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December 05, 1947 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1947-12-05

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Social Action

Swasbbucklifg Datons Seek
Members for Merry Crew

Reach for your guns folks. The
Dalton boys ride again.
There is no reward for their
capture, however, since the char-
ter members of the "Dalton Boys,"
Chuck Evans, Roger Gibbs, Arthur
(Chippey) Russell and Dick Gar-
ret are not wanted for any hein-
ous crimes.
Membership Qualifications
The "Dalton Boys," it will be
noted are University engineering
students capable of imbibing pro-
digious quantities of beer and
"cussing a blue streak." Anyone
possessing these outstanding qual-
ifications is eligible for member-
ship, according to Evans.
It all started when Evans, sta-
tioned in China while serving our
mutual uncle, had occasion to
make several trips to India. For
Survey Shows
Disa greement
On IRAPlan.
(Continued from Page 1)
provoke the issue. Education is the
answer to the problem.
Arlynn Rosen-I think we as
students should lead the way in
fibting discrimination, but pick-
eting only provokes antagonism.
Ntore karm Than Good
William Carey, '49-I think a
move such as IRA's drive does
more harm than good. Picketing
is silly and stirs up resentment.
Warren Spalding, '51-If the
prosecuting attorney wants to get
after the barbers, that's all right,
but it's not for the general public
to tell the barbers how to run their
George Olson, '50-I think this
campaign will do much to make
people conscious of the issue in-
Marvin Nochman, '49-The IRA
ought to confine its efforts to
newspaper publicity - picketing
exerts too much pressure.
Joanne Christensen, '50-I be-
lieve they are going about it the
wrong way and won't accomplish
Harriet Krantz, '50-It's a won-
derful idea if it arouses interest.
They are going about it in the
right way and should also insti-
tute legal action.
ABC Network
Opera Company
in Mozart's
Direct from
Saturday, Dec. 6
2:00 - 4:45 P.M.

srome reason, he found that the
country was a veritable paradise
for a bearded man. At times he
was forced to refuse the innumer-
able offers he received to carry
his bags and for free taxi trans-
Evans was so gratified that he
organized the "Dalton Boys" last
summer while at Camp Davis, the
University summer camp for ge-
ology and surveying students, in
Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
Beards and Sombreros
Here, accompanied by his three
desperado companions, Evans
made regular pilgrimages to town.
With their long beards and black
sombreros, they appeared like na-
tive prospectors to the townspeo-
ple who promptly dubbed them
the "Dalton Boys."
One traitor shaved his beard at
Camp Davis. Sentiment for a kan-
garoo court martial ran high, but
pressing demands on their time
prevented the trial, and the cul-
prit escaped with a probationary
The Daltons were not without
enemies. "Rock-busters," (a term
(f endearment engineers use to
refer to geology students) often
became tangled in their beards.
A feud grew in which the Daltons
were the ringleaders.
Once some of the coeds study-
ing geology at the camp, sat in
on one of the Daltons bull-ses-
sions. They never returned. The
engineers outdid themselves in
their cussing.
The Razor's Edge
When our heroes returned to
Ann Arbor, there was a furious
dash for razors between the boys
and their wives. Now they're
beardless but still alive.
Each Friday, if you are observ-
ant, you will see the original Dal-
tons, and the comrades who have
joined them, on campus in black
sombreros. Any of them caught
without his distinctive chapeau is
sentenced to pay for the beer they
drink when they hold their Fri-
day meetings in a local German
Here they cuss and recuss the
mysteries and nuances of engi-
neering problems and rehash the
days at camp.
As a tribute to their generosity
and willingness to buy beer Profs.
Harry Bouchard, George M.
Bleekman and Robert C. Cole have
been named honorary Daltons.

To Be Theme
Of Conference
The student's place in world so-
cial problems will be the theme of
the Social Action Conference,
sponsored by the Student Religious
Association and Inter-Guild, to
be held from 3 to 8 p.m. today in
Lane Hall.
The Rev. Francis W. McPeek,
of the Chicago Council of Social
Action will open the session with
an address on "Why Social Ac-
Panel Discussions
This will be followed by panel
discussions on current develop-
ments in industrial relations, ed-
ucation in post-war Europe and
minority groups in this country.
Panel leaders will be Mrs. A. C.
Sedgwick, anthropologist, Sheldon
Rahn, of the Detroit Council of
Churches and the Rev. McPeek.
Coffee will be served in the Li-
brary before the dinner at 5:30.
The dinner will be followed by in-
formal discussion with the entire
group and the three speakers.
"Our Place in Social Action To-
day" will be the concluding dis-
cussion at 7 p.m..
Open Sessions
All sessions are open to stu-
dents and faculty and reservations
may be made by calling the Lane
Hall desk. There will be a nominal
charge for the supper.
Lewis Towler, chairman of the
SRA public affairs committee and
Betty Lou Zwemer, chairman of
the Inter-Guild social action com-
mittee, are in charge of the con-
Radio Broadcast
Dise-usses Marriage
Problems that split-up mar-
liages will be the subject of the
speech department's documentary
drama to be broadcast at 2:30
p.m. today over station WKAR,
East Lansing.
Entitled "The Marriage Gal-
lery," the program will feature
flashbacks into the lives of mar-
ried couples whose differences
jeopardized their happiness, and
will include advice for resolving
difficulties commonly encoun-
The program is part of a series,
entitled "Living for Moderns."

