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Fifty-Eighth Year
iy f ichig under th dauthor o
Board In Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ................Ma.naging Editor
cy ec................Gnge
Clyde Rechti......................ity Editor
Jeanne Swendemnan.........Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson................Editoria Director
Edwin Schneider.................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes....................Associate Editor
eunice Mints.................Associate Editor
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Joyce Johnson...................Women's Editor
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Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
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the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
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Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
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Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947.48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Un-A merican'
a chance to evaluate for themselves
"Crossfire," the movie which, according to
the Thomas-Rankin Un-American Commit-
tee, was directed by a Communist, Edward
Dmytryk, and produced by another Com-
munist, Adrian Scott.
These men were fired from their positions
at RKO because of the indictment.
In its analysis of the men, the Congres-
sional Committee claimed that. they used
their films to disseminate an un-American
"line" which would subvert the people of
the United States and turn them into wild-
bearded Bolsheviks without regard for pri-
vate property or personal liberty.
In the light of this attitude, it is in-
teresting to consider the film. We find
that it depicts a vicious anti-Semite in
his maniacal murdering of a Jew. The
movie gives the killer Just one motive:
that his victim was a Jew, and that all
Jews are cheating, conniving, dirty.
It points a moral: that the subtle, covert
evidences of hate, of anti-Semitism, of rac-
ism, build, sometimes, men who know noth-
ing but hate, men who kill other men on
the basis of race or religion. German youths
were indoctrinated with small particles of
race hatred until, as a group, they were
willing to torture, massacre and gas Jews
just because they were Jews.
The movie draws the corollary between
the less obvious evidences of anti-Semitism:
housing restrictions, schooling restrictions,
job restrictions, and the Hitlerites.
It clearly shows that it is the duty of
all of us to curb hatred in each seemingly
insignificant manifestation in order to
effectively destroy racism.
This is the moral that Dymtryk and Scott
show us. This is the conclusion which will
subvert the American people. This is an evi-
dence of their un-Americanism. For this
they were indicted. And for this they were
--Jean Fagan.
Inflation Solutions
rent ideas being put forth to stop infla-
The National Association of Manufactur-
ers says, in a recent ad, that"inflation comes
when the flow of money into the market is
far greater than the flow of goods." Check.
But then, on the right hand side of the
same ad, where the NAM gets down to spe-
cific suggestions for halting inflation, it
proposes, among other methods," an imme-
diate and substantial reduction" of indivi-
dual income taxes. I don't get it. The NAM
seems vaguely aware of this objection, for it
suggests that the money saved on income
taxes would be used for further capital
But suppose it wasn't used in any such
way? Suppose a couple of million low fel-
lows used their income tax savings to order
more cars, to buy more luxuries, to tip head-
waiters and to line chorus girls in animal
I can see such a character standing out-
side a bar, grill and cocktail lounge, and toss-
ing a coin to decide whether to do his
bounden duty and buy an industrial bond, or
to go inside and have himself a time.
I have heard tax cuts suggested in the
Se ito t 0 Me
IN VIEW OF THE existing crises in France
and Italy and the subsequent special ses-
sion of our Congress to provide "stopgap"
aid in order to bolster those governments
against Communist bids for power, many
people in this country are overlooking the
fact that other European countrie are also
in desperate need of our help to bring them
through the next few years of hardship.
Such aid is forthcoming if the long range
Marshall Plan is approved, but many per-
sons express the feeling that as long as there
is no immediate Communist threat in these
countries they should be able to help them-
selves through without too much difficulty.
It is my opinion, from experiences in these
countries, that the opposite of this is true.
If American foreign policy hopes to
build up any type of cooperation among
Western European nations as an offset to
the Eastern bloc established by the Soviet
Union, it is of utmost importance that
we assist ALL western European countries
in their recovery and not only those who
are exposed to an immediate Com-
munist threat.
England offers a good example of a coun-
try facing severe economic tests as a result
of the war. Here a nation, which not long
ago was enjoying the position of No. 1
world power, has been forced by post-war
conditions to live on an austerity program
that would make most Americans cry that
the war hadn't been worth the consequences.
But the amazing part of present day English
life is the good humor with which the people
are accepting this new crisis. As one London
taxi driver expressed it, "There will always
be an England, even if we starve fighting for
The impact of peace on the British econ-
omy was severe indeed. There is no denying
the fact that conditions in Britain during
the war were much better than at any time
since for the simple reason that when Amer-
ican Lend-Lease stopped, the British gov-
ernment lacked the dollars to pay for fur-
ther aid and lacked the necessary industrial
production to trade in America. As a re-
sult the country has been on a downhill
trend since V-E Day.
