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December 10, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-10

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Fifty-Eighth Year

New Censorship


I - --


Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
'.oard in Control of Student Publications.
John CamnpbeU ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helnick ................General Manager
° Clyde Beoht........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Stuart Flulayson ..............Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Lida lailes .......................Associate Editor
Eunice tz ....................Associate Editor
Dick )Craneu .......................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ...............Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal .......... .....Library Director
Ilelvini Tick................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to It or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
mattera herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
Igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Loyalty List
8 THE LOYALTY BOARD'S list really
Treason and sedition - in other words,
disloyaly -- have long since been defined
by federal and state laws. With this ma-
chinery set up, the list looks sort of super-
And is the list in line with the Ameri-
cau form of government that it has os-
tensibly been set up to protect? Assum-
F ing the accused innocent until he's proven
guilty is one of the cornerstones of our
American heritage, but the Loyalty Board
has, in principle, ignored it.
To get right down to cases, has the na-
tion's highest judicial authority yet ruled
that the Communists are disloyal? (It looks
pretty much as if this were the group that
the list is aimed at.) The last time the
: upreme Court ruled on this was in the
Schneiderman case in 1943, and its ruling
did not find the Communists disloyal. It
might be added that Wendell Wilkie was
defense counsel in this case, and he could
hardly have been called a Communist, or
even a pink.
If a federal employe is suspected of an
overt act of sedition or treason, why not
haul him into open court and try him under
the laws that we already have? Meanwhile,
we should allow him and his two million
fellow federal employes - who are, at the
same time, free Americans - to think and
speak for themselves as individuals.
n Maybe you don't like the Communists.
Neither do I. But it's an unsettling thing
to see anybody's rights get kicked around,
because it's axiomatic that when we let
that happen, it won't be long before ours
start getting kicked around, too. It's a
chain reaction.
"If there be any among us who wish to
dissolve this Union, or to change its republi-
can form, let them stand undisturbed, as
monuments of the safety with which error
of opinion may be tolerated where reason
is left free to combat it." Thomas Jefferson
said that, and it still goes.
-Arthur Higbee
Union Opera
TODAY IS YOUR CHANCE to get behind
the Union Opera and give it a much-
needed shove. The Committee is holding a
meeting for all students interested in help-
ng to revise a book and lyrics for next
fall's Opera.
This is the first concrete step toward re-

viving the Opera, one of Michigan's most
colorful and famous traditions. The Com-
mittee already has several scripts which
it feels can be worked into an Opera worthy
of its predecessors.
Much has already been said and writ-
ten by students, alumni, faculty members
and nationally famous musicians like Fred
Waring about the need for returning the
Union Opera to campus. Oral support
will not by itself stage an Opera, however,
and this is the first chance for the stu-
dent body itself to demonstrate its sup-
port for the project.
The student authors, men and women,
whose work will shape next fall's Union
Opera-the group that will make or break
its chances for a brilliant revival-will meet
at 4:30 p.m. today in Rm. 308 of the Union.
Will YOU be there?
.-.Harnld Jackson. Jr.

THE COUNCIL of the Author's League of
America points out, with burning clarity,
that the recent Hollywood dismissals con-
stitute a new kind of censorship. It is cen-
sorship, not of a man's works, but of the
man himself. The entire man is declared
unwholesome, from head to toe, and this is
done without reading his works or looking
at his movies, or pointing to a single sentence
or line of dialogue in them as objectionable.
It is censorship in blank, ,wholesale cen-
sorship, of past work unread and of future
work still unwritten. It is the creation of
a special category of non-kosher writers, on
political grounds, and without reference to
what they have produced.
You can't censor a book or play without
taking the offending work into court, point-
ing to the specific passages complained of,
proving that they are harmful, and sus-
taining your case against cross-examination
and counter-testimony. Recent events have
shown that you can throw out a whole
author with much less trouble, and without
giving him any legal safeguards or conced-
ing that he has any rights.
And in the case of a book, it can still
be published, with the offending portions
removed, while future work by the same
author can be brought out without pre-
judice. But in the case of the ten Holly-
wood figures a judgment, as the Authors'
League council points out, has been rend-
ered against the victim's total output;
those who buy literary property are, in
effect, warned that if they so much as
touch ten lines of prose written by one of
these people in 1954, they will do so at
their peril. At this point censorship shades
over toward intellectual lynching.
When I write in this style and manner
I receive letters, some merely squiffy, some

