WAGE TWO t 7THE MICHIGAN fLATLY THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1947 i ra ,. .. a.. ..,.... .. :.,. .:.. ~n..r v ca re +v -r.a.. a : ilfty-Eighth Year MATTER OF FACT: Troubled A llies BILL MAULDIN Letters to the Editor ... Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board In Control of Student Publications. .Iohn Campbell ...................Managing Editor rancy Helmick ...................General Manager Olyde ect ......................City Editor eanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz....................Associate Editor D&ck raU ......................Sports Editor Bob Lent..............Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: ARTHUR HIGBEE I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Soviet Inflatton By SAMUEL GRAFTON HERE IS A NOTE of glee in most Amer- ican comment on the discovery that Russia, too, has an inflation. But there is something sad in this delight, and some- thing undignified. The anxiety of many American editors to prove that Russia is no better off than the West, that she is having the same postwar troubles as everybody else, has something wan and sickly and de- fensive about it. It suggests that we are nervous about compalisonis between our system and theirs, and are delighted when we can score a point, which we then joyously address to the non-listening, and perhaps non-existent, judges of the great debate. But we are not going to win this quarrel in this way. Your man of size does not hope to save himself through the misfortunes of another. What difference does it make to us what happens to Russia? Our job is to make something good happen to ourselves. The Russian plan for countering infla- tion is a crude one. It is based on calling In the people's savings, and replacing them with a lesser number of new rubles. Like all currency repudiation, it involves a breach of promise. And even if it were the best plan in the world, the manner in which it has been presented, full-blown and complete, to the Russian people, as if they were so many children, unfit to dis- cuss their own problems, or to participate in the solutions, would be sufficient to make it repulsive. But it is a plan. The only way we can win this argument is not to show that the Russians have as bad an inflation as we have, but that we have a better plan than they have. So far we have none at all in operation. Our delight in the discovery of Russia's inflation is euxiously revelatory. It lights up, I think, everything that is wrong in the attitude we are carrying into the struggle against our vast opponent. It hints that we hope to win, not by our own successes, but by the other fellow's failures, by the chance that he may yet stumble on a banana skin, or bump his head against a cupboard door. But we don't really need these crossed fingers, and these malign Wishes. We have so many better ways of doing what has to be done. We can, by democratic process, decide on rationing, for example, which in- volves no currency repudiation, and takes no money from anyone, but which tempo- rarily sterilizes excess wartime gains, and keeps them from competing in the market: place for the necessities of life. It seems to me we were sounder in the old days, when we depended on our own efforts to keep up our place in the world, and when we considered that what others were doing was of importance chiefly in Providing themes for the National Geo- graphic Magazine. In former years that publication would have run some photo- graphs of Russian girls in picturesque native costumes turning in their pic- turesque native rubles, and that would have been that. We had a kind of self-confidence, then, By JOSEPH ALSOP jONDON-There is a strong tendency, in the American administration, in the Congress and among our people, to take the British for granted. No doubt there will also be a tendency to take the French and Ital- ians for granted, now that the Communists have been vanquished. This is plain folly. If the interim aid bill had not been about to pass Congress, both French and Italian governments would have been dangerously anemic and uncertain in their response to the Communist challenge. Neither in Rome nor Paris, could the present disturbances have ended well. In a different way, despite the weakness of the British Communist Party, the same rule applies here in Britain. If most Englishmen were not counting on the reg- ular Congressional session to pass the European recovery program, Britain would now be desperately searching for a new foreign policy. "Of course, every infgrmed man realizes that if we throw ourselves into the arms of the Soviet Union, we must end in the status of Czechoslovakia," one member of ITt Seems to Me By DON NUECHTERLEIN THE CASE of Gerhardt Eisler has pro- voked a wave of criticism against the University by certain elements of the stu- dent body, but after' all the rabble-rousing has subsided and tempers have cooled down I believe most students will agree that 'under the circumstances the University's action was justified. In the first place, one most important question should be answered before we pass judgment on the University for any of its actions, namely: "To whom is the, University