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December 10, 1947 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-10

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' _ - -I

,r, fNvagflwA~v afl VL11~M~ift ioiJY

Chinese Love of Beauty Can
Teach Americans Much-Lyon

Guild of the Methodist Church in
honor of Chinese students here.
Chinese Poetry
"If you were to look into the
desks of the Chinese students in
Ann Arbor you would no doubt
find beautiful little odes inrChi-
nese on the charm and grace of
the Burton Bell Tower, or on the
lights of the Union shining out
into a snow-pelted world on a
winter's night," Lyon said.
"The Chinese love their poetry
so much that they keep trying to
produce it, and it is in such an at-
mosphere of love of beauty and
devotion to beauty that a very
high type of civilization devel-
ops," he added.
Some Mistake
Lyon also warned the Chinese
not to make the same mistake
which the West has been making.
"Don't spend all your money on
physical sciences," he warned.
"Satisfy the people's basic mate-
rial needs, yes, but after that
there are more important things
than making more and better
The most important elemept
that should be studied and under-
stood is human relations, Lyon
said. "Don't spend all your money
learning how to destroy people;
spend some of it learning how to
get along with people in peace,"
Lyon said.

I'aScienti ss
Develop New
Latest V-2 Reaches
Altitude of 64 Miles
(Special to The Daily)
WHITE SANDS, N. M.-Instru-
ments prepared by the De-
partment of Engineering Research
of the University of Michigan, the
U. S. Air Forces and cooperating
agencies were used in a V-2 rocket
which was fired here Monday, Dec.
Reaching an altitude of 64
miles, the rocket's instruments
made ionospheric determinations
and measured temperatures and
air pressures. This information
was recorded continuously as the
rocket shot upward and was sent
to the ground by a radio telemeter-
ing system provided by the Naval
Research Laboratories, Anacostia,
D. C.
The instruments were designed
and built under the direction of
Prof. W. G. Dow, of the Univer-
sity, and Dr. Marcus O'Day, of the
Air Forces' Cambridge Field Sta-
tion of the Watson Laboratories.
N. W. Spencer headed the Uni-
versity research engineers Wvho
constructed the temperature and
pressure gauges.
This is the fourth rocket-firing
in which the University has par-
ticipated in a continuing program
of basic research into the regions
about the earth. Fundamental
data were obtained regarding high
altitude temperatures and pres-
sures, together with other basic
infoirmation about the radio
transmission capabilities of the
ionosphere. All this knowledge is
expected to prove important in fu-
ture aviation and rocket develop-

Candidates Statements


The following are candidates'
statements of students running
for the Student Legislature in the
election to be held from 8:45 a.m.
to 5:30 p.m. today.
Rob James .. .
This is my qualification: sin-
cerity and willingness to work for
an effective and worthwhile Stu-
dent Legislature, particularly in
urging a mature University atti-
tude toward student government
and social affairs.
Robert E. M Igee ... .
If elected to the Student Legis-
lature I would do my utmost to
be a representative of the stu-
dents. I would direct all my ef-
forts toward attaining goals ex-
pressive of the best interests of
the student body, and I feel there
are many such goals to be attain-
* *' *
Anne Mcrew . .
My qualifications for member-
ship in Student Legislature are
based on my experience in work-
ing with and for students in J.G.P.
two years a Mosher Hall council
member and active in the New-
man Club; at present as a mem-
ber of the Women's League Coun-
cil and as League Personnel
Chairman; as well as having the
sincere desire to activate student
opinion through their legislature.
* * *
Bill Miller.. .
My campus activities include:
Program Chairman, Wesleyan
Guild; President, Hawaii Club; In-
ter-Guild Council; and active par-
ticipation, in other campus activi-

