N 1- .= " U [. -1: n f .1 5 'L Y L D i. ~ JL L ._.... ,Y..-y 1 Y 4- ~ + ALI.-- - i E jj~ jw ~ j J=Hop Application WillClose Today Today is the last chance jun- fds attending will receive 4 a.m. iors, seniors and graduate stud- 1ds n g4issiong ents will have to submit applica- The bands of Sonny Dunham Lions for J-Hop tickets. and Tommy Dorsey have been en- The ticket booth will be open Iaged to play for the traditional from 9 a,m. to noon in U~niver- ,,-dtopafrtetaiinl sity Ha.pplicts arnenasker-oevent. Both of the bands will fin- sity Hall. Applicants are asked to ish East Coast engagements over bring fD.r rdly pstad Teap-nthe holidays before starting their ;tanmp for reply postage. The ap- westward tours of universities and plication blanks are available at ollegeA. the booth.c 3realkfaswt Follows Indicate Preferences Bekatri W ickt Preferences we Plans are being formulated for Ticket preferences will be -ivoli J-Hjop breakfasts at the League to juniors, seniors and graduatce Ian -flo bafastwat the tegu in that order. Students will be al- and Union following the two lowed to state on the application dances. Informal oft-night dances which night they prefer to attend will again be presented at the J-Hop. League and Union J-Hop week- end, according to Nancy Cdlligan, The ticket committee will be- publicity hah'man. gin allocating tickets immediately and students will be informed by The ;rice of tickets are $7.50, postcard if their preferences have payable 'a January whei' alloca- been approved shortly after tions ar. completed and tickets Christmas vacation. go on sale. In the event that till Dat Told tickets are not applied fr or all tes.tickets wnich ;cre applied or are J-Hop will be presented from not purchased there wv:be an 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. Feb. 6 and 7 at open sale of Top tickets to all the Intramural Building, and co- classes late in January. It's the BEST GIFT of All!I AN OFFICIAL UNIVERSITY OF MIChIGAN RING means a life/ine of pride and pleasure for the recipient. It identifies i/s wearer with a great Univer- sity and is a mark of Prestige and distinction. t is available for immediate delivery for the classes of '47 and '48. Your initials and last name are engraved in the band wi/h oltr compliments. -Tom and Meredith Suckling 1319 SOUTH UNIVERSITY Phone 9533 e O CtO< UO ( } !oJOO Uo t Senior Group Will Sponsor CarolParty Senior Society, independent senior women's honorary, has in- vited all the junior and senior honor societies on campus to go caroling at 8 p.m. on Monday. De- cember 15. Those included are Scroll, af- filiated senior women's honorary; Wyvern, honorary for .iunior women; and Mortar Board, na- tional senior women's honor so- ciety. The list continues with the men's honor societies, Druids, for senior men in L.S.&A., Triangle, for junior engineers. Sphinx, for juniors in L.S.&A., and Micha- gamua, for seniors. They are meeting in the lobby of the League and will return afterwards to the soda bar for refreshments. The carollers will include University Hospital, Health Service, and President Ruthven's home on the list of places they will carol. The officers of Senior Society are in charge of this event. They are Naida Chernow, President, Mary Quiatt, Viet-president, Mary Coke Dance To Be Jane Mary &V Y e Albright, Treasurer, Ruth Levy, Secretary. and I Local Survey Reveals New Spring Styles Assembly and the Union S- vial Committet are cooperat- ing to present a coke dance from 2 to 5 p.m. today in the League Ballroom. This Christmas mixer is the first in a series of Saturday af- ternoon mixers. Torn MkNall and his orchestra with vocalist, Jackie Ward, will be featured. Card tables will be set up for bridge enthusiasts