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December 09, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-09

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f-Ehtht Ba ea
Fifty-Eighth Year
- -

Know Your Candidates

Edited and managed by students of the Un-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Clyde Becht ..........................City Editor
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Lida Dailes' ................... Associate Editor
Eunice Mintz ...................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus ..........................Sports Editor
Bob Lent ..................Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ....................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Joan de Carvajal ..................Library Director
Meivin Tick..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
Tie Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all news dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mal, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily stiff
and represent the views of the writers only.
Negro and UN
FORMAL CHARGES of widespread social
and economic discrimination against
Negroes of the United States were presented,
October 23, to the United Nations, by Dr.
W. E. B. DuBois, research director of the
National Association for the Advancement
of Colored People. The 155-page document
condemned Congress for not passing meas-
ures to declare the poll tax illegal, for not
making lynchings subject to Federal law,
and for not making discrimination in pri-
vateemployment in inter-state commerce a
The petition attacked the denial of civil
rights in the District of Columbia, segre-
gated schools and racially restrictive cove-
nants. A table of lynchings since 1882
showed that as many as 235 persons have
been lynched in one year, and that seven
Negroes were killed by mobs last year. In
puplic education of 11 southern states it
said, Awo to seven times as much money
has been spent for whites as for Negroes.
The race problem in the United States
is "as much your concern as ours," Dr.
DuBois told the UN.,The petition is open
and articulate, and not designed for con-
fidential concealment in archives, he said;
it is a "frank and earnest appeal to all th:c
world for elementary justice against the
treatment which the United States has
visited upon us for three centuries."
Dr. DuBois remarked that he spoke for
14,000,000 citizens, or "twice as many per-
sons as there are in the Kingdom of Greece,"
who approach the UN "not as aliens to this,
our native land, nor as a group unmindful
of the deep difficulties of these troubled
times." Nothing the United States is, has
or shall be, he said, is without the help of
our toil, our feelings, our thought.
Dr. DuBois received his BA, MA and Ph.D.
at Harvard, spent two years of study in Ger-
many, returned here and taught for two
years at Wilberforce University, one year in
the University of Pennsylvania, and be-
came professor of history and economics
in Atlanta University; Atlanta, Ga. After
moving to New York in 1910, becoming an
official of the new NAACP, and editing for
23 years The Crisis, "A Record of the Darker

Races," he returned to Atlanta University as
head of the sociology department.
At 7:30 p.m. today in Rackham Lecture
Hall, Dr. DuBois will discuss "The Amer-
ican Negro Faces the United Nations." Be-
cause of the dramatic manner in which
racism is being revealed to us -at this mo-
ment in Ann Arbor, the appearance of the
recognized leader of Negroes contending
for complete equality of opportunity is
doubly significant. The time for our further
enlightenment was never more ripe.
-Malcolm Wright.
B ipartisanis m
HE SENATE VOTE on the Administra-
tion's program for interim aid to West-
ern Europe cannot be read as foreshadow-

EXCEPT FOR THE NAMES of the candi-
dates, th Studenit Legislature's fourth
election tomorrow won't differ much from
its first.
Yet, improvement of campus elections was
one of the main reasons for the establish-
ment of the Student Legislature two years
ago. Although it has held three elections for
its own members as well as numerous others
for various campus organizations, the Leg-
islature Election Committee has failed to de-
vise an adequate voting system. Charges of
fraud and inefficiency have been justifiably
hurled at the Committee after each election.
Most of the safety devices added to the elec-
tion procedure in the present campaign were
according to recommendations made by the
Men's Judiciary Council.
The faults of the Election Committee
mirror those of the Legislature as a whole,
which has accomplished little despite its
original clear-cut program. The trouble
with the Legislature seems to be the lack
of interest and ability of its members.
In fact, if it had not been for a series of

