L PAGt FOUR THE, MICHIGAN fDAILY WEDNESAY. DETIMERl7; 197 _____________________________ ________- -- Fifty-Eighth Year - -r Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Sancy Heimick ...................General Manager :l17de Recht........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman.........Advertising Manager Idwin Schneider.................Finance Manager Lida Dailes,......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz.................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ....................... Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson..................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- agan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members 'of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT MATTER OF FACT: Partnership By JOSEPH ALSOP IONDON, Dec. 14-The empty and embit- tered Council of Foreign Ministers has produced at least one fortunate by-product --an opportunity for Secretary Marshall and Foreign Minister Bevin to get to know one another a little better. Until now, the Anglo- American postwar relationship has suffered from a silly inner contradiction. Those ex- tremely practical and unsentimental men, the military staffs of the two nations, have long ago established the closest strategic partnership between America and Britain. But there has been no such intimate collab- oration in the political and economic fields. In fact, the last year has been marked by petty but mounting irritation, and baseless but increasing suspicion between the mak- ers of American and British policy. Men who make policy are, fortunately or unfor- tunately, only too human. And when men deal with each other at a distance, irritation and suspicion always arise. A good example of the kind of thing that has made needless trouble, is former Under Secretary of State Will Clayton's visit to London last spring. He came after the announcement of the Marshall Plan, but before the Paris conference of sixteen nations. Naturally, he received a warm welcome. Naturally, also, he found the British anxious to explain the peculiar- ities of their position, as a nation which is at once part of Europe, the banking house of the sterling area, and the polit- ical and economic center of a huge non- European commonwealth. If these diffi- culties had been understood by the Amer- icans in Paris, most of the friction with the British at the Paris conference could have been eliminated. This kind of misunderstanding arises di- rectly, of course, from the breakdown of the habit of constant mutual consultation, inau- gurated by Winston Churchill and Franklin Roosevelt long before Pearl Harbor. And this has had infinitely worse results than the many little episodes, on both sides, like the one described above. Some times serious consequences have been avoided by sheer good fortune. The British had no advance knowledge of Secretary Marshall's Harvard speech, for example, so that Bevin's quick and in- tensely valuable response to the announce- ment of the Marshall Plan was a remark- able technical feat of diplomacy. Again, the British were unwarned of Marshall's so-called "ittle assembly" plan for the United Nations. The British delegate to Lake Success, Hector McNeil, had to tele- graph frantically to London for instruc- tions. Bevin and his staff had to consider the problem through the night, and, in very bad tempers, send a telegram in the dawn. Under the circumstances, it is ex- tremely surprising that the telegram in- structed McNeil to maintain the Anglo- American front. Nor has misfortune always been avoided' in this agile manner. The Middle East is quite as important to this country as to Britain. Yet the American delegate at Lake Success, Herschel Johnson, recently did much to undermine the British position in 'the Sudan-which is vital to their position ...His Right To Say It' BILL MAULDIN Letters to the Editor ... Frightening' IT WAS A FRIGHTENING thing-all mobs are frightening. Down South they go af- ter Negroes. Here the collegiate intellectual goes after Communists. Mobs are ruled by emotion which sweeps everything in its path. This one caught up students, top University authorities, the city officials of Ann Arbor, and even the police force. It's ironic that one of the mob ring- leaders was a former president of the Interfraternity Council here. Just two weeks ago, at a national convention in New York, representatives from frater- nities all over the country allied them- selves on the side of reaction by going on record as approving continued racial discrimination in selecting fraternity members. The city officials did their part in con- tributing to the hysteria. Common Council went on record as giving the mayor full control over who is to use the public parks. How does this fit in with our Bill of Rights guaranteeing fredom of speech and assem- bly? Even the police refused to come and break up a portion of the mob which had broken into a private home. They lent approval to the mob action when they refused to come to the scene after being called four times. Another ironic noate enters when view- ing the makeup of the mob itself. A