and refresh- ments are to be served. This series of coke dances is being organized to get students acquainted and they are open to all men and women on campus. WAA Notices Games in the Interhouse Bask- etball Tournament this week are: Monday: 5:10 p.m. Gamma Phi Beta II vs. Sigma Delta Tau, Col- legiate Sorosis III vs. Alpha Omi- cron Pi IT; 7:10 p.m. Zone TT vs. Zeta Tau Alpha I, Kappa Delta I vs. Betsy Barbour IT; 8:15 p.m. Couzens I vs. Jordan V. Tuesday: 5:10 p . m . Adelia Cheever vs. Delta Gamma TI, Al- phea Delta Pi I vs. Alpha Omicron Pi I; 7:10 p.m. Newberry I vs. Stockwell VII, Chi Omega I vs. Martha Cook; 8:15 p.m. Couzens IT vs. Mosher I. Wednesday: 5:10 p.m. Jordau V vs. Stockwell IX, Kappa Kappa Gamma I vs. Soi-osis 1; 7':10 p.m. Kappa Kappa Gamma If vs. Chii Omega .IT, Kappa Kaupa Gamma III vs. Pi Beta Phi 1; 8:15 p.m. Zone VI vs. Couzens III. Barbour Gym is open for prac- tice by house teams. Managers may sign up in Barbour Gym to use the gym during stated times. Staff members on duty at that time will assist the team with plays and skills. The game schedule for the All- campus Singles Bauinton Tour- nament will be posted today on the WAA Bulletin Board in Bar- bour Gym. Members of the WAA Badmin- ton Club may play at 1:30 p.m. to- day in Barbour Gym. New mem- bers are invited to attend, each member must supply their own racket and bird. Players in the Wednesday group may attend if they wish. An Outing Club treasure hunt will be held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday for all men and women on camp- us. Nancy Ved ier, hlub president, asks that those attending meet at the W.A.B. and advises that warm outdoor clothing be worn. Both singles and couples are welcome. The Saturday practice session of the Tennis Club will be divided into two sections; Groups 1 and 2 playing at 1 p.m. and groups 3 and 4 at 1:45 p.m. Panhel Coeds Will Receive Recognition Dean Lloyd, Smith To Give Guest Addresses Jan. 12 Pa nhelleni( Rco nit.ion Night, I ou orhng out st andinr. atilihated w men for activ ilils and scholar- ship, Will be uheli at 7:10 p.mi. Oil Jail. 12 in Rackham Lect ure Hall. Recomition Night traditionally honors the sophomore, junior and senior women having the most ac- ivities points in her class. The house having the highest activi- ties record will also be honored. De tii Alice Lloyd will present all activities awards. A Panhel- lenic Association Activities Cup Sil be give- to the most out- standing house for the first time this year. Points for the activi- ties awards are computed for this fall only. Last year Gamma Phi Beta received the award for the greatest number of activi- ties. The traditional Panhellenic As- siation Scholarship Cup will be presented by registrar Ira Smith to the house with the best schol- arship record for tue year 1946-47. Pi Beta Phi received the cup at last year's Recognition Night. Scroll, affiliated senior women's honor society, will tap new mem- bers. Preceding the presentation. lean Lloyd and Mr. Smith will deliver their annual address. Sally Staftats, PanIhel Presi- dent, and Jane Wetaiore, Rush- ing Chairman, will also speak. This year's general chairman is Harriet Mermelstein, Sigma Delta Tau. Virginia Nicklas, Delta Del- ta Delta, is in charge of program arrangement, and Mary Ann Ken- nedy, Kappa Alpha Theta, is the patrons chairman. Other committee heads are Ann Norris, Kappa Delta, programs and Rosemarie Schoets, Gamma Phi Beta, finance. This year the committee ex- tends a special invitation to all transfer sorority women to attend. The theme for the annual event will not be revealed until the night of the program. Sent*(" Union To Qive Ball Horiora g )Tp~ro ups Druids and Vulcans, senior honorary