PAGE 00) T H E MICH-IGAN DAILY- SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1947 ... ..... ....... Fifty-Eighth Year 1 MATTER OF FACT: Palestin~ePartition DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Letters to 'the Editor ... Edited and managed by students of the Unl- tersity of Michigan under the authority of the Board' in Control of Student Publications. John Campbell ...................Managing Editor Nn cy Helmick.................General Manager Clyde Rteht........................City Editor Jeanne Swendeman......... Advertising Manager Stuart Finlayson ................Editorial Director Edwin Schneider...............inance Manager Lida .Dales.....................Associate Editor Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor ick Kraus.......................Sports Editor Sob ent................Associate Sports Editor Joyce Johnson.................Women's Editor Betty Steward...........Associate Women's Editor Joan de Carvajal..................Library Director Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager Telephone 23-24-1 Member of The Associated Press The Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to the use for re-publication of all news dispatches credited to it or otherwise credited in this news- paper. All rights of re-publication of all other matters herein also reserved. .Entered at the Post Officemat Ann Arbor, Mich- igan, as second class mal matter. Subscription during the regular school year by ca rier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00. Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48 Editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff and represent the views of the writers only. NIGHT EDITOR: FRED SCHOTT Mnmortes REAKING DOWN racial prejudice by education sounds sweet and innocent, but in reality it amounts to making racial miinorities doormats for the majority to tread upon. The process of Negroes earning equality through "working out harmonious relation- ships" with whites, as proposed in a Letter to the Editor, has been a one-sided affair and has resulted only in further prostitu- tion of Negro personal rights and freedoms. Many earnest and well-meaning Negroes on campus act almost servile in their ttitude toward whites. They hope to illus- trate how "cheerful, cooperative, and friendly," Negroes are-and in so doing, break down the racial barrier. They are sacrificing all their personal customs and viewpoints in a super-colossal attempt to gain a pseudo-freedom. These Negroes, who follow the principles the letter outlines, gain only a passive suc- cess based on avoiding the creation of inci- dents that might possibly lead to an act of discrimination. The extent to which they must go culminates in a pathetic subjuga- tion of themselves. "Operation Haircut" is an attempt to reduce the forces of discrimination by straight-forward methods based on the laws of Michigan and the fundamental rights of racial freedom inherent in our democratic society. Picketing discriminatory barber shops will draw needed attention to the racial issue in a way compatible with the respect Ne- groes justly deserve. --Craig H. Wilson. Leiersli IT'S HIGH TIME the responsible and truly representative groups of our student body went into action to prevent IRA from wreck- ing their own chances of reaching a just and equitable solution of the present bar- ber shop issue. Let's admit it took the howling of IRA to open the eyes of the student body to the flagrant discrimination that is being practiced. While it is a sad and sorry -com- mentary on our own complacency, give them credit for having the gumption to get out, show their colors, and make their point. BUT THEIR POINT HAS BEEN MADE- with the first day of picketing IRA reach- ed its zenith and every picket mile it has marched since then has done nothing but build up antipathy against the movement itself instead of winning support for its underlying principles. The Student Legislature, congress of the student body, has gone on record as favoring the principle of "Operation Haircut" but not its method. The Legis- lature should go further, it should take upon its shoulders the solution of the problem and prevent IRA's picketing and rash short-sightedness from running the whole movement into the ground. The Legislature should organize a com- mittee of representatives of every group on campus - independents, dorm residents, affiliated students, AVC, SRA, IRA - EV- By STEWART ALSOP HE DRAMATIC DECISION in the Uni- ted Nations to partition tiny Palestine into Jewish and Arab states was a begin- ning and not an end. No man can pretend to see in detail where that beginning may lead. What follows is an attempt to sum- marize the conflicting forecasts of the gen- eral shape of