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December 06, 1947 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-06

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'Ri PAGE It4

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Latest Deadline in the State


J-Hop Ticket
Requests May
Be Submitted
First Preference
Given to Juniors
Juniors, seniors and graduate
students may submit applications
for J-Hop tickets from 9 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday
and from 9 a.m. to noon Saturday
at the booth in University Hall.
according to Bruce Lockwood,
ticket chairman.
J-Hop will be presented from
10 p.m. to 2 a.m. February 6 and
7 at the Intramural Building, and
coeds attending will be given' 4
a.m. permission. The two bands
engaged for the event will be an-
nounced next week.
Juniors Get Preference
Juniors will be given first pref-
erence on tickets, then seniors,
and third, graduate students. Stu-
dents are asked to bring their T.D.
cards and a one cent stamp when
they make application.
A new postcard system has been
devised to allow students to indi-
cate the night they prefer to at-
tend the dance, and to facilitate
rapid reply to students informing
them if their preferences have
been approved.
The postcard applications will
be available at the University Hall
booth and the one cent stamps
will be used for reply postage.
Residence Risks
All men's residences are asked
to submit a list of the juniors
and seniors and graduate students
in the individual houses who wish
to attend J-Hop and the day they
prefer to attend.
"This will enable the ticket
committee to estimate how many
preferences will be made for each
night and will aid them in allo-
cating the tigketts," Lockwood
Eligible juniors who would like
to serve on one of the J-Hop com-
mittees should contact the various
chalimen. The central committee
is headed by Bobby Jo Ream.
Other chairmen are: Nancy Hess,
decorations; Jo Kitchen, patrons
and programs; Joe Winsatt, fi-
nance; Dan Treacy, building and
grounds; Ann Gestie, music and
general; Nancy Culligan, public-
ity; and Bob Harrison, booths.
Attack on Civil
Rights Group
Brim sRetort
Classification of the Civil Rights
Congress as a "totalitarian, fascist,
communist or subversive" organi-
zation by the President's loyalty
review board was questioned yes-
terday by two Ann Arbor mem-
bers of the group.
Prof. John F. Shepard, of
the psychology department, ex-
plained: "This report of the loy-
alty board is anti the very thing
that the report of the President's
Committee on Civil Liberties ad-
Rev. Edward H. Redman com-
mented: "It is understandable
that the Civil Rights Congress
should be misunderstood in a time
of excitement. Citizens generally

however, should not suppose that
an organization listed as suspi-
cious for purposes of a loyalty
check of government employes is
therefore to be wholly despised."
"... Until the recommendations
of President Truman's own com-
mittee on civil rights are put into
effect, the Rights Congress now
listed will remain the most ener-
getic and most substantial organ-
ization at work in the field. .."
Prof. Shepard said that both
the Civil Rights Federation and
the Civil Rights Congress have
fought for exactly what the presi-
dent's committee supported.
"The activities of these groups
have been devoted to defense of
civil rights," he stated.
A large part of our work has
dealt with labor problems, in ad-
dition to protests against discrim-
ination," he concluded.
Law Firm Wins

Barbers'President Says
No Arbitration Possible
Kneiper Says Association Won't Negotiate
With Members of Any University Group
As picketing continued against local barber shops for the second
straight day, Joe Kneiper, president of the Ann Arbor Barbers' Asso-
cition, said there would be no meetings held with "any campus or-
ganization" on the discrimination issue.
He also stated that the Barbers' Association would not have
consented to meet with spokesmen of any University group for nego-
tiation even prior to the launching of "Operation Haircut"
No 'Policy Change Considered
'We have not and will not consider the possibility of changing
--4our decision to continue not to

