1TYUE~ uriI 2 %WX r- . . :.. AMERICAN IN PARIS: Tension in Paris Eases Ahhough Strikes Persist Discrimincatiou Figures The complete tabulatijons for l ntr Rac ,iialAsoitW: recent barbershop discriminat yn survty follow The questions were: 1--Do you ibeliev e thatrl ei:c )Usiiiess establishments which serve the public should refuse service to a customer On the basis of race? 2--Would you continue to patronize your barber :hair- dresser) if he were to serve both Negroes and Whites? 3-Have you ever, patronized a barheishop thair-dresser) who did serve both Negroes and Whites? Tabulations were as follows, figures being; given in order of the classifications: White male, White female, Negro, and total vote (including the votes of individuals whose race and sex was not indicated): (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the fifth in a series of dispatches on condi- tions in post-war France by a former University student now studying At the University of Paris.) By RAGNAR L. ARNESEN (Special to The Daily) PARIS, France, Dec. 1-(De- iayed)--This morning the surface Musi Student To Appear at Carnegie Hail Bonnie Elms, '48 SM, will repre- sent the State of Michigan in a nationwide vocal contest spon- sored by the Associated Concert Bureau, Inc. of New York, which will be held from January 17 to April 24 in Carnegie Hall in New York City. Miss Elms, a student of Prof. Arthur Hackett, was recently no- tified of her first place ranking in the statewide contest in which she participated on November 23 at the Institute of Musical Art in Detroit. In a letter from Jack Petrill, president of the Concert Bureau, she was asked to appear Febru- ary 7 in Carnegie Hall where she iill sing three numbers of her own choosing. Lydia Pekarsky, a music school senior, accompanied Miss Elms at the piano in the state contest. A mezzo-soprano, Miss Elms sang "Amour, viens aider ma faiblesse" from "Samson and Delilah"; "Il Mio Bel Foco" by Marcello; and "A Cyprian Woman" by Klein. Miss Elms, who transferred to the University in the fall of 1945 from. Hendrix College, Conway, Arkansas, appeared last summer as soloist at the Alpha Xi Delta National Convention at Murray Bay, Canada. Locally, Miss Elms has soloed in the Junior Girls Play, at the Casbah and atthe Regent's Con- vention this fall. of the city betrayed none of the political tension that screams in all the newspapers. The citizens continued systematically to their work, their faces calmly set, con- cerned with their own problems., The momentary tenseness of Sat- urday night has worked itself out. It is only here and there that you encounter evidences of upset. This noon the metro stopped again-this time as a result of the electrical strikes. Fortunately, this still leaves the busses as a means of transportation, and to- night there are block-long lines on all the corners, placidly waiting. Quiet City Demonstration is to be seen no- where.- Thecity is quietly bearing strikes which dominate most of the strikes which dominate most of public utilities. The government seems to have profited by the ex- perience of the metro strike of last month, for army trucks were to be seen this evening roaring along the Boulevard Exterior filled with civilian workers on their way home. There has been no mail deliv- ery for a week, but the post of- fices are still manned by a con- siderable force of non-strikers. Normal service promises to be re- sumed in a day or two. Sit-Down Strike Tuesday morning . . . This morning the papers were filled with reports of the sit-down strike by Raoul Calas and his Commu-* nist companions in the National Assembly. Censured for callingon reservists to refuse to obey the muster as police reinforcement, he would not leave the Palais- Bourbon. "Humanite" called the Calas' action a "battle against dictator- ial attempts"; Figaro labeled it "open insurrection." Transportation was interrupted again this morning on a suburban subway line by the sabotage of last night. A train had been de- railed by vandals, and numerous persons were seriously injured in the overturn of three carl. Howeyer, with this one excep- tion, all other transportation in the city ran normally, leaving the announcement of "total stoppage" by Humanite an exaggeration. White Male 1. Yes..............374 No ...............1748 No Answer .........92 2. Yes ..............1749 No ............... 