Palestine's future by two ob- servers thoroughly qualified to speak. The first forecast is that of a Zionist, a native of Palestine, and one of the most brilliant of the leaders of the Jewish Agency, which will form the heart of the new Jewish gov- ernment. The second is that of an expert on the Middle East, no Zionist, who has de- voted much of his life to a study of the strange complex pattern of Middle Eastern politics. Both are agreed on at least one point - before ',here is peace in the Holy Land, there will be more bloodshed. The Zionist agrees that there may even be bloodshed within the Jewish community itslf, since he does not entirely rule out the possibility of a xi olent bid for power by the Right -Wing terrorist groups. Yet he believes that the Jewish Agency's military arm, the Haganah, can easily deal with any such attempt. And he is confident that by the time the Jewish state is due to come into official existence, the Jewish government will already be a going concern, probably under the leader- ship of the wise and aging Chaim Weizmann. The real threat to that government's continued existence will come of course, from the large Arab minority within the Jewish state, from the new Arab state which the United Nations has brought into existence, and from the surrounding Arab nations. The Zionist leader believes that King Abdulla of Transjordan will almost certainly gain control of the Arab fragment of Palestine. He reports that the British and American governments, and the Jewish Agency as well, have quiet- ly let Abdulla know that his ambitions to add the Arab area to his own some- what sleazy kingdom will not be viewed with disfavour. Under any circumstances, there is little to stand in Abdulla's way, since he has the -only really effective armed force in the Middle East, in the army trained by the fabulous British sol- dier of fortune, Glubb Pasha. Because of these ambitions, Abdulla has been notably less fanatical about partition than the leaders of other Arab states. Yet even with Abdulla in control of Arab Pales- tine, there will be no real peace. This is underlined by the fact that Abdulla's chief henchman in Arab Palestine, Toukan, the mayor of the large Arab town of Nablus, has already declared a "jihad," or holy war, against the Jews. Yet the Zionist leader is confident that there will be no massive, or- ganized assault on the new Jewish state. Arab action will, rather, be confined to bloody sporadic raids on Jewish settlements, which the Zionist leader expects to start almost immediately. He is confident that the Haganah can deal with these attacks. The Haganah is now being expanded and reorganized to form a really effective striking force. If the worst comes to the worst, the Zion- ist believes that a spectacular counter- move by the Haganah, for which tenta- tive plans are even now being laid, will silence the Arabs. The Haganah has al- ready done something of the kind, when Arab attacks against the Jews started last summer. The Haganah immediately put to death eleven Arabs, including the ringleaders of the disorders, and the at- tacks ceased immediately. Some such de- IT SO HAPPENS ... The Eternal Answer A FRIEND of ours went into a local, pick- eted barber shop the other day to get the good word first hand from a barber. ] Selecting an elderly, "understanding" looking barber, the friend asked him what he thought of the pickets. The barber, after looking suspiciously around him, beckoned our friend to step nearer. Then with the "my boy" attitude firmly established, he whispered to him: "I see in the paper that Russia has started an investigation of the racial question in America. Ain't it kinda funny that this picketing business came up at the same time the Russian investigation did? Communists, son, Communists." *' * * Try Perry Mason IT LOOKS LIKE best-selling authors don't cut any ice in the University's English de- partment. There's a story going around about a stu- dent who submitted an essay by Somerset Maugham as a book review in his English class.a He got a B--. termined counter-move on a far larger scale, the Zionist leader believes, will have the same result. Then the Jews will be able to turn to the task of peacably building their new nation. That is a Zionist forecast of what lies ahead for the new state. The non-Zionist Middle Eastern expert considers this fore- cast vastly optimistic. He agrees that an organized Arab military assault on the Jew- ish 3tate is unlikely. But he believes that the ferocious resentment against partition in the whole Arab world is vastly under- estimated in the United States. He is cer- tain that the United Nations Palestine Com- mission will be confronted with growing chaos from the day of its arrival. Sooner or later the