ties and organizations to the ex-
tent that my representation on
the Student Legislature would not
be the outlook of any one organ-
ization, but rather that of an "all
campus" point of view.
Blair Moody, Jr... .
I want this job since I am a
member of the Varsity Debate
Team and have an active interest
in student government. The Leg-
islature should inform students
of its activities removing its seem-
ingly "do-nothing" appearance.
New students should be aided and
more dances and pep for our
teams instigated.
Robert Murray...
If elected to the Student Legis-
lature I will attempt to promote
student interest in its work, ant
increased student representation
on the Student Affairs Commit-
tee and, as a member of the jun-
ior class in the dentpl school, af-
ford representation of the pro-
fessional schools in the Legisla-
Casper Offutt...
I am a sophomore in the lit
school and served in the U.S. Navy.
I am a member of the Sigma Phi
fraternity and of the Social Com-
mittee of I.F.C. I feel, if elected,
that I could fairly represent the
qualifications of a member of the
Student Legislature.
Shirley Osgood . ..
As a central committee mem-
ber of Soph Cabaret I have had
experience in taking responsibil--

up to 9 lbs. 30c
Washed -Rinsed -Dampdried
Soap is Free
Your Launderette Offers
Yes, we have just installed
the famous Bock extracting
and Chicago drying equipment.
Now you can take your clothes
home completely dry - ready
to iron or fold and put away.
No more tedious time wasting
Job of hanging them on the
clothes-line and taking them
This new service
costs you just 25c
for each Bendix load
715 Packard
Near South State
Weekdays, 7.30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M;
Saturday, 7:30 A.M. to 4.30 P.M.
Phone for appointment, 2-4241
We are also an agency for
Greene's Cleaners

flower be?
O BY TRAIN! Avoid traffic
jams-by-pass tricky winter
weather. You'll leave on sched-
uled time and you'll enjoy cozy
comfort, dependability and safety
all the way. Ask your Railroa
ticket agent about economical
fares in modern sleeping cars and
comfortable coaches.
-wand how 'fri
when you mfturn
New "College Special" Round-
Trip Tickets go into effect on
all railroads on Christmas day.
Buy one at your "home station."
It will give you a longer limit
for your return trip back home
during Spring Vacation or at the
close of the school year. The new
tickets will be on sale for Students
and Teachers any day between
December 25 and January 16.
Take advantage of money-saving
round-trip tickets especially tai-
lored for the needs of college men
and women. Consult your home
town ticket agent or any Rail-
road representative for cost of
tickets, return limits and stop-
over privileges.
For a Tiane and
Money-Saving Trip
Go byfrgill

ity and working with 7ojpr help,
to attempt to erase the artificial
line which some people continue
to believe exists between affiliat-
ed and unaffiliated women. Vote
for a stronger student legsla-
ture Dec. 10.
Alan Pasch.. ..
Many students are without prop-
er representation in campus af-
fairs - namely, those whose aca-
demic records are not too robust.
I feel that my rather unique re-
cord of five semesters on or near
probation qualifies me eminently
to represent these students. Your
first-place vote for me will en-
sure such representation.
* * *'
Richard Rappley...
Frankly, I'm no politician; I be-
lieve in saying what I mean, in
doing what I say. My interest in
Student Legislature is a desire to
help make this University more
representative of the needs and
wishes of its students. A sopho-
more lit students, my qualifica-
tions are tlese: sincerity, ambi-
tion, and intelligence.
u k'
Arlynn Rosen ... .
My qualifications: participa-
tion in Choral Union, N.S.A. com-
mittee, World Federalists, Sailing
Club, Gilbert and Sullivan, gov-
erning board of my dormitory, and
previous experience on Sopho-
'more Cabaret and League com-
mittees. If elected, I intend to
devote my wholehearted interest
and enthusiasm in making Stu-
dent Legislature anactive and re-
sponsive governing body.
Donald Rothschild...
As is true of most 'of the peti-
tioners, I have had previous legis-
lative experience in high school
and in service. But I would pre-
fer that my qualifications be de-
rived from my sincere intention to
promote the interests of the stu-
dents by supporting strong mea-
sures safeguarding the personal
liberty of every Michigan student.
Jim Saker .. .
I was a member, of my high
school's student council for three
years and served as president of
that body for one. I am extreme-
ly interested in bringing student
opinion to the attention of the
faculty. I played freshman foot-
ball this fall, and have a 3. aver-
age. I am a conservative.
Walter Shafferi..
The Student Legislature in the
past has claimed the distinction
of being a campus governing body.
While this is in some degree true,
the Legislature has never done its
utmost to promote student inter-
ests. It is my intention to do all
in my power to remedy this situa-
Michael Sherman .. .
My record as a member of the
I.F.C., alumni chairman of S.A.M.
fraternity, and a publicity chair-
man of Hillel Foundation insures
that I will be an honest, forth-
right, sincere, capable, conscient-
ious, public-spirited, and efficient
member of the Student Legisla-
ture. At least I've talked myself
into believing as much.
*r * *