very earnest, asking whether it is not neces-
sary that our republic defend itself against
subversion. It certainly is. But you have to
prove the peril before you' take the action.
In the case of a man who makes movies, I
think you must prove the peril in his
movies, and in the case of a man who writes
books, the peril in his books.
You cannot proceed on the basis of what
is in the backs of men's minds; not in a
country which respects privacy and in which
district attorneys are required to prove overt
acts, and in which men may not be made to
testify against themselves.
This returns us to the point that no-
body has been able to prove subversive
content in any Hollywood film. The Au-
thors' League council is right in pointing
out what a strange business it is to put
over an oblique censorship of men with-
out reference to their works. The council
could have gone further and reminded us
that the creation of special categories of
wholesome and unwholesome men is one
of the most unattractive features of the
totalitarian philosophy that we reject.
Yes, we must defend ourselves against
subversion. But it is not being too smart
alecky, I think ,to suggest that government
by defamation, and changes in men's status
without writ or process, are some of the
things we must defend ourselves against in
a dismally unfree world.
We can and should defend ourselves
against totalitarianism by diplomacy, by
use of our economic strength, and, at home,
by proving the overt act, but not by running
about like shrews, dragging people in, out
of their homes and offices, and asking them
what they think, or by making hysterical
purges in industries selected more or less at
random. For that is a decline in order, and
order is the skeleton of freedom.
(Copyright, 1947, New York Post Syndicate)




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Letters to the Editor...

" He's not so sure war is inevitable anymore. His doc just gave
him ten more years."


Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be sent in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angeli Hall. by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-
* *
WEDNESDAY, DEC. 10, 1947
VOL. LVIII, No. 67

Reluctant Crusade

WASHINGTON is now witnessing a re-
markably reluctant crusade. When Pres-
ident Harry S. Truman called for an all-out
fight on inflation, he spoke with a wholly
unaccustomed fire. Since then, however, the
Administration's effort to back up the Tru-
man program has been chiefly notable for
a total lack of fervor and a conspicuous
vagueness about what the Administration
really wants.
This vagueness has already given Senator
Robert A. Taft an opportunity to make in
five words a point far more telling than
any he made in his long radio denunciation
of the Truman program. "What," Senator
Taft has asked at hearings before his joint
economic committee, "is the Administra-
Stud ent Voice
ALMOST EVERYONE will agree that aid
to the war-ravaged countries of Europe
is an absolute necessity if economic catas-
trophe and political chaos are to be avoided
Another universal sentiment is the desire
to avert war.
The economic recovery plan now before
Congress is a step in the direction of world
peace. In working out the details of ad-
ministering the plan, however, the United
States government is at a fork in the
road. There are two possible courses of
1. The aid program may be used to secure
the allegiance of those countries which will
benefit, thereby increasing the strength of
the United States in its struggle for power
against Russia.
2.-The program may be a means of build-
ing up the independent strength of the now
impotent nations, thereby inducing their
participation in a stronger United Nations.
It is evident that if the first course is fol-
lowed, the eventual outcome must be war.
That is the only outcome possible if what
we have learned from the past has any
meaning. Power politics have never resulted
in anything but jealousies and wars.
The alternate course is obviously the
one that must be pursued. We must dis-
miss the idea of using the aid program
as a means of drawing these helpless
nations into our camp. The goal of peace
cannot be attained without real represen-
tation for every nation in a world gov-
ernment. There can be no true representa-
tion for any nation which is bound, by
"obligations," to adhere to the policy of
some larger, stronger nation.
Students will have the opportunity to
express an opinion -on this vital question
today, tomorrow and Friday, when the cam-
pus chapter of the United World Federal-
ists will circulate a resolution in residence
halls,, asking for approval of the second
course of action.
The aid program can be the first con-
crete step on the road to peace. But it will
automatically become a step in the opposite
direction if it is used as a means to the self-
ish end of American suremacy.