good portion of the men wore articles of G.I. clothing, apparel which recently appeared on all parts of the globe where men fought the same kind of totalitarian tactics that the mob indulged in. The blame for this shocking incident cannot be pinned on any particular person or group. It's part of a current nation-wide wave sweeping the country. However, the, immediate blame lies directly with Univer- sity authorities. It was top administrative leaders who first refused the use of campus facilities where an orderly meeting could have been held. The mayor and city officials took their cue from the University and passed the word along to the police. To prevent further incidents of this type University authorities must speak out against it. University speaking facilities must be thrown open to all. If 2,500 stu- dents will venture into a snow-swept pub- lic park to jeer a speaker they will also come to a meeting in Hill Auditorium. However, in the lighted building mobs have a way of calming down, enabling reason to govern their action. Let's have intelligent action-not mob rule-at the University of Michigan. -Dick Maloy. Fascism Danger AMIDST THE VIOLENT discussions on the dangers of Communism these days, there is a minority which protests that the United States isafar more vulnerable to the philosophy of Fascism than from any other modern isms. The student exhibition Mon- day night is an all-too ugly example of what they mean. Some of the Detroit newspapers as well as a few students see the incident as the spirit of "red-blooded" Americans expressing their "fun-loving" tendencies. The fact that stu- dents picked Gerhart Eisler to poke their All-American fun at, and that our fun- loving brothers and sisters on campus or- ganized their snowball fight in advance of Eisler's speech surrounds the atmosphere with a sinister black-shirt tinge. It wouldn't be too difficult to imagine what sort of incident this might have turned out to be had guns, ropes and a Gerald L. K. Smith rabble rouser been substituted for the snowballs. There are those who would protest that "clean-cut" Americans are not capable of such action. Sociologists and psychologists could tell them what happens to the ra- tionality of intelligent human beings in mob situations; historians would point out that the world thought that the fair-haired Ger- man kids sent to "invigorating" youth camps were thought to be clean cut too. It's a sickening feeling to walk around campus, greeting the people one thought were aware of the inherent dignity of man, and wonder, "Was he there Monday night?" -Lida Dailes. American government. But one fact should now be obvious to every one. By pursuing our Palestine objectives alone; by rejecting all responsibility in Palestine; by thus pre- venting any agreement with the British, we have created an appallingly dangerous situa- tion. If we had offered to share the re- sponsibility with them, we might have brought the British round, in most cases, to acceptance of our views. As it is, we are now quite likely to be forced, later on, into the riskiest kind of Middle Eastern inter' vention in order to keep the Russians out. This sort of dealing at arms' length with the British is as unrealistic as it is dangerous. Whether we like it or not, the British are emphatically no just one among many European nations. They are the other great. nPower of the znon-Soviet Mob Tactics MONDAY NIGHT the students of this University 2,500 strong demonstrated that their "education" has been a farce. They demonstrated that when they don't like someone, they are capable of reverting to mob tactics. They thought Gerhart Eisler was going to speak at Felch Park. So they went down to receive him, carrying snow- balls and sticks and ice picks as calling cards. They stopped cars in the street, hunt-s ing for Eisler. Their attitude was "get ready for the kill." When the word got around that Eisler would not appear at the park, about 150 students collected at 530 Hill Street, where Eisler was holding a press conference. There they continued the snowball bar- rage, broke into the basement and cut off the electricity, and broke into the down- stairs of the house shouting "Where's Eisler?" "Where's the foreigner?" and "Why don't you go back to Russia?" (Eis- ler is from Germany.) Eisler finally spoke, but not until part of the mob had dispersed and the remnants had promised him peace. Even when he spoke, snowballs and eggs were thrown and questions with ugly phrases and connota- tions were shouted by the hecklers. The tactics of the students who turned out to "hear" Eisler are dangerous. They are in the precedent of those used in Southern lynch mobs, the Ku Klux Klan, the Italian Fascists before they took over, and the Nazis before they got control of Germany. These students, the majority of whom probably never heard of Eisler before, were out on a "let's rough these guys up a bit" party. Their attitude reflects that they have been duped by the trend of the times, the scare trend that has per- meated the countriy since the war ended. It's the kind of trend that leads to Fascism. These students gave the trend a big boost Monday night. Monday