commission will be forced to report back to The Security Council that the situation is wholly out of hand, and that the partition of Palestine can only be im- posed by armed force. And what, he asks, happens then? He is convinced, like most observers of events in the Middle East, that the Soviet Union is determined eventually to control this rich strategic area. He believes that the chaos which lies ahead will present the Soviet Union with its greatest op- portunity to fish in the troubled Middle Eastern waters. Already there have been reports that the Soviets have been play- ing both ends against the middle, supply- ing the Arabs with arms, and infiltrating agents into Jewish Palestine from Ru- mania. If troops are to go to Palestine, Soviet troops will go too. And there is little doubt that the Soviet contingent would consist of a very special type of soldier. It was for such reasons that one group in the State Department has fought the United Nations settlement. Only time will tell which of these pro- jections of the future of tragic Palestine is the more accurate. One thing is certain - there is more trouble ahead. The only ques- tion is, how much trouble, and for how long? (Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune) T a 'Days CAMPUS TAG DAY drives are commend- able projects. Those students who sacri- fice their time and efforts to help unknown, unseen beneficiaries can not be accorded too much praise. One particular*phase of the procedure of these campaigns, is, however, not only irri- tating to the individual contributor, but to the drive as a whole. This phase is the "tag" idea of tag days, which could be dispensed with. The psychology behind tags makes giv- ing unpleasant for the contributor and "not giving" disagreeable for the person who, for reasons of his own, does not wish to give. The individual who does not shell out is tagged as a non-contributor by the absence of. a tag as much as the person who has given is tagged as a contributor. There is undeniably a shame that ac- companies uncharitableness, no matter how it can be rationalized. This shame is aggres- sively, sometimes even rudely, exploited by the solicitors. The student who wears no tag is singled out from among his more generous companions and "high-pressured" into a reluctant contribution. Thus he is forced to go along with the crowd, to dis. play one more sign that says, in effect, "I gave, did you?-you cheapskate?" Because there is a feeling of having been forced'into a contribution, or a sense of forcing others into charity, the fun of giving is partially destroyed. Tagless Tag Days, days on which students could drop their contributions in the buckets and walk away with the inward pride that is the essence of giving, would bring gratify- ing and surprising results to many a worthy organization. University students are emotionally and intellectually above displaying their gen- erosity on their lapels. -George L. Walker, IN DECIDING to fire 10 alleged Commun- ists who refused to discuss their political views with the House Committee on Un- American Activities, the leaders of the movie industry have injured the cause of civil liberties. The plain truth is that the film moguls caved in to the intimidation and hysteria against which they themselves weakly pro- test. They handed J. Parnell Thomas a victory and a vindication for the tactics of his committee. In the same statement which announced a blacklist of the 10 accused Communists the movie moguls said: "Nothing subversive or un-American has appeared on the screen." If that is true, as we believe, then it must also be true that no Communist in the in- dustry poisoned the films with subversive propaganda. In other words, the 10 alleged Communists are being fired not for anything they did, but for the political opinions they are believed to hold. -The Chicago Sun Publication in The Daily Official Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Notics1 for the Bulletin should be sent in typewritten form to the office of the Assistant to the President, Room 1021 Angel Hall, by 3:00 p.m. on the day preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat-f urdays). Notices SATURDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1947 VOL. LVIII, No. 64 Faculty Tea: President and Mrs. Ruthven will be at home to mem- bers of the faculty and other townspeople on Sunday, Dec. 7, from 4 to 6 o'clock. Cars may park in the restricted zone on South University between 4 and 6:30 o'clock. The campus flag is at half staff because of the death on Decem- ber 5 of Arthur G. Canfield, Pro- fessor Emeritus of Romance Lan- guages and Literatures. Ilerbert G. Watkins, Secretary University Senate Meeting: Monday, Dec. 8, 4:15 p.m., Rack- ham Lecture Hall. Return of borrowed