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Latest Deadline in the State
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VOL, LVIII, No. 70
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UMW Withdraws
From AFL Again
In BitterDispute
John L. Lewis Walks Out in Row
Caused By Refusal to Sign Affidavit
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-John L. Lewis marched his 600,000
United Mine Workers out of the AFL for the second time today, in a
bitter row stemming from his refusal to sign a non-Communist affi-
davit. C
Lewis notified AFL President William Green of the new split
with this roughly scrawled note:
"Green, AFL-We disaffiliate. 12/47."
He had assailed AFL leaders as "intellectually fat and stately'
asses" because they decided to comply with the Taft-Hartley Act
<? requiring union officers to swear
End Two Day
Strike in Italy
Leftiis, Governimenl
Both Claim Victory
ROME, Saturday, Dec. 13-(f')
-Rome's 48-hour general strike-
the latest battle in the left's "win-
ter offensive" against Premier Al-
cide De Gasperi's Christian Demo-
cratic Government-ended at
midnight with both sides loudly
claiming victory.
A secretly printed extra edition
of the Christian Democratic Par-
ty's newspaper I Pololo, on the
streets just at 12 o'clock, said in
big black headlines, "strike fails!"
Claim Government Yields
But the Communist-controlled
Chamber of Labor of Rome prov-
ince, which ordered 500,000 work-
ers out Wednesday night to back
up its demands for sweeping win-
ter unemployment relief, asserted
in calling them back that the gov-
crnment had yielded all along the
The chamber's vote to end the
strike, ratified later by assem-
bled delegations from individual
unions, came last night after
thousands of Romans had gone
back to work under the protection
of club-swinging police.
Largest Police Force
The largest police force assem-
bled in Rome in recent times
numbering 67,000 men-swung
their clubs throughout the city to-
day, driving jeering throngs and
enforcing the firm declarations of
interior minister Mario Scelba
that the government would "pro-
tect those who want to work."
Despite a growing wave of vio-.
lence, government-organized pri-
vately operated half-ton trucks,
each protected by two carbine-
armed police, carried those who
wanted to go to their jobs today,
and Romans crowded them to the
running board.
U Extends
Aid Su rvey as
interest Rises
Increasing interest and serious
consideration of the United World
Federalists campus chapter's Res-
olution on foreign aid has made it
necessary to extend the survey
over to Thursday, Debby Rabino-
witz, chairman of the survey com-
mittee, announced.
"Students are taking the time
to read the Resolution carefully
before signing "yes" or "no," Miss
Rabinowitz said. "Reports of 5,-
500 copies circulated show the
Resolution gaining overwhelming
All dormitories will be com-
pletely covered by Monday and
fraternities, sororities and league
houses will be visited next.
"We are anxious to see every-
one on campus and are extending
the 1)011 with that in mind," Miss
Rabinowitz explained.
Total results of the survey will
be sent to Michigani's congress-
ien and representa ives for th eir
consideration. Miss Rabinowitz
The resolut.i f avors economic
aid from the U. S. over no aid at
jfAt I f' J -r
they are not Communists.
They did this so their unions
could have access to the National
Labor Relations Board, with its
facilities for selecting collective
bargaining agents, etc. Lewis,
though he is no Communist, would
have nothing to do with the act.
So that Lewis' defiance would
not deprive AFL unions of ac-
cess to the NLRB, the Federa-
tion changed its constitution in
such a way that the 15-man ex-
ecutive council, of which Lewis
was a member, was removed
from the roster of federation
"officers." Lewis then withdrew
from the council.
This week the 67-year-old U.
M.W. president called his 30-man
executive council into a session
which culminated in tonight's
K. C. Adams, editor of the
U.M.W. Journal, told reporters of
the decision. Lewis himself re-
mained in the council room.
Adams also announced elec-
tion of Thomas Kennedy as
U.M.W. vice-president succeed-
ing the late John O'Leary of
Pittsburgh, and of John Owens,
Ohio district president, as the
new secretary-treasurer.
Kennedy, 60, of Hazelton, Pa.,
has been secretary-treasurer since
1924. He followed William Green
in that post when the present AFL
head was chosen to succeed Sam-
uel Gompers as president of the
'Messiah' Will
Be Presented
Today at Hill
The University Musical So-
ciety's first performance of Han-
del's "Messiah" will be given at
8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi-
Featured soloists include Mary
Van Kirk, contralto, Harold
Haugh, tenor, Frances Yeend, lyric
soprano and Mark Love, bass.