Although the average Englishman ap-
pears to be standing up under the load im-
posed on him by the government, he does
have a deep resentment for Americans.
This is not a dislike for our people nor a
feeling against our customs and way of
living, but rather a slight jealousy that we
Americans are replacing them as the dom-
inant power in the world and have an
abundance of everything.
One former "Tommie" expressed the feel-
ing that when the Americans came to Eng-
land with all their planes and artillery and
equipment, the island sank six inches. There
seems to be no doubt about the impression
which our GIs made on the English, for the
"invasion of Britain" had about the same ef-
fect on the English as the invasion of Nor-
mandy had on the French. The British
haven't forgotten the carefree GI who had
everything in the way of luxuries while John
Bull was being content with the bare neces-
sities of life.
So it is today that the British along
with the other war ravaged countries of
western Europe feel that the Americans
have everything despite the war and that
as such we offer the only hope of support
durirl; this critical period when eco-
nomic recovery is so vital. I don't believe
that their attitude is one of begging for
the British especially are still a very proud
people. But I do believe that if America,
is assuming the leadership of the world of
free people against the totalitarian world
of Soviet Russia we must also assume the
responsibility for helping our allies in this
past as a cure for deflation, when money
is short. This is the first time I have heard
it suggested that the way to solve the
problem of having too much money in cir-
culation is to put more money in circu-
We come now to Senator Taft's latest idea
on how to curb one aspect of inflation, the
meat shortage. The Senator tentatively sug-
gests that we may come to rationing by
April. But he proposes that we leave out
price controls, and that we ration meat on
a money basis, as the English do, by al-
lowing each customer to spend only so
much money per capita per week on meat.
.Well, oddly enough, that is approximately
the system we have now. We don't have price
control, and the average wage-earning con-
sumer can only afford to spend a certain
limited amount of money each week on
meat. Without price control, Senator Taft's
plan would merely make meat hunger offi-
The purpose of rationing is, after all,
not to keep food from consumers, but to
make sure they get it. Without price
control, you can't do that. Price control
is the heart of the English plan. The Eng-
lish can ration meat by shillings be-
cause a shilling buys about the same
amount of meat as it did five years ago.
Mr. Taft isn't really for the E'glish plan;
he is only for putting some English on
the American plan.
Finally, we have the proposal by several
Republican Congressmen that we try to hold
wheat prices down by passing a law re-
quiring the government to stockpile up to
250 million bushels until next harvest. The
idea is that, with such a supply visible,
prices might stop skyrocketing.
But few seemed to have noticed the ele-
ment of cruelty inherent in this crude con-
trol proposal. It means creating a secondary,
artificial scarcity in wheat, at a time when
the world is hungering for our grain. By
keeping the wheat in our cou.ntry, instead
of exporting it, it also means (as the New
York Times has pointed out) that the sur-
plus grain would ultimately find its way into
the mouths of our surplus farm animals, in-
stead of into those of our friends and allies
abroad. This is clearly an all-thumbs ap-
proach to a delicate job.
The consistency behind these proposals is
that they are offered by people who don't
like controls very much. As controls become
necessary, they grope toward them, but with
loathing. They couldn't make it clearer that
needed controls will never be conceived by
those who don't like them, or adequately
carried out by those who oppose them.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)
SL Platform
NOW THAT THE Student Legislature elec-
tion results are published, most people
will decide that the election is over.
But it isn't over-nobody really knows
who won.
This curious situation results from the
fact that practically all the candidates
agreed on what the Legislature's program
should be.
We have elected executives disguised as
legislators-no vote has been taken on an
issue, precisely because of the lack of dis-
The list of winning candidates doesn't
tell anybody whether the Legislature's
program will be carried out, or how it will
be carried out.
This is most distressing. It means that
while this Legislature is incumbent, the
election campaign will still be going on.
Having fought through a campaign in unan-
imity as to goals, the new members will dis-
agree in the Legislature as to methods.
This has deprived voters of the chance
to make an intelligent evaluation of the
candidates, and at the same time it will
handicap the operation of the Legisla-
The presence of political parties with
clear-cut opposing programs could clarify
this situation. Instead of voting on the
basis of the personality, we could then vote
on the basis of his views.
Where there are no issues, there is a pop-
ularity contest, but no expression of political
Let us hope that the new Legislature
will be active-so active that it runs into
problems on which disagreement is prob-
An aggressive, expanding Legislature, tak-
ing as much responsibility as it can get,
would not only represent students better;
it would give them an opportunity to ex-
press their views in the next election.