responsible for its administra- tion and policy, the students or to the community and the state of Michigan?" Certainly the University is not responsible to the students, for we are not stockholders in this institution as we might be in a corporation. The students of the University. are enrolled here under the rules and reg- ulations as set down by a Board of Re- gents which is responsible to the people of this state, and not to the wishes of the students on campus. Thus, when President Ruthven banned the use of University fa- cilities by Gerhardt Eisler, he was guided by the public opinion of Michigan's citizens and not by the cries of MYDA and other groups of students. The University is as much justified in its action against Eisler as it is in pro- hibiting the use of automobiles on cam- pus by students, or in prohibiting smok- ing in class buildings. For the University has a reputation at stake, and regardless of what the situation may be, its first responsibility is to keep high standards in this institution and carry out the wishes of the people of this state. The question then arises as to why Eisler should be banned? After all he should be able to exercise the right of free speech as guaranteed by our constitution. But before one passes judgment he should first realize that Eisler has been convicted of contempt of Congress for not answering whether or not he is a member of the Amer- ican Communist Party. Many arguments can be raised as to why he did not commit himself, but the fact remains that he is un- der conviction and for this reason the Uni- versity has a just cause for not permitting him the use of its facilities. Another point to be considered is that Eisler himself admits membership in the German Communist Party. If Eisler is a good Communist, and most people have little doubt of that, he must follow the policy of the Kremlin quite diligently. This policy calls for the overthrow of the capitalist system by force is necessary and establishment of a dictatorship of the working class. Thus it seems highly ironical that a man who doesn't believe in our system of government nor in our constitutional rights should use them to protect his right of free speech. How would it then be possible for the University of Michigan to allow Eisler the use of its buildings without bringing a storm of protest from the citizens of this state that the University is condoning the prin- ciples of Eisler? By its action the Univer- sity is protecting not only itself but the students on campus who do not believe Eisler's theories, but who might be called Communists by persons who did not know the true situation. This incident has, however, made it clear that the University should clarify its rules regarding guest speakers spon- sored by recognized student organizations. There are many students on campus who are interested in hearing men like Eisler, not because they believe them, but because they want to know what they have to say. It is my suggestion that in the fu- ture, a man such as Eisler (providing he has not been convicted of any charges brought against him) should be given a full hearing in hill Auditorium so that any student who wants to can hear what he the government bleakly remarked to this reporter. "But it's also true that we can't conceivably feed our people, keep our in- dustry going and meet our expensive over- seas commitments, without a broad, con- structive American effort to put the Western World on its feet again. If you weren't very generously and wisely making that effort, we should be forced-by bankruptcy if for no other reason-to try a new policy of making a deal with the Soviets." This man was certainly exaggerating considerably. There is not much need to fear an actively pro-Soviet British policy. Yet the results will be grave if the Eu- ropean recovery bill is gutted or rejected by the Congress. Britain will certainly turn bitterly against the United States, and Britain will immediately divest herself of all the world burdens-such as the burden of the German occupation-which she is now bearing in common with us. The Soviets have their eye on this pos- sibility, as the signing of a temporary Anglo-Soviet trade agreement plainly sug- gests. Furthermore, even if we do what the British regard as our share of the joint job, there is another problem to be considered. Behind the petty imitations, mentioned in a previous report, the Anglo-American rela- tionship conceals a very curious psycholog- ical problem. Very briefly, the great Winston Chur- chill's greatest single feat of political virtuosity was the way he dealt with our government. Therefore, the American offi- cials reacted rather in the way a pam- pered convalescent might react, if his nurse, instead of bringing up his breakfast tray, suddenly embarked on a long hor- rible recital about her own aching back, This obscure but important emotion is capable, in itself, of producing serious and harmful divergences of Anglo-American pol- icy. In short, the Anglo-American partner- ship wants some very careful re-thinking, if it is to become, as it obviously must be- come, the central factor in the West's resist- ance to Soviet aggression. (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) Education