C, I r
4f I 43UtIn
Latest Deadline in the State
State Groups
Map Plan for
GI Pay Hike
Will Ask $100,
$125 Per Month
(Special to The Daily)
"65-90 club" took a beating here
today as student veterans from 21
Michigan campuses launched a
campaign - to boost subsistence
payments to $100 per month foi
single veterans and $125 for mar-
ried ex-GIs.
The 81 delegates from 36 cam-
pus groups and veterans organiza-
tions agreed, also that $15 should
be allotted monthly for each ad-
ditional dependent.
Meeting here at a statewide
planning conference, the veterans
decided that only in such sub-
sistence hikes can the squeeze on
their pocketbooks be eased. "We've
got as much chance as a snow-
ball in hell, of living on the pres-
ent veterans subsistence," they
agreed as they outlined a "snow-
balling" campaign to bring pres-
sure on Congress.
Immediate plans include:
1. Delegates Harvey Weisberg
president of the University of
Michigan's Student Legislature,
and Archie Thomas of Spring
Arbor Junior College will at-
tend a strategy meeting in
Washington Friday and Satur-
day. They will meet with stu-
dent veterans from all parts of
the cog~ntry, and will confer
with Sen. Claude Pepper (D.-
Fla.) and Sen. Wayne Morse
(R.-Ore.) on the question of in-
creased subsistence.
2. A mass meeting in Wash-
ington early in January will be
attended by George Antonofsky,
chairman of Michigan's Opera-
tion Subsistence and executive
board member of the University
of Michigan's AVC chapter.
Antonofsky will present Con-
gress with the cost of living figures
gathered in a statewide survey.
He will bring with him statements
from Michigan veterans which
point to a mass exodus from col-
leges and universities unless the
government helps to meet rising
The Rogers Bill, calling for $10
boosts for single students and $15
for married veterans was called
"inadequate." The bill, already
passed in the Senate, is pending
mn the House.
Recognizing that increased sub-
sistence means little if rents are
permitted to rise, the group rec-
1. Continuation of Federal
rent control,
2. Adoption of plans for emer-
gency state rent control, and,
3. Establishment of campus
housing committees.
University of Michigan dele-
gates at the eight hour meeting
were Betty Baker of the Women's
Veterans Association, Bill Young,
Bob Schneiderman and Al Mill-
stein of the campus AVC, and
Weisberg and Bob Carpenter rep-
resenting the Student Legislature.
Class Officers
To Be Elected
Education School
To Vote Tuesday
Seniors in the education school
will elect their class officers Tues-
day from a field of 21 candidates.
Voters may cast ballots at the
education school offices from 8:45
a.m. until noon, and from 1:30
to 4:30 p.m.
Candidates for president are:
Gerry Fahrenkopf, Anita Sobel,
Janet Osgood, Clarence Smigiel,
Leonard Ford and Lewis Horton.
Candidates for vice-president
are: Betty Gibbs, Camille Ayo,
Jack Weisenburger and Naida
Secretarian candidates are: Mrs.
Theda Drake, Beverly Reeder,
Edith Resnick and Paul Wolfthal.
Running for treasurer are:
Richard Bodycombe, Doris DeFoe,
Kurt Kampe, Dorothy Woodbury,
Mary Lou Marsh, Margaret Zirbes
and' Mabel Holmes.
Candidates' statements appear
on page 3 of The Daily..
* *A *
Assign Attorney
Elliott Named Big Nine's
Most Valuable Gridder
'Bump' Becomes Fourth Michigan Man
To Be Chosen for Chicago Tribune Trophy
Chalmers "Bump" Elliott, Michigan's versatile right half-back
from Bloomington, Ill., yesterday became the fourth Wolverine since
1924 to be named the most valuable player in the Western Conference.
The sorrel-topped 170-pound grid ace, whose brilliant offensive
and defensive talents baffled the opposition all season long, will receive
a silver football from the Chicago Tribune, sponsor of the competi-
tion among the Big Nine Schools.