had had no formal legislative ex-
perience as yet, I am interested in
our problems anid believe I can
help to solve them, Not very of-
ten either radical or reactionary.
Member. of program and publicity
committees of the Engineering,
Speech Society.
* *
John Swets . . .
The student legislature of this
University is not functioning pre-
sently as a true legislative body.
It is in need of recognition and
active support by both the 'ad-
ministration and the student
body. I will work to achieve these1
Wesley Tebean . .
I gained some experience in
student-faculty relations while
working on the 1947 Michigras
committee. I stand for a stronger
student voice in the instituting of
campus regulations. I desire that
the rules governing student con-
duct shall be proposed and ap-
proved by representatives of the
student body. It is my intention
to serve the interests of the stu-
dent body as a whole rather than
any minority faction.
* * *
Catherine Tillotson .. .
I believe there should be a strong
Continuous from 1 P.M.
Last Times Today
tarrs hursday.
tuis~ ~ AowISTS

student government which would
control more student affairs, and
a greater voice in the University.
I feel the Position I hold as act-
ing secretary of the Social Serv-
ice Committee of Student Legis-
lature helps qualify me to work
for a better student government.
Tom Walsh . .
Incumbant seeking re-election.
Chairman of the NSA Committee
'of the Legislature. Delegate to
the constitutional convention of
the National Student Association.
Originator of the recently held
International Students Week.
Member of the Legislature cab-
inet for the past year.
Stan Wiggin...
To make our student legislature
a success we must elect people
who are willing to spend time
and effort in strengthening this
organization. I feel that my ex-
perience as president of Greene
House and as a member of the
East Quad Council offers suitable
qualifications for undertaking
such a job.









to arrange a date for ex-naval officer.
Want girl who is beautiful, dances
well, does not smoke (tobacco or
marijuana), and drinks. No object.
Call 2-6145, ask for Mike. )50
WILL SHARE driving and expenses for
ride to B'ham, Ala. Contact Geo. Biv-
ens, 132 Hill. Ph. 2-4102. )153
WILL SWAP use of large utility trailer
for holiday rides to Western Iowa.
2S9931. )18'
FLORIDA STUDENT will share expenses
and driving for ride to Miami or vi-
cinity for Christmas vacation. Phone
Cal Graser at 2-6824. )7
WANTED-Ride to Louisiana or vicin-
ity. Will share expenses and driving
both ways. Call Danny at 2-7119. )1
NEED FLORIDA vacation. Desire ride
there. Will share expenses and driv-
ing. Call Marvin Cassell, 2-4591. Room
227. )102
STUDENT and wife desire ride to upper
peninsula (Escanaba or vicinity)
Christmas vacation. Share expenses
and driving. Write Robert F. Craig,
1408 Palmer Ct., Willow Run Vil-
lage. )8
ROSE BOWL, return. Want two riders
share expenses. 47 Ford. Can leave De-
troit or Chicago, Dec. 22-25. Call Ed.
2-2712. )56
WANTED-Riders to Pasadena, leaving
December 21 early. Share expenses.
Phone Ken Solomon. 20557. )53
TO LOS ANGELES-3 passengers want-
ed. leave Dec. 19. '47' Ford. $30.00 and
share driving. Sy Maxwell, 429 S. Di-
vision. 9232. )33
ROSE BOWL-Leaving in new car, Dec.
26. Desire passengers to share driv-
ing and expenses. Inexpensive. Phone
Cliff, 9828. )84
WANTED-Ride to Oklahoma, Christ-
mas vacation by student couple.
Share driving and expenses. Call H.
0. Waldby, University Ext. 547, or
write 1435 Enfield, Willow Village.
DRIVING to Los Angeles by Christmas.
Want three westbound passengers to
share expenses. Call Phil Burton.
2-8450. )138
WANTED RIDE-Two students will
share driving and expenses to Florida.
Call after 7, Handelman. 4121 ext. 102.
WANTED-By Florida resident-Ride
home to see Mama for Xmas-Help
drive and share expenses. Warren
Wepman. 4211. )41
TO LOS ANGELES-4 passengers. Leave
Dec. 26, 46 Buick, $30.00 Eldon Stahl,
1209 E. Univ. Phone 2-0772. )48
MEDICAL STUDENT 'needs ride to
Florida, Dec. 20. Share driving and
expenses. T. Hoyer, 203 Adams Houe.
WANTED-Up to 4 riders-Rochester,
N.Y. and return over Xmas. Box 41.
Hl l Th 1. B~1 ' d L