equipment: Will the faculty members who borrowed the Audio-Visual Edu- cation Center's portable screen and phono-transcription player please return them. to North Hall immediately. Women students not living in dormitories who wish to remain in Ann Arbor during Christmas va- cation may make housing ar- rangements through the Office of the Dean of Women. Bureau of Appointments and Occupational Information, 201 Mason Hall. The Atlantic Refining Com- pany, Dallas, Texas, will have two representatives here on Monday and Tuesday, Dec. 8 and 9, to in- terview February graduates in the fields of geology, chemical en- gineering, civil engineering, me- chanical engineering, and gradu- ate physics. Swift and Company, Chicago, will interview here on Wednesday, Dec. 10, for the following open- ings: Sales positions; design work for architectural, civil, and electrical engineers; time and production work; and general office work (in- cluding credit).. Proctor and Gamble Company will be here on Thursday, Dec. 11, to interview men graduating in February for sales positions. The City of Detroit Civil Serv- ice Commission announces exami- nation for position of Playleader, male or female, on Dec. 30. Filing period, Nov. 25 to Dec. 23. For in- formation call at the Bureau of Appointments. Academic Notices Correction: Make-up eaminations for transfer students in the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, and the School of Education. Session one, 8 a.m.-12 noon, Sat., Dec. 6, Rackham Amphitheatre. This is a required University ex- amination for all students who transferred from anotier college or university and who have more than thirty credit-hours. Session two, 8 a.m.-12 noon, Sat., Dec. 13, Rackham Amphi- theatre. Concerts The University Musical Society will present the BOSTON SYM- PHONY ORCHESTRA, SERGE KOUSSEVITZKY, Conductor, in the sixth concert in the Choral Union Series, Mon., Dec. 8, 8:30 p:m., Hill Auditorium. Program: Mozart's Divertimento Si B-flat major for Strings and Two Horns; Ravel's "Daphnis et Chloe" Suite No. 2; and Berlioz' "Harold in Italy" Symphony with Viola Solo. Faculty Concert: Sun., Dec. 7, 8:30 p.m., Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre, Gilbert Ross, Violinist, Oliver. Edel, Cellist, and Joseph Brinkman, Pianist. Compositions by Mozart, Brahms, and Beeth- oven. Open to the public. Exhibitions Museum of Art: AMERICAN ABSTRACT ARTISTS, through December 21; PRINTS BY LA- SANSKY AND THE IOWA PRINT GROUP, through Decem- ber 28. Alumni Memorial Hall: Daily, except Monday, 10-12 and 2-5; Sunday, 2-5; Wednesday eve- nings, 7-9. The public is invited. Events Today U. of M. Flying Club: Air Meet with Michigan State College at Ann Arbor Airport, 12:30 p.m. Banquet at Smith's Catering, 834 Greene St.. 5:45 p.m. Note change in time of banquet. Art Cinema League and Campus AVC present widely acclaimed first-run film, "SHOE SHINE." English titles. Sat., 8:30 p.m. Also short film, "One World or None." Phone 4121, Ext. 479 Hill Audito- rium. Wesleyan Guild: "Fiesta Mexi- cana." 8 to 12 midnight, Wesley Lounge, featuring exhibition dances, Spanish barbecues, and movies taken in Mexico. Guild members and their friends are in- vited. Coming Events Gilbert and Sullivan: "Mikado" Orchestra Rehearsals. All orches- tra members will have rehearsals as follows: Sun., Dec. 7, 2:30 p.m.. Michigan Union; Mon.. Dec. 8, 4 p.m., and Tues., Dec. 9, 7 p.m., Pattengill Auditorium, Ann Arbor High School. Druids: Into Druids Loft next Sunday dusk will come the sage Druids to meditate, moan, mess, migrate. Communion Breakfast: The Newman Club will sponsor a Com- munion Breakfast on Sun., Dec. 7, after 9:30 mass in the Clubrooms at St. Mary's Chapel. Dr. Louise Cuyler of the Music School will speak on the subject "The Red Cross in the South Pacific." Tick- ets may be purhased in the Clubrooms any time before Sun- day and after 8:00 and 9:30 mass Sunday. Christmas Candlelight Service presented by members of Alpha chapter of Sigma Alpha Iota, Na- tional Professional Music Frater- nity for Women, Sun., Dec. 7, 7:15 p.m., First Methodist Church. Pro- gram: Christmas music by vocal and instrumental soloists and the Sigma Alpha Iota Chorus. The public is invited. Art Cinema League and the IRA present Paul Robson in NATIVE LAND, plus "Americans All," a short, telling how the city of Springfield fought discrimination. Sun. and Mon., Dec. 7 and 8, 8:30 p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Tickets on sale at University Hall, 10-12 noon and 1-4 p.m. beginning Wed- nesday. Pi Lambda Theta: 8 p.m., Tues., Dec. 9, East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. Mr. E. B. Power will speak on "The Educational Aspects of Microfilm." Alpha Kappa Psi, Professional Business