See Page 6
lflw 43UZ
Da ii4
Latest Deadline in the State
VOL. LVIU, No. 73
U ______________________________________________________________________________________
SL Approves
With Eisler
Decisively Passes
Weisberg Motion
A measure providing for a pub-
lic meeting, at which Gerhart Eis-
ler and "a qualified faculty mem-
'ber of opposing views" would
speak, was overwhelmingly ap-
proved by the, Student Legislature
last night, at the first meeting at-
tended by the 32 newly elected
The motion, introduced by Leg-
islature President Harvey Weis-
berg, also stated that if Eisler
were 'unavailable," a person of
the same views would be invited to
take his pacel.
Explained as a "face-saving
measure" in view of the student
demonstration at Felch Park
Monday night, the motion was
passed by a roll call vote of 34 to
The plan was introduced after
the decisive defeat of a motion
which would have placed the Leg-
islature "on record as upholding
the stand of the University" re-
garding the Eisler ban.
Weisberg, in support of his mo-
tion, explained that he felt that
the debate form of meeting be-
tween Eisler and a qualified op-
ponent would obviate University
objections to the appearance of
the German Communist refugee.
He also stated that he felt MYDA
had not requested permission for
the speech "in the right manner."
Prove Student Intelligence
Other proponents of the meas-
ure decried the "mob violence"
and "childishness" displayed by
students Monday, and declared
that the motion provided the only
feasible means of proving the "in-
telligence of University students."
Final plans for the meeting will
be made by members of the Cul-
tural and Educational Committee,
Weisberg said. Miriam Levy, co-
chairman of" the commit id
that first steps to obtain Univer-
sity sanction will be taken imme-
Miss Levy also declared that the
committee would strongly urge
that Eisler, himself, be allowed to
take part in the debate.
"The majority of the students
will thus atone for the unfortu-
nate action taken by the demon-
strators at Felch Park and at the
private home where Eisler spoke,"
she emphasized.
'Operation Subsistence'
Betty Baker, president of the
Women Veterans Organization on
campus, also spoke before the
Legislature last night requesting
support of the current "Operation
Subsistence" drive. She spoke af-
ter a report of the "Operation
Subsistence" conference, held last
week at Lansing, was given by Bob
Carpenter, Legislature delegate.
r Action on the request was de-
ferred to the next meeting.
Peace Returns
To Ann Arbor
But Eisler Issue StiI
Renains in View
The University experienced a
comparatively normal school day
yesterday following the mob ac-
tion which besieged Gerhart Eis-
ler and Carl Marzani, while con-
troversy still flared on the state
and national scenes.
Ed Shaffer, MYDA chairman,
reported that no action had been
taken in the pending suit against,
the League for breach of contract,
but said that MYDA was awaiting
the decision of its lawyers.
Arch Barricade
Fifteen students barricaded the
Engine Arch at 1:30 a.m. yester-
day, apaparently thinking that
Eisler would try to run the gaunt-
let. The barrier, six feet high and
two feet thick, was removed by the
police, who sent the students
In Detroit, four high school
students held by police for throw-
ing tear gas into the building in
which Eisler spoke Monday after-
noon, were released when. no com-
plaints were filed by the Colle-
gians, Wayne AYD, sponsor of the
Campus Opinions Vary
In Eisler Fracas Survey
Studtents negister
Strong Reactions
Morning after reaction to the
Eisler fracas on campus was al-
most as violent in opposition to
the mobbing of the Communist
speaker as had been the student
action against him the night be-
Although some students consid-
ered it "good, clean fun," the ma-
jority of those interviewed on
campus yesterday indignantly
condemned the mob action as a
"flagrant violation of civil rights."
Questioning the "disappearance
of free speech in Ann Arbor,"
James T. McGraw, '48, wondered
whether "fascism is here to stay."
"Everyone should have the right
of free speech," Inder Dewan,
Grad student from India declared.
"When a man causes as much
controversy as Eisler, I think we
should be able to hear what he
has to say for himself," he added.
"Eisler doesn't have the rights
of other citizens because he was
in contempt of Congress," Rich-
ard Stroebe, '49E, said, "but I
would like to have heard his side
of the story."
Ted Brownell, '48, saw "no jus-
tification in the mob action," but
believed that "the University was
right under the circumstances in
banning Eisler from campus."