406 No Answer .... ...59 White Female 54 1054 14 989 97 36 Negro 14 56 - 0 58 10 2 Totals 556 3375 132 .3293 645 125 3. Yes.............1239 443 43 2015 No...............704 444 24 1424 No Answer........271 2:35 3 624 The total vote was 4,383. White male vote: 2214. White female vote: 1122. Negro: 70. Unindicated race or sex: 657. Expressions of dissatisfaction with statement of the first question: 400 (approx.) X~T'Nr-VWT A 'RTrff WT A AXPI t1-AA' ouSe eeks Investigation Of Musie (zar WASHTNGTON, Dec. 12-U(/P The House Labor Committee to- day asked the Justice Department to determine whether James C. Petrillo and his Americam Federa- tion of Musicians (AFL) are sub- ject to prosecution under the anti- trust laws ofor "monopolistic prac- tices." Petrillo has ordered menb(rs of the union to cease making record- ings after Dec. 31. e also has a standing ban a ainst pertorn- ances by AEM 1m(b on Iele- vision shows.! Demands Prosecutions In a bristling report, the House4 committee also demanded the prosecution of any offenses under the Lea Act; passed last year to restrict the musician union's ac- tivities, "or and other law." (Petrillo himself opened the way for a test of the Lea Act in 1946. The Government charged him with attempting to compel radio station WAAF at Chicago to employ three persons not needed. Federal Judge Walter C. La Buy held the act unconstitutional, but he was reversed by the Supreme Court which remanded the case back for trial. Petrillo pleaded innocent, a month ago today.) Five Proposals The Committee also presented five legislative recommendations. It urged that the Taft-Hartley labor law be amended so as to forbid "monopolistic practices by labor unions which are injurious to the public interest." Also: That it be made illegal for a union to "license an employer to do busi- ness that persons or firms put on a union's unfair list be given the right of redress in Federal court; that unions be prohibited from calling strikes or work stoppages until after an affirmative vote by a majority of the employes in a plant or industry; and that safe- guards be erected to prevent a un- ion and employer from conspiring to evade the Taft-Hartley law. (h IFl'(d . . . "it's'be"ingdlone at Willow 1-2-3 kick to thedrums which re- G r7I<; }lIl', ntt~innnP un." i sound the new 142 cadence Gaies, prizes, entertainment And the Michigan Marchin throughout the hangar, at thtefr hanuknhFs ial toIed Band is doing it. The 131 bands- The double-time step, adopted el Iro 0 to 10:0 p m t men have taken over Hangar Two from the British Royal Grenadier morrov et the l-nai 'rit h Hillel 1t the University's Willow Run Guards, neeessitates the slower Airport: as a stamping ground" to 142 (tadenwe instead of the old 158. The affair I ill be sponsored y erfec(t their newly reformed The band will continue to use the Hillel Foundation anl lZIA, iarlhug teehniques to be pre- tie hangar all next week in its w a p-eed on t 1 niered' at Pasadena, Newx Year's stepped up seven day a week prac- Day. 1 rt ts g i ; t t e tice schedule. 