CIVIL LIBERTIES SEE PAGE 4 '1, SwF4h !Iaiijr SNOW FLURRIES Latest Deadline in the State VOL. LVIII, No. 68 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DEC. 11, 1947 PRICE FIVE CENTS Students Cast Largest Vote in Strike Threat Faces Rome; France Quiet Italians DemnanBd Works Program Sy The Associated Press A general strike loomed in Rome yesterday while a momentary lull settled over labor strife in France. Leftists yesterday ordered a gen- eral strike throughout Rome and the Italian provinces yesterday, bringing their month-old "winter offensive" against Premier Alcide De Gasperi's Christian Democrat Government to the capital. Ordered by the Provincial Chamber of Labor, the strike be- comes effective today and will be continued until De Gasperi bows to, sweeping demands including unemployment aid. Demand Works Program Calling out all workers in in- dustry, commerce and agriculture except a few to keep some skele- ton services going, the provincial Chamber of Labor demanded the earmarking of 10,000,000,000 lire ($18,650,000) for a public works program to absorb what it esti- mated were 8,000 unemployed in the Rome area. This newest challenge to the De Gasperi government climaxes a wave of leftist-led strikes, demon- strations in public squares and attacks on government buildings throughout Italy. Respite in France Meanwhile reports from France tell of a lull in the wave of strikes which for a time crippled all vital services throughout the nation. Drastic measures to restore order were taken by newly installed Premier Robert Schuman and peace returned to the strife-ridden land yesterday. However competent observers have warned that the current labor peace is merely the lull be- fore another round of strikes and outbreaks. Spokesmen declare that Communists will spend the next few weeks regrouping their forces for another outburst before the American aid program can be- come effective. British Warr Arabs, Jews To Call Tru ce JERUSALEM, Dec. 10-(AP)-The death toll in 11 days of Holy Land violence climbed to 131 tonight and Sir Alan Cunningham, the High Commissioner, warned Jews and Arabs that unless the blood- letting ceases "severe measures" would be taken against both com- munities. A British police officer and a Territorial soldier died from wounds, bringing to 19 the num- her of deaths reported today. It was one of the worst days of scat- tered violence since the United Nations decision to partition Pal- estine. Warfare Spreads The Jewish-Arab warfare spread to the southern desert, where 10 deaths were reported. Eighteen Arabs smashed their way out of Acre prison in the far north. An Associated Press count of deaths in Palestine included 78 Jews, six British and two Armen- ians. The total for the entire Mid- die East was 243. (A dispatch from Aden said two Arabs were killed 'by local police in an attack upon a Jewish shop. This would bring casualties in that Arabian port to 114 and raise the Middle East figure to 245. The dispatch added that many Jews were leaving the city in the wake of the Jew-Arab strife. ]Mold Meetings (Representatives of the Arab League held their third session. in the current meetings at Cairo for organizing their forces to oppose the UN decision on Palestine. The Arab leaders were in touch with the Syrian, delegate to the 'United IBirth of French Crisis Viewed by Paris Student Paris Police Raid Communist Newspaper; All Await Government Action on Sabotage (EDITOR'S NOTE: Latest reports from France tell of a momentary lull in labor strife. Following is a delayed report from a former University stu- dent written as last week's wave of strikes gained momentum.) By RAGNAR L. ARNESEN (Special to The Daily) PARIS, France, Nov. 29-(Delayed)-Tonight there is an undeni- able tenseness in the air. A copy of the Communist newspaper l'Humanite has been circu- lating-a bloody tabloid, streaked across top and bottom with two yred lines of three-inch print sounding the alert against the "Fascist Schuman government." The story has it that there was a raid at the Humanite presses and that the police have been ordering these special editions off the newstands. This is an unheard of thing in France, where personal liberty ' History Ballots Choose Legislators; Tell e el Racial Opinions Snowstorm Fails To Halt 5,301 (>ipus Pa rtieipants in Electionx The largest vote in the history of the University was cast yester- day as 5,301 students packed polling booths despite inclement weather and elected 32 new members to the Student Legislature. Students elected 14 independent candidates and 18 affiliated, with the first two candidates elected, Norris Domangue and Al Maslin, pres- ident and parliamentarian respectively, of the newly formed Associa- tion of Independent Men. Only one candidate failed to poll the required 25 first place votes. rHe will forfeit his bond, in line with the new election rules. Racial Issue Later Results of the balloting on the barber shop discrimination issue e *k * * I * *' * New French Cabinet May Be Successful Prof. Vernon