Mary Van Kirk, who has been
termed by critics a "second Schu-
mann-Heink" is considered a spe-
cialist in the contralto role. She
has appeared with the Metropol-
itan Opera for two seasons, in the
Berkshire Festival, and during the
war made many USO appearances:
The first time she sang in the
"Messiah" was with the Chataqua
Symphony under the baton of Al-
bert Stoessel. Today will mark
Miss Van Kirk's second perform-
ance in Ann Arbor.
Love, of Chicago, is considered
the outstanding interpreter of the
bass role. He has sung this role
over 250 times. Haugh, New York
tenor, is returning to Ann Arbor
after an absence of several years.
Frances Yeend, who has ap-
peared in New York, Boston, and
other eastern cities and also at
the Berkshire Festival, will sing
the soprano role for the first time
in Ann Arbor.t
Vets To Map
GIPay Hik
Plan Today
Statewide Session
Meets at Lansing
Michigan's student veteran pop
ulation will thrash out the cas
for increased Government subsist
ence today when delegates fro
veterans organizations and cam
pus groups throughout the stae
meet in East Lansing for the fina
planning session of Operation Sub
Delegates from the campus AVC
chapter, the Women's Veteran
Association and the Student Leg
islature will join representative
of 25 campuses at the eight-hour
session. They will attempt to draw
up a unified program for pre
sentation to Congress early next
Based on Survey
Demands for subsistence in-
creases will be based on cost o
living surveys completed recently
on each campus.
Final tabulations of the probe
conducted here at the University
released last night, indicated that
63% of the single veterans on
campus could not continue with-
out immediate and substantia
subsistence raises.
A poll of married veterans with-
out children showed that 86 %
would be unable to continue in
school very much longer unless
subsistence raises were effected.
Those with children almost unani-
mously stated that they could not
continue without further Govern-
ment aid.
Unmarried students here asked
that their allotments be boosted to
$90 per month to meet spiraling
costs. Married students indicated
that they would prefer a boost to
$125 with additional allotments
of $15 for each child.
Figures Will Be Matched
These figures will be matched
with those of the other campuses
and an overall program will be
mapped out.
"We've got to succeed in getting
increased subsistence," George
Antonofsky, temporary chairman
of Operation Subsistence Michi-
gan told The Daily yesterday. "If
we don't, the whole educational
training program for veterans is
liable to collapse."
A trail of half-educated veter-
ans and largely abandoned cam-
puses are in store if we fail, An-
tonofsky predicted.
The meeting at East Lansing
will concern itself with a three-
fold agenda.
In addition to drawing up a
program for inreused subsistence,
the delegates will map out a plan
to ease housing problems of stu-
dent veterans and improve edu ca-
tional facilities.
Wells Fantasy
ClosesT oday
"'Things To (lne,
Tickets Still onSale
"Things To Come," a movie
adapted from H. G. Wells' book,
will have its last showing at 8:30
p.m. tonight in Lydia Mendels-
sohn Theatre.
A conception of what may be
expected from a "push button"
war of atoms and germs is pre-
sented in the film.4
"Wellsian" ideas of what sci-
ence may produce in the twenty-
first century, with futuristic ma-
chines in a world of glass and ar-
tificial light are also portrayed.
Tickets for the movie, which is
sponsored by the Art Cinema
League, will be on sale after 2 p.m.
today at the theatre box office.
Here Banned By '
Au thorities;
'M' Cagers Open Season Tonight
Bronco Five
To Offer 'M'
R ugged Test
Wolverines Seek
Revenge for 46
Michigan's basketball Renais-
sance moves into its second year
tonight, when Ozzie Cowles un-
veils his 1947-48 cage ensemble
against Western Michigan at 7:30
before the 8,500 patrons who are
expected to fill the "new" Yost
1 Field House to its rafters.
When Mr. Cowles moved into
Ann Arbor last year from Dart-
mouth, he inherited a team that
was perennially a second division
ball club in the Western Confer-
ence. What he has done to Michi-
gan basketball since then has beer
nothing short of a miracle.
Not only has he given the
Field House a "new look with
glass backboards, electric sore-
board and enlarged seating ca-
pacity, but he has brought his
squad along so fast that they
now rank as co-favorites with
Indiana to take this year's Big
Nine title.
