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September 27, 1947 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-09-27

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Fifty-Eighth Year


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Letters to the Editor...

Edited and managed by students of the Uni-
versity of Michigan under the authority of the
Board in Control of Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
John Campbell ...................Managing Editor
:lyde Recht.......... ....... ......City Editor
Suart Finayson .........E.ditoral Directo
Eunice Mintz ....................Associate Editor
Dick Kraus .................... .Sports Editor
:Bob Lent................ Associate Sports Editor
Joyce Johnson ................Women's Editor
Betty Steward ..........Associate Women's Editor
Business Stafff
Nancy Helmick ...................General Manager
Jeanne Swendeman ........ Advertising Manager
Edwin Schneider .................Finance Manager
Melvin Tick ..................Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to
the use for re-publication of all new dispatches
credited to it or otherwise credited in this news-
paper. All rights of re-publication of all other
matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Mich-
igan, as second class mail matter.
Subscription during the regular school year by
carrier, $5.00, by mail, $6.00.
Member, Assoc. Collegiate Press, 1947-48
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.


Boob Exchange
THE STUDENT Book Exchange, greatest
boon to the student purse since enact-
ment of the driving ban, faces extinction
these days on two counts: it's got to have
more personnel and it's got to find a place
to live.
On the first count, Manager Ken Bis-
sell says that "we get a lot of sympathy
but not much help." Student volunteers
arent's paid very much-those who have
Worked an average of six hours per day
for the past two weeks will get about
$15 apiece. Women, of course, get League
committee credits.
Hiring a full-time manager and paying
regular rates for help isn't the answer. Bis-
sell has.pointed out that such action would
mean increasing the present 10 per cent
expense-covering deduction to 15 or 20 per
cent, "and a higher profit percentage means
a lower appeal to students who have books
to sell."
The only answer, then, for dollar-wise
students who want to keep the Student
Book Exchange a going concern, is to
pitch in and help, if only for a few hours
per week.
On the second count, the Book Exchange
still hasn't found permanent quarters. The
Game Room of the League, where the Ex-
change has been located for three semes,
ters, is now needed for women's activities.
The Union offers space, but only for Orien-
tation Week and the first week of classes.
Well, -why not the Union? Under the
present permanent set-up the Book Ex-
change has a lot of problems that wouldn't
exist on a term-to-term basis. Right now,
the Exchange has a constantly growing stock
of books. More and more of them become
obsolete each semester. There is also the
problem of old student accounts. Students
leave books to be sold, graduate, depart from
the campus without bothering to pick up
their checks and unsold books, and pause
only now and then to write indignant let-
ters to the Book Exchange.
On a term-to-term basis, these prob-
lems would be nonexistent. Students could
leave books a tthe Exchange during Orien-
tation Week, buy them during that and
the following week, and close their ac-
counts at the end of the first week of
The problem of incontinuity of personnel
under such an arrangement could be solved
by making one of the Union officers man-
ager ex officio of the Student Book Ex-
change, and by forming a standing League
committee to run the Exchange.
-Arthur Higbee.
Mititary Trend
"For the first time in history, this nation
has more soldiers than teachers. Such a
ratio points toward open conflict."
Dr. George Willard Frasier, retiring presi-
dent of Colorado State College has raised a
voice of protest against the appointment of
Gen. Ike Eisenhower to run Columbia Uni-
Congress has shown that it will get into
high gear only on questions of military ap-
propriations, or a new plan of defense, or,
of course, the atom bomb. Forget lunch for
school-childrele-It' huild1 bettetnnks.