Lauds Anti-Strike Action By AL BLUMROSEN The new cabinet under Premier Schuman may, if nothing sensa- tional happens, be able to survive as the government of France, Dr. M. C. Vernon of the plitical sci- ence department said yesterday. The first actions under the new anti-strike law as taken by the new strong Minister of Interior Moch were labeled "successful" by Dr. Vernon. "They were approved by everyone except the Commu- nists." Isolate Communists He said that the rightist forces in France are participating in a process of isolating the Commu- nists politically from the rest of the population. "The nucleus of the rightist movement, De Gaulle's RPF is not a permanent organiza- tion but will probably fall apart if political conditions were to be- come more stable and if the Com- munists were to lose considerably," he said. "The Communists have proba- bly lost some supporters recently in France," Dr. Vernon said, "but this does not mean much to party efficiency or action because of its detailed organization and its dis- cipline." Situation Desperate Dr. Vernon said that the eco- nomic condition in France is "des- perate" and needs urgent relief. "Gestures like the 'Friendship Train' are of negligible import- ance," he added. "If American aid does not come to France and the rest of Europe, then they will not only lose faith in democracy as personified by the United States, but will have to look for new friends who will help them, one of whom might be the Soviet Union," Dr. Vernon said. Opera Scripts Are Reviewed The famed Union Opera came one step nearer revival yesterday as thirty students turned out for the first meeting of script writers. Both men and women attended the meeting where script ideas were discussed and completed scripts revised. Dave Upton, chairman of the Union Opera, urged any other stu- dents interested in writing for the opera to attend the next meeting slated for Wednesday in the Un- ion. Upton declared the group can still use additional scripts. IFrance, where personal liberty still has the highest standard of any place in theaworld-too big, some think, because it admits of personal attacks on the coun- try's leaders. Tension Grows Everyone is waiting for some- thing to happen. Tomorrow is Sunday, and it promises only to prolong the tension. One hears that it would be wise to fill one's wash-basin with water. There were long lines at the bakeries tonight; those, that is, that did not have signs "No more bread" in the win- dow. Sunday morning . . . the story about the raid was true; and now there is a young man in front of the metro station across the street, his hands red and chapped with the cold, shouting, "Stop the Boche dictator! Unite for free- dom of the press! Read l'Human- ite!" He stomps to keep warm as he sells his papers, clearly not his usual occupation. Behind him is the small kiosk that sells Communist literature on Sundays--Lenin, books by Louis Aragon, Paul Vaillant-Couturier, articles by Duclos. Low Pressure The water pressure was notice- ably low this afternoon, and everyone has taken the precaution of filling bottles. All afternoon three new gendarmes have been patrolling the boulevard here. The Chamber of Deputies has been in session this afternoon to vote on the proposal of Jules Moch on the outlawing of the strike or agitation and the violent fomentation of industrial resist- See FRENCH, Page 6 Fire Strikes Constr uction1) Firm' sOff ice Fire struck the campus area again yesterday as flames broke out in the offices of Bryant and Detwiler Construction Co., 437 Maynard, partially destroying blueprints for the new General Service Building. An overheated furnace cased the blaze, which did extensive damage in the wood frame build- ing. The degree 'of setback in the University construction program because of destruction of the blue- prints has not yet been deter- mined. Meanwhile, Wild & Co. began preparations for reconstruction following Tuesday's $100,000 fire, which swept the State Street clothing store and damaged ad- joining establishments. While clean-up operations went ahead full force, George F. Wild, Sr., owner of the gutted build- ing, made plans to set up a "lim- ited retail outlet" in a ne"wly- leased building on S. University near Forest. "I'll be satisfied if we get the State Street store ready for the opening of classes next fall," Wild said. THE PUBLISHER LOOKS AT PICKETS-Col. Robert McCormick (left) editor and publisher of the Chicago Tribune, pauses in front of the Tribune building entrance at Chicago, Dec. 9, as pickets of Chicago Typographical Union No. 16 walk by. Col. McCormick has just returned from a tour of the Orient. Pickets represent composing room strikers who are not working in six major Chicago newspapers. I EDITOR SPEAKS: N. Howard Deplores Unfair Criticism of Newspapers .