strong presdents, the organization would
probably not be with us today.
Campus apathy, perennial scapegoat for
the Legislature's ineptitude, is not entirely
to blame. Students have had a good alib
for not voting because of an inadequate cam-
paigning system. The few who voted had to
select candidates on the basis of "qualifi-
cations" statements printed in The Daily, on
personal acquaintance or mere "name
knowledge" of the candidate.
Because of the work of several campus
organizations, evidently more aware than
the Student Legislature of the need to
know the qualifications of the candidates,
students will get a slightly better chance
to vote intelligently in this election. Lane
Hall will hold an informal tea in which
students may become at least socially ac-
quainted with the candidates, and YPCM
is stumping the campus in a "get out the
vote" campaign. )
With considerable effort today and tomor-
row, students may be able to elect an able
and efficient Legislature, which can take
these problems off their hands.
-Joan Katz.

SHH ~ 17,'
l ll l I I i ii t .

Tilting the Balance

W AS-IINGTON- When a government
takes affirmative measures to exercise
its right of self-protection against the pos-
sibility of violent overthrow; it is embark-
ing on task of transcendent difficulty, and
it is incurring an obligation to achieve a
balance of the most delicate nature. For
the goal of self-protection must be balanced
most carefully against the equally impera-
tive goal of allowing the greatest freedom to
individuals consistent with governmental
The other day, Attorney General Clark
issued a list of over 80 organizations which
were declared to be "subversive" or dis-
loyal to the United States government.
Membership in any of these organizations
was decreed to be an evidence of unfit-
ness of an individual for employment by
the government.
Mr. Clark took pains to point out that
membership alone would not constitute
grounds for discharge, that "guilt by as-
sociation" would not be the sole measure
of whether the government should protect
itself in a given case by firing the employe.
But the very act of singling out certain or-
ganizations - the act of labeling them sub-
versive without pointing out exactly what
is meant by "subversive" - this act in it-
self makes "guilt by association" the ruling
criterion. It breeds the germ of fear which
will make government employes - as well
as others, afraid to join, not only those or-
ganizations, but any other organizations
which the whims of prejudicesof next year's
government, or the government five years
from now, may feel to be subversive. It like-
wise renders government officials afraid to
hire anyone whose "loyalty" may some day
be questioned, depending on how the domi-
nant winds of political feeling happen to be
The notion of what constitutes loyalty is
subject to unpredictable alterations, as the
complex of . the political and social order
shifts. With the air charged at present, for
example, with fears of any "leftist" expres-
sions of opinion, the notion of loyalty pre-
vailing in many quarters in America is par-
ticularly distorted. The eminent historian,
Henry Steele Commager, has written (Harp-
ers, Sept.): "What is the new loyalty? It
is, above all, conformity. It is the uncritical
and unquestioning acceptance of America as
it is - the political institutions, the social
relations, the economic practices."
Attorney General Clark's action upsets
the balance between governmental self-
a if

Letters to the Editor,..