tion's program?" The Administration wit-
nesses have found that a singularly difficult
question to answer.
The Sunday before the President's Mon-
day message to the Congress h'as been
called by one of the Democratic political
strategists, who most eagerly supported an
all out attack on high prices, "our Valley
Forge." For it was on that day that op-
ponents of an all-out program, conspic-
uously including Secretary of the Treas-
ury John Snyder and Agriculture Secre-
tary Clinton Anderson, made their last
stand. They did what they could to per-
suade the President to present a relatively
painless anti-inflation program to Con-
The President, mindful of the gloomy
forebodings of the economists (and also no
doubt of the views of his political advisers,
who unanimously recommended a strong
program) decided to disregard the advice
of Anderson, Snyder, and their allies, and
to go the whole way. But this decision was
only finally made the night before Truman
appeared on Capitol Hill.
The results have been two-fold. Because
of last-minute, off-the-cuff nature of the
decision, no adequate preparation was made
for the hostile Congressional scrutiny of the
program which inevitably followed the Pres-
idential message. As one Democratic critic
of the Administration handling of the pro-
gram has remarked, "If Roosevelt had made
that speech, legislation to cover it, with
the last 't' crossed, would have been lying
right under his manuscript, ready to drop
into the hopper." In the weeks which have
passed since the Truman anti-inflation
program was unveiled before an angry Re-
publican Congress, no over-all legislation
has yet been produced, and certainly no
't's' have been crossed.
Moreover, it is not surprising that the
testimony of such Administration wit-
nesses as Mr. Anderson and Mr. Snyder
has lacked a certain ardor. It has fre-
quently been difficult to guess whether
they were testifying for the Truman pro-
gram or against it.
This bungling and confusion has given
the Republicans a much-needed opportunity
to recover from the blow the Truman pro-
posals have undoubtedly administered to
their political prospects. The inept Admin-
istration handling o'f the campaign for the
program lends weight to the charge whether
justified or not (and it probably is not),
that the Truman proposals were simply
advanced as a gambit in the game which
will end in November, 1948. But the Re-
publicans will have to do more than shout
"politics." They will have to have some
reasonable inflation program of their own.
For it is becoming inescapably clear that if
we are not to abandon most of the world
to the Comintern, and if we are to prevent
economic disaster at home, we must ac-
cept a certain number of restraints, how-
ever irksome.
(Copyright,-1947, New York l'erald Tribune)

Student Tea: President and
Ruthven will be at home to
dents Wednesday afternoon,
10, from 4 to 6 o'clock.


Christmas Vacation, in accord-
ance with the academic calendar
now in force, begins at noon Sat-
urday, December 20. Classses re-
sume Monday morning, January
Frank E. Robbins
Assistant to the President
To All Telephone Users: On
Wednesday, December 10, the
number of the University switch-
board will be changed from 4121
to 3-1511.
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
To All University Employees:
Except for Christmas Day and
New Year's Day, all University
offices will observe regular busi-
ness hours during the weeks be-
ginning December 21 and Decem-
ber 28. Absence on any other days
will be chargeable to the vacation
Herbert G. Watkins, Secretary
Refunds on Rose Bowl Tickets:
Students, faculty, and staff mem-
bers who have made applications
for Rose Bowl tickets and will be
unable to use them may secure re-
funds today at the Ferry Field
ticket office.
Such persons wishing refunds
should present their receipt and
identification card at the office.
Varsity Debating: All debaters
check bulletin board, 4th floor,
Angell Hall.
Faculty and Veteran Students:
The final date for the approval of
requisitions for the purchase of
books, equipment and special sup-
plies will be Wednesday, Jan. 7,
Women students attending
"The Mikado" either Dec. 10 or
11 have late permission until one-
half hour after the close of the'
Approved social events for the
coming week-end:
December 12
Adelia Cheever, Alpha Delta Pi,
Alpha Gamma Delta, Alpha Omi-
cron Pi, Alpha Phi, Alpha Xi Del-
ta, Betsy Barbour, Chi Psi, Cous-
ens Hall, Gamma Phi Beta, Helen
Newberry, Jordan Hall, Kappa
Alpha Theta.
Kappa Nu, Kappa Sigma, Mar-
tha Cook, Mary Markley House,
Michigan Christian Fellowship,
Newman Club, Phi Epsilon Kappa,
Phi Sigma Delta, Pi Beta Phi, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Phi Epsilon,
Vaughan House.
December 13
Alpha Chi Omega, Alpha Delta
Phi, Alpha Kappa Kappa, Alpha
Kappa Psi, Alpha Rho Chi, Al-