-Phil Dawson.
ON PEARL HARBOR DAY, the line be-
tween right and wrong had been drawn
with the sharp definition of a bomb splin-
ter . . . Last week, as 1947 drew to a close,
many wondered if anything could ever seem
so terrifyingly simple again.
coo A'
t., T(t«ER
J NAYt' .
Letters to the Editor..
Cop,. 147 jby United FetueSyndcak lnc.
12-ifj -All righ~ts rce,..d
\ N
"Amazing how many cars they can put into such a tiny place."
Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angell Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
* * *
VOL. LVIII, No. 69
All applicants for admission to
medical schools, who wish to be
admitted during 1948, must take
the Medical Aptitude Examina-
tion on Monday, Feb. 2, 1948, un-
less they have taken it on October
25, 1947. In order to be admitted
to the examination, candidates
must fulfill the following require-
ments :
1. Register in Rm. 110, Rack-
ham Building on or before Satur-
day, Dec. 13, 1947, if they have
not already done so.
2. Bring to the examination a
check or money order for five dol-
lars payable to The Graduate
Record Office. No candidate will
be admitted to the examination
unless he pays his fee in this way.
Cash will not be accepted.
Candidates who register will be-
gin the examination at 8:30 a.m.,
Mon., Feb. 2, Rackham Lecture
Hall. The examination will be di-
vided into two sessions and will
take all day.
The examination will not be
given again before the Fall semes-
ter, 1948.
All inquiries should be ad-
dressed to The Chief Examiner,
Bureau of Psychological Services,
(Ext. 2297).
Women students interested in
household employment over the
Christmas holiday may call at the
Office of the Dean of Women for
further information.
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
December 12
Adelia Cheever, Alpha Delta P,
Alpha Ganma Delta, Alpha Omi -
cron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Tau
Omega, Alpha Xi Delta, Betsy,
Barbour, Chi Psi, Cousens Hall,
Gamma Phi Beta, Helen New-
barry, Jordan Hall, Kappa Alpha
Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Mar-,
tha Cook, Mary Markley House,
Michigan Christian Fellowship,
Newman Club, Phi Epsilon Kappa,
Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Vaughan House.
December 13
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha
Kappa Psi, Alpha Rho Chi, Al-
pha Sigma Phi, Beta Theta Pi,
Delta Gamma, Delta Sigma Delta,
Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Tau Delta,
Greene House, Kappa Kappa
Gamma, Les Voyageurs.
Phi Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon, Sigma Chi, Stockwell Hall,
Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Vaughan
December 14
Berkeley House, Theta Xi, Hil-
lel Foundations.
Bureau of Appointments: There
is a vacancy for an instructor
(Negro) in Geography, at Miner
Teachers College, Washington,
D.C. For further information call
at the Bureau of Appointments,
201 Mason Hall.
Bureau of Appointments, 201 Ma-
son Hall.
The Hercules Powder Company,
Wilmington, Delaware, will inter-
view chemists and chemical engi-
neers Monday, Dec. 15.
The Rochester Gas and Electric
Company will interview Wednes-
day, Dec. 17, for chemists for gas
plant lab testing, chemical end-
neers for gas plant operating,
electrical engineers for industrial
sales engineering, electrical engi-
neers for electrical lab testing,
mechanical engineers for power
plant operation, and industrial
engineers for management engi-
New York City Civil Service An-
nouncements have been received
for Junior Accountant and Junior
Statistician. Closing date, Dec.
23. Forms must be filed in person.
For Complete Information and
appointments call at the Bureau
of Appointments, extension 371.
Business Administration Lec-
ture: Mr. Daniel F. Gerber, Presi-
dent of the Gerber Products Com-
pany, Fremont, Michigan, will dis-
cuss the annual statement for
stockholders and employees at 4
p.m., Tues., Dec. 16, Rackham
Amphitheatre. The public is in-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Rich-
ard Balser Hahn, Chemistry; the-
sis: "The Precipitation and De-
termination of Zirconium by Hy-
drolysis of Metaphosphoric Acid
and Organic Phosphate," 1 p.m.,
Fri., Dec. 12, West Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman, H. H.
Doctoral Examination for Rob-
ert Wallace Pidd Physics; thesis:
"The Problem of Measuring the
Energy Spectrum of the Synchro-
tron Beam, and an Experimental
Investigation of High Resolution
Counting Techniques," 2 p.m., Fri.,
Dec. 12, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman, H. R.