protection and individual freedom. It is
possible to achieve this balance, not by
listing organizations, but by taking each
case individually and applying to it the
criterion of whether the employe is active-
ly participating in a scheme designed to
overthrow the government by force or to
do violence to minority groups. If an
employe can be shown to be participating
in such a scheme - whether as a member
of any organization or in any other way
- then the government should have the
right to fire him.
This is not the irreducible minimum cri-
terion for permissible action by the govern-
ment to protect itself, but it is also the un-
expandable maximum - because any cri-
terion which goes beyond it infringes in-
dividual rights and plants the germ of fear
which will increase that infringement a
A government which allows freedom for
all opinions, which permits criticisms against
any of its own institutions and practices,
and which fires an employe not because he
belongs to any organization but only because
he has been shown to be actively plotting
violence against the government for which
he works, does 'not have to worry that it
will be overthrown by force. Only weak, cor-
rupt and reactionary governments are over-
thrown; a progressive government which
does not stifle change or new ideas will not
be overthrown, through violence, by any
number of plotters.
At the Michigan .. .
CROSSFIRE with Robert Young, Robert
Mitchum and Robert Ryan.
,IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE that right here
inAmerica a man can be murdered be-
cause of the name he bears or the religion
he professes. Yet, under certain circum-
stances, ther are those among us whose
warped prejudices are strong enough to
cause such an act. "Crossfire" is the story
of such a situation, and its difficult subject
matter is treated with unusual finesse and
power. Robert Young, as Inspector Finlay,
is confronted with the brutal killing of one
Joseph Samuels. He was last seen in a bar,
and those involved are several soldiers sta-
tioned in a Washington hotel. With superb
photographic technique, we are taken back
over the details of the evening for the dif-
ferent characters, and though the killer is
fairly evident early in the film, the unravel-
ing is a masterpiece of suspense. The acting
and dialogue are on an equally high plane,
and even the necessary "sermon" scene is
gratifyingly brief and convincing. There's
a moral here, but also a good movie.
-Gloria Hunter
At the State...r
the worst of Hollywood's current pro-
ductions of celluloid senselessness, but it's
right up there among the leading contend-
ers. The whole effort is an amorphous sort
of affair, held loosely together by the antics
of rubber-faced Red Skelton. Skelton, who
plays his traditional role of the country
bumpkin with a big round hole in his head
with remarkable facility and a peculiar
felicity, laughs a lot, tries to get you to
laugh along with him. But he's getting paid
for it and you aren't, so it's considerably
easier for him. As for the rest of the cast,
they should have stayed in bed the day this
picture"vas filmed.
-Harvey A. Leve

(Continued from Page 3)
Sat., Dec. 13, 3-5 p.m., President'
and Mrs. Alexander G. Ruthven
will entertain at the University
Center with, a tea for all student
and faculty wives at the Village.-
West Lodge:
Tues., Dec. 9, 6:45 p.m., Bas-
ketball League; 7:30 p.m., Fenc-
ing Club.
Wed., Dec. 10, 8 p.m., Volleyball
Thurs., Dec. 11, 6:45 p.m., Bas-
ketball League.
Fri., Dec. 12, 8:30-11:30 p.m.,
Christmas Party.
Sun., Dec. 13, 4:30 p.m., Coffee
University Lecture: "Making a
National Theatre." Lennox Rob-
inson, Director of the Abbey Thea-
tre in Dublin: auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. 3 p.m., Wed.,
Dec. 10, Rackham Lecture Hall.
University Lecture: "A Free and
Responsible Press." N. R. Howard,
Editor of the Cleveland News and
President of the American Society
of Newspaper Editors; auspices of
the Department of Journalism. 8
p.m., Wed., Dec. 10, Kellogg Audi-
Mr. Howard will address the
the class in Newspaper Policy and
Management at 3 p.m. Wednesday.
Journalism seniors, not enrolled
in the class, may attend.
Business Administration Lee-
ture: Mr. Julius Hendel, Vice-
President of Cargill, Incorporated,
of Minneapolis, will speak to the
class in Bus. Ad. 141, Production
Management, at 1 p.m. Wed., Dec.
10, West Gallery, Alumni Memor-
ial Hall. Mr. Hendel will discuss
the organization of top manage-
ment. Anyone interested is in-
Lecture: "Popular Latin Ameri-
can Music" (songs and music). 8
p.m., Thurs., Dec. 11, Rackham
Amphitheatre; auspices of the
Latin-American Society. The pub-
lic is invited.
Academic Notices
Spanish 31 - Mr. Bornstein's
Section: Outside reading test to-
day, Tuesday, Dec. 9.
Political Science 150: There will
be a special film shown in the
East Lecture Room, Rackham
Bldg., Tues., Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., for
the benefit of students in this
Algebraic Geometry Seminar:
4:15 p.m., Tues., Dec. 9, Rm. 3010,
Angell Hall. Dr. Leonard Torn-
heim will speak.
Differential Geometry Seminar:
2 p.m., Tues., Dec. 9, Rm. 3001, An-
gell Hall. Prof. G. Y. Rainich will
conclude his talk on Tensors and
Annual Christmas Concert: U.
of M. Women's Glee Club, Wed.,
Dec. 10, Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. The public is invited.
Events Today
Radio Program: 4-4:15 p.m.,