Report A RECENT REPORT by President Tr'u- man's commission on higher education has recommended an overhauling of the American educational system to eliminate European concepts in favor of a system which is more pertinent "to the needs of the free citizens of our democracy," to elim- inate racial segregation, and the "quota system" which discriminates against racial and religious groups. It suggested a wide-spread distribution of "community colleges," similar to the present junior colleges to make at least 14 years of education available to all qualified students. The committee's goal is 4,600,000 students in college by 1960. There are approximately 2,340,000 enrolled in the nation's colleges at the present time. The committee, headed by Dr. George F. Zook, president of the American Council -on Education, has made several specific proposals: "1. Reorienting educational programs and administration to the needs of democ- racy. Sweeping changes in curriculums. 2. Increasing college enrollment by 1960 to a minimum of 4,600,000 youths between 18 and 21 years old, and 600,000 in profes- sional and graduate schools. 3. Healing the present rift between edu- cation for work and education for life. 4. Eliminating the "quota system" op- erating in many schools and colleges and the segregation of whites and Negroes. 5. Revising graduate and professional school education to make it effective for training well-rounded persons. 6. Expanding federal government support of higher education. 7. Expanding adult education. 8. Distributing federal aid to education in a manner that will aid the poorer states to bring their educational standards closer to the quality of the wealthier states." The committee has laid down a good basic program hittinlg the broad general defects and insufficiences of our educational system. Increasing enrollment in our already crowded colleges will be a difficult and ex- pensive task but eliminating racial prej- udice and validly improving the training offered will be the primary and most for- midable problems. Racial prejudice is not erased with dol- lars; nor is a more democratic education assured necessarily by changing text books. It is important to our philosophy of life to educate all the people, but it is more important to have something pertinent and valuable to teach them. -Alice Brinkman. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300twords are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. The Wolf Pack To the Editor: "Don't stop talkin' politics 'cause I'm instructions cover only traffic regulations." here, fellers. Me DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). Notices THURSDAY, DEC. 18, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 74 Veterans who are attending school under Public Law 16 are cautioned to consult their train- ing officers before making. any changes in course elections. Fail- ure to obtain clearance for course changes may result in suspension or complete loss of educational benefits under Public Law 16. Veterans enrolled under Public Law 346 who do not plan to be in school during the Spring Semester 1948 are requested to make this fact knbwn to their training offi- cer prior to Friday, January 16, 1948. Faculty and Veteran Students: The final date for the approval of requisitions for the purchase of books, equipment and specialssup- plies will be Wednesday, Jan. 7, 1948. New York State Veterans: At- tention is called to the fact that New York State World War II Veterans' Bonus Law will go into effect January 1, 1948. Every vet- eran who believes he is eligible should obtain a full size photosta- tic copy of his original discharge, certificate of service, or other sep- aration documents which show period, length, and place of serv- ice. A veteran must have been a resident of the State of New York six months prior to entry into service, and must be a legal resi- dent of the State at the time of filing application although at- tending school outside of the State. The period of service covered by the bonus is from December 7, 1941 to September 2, 1945. Every county in the State of New York has a County Veterans' Service Agency under the name of the county where veterans may receive state bonus information. No applications for the bonus will be available prior to December 31, 1947. At a meetig of the University Committee on Student Discipline held Decenber 16, 1947, two stu- dents who were found guilty of irregular practices in connection with the student election held Thursday, November 6, were fined twenty-five dollars each and were deprived of the privilege of par- ticipating in extracurricular ac- tivities for the remainder of the current school year 1947-48. E. A. Walter Dean of Students Student Driving Regulations will be suspended for the Christ- mas vacation period, beginning at noon on Fri., Dec. 19, 1947, and ending at 8:00 a.m. on Mon., Jan. 5, 1948. A University regulation requires that all students leaving Ann Ar- bor for extended vacations must return libraryhbooks before their departure. The purpose of this regulation is to insure the avail- ability of books for scholars who wish to use them while the Uni- versity is not in session. In accordance