WANTED: Furnished apartment near
campus for two graduate girl stu-
dents for February. Call 2-4471. Ask
for Beth Branch. )47
HOPE TO BE married between semes-
ters. Got the gal, money, and ring,
but need an apartment. If you are
vacating, please call Don 2-2205. )154
WANTED: Married couple living at
Willow Village interested in obtaining
free copy 1948 'Ensian, contact Chuck
Olsen, Dorm 9, Room 47, Tel. No.
9261. )4
STUDENT desires job during Christ-
mas vacation. Box 39. )28
WANTED-Medical microscope in A-1
condition. Write G. Smith 14005 Ab-
ington Rd., Detroit 27. )9
STUDENT VETERAN and working wife
desire apartment by January 1, pref-
erably furnished for light housekeep-
ing. Should be within walking dis-
tance of University Hospital. Phone
Waldron 2-4401, Ext. 214 afternoons,
2-2521, Ext. 263 after 7:00 p.m. )51
THERE are openings for children in
nursery school conducted by experi-
enced social worker. Phone 8727. )9
DRESSMAKING and alterations. Ex-
pert work. Vogue Patrons a specialty.
Call Mrs. Ringenin for appointment.
2-2604. )150
TYPING: Theses term papers, ad-
dresses. Duplicating: Notices, form
letters, programs. A2 Typing Service,
208 Nickels Arcade, Phone 9811. )25
sales. Bud through Goodyear store.
For service call A.A. 2-0298. W. O.
Taylor, 1612 Brooklyn, Ann Arbor.)32
BECAUSE OF AN enlargement in our
personnel, we can now offer prompt
service on your alterations. Tailoring,
dressmaking, formal restyling a spe-
cialty. Hildegarde Sewing Shop, 2-
4669. )30,
LOST-Would greatly appreciate return
of grey gabardine topcoat; black
leather gloves in pocket was mis-
takenly taken from League coatrack
Sunday morning, December 7. Re-
ward! Contact John Drollinger, 2-2565
or return to League desk. )54
RONSON LIGHTER with initials (J.O.)
between I-M and Union. Finder call
2-0939. )93
LOST-FROM International Center,
main lounge, a book entitled "Ma-
chinery of the Body," and a green
folder with notes. These notes are
urgently needed. Will anyone who has
them kindly return them immediately
to the Internoational Center office
or to the Math Dept. Aditya Prakash.
LOST-Saturday. Pearl set Alpha Chi
Omega pin on Main or State St.
Phone 7444 evenings. )17
LOST-Sigma Nu pin in I-M Building.
Initials WWA. Call 8257. )42