pha Sigma Phi, Alpha Tau Omega,
Beta Theta Pi, Delta Gamma, Del-
ta Sigma Delta, Delta Sigma Pi,
Delta Tau Delta, Greene House,
Kappa Kappa Gamma, Les Voy-
Phi Chi, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi
Kappa Psi, Phi Kappa Tau, Phi
Sigma Delta, Phi Sigma Kappa, Pi
Lambda Phi, Sigma Alpha Epsi-
lon, Sigma Chi, Stockwell Hall,
Theta Chi, Theta Xi, Vaughan
December 14
Berkeley House, Theta Xi, Hil-
lel Foundations.
Lecture Postponed: The illness
of Lennox Robinson has forced the
postponement of his lecture
scheduled for the Speech Assem-
bly at 3 p.m. today.
University Lecture: "A Free and
Responsible Press," N. R. Howard,
Editor of the Cleveland News and
President of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors; auspices of
the Department of Journalism. 8
p.m., Wed., Dec. 10, Kellogg Audi-
Mr. Howard will address the
class in Newspaper Policy and
Management at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Journalism seniors, not enrolled
in the class, may attend.
Lecture: "Popular Latin Ameri-
can Music" (songs and music). 8
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11, Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the
Latin American Society. The pub-
lic is invited.
Business Administration Lec-
ture: Mr. Julius Hendel, Vice-
President of Cargill, Incorporated,
of Minneapolis, will speak to the
class in Bus. Ad. 141, Production
Management, at 1 p.m. Wed., Dec.
10, West Gallery, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall. Mr. Hendel will discuss
the organization of top manage-
ment. Anyone interested is in-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Har-
old Guetzkow, Psychology; thesis:
"An Analysis of the Operation of
Set in Problem-Solving Be-
havior," 1:30 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11,
East Council Room, Rackham
Bldg. Chairman, Norman R. F.
Applied Mathematics Seminar:
3 p.m., Wed., Dec. 10, Rm. 247, W.
Engineering Bldg. Prof. I. Opa-
towski will continue his talk on
2-dimensional compressible flows.
Astronomical Colloquium: 4
p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Observatory.
Speaker: Carl August Bauer will
speak on the subject, "The Origin
of Meteorites."
Biological Chemistry Seminar:
3:30 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Rm. 319,
W. Medical Bldg. Subject: "Food
Technology and the Nutritive
Value of Processed Foods (a)
Agene (b) Pasteurization of Milk."
All interested are invited.
Seminar on Complex Variables:
3 p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11, Rm. 3017,
Angell Hall. Prof. Kaplan will
speak on integration on algebraic

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The naily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 Words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
* * *
Tag Day
To the Editor:
Day on the campus.
The health of a nation is very
important and should not depend
on charity.
Spending money on Army, Navy,
Air Forces and foreign loans is a
complete waste in the 20th cen-
tury, when peoples at least should
learn how to live peacefully. The
U.S.A. like the Soviet Union is
in a position to give full medical
attention to all of its people and
thus make a big jump in the prog-
ress of the human race.
-S. A. Wahio.
'Just Dead'
To the Editor:
1 T° TOM SHILSON and five
others (in reference to yester-
day's letter to the editor) who are
worried about being psychopathic
because what they see at Michgian
pleases them.
Who further are satisfied with
the present G.I. subsistence pay-
ments, who do not picket barber-
shops and who do not join "rad-
ical" organizations.
No, gentlemen, you are not just
psychopathic; more than likely,
you are just dead.
Your claims to normalcy are
the facts that you sit on the li-
brary steps and watch girls,
weather permitting (it surprises
me you know enough to come in
out of the rain) and that you go
skiing in the winter-time. I no-
tice also, via the Student Direc-
tory, that you are a member of
the Detroit Yacht Club. To quote
from the Navy vernacular: "YOU
never had it so good," BUT WHAT
-Norm Gottlieb.
To the Editor:
music on the U. of Mich. cam-
pus? I went, with many others,
to hear the Christmas program
presented by Sigma Alpha Iota.
I'm sorry to say that I felt it a
Geometry Seminar: 2 p.m.,
Wed., Dec. 10, Rm. 3001, Angell
Hall. Mr. D. K. Kazarinoff will
speak "On Paratactic Circles."
Annual Christmas Concert: U.
of M. Women's Glee Club, Wed.,
Dec. 10, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Program:
2:30-2:45 p.m., WKAR (870
Ke.), The Galen Workshop.
2:45-2:55 p.m., WKAR (870
Kc.), The School of Music-Wm.
H. Stubbins, clarinetist, R. S.
Howland, flutist.
4-4:15 p.m., WPAG (1050 Kc.),
Modern Painang Series-Dr. Carl
D. Sheppard, Midwestern Region-
Michigan Union Opera: Meet-
ing of all students interested in
writing a script for the revival of
the OPERA, 4 p.m., Rm. 308,
Michigan Union.
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater-
nity: 8 p.m., Rm. 110, Tappan
Hall. Speaker, Mr. Walter E.