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H U C E S A R D I N E T R A P -- Fishermen stand knee-deep in their dinghies in a weir at
B'acks Harbor, N. B., Canada, to haul in sardines. They trap as many as 1,000,000 a day.

RARE PERFUME FLASK-Anewadditiontohis
collection of rare jewelry-an antique Persian perfume holder of
carved silver, crystal and gems-is shown to Mrs. Walter Thornton;
-' by Pieter de Witt of New york.'


, I


H 0 0 V E R C E T S A W A R D - Dr. Eelco vai Kleffens, (center) Netherlands ambassador,
watches as Harold 0. Voorhis gives Ex-President Hoover the gold medal of the Holland Society.

P R I N C E S S R E G E N T.- Princess Juliana, named prin-
cess regent of the Netl ds, Prince Bernhard and their three
oldest childeen po this portrait on a Canadian visit.

(Contin'ued from Page 7)

p.m., First Methodist Church. Pro-
gram: Christmas music by vocal
and instrumental soloists and the
Sigma Alpha Iota Chorus. The
public is invited.
Economics Club: Mon., Dec. 8,
7:45 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
tre, "Empirical Studies of the
Consumption Function," by Dr.
George Katona, Program Director
of the Survey Research Center
and Associate Professor of Psy-
chology. Graduate students and
staff of Economics Department
and School of Business Adminis-
tration, as well as other interested
persons, are invited.
Art Cinema League and the IRA
present Paul Robson in NATIVE
LAND, plus "Americans All," a
short, telling how the city of
Springfield fought discrimination.
Sun. and Mon., Dec. 7 and 8, 8:30
p.m., Kellogg Auditorium. Tickets
on sale at University Hall, 10-12
noon and 1-4 p.m. beginning Wed-
Tryouts for the French Play:
Mon. and Tues., Dec. 8 and 9, 3-
5:15 p.m., Rm. 408, Romance Lan-
guage Bldg. Any student with

some knowledge of the French
language may participate.
Camp Association Meeting Stu-
dents and others interested in the
field of camping are invited to at-
tend the meetings of the Michigan
Camping Association in the Uni-
versity Hig School Auditorium,
Sat, Dec. 6. Theme of meetings:
"Summer Camping Helps A
Child's Winter Living." Camp di-
rectors, counselors, and parents
will participate in the sessions.
Open to the public without charge.
Further information may be pro-
cured in the Office of the School
of Education.
Graduate Education Club:
Meeting, 7:30 p.m., Mon., Dec. 8,
West Conference Room, Rackham
Bldg. Student-faculty panel:
"Grades in the Graduate School."
Social hour, 9:15 p.m. Faculty,
graduate students and guests are
Graduating Outing Club: Meet
for winter sports on Sun., Dec. 7:
2:30 p.m., northwest entrance,
Rackham Bldg. Sign up at Rack-
ham check desk before noon Sat-
urday. All graduate students wel-




IN W O M A N L E S S L A N D - The chief cook (left)
and chief librarian of the Vatopedion monastery on Athos penin-
sula, Greece, sit in the portico overlooking the courtyard of the
monastery. The 20 fortress-monasteries on peninsula jutting 30
miles out into AegeanSea are inhabited by 3,000 monks of four
nations. No women are permitted in area.


H E A V Y H A R B O R W E A T H E R- A U. S. Coastguardsman walks the deck of his cutter,
dispatched to New York harbor to aid ships dragging their anchors in a 60-mile wind and rain storm.

California Here We Come.
Travel with the MICHIGAN Gang
The EL CAPITAN Coach Streamliner


Dec. 27
Dec. 29
Dec. 29
Jai. 1
Jan. 1
Jan. 3


Chicago (Dearborn Station) .. .... 7:00 P.M.
Pasadena..... 8:12 A.M.
Los Angeles ........................... 8:45 A.M .
Los Angeles (Union Station) 8:00 P.M.
Pasadena 8:25 P.M.
Chicago ....... . ... . 1:45 P.M.





1 411 seats reserved in each direction!

" ,-


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