I THE MICHIG'AN DAILY WTSHAY; HLC,' Rf t l II' filty.Eighth Year 1 WASHINGTON WIRE: Cold Weather Crisis Edited and managed by students of the Uni- versity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell...................Managing Editor Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager Cltd9 Rcht.......................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ........Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider ................Finance Manager Lida Dailes..................Associate Editor lxxice Mintz ...................Associate Editor Dick1xai rx............. ........Sports Editor Bob Lent..............Associate Sports Editor JyC Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal...............Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches aredited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of al other matters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- lgan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular idhool year by parrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: JOAN KATZ If Shoe Fits... NE OF THE BEST essays ever on the subject of personal freedoms, written in 1859 by English philosopher John Stuart Mill, makes a profound impression even today. Many schoolboys know the following ex- gerpt'from "On Liberty:" ...we have now recognized the neces- aity to the mental well-being of mankind (on Which all their other well-being depends) of freedom of opinion, and freedom of the expression of opinion, on four distinct grounds... "First, if any opinion is compelled to silence, that opinion may, for aught we know, be true. To deny this is to assume our own infallibility. "econdly, thpugh the silenced opinion be an error, it n.ay, and very commonly does, contain a portion of truth; and since the general or prevailing opinion on any sub ject is rarely or never the whole truth, it is only by the collision of adverse opinions that the remainder of the truth has any chance of being supplied. "Thirdly, even if the received opinion be not only true, but the whole truth; unless it is suffered to be, and actually is, vigor- ously and earnestly contested, it will, by niost of those who receive it, be held in the ulanner of a prejudice, with little compre- hension or feeling of its rational grounds. "And not only this, but, fourthly, th meaning of the doctrine itself will be in danger of being lost, or enfeebled, and de- prived of its vital effect on the character and conduct: the dogma becoming a mere formal profession, inefficacious for good, but cumbering the ground, and preventing the growth of any real and heartfelt conviction, from reason or personal experience. . .." -Fred Schott. Never Wron HARRY TRUMAN hasn't said a thing about his friend Pauley's commodities speculations, and a good many people think he ought to. Nonsense. Several months ago, Truman condemned commodities speculation as gambling. That covered the subject pretty well; why should he say anything further? If Ed Pauley has been speculating, then by the President's definition, he is, ipso facto, a gambler. Truman has never repudiated the Pen- dergast connection, and he probably won't repudiate Pauley, although he may ease Pauley out of the Administration. Let's face it. A politician has no more business publicly admitting that he's been wrong than a football coach has. Senator Vandenberg, when he changed from isola- tionist to internationalist, didn't say he'd been wrong all along; he'd merely broadened his viewpoint in the lights of changing con- ditions. It's courageous for anybody else to admit. he's been wrong, but for a politician, it's foolish, and it just isn't done. When a poli- tician says, "I'm sorry, folks, but I missed on that one," the voting public just na- 11,ralla t kpe if ac .sim nfnrLP.h1(- By IRVING JAFFE W ASHINGTON - As the weather gets colder and colder, it's getting hotter and hotter in Washington for a group of north- ern senators-particularly those from the New England states. Every new drop in the mercury brings fresh pleas from their constituents to please do something right away to ward off a fuel shortage which threatened to assume huge proportions when winter takes over in ear- nest. After senatorial investigators had been getting practically nowhere in their ques- tioning of oil men, an Interstate Commerce subcommittee in the upper chamber decided to thrash out the whole problem on a grand scale once and for all. Subcommittee chairman Tobey--who himself is on the spot because he is from cold New Hampshire--last week called in nearly 100 oil and coal industry leaders and government officials for a special hearing. But, although the fiery New Englander started out with his customary vigor and urged a full airing of the facts so that a speedy solution of the shortage (mainly oil, but also coal, to a lesser degree) could be found, the all-day session turned up little that wasn't known before. Some of the oil men claimed they could supply all needs if only sufficient tankers and tank cars were available for transporta- tion purposes. But