ROME-Exhausted by the dreary haggling,
terrified by the paralysis of his own
country, one of the leading American policy
makers remarked in Paris that "it might be
a good thing" if one of the great western
European nations were engulfed in the
Soviet tide. Such is the authentic, anxiously
discussed report here. The meaning of the
remark was that warnings were useless; only
the grim actuality of capture by the Soviets
of some vital part of the western world could
galvanize the United States into adequate
Italy is nearest, at the moment, to giving
this ordinarily calm and intelligent man
his somewhat despairing wish. Perhaps
he is right. Perhaps warnings are useless.
Nonetheless, before saying farewell to the
Italian situation, it will be well to try to
estimate in detail the price of Italy.
First, what will happen here? As indi-
The Golden Days
THE SMALL SIGNS accumulate to show
that the world is heading into one of
the worst food shortages it has ever known.
Even the weather (which was phenomenally
good during the war years, and gave us rec-
ord production with small manpower) seems
to be swinging over from a long favorable
cycle to an unfavorable one. Drought hit
Australia and South Africa soon after the
war ended; it struck Europe this year; and
American wheat farmers, according to the
Wall Street Journal, are now complaining
that they can't get their winter wheat start-
ed because the topsoil is "a mass of dust."
In the face of this danger we are showing
the same toneless unwillingness to act which
has marked our efforts
as regards food ever
since the war ended. It
is announced that be-
cause of the disappoint-
ing corn crop (another
warning that we can't
" depend on the weather)
stockmen are going to
feed much of our record
wheat crop to farm ani-
mals. There will thus
be less wheat to export.
This is accepted, with a pitying tsk! tisk!,
as if it were a fact of nature, like a flood
or an earthquake. But need we allow ani-
mals to chomp food that human beings will
die for want of?
Only Herbert Hoover has had the guts
to suggest the wheat be saved for human
use, but even he has put it, characteristical-
ly, on a voluntary basis. He seems to ex-
pect feed lot proprietors to plait ribbons
of white (for purity) into their hair, and
then go out to break the news to their pigs
and heifers that they are to be sacrificed
for the welfare of the world. It just doesn't
happen that way, and it is unfair to expect
Our current wheat surplus is the great-
est single resource against disaster the
western world has. A special session of
Congress could pass emergency measures
to hold and safeguard that surplus. But
at suggestions for such a session, the same
lack of style which has marked our pre-
vious efforts shows up again.
Mr. Clinton P. Anderson, our .Secretary
of Agriculture, who opposes rationing, says
a special session wouldn't help. He explains
gravely that one reason for food shortages
and high prices is that we are now eating
155 pounds of meat per year per person, as
compared with 130 pounds a few years ago.
But do we have to? It is like that explana-
tion about the livestock feeders using wheat
instead of corn. Gee, it's tough; you see,
fellows, we happen to be eating 155 pounds
of meat instead of 130; it's too bad. What
sort of explanation is that?
That we are pampering ourselves phy-
sically isn't the worst of it. The worst is

that we are pampering ourselves morally.
American conservatism has successfully
peddled the doctrine that controls are
evil; it has made almost a mystical article
of faith out of that belief. So deep does
this feeling go that we now seem quite
prepared to say, at least by implication,
that it is better for some to starve rather
than for one American stockman to be de-
prived of the right to fatten as many cat-
tle as he chooses. For whatever our voices
may say, our actions assert that we con-
sider it better to risk inflation at home
and disaster abroad than, to have controls.
This bit of economic dogma, which grew
out of the fight against Roosevelt, is now
supported with such vehemence that re-j
alistic considerations have little part in
the argument.
In a reasonable objective atmosphere thej
bland explanations offered above for not
using our food better would seem appalling;
that they are so casually accepted is evi-
dence of profound national confusion and
disarray, the by-products of our own in-
ternal bickering.
And that is the record of how we are
spending our time during the golden days
when it would still be possible to act against
what is going to happen in the world this
ronvri ht 1947 Ww York Pnst Corn