"Anyone should be allowed to
speak in a public park, although
I thing the University acted prop-
erly in not allowing Eisler to speak
in the League," Richard Him,
'49T, agreed.
See STUDENTS, Page 8
--__ _
Student Revue
Will Bolster
All-Campus Event
Fresh Air Benefit
Sana Claus ,and .the .Yuletide
spirit will be highlighted by a
galaxy of campus talent in the
annual Christmas Revue to be
presented at 8 p.m. today in Hill
Sponsored jointly by the Union
and the League, the all campus
event will be admission free, but
members of the two organizations
will man buckets at the audito-
rium entrances to accept contri-
butions for the University Fresh
Air Camp.
Donations will be employed to
winterize the Student Recreation
Center of the camp for use by
students during winter week-ends.
With Joe "Man on Stilts" Dean,
former circus performer, acting as
master of ceremonies, an array
of campus talent will perform in
the variety show.
Scheduled to appear on the pro-
gram are the University Glee Club
and the Women's Glee Club which
will sing a group of well known
Christmas carols.
A special scoring of the Christ-
mas Song" with Warren Benson
at the drums will be featured by
Frank Tinker's Orchestra. In ad-
dition, Tinker will present new
Yuletide arrangements of several
old hit tunes.
Other revue entertainment will
include vocalist Ann Schubering
and the Varsity Quartette, which
will render "Donkey Serenade."
By contrast, Frank Anderson
will play the unusual "Christmas
Boogie." Community singing ac-
companied by Bill MacGowan at
the organ will complete the eve-
ning's entertainment.
Santa Claus, impersonated by
Phil McLean will be on hand to
welcome students and present
gifts to a number of persons chos-
en at random from the audience.
The Christmas Revue was
planned and produced by a com-
mittee headed by co-chairman
Barbara Busse, Bob Olshefsky and
Bob Holland.
F.racuity Condemins
Crowd Violence
Faculty reaction to the events of
Monday varied but the members
wereunanimousin deploring the
violent attitude of the crowds of
students who gathered during the
evening in hopes of seeing Ger-
hart Eisler.
Prof. J. H. Meisel of the politi-
cal science department said that
he had no objection to Commu-
nists speaking as Communists in
cmmunistic organizations or fas-
cists speaking as fascists in their
organization but that liberals
should not permit communists to
use their facilities.
Liberal Organization
"As long as MYDA says it is a
liberal organization it should only
have liberal and not communist
speakers," he said.
When Communists speak under
liberal auspices, the only losers are
the liberals. The liberals are
lumped together with the commu-
nists leaving only the two ex-
tremes, fascism and communism.
Prof. John W. Lederle also of
the political science department
said that violence in any form is
bad since democracy implies tpl-
erance for the opposite point of
view even if one doesn't agree with
it. "I am as much opposed to vio-
lence inspired by conservatives as
to violence inspired by commu-
He suggested that Americans
take positive action to build
themselves up instead of merely
negative action attacking other
Particularly Tragic
Prof. L. G. Vander Velde, chair-
man of the history department,
said that the Felch Park incident
was particularly tragic since it oc-
curred on the 156th anniversary
of the Bill of Rights.
"It is a proved historic princi-
ple that if one is interested in sup-
pressing radicalism, the thing to
do is to give it free expression,
Prof. Vander Velde said.
Prof. Lawrence Preuss of the
political science department said
that, in his opinion, there was
justification for the University's
attitude in preventing Eisler from
speaking but that there was no
justification for any attempt on
the part of unauthorized persons
to intimidate him.
"I believe in the free competi-
tion of ideas," Prof. Preuss said,
"but I also believe in the right to
declare and punish as illegal dis-
semination of ideas advocatin
action which lies outside the limi-
tations of the constitutional sys-
Only Radical Students
Prof. Robert W. Angell, Chair-
See FACULTY, Page 4
Predict Larger
' Officeals Forecast
Revamped Curricula
Larger enollments and re-
vamped curricula were forecast for
the nation's colleges yesterday by
University officials at a panel dis-
cussion in the graduate school
course, Problems in Higher Edu-
Vice-President Marvin L. Nie-
huss, pointing to a growing popu-
lation and constantly increasing
percentage of high school grad-
uates who desire college training,
predicted vastly increased enroll-
ments. "I should not be surprised
if the nation's 1960 enrollment
were 50 per cent higher than to-
day's," lie said.