Mr. C. has shuffled his line-ur
considerably to iron out some o'
the flaws thatcropped up in hr
1946-47 machine.
Mack Suprunowicz who mad
All-Conference as a freshman b
scoring 163 points in league pla
last year will still start at forward
f but his running mate for the
opener will be his last year under.
study, "Dutch" Wierda. Wierde
has come along fast in practicr
this year and will give the Wol-
verines added strength in the al
important rebound department.
At center, Cowles has Big Bill
Roberts, a six foot six inch
giant who should be one of the
better pivotmen in the Big Nine
before the season is over.
Captain Bob Harrison is a re-
peat starter at guard, but he toc
will have a new running mate
Harold "Lefty" Morill, who player
a half season as a sub forwar
last year,.has been switched tc
guard and will hold down the spot
until Pete Elliott finishes up with
some business he has in Pasadena.
Behind this talented quintet.
Cowles has three men who should
solve the biggest headache he had
last year-lack of reserves. There'
Boyd McCaslin, aaregular forward
last year, who was only kept off
j the first team by Wierda's im-
proved play. There's Bill Micku-
lich who evidently has found his
right spot at forward after play-
ing guard all last year. And there's
Don McIntosh who graduated
SWorld News
At a GlanceI
By The Associated Press
win W. Pauley, defending his
grain market speculations as "the
good old American way," testified
today that he "did rather well" in
trading this year - but not
through information gained as a
government official.
JERUSALEM, Dec. 12--Vet-
eran Jewish underground fight-
ers went on the warpath from
Haifa to Hebron in a series of
bloody clashes with Arabs and
tonight the death toll from 13
days of bitter communal fight-
ing in Palestine neared 290.
Secretary of Labor Schwellenbach
SolSets Two World Marks
Bob Sohlliterally tore the lid off the 1947-48 swimming season
last night as he churned his way to two new records in both the
100-yard and 100-meter breaststroke as the thirteenth annual
Swim Gala got under way at the I-M pool.
Soh], swimming mainly against the clock, chopped one-tenth,
of a second off each existing record as he was timed officially with
1:00.4 in the 100-yards and a 1:07.2 clocking in the 100-meters.
See SOHL, Page 3
To Charge
of Contract
Ruthven Announces 'U' Refusal
To Permit Group To Meet in League
Communist EIsler's Appearance
A proposed MYDA-sponsored appearance of avowed Communist
Gerhard Eisler at the League was prohibited by the University yester-
day and at the same time MYDA put legal wheels in motion to sue
the League for breach of contract.
MYDA chairman Edward Shaffer Thursday gave League author-
ities a $10 check for rental of the Hussey Room Monday night. Shaffer,
told The Daily Gerhard Eisler and Carl Marzani were slated to appear
at the Monday night meeting.
University authorities learned of the proposed appearance
and called a policy meeting yes-
terday. A prepared statement
issued after the meeting quoted
President Alexander G. Ruth-
ven as saying "Michigan Youth
for Democratic Action's request
for space to'hold a public meet-
ing for an address by Gerhard'
Eisler Ias been disallowed for
two reasons:
1-MYDA's recognition as a
student organization was can-
celled last April. This means that
it cannot hold or sponsor meet
ings on the campus.
2-Mr. Eisler will not be per-
mitted to speak on the University
of Michigan campus at this time
under any auspices."
Shaffer was called to the League
yesterday afternoon where Mrs.
Benjamin W. Wheeler, League
business manager, said the Uni-
versity had not been consulted
when arrangements were made for
the proposed meeting and at-
tempted to return his check. Shaf-
fer refused to accept the check
and told Mrs.dWheeler the League
might be sued.
Later Shaffer told The Daily
he was in contact with Detroit
attorneys who are studying the
case and say MYDA has grounds
to sue for breach of contract.
Mrs. Wheeler also told Shaffer
that she considered responsibility
for the mistake to lie entirely irl
her hands and felt the proposed
meeting to be an "underhanded
trick" since MYDA knew of its
own ban before applying for the
use of the room.
Shaffer said the League has
rented facilities to outside organ-
izations in the past. A League
secretary also told The Daily that
League facilities were opened to
outside groups in the past upon
payment of a rental fee.