Fraternity: 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 8, Chapter House. Ern- est Darnell, Chief Engineer of King Seeley Corp. will be the speaker. This meeting is for pledges and members. Alpha Kappa Delta: The last in the series "Current Research in the Social Sciences" sponsored by Alpha Kappa Delta, honorary so- ciological fraternity, will feature Daniel Katz Program director in Survey Research Center. Subject: "A program for the Study of Group Morale," Mon., Dec. 8, 4 p.m. East Conference Room, Rackham Bldg. A.Ph.A., Student Branch group picture for the 'Ensian will be tak- en Tues., Dec. 9, 7:30 p.m., Rm. 318, Michigan Union. Latin American Society will not meet Sun., Dec. 7, as scheduled. I.Z.F.A. presents "What next in Palestine" by Ahura Ben Brith, National Field Worker, to be fol- lowed by Hannkah Program with Yona Yoshpe and Song and Dance Group. Sunday 7:00 p.m. Hillel Foundation. "Cornedbeef Corners" of the B'nai B'rith Hillel Foundation will be open from 8 to 10 p.m., Sun. This service of preparing sand- wiches and beverages is offered weekly. All students are invited. Seminar: Rabbi Herschel Ly- mon will lead his weekly seminar on "The Jewish Personality as Reflected in Modern Literature," 4:15 p.m., Tues., B'nai B'rith Hil- lel Foundation. "Wasteland," by Jo Sinclair, will be discusses. All are invited. Club Europa: Invitation for to- morrow postponed until Sunday, Dec. 14, at the same time. EDITOI'S NOTE: Because The Daily prints every letter to the editor re- ceived (which is signed, 300 words or less in length, and in good taste) we remind our readers that the views expressed in letters are those of the writers only. Letters of more than 300 words are shortened, printed or omitted at the discretion of the edi- torial director. ' * * Misinformation To the Editor: I WOULD LIKE to thank Mr. Harold Jackson, Jr., for his Thursday's editorial entitled "Haircut Heresy." By glaringly displaying his misinformation of facts, hie has done more to aid "Operation Haircut" than he can perhaps imagine. He states that IRA has used too much coercion and emotion in the campaign, and really hasn't given the poor, har- assed barbers a fair chance. For your benefit, Jackson, we have been dealing with the bar- bers for well over 15 months. We have sought every peaceful, sane, rational way to compromise the situation. We have repeatedly asked the barbers to meet with representative campus groups. They have repeatedly refused. Last April I was virtually thrown out of one shop physically-not be- cause I wanted a haircut, but be- cause I was sent there by one of the barbers to ar'ange with the president of the Association (Joe Kneiper) for a meeting with cam- pus groups. John Q. Student never heard about the incident because we were still working behind the scenes, trying to keep the emo- tional elements out. Where were you, Jackson, when last spring's Daily survey revealed how cate- gorically the barbers had thwart- ed our every "peaceful" effort? Perhaps you are a freshman and were still in high school. If youi' reasoning faculties and ability to gather and report correct infor- mation haven't improved by this time next year, I strongly recom- mend that you go back! In one breath you tell us that it is perhaps your prejudices which make you human. In the next that by processes of reason "these prejudices wear away slow- ly." All of this, by your own logic, would eventually make you inhu- man due to the loss of your prej- udices. I am sure there is an opening for you in one of the beginning philosophy courses. You mention the possibility of our method doing more harm than good. More harm to whom? How many Negroes, Jackson, do you know intimately? How ,many of these can you truthfully say are afraid of their plight being worse because they have enough back- bone to stand up and demand what is rightfully theirs? Perhaps picketing and widespread publicity are ineffective means, but we can afford to be wrong. Our civiliza- tion is built on corrected mistakes. Someone had to make a beginning and beginnings are still being made. This much I know, we over- come fear only by being afraid and discovering that there is noth- ing to fear. -Carroll Little, Former President, IRA. * * * Discrimination To the Editor: W E, THE MEMBERS of Zeta Tau Alpha oppose the dis- crimination against Negroes in the barber shops. -Pat Henry, President. Aptitude Tests To the Editor: RECENTLY, five or six hundred students enjoyed the privilege of taking the Graduate Aptitude Examination. For this privilege they freely donated a total of over $1,000 and more than 2,000 hours of their valuable time. Many of us are wondering just why the University ever passed Rule No. G47 (or however it is designated in the long list of