SIX SATURDAY, S~W1~'EM3~ 2~. 1~4?.
Hoenke Family Enrolls
At University En Masse
"A father and son enrolled i
the University is no unusual dis-
covery; I've got a whole family
Thus Heinz R. Hoeneke, '49,
brushed previous records aside
and established a claim for the
largest number of members of any
family attending the University
at one time.
Both of Hoeneke's parents are
now attending classes here, and
next fall a sister and brother will
swell the family total to five.
Mrs. Meta Hoeneke, the mother,
has been in attendance at the
University for five semesters, tak-
ing courses in public health. A
trained nurse, Mrs. Hoeneke is
employed by Wayne County, as
well as attending college and
Billof Rights
Campus Vote
Will Be Taken
Freedom of Speech,
Press Are outlined
By Tom Walsh
EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the
fourth in a series of interpretative
articles on the constitutional con-
vention of the National Student or-
ganization by a staff correspondent
who was a University delegate and
chairman of the Michigan Region's
delegation at the convention.
The Student Bill of Rights, est-
ablished overwhelmingly by the
NSA convention, will be submitt-
ed to all campuses for adoption
this fall.
In part, the rights which the
NSA holds essential to the full
development of the student as an
individual and to the fulfillment
of his responsibilities as a citizen
'ree Organizations
a. To form and to participate
in local, national, or international
organizations for intellectual, re-
ligious, social, political, economic,
or cultural purposes.
b. To engage freely in off-
campus activities, exercising his
tight as a citizen of the commni-
ty, state, and nation provided he
does not claim to represent the
Freedom of Press
c. To conduct research freely
and to publish, discuss, and ex-
change any findings or recom-
niendations, whether individually
or in association with local, na-
tional, or international groups.
d. As individuals or as recogniz-
ed student organizations to use
campus facilities, provided the
facilities are used for the purposes
contracted, subject only to such
regulations as are required for
scheduling meeting times and
Freedom of Speech
e. To invite and hear speakers
of their choice on subjects of their
f. To establish and issue regu-
lar publications free of any cen-
sorship or other pressure aimed
at controlling editorial policy, with
the free selection and removal of
editorial staffs reserved solely to
the organizations sponsoring these
g. To establish democratic stud-
ent governments with adequate
democratic safeguards against
abuse of their power.
h. To petition through proper
channels for changes in curricul-
um or professors.
Equal opportunities
1. To equal opportunity to en-
joy these rights without regard to
race, color, sex, national origin,
religious creed, or political be-
Compiled chiefly from propos-
als of Notre Dame, Students for
Democratic Action, and the Uni-
vedsity of Chicago delegation, the
Bill of Rights prohibits a school
from using "recognition of student
and faculty organizations and
publications should be clearly
state in writing after consula-
tion with the groups affected.
They should be formally accpet-
ed by the entire campus, not sub-
ject to change without notice und-
er the pressure of a particular sit-
Uation, and the groups affected
should at all times participate in
their application.
'Ensian Picture
Appointments Lag
With only two days left to make
appointments for Michiganensian
Senior pictures, almost 40 per cent
of the University's seniors have
not made appointments yet, Buck
Dawson, managing editor of the
'En ian has announced.
Seniors of the February, June
and August graduating classes of
1948, in all undergraduate and
graduate schools and colleges of
the University, must sign up be-
f+w +t hether 1 denaline nr
maintaining the family home in
Her commuting problems aren't
too difficult because she is driven
to the University for her classes
by her husband, Edgar, minister
of the' St. Peter's Evangelical
Lutheran Church in Plymouth.
The elder Hoeneke received his
B. A. from Northwestern College
in Watertown, Wis., and is taking
English courses as a graduate
student here. In his son's esti-
mation, Hoeneke is practically
"coming along for the ride."
Father Jealous?
"With the rest of us going to
school, I guess my father was just
jealous and had to come too,"
the younger Hoeneke said.
Prospective Hoeneke students
at the University are Paula, 20,
who will receive her B. S. and
R. N. from Henry Ford Hospital
soon, and Karl, 17, who will grad-
uate in February from Plymouth
High School.
Both are planning to enroll in
the University, where Paula will
join her mother in Public Health
Still Two More'.
Two other family members re-
main; Lois, 14 and Kurt, 14. "But
I guess we all won't be here when
they are finally enrolled,"
Hoeneke said.
Even though his whole family
has descended on him at the Uni-
versity, -Hoeneke, who lives in the
East Quadrangle, doesn't see
much of them. He explained:
"I'm glad my family likes the
University, but none of this' par-
ental influence for me. I'm on
my own."
Football Jamboree.. ..
A post-game Football Jamboree
for. freshmen and transfer stud-
ent will be held at 7:30 p.m. to-
day in Lane Hall under the spon-
sorship of Michigan Christian Fel-
lowhsip. Games and refresh-
ments are included in the pro-
Vesper Service .. .
The Unitarian Student Group
will hold a Vesper Service and
snack supper at 6 p.m. Sunday at
the church. Supper will be fol-
lowed by a general discussion on
the sermon topic "You Might be
a Unitarian". All students are
invited to this program and the
social recreation hour to follow.
Weiner Roasts .. .
Westminster Guild of the
Presbyterian church, will have
a wiener roast, followed by a
campfire sing after the football
game today. Guild members
and their friends are invited to
meet at the church.
Gilbert And Sullivan..*.
The Gilbert and Sullivan Oper-
atic Society will hold the first
meeting of the fall semester 7:30
p.m. Tuesday in the Garden Room
of the League.
Arrangements will be made for
this term's production "The Mi-
Kado," and the meeting is open
to all students including eligible
U'To Assist
Small Business
On-the-spot aid to small bus-
inesses of Michigan will be of-
fered by the University of Mich-
igan School of Business Adminis-
tration in a new program to be
launched this Fall.