societies for men, will be honored at "Se-Hon-So Ball" from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the Union ballroom. Thlue dance is the second in a series sponsored by the Union cx- ecutive council honoring men's honorary societies, of which the first was "Ju-Hon-So Ball." Intermision entertainment has been planned to include a black face chorus composed of Dale Wright, Ned Miles, Pete Sode- berg, Ed Duncan, Bill Wilke, and Norm Mathias, all under the di- rection of Gus Rogers. Haze Schu- macker will be master of cere- monies for the program which will also feature a blues singer and comedy act. Sleigh Bell Ball' at Casbah To Feature Snowy Therme Casbah !sts will dance a id spirit at the campus night. lub's "Sleigh Bell Ball," to be held from 9 p.m. to midnight today in the League Ballroom. Sprinklings of snowflakes and overhang;igr icicleswill lend a Christmas atmosphere to the in- formal dance. Behind the band- stamd will be outlined a snOw-lad. en silver tree. Fran WMine-Gar and his band, featuring Nola on the vocals, will provide music for Casbah guests. The band will broadcast its regular Saturday program from 10 to 10:30 p.m. over Sta- tion WIRV. "Sleigh It's Not Snow," student talent variety show starring Buck Dawson as master of ceremonies, will be presented during inter- mission. Dawson will introduce Bonnie J.llis, mush' student and win- ner of a recent all-state voice contest: Everett Ellin, president of the Engineerinm Council: and Leroy Rocquemore, vocal stylist from Ypsilanti Normal College. Mi . s Elms. a compnMuied by Lydia Pekarsky, will sin' "Winter wonderlaiid" and "Lover." Roe- 4ucnore, also in the holiday spirit, has chosen "The Christmas Song" and "I'm In the Mood For Love." Photographers will be on hand to take pictures of "Sleigh Bell Ball" guests standing amid novel Christmas props. Tickets for the dance are still on sale in the Undergraduate Of- fice of the League. Profits from all Casbah dances are donated to the Fresh Air Camp fund. The Casbah will not be open next weekend. By JEAN RUSS HERE is the spring fashion fore- cast according to a Daily sur- vey of local merchandisers. There will be no great fashion revolution as there was this fall. Skirts will be a little longer and will vary from 'slightly flared to very full. Pencil-slim skirts that have been popular for the past six years won't be in the fashion pic- ture. Suit jackets will be long and will average between 28 and 32 inches in length. The only ex- ception to this will he jackets to go with the extremely flared skirts. These will be butcher jackets styled short and fitted. Coats will fall into three general classes; boxy, belted and tapered. Long, fitted coats will be featured for an early Easter. Gabardine and worsted will be the favorite coat materials. DRESSES will remain long with the side drape regaining popu- larity. Shoulders will be slightly padded because of the American woman's reaction to the total ab- UNIVERSITY LUTHERAN CHAPEL AND STUDENT CENTER 1511 Washtenaw Avenue Alfred T. Scheips, Pastor (The Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Mis- souri, Ohio, and Other States) 9:45 and 11:00 A.M. - Services with Holy Communion. Sermon by the pastor, "The Incomparable Incarnation." 5:30 P.M.-Supper Meeting of Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Club, with members of the Wayne University chapter as guests. Thursday, 4:15 P.M.---Cofee Hour. FIRST METHODIST CHURCH Ministers-James Brett Kenna and Robert H. Jongeward Music-Lester McCoy, director Mary McCall Stubbins, organist Student Activities-Doris Reed, director 9:45-12:00 Noon-Church School. 10:45 A.M.-Worship Service. Dr. Kenna's Wise Man," presented by the Drama Group. Special Christmas music by the Guild orchestra and choir. Supper and fellowship hour. 5:30 P.M.