WEDNESIA, -DELENBER 17, 1947 THE MICHIGA N DAILY ! l fiffiliated Women Will Be Honored Awards To Be Given for Activities, Scholarship at Panhel Recognition Night The annual Panhellenic Recog- nition Night, to be held at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Jan. 12 in Rack- ham Lecture Hall, will honor af- filiated women for activities and scholarship. Recognition will be given to the sophomore, junior and senior women having the most activity I [FC To Give Party at Hill Bill Roberts, as Santa Claus, will be master of ceremonies at a children's Christmas party from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Auditorium. The party, sponsored by the In- ter-fraternity Council, will enter- tain children of student veterans living at Willow Village and Pitts- field Village, and Ann Arbor chil- dren. The school board has made arrangements for the school chil- dren to attend. The committee estimates that 2,500 to 3,000 children will attend. The program is to feature a skit entitled, "The Night Before Christmas" and Newt Loken's "funny act." Community carol singing will be included in addi- tion to the distribution of grab bags at the end of the party. The Christmas party was spon- sored annually by the Inter-fra- ternity Council, before the war. This year the event is being re- vived in the hopes of continuing the tradition. Club Will Meet The Archery Club will meet at 5 p.m. today in the archery range at the WAB. This will be the last meeting un- til February when the club will be organized again. Plans have been made for participation in the in- ter-collegiate meet during second semester. ^oints in her class. in addition, for the first time this year, an ac- tivities cup will be awarded to the sorority having the highest num- ber of activities. The Panhellenic Association Scholarship Cup will also be presented to the sorority achiev- ing the highest scholarship. Scroll, senior affiliated honor society, will tap new members at the conclusion of the program. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will speak preceding the presentation of the activity awards. In addition to awarding the scholarship cup, Registrar Ira M. Smith will deliv- er his annual addres. Sally Stamats, Panhel presi- dent, and Jane Wetmore, rush- ing chairman, will also speak, Special invitation to attend is being extended to affiliated transfer women. Pi Beta Phi was awarded the scholarship cup for the year 1945- 46. Last year Gamma Phi Beta was named as the house having the most activities. General chairman for the an- nual program is Harriet Mermel- stein, Sigma Delta Tau. Other chairmen include Virginia Nic- klas, Delta Delta Delta, program arrangements; Mary Ann Ken- nedy; KappaAlpha Theta,?patrons; Ann Norris, 'Kappa Delta,. pro- grams; and Rosemarie Schoetz, Gamma Phi Beta, finance. Dames Music Group To Meet The origination of Christmas Carols will be the program topic of the Christmas party meeting of the music "interest" group of the Michigan Dames, to be held at 8 p.m. today in the home of Mrs. Russle Cairns. Mrs. Beau Brown is in charge of the program. ' PIGSKIN ENSEMBLE-Joan Roberts models an unusual com- bination of accessories-a pigskin hat with a sweeping brim and draped crown, pigskin gloves, pigskin-covered lighter. PRI DE OR WARMTH? sweater Question Discussed By Northwestern University Paul Bunyan' Attire To Be Jeans, Shirts Plaid shirts 'andu blue jeans will again triump, ox -r the "new look' at the "Paul Formal," an- nual all-camp.s dance. to be held from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. Saturday, Jan. 10 in Waterman and Barbour Gynmasiums. Actual 30-foot trees obtained from the Forestry School's own plantaticns will lend a woodsy at- mosphere to the dance floor. A refreshment bar, similating an old-time lludson's Bay trading post, will be manned in Barbour Gym, where guests may purchase cider and doughnuts between dances. In true lumber camp style, only beaver skins will be ac- cepted in payment for refresh- ments. For the convenience of non-woodsmen who might neg- lect to comeequipped with a pocketful of skins, a currency exchange booth will be main- tained. A program of entertainment has been planned by the dance com- mittee, which will include a "bucking" or log-sawing contest. Several couples will be given the opportunity to man opposite sides of a two-man saw in the competi- tion. Smoking will be permitted in a special fire-preventive corral, where guests may congregate. The corral will be complete with log seats and spittoons. Women will receive late