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December 07, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-07

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Latest Deadline in the State


Scores Slain
In Holy Land
Partition Riot
Arabs Prepared
To Oppose UN
By The Associated Press
JERUSALEM, Dec. 6 - Arab-
Jewish warfare in P alestine
claimed more lives tonight and
boosted to 159 the Middle East's
number of slain since the United
Nations decision to partition the
Holy Land, which Arab national
leaders were reported ready to op-
pose with force.
Palestine's death toll grew to
80-51 Jews, 27 Arabs and two Ar-
menians in the week's fighting
between Arabs protesting parti-
tion and Jews defending them-
selves-and striking back. In Aden
far to the south, 75 have been
killed-50 Jews and 25 Arabs. In
Syria, four have died.
Cairo Meeting
Leaders of the seven govern-
ments in the Arab League headed
for Cairo for a council meeting
Monday. Palestine Arab chief-
tains said the council would map
a plan of armed opposition to par-
tition and "in all likelihood,
would decide the hour to strike.
League countries are Egypt, Syria,
Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Trans-
Jordan, Iraq and Yemen.
Holy Land trouble spots tonight
were Jerusalem, Haifa and neigh-
boring Jewish Tel Aviv and Arab
Jaffa. Arabs and Jews fought
with guns, bombs, sticks and
stones, and houses were set on
In the old city of Jerusalem to-
night, Arabs were reported to
have attacked Jewish quarters
and Jews to have counterattacked
with bombs and gunfire, levelling
a row of Arab houses and burying'
some inhabitants beneath the de-
Officials said two Arabs were
killed, two injured severely and
one hurt slightly. Police said one
Jew also was killed by Arab sniper
fire that started the clash.
Women Among Dead
In Jaffa, one Arab was reported
killed and 19 injured, at least
three of tmem women, in the
bombing of a shop.
In the Negeb (southern desert),
official sources said Arab tribes-
men dragged two young Jews from
a truck and killed them near the
coastal village of El Majdal.
In Haifa, sporadic gunfire was
reported to have begun at sunset
and to have continued for at least
two hours.
House To Rush
Vet Aid Bills
Rogers Seeks Action'
Before Christmas
WASHINGTON, Dec. 6-(P)--
House Republican leaders are con-
sidering special rush priorities to
get three bills for war veterans
through Congress before Christ-
Chairman Rogers (R.-Mass.) of
the House Veterans Affairs Com-
mittee told a reporter today she
has requested clearance for meas-
ures which she fought in vain to
save from the shelf before Con-
gress adjourned in July. The top
three are bills to:
1. Raise the subsistence allow-
ances for veterans in school under

the G.I. Bill of Rights.
2. Establish a disability benefits
scale for arrested cases of tuber-
culosis, when the disease was con-
tacted by the veteran while in mil-
itary service.
3. Extend the $1,600 free auto-
mobile allowance to veterans who
have lost one or both feet, hands,
or the use of their eyes below a
certain minimum vision.
The first and third have passed
the Senate and are on the House
calendar. The second, and a bill
to increase subsistence for on-the-
job training, are on the calendar
but have not been before the Sen-
Galens Collection
Nets $5,154.02
Overflowing buckets produced
the usual high spirits yesterday as
members of Galens Honorary
Medical Society counted $5,154.02

Survey on IRA Picketing
To Be Conducted by SL
Opinion Questions To Be Placed on Ballot;
Students Will Choose 32 Representatives
Campus opinion of the principle behind the Inter-racial Associa-
tion sponsored "C!eration Haircut" will be surveyed Wednesday
when a five point questionnaire will be submitted to students at the
Student Legislature election polling booth.
Questions to be answered include:
1. Do you believe that private establishments which serve the pub-
lic should refuse service to a customer on the basis of race?
2. Would you continue to patronize your barber if he were to
serve both Negroes and Whites?