Services To
Be Held for
Prof. Canfield
Educator Noted for
Work in Languages
Memorial services for Prof.-
Emeritus Arthur Graves Canfield,
former chairman of the romance
languages department, who died
late Thursday at University Hos-
pital, will be held at 4 p.m. Mon-
day in St. Andrew's Church.
Dr. Henry Lewis will officiate
at the services.
Prof. Canfield, who was 88 years
old, succumbed after a short ill-
ness. He first came to the Univer-
sity in 1900 as Professor of Ro-
mance Languages and Literatures,
serving in that capacity and as
chairman of the department until
his retirement in 1929.
Williams College Graduate
Born in Sunderland, Vt., Prof.
Canfield attended the tirr and
Burton Seminary and Williams
college, from which he received
his B.A. degree in 1878, and his
M.A. in 1881. The degree of doc-
tor of humane letters was awarded
to him by Williams College in
1920, and a doctor of letters de-
gree by the University in 1935.
Before coming to the University,
Prof. Canfield spent several years
studying in Europe, and as in-
structor of modern laitiages at
the University of Kansas. His spe-
cial fields of interest were the
study of the beginnings of roman-
ticism and realism and various
aspects of the study of Honore
de Balzac.
Remembered as Teacher
Prof. Canfield gained particular
note for his encouragement and
improvement in modern language
teaching at the University. He is
also well remembered on campus
for outstanding performances in
many plays give by the romance
language department.
Prof. Canfield is survived by his
wife of 2104 Dorset Rd., and by
two daughters.1
Officer Foils
An attempted escape was foiled
yesterday by sheriff's deputies
when a fleeing prisoner was shot
in the leg.
Claude Matthew Jones, 25 years
old, of Detroit, was arraigned on
charges of uttering and publish-
ing, parole violation and reckless
driving. He waived preliminary
examination, and fled from muni-
cipal court down Huron St. at 4
He was pursued by Deputy Vin-
cent Fox, who shot him in the
right leg. The wound was not re-
ported serious.
If convicted, Jones' maximum
sentence would be 15 years.

serve Negroes which we an-
nounced last May," he pointed out.
Kneiper said that the Barbers'
Association intended to fight legal
action or "any other action" to
force the. city's barber shops to
obey the Diggs Act.'
Meanwhile, Lee Salk, educa-
tional director of IRA, declared,
"IRA is determined to see this
through. We are sure that a ma-
jority of the students are behind
Salk announced that two of the
barbershops would be picketed
again today, from 1 to 5 p.m.
Supporting Statements
Additional statements support-
ing IRA's action were received
from the Alpha Kappa Alpha and
Sigma Delta Tau sororities, resi-
dents of Mosher-Jordan, Stock-
well , Mary Markley, Stevens Co-
op, Helen Newberry, and East
Quad dormitories, and the Wil-
low Village chapter of AVC.
The manager of the Union bar-
See IRA, Page 2
Is Discussed
In Conference
Taking a stand against racial
discrimination, Sheldon Rahn, of
the Detroit Council of Churches,
said that more inter-racial activ-
should demonstrate to barbers in
as friendly a way as possible that
a democratic policy will not hurt
their business."
Rahn, who led one of three
panel discussions in the Social
Action Conference at Lane Hall,
said that more inter?racial activ-
ities in student and community
organizations everywhere would
help to break down discrimina-
The conference, sponsored by
Inter-Guild and the Student Re-
ligious Association, also included
a panel on educational rehabili-
tation of Europe, led by Mrs. A. C.
Sedgwick, Greek anthropologist.
Declaring that the Greek gov-
ernment is democratic and chosen
by free elections, Mrs. Sedgwick
said that "most of the people
fighting the government are not
genuine Communists because they
don't actually know what they are
fighting for."
Francis W. McPeek, leading a
discussion on industrial relations,
said that church members, "as a
matter of moral duty and religious
concern, must undertake serious
study of industrial relations prob-
lems and economic issues in this
Vehicle Oveturns
Three University students es-
caped injury when their car
skidded and overturned early yes-
On their way to classes from
Willow Village, the three were tra-
veling along Geddes Ave., east of
Vinewood Blvd., when another car
came out of a side road.
The driver, Herbert H. Meyer,
Grad., said he applied the brakes
but the car skidded and went on
into the ditch.