use- less regulations the University has acquired during the years). Clear- ly, the test is of no value to the student since he cares little how complete his knowledge is in those fields totally unrelated to his major field of interest. On the other hand, he undoubtedly found the questions on topics related to his field of study close to child- ish. If the scores on these tests are of no value to the students, it is logical to suppose that the Grad- uate School has a use for them. In the past years, the Graduate Record Examination, which in- cludes a specialized test in each student's major field of study, has been required of all graduate stu- dents. The scores were only used, however, when there was some question about the student's abil- ity to continue in graduate work. But the test given that night did not cover more than the elemen- tary aspects of any field and so does not give any indication of a student's ability to complete ad- vanced work. Thus, it seems that the Univer- sity Rule No. G47 has as its sole purpose the wasting of the time of a large number of serious stu- dents; students who in many cases do not feel that they do not have the time to attend concerts or movies or to follow the comic strips-all of which were consid- ered, for the purpose of the test. as a part of an education in the fine arts. Very likely the psychology de- partment will get a lot of data and someone will get his doctor's de- gree for analyzing the survey, which was financed by forcing 500 graduate students to pay two dol- lars each for the privilege of hav- ing their minds included in the survey. Arthur C. Downing, Jr. Union Food To the Editor: EATING FACILITIES at the Michigan Union are a dis- grace to the University. Male stu- dents are not receiving good food at the Union cafeteria. What is the explanation? It is an accepted fact that the League cafeteria has good food at reasonable prices. It is apparent that there exists a material dis- crepancy between the manage- ment of the League cafeteria and the Union cafeteria. Is the Union responsible for negligence in this matter? The policy and management of the Union cafeteria should be in- vestigated. The responsibility for this investigation lies with the Student Legislature. -Al Busch. Lyle Stewart. * * * ChristmasGifts To the Editor: THE ORDINARY commercial ex- change of presents with rela- tives and friends this Christmas season somehow seems a bit in- appropriate, as Murray Franklin pomnted out in a recent issue of The Daily. I'd like to second his sugges- tion that, instead of giving pres- ents this year, food packages be sent to Europe in the name of a friend or relative to whom the gift might have gone in better times. This sort of giving seems to fit better this Christmas. The most efficient and reliable, not to say economical, way of sending food to Europe through CARE, Inc. (Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe), a government-approved agency. Deliveries are guaranteed to 15 European countries on both sides of the "Iron Curtain" and you may indicate the recipient or leave that to CARE. In any case, the person in whose name the parcel is sent will receive a written ac- knowledgement.from the recipient. Now the beauty of all this is that (a) these parcels are expertly de- signed to meet the food require- ments of each individual country (the contents are different for Great Britain and Poland, for ex- ample, because of the different food situations in these countries) and (b) the parcels are mostly already in Europe, eliminating transportation costs. A check or money order for $10 made out to CARE and sent to CARE, Inc., New York, will do the trick. I've tried the CARE treatment and it gives you a nice feeling just before you fall asleep. Maybe a little different than other Christ- mases, but then this is a different kind of Christmas, isn't it? Incidentally, I have some more specific information on CARE for those who may be interested in special parcels, such as baby food and clothing and will usually be found available at Extension 2237 from the University switchboard (4121). -Everett W. Bovar, Jr., Teaching fellow, psy- chology department. icycle iMet cce To the Editor: SPEAKING as a bicycle rider who has stored his vehicle for the winter, I believe bicycles should be banned from the cam- pus during the time when ice coats the campus walks. The conges- tion of sidewalks between build- ings when classes are dismissed converts skidding bicycles into po- tential leg breakers. Parking stands should be provided at the corners of campus to accommo- date cyclists who ride throughout the winter. The University regu- lations are especially stringent against automobile opcl'atiorl on and off campus and around cam- ki i BARNABY.. I