WPAG (1050 Kc.). The Hobby Se-
ries-The Theatre as a Hobby,
Hugh Norton.
Pi Lambda Theta: 8 p.m., East
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
Mr. E. B. Power will speak on "The
Educational Aspects of Microfilm."
Phi Eta Sigma Initiation ban-
quet, 6:30 p.m.. Rfm. 101, Michigan
Sigma Delta Chi: Meeting, 7:30
p.m., Editorial Room, Haven Hall.
Botanical Journal Club: 7:30
p.m., Rm. 1139, Natural Science
Bldg. Reports: Surathoen Bun-
nag, "Technic of rice hybridiza-
tion." Thomas Muzik, "Bud-un-
ion in citrus." Seymour Shapiro,
"Recent studies in root hair devel-
Chairman, C. D. LaRue. Open
Tryouts for the French Play:
3-5:15 p.m. Rm. 408, Romance
Language Bldg. Any student with
some knowledge of the French
language may try out.
Flying Club: Executive Board
meeting, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 1300, E.
Engineering Bldg. Members of the
University wishing to join the
club are invited.
A.Ph.A., Student Branch picture
for the 'Ensian will be taken 7:30
p.m., Rm. 318, Michigan Union.
AIEE - IRE 'Ensian picture to
be taken in Union Ballroom, 7
p.m., followed by joint meeting
with Michigan Section, AIEE, at 8
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Sub-
ject: "Industrial Applications of
Quarterdeck: Meeting, 7:15
p.m., Rm. 336, W. Engineering
Bldg. A. C. McClure will present a
paper on "Practical Moldoft
Student Federalist Study Group:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Michigan Un-
ion. Topic: "An Inquiry into the
problem of Human Rights." Open
meeting. A minimum preparation
is requested.
Hindustan Association: Meet-
ing, 8 p.m., Rm. 318, Michigan
Union. Group picture for 'Ensian
will be taken.
I.Z.F.A. Book Reviews and dis-
cussion of Rape of Palestine, Gen-
tlemen's Agreement, East River,
and My Father's House, 8 p.m.,
Hillel Foundation.
Christian Science Organization:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Upper Room,
Lane Hall. All are invited.
Michigan Dames Handicraft
Group: 8 p.m., home of Mrs.
James Arcure, 2344 Parkwood,
Pittsfield Village. Mrs. E. S. Mi-
chelson, chairman.
Faculty Women's Club: Play
Reading Section, 1:45 p.m., Mary
B. Henderson Room, Michigan
Coiing Events
-iichigan Union Opera: Meet-
ing of all students interested in
writing a script for the revival of