cated in previous reports, American aban-
donment of Italy in her present economic
plight will almost certainly bring in a Com-
munist dominated government in the spring.
Such a government will resemble the one
now installed in Hungary, with a few So-
cialists and other stooges included more for
show than use.
To be sure, the leader of the Communist-
linked Socialists, the worthy, but Wallace-
like Nenni, believes the Communists can be
"controlled." Many other Italians, unable
to imagine the misery and disorganization
of the winter that menaces them, doubt
whether their country can be dominated by
a political party acting for a foreign power.
But Yugoslavia is just across the border,
and obvious source of arms and aid. Ital-
ian Communist partisan units are already
in existence, available to be quickly trans-
formed into a secret police. As happened
in Germany, many of the remaining, pres-
ently uninfluential neo-Fascist elements
in the population will be available to be
purchased. And in the end, as any impar-
tial observer can foresee, Communists
controlling the government will again re-
duce the country to dictatorial rule.
In this event, a long sequence of results
will immediately ensue. Italy, first of all,
will retire behind the iron curtain. Her
markets will be closed, her goods denied to
the other nations of the West. Thus one
moe, very drastic step towards total eco-
nomic chaos will be taken. Second, in the
political sphere, the triumph of the Com-
munists in the very source-place of western
culture will have an electric effect all over
the rest of western Europe. Democrats and
Socialists everywhere, and especially in
France, will lose heart and courage. With
their already gigantic economic problems
also increased, their power to resist the
Communists in their own countries will be
weakened to the vanishing point. The Italian
Communist triumph, in short, will tend to
push over all the neighboring non-Com-
munist regimes. Once the tide has cut
across the sand bar, it will not be halted
until it has formed a vast lagoon.
Third, besides these obvious political
and economic probabilities, there is the
strategic certainty. Italy sticks down into
the center of the Mediterranean in such a
way that the Soviet Union, commanding
Italy, will command the Mediterranean to
east and west.
In the Italian balance, in truth, hang
Greece, Turkey, the Middle East with its
vital oil resources, North Africa and all that
these imply. These are what we passed the
Greek-Turkish aid bill to withhold from the
Soviet grip. These are the greatest strategic
prizes in the whole struggle between the
Soviet and Western systems. If these come
into Soviet hands, there will be no need to
make delicate political and economic calcu-
lations about Britain's and western Europe's
future. There will be no such future, until
the situation is reversed by war or otherwise.
And this, of course, is precisely the issue
that is at stake here in Italy and in western
Europe. Will it be peace or war? That is
the real question. If western Europe holds
firm now, and returns again to healthy life,
American foreign policy can be continued
without risk of war. If Italy and western
Europe fall before the Soviets, however, the
United States will have suffered a political,
strategic and diplomatic defeat of such
magnitude that the very independece of the
Western Hemisphere will hardly be main-
tained except by the most terrible of all
(Copyright, 1947, New York Herald Tribune)
0 Fashions and Freshmen

THIS YEAR'S freshman orientation pro-
gram had a profound effect upon one
freshman girl, at least the part about
freshmen not being allowed to step on the
great seal of the University embedded
in the sidewalk in front of the library.
For four days she has refused to even
tread on a manhole cover on campus be-
cause she's afraid the big M on each
one is symbolic of some hallowed legend
from the past.
AS REGARDING our freshmen, we heard
a story the other day about a coed who
had some trouble with one of the new wash-
ing machines in her dorm.
. It seems she turned on the water before
the door was closed and gave the floor
a good rinsing before a knowing upper-
classman lent a hand.
Then, indicating a pile of laundry on a
nearby table, she innocently asked, "Now
how do I put my clothes in, through the
little round hole in the top?"

