~PRE~ I~fliA~K~ LY L r71. +i. 1.+1. y, .iJ ,i ~a. .1:..ArIla1ZeG i1- t ,+ G mmm"im I -.-- ........... Fifty-Eighth Year Edited and managed by students of the Uni- Veraity of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Pi.bllcations. Jobs Campbell ................Managing Editor Nancy Heinick ................General Manager Clyde Recht ..........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager Stuart Filayson ..............Editorial Director Edwin Schueiler................Finance Manager Lida Dailes .......................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor Betty Steward .........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal................Library Director Alvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. Kntered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mail matter. Subscription during the regular school year by carrier, $5.00,'by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by, members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: DICK MALOY Partiti o HE GENERAL improvement in the state of the world's conscience since the Unit- ed Nations decided to partition Palestine has been tempered by the taste of blood result- ing from the wholesale riots that have accompanied the decision. The injured attitude the Arabs have as- sumed and their attempts to make partition a cause celebre are unrealistic,. Palestine was never an Arab State until the League of Nations made it one, to implement the Bal- four Declaration. Furthermore, the Jews have paid hard cash for large portions of the land they occupy. They have turned unused barren desert and malarial swamp into a garden. Still the lists of dead and wounded pile up daily. The Arab nations are en- gaged in a recruiting campaign for their "Holy War." The Jews are mobilizing for defense. It looks like a long bloody fight. But the UN is, presumably, a peace organ- ization, and with the decision to partition goes the responsibility for maintaining peace. If the Arabs, notably the irresponsible Mufti, can stir up enough trouble to cause the partition decision to be reversed or succeed in creating dissension among the prtitioning powers, most of the work ac- complished recently will have been un- done. w If the Arabs succeed, it will not be long before others recognize the weakness of the UN in enforcing even those decisions on which Russian-American agreement exists. Immediate, effective action will demonstrate a working UN. Continued bloodshed spells doom. --Jacob Hurwitz, I'D RATHER BE RIGHT: BILL MALDIN ]L1~esto the Editor... I-y SAMuEL GRAFTON HAVE BEEN in this business eighteen years, but never before have I received such hot and bitter letters as have come in during the last few days. They have to do with a column I wrote in defense of civil libertier. with special reference to the ITol- lywood situation. It was an aVerage col- S HESELF-STYLED realist looks on the World Federalists with a benevolent dis- dain. "The Federalists," he says, "are well- meaning, they have the right slant, World Government is a fine and noble aim. But its' impractical 'and can't be realized in our time; we must keep it in mind as a long run project. Right now, though, our energies must be channeled on the real, practical avenues of institutions as we know them." And then the "realist" smugly goes about some previous "real" business or other. And one monders just what "reality" is and how the World Federalists here on campus and around the world fit into that reality. Today, the Federalists' student branch at the University will continue its survey of opinion on aid to Europe. The group has boiled down its own con- clusions on the question of European aid, is presenting them before the student body and hopes to send these conclusions on to Washington with the solid backing of stu- dents here. They have decided that an effec- tive aid program with no Red bogey to Trustrate it and no. anti-socialistic strings to strangle it, would be a real step in the direction of world government. The Federalists see, in the principle of European self-help and American aid, a recognition of the economic oneness of the world. That doesn't mean the economic one- ness of the sixteen nations in the western bloc, for the Soviet sphere is part of that unity, too. Secretary Harriman recognized that in his report. All responsible observers have indicated that really effective aid de- pends on cooperation of all nations. The Federalists have carried this reality a step further. They recognize that eco- nomic unity means political unity. The two can not be separated. The line of demarca- tion between the economics and politics of a nation-or a world-has long ceased to be discernible. The World Federalists may not have the final answer to economic and political an- archy, but, in penetrating the academic cloud that has stymied groups in the past, in recognizing national and international realities, they have what pretty nearly re- sembles the most feasible answer now avail- able. -Bell. Zwerling. unn, a little shorter than usual, and not particularly eloquent. But because of it