Propose Trophy Presentation
At the convenience of Elliott and the athletic department here,
the presentation will be made between halves of one of Michigan's
....soloist in "Messiah"
*I * * '
'Messiah' Will
Be Broadcast
At Hill Today
Marks First Radio
Presentation Here
The second and final perform-
ance of the "Messiah," to be pre-
sented at 2:30 p.m. today in Hill
Auditorium, will be aired- over six
radio stations covering Ann Arbor,
Mt. Clemens, Wyandotte, and Port
The program, presented by the
University Broadcasting Service,
will mark the first radio presen-
tation of Handel's Christmas ora-
torio from Hill.
The 300 voice Choral Union
Chorus, maintained since 1879 by
the University Musical Society,
sponsors of the "Messiah," will
present the choral part of the
oratorio. The Musical Society's 60
Dr. Charles A. Sink, presi-
dent of the University Musical
Society has requested all per-
sons attending the concert to-
day to be in their seats by 2:30
p.m. to assure a prompt begin-
ning for the radio broadcast of
the performance.
piece orchestra, composed of Uni-
versity and local musicians, will
provide the orchestral background.
Lester McCoy, associate conduc-
tor for the Society will direct the
production. Prof. Theodore Hager,
of the music school will present
the introductory and intermission
Featured soloists for the "Mes-
siah" include four American art-
ists: Frances Yeend, lyric soprano,
Mary Van Kirk, contralto, Harold
Haugh, tenor and Mark Love, bass.
Miss Yeend, fresh from the Berk-
shire Festival, and Mark Love, 250
performance veteran in the bass
role, are making their first ap-
pearances in Ann Arbor.
Miss Van Kirk, hailed by critics
as the "second Schumann-Heink"
and Haugh, renowned for his in-
terpretation of the tenor role are
making return performances.
-'home basketball games with a
Conference power.
Benny Friedman became the
first Wolverine to win the Con-
ference's most valuable player
award. That was back in 1926, two
years after the Tribune conceived
such a poll among Big Nine play-
In 1932, Harry Newman, an-
other sensational backfield star in
Wolverine sports annals, received
the coveted award.
Eight years later, Wolverine
Tom Harmon was named the
league's most valuable performer.
Illini First Winner
Harold "Red" Grange, the great
Illinois star of yesterday, was the
first gridder to win the Tribune's
award back in 1924. Last year,
Alex Agase, Illini guard, received
top honors for the best Conference
The swivel-hipped Elliott, paced
the Wolverine scoring parade this
year with 54 points, 36 of which
were picked up in Big Nine com-
Here are some reasons why
teammates voted Elliott as their
most valuable player, a selection
that was extended yesterday to in-
clude the entire Big Nine:
1. Carrying the ball 68 times
for 439 net yards, Elliott earned
a 6.46 per try rushing average in
nine games.
2. He caught 16 passes for 318
yards, two resulting in Wolverine
3. In Conference play, he snared
14 passes, good for 303-yards gain
and the individual championship
in that department.
See ELLIOTT, Page 7
Fleet Admiral
'Nimitz Vacates
Top Navy Post
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-(A)-
One of the legendary figures of the
modern navy, Fleet Admiral
Chester W. Nimitz, will hand over
the Navy's top job to his succes-
sor on Monday and step to the
He will be an adviser to the Sec-
retary of the Navy from his home
on the West Coast, while Admir 1
Louis E. Denfeld sits in the chair
of the Chief of Naval Operations.
Nimitz visited the White House
today to say goodbye to President
Truman, shaking hands with
everyone in the White House lob-
by. He displayed a silver cigar-
ette case given him by his associ-
ates. It bore the names of Mr.
Truman and several other offi-
The personal hero of thousands
of enlisted men, the 62-year-old
wartime Pacific Commander
evoked almost violent loyalty from
sailors who pitched horseshoes
with him, shared his breakfast
and swapped Texan reminiscences.
Taking over the Pacific Fleet
immediately after the Japanese
attack on Pearl Harbor, he direct-
ed the painful buildup of naval
strength and crashing victories
that smashed the Japanese dream
of conquest. Nimitz, calm and
content, signed the surrender
terms in the name of the United
States, aboard the Battleship Mis-
souri in Tokyo Bay.