Eisler~s ban here parallels last
week's action at the University of
Wisconsin where he and Marzani
were also refused permission tc
speak under AYD sponsorship
Wisconsin officials said the morn:
implications involved in sponsor-
ing a man of, Eisler's known rec-
See EISLER, Page 2
Deadline Monday
Oii Election Gripes
Students who have any com-
plaints as to the conduct of Wed-
nesday's election, or who have any
charges of fraud directed against
a candidate or election official.
must contact the Men's Judiciary
Council before Monday, accord-
ing to Clyde Recht, Council presi-
The deadline was set by the
council in order to expedite in-
vestigations as soon as possible.
Students with such complaints
should call Recht or Paul Harri-
son, Council secretary.
TOUGH TO TAME-These four Bronco sharp-shooters promise
plenty of trouble for the Wolverines at Yost Field House tonight.
Ozzie Cowle's veteran Michigan outfit will be out to avenge a 65-61
setback registered by Western Michigan in last year's opener. The
Broncs dropped their opening game of the year to Long Island
University in a 48-46 thriller in Madison Square Garden.
Helicopter rescues Six GI's
Stranded fit Lab rador Crash
Four Year Aid
Plan Favored
By President
Truman, Taft Plans
Clash, Landon Says
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-(/P)-
President Truman wants Congress
to underwrite Western Europe's
recovery program for at least four
years, Alf M. Landon said today
after talking with Mr. Truman at
the White House.
This view is in direct conflict
with the stand taken by Senator
Taft (Rep., Ohio) ani several oth
er Republican leaders who want
any long-term help by the U. S. to
be granted on a year-to-year
Landon's Authority
Landon, former governor of
Kansas and Republican presiden-
tial nominee in 1936, told report-
srs Mr. Truman had authorized
him to relay the presidential wish
for a four-year guarantee of aid to
Expressing agreement with the
President, Landon said: "I told
him these people in Europe are
sticking out their necks, that their
very lives are at stake and they
aught to know what they can
zount on."
Four years of assistance, at a
otal cost of $15,700,000,000 to
$18,300,000,000 is contemplated in
Secretary of State Marshall's pro-
;ram to help the 16 Western Euro-
'aen countries which have agreed
,o help themselves at the same
Barber Policy
Will Continue
Result of Poll Fails to
Ann Arbor's barbers indicated
yesterday that no change in pl-
icy was contemplated despite the
,tudent opinion poll which showed
.hat a substantial majority of the
;tudents favored breaking down
olor lines in barber shops.
The 3 to 1 ratio of students who
voted that they would continue to
2atronize their barbers though
,hey served Negroes apparently
iid not convince the barbers that
'heir business would not suffer
from such an action.
One barbershop proprietor as-
serted that the poll had no signifi-
Dance, because so many -of the
students had failed to vote. He at-
tributed the decisiveness of the
vote against discrimination to the
nrna a-at, ~r inf i 11 c of +1ig
12-(/)-Braving a snowstorm, a I
helicopter today completed the 1
hazardous rescue of six Amer-
ican soldiers who survived the
crash of a big military transport
in Labrador wastelands.
All six-none seriously injured
-were flown to a hospital at
Goose Bay and preparations were
being made to remove by air the
bodies of the 23 other army men4
killed in the crash,
Even before completion of the
rescue, a report was received by
investigators that a power fail-
ure apparently sent the air tranls-
port command plane plunging into
the earth at a speed of near 100
miles an hour Tuesday midnight.
Lt.-Col. Harry Bullis, of Port-
land, Mich., who was thrown clear
when the ship struck, was quoted
as saying the plane "seemed to
come almost to a stop in mid-air"
r Ieachers Barred
From Interlochen
WASHINGTON, Dec. 12-P)--
The House Labor Committee said
today that "hundreds of musi-
cians" have been deterred from
teaching at the National Music
Camp at Interlochen, Mich., be-
cause the American Federation of
Musicians listed it as "unfair."
(The camp is under the direc-
tion of the University of Michigan
music department).
Enforcement of UN PartitiOi
Hinges on American Support
The situation in Palestine has at
stake the whole prestige of the
United Nations and the stand that
the UN takes on the enforcement
of partition depends largely on
support given by the United
anything to enforce a decision
which was not hers and Russia
might be all too eager to send
troops to the Near East which
might not soon be withdrawn.
"This leaves the major responsi-
bility squarely in the lap of the
Buck Dawson To See Marlene Dietrich
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