___THE: RICMAN, AlT .f. Dai Fifty-Eighth Year J< Edited and managed by students of the UnI- vesty of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, John Campbell...................Managing Editor Nancy Heimick ...................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ........Advertising Manager Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Minz....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus......................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- gaper. All rights of re-publication of all other Mxatters herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- ;an, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by oa rtrier?' $5.00, by mall, $6.00. - Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947.48 4itorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Eisler Ban EFORE THE INEVITABLE, and justified, furor over the Eisler-Marzani ban breaks over campus, it might be well to ex- amine the circumstances behind their pro- posed appearance. The entire plan was engineered by the avowed Communist MYDA chairman Ed- ward Shaffer as a publicity scheme. Before the University had taken any st'ep to pro- hibit Eisler and Marzani from speaking here, Shaffer made plans to institute legal action against the ban he knew would come. He revealed these legal plans to a Daily re- porter. Publicity-hungry Shaffer knows that this issue will fill The Daily's news pages, editorial and letters columns for days. The story will also be bandied back and forth in metropolitan papers and on the national wire services. Thus Shaffer. and his Communist pals ca again play their dearly-loved roles of the martyred lib- eral-. Shafer is mighty adept at this kind of scheme. It was he who engineered the Hill Auditorium picket line fiasco which was also a cheap publicity stunt. After taking a look at the background of the issue, let's consider the University ban. This ban, of course, can not be con- doned. Instead of constantly being put on the spot by such stunts, the Univer- sity should promptly overhaul their re- strictions on campus speakers. Free speech is one of the fundamental concepts embodied in the Bill of Rights. In- stead of coming forth with unsatisfactory explanation for refusing campus facilities to a speaker of doubtful background, the University should throw its facilities open to all. Instead of letting banned speakers and their promoters play the martyr role, it would be far better to let students hear the controversial figures and draw their own conclusions. -Dick Maloy. 1. I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: Nerlf Look. DI!AILY OFFICIAL BLLEJTIN 'Fictifers-, tuo Editor By SAMUEL GRAFT(,N r1'HERE IS INDEED a new look. The new look is a complacent one. Those who have it peer vaguely about and murmur: "Wasn't it terrible when we had those con- trols and you couldn't buy good food, be- ON WORLD AFFAIRS: Conference By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER ONDON-How is the Four Power Con- ference in London going? Ask the members of the American dele- gation or the British Foreign Office and they will answer "on schedule" or "just as expected" or even "satisfactorily." Ask the ordinary citizen in Paris or Lon- don and the answer is startlingly different. "Monsieur Molotov-what a wonderful diplomat" a French Communist workman exclaimed. His opinions happens to be that of many other Frenchmen who view Molotov's game with dismay but have to admire its skill. "We have all the cards but Molotov takes all the tricks," a British banker ruefully re- marked yesterday. Marshall pays the piper but Molotov calls the tune--every time, an Italian correspon- dent exclaimed. Two months ago the American experts were quietly announcing that the skillful American diplomacy had thwarted the Rus- sian schemes of expansion. One American commentator bravely announced that with the Soviets on the defensive and Europe threatened by neo-Fascism, the United States could easily secure the evacuation of all troops from Europe. Obviously these gentlemen were right in so far as had become apparent, for the United States holds most of the big cards in the diplomatic game against Russia. Unhappily it doesn't matter what cards you hold unless you know how to play them. Molotov plays his cards well and so far has taken all the tricks. In order to realize the full extent of the Soviet successes we need only to re-examine the Soviet aims-now transparent. They are: First, to ruin the Marshall plan. Second, to prevent the splitting of Ger- many. Third, to convince the Germans that the Soviets are their only true friends. Fourth, to disgust the