with this rule, students planning to spend Christmas vacaion outside of Ann Arbor must return library books to the Charging Desk of the General Library (or the proper Division Library) before leaving the city. Special permission to charge books for use outside Ann Arbor may be given in case of urgent need. Arrangements must be made at the Charging Desk for books from the General Library or with Librarians in charge of Di- visional Libraries. Students taking library books from Ann Arbor without permis- sion are liable to a fine of $1.00 General Library Hours: During the University vacation the GeneralhLibrary will be open 8 a.m-6 p.m. daily, beginning Fri., Dec. 19, except on the following days when it will be closed: All Sundays, Dec. 25, 26, 27, and Jan. 1. The Divisional Libraries will be open on short schedules Dec. 20- Jan. 3. The usual hours are 10- 12 a.m.; 2-4 p.m. Exceptions to this schedule are: Engineering and East Engineer- ing 9-12 a.m.; 2-5 p.m. Physics 9-12 a.m. Hospital 8-12 a.m.; 1-5 p.m. Willow Run 1-6 p.m. Detroit 10 a.m.-6 p.m. (Closed Dec. 24 noon-Dec. 28; Jan. 1, 2, 3) The Divisional Libraries will be closed on the same days as the General Library: Dec. 25, 26, 27, and Jan. 1. Interviews for positions with the Owen's-Illinois Glass Co. will be held on Thursday, Dec. 18. Open- ings are in new process develop- ment for engineers and physicists with graduate or Bachelor's De- grees. Requirements: ingenuity, good scholarship record and pre- ferably some experience. For an appointment phone Mrs. Man- kowski, Extension 748 411-A W. Engineering Bldg. Summer Camp Positions: An- nouncement has been received of opportunities for men with camp- ing. experience for summer camp work in New England. Interested men, who will be in the New York area during the holidays, may make arrangements for interviews during that period. For complete information call at Bureau of Ap- pointments, 201 Mason Hall. / California State Civil Service Announcement for Assistant In- dustrial Hygiene Engineer has been received. Salary range is $325-$395. California residence is not required. Closing date, Jan. 8, 1948, Michigan Civil Service An- nouncements have been received for Physical Therapist Aide A, I, II, AMID THE FLURRY of scholar-a ly and seemingly impotent in-1 dignation at the wolf-pack which1 attempted to break up the Eisler1 talk Monday night, just a word on what it was like for a non- partisan and former member of Sorosis sorority to find her former chums among the IFC playboys transformed into a herd of howl- ing animals-not only at Mr. Eis-+ ler's heels, but at her own! As a married graduate student and wife of a part-time news- paper writer, I went to Felch Park with my husband: not to throw snowballs or to cheer; just to hear what Eisler and Marzani had to say for themselves. I didn't even hope to learn enough to be able to judge their innocence or guilt. I repeat, I just wanted to hear what they had to say. A reporter friend of ours gave us the address of the place where Eisler was to hold his press con- ference, so we went there. The street was dark and well covered by IFC scouts whoseyed us sus- piciously. Having seen the ice- balls in their hands at Felch Park it was with some degree of dis- comfort that we walked down the street and approached the place of the meeting. The house was completely dark and in its shadow stood MYDA scouts who also eyed us suspiciously as we went up on the front porch. We knocked on the door which opened four inches. "Is the press conference here?" asked.. The door opened all the way and another figure materialized out of the shadows to lead us up the dark.stairs to a small room. We opened the door and found ourselves in what was obviously a student room; a room filled with pictures of Petty girls. The shades were drawn and in a chair sat Eisler dictating a statement to the press. In an- other chair sat a man of about 35 who evidently was Marzani and around the room huddled, sat, squatted and stood about 15 re- porters and cameramen, about 5 MYDA people and a few un- knowns. We sat and listened and some- how Eisler seemed very unimpor- tant here. Certainly more to be expected than the secrecy which necessity forced upon the press conference. The drawn blinds, the whispers in which everyone talked and the phone ringing forlornly and being taken outside the closed door to be answered all pointed to a film version of a European underground meeting. This feeling of tenseness grew and narrowed to a cone of fear, as the mob outside gathered and their screams and shouts became audible through the storm win- dows. At this point representa- tives of the Detroit papers pulled out. In the midst of Eisler's state- ment. Evidently they had no trouble getting out. The mob was as yet small. A. few minutes later a lucky snowball crashed against the win- dow behind Marzani and there wag a snap as the window shade flew up. At first we thought the pane had broken and spattered the room with glass, but only the outer storm window had been broken. In a room that small, fly- ing' glass would have hit every- one in it. The shade was drawn and Marzani began to make his statement. Suddenly the lights went out. Roars and cheers were