__ Confessing himself to be com- pletely subjective in his own highj opinion of current newspapers, N. R. Howard, editor of the Cleveland News, yesterday made an effec- tive plea for would-be newspaper critics to base their comments on rational foundations. Howard, who spoke at Kellogg Auditorium on "A Free and Re- lFederalists' Will Take Poll On Aid Policy Fraternities, sororities and league houses will be canvassed today by the campus chapter of the United World Federalists in their drive for united support f or their program of foreign aid for Europe. Students will be given copies of the Federalist resolution to read and be asked to sign "yes" or "no," on the question of U. S. help for Europe, according to Debby Rabinowitz, chairman of the sur- vey committee. The resolution favors using eco- nomic aid to halt "polarization" of nations over strategic use of help to secure allegiance of the receiv- ing nations. The Federalists hope that prop- erly administered aid will be a" "bro~adminded" step toward "giv- ing the countries of Europe the power and the willingness to trade their present position of pawns in a game for power for a real repre- sentation in a world government." Tomorrow student Federalists will visit the lines of local res- taurants, the League. and the Un- ion in their attempt to reach at least 15,000 students. IeadIline let or Pepsi Schloarships Students applying for a Pepsi- cola scholarship should submit all forms and papers to the Scholar - ship office, Rm. 205 University Hall, n~o later than tomorrow, Papers which do not meet this deadline will disqualify a student from the scholarship, according to Ivan Parker', of the Scholarship office. sponsible Press," stressed the im- portance of newspaper criticism in maintaining and stimulating good news service. Deploring the fact that most newspaper criticism is on an ir- rational basis, Howard set forth the following four points as a reasonable foundation on which criticisms can be based: 1. Recognition of the fact that newspapers must make themselves readily available to public under- standing, and therefore to public criticism as well. 2. An appreciation of the fact that newspapers, like any other form of business, deserves the right to operate as a private en- terprise. 3. An awareness of the great historic advance made by news- papers in impartial, thorough presentation of the news. 4. The realization that a valid criticism must reflect not just an individual opinion, but the ma- jority viewpoint of a cross-sec- tion of the people. 7Wrorld News At, a Glance, By The Associated Press A rescue party with dog sleds fought its way last night over the rugged country of Labrador's icy wilderness to the scene of the crash of an air transport com- narnd plane which fell with 29 military men aboard. In other plane accidents yesterday-in Turkey and in the United States --6 persons were reported killed, four others parachuted to safety and an additional 10 escaped -ser- ious injury. LONDON, Dec, 10-Secretary of State Marshall declared tonight that the Soviet Union was taking $500,000,000 annually in German assets out of the Russian-occupied zone and demanded that such withdrawals cease within three weeks. LOS ANGELES, Dec. 10-Nine of the 10 Hollywood men charged with contempt of Congress were fingerprinted, booked and ar- raigned today after they surren- dered at U.S. Marshal Robert E. Clark's office. O.S. Michigan Will Map Out Final Plans To Base Demands on 25 CampusSurveys Operation Subsistence Michigan -the campaign to boost Govern- ment allotments to student vet- erans-will be climaxed Saturday at a statewide planning confer- ence in East Lansing. A final program will be mapped out at the meeting for presenta- tion to Congress early next month. The results of a veterans cost of living survey conducted on 25 Michigan campuses will serve as the nucleus of demands for a raise in subsistence. Representatives of veterans groups and campus organizations throughout the state will direct their efforts three ways, George Antonofsky, temporary chairman of Operation Subsistence, pointed out. First, he said, "there's the ques- tion of living costs. We can't keep up with present indexes under the G.T. Bill. Last year, one and a half million veterans dropped out of America's colleges and universities because they were unable to meet costs. More will drop out next year if we don't coordinate our efforts to raise subsistence. "Second on our agenda will be the matter of rent controls," An- tonosky declared. "A subsistence raise will be for naught if rents are allowed to go up." "And, third, we'll be concerned with the matters of our educa- tional problems and facilities. Physical facilities are entirely in- adequate to meet the needs of student-vets. Quota systems and segregation are practices on many campuses. We've got to iron out these difficulties." 