I have been promised that I will someday be put into a concentration camp; I have been offered innumerable boat tickets to Rus- sia; I have been told to go back where I came from ( which would involve a five- cent subw ayrie from where I now live), etc. etc. Anyone who defends unpopular figures is always sure to receive a potshot or two; I have had a scattering of them over the years. But today it is a cannonade; the letters really come in. Pressure toward con- formity is now greater than I have ever be- fore seen it. I am fairly sure that we shall be asham- ed of some of this feeling, in years to come. Few moments of towering rage are ever remembered with real pride. Part of it is a fashion, I think, and part of it is a fever. As for the fashion part of it, I can re- call when conservative opinion in this coun- try was very sensitive to civil liberties. That was when the voters had elected Roosevelt several times running, and conservatives were not sure what an electorate, mad enough to do this, might not try next. It was then that we had, from conserva- tive quarters, heavy disquisitions about in- alienable minority rights, learned essays about inherent limitations on the majority power, solemn adjurations about the rights of the individual to be protected against sweeping majority decisions, etc. But now conservatism has come to power, and so, these days, it sonetines forgets to include the rights of minorities in its prayers. But part of it is a fever, a sudden puls- ing desire to have everybody think alike, feel alike, consider alike, and if possible, look alike. It is wrapped up in the sullen wisecrack (always uttered as if it were brand new) about how if you don't like what goes on here, why don't you go somewhere else? I think maybe we ought to stop deporting each other. If it ever becomes settled national policy that those who disagree with any prevailing opinion ought to go somewhere else, this country will in time, as majorities shift, become depopulated. Deport enough minorities, as issues change, and you may end up with the theory that this country is too good for people. But we already know that our America can stand infinite variety and still prosper. It always has. It has done noticeably well, as a land in which you can come upon any conceivable opinion or accent in any block. It is a land which has grown mightily under the great, individualistic motto: "What's it to you?" We don't know how it would do as a land in which everybody, perforce, agreed on all disputed points. I think it is risky to make such a change in the basis of our national life. Is there anything more distasteful to us in the Communist philosophy than the doc- trine that everybody ought to think the same thought, in the same way, at the same hour? I find the man who (in the guise of protecting us against Communism) puts his stethoscope against his neighbor's head to see if he can detect an unorthodox thought, a strangely incoherent figure, whose lips say no to totalitarianism, while the pose and aspect of his hands and body say yes. (Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate) CINEMA At Lydia Mendelssohn .. .. THINGS TO COME, with Raymond Mas- sey, Cedric Hardwicke and Ann Todd. THIS WEEK'S presentation by the Art Cinema League has been called one of the great pictures of the thirties. While I doubt that it deserves this distinction, there's no question but what it is a spectac- ular item. H.G. Wells, who wrote he scenario about a decade ago, chose the year 1940 as his point of departure for a lively excursion into the future. Beginning with that date, his picture traces g century of devastation and progress. The vivid scenes show a world virtually reduced to barbarianism by war- fare and pestilence. Later scenes show Mr. Wells' alternate: A future Utopia whose cri- teria is progress and the unification of the universe. A good deal of moralization is employed throughout the film, but it is generally too diffuse to carry much impact. Consequently, the feature you are most likely to remember about Things to Come is the technical skill which went into its production. The sets which depict life a hundred years hence are cleverly designed and photographed in great style. They were prepared under the crit- ical eye of Ned Mann and the production, as you may have guessed, was in th hands of Alexander Korda. -Kenneth Lowe. DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN it I 11 MUSIC ON WORLD AFFAIRS First Round By EDGAR ANSEL MOWRER MAKE NO MISTAKE, Moscow has won the first round of its battle against the IMarshall Plan.. While the American Congress, after in- excusable delay, painfully votes for inter- im aid to Europe the Communists in France (which is the key to Europe) are prevent- ing this aid from being felt. Strikes and disorders have so diminished production in France that the interim assistance - barely adequate two months ago - now falls woefully short of the goal. This basic fact must not remain hidden behind the minor failures of the French Communists. The general strike failed. The French Socialists have not as yet been pro- voked into