.iDITOR'S NOTE: leeaause The ialy
prints every letter to theA ditor re-
ceiv~ed ( which is sinned, 300 w~ords
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
txpressed in letters are those o the1
writers only. Letters oi more than
30 words are shoiuned, priinted or
omitted at the discretion o the edi-
I oiA I S r,-I
To the Editor:
WE WISH to protest the pricei
increase in the 'Ensian, "your
yearbook" they call it yet. The!
yearbook at Michigan has alwaysI
sold fcr five dollars and why
should it now go up to six? The
'Ensian staff announces that the
price will go up to $6.00 December
10. This doesn't make sense! Be-I
fore Christmas we are all a little
short on money and can't afford
five dollars, much less six! If the
price is going up because of in-
creased printing and paper costs'
like they say, then why not wait
until sometime in .January so the
students have a fair ehance to
buy the book when they are flush.
The ads and stories claim it will
be the best yearbook in history--
well, they won't sell us one by
raising the price now, and they
can't have the best book if they
don't sell any! Keep that price
down to five dollars or else!
-George P. Simmons
rchi ds jfo 1r)Dmwiti
To the Editor:
Jr., my wholehearted congra t-
ulations on your letter concerning
the aptitude test required of all
the graduate students of this Uni-
versity. It was about time some
thinking student voiced his pro-
test against this comulsory ex-
---Carlos Soares.
PsyloJHIIl uic?
To the Editor:
mits, we sit on the library
steps and watch the University
women go by! What we see pleases
us. We help celebrate Michigan
victories at the bell on Saturday
nights. When there is snow on
the ground we ski in the arbore-
tum. We attend classes regularly
and find both the professrs and,
the educational facilities of the
Univrsity excellent. We are at-
1sfierd with what the goveinment
is paying us under the G.I. Bill.
We find that the food in the Quads
is satisfactory under present con-
We do not join radical organ-
izations. We do not picket barber
shops or Dutch ambassadors.
Now, what we would like to
the OPERA, 4 p.m., Wed., Dec.
10, Rm. 308, Michigan Union.
Michigan Chapter AAUP: 6 p.m.,
Faculty Club, Michigan Union
Thurs., Dec. 11, dining room of the
Dean Walter will speak on "The
Office of Student Affairs." Join
south cafeteria line at 6 p.m.
American Chemical Society:
Meeting, 4:15 p.m., Thurs., Dec.
11, Rm. 151, Chemistry Bldg. Prof.
G. E. Uhlenbeck of the Physics
Department will speak on "The
Presents Status of the Theory of
the Meson." The public is invited.
Election of officers.
Phi Delta Kappa, national pro-
fessional fraternity in Education:
Dinner meeting, 6 p.m., Wed., Dec.
10, Faculty Dining Room, Michi-
gan Union. All members are urged
to attend.

Sigma Gamma Epsilon: Meet-
ing, 12 noon, Wed., Dec. 10, Rm.
3056.Natural Science Bldg. Mr.
Fred Honkala will speak on "The
Geology of the Centennial Moun-
tains, Montana."
Delta Sigma Pi, professional
Business Administration frater-
nity: 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 10, Rm.
110, Tappan Hall. Speaker, Mr.
Walter E. Drury, of Argus, Incor-
porated. The public is cordially
invited. Pledges meet 7:30 p.m.
Square Dancing Class, spon-
sored by- the Graduate Outing
Club, 8 p.m., Wed., Dec. 10, W.A.B.
Lounge. Small fee. Everyone wel-

know, is whether we are normal
.niversity students or whether we
should apply for a bed in the psy-
chopathi' ward at the University
-Tom Shilson,
and five others
'o the Editor:
IN THE PRACTICE of racial tol-
erance Russia has a cleaner
record than does the United
States. Recognition of racial dif-
ferences has even been incorporat-
ed into her administrative set-up.
This noteworthy achievement
most of us Americans will accept
and approve. However, such ap-
proval does not coincide with be-
lief in the Communist cause. Ra-
cial equality is not the same as
This simple truth is apparently
not clear in the minds of some of
our citizens, While I was con-
versing with a Negro the other
clay, he nade the amazing state-
ment that there is more democ-
rty in Germany and Italy than
in this country! His personal ob-
servation ghat Negroes are not
discriminated against over there
as they are here led him to the
utterly false conclusion that
those nations, for lack of racial
discrimination, must necessarily
be more democratic than our own.
I think that this Negro's emo-
tions have become so stirred up
as a result of the unfair discrim-
ination to which he must submit
that he has become blinded to
the other elements of democracy.
This could easily lead to espousal
of any cause which preaches racial
tolerance, such as Communism.
Many people (such as Paul Robe-
son, in his preference for things
Russian) do not seem to realize
that under Communism they
would be giving up a lot more in
personal, economic, and even po-
litical freedom than they would
be gaining in racial tolerance.
Perhaps Negroes can find more
promise in this country than some
of them realize. Theirs is the
American privilege to learn how
they have been wronged, and thi
is not granted to the Russians.
Within our capitalistic framework
the Negroes have a chance to work
intelligently for the righting of
those wrongs. But let us seek a
more mature attitude, a more
thinking appreciation of the po-
tentialities which this country has
to offer.
-Donald B. Hirsch.
- *
Why IBlame('GOP?
To the Editor:
IT IS MY uhderstanding that for
about fifteen years prior to 1947
the Democrats had a majority in
both houses of the national legis-
lature (most of the time an over-
whelming margin) as well as hold-
ing the presidency, and manning
predominantly the executive de-
partments, the regulatory com-
missions, the courts, and other
governmental agencies. Yet
through much of this period when
anything went wrong, and when
the war broke on an unprepared
country, Mr. Roosevelt and his
whole crew always explained that
the blame rested squarely on the
almost extinct. group of Repub-
licans in the legislature (overlook-
ing such obvious points as public
statements made again ant again
by Mr. Roosevelt, as late as 1940,
to the effect that it was a won-
derful thing that in the United
States we were spending our
money for plowshares instead of
cannon and that the mothers of
the country need have no fear
that under his rule their sons
would ever be sent abroad to
fight). It is also my understanding