Undergraduate curricula would
change if the objectives outlined
by Prof. William Trow, of the edu-
cation school, were adopted.
Holiday Rush
Jams Local
Rail Offices
Final Plans Made
For Extra Trains
Students jammed local ticket
offices yesterday as transportation
officials announced final plans for
the home-for-Christmas rush.
Earl J. Smith, railroad ticket
agent, said that previously an-
nounced plans, calling for two
special trains on Friday and extra
coaches on all trains today
through Saturday, would be fol-
Reminding students that "we're
open 24 hours a day," Smith urged
those who have made sleeping
car reservations to pick them up
Bus lines will add extra sec-
tions to all regular runs as needed,
according to John Hagen, termi-
nal manager.
Three extra flights to New York
and three to Milwaukee and Min-
neapolis has been scheduled by
airlines in addition to regular
flights, ticket agents said, adding
that many flights have already
been sold out and that others
probably would be sold out short-
Both extra trains leaving Fri-
day will be ready for occupancy
one hour ahead of departure time,
railroad officials said.
The extra westbound train to
Chicago, which will be ready for
occupancy at 12:15 p.m. Friday,
will leave Ann Arbor at 1:15 p.m.
(EST) and arrive in Chicago at
5:30 p.m. (CST).
The extra eastbound train,
which will be ready for occupancy
at 2:10 p.m. Friday, will leave
Ann Arbor at 3:10 p.m. and arrive
in NewYork at 6:20 a.m. Satu-
day and in Boston at 9:10 a.m.
Both extra trains will include
reclining-seat coaches but neither
will have sleeping-car service,
Only the eastbound train will
carry a diner.
Pay Refusal'
Deadline Set
University student veterans who
do not desire automatic subsist-
ence payment for an additional
fifteen days beyond the conclu-
sions of the Fall Semester must
notify the Veterans Administra-
tion, in writing, not later than
Jan. 7, 1958, VA officials said yes-
Under a recent VA ruling, vet-
erans who interrupt their train-
ing at the end of the current se-
mester and those returning for the
Spring Semester will automatical-
ly receive this payment and have
their educational entitlement re-
duced accordingly unless they rer
quest non-payment.
The following form is suggest-
ed for notification:
"This is to notify you that I will
interrupt my training at the ed
of the Fall Semester, February 7,
1948. I do not desire the fifteen
days extension of subsistence al-
lowance. Signature, "C" Number,
Reference DT7AGBTM."
Notification would be sent to
Registration and Research, Michi-
gan Unit, Veterans Administra-
tion, Guardian Building, 500 Gris-
wold Street, Detroit 26, Michigan.
There's a Difference?
OAKLAND, Calif., Dec. 16-,P)
-Joseph C. Coy, 25, a peanut
machine salesman, pleaded guilty
and was fined $25 today for put-
ting a slug in a parking meter.
Coy, evidently exasperated, told
Judge Dudley Nebeker:
"People keep putting slugs in
my peanut machines and nobody
does anything about it."
France, U.S. Confer
On Occupation Zone
Merer in Germany
Molotov Flies to Moscow To Report
To Stalin on Foreign Ministers Meet
By The Associated Press,
LONDON, Dec. 16-(/P)-Secretary Marshall met tonight with
French Foreign Minister Bidault in what authoritative informants
said was the beginning of informal "exploratory" talks on the merging
of Westp-n Germany into a single zone of occupation,
In Germany political activity reached new heights as German po-
litical leaders discussed creation of a Western German state with a
new capital in Frankfurt.
Foreign Minister Molotov flew toward Moscow to deliver a report
to Premier Stalin and the powerful Politburo-a report which was ex-
pected to result in quick action inG S * *
he Soviet campaign against the TU TBritish
unification of Western Germany SJ')arn
and the Marshall Plan. n Plan
These were among the first 24- ReWorkilans
hour developments that followed
complete breakup of consultations For Germ any
in the council of foreign ministers
over the fate of Germany and h'
ENGINEERING MASTERPIECE-Pictured above is the coveted
Spoofuncup, famous award that will be presented at the annual
ASME banquet today.