most of them admitted that an unprecedented and unanticipated post-war dennd has caught them with an actual supply shortage. One oil man, who would not given any straightforward assess- ment of the cause of the shortage, was abruptly and angrily dismissed by Senator Tobey, whose cultured New England tones can suddenly and unpredictably erupt into words of the sharpest irritability. Tobey met his match, however, when the labor representative, mine workers' chieftain John L. Lewis, took the floor. The huge assemblage of big industry men became completely hushed as Lewis orated in the rolling, dramatic tones and with the colorful phraseology which no one can ever forget. Even as he was accusing the oil industry of responsibility for the shortage because of its promotional campaign for installation of household oil burners which it now can't fill with oil, he had the oil men themselves eating out of his hand- gaping at him in open admiration. And Chairman Tobey became remarkably mel- low in his treatment of Lewis. The largely futile session also brought out a fierce fight which has been waging within the ranks of the Maritime Com- mission. The commission's chairman, Ad- miral William Smith, and commission mem- ber Grenville Mellen broke into an open tussle during the session. Mellen, a small, rotund, thin-lipped, belligerent individual, charged his fellow commissioners with sell- ing oil tankers to foreign shippers while American companies went begging. Smith denied the charge, and claimed the heavy demand for ship sales to American com- panies did not develop until long after the foreign sales were arranged. At the end of the session, a solution was no nearer than at the beginning. Meanwhile, another Senate group, which has been looking into the shortage, Sen- ator Wherry's Small Business Subcommit- tee, intends to issue a report this week. It is expected that voluntary allocation of oil on the part of the companies will be recommended by the Wherry group. This, of course, would be in line with the G.O.P. Wolcott Bill in the House which calls for a. "voluntary:' approach to the whole anti- inflation and shortage problem. It would also be in line with the new Senate Re- publican economic program, although the Senate G.O.P. blueprint does concede special "authority" may be needed for particular commodities if voluntary allocation does not succeed. Nowhere among the Republicans or the oil men has government allocation of oil been mentioned as a serious possibility for the immediate future. f _ / 4 I 1 f Z " Letters to the Editor . "Loyalty tests? Essential to security. Movie censorship? Of course! Should left-wingers be jailed? Naturally. What's that? Should food be rationed? RIDICULOUS! WHO WANTS TO LIVE IN A POLICE STATE?" DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETI1N' k I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Law of Ten to One By SAMUEL GRAFTON jT IS FORMIDABLE to watch the Republi- cans begin to talk about the possible need for rationing. The sight affects one like the trembling of a mountain. They have been so strict on this subject. And now in the Congressiaonal cloakrooms they buzz each other with control talk. It is like hearing that Carrie Nation has taken to drink. At this point I would like to set up a new sociological principle, called Graf- ton's Law. Grafton's Law holds that it takes a social disturbance among the peo- ple equal to a symbolic value of ten to create a corresponding disturbance in the Republican high command equal to the value of one. It seems to me, in other words, that Mr. Taft and his friends only dimly reflect the total national concern about the need for lower prices and better control . of foodstuffs. The present Re- publican high command operates like a CURNT MOVIES At the Michigar.. . DARK PASSAGE, with Lauren Bacall and Humphrey'Bogart. BACALM AND BOGART are with us again, comprising the first half of our "chase- um" movies this week. We hear only the Bo- gart voice as he escapes from San Quentin and gets picked up by Miss Bacall who has believed him innocent since his trial. She conceals and takes care of him as he re- covers from extensive plastic surgery, and is about the only one surprised when he comes out from the bandages as Humphrey Bogart. But even a new face doesn't end his perils, and he dodges around San Fran- cisco for several agonizing reels. There are some excellent minor characterizations, and Lauren has had a few more dramatic les- sons. More of the film might have been left on the cutting room floor, but Bogart and Bacall fans will find it one of their best. -G. E. Hunter. * * * At the State . . ODD MAN OUT, with James Mason. ACCORDING to the ads, December is Joy Month at your local teatre, but what happens to James Mason in Odd Man Out should have been saved for the 15th of March. The story is a detailed, almost tedi- ous, account of recent goings on in Northern Ireland. Mason plays the lead as a notorious leader of a vaguely described but apparently 1... ,1, .. 