near-sighted Amer- ican Congress with Europe and turn their resentment away frog. the Soviet Union and against the French and Italian peasants, workmen and "weak governments' Fifth, to communize Germany and, after Germany, Europe. Considerable progress has been made to- ward all these goals. Don't the American and British dele- gates see what is going on? Yes and No. They seem to feel that this conference is the important thing. So long as they are making no further concessions to Soviet imperialism all is well. Actually they are losing everywhere. Marshall and Bevin seem to be hypnotized by three fears. First, that Germany will really be di- vided. It is known that one section of the American delegation believes that such a division will open the door to a new war. The fact is, with the world hopelessly split, a divided Germany offers about the only chance of preventing a new German war- probably on the Soviet side. Second, the two Anglo-Saxons seem afraid lest the Germans will think we are less their friends than are the Russians and go Com- munist. Third, Marshall and Bevin do not wish to assume the responsibility for the failure of this conference. Actually I suspect the aver- age man does not care two cents how long we continue to flog a horse which he sus- pects is dead. Knowing his adversaries' fears Molotov plays them as a skilled fisherman does a well-hooked trout. le shamelessly flatters the German people. He first raises obstacles then at the last minute lets out enough line to keep the conference going. He skillfully, though unsuccessfully, tries to get his adversaries to promise not to unite their German zones ,while the negotiations are continuing. Marshall and Bevin need only to notice what Molotov wants to be sure of what is in their interest. Since the Russians want a united Germany, we should fight shy of it. Since he wants to prolong the conference, we should insist on decisions. Since he hopes we will not actuate the Marshall Plan or unite the three zones, we should immediately come to an agreement with the French and Bene-Lux on the Ruhr and start Europe go- It is now apparent that Marshall and Be- vin must pull themselves together and cease dancing to Molotov's tune. Otherwise this London feast may turn out to be the funeral of Occidental hopes. (Copyright 1947, Press Alliance, Inc.) original the other day when one of them had a birthday. 'nv srnfl nn-. ira, n nA r-nnA rl i .n n (auS the black inarket had it all?" Only with butter near a dollar a pound, we are producing and eating less of it, per capita, than at any other time in the last twenty- seven years. The new look is a dull look, a myopic look. It can see the end of its nose, but, beyond that. everything blurs. There was something sharp, almost eagle like, in the old look, when we actually looked to see how the people of the republic were eating. There is something grubby about rationing, no doubt, but there is something proud. too. The new look is saucier but it isn't as proud. The new look is a look the other way. The new look is a smug look. The old look was an interested look; it was con- tinually registering when it was confront- ed by tenant farmers who wanted to own their own land or by city dwellers on a substandard diet, or by would-be home- owners who longed for places of their own. Maybe the old look was a little tense, but it saw a lot; it saw people. The new look sees words and phrases; it proclaims that all these problems and a lot more, will be taken care of by natural pro- cesses. The new look is patched with blind spots. It does not notice when city health officers (as in New York) report that ex- pectant mothers are having serious health difficulties, because they cannot afford pro- per food to maintain the natural processes going on within them. The new look is a glance at the tips of one's fingernails. The new look is a suspicious look. It con- tinually suspects and expects disloyalty. It is clouded with doubts of those around it in a way in which the old look hardly ever was. There was a certain air about the old look, as of a man walking in day- light on a broad highway, and there is a certain air about the new look, as of one venturing through a dark alley, and keep- ing his fingers crossed for luck until he gets to the end of it. The old look used to walk through a new public housing without any fear that the fiercely proud people in it.were secretly dis- loyal to their new plumbing and their bright new kitchens; the new look hurries by the overcrowded flats and has dark thoughts about the impatient people within. The new look is a defensive look. Its wearers say plaintively that ours is the