Moch Warns
French Mobs
May Be Shot
Police To Fire
In Self-Defense
By The Associated Press
PARIS, Dec. 5-French police
were ordered tonight to fire on
mobs in self defense after strik-
ers had seized temporary control
of two cities in the crippled na-
President Vincent Auriol re-
ceived leaders of the General Con-
federation of Labor (CGT) after
the Communist-dominated or-
ganization said the door was open
for new strike settlement negoti-
Fighting at St. Etienne
Communist-hatched work stop-
page, sending France through an-
other day of turmoil, erupted with
particular force at St. Etienne, an
armament producing center near
Lyon, and at Arles, 50 miles from
Marseille. Police finally drove the
strikers from the streets and re-
gained control of both cities. A
number of persons were reported
injured in hand-to-hand fighting.
Skirmishing continued between
strikers and the authorities in
Marseille.nThousands of troops
reinforced the police in France's
second city where the present dis-
order was born three weeks ago.
Moch Gives Order
Interior Minister Jules Moch,
a Socialist, told the National As-
sembly he had issued the firing
order to the hard-pressed police.
Communist Deputies answered
by creaming "assassin! assassin!"
Moch declared the police "can use
their firearms" if they are being
subjected to attacks and have no
other means of defending the ter-
rain they occupy.
Moch spoke in answer to Com-
munist protests over the death of
three strikers from gunfire dur-
ing yesterday's riots at Valence.
The Assembly subsequently ac-
cepted Moch's report on the Val-
ence shooting by a vote of 408 to
183 with the negative ballots be-
ing cast by the Communists.
With 2,000,000 workers already
idle, Premier Robert Schuman's
cabinet ran head on into a call for
a "token" strike until Tuesday by
1,2000,000 government and public
service employes.
World News
At a Glance
By The Associated Press
LONDON, Dec. 5-U.S. Secre-
tary of State George C. Marshall
challenged Soviet Foreign Minis-
ter V. M. Molotov point blank to-
day to state Russia's price on Ger-
man unity. Molotov replied with a
new attack upon the Western
Powers' policies in Germany.
ROME, Dec. 5-Police and
demonstrators battled tonight
in Primavalle, one of Rome's
outlying slum sections which has
been torn by dirorders for the
past 48 hours, and one demon-
strator was fatally shot. Nine
others, including five police,
were wounded.
S* * *
ministration plans for voluntary
curbs on pleasure driving were re-
vealed today as Republican lead-
ers in Congress scheduled a meet-

ing to determine whether "two or
three" anti-inflation measures can
be pushed to final passage in the
special session.
* * *
Hollywood scenario writers, di-
rectorsand producers were in-
dicted by a Federal grand jury
here today for refusing to tell
a House investigating commit-
tee whether they are Commu-
nists or ever belonged to that
*I. * *
KEY WEST, Fla., Dec. 5-Pres-
ident Truman, enjoying his Flor-
ida vacation in bright sunshine,
took time out today to put the
finishing touches on the conser-
vation policy speech he will de-
liver at the dedication fo the 454,-
000-acre Everglades National Park
at Everglades City tomorrow.
The ceremonies will be broad-
cast by both the National Broad-



Champ Forced
15 Rounds by
Game Walcott
Challenger Scores
Two Knockdowns
By The Associated Press
NEW YORK, Dec. 5-An older
and slower Joe Louis just barely
did save his world heavyweight
championship tonight at Madison
Square Garden when Jersey Joe
Walcott, a smooth customer from
Camden, N.J., carried him the
limit of 15 giuelling rounds and
forced the three ring officials to
make a close and exacting de-
Knocked down twice in the
early rounds and his left eye
beaten until it was a mere slit,
the Brown Bomber hadtocome
with a furious rush in the closing
stanzas to gain the verdict of the
two judges, Frank Forbes and
Marty Monroe. Ruby Goldstein,
the referee, marked his card for
Walcott but the Garden crowd
roared its disapproval of the ver-
Far from scoring his 15th
straight knockout as he had
been expected to do, Louis was
himself dumped to the canvas
twice in the early rounds and
never succeeded in putting Wal-
cott down.
The champion hit the floor for a
two count in the second chapter
and went down for a toll of seven
in the fourth, both times from
whistling rights to his jaw.
A crowd of 18,194 which paid a
record Garden gate of $210,477
sat in amazement through round
after round as Wolcott, regarded
merely as the best of a sorry lot
of heavyweight contenders,
stepped around the Brown Bomb-
er and tied him in knots.
There could have been no
doubt after the first few rounds
that Louis, the great champion,
had slipped. The old punch
wasn't there. In the ninth round
Louis hurt Walcott with a right
and then backed him against
the ropes with a fusillade of
blows. But Walcott never looked
like going down, and before the
See LOUIS, Page 3
Here Monday
Boston Symphony
To Present Concert
The Boston Symphony will pre-
sent the fifth in the current series
of Choral Union concerts at 8:30
p.m. Monday in Hill Auditorium.
Under the direction of Serge
Koussevitsky, the orchestra will
present a program featuring the
works of Mozart, Ravel and Ber-
Koussevitsky has led the Or-
chestra for more than a quarter of
its history, far exceeding the ten-
ure of any previous leader. In his
present post since 1924, Kousse-
vitsky had formerly lived in vari-
ous parts of Europe, including
France, Germany and England.
After coming to this country,
America's composers and musical
point of view became as familiar
to him as those of the Old World.
Despite his interest in the great
music of the past, he is not in the
least guilty of neglecting contem-
porary currents.
Seats for Monday's concert
have been sold out, but a limited