permis- sion to attend the dance. The weekly student-faculty tea, co-sponsored by Assembly and Panhellenic, will honor the speech department at 4 p.m. tomorrow in the Russian Tea Room of the League. "I don't have toguess. It's a ZV Grabow Pre-Smokedpipe because it tastes good from the first puff" Every year there arises at some one of the many co-educational institutions a vigorous discussion of the sweater question. Not long ago the question was discussed in our own circles, and now North- western men are standing trial, as is shown by the following arti- cle from the Inter Ocean. "The athletic sweater is looked upon with scornful eye by Mrs. Martha Foote Crow, dean of wom- en of Northwestern University, and in an address before the coeds last night, she suggested that they refuse to appear on the street with any young man attired in one of comfortable garments. "Mrs. Crow, who frequently lec- tures before women's clubs on aes- thetic questions, matters of dress and kindred topics, asked the young women under her care to consider whether or not a self-re- specting young man would appear on the street without a linen col- lar and a neatly tied scarf. "Both the young men and the young women of the University smiled whenever the dean's sug- I ,_ INDIA AlRT SHOPc for that Special Gift BRASS XMAS CARDS IMPORTED TEAS CANDIED GINGER HANDMADE EGYPTIAN JEWELRY HANDMADE LINEN 3nci~a 4rtSh0y OPEN EVENINGS TILL 9 Across from the Arcade - 330 MAYNARD STREET acĀ©~c. o<>oa> +=0ocmco=occ gestion was mentioned last night. Four-fifths of the young men at the Methodist institution would be affected by any action the coeds might take upon Mrs. Crow's sug- gestion. Eight members of one sorority last night said the sweat- er would remain in favor with them." After the Northwestern women have exhausted their linguistic ve- hemence upon the sweater ques- tion, 'tis quite likely that a reac- tion similar tonthe one at Michi- gan will set in; for our women have now permanently adopted the sweaters for gymnasium work, and now and then a few of the more venturesome wear the com- fortable woolen garb on the street. We see no reason why women should not wear sweaters, since they are very becoming as well as comfortable. -Nevertheless, we do not care to hasten the day when our campus and streets are to be trodden by sweater-encapsulated women; but should that day ar- rive, we hope the women will not adopt the masculine custom of making the cigarette and pipe part of the apparel. -The Michigan Daily-News, Dec. 15, 1901 Students Invited To Party in N.Y. The University of Michigan Club, of Rochester, N. Y., will hold an informal dance at 9:30 p.r. Friday, Dec. 26 at the Hotel Sher- aton. All Michigan students in or around the vicinity of Rochester are invited as special guests, free of charge. The music of Tat Bas- set and his orchestra will be fea- tured at the informal affair. Student-Faculty Tea Delta Sigma Pi, professional business administration fraterni- ty, will sponsor a student-faculty coffee hour from 3 to 5 p.m. to- morrow in the League Ballroom. All business administration stu- dents, especially new students, have been invited to the affair, at which sixteen faculty wives will preside. WANTED SUMMER 1948 * Counselors " Water Front Director * Arts and Craft Specialist NORTH STAR CAMP FOR BOYS Hiawatha National Forest, Mich. Write or call now for ap- pointment during holidays. 2060 Hazelwood, Detroit 6- Tyler 8-0631. No Breaking In No Bite No Bitter Taste lts Pre-Smoked ALL MADE -...IMPORTED $.10 $200 . $350 . $500 Fashioned by Linkman DR. CRABOW PIPE CO. INC., CHICAGO 14, IL. I I b _', 'e ._. a_ __eah~ S m MAKE HER CHRISTMAS COMPLETE --5 sPBa"MADCAP" ofsoft Black Suede . ..._..........._..._...... . Tickets Available for the ROSE BOWL Take Mother, Dad or a Friend Via CAPITAL AIRLINES 55 Passenger DC-4 Leaving 10 A.M., Dec. 27 . . . Return January 2, 1 P.M. E.S.T. f Ticket to game. Meals aloft and stewardess service. 5 nights Hotel Del Mar. Special bus to Rose Bowl Parade and game. Big New Year's Eve party including dinner, favors, dancing, floor show. Free air trip to Las Vegas. Sightseeing. A ll This for Only $3I 5.00 Round Trip Ind. Tax 2. * Ticket to game. Round trip via chartered 21-passenger DC- 3. s Stewardess service. " 6 nights Hotel Del Mar. All meals aloft. " Special bus to game. 4 Sightseeing. Free air trip to Las Vegas. s Big New Year's Eve party, including dinner, favors, dancing, floor show. Leaving December 26 ., . Return January 2, 10 P.M. E.S.T. Only $285.00 Round Trip Inc. T ax ROSE BOWL TICKET INCLUDED