'Mikado' Will Be Produced The Gilbert and Sullivan So- ciety will give its second and final production of "The Mikado" at 8:30 in the Pattengill Auditorium of Ann Arbor High School. Tickets will be on sale all day outside Rm. 2, University Hall and at the Pattengill box office before the performance. will not be tabulated until later in- the week. Dick Kelly, election committee chairman, said the committee will call in statistical experts to evaluate student opin- ion on the question. Election officials disqualified 51 ballots which were improperly marked or not stamped. one( bal- lot (blank) was inscribed with the following statement: "I am exer- cising my right to vote. I heartily disagree with student government in its present form." 30 Workers More than 30 volunteers helped count the ballots under the com- plicated Hare plan of proportional representation, with as many on- lookers-candidates and friends- and one stray cat-"sweating it out" through the 12 counts need- ed to fill the vacant positions. Said one candidate (during the sixth count): "This Hare plan was invented solely and completely to scare the candidates . ." The candidate was elected on the eleventh count. New Lawmakers The names of the legislators fol- low in the approximate order in which they were elected: Norris Domangue, Al Maslin, Joe Miller, Bill Miller, Norm Gott- lieb, Ray Guerin, John Baum, Al- lyn Rosen, Tom Walsh, Max Dean, Walter Shaffer, Charles McKeen, Robert Ballou, Blair Moody, Shir- ley Osgood, Hanny Gross, Donald Rothchild, Charles Gibbs, Al Mill- stein, and Dick Hait. The list continues with: Elinor Abrahamson, Dick Burton, Bill Gripman, Robert McGee, Betty Clark, Marshall C. Lewis, Anne McGrew, Jim Saker, Jean Leon- ard, John Swets, Paul Anderson, and Pat Doust. Administration Plait Runs Into More Trouble WASHINGTON, Dec. 10-(11 Two additional obstacles to the Administration's program to halt inflation at home and furnish aid to Europe appeared today. The Republicans put the finish- ing touches on their own anti- inflation program based on volun- tary controls and prohibiting price-fixing. The GOP program will go to the House Monday. Meanwhile, the House is slated to put final approval on its $590,- 000,000 bill authorizing emergency aid to France, Italy, Austria and China tomorrow. At the same time a brisk battle appeared like- ly, as the Senate declared that it would resist all provisions of the House bill which conflict with its own measure calling for $597,000,- 000 to the three western European countries. The Reublican anti-inflation mneasur'e calls for: 1-Voluntary agreements allo- eating transportation facilities, preventing grain speculation, and allocating basic consumer goods 2-Extended export cont ols. 3-Extending presidential pow- er to allocate rail transportation facilities. Newly Elected Legislators Face Problems Critics Call for Corrective Measures (EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the last. in a series of interpretative articles on the Student Legislature as a re- port to the student body on prob- lems and fats cencountered in stu- dent government on this campus. By NAOMI STERN With partial returns in yester- day's election showing an unus- ually large vote, the 32 new mem- bers of the Student Legislature find themselves in a particularly responsible position. . With Legislature faults obvious, and with student backing equally apparent, the initiation of cor- rective measures now rests direct- ly with the legislators themselves. Changes Suggested Observers and critics of the Leg- islature have not neglected to sug- gest possible changes in procedure to alleviate the most glaring faults -suggestions which the current student representatives may well consider. Some of these follow: 1. A rule passed last year, pro- viding that a student be dropped from the Legislature after three consecutive absences or five ab- sences during his term of office, should be strictly enforced. Should Know Rules 2. Legislators should be more cognizant of the rules pertaining to quorums. The Student Leg- islature constitution contains a provision which reads: "All meet- ings of the Legislature shall be conducted in accordance with Robert's Rules of Order." Under these rules, a quorum is "as- sumed," unless challenged, under which case, 51 per cent of the members must be present. In the past, the Legislature has consis- See NEWLY, Page 6 Map Program For Tolerance .Anti-Discrimination (onmiiittee To Meet A meeting of the new commit- tee which was recently created to promote anti-discrimination measures, has been called for 4:30 today in the Union, Keitha Har- mon, acting chairman of the group, announced yesterday. The group will endeavor to en- list support for its policies from student religious groups, Miss The statement in Wednes- day's Daily that IFC is fully in accord with the principle be- hind IRA's "Operation Haircut" was not exactly correct, Henry Meyer, president of IFC, an- nounced yesterday. Meyer stat- etd that. WC lha% e ndorgi'A thin TEA AND C AK E ON A WINTER Y A FT ERNOON: President Ruthven Entertains Students At Home By MARY STEIN We've always wondered what it a fleeting glimpse of President and Mrs. Ruthven in the receiv- That's all-there is to it. One of the 65 attractive hostesses then at 8:55 and a gum eraser. A plas- ter statuette of his favorite Mor- briskly-conversing students are seated just as informally.