U1 Li.1'aY~l'. tAY1 [' 4 , t947 ~l t, MI I GA::tDiity WAG Vat :* J DiECiK THE HALLS: Yuletide Preparationrs Spread hI Advaiinee. of Holiday Rush K- C( As students reluctantly b)uckled down for the last week of school before the holidays, yuletide spirit 4 spread over the campus. (Students crossing the snow- mnantled campus near dusk were greeted by cheery lights sparkl- ing from a giant fir tree near the center of the diagonal. Smaller Christmas trees put in an appear- ance in most University offices as Semployees looked toward the holi- days. 4, Christmas Carols During the day christmas carols pealed firomn the Burton Tower Carillon. Thae outskirts of the campus area were brightened b~y giant wreaths adorning street lights.lsltofhidy oca A e ulntslte nderw ay hsoweek- eenth ost drmiytrie, feet- endit aotdoritoies, creultn prnehrstadsordances anhduparn- ie.CFlristms report an heartd- e.n Formist eoeto ecoatde- secludd fo mino studerte sencesudd sprty cnsuentresie dencsud hrit ceer shalsoe lecequ id isma cheprei tlsoe Yu"le spirit: Today thousands of students will gather on the Library steps for the annual Christmas sing. A Wand will be oan hand to lend suppuort to student voices raised in a vocal toast to the approaching I olidays. Annual fExodus Meanwhile students with one eye on home began making plans for the annual trek out of Ann Ar- bor. Thle exodus is expected to start Friday, and continue over the week - end. Transportation authorities have slated extra trans and buses, to handle the overload. Local merchants also report a land office business as student shoppers lammed stores in search of suitable christmas gifts. The usual gaudy Christmas ties were going at a great rate as coeds *ought to please their male friends. Eager shoppers stood three deep at store counters yes- terday as pre-Christmas buying got underway in earnest, Current high prices may have forced a lot of potential buyers out of the automobile market, but there still remain enough to put "sold" tags, on all the vehicles the industry is likely to produce for the next two years or more. w N ."S / 4 4 ('31RISTI'MAS FOR THE IPAClFIC-8-howii above is a merchant vesso green trees, along with mistletoe and holly to bring cheer to the Hlam Santa of 1847 Camne vial N.Y. _y 1,-. ... _. I - .3 __ .__.St i_ WX nnn _.- _ Santa reached Ann Arbor by way of New York, a century ago --newspaper advertisements of that day reveal. Jewelry and musical instru- ments would be rushed via canal boats, lake steamers and railroads to be ready to take their place under Ann Arbor Christmas trees, according to the "Mrite Democr at" of December, 1847. Clocks aiicd watches, rings and necklaces, ae- eordionis and violins were all ad- vertised. as corig direct from New York." More practical gift suggestions asked shoppers to consider "large family Bibles," "hats- and caps, Yankee notions, and looking glasses.". Food prices, considerably more agreeable, were evidently, more stable too in those days, with ad- vertisemen ts running for several months without change. Butter was being sold for 16 cents per pound, eggs for 12 cents a dozen, 1847 markeĀ°t r(,oorts showed. A eorteer't, of 0-aditional C hrist- r-nts tarols will be patyed on t'he Baird Carillon Sunday, Dec. 21. The bells of thei world-tamred (arillon will ring out the "glad tidings" on Christmas Eve, al- though a relatively few students will be here. There will be no bells on Christ- mas day, however, according to Percival Price. 27Ae &erlnCj Stio. ""our Camtpus Photographer" *FINE PORTh *FRAMES * GOOD There is no f Z 1ITS SERVICE finer gift than your picture .. INDIA Alt SHO o XMAS CARDS -~~ IMPORTED TEAS ( rw CANDIED GINGER F' HANDMADE JEWELRY F vU ~HANDMADE LINEN U 0r E m . EVEI NGTL. - t~l Acrss romtheArcade -- 330O MAYNARD STREET (1 Vp JAe Serfinq Studi 619 East Liberty Phone 4434 1II.!' gel being loaded with 75,00)10 ever- "---' w~aii Yule seas~on. Local Station To Broadcast Yuletide Clheer The air-wraves will sparkle with y Yuletide spnrit duriing' the holi- . days, as the University Boadcat- Z 2 ing Service's p7rorams sprea campus cheer to homes Ih Oh I- out M~ihigan, Prrof. Waldo Abbot,. (jut ei lof the service, has announced bod that W the "Messiah" will be broadcast at ~~ 2:30 p.m. today from Hill Audi- torium over 2 AM and 4 FM sta- tions in Ann Arbor, Port Huron,ey Mout Clemens, and Wyandotte.P l Special Christmas music will be f heard on the "Hymns of F reedom" Dec. 21, over WJR. Donald, Platt SILVER SANTA BOOT... filled with surprises she loves Half o. of Blue Grass directs the program and rJim Schi- Perfume, a Lucite Lip Pencil and a tube of Fluffy Milk Bath Petal Wafers. 12.00 avone is narrator' FANTASY CHRISTMAS TREE ... and tucked insde are two aids to her beutyl The "Night before Christaa - Elizabeth Arden's wonderful Nail Lacquer and mathing Lip Pencil in a chaWc will be high-lighted by the aCUad- of beautiful shades. 2.25 rybn mbr of cide'ChTmattin's CHRISTMAS BELL DUET.. ringing out your Christmas wishes for hel Each bell spec by as memer 2:30Tom.,Dtti, hides one dram of Blue Grass Perfume the sweet frth fragrance famous for its 24, over WKAR. The Universitychr.4S Madrigal Singers will blend CHRISTMAS SHOWCASE.. displays bauty for her bath, in her favorite fr- voices in the singing of traditional grncel there re B o, of Blue Grss Flower Mist, Bath Soap and Dsting carols at 2:45 p.m. over WKAR, Powder. 6.25 alpespu a on the same day. What Christmas holidays are like in the University Hospital will be told by Miss Dorothy Ketchum, director of Social Se- vice at thehoptl t20pm. YQrrJ Dec. 26, also over WKAR . C.! During the holidays, the camp- us news roundup will be broad- ON STATE AT THE NZAD O ORTH UNVESTY cast at 4 p.m. Wednesdays, in- stead of the usual Thursday time. Mem-o to Men wt Wo0men on Their Minds ... The Art of Givinig is Simply Said, y"Buay with te Heart and not with the Hea." Y Moral: Go straight to COLLINS, for its-no fable . Smart things wear the COLLINS label. r~j Cheek These Fl GIFT SUGGESTIONS El WARM ROBES L GLOVES r, Q BED JACKETS Q HOSIERY ElPAJAMAS [3SCARFS Ql SWEATERS El MITTENS Al .' ,LQ SKIRTS El MOCASOX Fl El t BLOUSES EQ DRESSES Q JACKETS El SUITS ElSLACKS El COATS El _SKI PANTS El FORMALS! AK El PURSES [I] FORMAL WRAPS El B ILLFOLDS El NEGLIGEES rl El .. HANDKERCHIEFS El LINGERIE EEISENBERG El EISENBE GIFS FR EERYNE: cut F@LETT' LustrQWoy cap $2.75 $ _0 t (i~UNTHER'S y) Inside A LO H ROur trade dprm n All over the map the MAGA INEShas ll o thenumiberl1 non-fiction best-seller SUBSCRIPTIONS"Rw-Mcr"