Gerhart Eisler was not
a blanket refusal, President Alex
ander G. Ruthven yesterday to
Student representatives that their
proposal for a debate in which the
Communist would participat
would have to be cleared by the
University Lecture Committee.
In their meeting Tuesday, the
Student Legislature voted to spon-
sor a debate between Eisler and a
qualified University speaker as a
"face-saving device," following
the near riot on campus Monday
The Legislature's Educational
and Cultural Committee, which is
handling the proposal, plans to
contact Prof. Carl G. Brandt,
chairman of the University Lec-
ture Committee, after the holi-
days, Mim Levy, co-chairman said.
2. Extend export controls
through Feb. 28, 1949.
3. Continue transportation con-
trols through Feb. 28, 1949.
Democrats battled unsuccess-
fully for two days to write tough-
ening amendments into the bill,
but with few exceptions fell in
line in support of it on the final
vote after minority leader Bark-
ley (Ky.) declared he found "more
good than bad" in the measure.
Two Presidential Requests
Barkley noted that the bill as
Taft introduced ithcontained two
sections of the President's 10-
point cost of living program-eX-
tension of export and transporta-
tion controls.
'M' Band
Following the scent of ioses, the
Michigan Marching Band will
march across the continent to
Pasadena, or at least part of the
way, to wish everyone a "Happy
New Year" from the Rose Bowl.
The 131 double-time marchers
will hoof it through Denver, Salt
Lake City in rehearsal drills and
they will parade through San
Francisco and Los Angeles on the
way out.
In the bowl the musical aggre-
gation will half-step to a Happy
New Year theme with a new for-
mation for each month of 1948.
The first number will be "Hi,
Neighbor" followed by special for-
Among the formations are a
shamrock, for March, with an
Irish jig danced to "When Irish
Eyes Are Smiling;" a fish for Au-
gust with "Three Little Fishes" as
musical accompaniment: and
themes of Fred Allen, Jack Benny,
Blondie, Bob Hope, Baby Snooks,
and Mortimer Snerd played in
radio tower formation to mark
the return of the big radio shows
in Sept ember.
"Dry Bones" will be the music
for the October cross-bones line-
up followed by a turkey for No-
(Goit"Anued on Page 6)
Federalist Poll
Results Favor
Incomplete results of the United
World Federalist poll on their for-
ldgn aid resolution indicated 85
per cent Support on? campus, Deb-
hy 1:abinowitz, chairman of the
campus chapter's survey commit=
tee announced yesterday.
"The Christmas rush has hit us.
Final polling and announcement
of exactetotals will not be done
until after Christmas Vacation,'
Miss Rabinowitz said.
Percentage results so far indi-
cate West Lodge 85 per cent fa-
vorable, East and West Quadran-
gles 80 per cent, Helen Newberry
90 per cent, Mosher Jordan and
Michigan League dinner line 85
And the Kentuckian said the
Democrats had been able to add
two more of the less controver-
sial points to the President's pro-
gram by way of amendments.
These provided for (A) a food
conservation program in this
country, and (B) promotion of
food and feed production in non-
European countries.
House Groups Stand By
The House Rules and Banking
Committees are standing by pre-
pared to clear the bill for House
consideration tomorrow.
Speaker Martin (R.-Mass.) told
a reporter "The House will prob-
ably stand by the Senate bill and
let the Democrats offer any sub-
stitute they want."
Senate Republicans repulsed aU
Democratic efforts to Amend the
three-point GOP measure so as
to give the President mandatory
powers to enforce the voluntary
industry-wide agreements which
is the keystone of the Republican
House Votes
To Investigate
'Grey Market'
WASHINGTON, Dec. 18-(/P)-
. Congressional investigation of
"Grey Market" operations was
voted unanimously by the House
today to stamp out or expose
"conspiratorial practices which
seriously undermine and threaten
;he national economy."
Withouta dissenting voice, the
'esolution authored by 'Rep. Macy
(Rep., N.Y.) was adopted after
lep. Clarence Brown (Rep., Ohio)
told the House that "Grey Mar-
'let" practices have jeopardized
he nation's public works program
mnd the construction of new
Brown said the resolution was
)riginally worded to investigate
black market" operation, but he
,xplained that the phrase "Black
Market" no longer applies since
price controls have been lifted.
"In these so-called Grey Mar-
kets, many commodities are sold
in peculiar ways at prices higher
than the going prices," Brown
The resolution authorizes the
House Public Works Committee
to undertake the investigation and
hold nationwide hearings with the
power to subpoena witnesses and
Brown, himself a publisher, said
-peculation in newsprint has
)oosted the price of that commod-
ity and there is no particular law
against it," But, he said, the
"spotlight of publicity will have
a, great moral effect" in wiping
jut such practices.
Rep. McCormack (Dem., Mass.)
told the House of a Massachusetts
contractor who paid $15 a keg for
nails on the "Grey Market" com-
pared with the "legitimate price"
of $6 a keg.
Professors To Speak
At Language Convention
Five University professors Will
appear on the program of the
IFC Yuletide Party Hwii Success
Mass Exodus Awaited Today
As cU' Students 'Stick It Out'
Check Senior Pictures
All seniors who ordered pic-
tures for the Michiganensian
are asked to check their orders
as soon as possible with Hen-
derson 'Studios, second floor,
Student Publications Building,
or call 2-3241.
They're nailing the roof back on
Hill Auditorium today-the IFC's
first post-war Christmas party
was a HOWLING success.
With over 2,500 wild and ex-
huberant Ann Arbor small fry as
their guests, campus' fraternity
The opening of the show was
held up slightly because the "Ger-
man Band" from Ann Arbor High
School got into dutch and had
to stay after school. IFC clowns
filled the interim fighting, skip-
ping rope, and clubbing each oth-
er. much to the children's delight.
through their hour-long Olson
and Johnson routine. The kids
howled as actors dove off the stage
into the elevator pit, doused each
other with water, and tried to cut
Bud Mitchell's hair with hedge
mATOI ,f - - an f...II- - f %;: i
The student rush homeward un-
expectedly hung fire yesterday as
transportation officials reported
plenty of students buying tickets
but few actually going home.
With the University at its high-
est enrollment in history, and
students electing to stick around
for that last bitter class, train
want them in order to be sure of
making their trains.
Smith urged students to take
advantage of the two extra trains
scheduled for today in order to
avoid aisle-standing on the reg-
ular trains.
Both extra trains will be ready
for occupancy one hour ahead
of departure time. Smith said.