11 - *r a " r # nm L .co-- .c 111 radio amplifier in reverse, reducing a shout to a murmur. Yet though it be a thin echo, it is an ac- curate one, and if Mr. Taft worries for a moment about the possible need for ration- ing, we may safely deduce that others are worrying for an hour, or maybe all day. It's a funny thing, though, that the Re- publicans should be murmuring about con- trols in advance of the '48 elections, when they won so triumphantly in '46 with a pro- gram of almost flat opposition to all con- trol. Why shouldn't the '46 formula be good in '48? Yet the great G.O.P. uproar of '46, on behalf of letting "natural processes" set our prices for us, has died down. The G.. O.P. now suggests that prices should be brought down by industry-wide agree- ments, to be permitted through nodifica- tion of the anti-trust laws. That may not be a very good control idea, but the in- teresting point is that it isn't "natural pro- cess" either; it is about as natural as a piece of Valenciennes lace. This brings us to certain melancholy re- flections concerning politics as it was prac- ticed in 1946. It becomes increasingly appar- ent that the G. O. P. won an election in a year in which nobody hurt anybody. The question of whether its proposals were right or wrong in that year hardly mattered; or, to put it another way, everybody was right because everybody was rich. The projection of comparatively low war- time prices into a period of comparatively high postwar income created a fine, careless, nothing-can-go-wrong mood. Now the situation is very different; there are aches and pains; the G.O.P. is trying to win an election among a trou- bled people, and it is beginning to show quakes and tremors in accordance with that sociological law which I have just.- given to the ages. But Grafton's Law is also a warning. If the G.O.P. Congressional high command reacts to an economic difficulty with only one-tenth as much intensity as does the general public, then any control plan which satisfies that high command is likely to be only one-tenth adequate. After all, an ,agitated Congressman is only a symptom, and to soothe him may not be quite the same as to solve the problem. And, accord- ing to the same law, by the time the high command became as agitated as the public is now, the public would be ten times more concerned. It is a scary sort of law, and I am almost sorry I discovered it, except that it may help explain to the G.O.P. why it lost four critical national elections, hand running. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate) (Continued from Page 2) appointment phone Mrs. Man- kowski, Extension 748 411-A W. Engineering Bldg. Lecture University Lectures: The De- partment of Botany and the Mu- seum of Paleontology present two University Lectures by Dr. Birbal Sahni, Prof. of Botany and Geology and Dean of the Science Faculty of the University of Lucknow, India. The first lec- ture "Hunting Fossils in India," will be Wednesday, Dec. 17, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheatre, and the second, "Ancient Floras and Earth MoVements," Thursday, Dec. 18, 4:15 p.m., Natural Science Auditorium. Business Administration Lec- ture: Mr. Daniel F. Gerber, Presi- dent of the Gerber Products Com- pany, Fremont, Michigan, will dis- cuss the annual statement for stockholders and employees at 4 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is in- vited. Marriage Relations Lecture Se- ries: The final lecture in the Mar- riage Relations Series will be pre- sented by Dr. Roland Bainton in the Rackham Lecture Hall, 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 17. Dr. Bainton will speak on "What is Happening to Marriage Today." Students are requested to present their identi- fication cards at the door in addi- tion to their tickets. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Leon Madansky, Physics; thesis: "The Measurement of Lifetimes of Short-lived Metastable States in Nuclei," 1:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman: M. L. Weiden- beck. Chemistry Colloquium: 4:15 p.m., Wed., Dec. 17, Rim .303 Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Richard B. Hahn of Wayne University will discuss his work on Zirconium Chemistry. Mathematics Colloquium: First meeting, Tues., Dec. 16, 4 p.m., Rm. 3201 Angell Hall. Paper: by George Piranian, "Toeplitz Trans- formation with Small Converg- ence Fields." Hectographed ab- stracts are available in Miss Kel- ly's and Miss Eastman's offices. Physical and Inorganic Chemis- try Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Ying Fu will speak on "Ther- modynamics of Absorption from from Solutions." Zoology Seminar: Thurs., Dec. 18, 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphi- theater. Mr. William A. Martin will speak on "The Mechanics of Environmental Control of Body Form in Fishes." Concerts Recital Cancelled: The recital by Madrigal Singers, originally scheduled for 8:30 Thursday eve- ning, Dec, 13, Lydia Merndelssohn Theatre, has been postponed. The new date will be announced later. Student Recital: Lorraine