3. Have you ever patronized

_ ;

. ..will conduct here
* *I *

Will Conduct
Concert Here
All Seats Sold for
The Boston Symphony, under,
the baton of Serge Koussevitsky
will present the fifth concert in
the regular Choral Union series
at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in Hill
Leader of the Orchestra since
1924, Koussevitsky's tenure has far
exceeded that of any of his prede-
cessors, and now the Boston's
name is almost synonymous with
his own.
Founded Orchestra
Born in Russia, the eminent
conductor founded and directed
the Koussevitsky Symphony Or-
chestra from 1910 to 1918, and in
that capacity made extensive tours
of Russia.
Later he conducted orchestras
in various parts of Europe, includ-
ing England, Germany and Italy.
After coming to this country,
America's composers becane as
familiar to him as those of the
Old World. Despite his interest
in the great music of the past, he
can never be accused of neglecting
contemporary currents.
In 1938, Koussevitsky estab-
lished the world famous Berkshire
Music Center, of which he has
been director since 1940. In mem-
ory of his wife, he established the
Koussevitsky Music Foundation in
1942, to further the development
of musical culture and to assist
Decorated by Czar
Twice decorated by the czar,
he has also been awarded hon-
orary degrees by several Amer-
ican universities, including Rut-
gers, Harvard and Yale.
The program tomorrow will fea-
ture the following compositions:
Divertimento in B-flat major for
Strings ahd Two' Horns, Mozart;
Ravel's "Daphnis et Chloe" Suite;
and "Harold in Italy," Symphony
with Viola Solo, Op. 16, Berlioz.
All seats for the concert have
been sold, but tickets for standing
room are still available at the
University Musical Society's office
in Burton Tower.
'Native Laud'
To Be Shown
Episodes in the struggle of mi-
nority groups to attain civil lib-
erties in this country make up the
theme of "Native Land," which
will be shown tonight and tomor-
row at 8:30 p.m. in Kellogg Audi-
The voice and singing of Paul
Robeson, with the acting of Art

a barbershop which did serve both
SNegroes and Whites?
Question Described
Space is provided on the ques-
tionnaire for indications of sex
and race, or preferences to reserve
opinion on the questions.
Students will also elect 32 mem-
bers of the Student Legislature
Wednesday with polls open from
8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
The booths, proctored by mem-
bers of campus organizations and
manned by volunteers, will be lo-
cated in front of Angell and
Alumni Memorial Halls, behind
Haven Hall, on the Diagonal, at
the Willow Run bus stop, in the
Engine Arch and in Hutchins
A reception will be held at 4:30
p.m. Tuesday at Lane Hall for all
present members of the Legisla-
ture, all candidates and all stu-
dents interested in meeting the
YPCM Phamphlet
A committee of the Young Pro-
gressive Citizens of Michigan is
compiling a pamphlet to contain
candidate's opinion on various
controversial campus issues.
YPCM is also making arrange-
ments for speakers to urge stu-
dents in dormitories to vote.
The election will be conducted
according to the Hare plan of pro-
portional representation under
which students number their
choices in order to preference, vot-
ing for as many candidates as he
chooses. The quota of ballots nec-
essary to elect a candidate is ap-
proximately the total number of
ballots cast, divided by the num-
ber of positions to be filled.
Identification Cards
Students must bring identifi-
cation cards in order to vote, Dick
Kelly, chairman of the Legislature
elections committee has empha-
He also reiterated that students
violation election rules will be sub-
ject to disciplinary action by the
Men's Judiciary Council.
Election rules include prohibi-
tion of theraffixing of campaign
literature on campus or in Uni-
versity buildings, or of campaign-
ing within 50 feet of the polls.
Truman Hits
Land Raiders'
Asks People To Save
National Resources
6-(P)-President Truman helped
dedicate a 454,000-acre tract of
the Florida Everglades as the
Everglades National Park today
with a challenge to the American
people to resist "raids" on their
natural resources by interests who
would exploit them for "private
Mr. Truman declared that prop-
er use of land and water resources
was as much a public responsibil-
ity as were "world order, world
peace and world recovery."
He mentioned no names when
he called for constant vigilance
"to prevent raids by those who
would selfishly exploit our com-
mon heritage for their private
Such raids on our natural re-
sources," he declared, "are not
examples of enterprise and initia-
tive. They are attempts to take
from all the people for the bene-
fit of the few."