Publication in The Daily Official
Bulletin is constructive notice to all
members of the University. Notices
for the Bulletin should be se t in
typewritten form to the office of the
Assistant to the President, Room 1021
Angeli Hall. by 3:00 p.m. on the day
preceding publication (11:00 a.m. Sat
SATURDAY, SEPT. 27, 1947
Sunday Library Service:
On all Sundays during the Fall
and Spring Terms except during
the holiday periods, and beginning
with October 5, the Main Reading
Room and the Periodical Room of
the General Library will be kept
open from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m.
Books from other parts of the
building which are needed for
Sunday use will be made available
in the Main Reading Room if re-
quests are made on Saturday of
an assistant in the reading room
where the books are usually
The Women's Judiciary Council,
consisting of three juniors and
three seniors, works in conjunc-
tion with the Office of the Dean
of Women to formulate house rules
and acts as a disciplinary board
in cases of infraction of house
All University women students
residing in organized undergradu-
ate houses, including graduate
students, must observe all house
rules. The same applies to guests
of residents.
Any student expecting to be out
of her house after 7:30 p.m. must
register the occasion and place,
and, if out of town, the complete
No local telephone calls may be
revived or sent after 11:00 p.m.
All local calls must be limited to
five minutes. No outgoing long
distance calls may be made after
11:00 p.m. without special ar-
rangement with the house presi-
dent or the house head. In case of
emergency, incoming long dis-
tance calls may be received after
11:00 p.m.
Quiet hours shall be fixed by
the individual houses, and their
enforcement shall be supervised
by the house president and the
Judiciary Council. Calling hours
for men are Monday through Fri-
day at 3:00 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday, the hours are decided by
the individual house.
Sunday, closing hour 11:00 p.m.
Guests must leave premises 11:00
Monday, closing hour 10:30 p.m.
Guests must leave premises 10:30
Tuesday, closing hour 10:30 p.m.
Guests must leave premises 10:30
Wednesday, closing hour 10:30
p.m. Guests must leave premises
10:30 p.m.
Thursday, closing hour 10:30
p.m. Guests must leave premises
10:30 p.m.
Friday, closing hour 12:30 a.m.
Guests must leave premises 12:25
Saturday, closing hours 12:30
a.m. Guests must leave premises
12:25 a.m.
Girls who attend the following
events must be in the house one-
half hour after their termination:
1. Parties that are late dances
by permission of Committee on
Student Affairs.
2. Choral Union Concerts and
May Festival Concerts.
3. Oratorical Association Lec-
4. Dramatic Season Plays.
5. Their own class functions,
which have been authorized by
University authorities.
6. Athletic events included in

the school schedule.
7. Play production, special lec-
tures, and functions in the Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
NOTE: Freshmen must attend
plays on week-end nights when
such plays run throughout the
Any student who finds that she
may be more than thirty minutes
late over any late permission shall
notify her house director of her
expected lateness and probable
time of return to the house.
Any girl who violates the house
rules and is brought before the Ju-
diciary Council may be placed on
social probation.
Office of the Dean of Women
Judiciary Council
Identification Pictures: All stu-
dents who did not have their
identification pictures taken dur-
ing registration, should come to
the Office of Student Affairs, Rm.
2, University Hall before Saturday
noon, Sept. 27, between the hours
of 9:30-10:00 in order to have
their pictures taken. No identifi-

cation pictures will be taken after
Sept. 27.
Identification Cards: Any stu-
dent may leave a stamped self-
addressed envelope in the office of
Student Affairs, Room 2 Univer-
sity Hall before Oct. 4, in order to
have his identification card
mailed to him,
Baby Sitters interested in put-
ting their names on the baby sit-
ters list may register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
Householders interested inuob-
taining baby sitters may inquire
at the Office of the Dean of Wom-
All Transfer .Students in the
College of Literature, Science, and
Arts who received yellow evalua-
tion sheets during registration
week must return them to 1209
Angell Hall by September 30.
Married Veterans of World War
II-University Terrace Apart-
ments and Veterans' Emergency
Housing Project.
Opportunity will be provided
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday,
October 1, 2, and 3 for students in
the above group to file applica-
tion for residence in the Univer-
sity Terrace Apartments and the
Veterans' Emergency Housing
At present there are no vacan-
cies in these apartments, but ap-
plications will be considered for
future vacancies.
Applications for residence in
these apartments will be consid-
ered according to the following
1. Only married veterans who
are at present registered in the
University may apply.
2. Only married veterans of
World War II may apply.
3. Only Michigan residents may
apply. (The Regents' definition of
a Michigan resident follows. "No
one shall be deemed a resident of
Michigan for the purpose of reg-
istration in the University unless
he or she has resided in this state
six months next preceding the
date of proposed enrollment.")
4. Veterans who have incurred
physical disability of a serious na-
ture will be given first consider-
ation. A written statement from
Dr. Forsythe of the University
Health Service concerning such
disability should be included in
the application.
5. Only students who have com-
pleted two terms in this Univer-
sity may apply. (Summer session
is considered as one-half term.)
6. Students who are admitted to
these apartments may in no case
occupy them for a period longer
than two years.
7. Length of overseas service
will be an important determin-
ing factor.
8. In considering an applicant's
total length of service, A.S-T.P.,
V-12, and similar programs will
be discounted.
9. If both husband and wife are
veterans of World War II and the
husband is a Michigan resident
and both are enrolled in the Uni-
versity their combined application
will be given special consideration.
10. Each applicant must file
with his application his Military
Record and Report of Separation.
Married veterans of World War
II who have filed applications for
the Terrace Apartments prior to
October 1, 1947 should not apply
again, since their applications are
being processed in terms of the
above qualifications.
Office of Student Affairs
Room 2, University Hall
All Students, Graduate and Un-
dergraduate, are notified of the
following revised regulations