that while in 1947 the Republicans
hold majorities in both legislative
houses rather narrow in the Sen-
ate and not to be compared nu-
merically with the Democratic ma-
jorities of the earlier years), they
still are not in charge of the afore-
said presidency, departments,
commissions, courts, etc. Notwith-
standing these facts now comes
one Frein complaining, somewhat
angrily, of the baneful effect of
Republican control on the country
and stating that "slowly and in-
exorably, American consumer-vot-
ers are becoming aware that they
have been misled and duped by
the GOP . . . (and that) if prices
continue to spiral upward while
capital gorges itself on profits
there is a good chance that the
voters of the nation will answer
with a thunderous 'YES' next No-
vember, when the Democratic
Party asks them whether they
have 'Had more than enough of
the Republican party'"
If this meant anything it would
mean that the Republicans are
mighty men indeed to administer
the country so decisively (and dis-
astrously) when some other groups
have had full control of the helm
for about fifteen years, and have
been ostensibly in complete charge
of the entire ship for all but one
Actually it is simply another il-






ing performance, Serge Koussevitzky
and the Boston Symphony Orchestra re-
ceived a justly enthusiastic reception at Hill
Auditorium last night.
Little marred the concert as a whole,
but even Boston is not always perfect, and
the evening started rather poorly with a
singularly tedious Mozart Divertimento.
Written for strings and two horns, the
composition was, despite elaborate har-
monies and organization, too long not to suf-
fer from lack of color contrast, and the
French horns too harsh to minimize the
lack. The string section, traditionally (and
currently) excellent, however, served well
to emphasize what life there was in the
work, particularly in the theme-and-vari-
ation section, and the minuet.
The evening's climax came, as might be
expected, with Ravel's ever popular second
"Daphnis et Chloe" suite. Dr. Koussevitzky
and the full orchestra thoroughly proved
their power and sensitivity in this work,
which lends itself so ably to their versa-
tility. With its unexpected jumps from quiet
strings to loud, wild and, sometimes, almost
weird harmonies in the brasses, the "orches-
tral fragments" from the ballet gave the
orchestra and conductor every opportunity

La Sociedad Ilispanica,
tary conversation group:
Dec. 10, Michigan Union.

7 p.m.,

La Sociedad-Hispanica: Christ-
mas meeting following elementary
conversation group meeting Wed-
nesday. Special program and re-



Blotto's atom yo-yo works fine, doe4n't it,
Mr. O'Mallev? There was nothina left of the

And don't explain about Blotto, m'boy. So
few peop aleraso the idea of Robot Warfare..

Hello, Barnaby. Where did your Fairy
Godfather get that dopey old robot?



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