best system and they say it over and over. When we had the old look we hardly ever said it but we knew it; we knew it the way you know any piece of mnaehinery is good, by using it. We didn't have to search our souls about where we were going, be- cause we were so visibly on our way; you could use contour-ploughing hillsides and new waterpower dams as direction mark- ers. Maybe the new look would lose some of its defensiveness if we began to move again, toward adequate shelter, food, clothing for all our people. Maybe Communism, for all its aggressiveness, would cease to be the menace it now appears, if we began to go again. We'd be harder to hit if we were on the move. It's the sitting bird that's the easiest target. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate) Praise DRAMA CRITICS to the contrary, we think that the Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety's "Mikado" was a swell show and that sincere congratulations are in order for its entire cast as well as its directors, Prof. Harry Allen and Rex Wilder. The warm and enthusiastic applause and curtain calls that followed the "Mikado's" final performance Thursday night proved conclusively that the all-student show has lost none of its traditional appeal for both students and townspeople. The small flaws in the production were more than offset by the spirit and en- thusiasm that flowed out over the foot- lights. We overheard one old timer tell his lady friend that "There's more pep in those kids than I've seen in a professional show in a long time." The success of "The Mikado" as well as the enthusiastic receptions accorded in the last year to Soph Cabaret, JGP and speech department productions are significant. They demonstrate both the desire of the campus to see more all-student shows and its willingness to support them. We hope the Society will carry out its plan to present a different Gilbert and Sullivan operetta each semester. We also hope that the spirit it demonstrated in "The Mikado" has stirred a new interest among all the "would-be" actors, writers, and singers scattered about campus. The Gilbert and Sullivan Society, the Un- ion Opera and similar groups offer all of us the chance to become at least a local Barry- more or Bernhardt and have plenty of fun in the process. -Harold Jackson. Publication In [ie Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notices for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the9 Assistant to the President, Room 1021C Angel Hai, by 2:00 pm. on the day preceding publication (11:00 aam. Sa -c rdu,. Notices SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1947 VOL. LVII, No. 701 All applicants for admission toc medical schools, who wish to be admitted during 1948, must take the Medical Aptitude Examina- tion on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, un- less they have taken it on October 25, 1947. In order to be admitted to the examination, candidates must fulfill the following require- ments: 1. Register in Rm. 110, Rack- ham Building on or before Satur- day, Dec. 13, 1947, if they have not already done so. 2. Bring to the examination a check or money order for five dol- lars payable to The Graduate Record Office. No candidate will be admitted to the examination unless he pays his fee in this way. Cash will not be accepted. Candidates who register will be- gin the examination at 8:30 a.m., Mon., Feb. 2, Rackham Lecture Hall. The examination will be di- vided int two sessions and will take all day. The examination will not be given again before the Fall semes- ter', 1948. All inquiries should be ad- dressed to The Chief Examiner, Bureau of Psychological Services, (Ext. 2297). The Office of the Dean of Wom- en and the Women's Judiciary Council call attention to the fol- lowing provision in the "Campus Regulations"- "House directors of women's residences have the re- sponsibility of excusing latenesses due to late trains, busses or air- planes for women returning from out of town on the last night of the Christmas vacation when such lateness is unavoidable. However, the house directors may refer these cases to the Judiciary Coun- cil if they so prefer." Women students interested in household employment over the Christmas holiday may call at the Office of the Dean of Women for further information. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hal. Michigan Bell Telephone Com- pany will be here to interview men graduating in February for non-technical jobs in the com- mercial, business, and traffic de- partments on Tuesday, Dec. 16. Immediate Opening for Edito- rial Assistant: We have a call for a young lady who has had edi- torial experience and who is a good typist to work on a profes- sional journal. Location is in vi- cinity of Ann Arbor. Salary is good. For complete information and appointments, call at the Bureau. Ext. 371. Bureau of Appointments: There is a vacancy for an instructor (Negro) in Geography, at Miner Teachers College, Washington, D.C. For further information call at the Bureau of Appointments, 201 Mason Hall. Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma- son Hall. The Hercules Powder Company, Wilmington, Delaware, will inter- view chemists and chemical engi- neers Monday, Dec. 15. The Rochester Gas and Electric Company will interview Wednes- day, Dec. 17, for chemists for gas plant lab testing, chemical engi- neers for gas plant operating. electrical engineers for industrial sales engineering, electrical engi- neers for electrical lab testing, mechanical engineers for power plant operation, and industrial engineers for management engi- neering. New York City Civil Service An- nouncements have been received for Junior Accountant and Junior Statistician. Closing date, Dec. 23. Forms must be filed in person. For Complete Information call at the Bureau of Appointments, extension 371. Lecture Business Administration Lec- ture: Mr. Daniel F. Gerber, Presi- dent of the Gerber Products Com- pany, Fremont, Michigan, will dis- cuss the annual statement for stockholders and employees at 4 p.m.. Tues., Dec. 16, Rackham Amphitheatre. The public is in- vited. Academic Notices, Make-up Examination for Transfer Students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Artas,and the School of Education. Session two, 8 a.m.- 12 noon, Sat., Dec. 13. Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a required University ex- amination for all students who transferred from another college or university, who have more than, thirty credit-hours, and who re- ceived a letter of notificationa concerning the examination. DoctoralExamination for Philip; Sheldon Jastram, Physics; thesis: "The Effect of Nonlinearity and Frequency Distortion on the Am- plitude Distribution for Station- ary Random Processes," 9 a.m., Sat., Dec. 13, East Council Room,; Rackham Bldg. Chairman, G. E. Uhlenbeck. Doctoral Examination for Wil- liam Charles Parkinson, Physics; thesis: "An Investigation of Meth- ods for Measuring Absorption Co- efficients of Gamma Rays," 2 p.m.. Mon., Dec. 15, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. H. R. Crane, Chairman. Doctoral Examination for Sam- uel Joseph Fauman, Sociology: thesis: "The Factors in Occupa- tional Selection Among Detroit Jews," 2 p.m., Mon., Dec. 15, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman A. H. Hawley. Doctoral Examination for Wil- liam Robert Martin, Zoology; thesis: "The Mechanics of En- vironmental Control of Body Form in Fishes," 2:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 15, Rm. 3091, Natural Sci- snce Bldg. Chairman, R. M. Bailey. Physical and Inorganic Chemis- try Seminar: 4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Rm. 303, Chemistry Bldg. Dr. Ying Fu will speak on "Ther- modynamics of Adsorption from Solutions." Psychology 87 Laboratory: Lab- oratory examination, 5 to 6 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 18. A through L, 231 Angell Hall. M through Z, 25 An- gell Hall. Concerts Christmas Concerts: The Uni- versity Musical Society will pre- sent Handel's "Messiah" Satr - day. Dec. 13. 8:30 p.m; and again Sunday, Dec. 14, at 2:30 p.m. in Hill Auditorium. The public is urged to come suf- ficiently early as to be seated on time, since the doors will be closed. The Sunday performance, which is broadcast, will begin promptly at 2:30. The following will participate: Frances Yeend, soprap'o; Ma'Y Van Kirk, contralto; Harold Haugh, tenor; Mark Love, bass; Frieda Op't Holt Vogan, organist; University Musical Society Or- chestra; the University Choral Union; Lester McCoy, Conductor. Student Recital: Robert Hen- derson, Pianist, will present a re- cital in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degre of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 15, Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. A pupil of Joseph Brink- man, Mr. Henderson will play compositions by Czerny, Debussy, Chopin, Mozart, Ravel, and Al- beniz. The public is invited. Student Recital: Lorraine Zeeuw, organist, will present a program in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degee of Bachelor of Music at 8:30 p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Hill Auditorium. Open to the general public, the re- cital will include compositions by Bach, DeLamarter, Brahms, Ma- leingreau, and Karg-Elert. Events Today Roger Williams Guild: Meet at the W.A.B. at 7:30 for a square dance with the Lutheran Student Association. Coming Events Research Club: 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 17, Rackham Amphitheatre. Papers: Prof. H. B. Lewis, "Nat- ural Toxicants in Nutrition - A Study of Lathyrism." Prof. A. W. Bromage, "Major Issues of Con- stitutional Revision in Michigan." Social Re'earch Group: Prof. D. G. Marquis, chairman of the Committee on Human Resources, Office of National Defense, speak- ing on "The Planning and Organi- zation of Social Science Re- search." 