Irish Defeat
In Grid Battle
Livingstone Runs
92 Yards in Rout
By The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES, Dec. 6 - The
mighty Irish of Notre Dame sub-
dued and then thrashed Southern
California 38 to 7 today, winding
up a perfect 1947 grid campaign
and staking a commanding claim
as the top college football team in
the nation.
Amazing a packed crowd of
104,953, the largest attendance at
a college game this year, the Irish
got off to an early 10-point lead.
In the second quarter Notre Dame
yielded a touchdown to the sur-
prisingly stubborn Trojans, and
then made a rout of this 19th
game in the series.
92-Yard Sprint
Emil Sitko, a squatty, 175-
pound halfback from Fort Wayne,
Ind., broke the Trojan back with
a 76-yard touchdown run, and his
running mate, Bob Livingstone,
from Hammond, Ind., really
dashed the Troys' hopes with a 92-
yard sprint.
Running the team with the
mastery of his All-America status
was Quarterback Johnny Lujack,
and knocking down a stout but
outmanned Trojan line, was
Frank Leahy's beefier, heavier
Registering their ninth straight
victory of the year, and running
their unbeaten streak - dating
from the tail end of the 1945 sea-
son-to 18 victories, the awesome
Irish .hit the scoreboard with five
touchdowns and one field goal.
Early Field Goal
Place kicking spcialist Fred Ear-
ley started the Irish scoring five
minutes after the game began
with a field goal from the 13-yard
line, and went on to convert after
each touchdown for a perfect
The margin of the triumph was
the largest ii the history of th
series, begun in 1926 during the
days of Knute Rockne and How-
ard Jones. The nearest to today's
See IRISH, Page 7
Round- Up
By The Associated Press
NORMAN, Okla., Dec. 6-A 45-
year-old Texas housewife tonight
won approximately $20,000 worth
of prizes, said to be the highest
award ever made on a radio pro-
gram, for naming dancer Martha
Graham as "Miss Hush" of 1947.
United Nations Special Com-
mittee on the Balkansdecided
today to establish groups of o-
servers along the northern
frontiers of Greece as soon as
U.S. Immigration and Naturaliza-
tion Service tonight disclosed it is
setting up regulations "to keep a
closer watch over all aliens now
in the United States."
OAK RIDGE, Tenn., Dec. 6-
Threatened by a strike Tuesday
midnight of some 3,000 produc-
tion workers at the huge gase-
ous diffusion atomic process

plant here, officials of the Car-
bide and Carbon Chemicals
Corp. and union representa-
tives ended a five-hour negotia-
tions meeting tonight and pre-
pared to meet again tomorrow.
* * *
CHICAGO, Dec. 6-The U. S.
Secret Service today announced it
had smashed a gang of counter-
feiters which it described as the
largest bogus money ring to oper-
ate here since 1934.

Alleging that the pickets had
prevented him from getting out of
his car, a somewhat intoxicated
driver yesterday sought to inter-
fere with a student picket line
outside a local barbershop.
The attempt to molest the pick-
ets was the first incident of this
kind since IRA began picketing

gasic Society l
Students Will
Give Mikado'
Two PerformrDatces
Planned for Operetta
The immortal characters of Gil-
bert and Sullivan's "Mikado" will
be brought to life by an all-stu-
dent cast at 8:30 p.m. Wednesday
and Thursday, when the famed
operetta goes before the footlights
of Pattengill Auditorium in the
Ann Arbor High School.
Produced by the University of
Michigan Gilbert and Sullivan So-
ciety, the production is under the
direction of Prof. Harry S. Allen
of the architecture school and will
be conducted by Rex Wilder, ofj
the school of music.
Famous Arias
Arias like "A W-8ndering Min-
strel I," "Willow-tit-willow" and
"Three Little Maids from School"
have bccome increasingly familiar
to everyone in the League and
Union as the rehearsal pace grows
more and more intensive.
The almost legendary musical
satire on officials in general, and
the Japanes government in par-
ticular boa:'ts many fine leading
voices. Experienced performers
fill every role from the Mikado
himself, played by Lester McCal-
lum, a singing M.D. from Mont-
real, to the lucious and vivacious
Yum-Yum, played by Ann Schu-'
bring, who sang a lead in Carmen
this summer.
Special Costumes
Besides the eight principal leads,
the "Mikado" also features a 40-
voice chorus and a 25-piece special
symphony orchestra. All the color
of the ancient Palace of Titipu
and Ko-Ko's gardens have been
reproduced in sets designed and
built by Bill Allison and his stage
crew. Special costumes have ar-
rived from New York and are get-
ting last minute fittings.
Ticket sales for the "Mikado"
continue daily through Wednes-
day outside Rm. 2, University,