The program will be set up in
cooperation with the Office of
Small Business of the Department
of Commerce, Dean Russell A.
Stevenson has announced. Direc-
tor of the work will be Dr. Wil-
liam M. Hoad, newly appointed
research associate and lecturer in
business administration.
On-campus and extension
courses, conferences, and research
will be the three principal avenues
through which the small business
program will be presented, Dr.
Hoad has explained. A course in
establishing and operating a bus-
iness enterprise will be given on
campus during the Spring semes-
"Over half of all new business
enterprises fail within two years,"
Dr. Hoad pointed out. "We believe
that the new business, organized
by a G.I. or by another person
interested in owning his own bus-
iness, need not fail if it is intel-
ligently planned in the first
The School of Business Admin-
istration plans also to offer its
assistance to Michigan business-
U' Will Get
Dollar Hospital
Center Will Treat
Vet Mental Patients
A new, half-million dollar Vet-
erans Readjustment Center for
the treatment of veterans suffer-
ing from early mental illness or
extreme emotional disturbance
will be turned over to the Uni-
versity of Michigan Hospital for
operation at ceremonies Friday,
Oct. 3.
Construction of the new build-
ing back of the University Hos-
pital which will provide accom-
modations for 50 veterans was
sponsored by the Michigan State
Office of Veterans Affairs and
will be turned over to the Hos-
pital by Gov. Kim Sigler.
The Center will be placed un-
der the supervision of Dr. Ray-
mond W. Waggoner, director of
the University's Neuropsychiatric
Institute, with Dr. Moses M. Froh-
lich, associate professor of psy-
chiatry, in immediate charge.
Complete examination and ad-
vice will be made available to
veterans without charge, Elmer
J. Hanna, director of the OVA
announced yesterday.
"Veterans who can profit from
a relatively brief period of inten-
sive treatment, averaging about
six weeks, will be accepted for
treatment at the Center either
as out-patients or in-patients,"
according to Dr. Waggoner.
He pointed out that the Center
is not intended for patients need-
ing commitment and does not du-
plicate any existing facility. "Its
aim is the early and thorough
treatment of illness with a per-
manent return of the patient to
useful life in society and the pre-
vention of serious and prolonged
or permaneint incapacity," Dr.
Waggoner said.
Outpatient treatment will con-
sist of regular interviews with a
psychiatrist, in addition to ex-
amination or treatment by psy-
chologists or medical specialists in
University Hospital which for two
years has provided temporary fa-
cilities for 20 veterans.
This temporary center has pro-
vided in-patient treatment for 220
veterans and has examined and
treated 550 veterans through its
out-patient service.
The program of mental care
to be provided at the Center was
sponsored by the Office of Vet-
erans Affairs, the Michigan So-
ciety for Neurology and Psychia-
try and the Michigan State De-
partment of Mental Health.
Weather Cold
In Summer
Prof. Hann Needed
4 Blankets to Slee
The weather was so cold this
summer that Prof. Harry W.
Hann, of the zoology department,
had to sleep with four heavy
blankets to keep warm.
No, Prof. Hann did not take up
residence in a frozen food locker;
he just spent six weeks, during
the hottest days of the Michigan
summer, at the Rocky Mountain
Biological Station, Crested Butte,
Colorado, where year-round tem-
peratures go below freezing.
Bird Hunting
The object of Prof. Hann's re-
search trip'was the Water Ouzel,
or more commonly the Dipper, a
slate-gray colored bird that en-
joys diving into waterfalls.
This bird, with the Latin nick-
name of Cinclus Mexicanus Uni-
color, nests either in or near falls
and feeds on insect larvae that it
finds among the stones at the
bottom of the falls, according to
Prof. Hann.
Hot and Cold
"About 9500 ft. above sea-level
and only a few hundred feet from
the snow line we had to wear
sweaters and an extra coat in the
mornings. At noon we would be
working in our shirtsleeves, but
as soon as the sun set, we needed
the coats again," Prof. Hann com-
The Biological Station is locat-
ed in the Elk Mountain group.
Tine Changed on
Union Smoker
The smoker for aspirants to Un-
ion positions, originally scheduled
for 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, has been
moved back to 9:30 in order to ac-
commodate those tryouts who are
fraternity rushees, Union presi-
dent Gene Sikorowsky announced
Union activities and programs
r ( 11U
W A R T 0 P E A C E-A tiny vacuum tube % inch in dia-
meter and % inch long, developed during the war for Army radios
and now turned to peacetime use, is held by a worker in the
Sonotone plant at Elmsford, N. Y.
S A I L B 0 A T P A T T E R N - Start of the twelfth annual "flight of the snowbirds" at New.
port Harbor, Calif., which drew a crowd of 10,000 to watch the youthful sailors.;
M E X I C A N OPERA FANS-_Winifred Hedt, con-
cert and opera contralto -from north of the border, signs auto-
graphs for fans who crowded her dressing room in Mexico City
following her appearance in "Samson and Delila."
D 0 G S F 0 R A M E R I C A-Six Brittany spaniels, arriving in New York -by air from Paris,
pose for their pictures with Jean Schwab, TWA employe. The dogs are a return gift from the Paris
chanter of the French Brittany club to the American Brittany club.
P R IZE WIN N ER r. ean Shoaf ofKirkyn, Pa.,
looks rather small alongside the 110-pound tarpon she caught off
Sarasota county, Florida. It took first prize for medium weight,
tackle in a tournament.
G R E Y H O U N D S H O W S O F F -- With Doc Flanery at the reins, Greyhound, greatest
trotter of them all, trots an exhibition mile at Good Time track, Goshen, N. Y.
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