Pro-fessors Will Be Plagued
At Student Heckling Session
The annual Spoofuncup Ban-
quet, designed to give the stu-
dents a chance to put their pro-
fessors through the third degree,
will be held at 6:45 p.m. today in
the Union.
There' will be no holds barred as
students proceed to determine the
professors ingenuity, wit and
sence of humor. Besides the em-
barrassing questions fired. at them
the professors must subject them-
selves to a constant barrage of
Greulling Session
At the end of the gruelling ses-
sion one contestant will be se-
lected as the "Man Who Can Take
It" and will receive the coveted
Spoofuncup, symbol of being the
most "popular-unpopular" profes-
sor in the engineering school.
The Spoofuncup was originally
nothing more than two tin spoons,
a funnel, and a cup, but some sci-
entifically minded member of the
ASME assembled it into its pres-
ent form. Stumped for a name
for the award, they finally evolved
the present title "Spoofuncup" by
taking "spoon" from spoon, "fun"
from funnel, and "cup" from the
Self Adulation
To determine the lucky winner
of the Spoofuncup a device similar
to an applause meter will be used.
Arizona (Crash
Kills Twelve
TUCSON, Ariz., Dec. 16- t/)-
At least 12 men were believed
killed tonight when a B-29 super-
fortress from Davis Monthan field
here crashed and burned during
takeoff. Twenty men were aboard
the plane but eight were believed
to have escaped.
Major D. D. Burke, public rela-
tions officer at the heavy bomber
base, said in an official statement
that there were 'some dead and
some survivors" in the crash.
"No further announcement will
be made until the casualties and
survivors have been identified," he
said. "That will not be tonight,"
he added.
In the past it was found that the
applause meter was unable to dif-
ferentiate between the clapping
which was honestly squeezed out
of the students and the thunder-
ing roar of approval which the
professors gave themselves.
To overcome the problem a spe-
cial research division of the stu-
dent ASME has been set up.
Contestants for the famous
award are Prof.. G. V. Edmonson
and- Prof. E. T. Vincent of the me-
chanical engineering department,
Prof. E. L. Eriksen of the engi-
neering mechanics department
and Prof. F. B. Rote of the metal
processing department.
Prof. Paul Porter of the me-
chanical engineering department
will ace as Roastmaster for the
Democrats To
Fight Foreign.
Aid Deductions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 16--P)-
House Democrats launched an
eleventh hour fight late today to
restore $88,000,000 slashed by the
House Appropriations Committee
from the emergency foreign aid
Rep. Cannon (Dem., Mo.) as-
sailed the committee's scissoring
of the $597,000,000 program as
"picayunish, cheeseparing econ-
omy." Rep. Mahon (Dem., Tex.),
declared that "You cannot ignore
Europe and look after the best in-
terests of the U. S. at the same
Reducing Total Sum
Besides reducing the total sum
asked by President Truman and
Secretary of State Marshall to
help France, Italy and Austria
through the winter, the Appropri-
ations Committee proposed that
China-included in the program
at House insistence-be dealt out.
An appropriations bill sent to
the House floor, where it was
scheduled for a possible vote to-
morrow, cut France's share of the
winter relief program from $328,-
000,000 to $262,000,000 and Italy's
from $211,000,00 to $189,000,000.
Left Unchanged
A $58,000,000 allocation asked
by the Truman Administration for
Austria was left unchanged. The
committee said some of the $88,-
000,000 cut from the program
might be given to China if it is
decided to start an aid program
Chairman Taber (Rep., N.Y.) of
the Appropriations Committee
charged the Administration with
Big Four Talks Ended
Two and a half years of incon-
clusive and acrimonious big four
attempts to work out a settlementl
for Europe appeared to be ended.
There were no signs of efforts to-
ward resumption. Many believed
the East and West had embarkeda
on an economic and political con-
flict and were making all haste
to get their policies into action.
Secretary Marshall, who usu-
ally returns immediately to Wash-
ington after any international,
conference, tarried in London.
After talking all day with his
advisers he met with Bidault.
It was understood the American
Secretary of State laid before Bi-
daut for study a general outline of
United States position on such a
French Participation
The informants said the out-
line includes a proposal for French
participation in the Ruhr on a
basis of a majority voice having
the controlling decision. These
sources said the United States
would refuse any Ruhr proposal
which would give France any
"veto" power to block action.