Zeeuw, organist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the. requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Hill Auditorium Open to the general public, the re- cital will include compositions by Bach, DeLamarter, Brahms, Ma- leingreau, and Karg-Elert. Exhib taon Museum of Art: AMERICAN ABSTRACT ARTISTS, througt December 21; PRINTS BY LA- SANSKY AND THE IOW\ PRINT GROUP, through Decem- ber 28. Alumni' Memorial Hall; Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday eve- nings, 7-9. The public is invited. Museum of Art, Alumni Mem- orial Hall. Gallery Talk on Ex- hibitions of Abstract Painting and Lasansky Prints by Prof. Chet LaMore, Tuesday, Dec. 16, 4 p.m. The public is invited. Events Today Radio Program: 4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.), Music is My Hobby-J. E. Maddy. Women's Glee Club: There will be no regular rehearsal at 4 p.m., instead we will meet with the Men's Glee Club at 7:15 p.m., Rm. 319, Michigan Union. Alpha Kappa Delta: Christmas Party, 8 p.m., West Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Wives, husbands and guests of members are invited. Sigma Rho Tau: Finals on the Intercircle Debates. Faculty Judges. Training Program: Ethics of Debate, How to Expose a Fal- lacy. Announcement of Promo- tions and Elections. 7:15 p.m., Michigan Union. Movie: "Appointment .in Tokyo" presented by the ROTC Unit, 7 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. No ad- mission charge. Open to the pub- lic. This motion picture is a dra- matic, rough, and gripping ac- count of General MacArthur's op- erations from the fall of Corregi- dor to the surrender ceremonies in Tokyo Bay. Admission is free and open to the public. U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 246, W. Engineer- ing Bldg. Speaker: Fred Dupslaff, W8DCN, speaking on "Broadcast Interference by Amateur Radio." Flying Club: Executive Board meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1300, E. Engineering Bldg. Members of the University wishing to join the club are invited. La Sociedad Hispanica presents "La Barraca," the Spanish film based on Blasco Ibanez' master- piece, Tuesday and Wednesday, Dec. 16 and 17, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. The pub- lie is invited. Members pay tax only. EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 30 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. * * * More on MYDA To the Editor: [WOULD LIKE TO point out the facts concerning the charge that MYDA has used the Eisler- Marzani incident as a "cheap pub- licity stunt." For the past three weeks I and other members of MYDA have been scouring Ann Arbor for a place to meet. We were refused use of the following places: Masonic Temple, County Court House, Ann Arbor High School, Jones School, Y.M.C.A., Unitarian Church, Farm Bureau, V.F.W. Post, Methodist Church, Congregational Church, Labor Hall and many others. We received all kinds of reasons for the refusals. I even approached Vice-President Niehuss about the possibilities of MYDA renting Hill or Rackham Auditoriums. He in- formed me that in his opinion such an action would not be per- missible. Finally, on Thursday, I, know- ing that the League rents its fa- ,cilities to off-campus organza- tions, called the League and was informed by Miss Skinner that MYDA could have the Hussey Room on Monday night. To make sure that there was no misunder- standing, I went to the League and presented Miss Skinner with a $10 check, which she accepted. This is the same procedure that MYDA followed when we rented a room at the Masonic Temple for a previous meeting. We have to follow such a procedure because we know that pressure will be brought to bear on anyone who rents to us. The Callahan and Thomas Committees are still in existence. The fact that the League was forced by the powers that be to cancel the meeting was, of course, no surprise to me or to anyone else knowing the situation. But this fact does not make our ac- tions a "publicity stunt." All MYDA wants is a right to meet. We are being denied this right not only on the campus, but off it as well. MYDA will, there- fore take every legal step neces- sary in its fight for the enforce- ment of the First Amendment to the Constitution, the amendment which guarantees freedom of speech and assembly to all. -Edward H. Shaffer, Chairman, MYDA. To the Editor: HAS FREEDOM OF SPEECH, freedom of expression and freedom of thought become un- fashionable in this year of 947 at the campus of the University of Michigan? We, the undersigned, who are not members of the Communist Party, protest the University Ad- ministratioan's infringement on our basic rights. We sincerely hope that the University may Le Cerele Francais: Christmas meeting, 8 p.m., Rm. 305, Michi- gan Union. Program: two short comedies, "L'arriviste" by Miguel Zamacois to be played by mem- bers of the Cercle and "Gros Chagrins" by Georges Courteline to be presented by two French la- dies; French Christmas carols; re- freshments. All students of French nationality are to be honor guests. Every member should bring an article of food as a gift for French children and students. Polonia, Club: Annual Christmas Party, 7:30 p.m., International Center, Admission: $.25 gift. En- tertainment and refreshments. IZFA: Discussion of "Chalut- ziut." 8 p.m., Hillel Foundation. Christian Science Organization: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room, Lane Hall. All are invited. Coming Events Research Club: 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 17, Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers: Prof. H. B. Lewis, "Nat- ural Toxicants in Nutrition - A Study of Lathyrism." Prof. A. W. Bromage, "Major Issues of Con- stitutional Revision in Michigan." School of Business Adminis- tration, Student - Faculty Coffee Hour, sponsired by Delta Sigma Pi, professional Business Admin- istration fraternity. 