-Wesleyan Guild. "The Other sermon topic: "The Program of Jesus." Mortar Board, senior wo- men's honorary, will meet at 1:30 p.m. today in Pamela Wrinch's Room in Martha Cook. TYPEWRITERS Office and Portable Models of all makes Bought, Rented, Repaired, STATIONERY & SUPPLIES 0. D. MORRILL 314 South State St. G. I. Requisitions Accepted MEMORIAL CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Disciples of Christ) Hill and Tappan F. E. Zendt, Minister to Congregation Mr. Howard Farrar, Choir Director 10:50 A.M.-Morning Worship. Nursery for children during the service. GUILD HOUSE, 438 Maynard Street H. L. Pickerill, Minister to Students Jean Garee, Assistant in Student Work 9:40 A.M.-Bible Study. Guild Sunday Evening Hour - The annual Christmas Tea will be. held at the Memoial Christian Church. following, the Mes.;iah1. ST. ANDREW'S EPISCOPAL CHURCH Division at Catherine The Rev. Henry Lewis, Rector The Rev. John M. Shufelt, Curate The Rev. John H. Burt, Student Chaplain Miss M. J. Westphal, Counsellor for Women., Mr. George R. Hunsche, Choirmaster 8:00 A.M.-Holy Communion. 9:00 A.M.-Holy Communion (followed by breakfast at Student Center. 11:00 A.M.-Junior Church. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Prayer. Sermon by Mr. Burt. 3:00 P.M.-High School Club Party fer Chil- dren's Institute. 4:30 P.M.-Student Confirmation Class. 5:30 P.M.-Canterbury Club Supper and Dis- cussion, Student Center. 7:00 P.M.-Adult Confirmation Class. 8:00 P.M.-Choral Evening Prayer. Sermon by Dr. Lewis. Tuesday, 7:00 P.M.-Carolling Party, Student Center. Wednesday, 7:15 A.M.-Holy Communion (fol- lowed by breakfast at Student Center). Friday, 4:00-6:00 P.M.-Open House, Student Center. 11 It's as easy as. Pie. to use sence of it. Printed materialsi and navy colors will1 up in ready-made Hooded dresses will more popular. In general there will in iattel be played dresses. be even not be too many changes in accessories. Hats will be off-the-face and the ex- treme side introduced by the French designer, Christian Dior, will be featured. The shoe trend is toward more closed models with ankle straps appearing on many. r TRAVELER'S CHECKS DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Safe - Convenient ANN ARBOR BANK 101 Member SOUTH MAIN 330 SOUTH STATE Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (Continued on Page- 5) Art Cinema League presents Peter Lorre as the kidnaper in "M", a picture of suispense and terror. German Dialogue, Eng- lish titles. Sunday only-3 p.m. and 8 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohh Theatre. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations, phone 6300. U. of M. Radio Club: Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Rm. 246, W. Engineering Bldg. Speaker: Fred Dupslaff, W8DCN, speaking on "Broadcast Interference by Amateur Radio." Russian Club: Meeting, 8 p.m., Mon., Dec. 15, International Cen- ter. Christmas Party. Special pro- gram. All students invited. Hillel Foundation and T.Z.F.A.: Annual Chanukah Festival, 6:30 p.m., Sun., Dec. 14, Hillel Founda- tion. Entertainment, refreshments, and variety booths. All proceeds will go to the Jewish National! Fund. Everyone is invited. WOULD YOU LIKE TO KNOW MORE ABOUT CHRISTIAN SCIENCE? Then you and our friends are cordially invi/ed to at/end a Ftree Public- tec/urc on Chri/sia,; Science, en/i/led CHRISTIAN SCIENCE: THE PROMISED COMFORTER by RALPH E. WAGERS, C.S.B, of Chicago, Illinois Alcolber of t/he Board of ec/ureship of The Alother Church, The firtChrchof ChisScientis, in Bos/on, Masachuse/ts in lie Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre in the Mich. League Bldg. Saturday, December 13, 1947 at 3:00 P.M. Under the Auspices of The Christian Science Organization at thVe niversit),/y of Michh an ALL ARE WELCOME VILLAGE CHURCH FELLOWSHIP Interdenominational University Community Center, Willow Run Village Rev. J. Edgar Edwards, Chaplain Mrs. James Larson, Director, Sacred Music 10:45 A.M.