1Jewish National nd. iving up Waterman Gym and When the band leaves the han- t .l.he T-M Building as being too gar after a grueling session, the I ,aupe,4 A ilddretss . . . small to adequately prac±tice the electrie doors swing open and the William J. Cameron will dlliv- new formation, the bla nd tio 1to tractor "tugs" scoot across the e. an address entitled "Physician tlie airport. floor like so many ants to tow the SH em '1 'I mvsetl '' ai. 1 a.m. Smunda y Piyi '' R lanes in for the night. ini tl ; . l n it y C hIla el, 3 10 S .d S t 1115 he ey fInd p1 n ty of room to , - tt :lrill in tlIe . pproximatlVy i.0o1 ^l:LtidMlL o Feature loot long hangar bet ween a trans- . - . / collU w intairlinerv in one end i Yi of Works *ece * *tnd C-6 "on ice ' over in one A recital of wo'ks fdr piano by James H. Lobban, Detroit, Edi- corner.,'with half a dozen four- Czerny, Debussey, Chopin. Mozart, son Company secretary, will speak seaters hovered under its wings Ravel and Albeniz will be present- on accountting organization and like chicks around the mother hen. ed at 8:30 p.m. Monday, in the public utility financing, at 3 p.m. In the expansive hangar-one bydia Mendelssohn Theatre by Monday in m. 102, Architecture of the two largest hangars at the Robert Henderson. '48SM, in par- Building.airport-the band is practicing its tial fulfillment of requirements for The address, open to the public, routine in nightly three hour ses- a bachelor degree. sponsored by Alpha Kappa Psi, sions under the expert supervi- -- - professional business fraternity. sion of Prof. William D. Revelli, director, and Harold Ferguson, as- ART CINEMA LEAGUE Six r'mi siistant dii'ector of the bands. I _ (i(canChorus Line presents Like a chorus line rehearsing a Sat. Only - 8:30 P.M. UN A .'tM new dance nummber, the flaniks are Sti f Available "leaning the new half step witha Ti " kCin ae till on sale fod the Camlpus Hiohigohts ITS IFINC DONE: Willow Run Airport Hanger is Stampi)Ilig G'roind' of Band 1I! VIE WAINT WAMIPiU I: Redskins Take To Warpath r T* 1- 'k In rt gh for P By BOB BYERLY The reds are after us again. Not Communists-Indians. Some 1,500 members of the Quapaw Indian tribe living near Joplin, Missouri, are suing the United States for $48,251,280 on a deal which dates back to 1818. The boys claim this is what we owe them for 38,636,224 acres of land once held by Quapaws in southern Arkansas, southern Okla- homa and western Mississippi. ' They arrived at this figure by taking what they've received for the land to date-$8,000 in cash, some farm tools and livestock, and the 96,000 acres they live on now -and subtracting this from what+ Letace Payon the land comes to at the standard $1.25 per acre set up by the gov- ernment in 1818. The Quapaws, who have a couple of Joplin lawyers backing up their claim with the Indians Claims Commission, seem to stand a reasonable chance of getting at least part of what they're asking for. Congress has opened the way for this type of claim by enacting public law 726, which recently be- came effective. The Quapaws originally secured claim to the land from Lewis and Clark, but were moved later by the government to a smaller tract of land in Louisiana. Musical supplies REEDS - STRINGS We carry VAN DORN REEDS Complete Musical Repair PAUL'S MUSICAL REPAIR 209 E. Washington Ph. 8132 . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING .SERVING HOURS: 11 A.M.-1:30 P.M. 5-7 PAM "Known for Good Food" The TAVERN CAFETERIA 336 Maynard Street I I SCALP AND BLADE 28TH ANNUAL COr)LLEGE BALL Kleinhans Music Hall - Christmas Night BUFFALO, NEW YORK Dancing 10-3 Semi-Formal Tickets $5.00 at Denton, Cottier and Daniels or at the door r C7/A TRANSPORTATION FOR RENT WANTED-One student to share ex- APARTMENT, newly done, 3 rooms and penses and driving to Rose Bowl and bath, unfurnished, near campus. No return. Will leave Dec. 26. Phone children. Rented by ihe eir, $89 per George Gerbstadt. 2-4885. )42 ment. Write Box 4:3. ) 10 AM DESPERATE-Need ride to Miami, FURNISHED house over holidays. Rent AM DSPERTE-Ned ide o Mimi, free to responsible couple. Duties: Florida. Will share driving and ex- Feeddog andcat2S9931. D 152 penses. Call Lola Schwartz. 