BARBERSHOP BRIGADE-Despite a one-man attempt to dis-
rupt their efforts, these pickets yesterday, for the third straight
day, maintained a four-hour picket line outside four local barber-
Drunk Arrested forTryingto
Molest Barbershop PWickets

local barbershops which discrimi-
nate against Negroes.
Offender Arrested
Police picked up the offender, a
Lansing resident, soon after the
attack. He was released, how-
ever, when Ed Shaffer and Bill
Carter, the two pickets accosted,
decided not to issue a complaint.
Shaffer, who was accosted first,
stated that he was taking pictures
of the picket line, when the man
approached him.
Loudly accusing them of being
"niggerlovers," the man tried to
demolish their signs, Shaffer said.
He also tried to goad the pickets
into violence, but no blows were
exchanged, according to Shaffer.
Test Case
Meanwhile, Lee Salk, educa-
tional director of IRA declared
that the Lawyers' Guild has com-
pleted drawing up a brief for a
test case, and announced that
court action would be brought
early this week against one of the
local barbershops which discrimi-
nate against Negroes.
Salk stated that IRA has sent a
letter to the national office of the
NAACP asking its assistance in
fighting the case. The local
prosecuting attorney hasagreed
to prosecute the case, however, if
one should arise, Salk added.
Barbershops will not be picketed
today, because they are always
closed on Sunday and picketing
would therefore be ineffective, he
'U' Mn ill
Give Concert
Masterpieces by Mozart,
Brahms, and Beethoven will make
up the program to be offered at
8:30 p.m. today in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre by a faculty en-
semble of Prof. Gilbert Ross, Prof.
Oliver Edel and Prof. Joseph
The Trio in E major, K. 542
which will open the concert was
written by Mozart just prior to his
three great symphonies. It is con-
sidered the greatest trio composed
by Mozart for piano, violin, and
The program will continue with
the Trio in C major, Op. 87, one
of the 19th century chamber
music works by Brahms, who is
considered outstanding in this
kind of music.
The "Ghost" trio, one of the
most unusual of Beethoven's com-
positions will close the program.
The work in D major, numbered
Op. 70, No. 1, received its nick-

Communist -Led
Workers in Italy
Premier De easperi Asked To Act
On Ultinia tint Within Three Days
By The Associated Press
ROME, Dec. 6-Communist-led workers in Rome tonight de-
manded "unemployment relief" and gave the harassed government of
Premier Alcide De Gasperi just three days to comply with their
A workers committee, estimated by the Communists to represent
300,000 people in the city and province, also told the national gov-
ernment it would have to punish police who fired on demonstrators
during rioting last night at the capital's gates. The ultimatum carried
the implied threat of a general

strike if the demands are not met.
Worker Killed
Although the police themselves
had been fired upon in the dis-
orders at Primavalle, a suburban
slum, the newly-organized Roman
workers' high command described
the action of the law enforce-
ment officers as "bestial brutality"
and declared:
"The sub-machine guns of the
government of plutocrats have
struck men, women and children
Partisan Congress
One worker was killed at Prima-
valle, where the demonstrators
had built paving-block barricades
and shouted demands for employ-
ment on public works. Several
demonstrators and police were
wounded, one police lieutenant be-
ing seriously injured.
The attempt of leftist-controlled
workers in the capital to dictate
to De Gasperi's government came
as 1,400 partisans from all sec-
tions of Italy assembled here in a
national congress to determine
their stand in "the present Italian
political situation."
French Labor
Violence Nears
Peaceful .end
PARIS, Dec 6-(/P)-France's
labor crisis appeared on the way
to solution tonight as the govern-
ment announced its intention of
working out an economic policy
to give strikers partial satisfaction
and union leaders showed a will-
ingness to negotiate.
There were no new cases of im-
portant violence, which on several
occasions reached proportions of
near anarchy in several cities this
Workers streamed back to their
jobs after being on strike in some
cases more than three weeks, The
five-day week "token" strikeof
public service employes which be-
gan yesterday was showing only
partial success. Many locals com-
pletely ignored the call.
Labor Minister Daniel Mayer
received representatives of the an-
ti-Communist labor minority, re-
portedly to begin negotiations th
get the remaining strikers back te
their jobs so government, labor
and employer representative
could start on a wage-price policy
which would be intended to last
until next June,
The French parliament com-
pleted legislative approval early
this morning of a drastic strike-
control law which was immedi-
ately sent to Auriol for final signa-
Jewish warfare in Palestine
The law gave the government
strong powers to protest the right
to work of non-strikers and pun-
ish agitation for a strike or sabo-
tage of machinery and equipment.
Seats on Sale
For Messiah'
Tickets for "The Messiah,' the
University Musical Society's an-
nual Christmas offering to be
given at 8:30 p.m. Saturday and
2:30 p.m. Sunday in Hill Audito-
rium, may be obtained at the
Musical Society offices in Burton
Memorial Tower.
The production features Fran-
cish eend, soprano; Mary Van
Kirk, contralto; Harold Haugh,
tenor; and Mark Lve, bass, in the
solo roles.
Miss Van Kirk and Haugh are
making return visits to Ann Ar-