firing upon the mob frenzied by their passion for a foreign cause. General de Gaulle has not been pre-maturely brought into power. Those minor failures should not mask the fact that the epidemic of strikes, disorders and crimes have succeeded in half paralyz- ing France and delaying European recon- struction. Not only are the cities still crip- pled and the railroad service reduced to skeleton but the ports are closed. The real Communist stranglehold on France is the successful reduction in the production of coal. Before Moscow's offensive against the Marshall Plan started the French were pro- T HE YEAR-LONG HOPES and plans of the newly-formed Gilbert and Sullivan Society finally materialized last night with the opening performance of their first pro- duction, The Mikado. The evening got off to a worried start- the singers seemed nervous and uncertain until the first act finale pulled them to- gether. In the second act the performance blos- somed, however. The madrigal "Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day" was a high spot in musical cooperation. It is a pleasant sur- prise to hear soloists sing together so well. Each individual performance has its par- ticular faults; but one characteristic that marred the singing of every soloist was a certain nasal quality in inflection which of- ten made them sound flat. The chorus distinguished itself generally, and particularly in the two reverberating finales. The orchestra members, striving to over- come the difficulties imposed by their small number, were particularly strong in the wind sections. Unfortunately, it was only in accompaniment that the orchestra sounded like one. Strictly a non-professional, non-academic, no-credit undertaking, the production, like most amateur productions, was distinguished by the freshness and verve which is so often lacking among the smooth and polished work of more or less indifferent profession- als. It was this enthusiastic spirit which served to minimize incidental defects, and gave air promise that the ambition and deter- mination of this new and much-needed group will result in performances even more enjoyable than last night's. 7HE COMMON BELIEF that the reading of comic strips and books by children is deleterious to their characters and moral habits is incorrect, according to three sur- veys conducted under the auspices of the California Congress of Parents and Teachers and published in the October, 1947, issue of California's Parent-Teacher. The general conclusions of the surveys point out that Publication n The Daily Orticial Bulletin is constructive notice to all mnemb~ers o1' the Unv.ersity. Notice for the bulletin should be set in typewritten forn to the ofice o the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angeil Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat- urdays). * * * Notices ThuRSDAY, DEC. 1, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 68 Christmas Vacation, in accord- ance with the academic calendar now in force, begins at noon Sat- urday, December 20. Classses re- sume Monday morning, January 5. Frank E. Robbins Assistant to the President To All Telephone Users: On Wednesday, December 10, the number of the University switch- board will be changed from 4121 to 3-1511. Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary Women students attending "The Mikado" either Dec. 10 or 11 have late permission until one- half hour after the close of the performance. Women students interested in household employment over the Christmas holiday may call at the Office of the Dean of Women for further information. Application for Admission to the Graduate School for the Sec- ond Semester: Students in other schools and colleges who will graduate, and who may wish to enter the Graduate School the second semester, must submit their applications for admission by December 15 in order to be given consideration. The crowded condition in the University has placed limitations upon the num- ber that may be admitted. Lectures Lecture: "Popular Latin Ameri- can Music" (songs and music). 8 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11, Rackham Amphitheatre; auspices of the Latin American Society. The pub- lic is invited. Academic Notices Doctoral Examination for Har- old Guetzkow, Psychology; thesis: "An Analysis of the Operation of Set in Problem-Solving Be- havior," 1:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, Norman R. F. Maier. Doctoral Examination for Rich- ard Balser Hahn, Chemistry; the- sis: "The Precipitation and De- termination of Zirconium by Hy- drolysis of Metaphosphoric Acid and Organic Phosphate," 1 p.m., Every liberal group in the Unit- ed States must organize to bring pressure to bear upon Congress to stop UMT. Passing or failing to pass UMT may well prove to be the single most decisive action de- termining whether we are on a point of entering into a period of universal peace or universal chaos. -Henry Wallace, in the New Republic. Fri., Dec. 12, West Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairnan.Ii. iT. Willard. Doctoral Examination for James Blaine Kitzmiller, Zoology; thesis: "The Time Interval Between De- termination and Differentiation of Wings and Associated Struc- tulres in the Aphid Macro 'iphurn fLanbo'ni (Gillette," 2 p.I1., Fri., 2 p.m., Dec. 12, Rm. 3091, Natural Science Bldg., Chairman, A. F. Shull. Doctoral Examination for Rob- ert Wallace Pidd, Physics; thesis: "The Problem of Measuring the Energy Spectrum of the Synchro- tron Beam, and an Experimental Investigation of High Resolution Counting Techniques," 2 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, East Council Room, Rackham Bldg. Chairman, H. R. Crane. Seminar Postponed: Seminar on Complex Variables will not meet at 3 p.m, today as originally s(hed- tiled. Astronomical Colloquium: 4 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Observatory. Speaker: Carl August Bauer will speak on the subject, "The Origin of Meteorites." Political Science 67: The regular class meeting at 10 a.m. Sat., Dec. 13, at Rm. 1035, Angell ITall, will be devoted to a consideration of the Foreign Service of the United States. Students interested in the Foreign Service are invited to at- tend. Events Today Radio Program: 4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.), Campus News. Michigan Chapter AAUP: 6 p.m., dining room of the Faculty Club, Michigan Union. Dean Walter will speak on "The Office of Student Affairs." Join south cafeteria line at 6 p.m. The. Rackham Building Thurs- day evening Record Concert: 7:45 p.m., East Lounge. Mozart: Sonata in B Flat Major, K. 378, for violin and Harpsichord; Block; String Quartet; Mozart; Sonata No. 14 in C Minor, K. 457, for Piano. Grad- uate students are invited. Silence is requested. American Chemical Society: Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Prof. G. E. Uhl- enbeck of the Physics Department will speak on "The Present Status of the Theory of the Meson." The public is invited. Election of offi- cers. American Society for Public Administration: Mr. Loren B. Mil- ler, of the Detroit Bureau of Gov- ernmental Research, will address a meeting of the Michigan chap- ter at 8 p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Art Cinema League presents Raymond Massey in H. G. Wells' THINGS TO COME - amazing forecast for the future. Thurs., Fri., and Sat., 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre. Box office opens 2 p.m. daily. Reservations, phone 6300. International Center weekly tea: ED1)ITOR's NOTE: Because Thie Daily prints every letter to the editor re- veived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of mnore than 360 words are shortened, printed or omitted :t the discretion of the edi- torial diretr. In diffIeren ce To the Editor: ITH REGARD to the letter by "psychopathic" should indif- ference to all its issues, interna- tional or local#e considered a de- sirable quality for a University student? If, in these days the possession of such a quality is considered normal for the American college student, then the future is even darker. If the possessors of such a qual- ity are considered abnormal, then there is some hope. Randolph Rawlin. A Foreign Student, Coniroversy To the Editor: 1jEIS LETTER is not an attempt to inject my political views into the controversy being carried on in this column by Mr. Frein and Mr. W. A. Paton. Like a great many other Americans, I am able to perceive advantages and abuses in both parties, and usually cast miy vote for the individual rather than for the party vehicle he hap- pens to be riding. There are right and left wings in both parties, isolationists and advocates of world cooperation in both, honesty and integrity in the membership of both, and unfortunately the two major parties have had their quota of bigotry, corruption, and chlicanlery. However when a party to any debate, regardless of which side lie is upholding, substitutes abuse of his opponent for legitimate argument over their differences, lie deserves to be very strongly criticized. It is certainly a matter of amazement that Mr. Paton in the closing paragraph of his letter 4:30-5:30 p.m. Hostesses: Mrs. John Sundwall and Mrs. Livia Olmedo. Last tryout for the French Play: 3-5:15 p.m., Rm. 405, Romance Language Bldg. Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m., Rm. 2208, Angell Hall. Dr. Green- hut will continue the discussion of The Wasteland. Bring copies. La p'tite causette: 3:30 p.m., Grill Room, Michigan League. Michigan Dames will entertain their husbands at a Christmas Record Dance and bridge party, 8 p.m., Michigan League Ballroom. The Clef Club Chorus will sing Christmas Carols. Public Affairs Committee: 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Coming Events Acolytes: Lewis Zerby, Professor of Philosophy at Michigan State College, will give a talk, "Law, Philosophy, and the Philosophy of Law," 7:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Open to the public. The Inter Co-operative Council presents Dr. John F. Shepard, of the Psychology Department, who. will speak on U. S. Foreign Policy at 8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Robert Owen Co- operative House. All are invited. Graduate Outing Club: Meet for winter