Doctoral Examination for James
Blame Kitzmiller, Zoology; thesis:
"The Time Interval Between De-
termination and Differentiation
of Wings and Associated Struc-
tures in the Aphid Macrosiphum
sanborni (Gillette)" 2 p.m., Fri.,
Dec. 12, Rm. 3091, Natural Science
Bldg., Chairman, A. F. Shull.
Doctoral Examination for Philip
Sheldon Jastram, Physics; thesis:
"The Effect of Nonlinearity and
Frequency Distortion on the Am-
plitude Distribution for Station-
ary Random Processes," 9 a.m.,
Sat., Dec. 13, East Council Room,
Rackham Bldg. Chairman, G. E.
Astronomical Colloquium: 4
p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Observatory.
Speaker: Carl August Bauer will
(Cotinued on Page 5)
EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
To the Editor:
acloss a Letter to the Editor
from a Mr. W. A. Paton. I do not
know this Mr. Paton, nor the Mr.
Frein he was referring to, but
when in his letter he says, "It
makes one suspect that Mr. Frein
belongs to the Molotov school of
thought and is doing his little bit
to bring about the 'Planned chaos'
in this country . . .," it infuriated
Understand, I am not debating
the first portion of his letter at
all. On that point I offer no argu-
ment or concern, but that sentence
indicates to me that W. A. Paton
is a member of the "If you don't
think my way, you're a Commu-
nist" school, and indicates, too,
that he is not very logical in his
thinking. I, like every American,
despise Communism in any shape
or form (and they take a great
many shapes and forms), but I
certainly would be sure of what
I was saying, before I even
THOUGHT of condemning any-
one in that way.
Before you call anyone a Com-
munist for thinking as his mind
tells him to think, Mr. Paton,
regardless of whether his view-
point is different from yours, you
might do a little intelligent think-
ing yourself, and not scribble
down on paper the first bit of
nonsense that comes to your mind.
-Richard L. Barovick.
* * *
To the Editor:
Naomi Stern's criticism of the
Boston Symphony was a "cancer-
ous growth" as Carlos Soares im-
plied in his letter (yesterday).
Mr. Soares asked that Miss
Stern refrain from intruding her
personal tastes into music criti-
cism, which he considers to re-
quire above all things "objectiv-
When Mr. Soares can tell a
musicecritic what "objectivity"
is, as applied to art, and how the
critic can achieve it without sac-
rificing the artistic element in
criticism, perhaps Miss Stern will
be able to oblige.
-Phil Dawson.
Status Quo
To the Editor:
MR. SHILSON and five others
are probably not psycho-
pathic, although evidence sub-
mitted in their recent letter isnot
conclusive either way. I, too, at-
tend classes regularly, find profs,
facilities of comparatively high
caliber. I, too, am sometimes prone
to "sit on the library steps and
watch the University women go
by!" and am likewise pleased with
what I see. But this is not enough!
While appreciative of advantages
of present status, I feel much dis-
posed to press for constant de-
velopmental progress. If some men
had not done just this in the
past, Shilson et altera might well
not have a University newspaper
available to voice opinion. They
might yet be living in a cave,
hunting food with club, perishing
in youth of tile many maladies
that international, inter-racial
medical science has learned to
control today.
We have aircraft capable of go-
ing from anywhere to anywhere in
the world. We have atomic ex-
plosives and incredibly lethal bac-
teria which can be transported
effectively in said aircraft. Posses-
sion of these . is - ever becoming
more widespread by all groups.
Less and lessucan we affordto
mind only our own immediate
business because maybe on the
other side of the world is some
goon who wants to mind OUR
business for us, at a fat profit
to himself. And maybe he'll have
atom bombs, etc., with which to
implement his desires. He can
raise a lot of hell with our laud-
able desires to "watch the Uni-
versity women" and to "attend
classes regularly" !
And it is starvation in Europe
and Asia, comparatively oppressive
colonial Dutch officials, Negro
discrimination anywhere that
create psychopathic goons, big and
little, to plague and endanger our
pursuit of happiness. All peoples
of the world will have increasing-
ly intimate contact, considering
development of transportation
and communication technology.
Everybedy else is going to matter
more and mo'e to our living.
So, Mr. Shilson and concur-
rents, it is not nearly enough to
live one's own life in pursuit of
short-run p e rs ona l happiness,
within close bounds of status quo.