Propose Anti
Voluntary Action
Urged in Senate
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-Sen-
ate Republicans today put forward
a 10-point anti-inflation program
geared to voluntary action in
combatting rising living costs, but
promised if this does not work to
consider authorizing government
They pegged their program to
voluntary limitations on industrial
inventories and voluntary agree-
ments to parcel out scarce com-
The Republicans called for an
increase in production, a cut in
government spending, reduction
of the public dent, and lower
In a statement which Senator
Millikin (Colo.) said was approved
unanimously by more than 35
GOP senators in a four-hour ses-
sin, the Republicans pledged ac-
tion during the special session of
Congress on three specific anti-
inflation proposals.
All three are included in the
Wolcott Bill which is slated to go
before the House Monday. These
include extension of controls over
exports and transportation, and
legislative sanction for voluntary
agreements among businessmen
limiting inventories and authoriz-
ing priorities.
In formally recommending
passage of the Wolcott Bill,' the
House Banking Committee
picked out quotations from a
statement by Mr. Truman last
year to back up a contention
that selective price and wage
controls might lead to "distor-
tion" and "diversion of goods."
Although the official policy
statement of the Senate Republi-
cans okayed roughly half of the
10-point program put forward by
President Truman in opening the
special session, it made no move
to carry out his request for stand-
by authority to impose rationing
and price controls on a compul-
sory basis.
However, the policy paper said:
If it appears that voluntary
controls are inadequate to meet
specific problems, we will consid-
er the granting of authority to
meet such particular problems."
In Hectic Cage Opener, 63-50:s
Aid Bill Compromise Reached
Relief Sume To
Include China,
Group Agrees
Expect Quick Action
On Conference Draft
By The Associated Press
compromise "foreign aid act of
1947" emerged from a Senate-
House conference today authoriz-
ing the full $597,000,000 asked by
the Administration but allowing
China to share as demanded by
the House.
The Administration had asked
the $597,000,000 for stop-Commu-
nism aid for France, Italy and
Austria, pending consideration of
the long-range Marshall Plan for
European recovery. The Senate
went along but the House cut the
total to $590,000,000 and marked
China in for a share.
The Senate and House bills then
went to the joint conference com-
mittees which drafted the com-
promise after a long session.
Early Action
It now goes back to Senate and
House, which are expected to ap-
prove it swiftly. Senator Vanden-
berg (Rep., Mich.), chairman of
the Senate Foreign Relations
Committee, expressed hope that
both chambers can act Monday.
which would send the bill to the
White House.
President Truman is expected to
sign promptly.
Actual supplies of food, fuel,
clothing and other supplies then
could start moving to Western
Europe because the bill authorizes
the Reconstruction Finance Cor-
poration to advance $150,000,000
for this purpose.
Vandenberg Spokesman
Vandenberg, spokesman for the
Senate-House conferees, made it
plain that the actual share any of
the four nations receive will be de-
termined later by an appropria-
tions bill.
"Whatever China gets will have
to come off the others," Vanden-
berg said, disclosing that the con-
ferees tried in vain to work out a
plan for handling Chinese relief
Major changes made in ironing
out Senate-House differences were
outlined in this way by Vanden-
1. $597,000,000 "is the ceiling on
aid to the four countries."
2. President Truman is directed
to retain at least 150,000,000
bushels of wheat, flour and other
wheat products in ths country as
a stockpile or "carryover" on next
July 1 for domestic use, unless he
determines on March 1 next that
this is not necessary.
Federalists To
Extend Survey
The United World Federalists
campus survey will swing to West
Lodge, 'U' Terrace and the chow-
lines of the Michigan League and
Union Monday, Debby Rabino-
witz, chairman of the survey
committee announced.
Students are given copies of the
Federalists Resolution on Ameri-
can aid to European nations to
read and asked to sign "yes" or
"Results of the survey opera-
tion will be forwarded to Sena-
tor Vandenberg and other Con-
gressmen from Michigan," George
Shepherd, president of the camp-I
us chapter, said.