adopted by the Committee on Stu-
dent Conduct:
The presence of women guests
in men's residences, except for
exchange and guest dinners or for
social events approved by the Of-
fice of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted. (This regulation obvious-
ly does not apply to mothers of
members.) Effective February,
Exchange and guest dinners
must be a'nnounced to the Office
of Student Affairs at least one day
in advance of the scheduled date,
and are approved, chaperoned or
unchaperoned, provided that they
are confined to the hours 5:30
p.m. to 8 p.m. for week day din-

EDITOR'S NOTE: Because The Daily
prints every letter to the editor re-
ceived (which is signed, 300 words
or less in length, and in good taste)
we remind our readers that the views
expressed in letters are those of the
writers only. Letters of more than
300 words are shortened, printed or
omitted at the discretion of the edi-
torial director.
+ *
To the Editor:
O RCHIDS to the Student Leg-
islature's Athletic Committee
for the job they did of untangling
the messy football situation which
plagued us last year.
But, ; skonk cabbage to that
same illustrious group for their
"favorite son" method of grant-
ing seating priority to those with
the greatest amount of semesters
in attendance at the University,
with complete disregard for class
This act of discrimination, in
my opinion, takes unfair advan-
tage of those upperclass and
graduate students who have
transferred into this institution.
It seems to me that these transfer
students should be afforded the
same privileges granted to the
other properly accepted members
of their classes.
-Sidney White.
AFTER HAVING established an
International Correspondence
Bureau, I, on behalf of members
on my waiting list, take leave to
apply to you. May I request you
to put me in touch with readers
of your paper interested in
friendly correspondence?
Having been secluded from the
outside world these long years,
and yearning for a real degno-
cratic enlightenment and a per-
sonal contact from person to per-
son across borders, my members
would only too gladly welcome
and answer letters from abroad.
Most of my members (among
them scientists, students, experts,
businessmen and other well edu-
cated ladies and gentlemen, and
also hobbyists, housewives and

even young boys and girls) have a
fairly good knowledge of English,
but would also be pleased to write
in German, if desired. I am sure,
my members will try and give
their pen-friends every satisfac-
Individuals and groups of per-
sons may communicate with me
direct stating their particulars
and interests. All letters will be
attended to and all applications
linked up. If possible, two or
three reply coupons should be en-
closed to cover expenses, and also,
to save time, an introductory let-
ter to future pen-friends over
here will be appreciated.
Pen friendships are a step to-
wards the creation of that inter-
national friendship and goodwill
that is so essential to understand-
ing and peace, don't you think so?
Anna-Marie Braun
International Correspon-
dence Bureau (13b)
Munchen 15, Lindwurm-
strasse 126-A, Germany-
Bavaria-U.S. Zone.
Displaced Persons
To the Editor:
ANOTHER YEAR, another com-
mittee investigating the feas-
ibility of allowing a peoples what
is morally theirs. The committee,
made up of the representatives of
mankind, has brought forth a ma-
jority decision which is acceptable
to a distraught, yet spirited peo-
ples. In light of this it is justice
that the remnants of Oswicz and
Belsen-Bergen should be treated
as convicts, as DISPLACED PER-
One citizenry of the world will
accept these unfortunates; that is
in Palestine. It is the duty of
each of us to stand on the side
of democracy, indicating openly
our disgust with England's treat-
ment of the helpless on the "Ex-
odus 1947." Enroll now before the
fighters for freedom will be forced
to give way to another plague of
-Murray Frumil.