Big Four Hits
Snag on Soviet
War Claims
Ten Billion Aked
From Germany
LONDON, Dec. 6-(A)-A frus-
trated, irritated Council of For-
cign Ministers tonight appeared
deadlocked on the same Soviet de-
mand that wrecked the Moscow
Conference - $10,000,000,000 in
reparations from Germany.
In a fruitless two-hour session
today, official observers reported
the three Western ministers lined
up against Soviet Foreign Minis-
ter Molotov in an argument over
economic principles for Germany
that wrung from French Foreign
Minister Bidault the comment:
"We seem to be going around in
circles-a process which tends to
make one sick."
Reparations Claims
In three general papers submit-
ted by Molotov, however, it was
made clear that before agreeing
to any basic economic principles
for a peace treaty, the Soviet Un-
ion would demand fulfillment of
her reparations claim.
These reparations claims have
been bluntly refused by Britain
and America on the grounds that
destitute Germany cannot pay
them and any such payment could
only come from American and
British taxpayers in the long run.
Industrial Level
Furthermore, since the Moscow
Conference the United States and
Britain have established a level
of industry for Western Germany
which allows no reparations from
current production and told the
German people there would be no
further reparations claims, after
removal of specified factories.
Thus the Soviet demand - in
Western eyes-is completely im-
possible of fulfillment.
Reuther Seeks
a e Boosts
Claimed Price Index
Need Not Be Hiked
MILWAUKEE, Dec. 6- (/P)-
President Walter P. Reuther of
the CIO United Automobile Work-
ers declared today industry could
increase its total wage and salary
bill 20 per cent "without one
penny increase in the price index
of our economy."
Addressing the Wisconsin CIO
convention, Reuther declared he
was basing his figures on estimat-
ed earnings by industry this year
of $29,000,000,000 before taxes or
$17,500,000,000 after taxes.
He said "we still prefer price
cuts (to wage increases) but Con-
gress in the past three weeks and
the National Association of Man-
ufacturers now in session in New
York, have made it clear that we
are not going to get any relief
In liep of the wage boost, Reu-
ther said industry could cut prices
nine per cent across the board and
still make $8,800,000,000 in 1947
which would represent the largest
annual profit ever made by in-
dustry before the war, the UAW
leader said.
Ref und on Rose Bowl

name from the
ond movement.

nature of the sec-

wo Years o Student Leis ature Action Reviewed

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third
in a series of interpretative articles
on the Student Legislature as a re-
port to the student body on problems
and faults encountered in student
government on this campus.)
'"... TAinfTrT CQrLt'n a.

on curricular problems were also
set goals.
Constitutionally, the body was
bound to coordinate campus ac-
tivities and to supervise elections.

prepared by the Legislature, test-
ed in psychology courses, called
"insufficiently polished" and
turned over to a committee for
further improvements. It rests
there today. The committee re-

1. Wasted time at Legislature
meetings. At one meeting of the
Legislature last spring, members
spent 45 minutes discussing the
virtues of a card, flowers or a




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