2-2521. Ex. 106. )57 FOR RENT: Vacancy for 3 men'stmi- dents. Call 2-0646. Mrs. Field. )40 GOING EAST? Two students desire ride to Rochester, N.Y. or vicinity about TO RENT UNTIL Feb. 1, single room, December 19. Will share driving, ex- private house. Two blocks from cam- penses. Phone 2-0168; ask for Shroe- pus at 1004 Oakland. $7.00 a week, der or Wilson. )19 includes vacation periods. Phone _- Pete or Nels after 7:00 p.m.-2-0793. WANT RIDERS to share expenses to )49 Miami, Florida and back. Leaving Dec. WANTED TO RENT 20 and back by Monday, Jan. 5. Call 2-1948. )100 WITH FREEZE we sneeze. Some rooms please. Apartment or room near cam-- WANTED-Ride to Pittsburgh area De- pus for 2 men students wanted for cember 19th, 20th. Call Don Flowers, second semester. Box, 42 or Harry 409 Michigan House, 2-4401. )9 Stern, S-4419, after 6 p.m. )54, WANTED: Three passengers to share FOR SALE expenses to Montgomery, Ala., or Pen- sacola, Florida. Leaving December 19. MEN'S HOCKEY skates. C.C.M. About Phone 6438. )15 size 10. Call 9658 after 7 p.m. Ask for Bill. )46 WANTED-Ride to N.Y.C., return 2-4 ---- students. $18 each. Share driving. J. TUXEDO for sale. Size 38, black, ex- Gellman, W. Lodge, Ypsi. 9214. )53 cellent condition. Price $15. Phone 2-3246 in the daytime. )7 STUDENT COUPLE want ride to Rich- 1941 FORD super Deluxe Tudor. Radio mandor Washington. Will share driv- heater, excellent condition, $1,100. ing and expenses. Post card to D. Phone Xp1403.) Park, 1357 Sudbury, Willow Run. )17 Phone__14 ___-33. _)8_ DRIVING NORTH? Indian River. Gay- 1941 NASH AMBASSADOR club coupe I-heater, radio, overdrive. °Seat cov- lord or vicinity? Dec. 20. Call 8130. ers, new tires. Good shape. D. Y. Hollway, after 8 p.m. )41 Sing 625 Forest Ave. Call 2-4165. )45 3 WANT RIDE to Rose Bowl and back MUST SELL immediately house trailer with congenial driver. Will share with 9%1x7% room attached. Good driving, expenses and furnish sack coitn.Abra.Cn esn in L.A. Call Dick after 6:30 at 6578 condition. A bargain. Can be seen 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Sunnyside Trailer I Park. Lot C 11 or Call 2-5517 Anytime. TWO STUDENTS will share expenses )38 in exchange for round trip ride to WHIZZER MOTOR BIKE-Almost new. N.Y.C. over vacation. Call 2-4401. 207 Wenley. )48 Equipped. Almost any offer. Call Wen __y._)48 2-8250 or come. 1113 Packard. )56 WANTED: Two riders to San Francisco -Levin De. 1thor 0th Cal JckFOR XMAS: Spaulding, MacGregor, Ha- -Leaving Dec. 19th or 20th. Call Jack gen and Wilson golf equipment. Call Harlan at 2-4481. )21 2-2058. Johnny Malloy, Pro. )27 WILL SWAP use of large utility trailer ALL COLORS, canaries and parakeets, for .holiday rides to western Iowa. finches, bird supplies and cages. Mrs. 2-59931. )18 Ruffins, 562 S. Seventh. )108 WANTED-Riders to Ironwood, Mich. USED HALLICRAFTERS SX16 and S-40- or vicinity over Christmas holidays. A communications receivers. See them Phone Ypsi 2-f7R after 5 p.m. )13 at 425 or 419 Adams, West Quad. Phone 2-4401. )23 WILL SHARE driving and expenses for ride to B'ham, Ala. Contact Geo. Biv- BLACK TUXEDO in excellent condition ens, 132 Hill. Ph. 2-4102. )153 for sale. Size 37. Call 9641. )20 . WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY- 4-6-room hous tfor veteran. Location anywhere ifetWefn Willow Rtin and Ann Arbor. Phone 2-:3503. m 1a WANTED AM BRINGING saddle-bred horse to Ann Arbor after Christmas. Would like someone to share boardinggex- penses and riding. Call Robert Arm- strong. 2-1216. )102 HOPE TO BE married between semes- ters. Got the gal, money, and ring, but need an apartment. If you are vacating, please call Don 2-2205. )154 WANTED: Married couple living at Willow Village interested in obtaining free copy 1948 'Ensian, contact Chuck Olsen, Dorm 9, Room 47, Tel. No. 9261. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Brown crocodile billfold lost in vicinity of postoffice and State St. Reward. Call 5345. ) 47 WILL FELLOW who borrowed pen in U.H. return it to 715 Hill. )120 LOST FROM Union Tuesday. Zero King covert coat. Brown covert collar. Call tihe aniernmt ional Students Asso- (1iat ion at, 6:30 p.m. Sunday in the International Center. The dinner is the fourth in a series of weekly Sunday Suppers sponsored by the ISA, and fea- tures Chinese food as prepared by students from that country. Ticket sale has begun also for the supper to be given Sunday, January 4. (Continued from Page 1) for the picture have been dusted of f. Buck thinks that the job offer is gone with the wind, but anyway, "It'll be good seeing Marlene again." Garters in Paris Oh yes, about those garters. 'Ihat takes us to Buck's 48-hour leave in Paris, and Marlene's stop- off there on a USO tour. Buck suggested to her that one of her stockings would make a fine division I rophy for the rugged "All-Americans" of the 82nd. "Sle looked around and couldn't find one," Buck said, "and then dug into a drawer and came up with these and asked whether they would do. "Naturally, I said they would be perfect." The garters-black, pink and lace-trimmed--ended up as fourth prize in an 82nd Airborne Division war bond sale. The three first prizes, of course, were Stateside furloughs. Fisler Ban . . (Continued from Page i) ord caused them to refuse per- mission for the proposed speech. Eisler is currently out on $20,- 000 bond from a sentence for con- tempt of Congress. He was sen- tenced to one year in jail and a $1,000 fine by Congress when he refused to take an oath before the House Un-American Activi- ties Committee. The FBI has called him the leader of subversive Communistic activity in the Unit- ed States. The University statement con- tained no mention of Marzani. He is also out on bond from a congressional contempt citation. One-time OSS man and State De- partment economist, Marzani was c'onvicted of fraud against the government for concealing his Communist Party membership. Both men are currently making a toir of the nation's colleges. Shaffer said they have appeared at Chicago and are slated to speak at Harvard. Meanwhile their at- torneys are appealing for a new trial. Shaffer said both men would appear as scheduled Monday night at a private home. CHOOSE YOUR OWN Breakfast .... from 7 A.M. Lunch ... 11 A.M.-2 P.M. Dinner ..... 5 P.M.-7:30 Good Food! 300 Seats! v ROBERT YOUNG ROBERT MITCH-UM ROBERT RYAN JACQUELINE WHITE Now Showing also CARTOON -- SPORT NEWS PERFECT CHRISTMAS GIFT WHY NOT GIVE your housemother, roommate, or best girl a special.Christmas gift-the gift of a delicious, well planned dinner complete with all the festive "fixings"? We have a wide choice of menus from which you can choose, and our prompt and courteous service will help to make your evening a success. Our regular dining room, private rooms and banquet rooms are all at your disposal, ie 4t/mJ4 e M Austin, 9944. )151 FOOl For Ho., H. )i C C' D DELIVERED LOST-FROM International Center, main lounge, a book entitled "Ma- chinery of the Body," and a green folder with notes. These notes are urgently needed. Will anyone who has them kindly return them immediately to the Internoational Center office or to the Math Dept. Aditya Prakash. )2 BUSINESS SERVICES I TYPING, accurately, and promptly done by student veteran's wife. Theses, manuscripts, term and legal papers, etc. Phone 2-4155. )50 ALTERATIONS. Dressmaking, tailoring. All kinds. 821 Packard. Tel. 2-1919. Mrs. Bauman. All work guaranteed. )87 126 East Huron For Reservations, Phone 4241 HOOVER SPECIALIST, SERVICE and sales. Buy through Goodyear store. For service call A.A. 2-0298. W. O. Taylor, 1612 Brooklyn, Ann Arbor.)32 L' BECAUSE OF AN enlargement in our personnel, we can now offer prompt service on your alterations. Tailoring, dressmaking, formal restyling a spe- cialty. Hildegarde Sewing Shop. 2- 4669. )30 Last Times Today 35c to 5 P.M. WOODY HERMAN Continuous from1 P.M. "NEW ORLEANS" STARTS SUND'AY ! } LA SOCIEDAD HISPANICA UNA SIJPERPROOUMcIN MM, ®,NA A AMrA0, A---_ M I L I Iold T hose Bonds! -MI V Starting Today -- Felix "Doc" BLANCHARD Glenn DAVIS : . .. ., .; L I