FURNISHED house over holidays. Rent
free to responsible couple. Duties:
Feed dog and cat. 2S9931. )152
exchange for apartment Ann Arbor,
beginning summer session 1948. 19927
Cameron. To 5-4544. ) 151
FOR RENT: Vacancy for 3 men stu-
dents. Call 2-0646. Mrs. Field. )40
TO RENT UNTIL Feb. 1, single room,
private house. Two blocks from cam-
pus at 1004 Oakland. $7.00 a week,
includes vacation periods. Phone
Pete or Nels after 7:00 p.m.-2-0793.
WELL-HEATED single room. Reason-
ably priced. Near campus and Hos-
pital. Phone 4576. )43
THE PERFECT Xmas present for your
aged grandmother. 1931 Cadillac V-12,
7-passenger limousine inperfect run-
ning shape. 6 good tires, only 42,000
miles. Have picnics on the motor, it's
that clean! Address Bob Mann or
George Hoppin, West Lodge, Ypsi.
FOR SALE-Tuxedo, 39 long, double
breasted, worn only twice, $27.00.
Phone Pete or Nels after 7:00 p.m.
2-0793. )52
KODAK MEDALIST F3.5 1/400 sec.
with new, unused accessory back.
Takes roll and sheet film, plates and
film packs, $225. Bill McMahon, Dorm
15, Rm. 35, West Lodge. )57
TUXEDO like new. Size 37. Call 5938.
Bud Apeseche. Price $15. )58
FOR SALE: Mercury II, 3.5 lens, light
filter, leather case, New camera.
$55.00. Call Fred Nichols, 319 Win-
.hell, 24401. )20
WHIZZER MOTOR bike. New condi-
tion. Low mileage. Equipped. Almost
any offer. Call 2-8250. 1113 Packard.
FOR SALE-Tuxedo 37-38 broad, up-to-
date. Single breasted with vest. Call
2-2205, after 5:00. )44

What did it sig.t
i ify, that six
million people
should be para-
;yzed with fear
*,;*that every
heart should
stand still athe
sight of




Latest News

Ofor that Spe ial Gift
o Across from the Arcade - 330 MAYNARD STREET






ity. Balsam spruce, Scotch pine. Spe-
cial trees for special occasions. Call
2-3946 evenings, or write Mr. Thomas,
208 N. Division, Ann Arbor. )38
FOR XMAS: Spaulding, MacGregor, Ha-
gen and Wilson golf equipment. Call
2-2058. Johnny Malloy, Pro. )27
ARGYLE BABY booties and socks,
handmade to order. Sizes infant to
three years. Ypsi 3596J4. )78
ALL COLORS, canaries and parakeets,
finches, bird supplies and cages. Mrs.
Ruffins, 562 S. Seventh. )108
SINGLE BREASTED tux worn very
little. Contact C. Murray. 422 Ander-
son, East Quad. )151

,uperb Recordings Recently Received
SACH : Cantata No, 140 (Sleepers, Wake)
RCA Victor Chorale and Orchestra under Robert Shaw
DM 1162 ....... . . . $4.20
BEETHOVEN: Third Symphony (Eroica)
Poswoui ),inhony ndier Koussevitzky
+ DM 1161 $7.35
BERLIOZ: Harold in Italy
Boston Symphony zindter Koussecitzky
DM 989,$6.20
BERLIOZ: Romeo and Juliet
NBC Symphony under Toscanini
DM 1160.$4.20
DV 7 (plastic) $7.35
BRAHMS: Third Symphony
Boston Symphony under Koussevitzky
DM 730.. ... ..$6.30
Boston "Pops" zindcr Fiedler
DM 1166 $3.15
MOZART: Magic Flute
Berlin Opera and Orc hesra under Beechain
DM 541, 542...... .$22.05
SCHUBERT: Trout Quintet
<< . r-nhrli -tiA s.rn A rif srnt


Breakfast .... from 7 A.M.
Lunch ....11 A.M.-2 P.M.
Dinner ..... 5 P.M.-7:30
Good Food! 300 Seats!
S. N U


u P_" AW I I i C

o110 Mt s-Me "UInU s WILL PERSON who took gym trunks,
etc., from I-M locker room please re-
turn same to H. Wilson, 120 Wen-
ley House, West Quad. )13


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