heard from the crowd outside. It was really surprising to see the occasionally hot-headed members of MYDA go calmly in search of candles. The police had been called and called again unsuccessfully. No- body knew when they finally came, un-uniformed and silent, allowing the crowd to go as far as seemed to them wise. When the mob broke into the downstairs we were waiting for the group in front to leave the door long enough for 6 of us, mostly reporters, to get out. Our chance came and we walked rap- idly down the steps and through the mob which yelled "Red" at us and started moving toward us, $195-$320. Closing date, Jan. 7, 1948. Child Guidance Clinic Director VA, VIA, $565-$800. Closing date, Dec. 31, 1947. Candidates must possess .a license to practice medi- cine in Michigan. (Continued on Page 3) actually following us for several hundred feet. The frightened cameramen hid their cameras under their coats to save them from snowballs and we all squared our shoulders to withstand the impact of the mis- siles thrown at us. We werze't seriously hurt. But we were plenty darned scared ...,just because we wanted to. hear "the other side of the question." One bright photographer took my picture with a spectacular flash of his bulb. I hope he will handle it lovingly and show it to his friends (lots of them) as being "a real Red caught leaving the Eisler hole." I could retire on what a nice libel suit would bring in. In closing may I say that I have read Koestler. Malraux and stories of the various boys who have lived and fought under such conditions for more than the hour in which I was subjected to the wolf-pack. And my heart goes out to them. -C. Reagan Curto. ~. * Neither Alternitive To the Editor: WOULD LIKE to commend Mr. Maloy's fine editorial on the newly constructed Eisler issue. I am getting tired of either having to hold a handkerchief to tre streaming eyes of Communist martyrs or being called Red Bait- er, Fascist, etc., etc. Mr. Shaffer is particularly good at finding schemes which all lib- erals and radicals must have some sympathy with; enough sympathy to make a liberal or radical un- comfortable. At first glance, one must either dance on free speech or agree with Mr. Shaffer neither alternative is likely to appeal to the thinking non-Communist. As Mr. Maloy said, the Uni- versity once again finds itself em- barrassingly in the wrong. I think it is very unfortunate that a uni- versity of the caliber of this one finds itself consistently outma- neuvered by a small group of Communists. It is unfortunate that The Daily must be almost weekly inundated by letters all dealing with the latest red hang- ing. It is unfortunate that I, or anyone else, should have to end a letter which is against Commu- nists by making explicit the fact that I am also against other forms of fascism, such as the banning of Eisler. It is unfortunate that the pow- ers of the University have such a low regard for the thinking pro- cesses of the student body that said powers must be always on guard lest an idea that they do not approve of might penetrate the thick wall of sanctioned verb- iage. It has been said before, but it is worth repeating: If the only way Communism in America can be stopped is by adopting Com- munistic methods, why bother? If one must adapt totalitarian methods to get rid of totalitarian- ism where do we end up? -David SegaL * * * Clarification To the Editor: CLARIFY The Daily story which reported the action of the executive board of the Mich- igan Committee on Academic Freedom, as a personal statement of its chairman, Prof. Brumm, the following statement of the board is presented: In recent weeks several univer- sities, including the University of Michigan, have barred certain persons from speaking on their campuses. The issue involved in these cases is much more im- portant than the banning of par- ticular speakers or student groups listed among the Attorney Gen- eral's 78 "subversive" organiza- tions. This list was compiled on executive order, only for reference purposes in connection with Fed- eral employment. It has no sanc- tion as law, and Clark has ex- pressly stated that it implied no taint of "guilt by association." It has remained for college authori- ties to give legal status to this informal, listing and the perni- cious doctrine of guilt by associa- tion. The more important issue is the suppression of basic civil liberties. The MCAF is unequivocally op- posed to the increasing threat to freedom on the college campuses of the nation. The Committee condemns the hysterical, and often cowardly, application of the term "subver- sive" or "disloyal" to unpopular opinions in attempts to discredit them without a fair hearing. It holds tenaciously to the convic- tion that the chief function of ed- ucation is to discover and promul- gate truth at whatever hazard to entrenched privileges and prac- tices. It believes that no college or university worthy of its mis- sion should dare to temporize with basic civil rights and that these rights include the right to listen as well as to speak. This convic- tion is expressed by the Presi- f I _4 'I BARNABY . . . . . . IBloffo is a perfect soldier, Bornaby. wt .. Hmm... Yes, as I was saying, he' sIC ..I