BRUISER AND THE BRUISED-Guard Bob harrison, left,
copped individual scoring honors last night at Yost Field house
with sixteen points while Mack Suprunowicz, right, Michigan's
All-Conference forward, managed nine points despite a rough
going-over at the hands of the highly touted Broncos.
'U' Banningof Gerhard Eisler
Meets with VaryingOpinions
World News
At a Glance
t By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 13-Pres-
ident Truman said today that
while American troops are being
withdrawn from Italy the United
States will consider "appropriate"
measures for maintaining peace
there if Italy's independence is
threatened in the future.
Approximately 1,600 American
troops, all that remain of several
hundred thousand at the time of
the Italian armistice, are due to
sail from Leghorn, Italy tomorrow
on the Army transport Admiral
* * *
ROME, Dec. 13-The Constit-
uent Assembly rejected tonight a
Communist move to investigate
police action in the turbulent two-
day general strike throughout
Rome Province, in which both
sides still claimed victory. The mo-
tion was beaten 216 to 111.
The Assembly reconvened for
the vote after debate degenerated
into shouting and name-calling
and its Communist president, Um-
berto Terracini, suspended the
'I . *
PARIS, Dec. 13-The Minis-
try of the Interior announced
tonight that "about 20" Rus-
sians attached to the former
Soviet repatriation mission were
expelled from France yesterday.
This action brought to approx-
imately 56 the number of Rus-
sians ejected since Nov. 25.
The expulsions began Nov. 25
when 19 Soviet citizens were
taken to the frontier under
armed guard for allegedly mix-
ing into French affairs during
the wave of internal upheaval
Student -in- the -street reaction)
yesterday to the University's ban-
ning of Communist Gerhard Eis-
ler from campus varied from full
approval to angry protest:
Joe Sutton, Grad: The Univer-
sity's action is justified. Eisler and
Marzani have been denied the
right to speak on campus, but they
are still free to talk anywhere else.
Norm Steere, '50: To paraphrase
Voltaire's statement, I don't like
what he says, but I will defend his
right to the death to say it. If
the people don't have the intelli-
gence to choose wisely, then let's
MYDA Votes
Legal Action
Against League
The Executive Council of Michi-
gan Youth for Democratic Action
met late Friday night and voted to
take definite action against the
League for refusing to permit
MYDA to use the Hussey Room
Kenny Goodman, publicity di-
rector for MYDA, stated that "On
the point of civil law, we are pre-
pared to take full court action
against the Michigan League for
its breach of contract. We are now
discussing with legal counsel sev-
eral courses of action open to us."
MYDA's statement came on the
heels of the University decision to
return a $10 check for rental of
the League room, and refuse Ger-
hart Eisler permission to speak.
Ed Shaffer, MYDA Chairman,
previously refused to accept re-
turn of the check on the grounds
that a legal contract had been
Hurry, Hurry.,. .. .
All Christmas greeting cards
should be in the mail no later
than tomorrow night to be as-
sured of delivery before Dec. 25,
Postmaster Oswald J. Koch an-
nounced yesterday.
stop pretending to be democratic.
Is there anything I can do?
. James Wyngaarten, '47M: I am
entirely in support of the Univer-
sity's action. If Eisler spoke, the
University would be accused o0
lending tacit support to a speak-
er advocating active support of a
foreign idealogy.
K. Y. Chu, Grad: As a foreigr
student I had always thought
American had free speech. I be-
lieve the University should have
no control over speeches here.
Bill Oren,.'48: I support the ban
in view of Eisler's record. Hi
speech would be a reflection upon
the school as a whole.
Maurice Kartch, '50: The Uni
versity took the right action I be-
lieve in free speech and letting
people make up their own mind.
but Eisler represents an organi-
zation which wants to overthrow
the country.
H. R. Simon, '49: If one man i!,
stopped from speaking, it will
eventually come to a point where
everyone's right to speak out will
be questioned. Free speech is onf
of the basic freedoms and w
should protect it.