I don't expect this letter to
motivate Shilson and friends im-
mediately to stride forth to im-
prove the world, since drives lead-
ing to such activity often devolve
from the way in which we are
raised. But maybe you fellers
could just nod your heads in ap-
proval once in a while, huh?
--Hal Lester.
* * *
G lens' Tha ks
To the Editor:
THE MEMBERS of Galens Hon-
orary Medical Society are very
grateful for the splendid and
warm-hearted response given the
19th annual Galens' Christmas
Drive by the understanding; sym-
pathetic, and generous students,
faculty and townspeople of Ann
Arbor, Willow Village and nearby
Thanks to the unselfish con-
tributions of the thousands of in-
dividuals who wore Galens tags
during Tag Day, the purpose of
our drive . . . i.e., to promote
and maintain the physiological
and psychological weTfare of the
children at University Hospital...
will be achieved and guaranteed
throughout the following year.
We hope each contributor ex-
perienced the well-deserved feel-
ing of personal satisfaction in
having contributed to the hap-
piness of a sick and otherwise un-
happy child at the hospital. To
each person who dropped a dona-
tion in one of the familiar Tag
Day buckets belongs a share of
the joy the Christmas Drive re-
ceipts will bring to the thousands
of children who will pass through
the University Hospital during the
coming year.
Group contributions were made
by Gamma Phi Beta, Phi Kappa
Psi, Phi Delta Theta, Collegiate
Sorosis, Theta Gi, Kappa Delta,
Nu Sigma Nu, B. P. O. Elks, With-
ams Drug, Eberbach and Son
Company and many others.
Galens would expressly like to
thank Associate Dean Walter B.
Rea and his staff, and Fischers
Hardware, who furnished the
buckets, Ralph Byers of the Ann
Arbor News and the members of
the Michigan Daily chloroform
circuit, Radio Station WPAG, Mrs.
Walton and the staff of the Ga-
lens' Workshop; Ann Arbor Trust
Company and Wahr's Bookstore
for display space; the women at
Couzens Hall who helped tie tags.
Their cooperation was instrumen-
tal in the success of our drive.
I wish it were possible for me to
give my personal thanks to one
and every contributor.
Total receipts, $5,206.50.
--Buzz Galloway, Chairman
Galens' Christmas Drive.
, *
Bus Equipment
To the Editor:
ABOUT a week ago I wrote a
letter (which was never pub-
Slished)concerning the emergency
equipment on several of the Uni-
versity buses. At 5:35 p.m. today
I had the rare misfortune of wit-
nessing what could have been a
serious accident due to this lack
of proper equipment. As might be
known to your office, one of the
busses was in a highway acci-
dent at the time noted. Fortu-
nately none of the bus passengers
were severely injured. However,
one of the riders in the rear seat
of the bus was thrown against
the emergency door, which then
broke from its lock. Needless to
say the party so ejected landed
in the road, about ten yards in
back of and four yards to the
right of the bus. It is just a stroke
of good luck that he was not in-
jured. As I left the bus, I chanced
to look at the door through which
he was thrown. The lock was still
intact, with the break occurring
in the sheet steel that held the
door closed. As usual there was
no handle on the inside of the
door. There was absolutely no
means of opening the door from
the inside. We are all indeed
quite fortunate that it was not
necessary to leave rapidly, it would
not have been possible unless,
as in this case, somebodyn was
thrown through the door out of
the bus.
The freak accident of the per-
son being thrown from the bus
could have been avoided had the
door been inspected. Anyone ac-
quainted with automotive equip-
ment could easily see that-a thin
sheet of metal is insignificant to
hold the door closed against any
impact greater than that result-
ing from a solid kick. From the
size and shape of the seats it is
also apparent that any sharp turn
or skid would cause people to be
thrown from the seats. It is also
quite clear that it is exceedingly
rlifint-ftr. nn n ... ti . .tt
'At the State .. .
and Pitricia Henry.
Arturo DLeCordova
used in criticism, but New Orleans is too
poor a picture to get steamed up over. Sad
part is that for once they had some good
red meat for subject matter, but as usual,
it is left to burn to a crisp. And the pic-
turesque tale of the migration of jazz from
New Orleans to Chicago deserves much bet-
ter treatment. Our story, which is using the
term loosely, opens in 1917 on a card-
board Basin Street. At that time a predi-
lection for this new music was considered
musical treason, and we find our devotees
skwlking down back alleys to indulge their
shocking taste. A hackneyed love story is
thrown in between Louis Armstrong jazz
sessions, and later n Woody Herman turns
up to tooot his clarinet. (Many anguished
females wander through the narrative, most