7:30 p.m., Sun., Dec. 14, Rm. 302, Michigan Union. (Continued from Page 4) CD Tr0R'S NOTE: Beause The Dail 1 rints every letter t o te editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views1 expressed in letters are those of the wte~rs only. Letters of more thnI 300 words are shornd, printed or omitted At the discretion o the edi- tori tirector.I * 9 *4 To the Editor: THE KIND OF writing thato passes for musical criticismr in lthe columns of the Michigan Daily is something to be deplored. Naomi Stern does not hesitate to tell, what she likes and what she doen't like. And, in terms ofr reaction to a musical experience,i she is acting normally and intelli- gently. For music is an expressioni of feelings and the. reaction, for1 the most part, can only lie in the same realm-that is, on the plane1 of emotions However, simply because she does not like Mozart's "Diverti- mento in B-flat major, for Strings and Two Horns (Koechel No. 287)," I see no reason why she has to go to the orchestra, the performances of the horns and the strings, to find arguments to justify her unsympathet i emo- tional responses to Moardt. Frankly, I think the entire per- formance was, on strictly tech- nical grounds, very difficult to criticize and Miss Stern's review seems to bear that out. She made a lapse here and there on the part of the orchestra signifying faiures completely out of propor- tion to what after all, seems to have amounted to but incidental slips. To that extent, all artists fall short of perfection. In music criticisms, therefore, we should get back to principles. I suggest that as a music critic, Miss Stern disassociate her own private emotions more in the fu- ture than she did in this last piece of writing , and that she bring her criticism to lie more in the realm of principles and less in the field of emotional respon- ses. --Thomas E. Hansen 'Patronizing' To the Editor: PERHAPS IT is one way to get material for "Letters to the Editor," but must we enjoy thel finest symphony orchestra in the country,, to be infuriated the next morning by such a patronizing "criticism"_ in the Daily? What better choice than Moz- art could there be for an uncon- testably great string orchestra? (And please don't blame the horns for Hill Auditorium's acoustics). Mozart's music itself is to be ap- preciated for his intricacies of de- sign, which might seem "tedious" to the uninformed. The Ravel was excellent, but does not require the finesse of expression required by Mozart. What did you expect of Mr. Pasquale in his solo work in "Har- old in Italy"? This was not a vi- ola concerto to show off "inspired virtuosity!" Look back at your program notes, with which you were so entranced, Miss Stern, and see that that is the reason Paganini turned it. down! I am surprised that you missed panning George Laurent, flutist. As long as you are going to pick on great musicians, you should not ignore the best in any field. Perhaps Mr. Koussevitzky and the Boston Symphony are used to the immaturity of college reviews, but I would rather that gret art- ists would not be subjected to such stupid criticisms. Until you get someone who knows music on the job, why don't you forget about the music write-ups? -Sally Lou Nick Incorrect To the Editor: HIL DAWSON states editorial- ly that in the Student Legis- lature elections no vote has been taken on an issue, because of a lack of disagreement. This state- ment is incorrect. As a member of the 10-man slate which ran on a 10-point progressive platform, I wish to remind Mr. Dawson's readers that we quite outspokenly raised ten controversial issues and made our position clear with respect to them. Six of us were elected on the basis of this program. Many of the persons elected have expressed strong disagree- ment with major points in our program. Also, many of the in- cumbents who have another sem- ester to serve oppose such items in our program as a raise in G.I. subsistence, an active fight against discrimination, controls to. avoid blanket rent increase, and other points, At the last Student Legislature meeting, some