-Divine Worship. Universal Bible Sunday. "The Word of God, A Power to Man." Nursery and Primary church school at church hour. 7:30 P.M.-Candlelight Carol Service. GRACE BIBLE CHURCH State and Huron Rev. Harold J. DeVries, Pastor 10:00 A.M.-University Bible Class. 11:00 A.M.-Morning Worship. "This is the Record." 3:00 P.M.-Christ for Ann Arbor Service at the Masonic Temple. "Russia's Future." Dr. H. H. Savage, speaker. 7:30 P.M.-Christ for Ann Arbor Service at the Masonic Temple. "Still a Lost Soul." Dr. H. H. Savage, speaker. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION For National Lutheran Council Students 1304 Hill Street Henry 0. Yoder, Pastor 9:10-10:05 A.M.-Bible Hour at the Center. 10:30 A.M.-Worship Services in Zion and Trinity Churches. 11:00 A.M.-Worship Service in Christ Lu- theran Chapel, Willow Run Village. 5:30 P.M.-L.S.A. Meeting in Zion Parish - Hall, 309 E. Washington St. Christmas Worship Service, and an address by Dr. E. E. Flack, Dean of Hamma Divinity School, Springfield, Ohio. His topic will be "The Christian Teaching on Race." Tuesday, 7:30-8:30 P.M.-Review of the Cate- chism at the Center. CHURCH OF CHRIST Y.M.C.A. Building North 4th., opposite Courthouse 10:15 A.M.: Bible Study. 11:00 A.M.: Worship. 7:00 P.M.: Bible Study. 7:30 P.M.: Worship. Everyone cordially in- vited. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH 512 East Huron Rev. C. H. Loucks, Minister Roger Williams Guild House 502 East Huron 10:00 A.M.-The Bible study class will review the letters of Paul. 11:00 A.M.-Church Worship. "Where Is He?" sermon by Rev. Loucks. Special Christmas music by the choir. 2:00 P.M.-Roger Williams Guild will meet at the Guild House to go together to the "Messiah." 6:30 P.M.-Supper at the Guild House. 8:00 P.M.-The Guild will join the Campus and Community Carol Sing on the Library steps. FIRST UNITARIAN CHURCH 1917 Washtenaw Avenue Edward H. Redman, Minister 10:00 A.M.-Adult Study Group. 11:00 A.M.-Services: Rev. Edward I-I. Red- man on: "Pure Religion." 6:30 P.M.-Unitarian Student Group. Dis- cussion: "Unitarians Aims, National and Local." Refreshments and Recreational Hour. FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Michigan League Ballroom Reading Room, 211 East Washington 10:30 A.M.-Sunday Lesson Sermon. Subject: "God, The Preserver of Man." 11:45 A.M.-Sunday School. 8:00 P.M.-Wednesday evening testimonial meeting. 1' I"%art %. U r, PA 11 FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 0 B'nai Corned Sunday B'rith Hillel Foundation Beef Corner will be open evenings. "IT'S ALWAYS FOR THE GIRL IN THE ~l1 ., _ . l il\ o r -- 1432 Washtenaw W. P. Lemon, D.D., and James Van Pernis, Ministers Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, Director of Musio 10:45 A.M.-Morning Worship. Advent Ser- mon by Dr. Lemon, "Down to Earth." 5:00 P.M. - Westminster Guild Christmas Program in the Chancel. Supper follows in the Social Hall. Church of Jesus Christ of LATTER DAY SAINTS Michigan League Chapel 10:00 A.M.: Sunday School. For TRUER TONE.. and LONGER LIFE... Hear the new U ~k ~. FIRST CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH State and William Streets Minister-Reverend Leonard A. Parr, D. D. Student Ministry-Reverend H. L. Pick- erill, Assistant Miss Jean Garee Director of Music-Mr. Wayne Dunlap. BETHLEHEM EVANGELICAL and REFORMED CHURCH 423 S. Fourth Ave. T. R. Schmale, Pastor - I I 11 i . I