number of standing room tickets
may be purchased at the Univer-
sity Musical Society's Office in
Burton Tower.

CO-OPERATION-Typical of the spirit shown in the Galen Shop
is that of working together. Many of the children go to the shop
in casts, braces, or confined to bed. Those who can move around
more freely, willingly help those unable to do so. Your co-opera-
tion is also requested today as the Galen Christmas Tag Day Drive
goes into its second day, aiming at a goal of $4,000. Yesterday's
results indicated that the returns are lagging behind the expec-
Medical Soctety Disappointed
By Initial Tag .Day Collections

Death Toll Rises in Middle East
As Arabs Enlist for 'Holy War;'
Louis Pressed To Keep Crown

Yesterday's weather seemed to
have put a chill on the success of
the first day of the Galen Medi-
cal Honorary Society's Tag Day
Drive, as returns were shown to
be lagging behind expectations.
So far, little more than $1,800
of a goal set at $4,000 has been
collected by the medical student
members of the society, but in the
past, the returns from the first
day have always exceeded those
of the second, Harvey J. Galloway,
chairman of the drive announced
Thank Contributors
"We wish to thank those who'
have contributed so far, but we
hope that those who have not
been able to give yet or those who
would like to give a little more
will do so tomorrow," Galloway
The contributions of the drive
will, as in the past years be used
in making life a little more pleas-
ant for the children confined to
the University Hospital by main-
taining the Galen Shop, Galen Li-
brary, and Fun Fund.
Galen Shop
In the Galen Shop, the children
may spend a few hours each day,
unhampered by the usual hospi-
tal routine, working with tools on
various projects of their choice.
Another popular spot in the
hospital for the children is the
Galen Library, which contains a
large variety of books designed to
gladden the heart of any young-
IRA Sponsors
'Native Land'
The songs and voice of Paul
Robeson are featured in "Native
Land," which will be shown to-
morrow and Monday in Hill Au-
Episodes, which depict the
struggle of minority groups for
civil liberties in this country, form
the plot of the film. These episodes
are based on U. S. Senate findings.
A short film, "Americans All," is
an added feature. This tells the
story of the "Springfield Plan" for
fighting discrimination.
The Inter-Racial Association is
sponsoring the showing. Tickets
are on sale in University Hall.

Cheer is radiated from the Fun
Fund throughout the year, mak-
ing possible a Christmas , party
with gifts, various other parties,
presents on the birthdays of the
children, and games and toys
which are available for their use
all year.
To Supervise
Election Polls
Five campus organizations will
proctor polling booths in the Stu-
dent Legislature election, to be
held from 8:45 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Members of Inter-Racial Asso-
ciation will proctor a booth at
Haven Hall, Young 'Progressive
Citizens of Michigan members will
sponsor the Engine Arch booth
'with the Angell Hall booth proc-,
tored by Daily staff members.
Election Proctors
An election booth in Hutchins
Hall will be watched by Union
members, with Alpha Phi Omega,
national service fraternity, proc-
toring booths on the Diagonal, at
the Willow Run bus station and
in front of Alumni Memorial Hall.
Students must bring identifica-
tion cards when they vote, Dick
Kelly, chairman of the Student
Legislature elections committee
has emphasized
Hare Voting System
The voting for the legislators to
fill 32 positions will be conducted
according to the Hare plan of
proportional representation. Under
this plan, each voter must num-
ber his choices in order of pref-
erence. He may vote for as many
candidates as he likes. The quota
of ballots necessary to elect a can-
didate is approximately the total
number of ballots cast divided by
the number of positions to be
The ballots are distributed into
piles for each candidate accord-
ing to the first place votes he re-
ceives. If a candidate receives
more than the necessary quota of
ballots, the excess ballots are re-
distributed to the candidates in-
dicated next in the order of pref-
erence. Candidates receiving the
fewest ballots are eliminated and
their ballots are also redistributed.