was the 156th anniversary of the ratification of the Bill of Rights. -Eunice Mintz. Revise VU'Policy A MAN OF DOUBTFUL INTENT, brought to Ann Arbor by an overly self-con- scious organization, has led the University administration and a relatively small por- tion of the student body to one of the most intolerant, misinformed and unlawful dem- onstrations ever to hit an American cam- pus. As our shame spreads from the campus and becomes fodder for national small-ta', nothing remains locally save varying degrees of ignorance of what has happened. The fear, intolerance and hysteria which led to Monday night's demonstration are still with us, and the University of Michigan is faced with continuing disgrace in ever- increasing gravity. The only alternative is a thorough-go- ing revision of the policy which brought on this week's trouble-the policy of the University administration. Considering the most recent blow of the administrative axe, few on campus can know whether the ideas of Gerhart Eisler are in themselves worth the hearing. Still, re- gardless of their truth or falsity, they are representative of opinions which must be accepted or rejected in the search for Truth. Twenty-two members of the Yale School of Law recently signed a document which makes it very clear why the suppression of men like Gerhart Eisler is contrary to fundamental American precepts: "This nation," the document reads in part, " . ..needs to be reminded that our gov- ernment is one fashioned for courageous men, who prefer the conceded hazards of living in liberty to the indignities of the police state. "Our government must take all rational precautions against acts which threaten or seem to threaten our national security and existence. "Precautions cease to be rational, how- ever, when they defeat the very ends they are destined to secure. "It can make little difference to the citizen who loses his liberties and dignities as a human being whether his loss comes from an enemy or from a native oppressor who subverts democratic government in the guise of protecting it. "It is not now apparent why the Amer- ican people should be so wanting in cour- age or so skeptical of our foundations as to fall victim to the fears of frightened men either inside or outside the government." Regardless of what Eisler intended to say -unless it constituted a "clear and present danger" to the government of the United States-he had the right to speak before a University audience, able to accept and reject what it heard. -Bob White. "I say, Elizabeth-I thought all those American gossip col- umnists had gone home." DAILY OFlFICIAL BULL"ETIN (Continued from Page 3) gineering; thesis: "The Design, Construction, and Operation of a High Temperature, High Pres- sure Plant," Thurs., Dec. 18, 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 3 p.m. Chairman, G. G. Brown. Business Administration: Clas- sification for all students who ex- pect to be enrolled in the School of Business Administration during the Spring Semester will take place during the week of January 5-10. See bulletin board in Tap- pan Hall for instructions. Biological Chemistry: Seminar will be held on Fri., Dec. 19, 3:30 p.m., 319 W. Medical Bldg. Sub- ject: "The Essential Amino Acids." All interested are invited. Concerts Recital Cancelled: The recital by Madrigal Singers, originally scheduled for 8:30 Thursday eve- ning, Dec. 18, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, has been postponed. The new date will be announced later. Exhibition "Natural History Studies at the Edwin S. George Reserve, Uni- versity of Michigan," Museums Bldg. Rotunda. Through Decem- ber. Events Today Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Business Fraternity, will hold a pledge meeting at the chapter house at 8:30 p.m. AmericanhVeterans Committee, Campus Chapter: Meetings at Michigan Union, Executive Com- mittee, 6:15 p.m., Membership Committee, 7:30 p.m. Features: Universal military training, ie- freshments, post-meeting look at proposed clubhouse site. Armenian Students' Association will not have its annual Christmas Party Wednesday, Dec 17. A.Ph.A. Student Branch meet- ing, Wed., Dec. 17, Rm. 300, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. J. J. Hanlon, of the School of Public Health, guest speaker. All old members' dues for the coming year are pay- able at this meeting. Chemistry Colloquium: 4 :15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 17, Rm. 303 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Richard B.' Hahn of Wayne University will discuss his work on Zirconium Chemistry. Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Administration frater- nity: business meeting, Rm. 305, meeting, 7:30 p.m., 1042 E. Engi- neering Bldg. Members are re- quested to have their accounts paid up before the holidays. International Center weekly tea: 4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. John Sundwall and Mrs. Livia Olmedo. La Sociedad Hispanica presents "La Barraca," the Spanish film based on Blasco Ibanez' master- piece, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendels- sohn Theatre. The public is in- vited. Members pay tax only. Michigan Dames Music Group meets at the home of Mrs. Paul Cairns, 520 E. William, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Beau Brown will discuss "Originations of Christmas Car- ols." Mrs. Bernard Manning and Mrs. Jonas Kristinsson, assistant hostesses. Michigan Union Opera: There will be a meeting of all students interested in working on the script for the Opera in Rm. 316, Michi- gan Union, 4:30 p.m. Radio Programs: 2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.) Be a Friend to Your Library -Colton Storm 2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870 Kc.) Virginia Denyer, Organist 4:00-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.) Abstract Art and Industrial Design-Dr. Carl D. Sheppard. Research Club: 8 p.m., Rack- Amphitheatre. Papers: Prof. H. B. Lewis, "Natural Toxicants in Nu- trition-A Study of Lathyrism." Prof. A. W. Bromage, "Major Is- sues of Constitutional Revision in Michigan." Vest Quad Radio Club - W8ZiQ: Meeting of the club at 7:30 p.m. in the radio room of the Williams House Tower. Roger Williams Guild: Weekly "chat" at the Guild House, 4:30 to 6:00 p.m. The Christmas tree will be trimmed. Coming Events Alpha Phi Omega: Meeting on Thurs.. Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. School of Business Adminis- tration, Student - Faculty Coffee Hour, sponsired by Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Admin- istration fraternity. 3-5 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 18, Michigan League Ballroom. All business adminis- tration students are invited. Lutheran Student Association: Caroling Party Thursday evening. Meet at the Student Center, 1304 Hill St., at 7:15 p.m. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only, Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. Mlore on MYI)A To the Editor, ISN'T IT QUEER how assiduous- ly people go to work to discred- t their own cause and give am- nunition to their enemies? Every- one but the Communists is aware -f the immeasurable damage to he Communist cause which Rus- ian aggression in eastern Europe -nd obstruction in the United Na- ions brought about. Give the "Reds" rope enough and they hang themselves. But what do we find anti-Com- munists doing? They start witch- hunts in Congress and the state legislatures and thus enable the Communists to pose as martyrs. They clamor for film and radio censorship and thus turn into ri- dicule their own denunciations of Russia's press censorship. They oppose aid to Europe and thus play Stalin's game for him in France and Italy. To turn to the local situation. they forbid a Com- munist a place to speak in Ann and Arbor and thus give him gra- tis more advertisement than if he had held a meeting on the campus. Thus they deftly take the rope from the neck of the Communist and twist it around their own necks! Prohibitions and repressions make splendid walls to give echo and resonance to agitation. In the name of common sense, let's tear down these walls at Michi- gan. -Preston Slosson ** * To the Editor: WE ARE AMONG many stu- dents who will be proud to be counted among future alumni of Michigan. As such, we will be proud further to send our children here. However, the action of Presi- dent Ruthven last Saturday in banning speaker Gerhart Eler under "Myda's or any other aus- pices" was very disheartening to us. The man who, on other oc- casions, wrote words to the effect that a university was an intellec- tual arena for the careful study of all points of view on all sub- ject matter has thus spoken out with an extremely narrow point of view. During the red hysteria of the 1920's, many American educators ill-advisedly followed the lead of attorney general Palmer. These same educators lost much of their professional integrity and respect in the saner years that followed. Honest Americans repudiated men like Palmer when they were once more permitted to judge and eval- uate issues calmly. If the University of Michigan persists in its homage to the Un- American Committee, it totters on the same brink of intellectual con- formity which Hitler forced the great German universities to adopt. If the tenets of academic freedom still apply, the University of Michigan has nothing to fear from the words of one man. -Mr. and Mrs. M. Gladstone -Mrs. Marion Gordon -Mr. and Mrs. John King -Mr. and Mrs. R. Woodward To the Editor: A FREEDOM. OF SPEECH, freedom of expression, and freedom of thought become un- fashionable in this year of 1947 at the campus of the University of Michigan? We the undersigned, who are not members of the Communist Party protest the University ad- ministration's enfringement on our basic rights. We sincerely hope that the University may again become a place for free and unrestricted exchange of thought. -Curtis L. Mann -Harvey Schwartz -James B. Rukin -J. A. Gross --M. L. Spivack To lhe Editor: FIRST OF ALL, I suppose I should make the customary disavowal of being a Communist. Believe me, I am not a Commun- ist. What Walter Winchell says about Russia scares me too, but it doesn't scare me enough to join a herd of cattle in an attempt to keep a man from speaking hi, piece. I know very