The other main French demand
that a separate regime be estab-
lished for the Rhineland was ex-
pected to be bypassed for the pres-
ent. The United States position
was said to be that as long as mili-
tary government is in Germany-
which is for the foreseeable future
-no special regime is necessary
and the question can be postponed
for a future date.
Incorporation of Saar
Both the United States and
Britain have already agreed to
incorporation of the Saar into the
French economy. Prior to the talk
with Marshall, Bidault told news-
men: 'There can be a profitable
merger and there can be mergers
which are unprofitable. We will
accept the first, but not the sec-
World News
At aGlance
By The Associated Press
MOSCOW, Dec. 16-Soviet cit-
izens went to the banks today to
exchange their old rubles for new
ones under the currency reform
program, then toured the stores
to buy food, clothing and other
items, some featured at lower
prices with the end of rationing.
* * *
least eight persons were injured
tonight when an explosion blew
out part of an eight-story build-
ing in downtown Washington.
Russia will step up the tempo of
her propaganda output through
the United Natioans but will not
change her policies here because
of the foreign ministers break in
London, key UN delegates and of-
ficials predicted today.
* * *
Congressional investigation of
"speculation on the commodity
markets" was slated today as
Secretary of Agriculture Ander-
Mninisters nrea up
Requires Adjustment
FRANKFURT, Germany, Dec.
16-(AP)-The principal political
leaders of the British and Ameri-
can zones took stock of the break-
up of the Foreign Ministers Con-
ference today and agreed on the
basic plan for the creation of a
Western Germany.
Meeting behind closed doors,
without the Communists, the
leaders of the Christian Social
Union, Social Democrat, Liberal
Democrat and Centrum partieS
announced the leaders of the two
zones had accepted an invitation
to a conference with the British'
and American zonal commanders,
probably Saturday.
Out of this conference 'With
Gen's. Lucius D. Clay and Sir
Brian Robertson, American and
British military governors, may
emerge a political organization for
the two zones to which the French
= -ne may adhere later. At any
rate, the Germans expect to learn
just how far they may go,
The German leaders said they
had mapped a detailed campaign
designed to combat Soviet propa-
;anda and influence in Germany
And attract 17,000,000 Germans
in the Russian zone away from
Their plans, they said, call for a'
democratically elected govern-
ment dedicated to "western ideas
md principles of freedom," which
would always leave its doors open
to the East provided the Germans
there agree that liberty is para-
Western Union
Strike Looms
AFL Rejects Offer
To Increase Wages
The Western Union Telegraph C .
tonight offered its 50,000 AFL em-
ployes a 1947 bonus of about $22
each and a wage increase which
the union immediately rejected as
The company proposal, first
since negotiations began last
Sept. 16, terminated a meeting ar.
ranged by the U.S. Conciliation
Service in hopes of averting a n -
tionwide telegraphers strike next
Tuesday-two days before Christ-
Offered Bonus
Adolph Brungs, president of the
Western Union division of the
Commercial Telegraphers Union,
said the company offered a,
$1,000,000 bonus to be "split
among our men, amounting to ex-
actly,$22.72 per person."
Brungs declared the wage in-
crease "covers only 9,029 of the
AFL workers and if divided among
all our people would amount to
an hourly boost of seven-tenths
of one cent a person."
Benefitting by the pay hike,
Brungs saidy "would be 4,455
workers who would get five cents,
1,429 who would get four, 1,021
who'd get three, 1,270 two and
864 one. The other 40,000-noth-
Californian Evaluates Los Awreles Night Life
(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
evaluation of' Los Angeles night life
was concocted by the Sports Editor
of the California Daily Bruits and
sent to The Daily in the hopes of
keeping Rose Bowlers on the right
money with abandon. Thing one,
they may show you the biggest
menu in the world, but all they
have is chicken. Cold chicken, that
is never served until the lights go
out and the show begins. The
sun up to dusk looking for Pasa-
dena. The best I can do is pick
you up immediately after the
game, and start the whirl.
For sheer razzle-dazzle, stars,
good food, quiet atmosphere, lat-
cancel out everything except the
Chanteclaire, our latest supper
club, and the Bocage, featuring
some of the best entertainment in
In the general vicinity, the Pal-