Drury, of Argus, Incorporated.
The public is invited. Pledges meet
7:30 p.m.
Phi Delta Kappa, national pro-
fessional fraternity in Education:
Dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Faculty
Dining Room, Michigan Union.
All members are urged to attend.
Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, 12 noon, Rm. 3056, Natural
Science Bldg. Mr. Fred Honkala
will speak on "The Geology of the
Centennial Mountains, Montana."
Wolverine Club: Meeting 7 p.m.,
Michigan League. Attendance will
be taken.
Ullr Ski Club: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Michigan Union. Anyone in-
terested in a ski outing to Cadil-
lac this weekend is invited.
La Sociedad Hispanica, elemen-

complete waste of time. The
candles were beautiful, the white
robes of the choir were very effec-
tive but their music was really
If.they have people in a choir
aren't they expected to sing?
There were about six people-
mostly sopanos-who carried the
enti'e group. Even on the well-
known carols such as "Silent
Night" not an eye glanced up from
the music nor did anyone give any
expression to their singing. I
counted seven people in the reces-
sional who didn't even open their
mouths. Technically most of the
music was fine, but no one showed
any enthusiasm or interest. As one
member of the congregation said
as she was leaving, "It's as though
they begrudged singing to us."
This group is not the only one
on our campus which is guilty of
this. For three years I've gone
to hear the Choral Union sing
"The Messiah," each year it has
,been worse.
If these people who are learn-
ing to be musicians aren't inter-
ested in music why do they con-
tinue with it? I'm not a musician
but I appreciate good music and
the stuff they push off on the
public here is certainly far from
good. Music takes more than tech-
nical skill and talent, it takes
feeling. If everyone had sung Sun-
day night as Miss Sallenberger
sang her solo the program couldn't
have been surpassed. But no music
at all is much better than this
coldatechnically perfected series
of tones and words.
As for the Messiah, I'm going
again this year still hoping that
they'll get away from those books
and sing as though it were up to
each one of them to make it the
masterpiece that it is.
-Virginia Howe.
EDITOR'S NOTE: Space limitations
make it impossible for The Daily to
publish all letters received concern-
ing IRA's "Operation haircut." The
letters which have appeared are a
representative sample of those we re-
ceived. No other letters on the sub-
ject will be published unless cam-
paign developments warrant further
To the Editor:
Miller's rather curious observa-
tion which he expressed in the
Letters to the Editor column on
Sunday, Dec. 7. In his letter he
states "students by nature are rad-
ical thinkers."
I question this remark for I find
it impossible to believe that the
students of this campus are think-
ers at all. It is an unavoidable
fact that the expressions of their
opinions are concrete examples of
mental inertia. The pathetic re-
sults of polls, petitions and elec-
tions are substantial evidence that
few students have any opinions
at all, let alone any dangerously
radical ones.
Mr. Miller also expresses con-
siderable concern over the idea
that the "ever-present danger of
Communism" makes the expres-
Sion Qf these "radical opinions"
Have no fear, Mr. Miller, for
your so-called "radical opinions"
fall upon deaf ears as the cam-
pus sleeps blissfully on (ignorance
being bliss). We find it quite
peaceful to lie fallow in the mire
of our own intellectual inaction.
After all, why should we con-
cern ourselves with things hap-
pening off campus, let alone in
far away countries. We can avoid
a lot of trouble and bother by just
not thinking about such things.
Besides, resting is sooo . . . com-
-H. E. Blackwell, Jr.
mas meeting following elementary
conversation group meeting at the

Michigan Union. Special program
and refreshments.
Square Dancing Class, spon-
sored by the Graduate Outing
Club: 8 p.m., W.A.B. Lounge.
Small fee. Everyone welcome.
Roger Williams Guild: Weekly
"chat," 4:30-6 p.m., Guild House.
Guests: Hillel Foundation. The
Jewish "Festival of Lights" will be
Coming Events
American Society for Public
Administration: Mr. Loren B. Mil-
ler, of the Detroit Bureau of Gov-
ernmental Research, will address
a meeting of the Michigan chap-
ter at 8 p.m.. Dec. 11, East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Bldg.
The Inter Co-operative Council
presents Dr. John F. Shepard, of
the Psychology Department, who
will speak on U. S. Foreign Policy
at 8 p.m., Fri., Dec. 12, Robert
Owen Co-operative House. All are
Modern Poetry Club: 8 p.m.,
Thurs., Dec. 11, Rm. 2208, Angell

tary conversation group:
Michigan Union.

7 p.m.,

La Sociedad IHispanica: Christ-





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