sports, 2:30 p.m., Sun., Dec. 14, northwest entrance, Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rackham check desk before noon Saturday. All graduate students are welcome. German Coffee Hour: 3-4:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Michigan League Coke Bar. All interested students and faculty members are invited. SRA Coffee Hour: 4:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Lane Hall. Special guests: Hindustani Association. Everyone is invited. Newman Club: Christmas Party, 8-12 midnight, Fri., Dec. 12, club- rooms, St. Mary's Chapel. Admis- sion: $.25 gift for exchange. All members are invited. B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation: Friday evening services, 7:45 p.m. Fireside discussi6n led by Dr. Wil- liam Morse, director of the Fresh Air Camp, at 8:30 p.m. Refresh- ments. Social hour. states that Mr. frein demon- strates "utter disregard of facts and the commonplace meaning of words." and then Almost imme diately launches into that same tactic himself. By linking his an- tagonist with the Communist school of thought and accusing him of fomenting "planned chaos," Mr. Paton has stolen a leaf from the Marxists textbooks. I am not acquainted with Mr. Frein or his politics but I assume that his de- fense of President Truman can hardly be considered espousal of the "party line," as recently dic- tated from the Kremlin. Just in case Mr. Paton attempts to lump me in with that segment of political thinking, I might state here that my views probably would be closer to the side he sup- posedly espouses than to those of his opponent. Nevertheless I see no reason for such intolerance of the views of others as Mr. Paton discloses in his letter. If all polit- ical debates are to be reduced to the same ad hominum level, and vituperation and scurrilous abuse is to be substituted for logical, cool-headed, and constructive thinking, then we may as well abandon our two-party system and set up a government along the lines of the present Russian, or the pre-war German state. I am sure that the overwhelming ma- jrity of the American people re- tain enough common sense not to allow that to happen. But it will not be so secure if "name- callers" such as Mr. Paton con- tinue to prevail. -Vincent Murray. Music Critic To the Editor: 0BJECTIVITY, not Subjectivity, is a great virtue which a good critic should always keep In mind. Apparently, your, "muiecri~ftc," Naomi Stern, is ignorant of that. In her "criticism" of the last con- cert of the Boston Symphony she says: "Little marred the concert as a whole, but even Boston is not always perfect, and the eve- ning started rather poorly with a singularly tedious Mozart Diverti- mento." Miss Naomi Stern, you should stick to facts. As a critic, if you claim to be ona, you should not express your personal reaction as part of the criticism. Anyone can do that. Even if you find Mozart's Divertimento in B-flat major ted- ious, not everyone does. Then, how can you, in the position of a critic, say so affirmatively that the composition is tedious. You should not let your criticism be influenced by your taste. The re- suits of that are distortion and very pernicious. For example be- cause you were not pleased by the composition in question the Boston Symphony "is not always perfect." Surely they are not al- ways perfect, but you may be sure that it is not because they play something you do not like. Judge the performance by [he quality of the work is folly. The performances of "Dtaphne aid Chloe" and "Harold in Italy" you do not criticize. Why? Because you like these works? Please Miss Naomi Stern, that is no basis for criticism. From an all-around point of view Mozart's Diverti- mento is certainly a greater com position than Ravel's "Daphne and Chloe." It is true that the latter has a more popular appeal and the Boston Symphony may have, if you choose, played it better. It is my opinion that the whole concert was exceptionally well played, especially Mozart. Whether you prefer one composition to an- other, tell your friends, but do not express it in a critique. If you cannot see above your own shoulders, if you cannot be impartial, which you cannot, please, stop aspiring to become a critic. You will never be a good one this way. We want good critics. The world is full of "critics" who know noth- ing ' of that which they criticize. They cannot help but destroy and corrupt. They are just as evil as a cancerous growth to works of art. -Carlos Soares. Bowl Tickets To the Editor: RE: ROSE BOWL Tickets: (1) You are a student: you present identification card and sign. You get a receipt. You go to Pasadena. You present identifi- cation card and countersign. Pho- tograph and signature are checked carefully. You have one ticket. (2) You are an alumnus: You write in. Two tickets are mailed to you. (1-a.) A student is a crook. (2-a.) A graduate is a decent person. -R. F. Defenddini. ** * Wordy To the Editor: PLEASE OBSERVE that Dr. Pat- A I I 4 .1 .4 14 d 4 4 4l I I 4 BARNABY,. SZ.n nw 5lflrnrlCJscsthat hJ~*is; 4e ni c tlra a rhros lik IrWAAHI Moe'mma1 Rnrnrii'v's 5'11 fi~ndJ ,outwhatf rpelly