of the incumbents were completely unconcerned about Operation Subsistence, which has to do with the very ability of most veterans to go to school at all. Others thought the Legislature should not get "mixed up" in the scandal of barber shop discrimination against some of our students. One actually had the audacity to defend the right to discriminate as part of. a free en- terprise system. I go on record to the effect that I consider racial discrimination a far more important issue than the question of how many people turn out to greet the football team; that the price and income squeeze on students deserves infinitely more consideration than the prob- lem of getting people to cheer more profusely. I assure Mr. Dawsom that he need have no fear that these vit- al issues facing the Student Legis- lature will be unanimously re- jected in deference to the propon- ents of more Joe College spirit. -Alfred Mllstein * * * No Partition To the Editor: THE STORY of the Arab-Jew- ish quarrel on Palestine and the UN decisikn reminds me of the old story of King Solomon's decision to divide a child between two women both claiming to be its mother, the decision that shows clearly the grief of the real moth- er and the joy of the false one. The Arab decision to fight the partition by all means is the nat- ural feeling of any nation against aggressors trying to steal some part of its land. As for the UN decision, I like to quote from the American weekly magazine, "Time," dated Decem- ber 8, 1947, page 31, to show how fair was that decision .accom.- plished: "One day Haitian delegation, Antonio Vieux, spoke heartedly against partition, two days later he announced shamefacedly that his government had ordered hjxn. to switch to yes. Philipino dele- gate, General Carlos Romalo, (sic) on Wednesday orated against par- tition, sailed away on the Queen Mary. Saturday a new Philipino delegate flew in from Washington and voted yes. Liberia, which vot- ed no in committee, said yes in the final roll call." These are examples of how the UN is going to settle matters un- der the supervision of the great powers. The Arab nations are not wait- ing for leaders such as the res- pectful Grond Mufti to awaken them, they know how tosavem their properties and Palestine wllrer main Arab forever. --THE ARAB CLUB Mahmud E l-Gamal *. * * Christmas Tree To the Editor: fH IS IS the University Christ- roas season. It's wonderful to see all the lighted trees through- out residential areas, but-where, oh, where, is that symbol of an- nual Yuletide - the Lighted Christmas Tree in front of the diag and lib? -Dick Cortright Re: Hirsch To the Editor: IN REGARD TO Mr. D. B: Hirsch and his letter on Racial Pro- gress, I have a point to bring up. (Tuesday, Dec. 9). Heaven has real potentialities too, but that doesn't do the people in Hell any good. Tell me how a person can appreciate the right to fight something that shouldn't even exist. s -R. B. Monroe WESTERN EUROPE has been receiving a thorough course in Russian tactics within the last, few weeks. The lessons have been sharp and painful, but the know- ledge thus acquired should prove salutary. France and Italy can by now have no illusions about the aims or direction of their na- tive Communists. The strikes fo- mented by these gentry have been patently political, obviously calculated to weaken the state- and when, as in France, the Com- munists have been defeated, Mo- ther Russia was prompt to make her displeasure known. -The New York Herald Tribune The Harriman Committee, ap- pointed to "determine the limits within which the United States could safely and wisely extend aid to Western Europe," concludes its report by asking eloquently -that we apply to the making of the "notu r cmp ciimwich t-i- 4 4 I 4 4 .4 IT SO HAPPENS.. What 'Duz' Does ANOTHER OF THE drawbacks of dormi- tory life was brought to light recently in the Mosher-Jordan laundry room. Faced for the first time in her life with the neces- sity of laundering her own sweaters, a coed, a child of This Modern Technical Age, dumped her best wool sweater into the Bendix. The result, half an hour later, was one thoroughly clean sweater shrunk about ten sizes. Deciding that other young innocents could profit by her experience, the coed tacked her sweater to the wall with a bitter note, "This is what Duz duz." Someone should have told her. Equal Rights F MAY HAVE been underestimating the power the "little woman" holds in the homes of our professors. One of our more cynical and high-brow instructors observed perusing the contents 4 I ! 1 r ---_ _ BARNABY . If w~il make~ a perfect ' Gus. the Ghost, went to live with Gus ayhhve eturnedAfld "