U.S. Orders
Embargo on
Arms Exports
British Troops Quell
Battle on Arab Coast
By The Associated Press
Belated reports brought the
death toll from five days of blood
shed in the Middle East to nearly
100 last night as Arabs flocked to
recruiting offices and called for a
'holy war" to prevent the parti-
tioning of Palestine.
The United States placed an
embargo on licensed shipments of
arms and ammunition to Middle
East countries in view "of the cur-
rent disorders" there.
Three hundred British troops,
flown in C-47 transports from
Khartoum in the Sudan, helped
put down disorder in Aden, a
British colony on the Arabian
coast, after 25 Arabs and 19
Jews had been killed in fighting
there. The British Colonial Of-
flce said the trouble started
Tuesday when a partial Arab
strike erupted into an invasion
of a Jewish district.
A sullen peace prevailed in most
of Palestine. Arab leaders and
the British Army kept the Arabs
to themselves in all but the bloody
"borderland area" between Jewish
Tel Aviv and Arab Jaffa. There
Arab guns cracked along a five-
mile front. Palestine's death toll,
by Associated Press count, mount-
ed to 48. There were four deaths
in Syria during disorders last
Arabs of Derna in Libya
with guns, olubs and hand gren-
ades, reports from' North Africa
said. A number of shops where
American soldiers once bought
souvenirs were leveled.
In Damascus, Syria, recruit-
ing centers were hardly able to
keep pace with the flow of vol-
unteers registering for service
to defend Palestine Arabs, dis-
patches said. Basic military
training was started for volun-
teers at secondary and high
Calls for a "holy war., echoed
through the 1,000-year-old Al Az-
har Mosque in Cairo. The 20,000
Egyptians attending a meeting
there shouted their approval.
* * *
Arab Threats'
Are Sincere,
Dodgoe Warns
The Arab threats of war in Pal-
estine are "entirely sincere, and
are being taken much too lightly
in this country," Dr. Bayard
Dodge, president for 25 years of
the American University of Beirut
said yesterday in a talk to
the Arab Club.
Dr. Dodge, who has lived in
Lebanon and the Near East for
35 years, estimated that the cur-
rent disturbances in that area are
being caused by approximately 25
per cent of the population who
"make up the radical elements."
Friendly Relations
The President of the American
University said that, at present,
relations between Jews and Arabs
in most Arab countries are friend-
ly, and gave as an example the
125,000 Jews in Iraq who are "well
treated by their Arab neighbors."
"However," he said, "there is
great danger that the hatreds in

Palestine will spread if the Zion-
ists do not take more heed in their
policies of the Jewish communities
in Arab countries." He emphasized
that the Jews in the Arab nations
"usually march with the Arabs
because they don't want Zionists
to alienate them from their neigh-

Many Changes Mark History
Of Student Legislative Body

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the sec-
ond in a series of interpretative ar-
ticles on the Student Legislature as
a report to the student body on
problems and faults encountered in
student government on this campus.)j
With the Congress-Cabinet
constitutionas its basis, the Stu-
dent Legislature, in its short his-
tory,:has passed through three

Under its first administration,
the Legislature, unofficially di-
vided on traditional fraternity-in-
dependent lines, saw fierce accu-
sations and counter accusations
concerning certain committments,
allegedly made by the cabinet,
headed by a president favoring
the fraternity faction, without
nroper legislature apnroval. The

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