little about Ger- hart Eisler, but from the papers I gather he is a foreign-born Communist. Last night a mob of .'excitement hunting" students, led by a few characters who prob- ably know as little about Eisler as I do, tried to prevent him from speaking to a group of students who wanted to hear "his side of the, story." Brandishing sticks and snow- balls, the pack shouted, "Where's the foreigner?" Obviously our 2ampus has more than its share .f "Aryans." I wiite this letter not because I hate Communism less than these people do, but be- cause I love Freedom more. Yes- terday they stopped Eisler from saying what he thought, tomor- row they may stop me . . . or YOU. -Norm Gottlieb To the Editor: WHEN the MYDA ban was im- posed, The Michigan Daily went all out editorially to oppose President Ruthven's action. The Michigan Daily received consid- erable support in the Letters to the Editor column for denouncing President Ruthven's action. It now appears conclusive that Pres- ident Ruthven was entirely justi- fied, since MYDA has truly shown its hand by sponsoring Gerhart Eisler to appear before the stu- dent body. Eisler's record is des- picable and his appearance any- where should be recognized as dangerous since he is a trained propagandist. It is my belief that the overwhelmingly one-sided edi- torials and letters about the MYDA case were expressed by a very small but militant minority of students and that most stu- dents were glad to be rid of MYDA. But we are in fact not rid of MYDA and perhaps it is time that something should be done about that. If Shaffer is an avow- ed Communist, then he should not be allowed the privilege of at- tending a state-endowed univer- sity. It would not be undemocrat- ic to eject him as undesirable by a majority vote of the Board of Regents. Perhaps, thn, the University would not be bothered with delib- erately conjured legal suits and the type of publicity that this whole things drags along with it. Michigan is a fine school and al- most all of its students are pro d of it. The MYDA type of publi- city is degrading to it and if for none other than that reason, MYDA should be eliminated in fact. -SampsonP. Holland, Jr. To the Editor: r1W POINTS were confirmed by the raid on Felch Park and the subsequent mad chase through the city Monday night. The first is that University of- ficials were correct in refusing to allow Eisler to speak on campus. The second was that MYDA was wrong in bringing him here to speak. University officials assumed that their charges have an intel- ligence level somewhat below that of a bright eighth-grader; actions of some 2,000 students Monday confirmed this supposition. MYDA headed their publicity campaign with the question "Can You Thinl4 for Yourself?" Quite obviously the answer to this ques- tion is "no." More than a thousand of the students made their raid on the park, led by a squad of high- school pupils, with the express purpose of breaking up the meet- ing. Armed with sticks and snow- balls, they were ready to discour- age any attempt to force them to think for themselves. At the same time, they proved the administration opinion that few University students are more intelligent than the prevailing grade-school level. -John Morris * 4 To the Editor: EPORTS of Monday night's winter carnival leave a man feeling quite lost in this morass of Shifting values. Gone are the faiths and beliefs of yesterday. Then, a man might safely assume the one principle to which our buddies the razzle-dazzle boys would cling, come hell or Henry, would be that of the invincibility of private property. Abstractions: free speech, unmolested assembly, the right to non-conformity - might count for little, but prop- erty rights would be defended to the last drop in Pop's liquor closet. That's the way it goes; I imagine Mr. Shaffer is considerably disil- lusioned, too. Let me assure Mr. Matthaei, Jr. and his drooling cohorts that if it had been 716 South Forest to which they had slithered "On- ward!", if it had been my fuse box they had ripped out, they would most certainly have been painfully gut-shot with a permit- covered P-38. It would have been a bit messy, but surely the boys, in a sane moment, would have been grateful for the reminder 46 1 .1 I -ti Michigan Union, 7:30 p.m. PledgesI meet 7 p.m. same room. Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet- ing Thursday noon in Room 3056 Deutscher Verein: 7 p.m., Gar- N. S. Mr. Daniel Bradley will den Room, Michigan League. A speak on "The Geology of South- short Christmas program will be ern Newfoundland." followed by carrolling on campus. Young Progressive Citizens of English Journal Club: Meeting, Michigan: "YPCM Sings" will be 8:15 p.m., East Lounge, 3rd floor, presented 7:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. Rackham Bldg. Mr. A. M. East- 18, Michigan Union. Folk music, man will discuss "The Intentional intermission skit, refreshments. Fallacy." Tickets on sale at Co-ops, at meet- ing, or from Al Millstein, Mim U. of M. Flying Club: Open Levy, and Sheldon Siegel. BARNABY ... . . , I See? ... The house is nice and emp Aten-SHUN! Forward-MARCH! ;T B t!always say, modestly, J