belong to University organiza-
The use or presence of intoxi-
cating liquors in student quarters
has a tendency to impair student
morale, and is contrary to the
best interests of the students and
of the University and is not per-
itted. Effective July, 1947.
Willow Run Village.
University Community Center
Sunday, Sept. 28, 3-6 p.m., open
Monday, Sept. 29, 8 p.m., meet-
ing of all style show committees.
Thursday, Oct. 2, 8 p.m., The
new art groups: classes in life
drawing, still life, ceramics, tex-
tile painting.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Mi-
chael Joseph Rzasa, Chemical En-
gineering; thesis: "Vapor-liquid
Equilibria in the Methane-Kensol
System," Sat., Sept. 27, 3201 E.
Engineering Bldg., 9 a.m. Chair-
man, D. L. Katz.
Physical Chemistry Seminar,
Mon., Sept. 29, 4:15 p.m., Rm. 122,
Chemistry Bldg. Prof. E. F. West-
rum, Jr., will speak on "Ultra-
microchemistry: Transuranium
Elements." All interested are in-
Events Today
Formal Reception for Foreign
Students given by The Interna-
tional Center, 8 p.m., Rackham
Assembly Hall.
International Center: Due to
the Reception to New Foreign
Students today in the Rackhaml
Assembly Hall, the International
Centerwill be closed 1:30 p.m. and
will reopen Sunday at 2 p.m.
Coming Events
Carillon recital: 3 p.m., Sun.,
Sept. 28. Presented by Sidney
Giles, Assistant Carillonneur, and
will include American folk songs,
semi-classical compositions, and
works written for carillon.

7:30 p.m., 307 Haven Hall. Plans
for the year will be formulated.
Le Cercle Francais: First meet-
ing of the year, Tues., Sept. 30, 8
p.m., Terrace Room, 2nd floor,
Michigan Union. Program: Elec-
tion of officers, group singing of
old and modern popular French
songs, refreshments and an infor-
mal talk by Professor Charles E.
Koella on "La France entre deux
ideologies." All students (includ-
ing Freshmen) with one year of
College French or the equivalent.
are eligible to membership. For-
eign students interested in French
are cordially invited to join the
Michigan Chapter, Inter-Co-
legiate Zionist Federation of
America, will present "A Pass to
Tomorrow," a documentary film
on Palestine narrated by Fred-
eric March, at B'nai B'rith Hillel
Foundation, Sun., Sept. 28, 8 p.m.
Refreshments and a social follow.
All invited.
First Methodist Church
120 S. State Street
Sunday Church Service, 10:45
a.m. in the Sanctuary. Rev. Rob-
ert H. Jongeward will preach on,
"Such As I Have I Give."
Wesley Foundations for Method-
ist students and their friends.
602 E. Huron Street
Wesleyan Guild, Sunt., 5:30 p.m.,
Wesley Lounge. Dr. Howard Mc-
Clusky will speak on "Developing
a Dominating Purpose." Supper
and Fellowship at 6:30 p.m., So-
cial Hall.
First Presbyterian Church
1432 Washtenaw Ave.
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship.
Dr. Lemon's sermon topic, "The
Gospel According to You."
5 p.m., Sun., Westminster Guild
meet in Social Hall. Dr. Lemon
will speak on the topic "Religion
in the Atomic Age-A Sky-Pilot
Looks at the Atomic Age." Supper,
6 p.m.
First Baptist Churveh
512 East Huron
C. H. Loucks, minister. Roger
Williams Guild House, 502 East
10:00, Student class, Guild
House. Subject, "The Background
of the New Testament."
11:00, Church Worship. Subject,
"Consider the Church."
6-8, Guild meeting. Guild House.
"Christian Motivation," Rev. C. H.
University Lutheran Chapel
1511 Washtenaw Avenue
Services Sunday at 9:45 and
11:00, with sermon by the Rev,




ners, and 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. for Sun-
day dinners. Exchange dinners Record concerts of classical
are defined as meals in men's resi- music will be held at the Michi-
dences or women's residences at- gan League, 2nd floor, 7-8 p.m.
tended by representative groups Mondays through Thursdays, and
of members of approved organi- 5-6 p.m. on Sundays. Requests
zations of the other sex; guest will be played if the records are
dinners are defined as meals in available.
men's residences and women's
residences attended by guests of Alpha Kappa Delta, sociology
the other sex who may or may not honorary. Business meeting, Mon.



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