Richard C. McArdle, '51: Be-
cause MYDA has been banned
from the University, authorities
are justified in refusing the room.
however, even though I don't like
Communists I think they should
be given an opportunity to speak
IRA Meeting
Will Be Held
IRA will hold a meeting at 7:30
p.m. Tuesday to work out details
of the court case which will soon
be prosecuted against a local bar-
bershop, Lee Salk, educational di-
rector, announced yesterday.
Meanwhile, Keitha Harmon.
secretary of SRA and chairman of
the Coordinating Committee or
Racial Discrimination, reported
that consultations with the bar-
bers had proved "fruitless."
The group's steering committee
will meet at 4 p.m. today in Lang
Bob Harrison
High Scorer
With 16 Points
Mikulich, McCaslin,
Get 12 Points Each
Coach Ozzie Cowles 1947 edi-
tion of Michigan's renovated bas-
ketball squad had 8,000 fans on
the edge of their seats last night
as they out-scrapped a roughneck
Western Michigan quintet, 63-50,
to firmly establish themselves as a
definite threat for the Big, Nine
The Broncos were a beaten
team team from the opening
jump. Michigan dominated the
game completely although the
halftime lead of 37-19 provided
the necessary backlog for the
high-scoring wide-open second
Michigan worked equally well
with almost any combination that
Cowles chose to send in.
Harrison High Scorer
Captain Bob Harrison was high
scorer for the evening accounting
for 16 points of Michigan's total,
with Boyd McCaslin and Bill Mi-
kulich next with 12 apiece.
Chuck Brown, Bronco guard,
was their high scorer netting 11
points in the course of the eve-
ring. Center Don Boven came in
econd with 10 points.
In a game thatlooked at times
nore like a wrestling match than
t basketball contest, the Wolver-
ines proved to be .the masters of
the game by out-shooting and
>ut-scoring the Broncos.
:Michigan Scores First
Michigan opened the scoring
when Bill Roberts tipped in the
rebound of a foul shot attempt by
\4Mack Supunowicz in the first min-
ate . of the game. Suprunowicz
slipped in a two-pointer a minute
ater and Gerrit Wierda sank a
'oul shot to give the Wolverines a
ive point lead.
At the halfway mark Michigan
See "M" CAGERS, Page 6
'Jews Slay 21
In New Battle
British Expect Quick
Retaliation by Arabs
JERUSALEM, Dec. 13--(M) -
Jewish warriors striking with
bombs and machineguns killed 21
Palestine Arabs-including several
women and children-and wound-
,d almost 100 in a series of at-
acks climaxed tonight by a bat-
le east of Tel Aviv. Three Jews
lso were killed.
Streets in teeming sections of
Jerusalem and Jaffa ran with the
)lood of Arabs killed and wounded
n the bombings.
Arabs throughout Palestine
hirsted for revenge as Jewish
ighters retained their initiative
n the bitter communal fighting
or the second straight day. Brit-
;h soldiers and police rushed to
ction stations to await an ex-
:ected retaliation blow against
he Jews.
An Associated Press tabulation
howed 223 persons have been
:illed in the Holy Land in the 14
lays of Arab-Jewish fighting
ince the United Nations General
issembly voted to partition Pal-
stine. The toll for the entire
.iddle East is 39.
Hagana militiamen, wearing
teel helmets and khaki uniforms,
tormed the village of Al Yahu-
iya, in Arab territory east of Tel
Aviv, killing seven Arabs and seri-
)usly wounding seven others in
he latest of a series of incidents
A spokesman for Hagana, self-
"yled Jewish defense army, de-
ribed the operation as a reprisal
attack designed to "wipe out a
est of brigands who attacked Tel
Santa Threatens Vengeance
For Garg Christmas 'Cheer'
Gargoyle's holiday gift to the
kiddies will be flung at the cam-
pus tomorrow and Santa Claus is
threatening to move to Mars.
Shortly after dawn earlap-clad
peddlers will swarm across the
Diag to hawk their licentious
reputation in Garg's grimy bucket
of Christmas cheer. "We thought
Santa was something everyone
could use like an old roller towel,"
he protested.
Scorching Letters
Somehow Santa got wind of the
plot-it isn't hard with Gara-
Piper Cub Brings Santa on Local Visit