3-5 p.m. Thurs., Dec. 18, Michigan League Ballroom. All business adminis- tration students are invited. (Continued on Page 5) again become a place for free and unrestricted exchange of thought. -Curtis L Mann, and four others. * * * To the Editor: DEMOCRACY is not a matter of whim, chance or arbitrary tolerance. In order for it to work, it must be allowed a full scope of insured freedom in every respect. Freedom from fear, especially from the fear that evil conse- quences may attend fertile think- ing and expression, is a natural; and inseparable portion of the strength upon which democracy rests. I think the refusal of the Uni- versity to allow Gerhart Eisler to speak on the campus is an aban- donment, on the part of those people responsible, of the liberal heritage of free discussion. Their' ban on Eisler is inimical to de- mocracy. It appears as if the University has allowed itself to be swept into the general inquisitional hys- teria being whipped up by such men as J. Parnell Thomas. I am certain that this school cannot possibly mean to show concern with such a system of "fire and faggot" as Thomas employs, a system not altogether dissimilar to those which the democracies o. the world fought against during the war. Because democracy cannot function in an intellectual vac- uum, and because intellects can- not function when liberty of con- science is questioned and even denied, I think it is the respon- sibility of all people seccure'intie belief that free speech is central to democracy to protest the action against Eisler with sufficient per- sistence and vigor to prevent an- other such undemocratic action from being effected. Conceding to thought control will bring additional strictures on hard-won privileges and rights, and leave us with no recourse but ,self-contempt for having sub- mitted to such undemocratic de- fections. Francis X. Growley. To the Editor: THE ADMINISTRATION of the University of Michigan has gone on record as prohibiting any campus organization from pre- senting Gerhart Eisler on the campus. Apparently the University ad- ministration feels that the pres- entation of his views by a man like Mr. Eisler would be detri. mental to the good name of the University. Apparently it feels that while democracy might be the best way of life, it would not be able to withstand the verbal attacks of Communists. I've got more faith in democracy than that. I'd like to remind Presiden Ruthven that the late President; Ropsevelt staked his good name on the inclusion of the Freedon to Speak in the Four Freedoms. And that Voltaire has said: "I do not agree with one word you say, but I will defend with my life your right to say it." -Tom Shatzki, To the Editor: THE CAMPUSES in America ore not escaping the "witch- hunt." President Ruthven's ban on the appearance of Gerhart Eisler is one more concession to regi- mentation of thought, one of many concessions being made by college presidents today as the struggle to intimidate all progres- sives in America increases. At the University of Wisconsin, a week ago, Eisler was barred from appearing. At three of New York City's colleges; Columlia,. City College and Brooklyn, How- ard Fast was barred from appear- ances. These infringements of aca- demic freedom do not grow out of a vacuum. They represent a fear on the part of reactionary inter- ests in the United States, a fear that the student body is beginning to awaken, that in order to sell wholesale imperialism to the more than two millign who aie in col- leges, they must first be condi- tioned. "Anti-Communism" is the conditioning process. If students can be made to realize that Ger- hart Eisler is a Moscow agent, capable at the snap of his fingers of overthrowing the American government, it becomes much sim- pler to apologize for direct inter- vention in Greece and China, France and Italy; it becomes much simpler to flaunt the UN, to take unilateral action in these 'countries in support of pro-fas- cist regimes. It becomes simpler on the basis of "stopping the ris- ing tide of Communism." The American student ha& shown a remarkable capacity i. the past to think and judge fo: himself once he has access to th facts. After he has heard Eisler, after the other side has been pre- sented to him, the side other than that presented by a Wall Street j BARNABY..... 0 4 s,